Business Intelligence

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Author:  Angel Pv

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Completed for Competitive Intelligence at Mercyhurst University11/13

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Business Intelligence

Seminario de Business Intelligence

Hoy en día, las empresas que pretendan ser más competitivas necesitan sacar ventaja de la información, necesitan convertir los datos en conocimiento para apoyar la toma de decisiones y la de…Descripción completa

Descripción: Introduccion al BI

Palestra sobre Business Intelligence ministrada para uma turma de MBA da FIA em São Bernardo do Campo. O objetivo dessa palestra é explorar um pouco mais o assunto e demonstrar técnicas e f…Descrição completa

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Descripción: mercadotecnia electronica

To succeed in a modern digital world, healthcare industry must be data driven. Hospitals and healthcare institutions desire to make their workflows more efficient in order to meet demand. One way they can achieve this is with the help of business int

The Traffic and Transportation system is big problem in the world. So business intelligence in vehicle and transportation system solve this problem and solution with the help of new technologies. In the computational intelligence in vehicle and trans