Word formation, For questions 56-65, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that ts in the space in the same line. !here is an example example at the beginning "#$. "#$. %xample& #& impossible 'U()*)+ !he weather made their their progress progress "#$ ..impossible.. +s it ''*/% ''*/% had been raining "56$ "56$ 0 all night night the1 had to 2%+)3 2%+)3 be ver1 "54$ "54$ 0 as the1 waled through the +(% thic 7ungle. !heir good "58$ "58$ 0 would help 9U:;% them overcome the "5<$ 0 and get bac to
civilisation with onl1 minor in7uries. +lthough things things were were "6#$ "6#$ 0 the1 had to be /%+(+/% /%+(+/% "6=$ 0 because because it was the onl1 wa1 the1 could !*>*'! help each other through this di?cult situation. !heir "6@$ 0 , chosen for his his nowledge, would help %+: them in ever1 wa1. wa1. !he "6A$ 0 of this training
*>(!+B! *>(!+B!
was to "6C$ 0 them for the special tas ahead 2+(: of them. 2owever, the1 had never imagined how "65$ 0 :+B;%( it would turn out to be.
art 5& Word Formation
1) Forming nouns form verbs !his exercise exercise focuses focuses on people and their 7obs using the most common common su?xes. Use the word in bold to form the noun which refers to the person who does that 7ob.
=. + person who acts for a living is called an .......... . @. + ..... is someone who earns mone1 from writing music. A. 'he didnDt become famous as a ..... until her =4th novel was published. C. *n art 5 of the F% %xam 1our speaing abilit1 will be assessed b1 the ..... . 5. +t the end of the interview the ..... ased if he could be shown around the compan1. 6. !he waiter ased the ..... if she would help him deal with a di?cult customer. 4. +n ..... is someone who will be able to go through th rough 1our accounts and wor out how much mone1 1ou have. 8. ..... to the castle are expected to come during visiting times onl1. art 5& Word Formation
2) Forming other nouns !his exercise exercise loos at forming forming nouns from verbs, verbs, nouns and ad7ectives b1 using su?xes. !1pe !1pe the correct correct form of the word word in the box.
=. >1 teacher sa1s there has been a big "*>()%$ .......... in m1 %nglish latel1. @. !he recipe sa1s 1ou onl1 need to add two "'B$ .......... of salt. A. Wh1 did 1ou do thatE * thought 1ou had more "*B!%*;%B!$ .......... than that. C. !he singer gave a briliant "%(F(>$ .......... on stage 1esterda1. 5. 2ave 1ou seen her magaine "%!$ ..........E 'he must have over @## editions. 6. n hearing the news, ever1one was overcome with a feeling of "'+:$ .......... . 4. When 1ou tae the F% 'peaing paper 1ou will be given mars for 1our "+U(+!%$ .......... and also on how Guent 1ou are. 8. 'he has the "+/%$ .......... to pass the exam rst time round providing she wors hard. art 5& Word Formation
3) Forming opposite meanings !his exercise focuses on the common prexes and su?xes used to form opposite words. hoose the correct prex or su?x to form the opposite of the word in +*!+'. in- im- il- un- -less dis- ir= When he became a teenager he wanted to be more ":%%B:%B!$ from his parents. @ *t was reall1 "2B%'!$ of 1ou to tae that mone1 without asing. A *f 1ou hadnDt been so "+(%$ with that boo 1ouDd still have it now.
C >1 broen leg means *Dll be "+/%$ to go on holida1 with 1ou. 5 *n man1 countries it is "%;+$ to smoe cigarettes under the age of =6. 6 2e waited "+!*%B!3$ for the train to arrive at the station. 4 !he teacher told me it was "(%'B'*/%$ of me to set oH the re alarm. art 5& Word Formation C$ Forming verbs !his exercise loos at some common su?xes used in creating verbs. hoose from one of the endings to create a verb that completes the sentence. a1 attention to tenses and spellingI =. 2e told her that he "'3>+!23$ .......... with her problem but couldnDt do an1thing to help. -en -if1 -ie @. >1 belt feels a bit tight after that huge lunch. * thin *Dll have to "'%$ .......... it a little. -en -if1 -ie A. 'he was severel1 "W%+J$ .......... b1 the long illness she had. -en -if1 -ie C. !here are man1 diHerent wa1s to "+''$ .......... areas of %nglish ;rammar. -en -if1 -ie 5. *f 1ouDre reall1 sorr1 for what 1ou said 1ou wonDt mind "+;3$..........
-en -if1 -ie 6. !hereDs no need to "(*!*$ .......... m1 wor. *Dm tr1ing as hard as * can. -en -if1 -ie 4. !he pain in his bac "%''$ .......... as soon as he too the medication. -en -if1 -ie 8. %ver1bod1 was "2((($ .......... b1 the news of the earthquae. -en -if1 -ie
art 5& Word Formation
5) Forming adjectives and adverbs !his exercise loos at the most common ad7ective and adverb endings. Write the correct form of the ad7ective or adverb of the word in +*!+'. For questions 5-8 1ou will need to mae !W changes to the stem word. =. /e sure to contact him if 1ou need advice. 2eDs a ver1 "2%$ .......... person. @. *t was a reall1 "%B93$ .......... part1. !hans for inviting me. A. 2e has 7ust taen out a ">B!2$ .......... subscription to the magaine. C. 'he smiled "2+3$ .......... when the1 oHered her the new 7ob. 5. "2%$ .......... weDll have enough mone1 saved to get married next 1ear. "@ changes required$
6. *n order for the medicine to wor "%FF%!$ .......... 1ou must tae the correct amount. "@ changes required$ 4. +lthough our teacher is ver1 strict in class, she is "F(*%B:$ .......... than 1ou would expect. "@ changes required$ 8. What a beautiful vaseI !hatDs the ")%$ .......... present *Dve ever had. "@ changes required$ art 5& Word Formation
6) Dicult spellings !his exercise focuses on tric1 spelling changes. hoose from + or / the word with the correct spelling to complete the sentence.
= 2e tried to x his machine but it was "''*/%$ .......... impossible inpossible @ 3ou donDt need to wear a suit to the part1. 3ou can loo "F(>+$ .......... if 1ou wish. informal imformal A 'he won the bic1cle race "%+'3$ .......... . eas1l1 easil1 C !he weather forecast sa1s itDs going to be "(+*B$ .......... toda1. rain1 rainn1 5 !he bod1 was discovered "*%$ .......... on the Goor. lieing l1ing
6 2e told her that he was "!(U%$ .......... in love with her. truel1 trul1 4 'he was lled with "2+3$ .......... when she heard the good news. happiness happ1ness 8 2e was the "/*;$ .......... in the class. biggest bigest
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1. I didn't correct your writing because it was simply
2. We would like to point out the
between the two types of engines ( SIMILAR)
3. he teacher was !ery annoyed at om because he's so
". #re you sure you did'$t
him% &e can$t ha!e said that ( U!ERS"A! )
. &omework makes a lot of students
. *icky's
in class ( OBEY)
some e!en become sick ( A#IE"Y)
at work was noticed so the boss called her at home ( ABSE")
+. #lthough I liked li!ing with my family I didn't like the lack of
,. -arking space in the city is
(A!E&UA"E S'OR")
due to the
of car parks
( $RI%A"E)
. /espite being a
camper I find the
in this forest almost
($ASSIO !AR( BEAR ) 10.I called to apologie for the
I had caused ( CO%EIE")
11. he doctor ad!ised me to eercise a lot in order to
my back muscles
(S"ROG) 12. any flights were delayed today causing growing
among the passengers
($A"IE") 13.
was down to fi!e metres due to the thick fog ( %ISIBLE)
1".hey depended on growing farm crops for their
1.4an you sign this document please% /on$t worry it's 5ust a
1. *iolent trouble6causing hooligans are a
among football fans ( MIOR)
1+.he new machine does not only remo!e dust from the air it also controls the
1,. 7anet
anything I do. We simply can$t get along with each other ( LI(E)
1.here has been a
change in his
1. 8he chose light6coloured furniture to
2. he police released a
3. he spectators
lately ( O"ICE BE'A%E )
up her dark room ( BRIG'")
of the wanted man ( !ESCRIBE)
with the referee$s decision and threw plastic bottles onto the
pitch .(AGREE) ". I had to
his phone number because I didn't ha!e anything to write it down
(MEMORY ) . he new laser treatment can etract teeth
. #n ideal friend should be
+. 9our people died in a
( $AI ).
and there for us when we need him ( "'OUG'")
accident due to
road conditions ( )A"E ICE)
,. :ocal residents are angry because
accidents ha!e already happened there
(UMBER) . We told the children to look
both ways before crossing the road ( CAU"IO)
can be an en5oyable eperience e!en if more and more couples are deciding
to stay
($ARE" C'IL!)
11. he teacher told the children to hand in their
12. /ianne was refused
no later than 9riday ( ASSIG)
to the club because she was under age ( E"ER)
13. he manager is !ery generous to all of his staff
1". elina was !ery
of their position ( REGAR!)
about picking up her new scooter ( E"'USIASM)
is trying to find a
solution to the crisis ( $OLI"ICS !I$LOMA")
1.;!en though he$s already 21 he is still
1+.he firefighter was gi!en a medal for the
( MA"URE )
rescue of a little boy ( 'ERO)
1,.I do not know what to do now that my friends are gone. I$ll probably die of
(BORE) 1. In the early 10s a new crae called skateboarding swept through the
of the
was found guilty in yesterday$s trial ( !E)E!)
Caffeine*+ood or ,adhree or four cups of coffee a day may not sound
( E#CESS) yet some of the minor
symptoms many of us eperience (like headaches indigestion or high blood may be related to caffeine It stimulates the
("A(E). # cup of real coffee contains about 100 mg of caffeine .
(ER%E) system heart and kidneys . &ea!y coffee
likely to produce a general
($RESS) )
( COSUME) is
()EEL) of aniety.
he effects that caffeine has on the human body depends to some etent on personality and
($SYC'OLOGY) factors. -eople for eample who take tran=uilliers are often
(SESE) to caffeine. /rinking more coffee only makes their symptoms worse. he long6term dangers of caffeine 6 such as cancer and heart disease 6 ha!e been the sub5ect of much debate but a recent study has found no significant association between coffee consumption and any ma5or cause of
( !EA!).
&owe!er it might be worthwhile trying to find out if caffeine is responsible for minor by gradually
( ILL)
(RE!UCE) the coffee intake. 8witching to tea does not help much because tea
also contains caffeine. he same applies to cocoa and cola drinks.
( CA))EI) coffee is not
the answer either because it tends to ha!e a greater effect on your stomach causing (!IGES") and diarrhoea. ('ERB) teas which contain low le!els of caffeine fruit 5uices and plenty of water are the best substitutes. #lso watch out for caffeine in painkillers and in cold remedies> you could end up ingesting se!eral hundred milligrams of caffeine a day without e!en
#lthough my two sisters ha!e a
( REALISE) it.
mother we are !I))ER
. LI(E
his is not 5ust a matter of
though we are small A$$EAR
with curly hair and a
to o!ereat and put on weight. "E!
goes much further than that. hroughout RESEMBLE
we were brought up to be !ery adaptable and C'IL!
to accept change is another characteristic we share. ABLE
#nother would be
. We all hate parties where you S'Y
ha!e to walk into a
of strange faces. We are all ROOM
interested in wearing
clothes and we often share )AS'IO
our clothes.
this causes arguments. We really )OR"UE
should come to some
about who can borrow what AGREE
from whom.
Special Effects in Moies ?eorge :ukas' Star Wars transformed 20th century E"ER"AI
and raised audience
to alarming heights for film E#$EC"
producers. 8ince Star Wars was made in 1++ special effects ha!e become important in selling a film ICREASE
he script of
Jurassic Park
for eample was rather !ISA$$OI"
but the film was a bo office success because the dinosaurs were realistic. &owe!er special effects do not always AMA/IG
guarantee success.
Lost World came
the technology was far superior but people had become tired of dinosaurs and were not moti!ated enough to want to SIM$LE
go and see them any more. he film was not
as EAR
as its predecessor. SUCCEE!
@ut who is not
when they see 7ar @inks in
IM$RESS Phantom Menace
the first e!er 3/ interacti!e
character !IGI"
seen on film% 4omputer6generated
are certainly the AC"
way ahead but you may be surprised to disco!er that the most epensi!e special effect was filmed in 1. he $AR"
of the Aed 8ea in 4ecille /eille's cost an B 2 million.
The Ten Commandments
@ut what does the future hold% It is
to think that )ASCIA"E
with computer6generated images filmmakers may be able to deceased mo!ie stars such as 7ames /ean and CREA"E
arilyn onroe.
Cne thing that people get from their
( OCCU$Y) is of course money. ost people
wouldn$t do the 5ob they do if it wasn$t for the pay at the end of each day week or month. &owe!er the ( MA0OR) of people want more than 5ust a good salary. here are many other things which add up to 5ob
( SA"IS)Y) the feeling of
you get from doing a 5ob that makes you happy. What people in from a 5ob !aries
( EM$LOY) want
( GREA") from person to person.
9or some the chances of in a
( E0OY)
( $ROMO"E) make a big difference. 9or others working
(CREA"E ) en!ironment with other people makes them happier than they would
be working alone. When planning your career you should consider all the in!ol!ed in a 5ob and decide how each one suits your considering becoming a
( AC"I%E)
( $ERSO) . If you$re
( 0OURAL) for eample do you like meeting members of
the public% If you're thinking of becoming an
( ACCOU") do you en5oy detailed
work with numbers% 7ust because one 5ob is better paid than another it doesn$t mean it's the 5ob for you.
It is easy to assume that life as a top sports star is both easy and glamorous. @ut this is to completely U!ERS"A!
the reality of what goes on behind the scenes. 9rom a !ery early age athletes must be absolutely to their COMMI"
on its own is not enough 6 hey need to !E"ERMIE
be !ery
in order to succeed and must ne!er AMBI"IO
allow themsel!es to be
by setbacks. COURAGE
sports stars can of course become !ery wealthy SUCCESS
to being world6famous but can be at a se!ere A!!
in their social de!elopment. It is therefore A!%A"AGE
important to
that they recei!e a reasonably SURE
balanced upbringing and to
their eperience beyond BROA!
the daily grind of practice and
in order to COM$E"E
them to deal with the constant pressures that ABLE
success can bring.
@ody language is a !ery
form of communication. E))EC"
epressions in particular can be understood )ACE
all around the world. If we find something
for !ISGUS"
eample we wrinkle up our noses. #nyone watching knows how we feel. IMME!IA"E
#ll people smile and a smile is likely to get a positi!e . It can howe!er be ob!ious when you don't mean REAC"
it. When you
smile muscles around your eyes GEUIE
automatically contract but these muscles are difficult to control . #n authentic smile fades =uicklytoo COSCIOUS
while an artificial smile will
last longer. USUAL
we make when we are angry sad and E#$RESS
scared are also common to most cultures. /espite all the languages spoken in the world we can still !I))ER
communicate using this
language of facial UI%ERSE
&owe!er you sometimes need to be
. 4ertain CARE
gestures can !ary e!en within a single country. 9or eample Italians gesturing DyesD tilt their heads forward SOU"'
ne!er back whereas people in the north nod by "IL"
the head backwards and forwards. 8ometimes this can be !ery . CO)USE
"he Eiffel "ower
Cne of the most famous
in the world must be COS"RUC"
the ;iffel ower in -aris. It was built between 1,,+ and 1,, by ?usta! ;iffel whose design was the 1I
entry in a
for a new monument for the -aris COM$E"E
held in 1,,. E#'IBI"
he huge iron tower was an
idea for its time and AMBI"IO
it was the
building in the world until the 130s. It is "ALL
situated in an area called 4hamps6de6ars and CE"RAL
you get an amaing !iew of the
city from the SURROU!
not e!eryone is impressed by the ;iffel ower SUR$RISE
and it has recei!ed a lot of
from many -arisians CRI"IC
who think it is ugly and
. @ut for the thousands A""RAC"
of tourists who !isit -ars e!ery year its $O$ULAR
will always remain assured. (eep !2,2rn Clean 3
he local
of the rural !illage of /unburn RESI!E
which has a
of 5ust 100 people are protestiung $O$ULA"E
against a plan to turn this
location into an BEAU"Y
one. I!US"RY
he local council recently made an
saying AOUCE
that an area outside the !illage had been sold and that in the near future the of new factories would start. COS"RUC"
he !illagers are !ery
that these factories will 1ORRY
spoil the scenery. hey are also concerned that they will threaten the local animal life. hey say it was RES$OSIBLE
of the council to make this
without asking the local !ECI!E
people for their opinion.
-eople are statistics
(CRI"IC) of parents who can't control their children but according to ( OBEY) among teenagers is increasing. It is
( LEGAL) for children to
miss school but many do play truant.
;perts say that the younger the parents the
( BIG) the danger that their
(E#$ERIECE) as adults will affect their children's schooling.
4hildren must be
( COURAGE) not to think of school as an
( RELE%A") part of
life. his will create a transformation from positi!e to negati!e feelings. We must remember that only a few children ( A$$EAR) from school each year and schools now offer many
( A!!I"IO) acti!ities. he days of children
education are not yet o!er. All students throughout the world sit for EXAMINE
at some point in their lives. If students are SUCCESS
they get a formal
that enables them to QUALIFY
get a job or continue with further
Most formal testing involves a
of techniques MIX
but the most common form requires students to show that they have a detailed of the subject area. KNOW
Students, who do not pass are not considered as
( 'A$$Y) en5oying
, they simply need more time to study. Some FAIL
of them are simply
who pass do so because they have made MAJOR
a good
on the eaminer and have also IMPRESSION
succeeded in showing their
Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the same line 3
ennessee Williams was born in 11" and spent his C'IL!
ississippi. &is real name was homas :anier Williams EAS"
but like many people in the
of fame he adopted a pen $URSUE
name. /uring his youth he worked in !arious OCCU$Y
including a period as a shoe
&owe!er it was as a
that he became famous. &is !RAMA
best work was based on the
of the southern #merican LI%E
society with its pretence of well6mannered and ELEGACE
beha!iour. &is most famous
include D# 8treet 4ar AC'IE%E
named /esireD and D 4at on a &ot in AoofD. @oth display a of social awareness and emotional tension. COMBIE
films ha!e been made based on his plays. SUCCESS
Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the same line 3
/etroit is renowned for the
of cars. $RO!UCE
If you make a good
at the inter!iew you will get the 5ob IM$RESS
eaching and medicine are more than
they're professions. OCCU$Y
y history teacher has a !ast
of past e!ents. (O1
Eou are ne!er too old to go to college and gain some &UALI)Y
y greatest
was graduating from the uni!ersity. AC'IE%E
he weatherman said there is a strong
of rain today. $OSSIBLE
8ome old laws are no longer
. E))EC"
#thens is
for its ancient buildings. )AME
&e was caught shoplifting so now he has a
record. CRIME
/espite her se!ere
she fulfilled her goals in life. !ISABLE
is the worst thing that can happen to someone. EM$LOY
If you buy presents in the summer your
can be !ery high. SA%E
/ue to the pilot's
the copilot managed to land safely. GUI!E
It's important to also see the less
sides of the 5ob. !ESIRE
I was surprised at his
to gi!e up. RE)USE
4hildren are by nature
of danger. A1ARE
8he is always
towards her parents. RES$EC"
the hospital has the best medical
and fast ambulances. E&UI$
Eou can rela in the comfortable
of the hotel. SURROU!
looked dark and there were hardly any other guests. E"ER
se the words in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the same line 3
The losing candidate accepted the results of the election
!e had not epected an
answer that soon.
It is
is usually measured in millibars.
trying to "eep his affair a secret. #verybody "nows,
!e had a discussion with the representatives about ta
In the future the public will be offered a wider
I don$t thin" that$s a very strong
There is a
of programs.
There is an
It is
law that says you must not wear jeans.
of the consequences.
to fasten your seat belts before ta"e&off
'ulletins about the president$s health are broadcasts
Choose the ,est word to fit the ,lan4s 3
1. Eou were always on my
, but he got on the first flight he could.
%e wants to follow his plan,
Many young people are interested in job
%e hadn$t made a
contrast between what he does and what he says.
The party turned out to be a huge
2. Eou need to impro!e your
3. It's a !ery good
". We saw the
to make a real difference to children's li!es.
for your flat in the paper.
. his is an old ;nglish
. /id you hear the
about the prime minister's di!orce%
it rains we'll ha!e a picnic.
,. he population hasn't grown much this decade. here are
people in the city. . he 4itroen 4" is !ery
this year.
10.What I like most is 7oe's sense of
11. I ha!en't got a pet.
I'm allergic to cat and dog fur.
about a million
$2t the correct form of the word in ,rac4ets into the ,lan4.
1. I started to learn the piano but I don$t think I$!e got that much
(MUSIC). 2. y dad used to be really fit and was on his college$s
3. hey ha!e a wonderful
of old toys at the museum in town ( COLLEC")
". Eou ha!e to practice hard if you want to work as a
. hat$s a
team ( A"'LE"E)
5ump you$!e 5ust made ( 'ERO)
. hink about your own
and you$ll see that you learnt a lot through play
(C'IL!) +. I was really scared when I took part in the singing
,. I left you a list of
last year ( COM$E"E)
on the kitchen table. ake sure you follow them
. Eou can only apply for this 5ob if you ha!e a
10./o you think you get a good
in website design ( &UALI)Y)
at your school ( E!UCA"E)
$2t the correct form of the word in ,rac4ets into the ,lan4.
1. he
lounges at airports are always full ( !E$AR" )
2. Will was late for his
so he asked me to dri!e him there ( A$$OI")
3. hanks for looking after my dog. I$m really
". I$m asking for your
. /oug is such a
F ( )ORGI%E)
. I ne!er belie!e a word he says ( LIE)
. :ying to your dad like that was really
+. y brother is
,. I ha!en$t got the
( GREA")
( 'OES")
but that doesn$t stop him from doing a lot of sports ( ABLE )
to go up to a stranger at a party and introduce myself
. y
with 4hris lasted for o!er a year ( RELA"IO)
10.:i has got a really li!ely
( $ERSO)