PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS (Structural Steel and Sheet Pile)Full description
Brick Ballast
UK StandardFull description
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Rate analysis for brick masonryFull description
Especificacion del ESP8266Full description
Descripción completa
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construction technology fptp uthmFull description
History of BricksFull description
steel specification
Truck Capacities
ManualFull description
BRICK WORK The brick work shall be classifed according according to the class designation designation o bricks used.
1. First First Class Class Brick Brick Work Work First class brick work is i s made by using frst class bricks and cement mortar. This brick work is used or load bearing walls. It is made in rich mortar in which the cement and sand ratio is rom 1:3 to 1: 6. First class bricks are identifed by their uniorm colour and a ringing sound when struck. The bricks are equal in sie and and ha!e e!en edges and suraces. These bricks do not chi" and don#t don#t ha!e any cracks. First class bricks do not absorb water more than 1$6 o their weight. There is no salty residue residue when the bricks are dry. First class bricks ha!e a minimum crushing strength o 1%&.kg. 'er 2. Secon Second d Class Class Brick Brick Work Work (econd class bricks work is made by using second class bricks and cement mortar. These bricks also ha!e the "ro"erty "ro"erty o frst class bricks but are not !ery regular or e!en in sha"e. These bricks should not be used or load bearing walls or more than two storey buildings. (econd class bricks ha!e minimum crushing strength ) "er sq. meter. 3. Third Third Clas Class s Brick Brick Work Work This ty"e o brick work is made by using using third class bricks and cement mortar or mud mortar. Third class brick work is not made in any *o!t. work. *enerally this ty"e o brick work is made or tem"orary work in "ri!ate sector. •
• •
• • • • •
• •
Soaking of Bricks •
• •
+ricks shall be soaked in water beore use or a "eriod or the water to ,ust "enetrate the whole de"th o the bricks. +-I/ 0-/ using mud mortar shall not be soaked. They shall be remo!ed rom rom the tank su2ciently early so that at the time o laying they are skindry.
Laing • • •
+ricks shall be laid in 4nglish +ond unless otherwise s"ecifed +ricks shall be laid on a ull bed o mortar 4ach brick shall5 be "ro"erly bedded and set in "osition by gently "ressing with the handle o a trowel. Inside ace shall be buttered with mortar beore the net brick is laid and "ressed against it. 7ertical ,oints in the alternate course shall come directly one o!er the other.
8e!iation rom !ertical within a storey shall not eceed 6 mm "er 3 m height. 8e!iation in !erticality in total height o any wall o building more than one storey in height shall not eceed 19.& mm 8e!iation rom "osition shown on "lan o any brick work shall not eceed 19.& mm. -elati!e dis"lacement between loads bearing wall in ad,acent storeys intended to be !ertical alignments shall not eceed 6 mm o "art o the wall during its construction shall rise more than one metre abo!e the general construction le!el. +ricks shall be laid with rog ;where "ro!ided< u". 0hen to" course is e"osed5 bricks shall be laid with rog down. The rog shall be flled with mortar beore "lacing the brick in "osition.
• •
!oints •
("ecifed thickness o ,oints shall be o 1 cm. 8e!iation rom the s"ecifed thickness o all ,oints shall not eceed onefth o s"ecifed thickness.
C"ring •
The brick work shall be constantly ke"t moist on all aces or a minimum "eriod o se!en days.
Sca#olding •
(ca=olding shall be strong to withstand all dead5 li!e and im"act loads which are likely to come on them.
Single Scafolding: 0here "lastering5 "ointing or any other fnishing has been indicated or brick work5 single sca=olding may be "ro!ided5 unless otherwise s"ecifed. Double Scafolding: 0here the brick work or tile work is to be e"osed and not to be fnished with "lastering etc. double sca=olding ha!ing two inde"endent su""orts5 clear o the work5 shall be "ro!ided. $eas"re%ents • • •
+rick work shall be measured in cubic metres unless otherwise s"ecifed 8imensions shall be measured correct to the nearest %.%1 m >reas shall be calculated to the nearest %.%1 sq. m and the cubic contents shall be worked out to the nearest %.%1 cubic metres.
B&SIC S'(CIFIC&TIO) WRITI)* 'RI)CI'L(S +,FI-( CS, OF *OO/ S'(CIFIC&TIO) WRITI)*0 To e=ecti!ely communicate requirements5 s"ecifcations must be clear5 concise5 com"lete5 correct5 and consistent. (ome general guidance to ensure that a s"ecifcation meets these ?f!e @s? o good s"ecifcation writing is "ro!ided below. 1. Clear
a. ("ecifcations are a tool to communicate an owner@s e"ectations regarding the "erormance o the work to the contractor. ("ecifcations need to be understood by the contractor@s em"loyees who will be doing the work. The "ur"ose and e=ect o the s"ecifcation should be clear rom its language5 and the language should con!ey only one meaning. b. 7isually a""ealing documents are easier to understand than traditional blocks o tet and hel" im"ro!e o!erall clarity. -e"lacing blocks o tet with headings5 tables5 and white s"ace will hel" create a clear and uncrowded "resentation5 in which main "oints are readily a""arent and related items are grou"ed together. 9. Concise. oncise s"ecifcations are essential to achie!ing quality and e2ciency in highway construction. Ase o the ollowing techniques will hel" ensure concise language and "hrasing. a. Ase o the acti!e !oice is "reerred o!er the "assi!e !oice to directly state essential directions and "rocedures. > s"ecifcation@s goal is to be s"ecifc. +ecause the acti!e !oice clearly identifes the res"onsible "arty and uses ewer words5 it ensures greater s"ecifcity than the "assi!e. To con!ey directions to the contractor5 use o the im"erati!e mood can lead to e!en more concise statements. Ased correctly5 these techniques can add clarity5 f res"onsibility5 and sim"liy sentence structure by eliminating words. (ee the attachment 7oice and Bood in ("ecifcations or more inormation on this to"ic. b. (hort sentences that break u" inormation into smaller5 easierto "rocess units are better or con!eying com"le inormation. Cong5 com"licated sentences flled &6 with de"endent clauses and ece"tions can conuse readers and obscure the main "oint. 0hen re!iewing s"ecifcations5 see i com"le sentences can be broken down into lists or indi!idual sentences. c. 4liminate or re"lace wordy "hrases and ad,ecti!es and ad!erbs that do not add to the meaning o the s"ecifcation. 3. Co%lete a.
("ecifcations should "ro!ide the inormation necessary to enable a bidder to "re"are a com"lete and res"onsible bid and to enable the contractor to construct the "ro,ect "ro"erly. b. ("ecifcations should be com"lete and should com"lement and substantiate the a""licable ty"ical sections5 dimensions5 and details shown on the "lans. c. missions5 ambiguities5 or inconsistencies in the "lans or s"ecifcations are not the res"onsibility o the contractor.
b. Correct a. ("ecifcations should be accurate and actual. (ources o data used in the s"ecifcation should be reliable and current. areless statements or statements based on unreliable data are requently the cause o contract administration "roblems and contractor claims. Cegalistic words and "hrases may shorten or clariy s"ecifcations5 but ensure that usage is correct and that alternate inter"retations cannot contradict the intended meaning. b. To ensure s"ecifcations are technically correct5 research the to"ic area thoroughly and consult sub,ect matter e"erts as necessary. c. Consistent a. onsistency in language selection5 usage5 ormat5 and organiation will hel" "re!ent conDicts and ambiguities in s"ecifcations. b. In addition to the need or consistency in writing s"ecifcations5 s"ecifcations must also be consistently enorced. 0ithout consistent enorcement5 e!en a wellwritten s"ecifcation becomes ine=ecti!e.
Fo"ndation trenches shall 7e d"g o"t to the e5act 8idth of the fo"ndation concrete and sides shall 7e 6ertical. If soil is not good and does not er%it 6ertical sides9 the sides sho"ld 7e sloed 7ack or rotected 8ith ti%7er shoring. (5ca6ated earth shall not 7e laced 8ithin 1% of the edge of the trench
Finish the Trench •
The 7otto% of the fo"ndation trenches shall 7e erfectl le6elled 7oth longit"dinall and trans6ersel and the sides of the trench shall 7e dressed erfectl 6ertical fro% 7otto% " to the least thickness of loose concrete so that concrete %a 7e laid to the e5act 8idth as er design. The 7ed of the trench shall 7e lightl 8atered and 8ell ra%%ed. (5cess digging if done thro"gh %istake shall 7e :lled 8ith concrete at the e5ense of the contractor. Soft or defecti6e sots shall 7e d"g o"t and re%o6ed :lled 8ith concrete or 8ith sta7ili;ed soil.
If rocks or 7o"lders are fo"nd d"ring e5ca6ation9 these sho"ld 7e re%o6ed and the 7ed of the trenches shall 7e le6elled and %ade hard 7 consolidating the earth. Fo"ndation concrete shall not 7e laid 7efore the insection and aro6al of the trench 7 the engineer in charge
. Finds •
&n treas"re and 6al"a7les or %aterials fo"nd d"ring e5ca6ation9 shall 7e roert of the go6ern%ent.
Water in fo"ndation •
Water if an acc"%"lated sho"ld 7e 7aled or "%ed o"t 8itho"t an e5tra a%ent and necessar reca"tions shall 7e taken to re6ent s"rface 8ater to enter into the trench.
Trench :lling •
&fter the concrete has 7een laid9 %asonar has 7een constr"cted the re%aining ortion of the trenches shall 7e :lled " 8ith earth in laers of 1% lead and 1.<% lift9 incl"ding all tools and lants re="ired for co%letion of the 8ork. For e6er e5tra lead of 3>% and e6er e5tra lift of 1.<% searate rate is ro6ided.
Seci:cation seci:es or descri7es the nat"re and the class of the 8ork? %aterials "sed in the 8ork9 8ork%anshi etc @It hels in e5ec"tion of 8ork @The cost of a 8ork deends on the seci:cations & Seci:cation deends onA •
)at"re of the 8ork
'"rose for 8hich the 8ork is re="ired
Strength of %aterials
&6aila7ilit of %aterials
"alit of $aterials Seci:cations are of t8o tesA
10 *eneral seci:cation or 7rief seci:cation It is a short descriti6e of 6ario"s arts of 8ork secifing %aterials9 roortions9 ="alities etc. Example Superstructure: I- class brickwork with lime mortar or 1:6 cement mortar. intel o!er doors and windows shall be o" #$$ 20 /etailed seci:cation It seci:es the ="antities and ="alities of %aterials9 the roortion of %ortar 8ork%anshi9 the %ethod of rearation9 e5ec"tion and the %ethod of %eas"re%ent. Example #$$: Speci%cations "or Steel& $entering and Shuttering& 'roportion o" cement concrete& (aterials "or concrete& (ixing& a)ing& $uring& *inishing& (easurement *()(R&L S'(CIFIC&TIO)S FOR & FIRST CL&SS B4IL/I)* Fo"ndation and linthclass 7rick8ork in li%e %ortar o6er li%e concrete or 1AD ce%ent %ortar o6er 1AEA ce%ent concrete /c /'C shall 7e 2.< c%+1G0 thick ce%ent concrete 1A1 H A3 %i5ed 8ith one kg of I%er%o er 7ag of ce%ent or other standard 8ater roo:ng %aterials as seci:ed and ainted 8ith t8o coat of 7it"%en. S"erstr"ct"re S"erstr"ct"re shall 7e of :rst class 7rick 8ork li%e %ortar or 1AD ce%ent %ortar. Lintels o6er doors and 8indo8s shall 7e of RCC Roo:ng Roof shall 7e of R. C. C. sla7 8ith an ins"lation laer and li%e concrete terracing a7o6e9 s"orted o6er R.S !oist or R. C. C. 7ea% as re="ired. eight of roo%s shall not 7e less than 3.% +12 feet0.
Flooring /ra8ing roo% and dining roo% Joors shall 7e %osaic +terra;;o0. Bathroo% and W. C. Joor and dado shall 7e of %osaic +terra;;o0. Floors of 7edroo% shall 7e colored and olished of 2.
Finishing Inside and o"tside 8all shall 7e of 12%% +12G0 ce%ent li%e lastered 1A1AD. /ra8ing9 dining9 and 7edroo%sinside shall diste%ered9 and othersinside 8hite 8ashed 3 coasts. O"tside shall 7e colo"red sno8ce% 8ashed t8o coats o6er one of 8hite 8ash. /oor and 8indo8s Cha"khats shall 7e seasoned teak 8ood. Sh"ttering shall 7e teak 8ood E.3c% +1 G0 thick anelled and artl gla;ed as re="ired9 8ith additional 8ire ga"ge sh"tter. &ll :tting shall 7e of 7rass. /oors and 8indo8s shall 7e 6arnished or ainted t8o coats 8ith high class ena%el aints o6er one coat of ri%ing. Windo8s shall 7e ro6ided 8ith iron grating or grills. $isc Rain 8ater ies of cast iron or of as7estos ce%ent shall 7e ro6ided and :nished ainted. B"ilding shall 7e ro6ided 8ith 1st class Sanitar and Water :ttings and (lectrical installations. 1 %eter 8ide .
It is reli%inar stage of esti%ation 8here the ="antities of the %aterials is calc"lated "sing 8orking dra8ings. It onl gi6es ="antities of %aterials re="ired for a artic"lar roMect /etailed esti%ate
It "ses the ="antit take o#s re6ie8ing the seci:cations for the contract to esti%ate the cost in6ol6ed in a roMect. It incl"des cost of %aterials9 the ti%e re="ired for and cost of la7or9 the cost of e="i%ent re="ired and also the ercent of ro:t e5ected considering the in6est%ent9 ti%e eriod and scale of the roMect. SKILLS R(4IR(/ TO B( &BL( TO T&K( & 4&)TITN S4R-(N &)/ T4R) IT I)TO & /(T&IL(/ (STI$&T( Be in a osition to 6is"ali;e the roMect thro"gh di#erent stages of constr"ction and foresee the ro7le%s in6ol6ed in it and the cost in6ol6ed. Sho"ld ha6e eno"gh e5os"re to ha6e kno8ledge in the handling of %aterial on site and econo%ical %ethods of constr"ction and la7or rod"cti6it to get acc"rate esti%ates. Sho"ld ha6e s"cient kno8ledge on la7or oerations Be a7le to kee a data7ase of cost of direct :eld cost +$aterial9 la7or9 e="i%ent0 Sho"ld deter%ine the costs of ins"rance9 er%its9 oce sta# and other si%ilar costs.
Sho"ld %ani"late and 7"ild 6ario"s data7ases 8ith the %odi:cations at e6er le6el.
CO)C('T4&L (STI$&T( (sti%ates are de6eloed 7 esta7lishing a cost er "sa7le "nit fro% ast roMects and %"ltil this cost 7 the n"%7er of "nits 7eing roosed Example •
Cost er 7ed for a hosital
Cost er aart%ent
Cost er "il for a school
Cost er %ile for a high8a
@ It can 7e done ="ickl in 1> to 1< %in"tes @ It ro6ides an acc"rac in the P 2>Q range 'R(LI$I)&RN (STI$&T( +-OL4$( &)/ &R(&0 Si%ilar to concet"al esti%ate e5cet •
$ore infor%ation is re="ired and
Costs are ta7"lated er s="are feet C"7ic feet
1. The 6ol"%e %ethod 2. The area %ethod @Re="ires reli%inar set of dra8ings 8ith di%ensions to get 6ol"%e and areas of the design @ Re="ires %ore infor%ation than concet"al esti%ates and less infor%ation than detailed esti%ates @ It is ri%aril "sed to check 8hether the roMect 9 as designed is 8ithin the o8ners 7"dget. @ It takes slightl longer than concet"al esti%ates @ It ro6ides an acc"rac in the P 1
La7or (="i%ent Ins"rance Bonds O6erhead (sti%ate of ro:t •
The contractor %"st ha6e a co%lete set of contract doc"%ents
(ach ite% of the roMect is 7roken into arts and esti%ated.
(ach iece of 8ork to 7e erfor%ed 7 the contractor has a distinct la7or re="ire%ent that %"st 7e esti%ated.
@ & detailed esti%ate %"st esta7lish the esti%ated ="antities and costs of %aterials9 the ti%e re="ired for and the costs of la7or9 the e="i%ent re="ired and its cost9 the ite%s re="ired for o6erhead and the cost of each ite%9 and the ercent of ro:t desired considering the in6est%ent9 the ti%e to co%lete and the co%le5it of the roMect.