A compilation of biology essays from various sources for SPM. This is done for my revision, hope it helps you too :) Please do not remove the credits, watermark and name. Remember to lea…Full description
biology cxc past paper paper 2 biology
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Soalan SPM 2014 Physics Paper 3 or Kertas 3 Fizik Peperiksaan SPM 2014 is provided by Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia and shared by SPM Soalan.
N o. (a )
Student notes
Record the time taken for methylene blue solution become colourless in the boxes provided in Table 1. 3
(b )
(i )
Based on Table 1, state two different observations . Able to state any two observations correctly according to the criteria: o Sample o Time taken o Become colourless Sample ansers! Time taken for methylene blue to become colourless for sample P is 10 minutes. Time taken for methylene blue to become colourless for sample R is 42 minutes Time taken for methylene blue to become colourless for sample Q is 23 minutes Time taken for sample P is 10 minutes that is shorter than time taken for sample R that is 42 minutes to become colourless
(i i)
State the inferences hich corresponds to the observations in 1(b)(i). Able to make one logical inference for each observation based on the criteria
o o
Oxygen concentration Duration of time for methylene blue to become colourless Sample answers: 1. In sample P o!y"en concentration is low the methylene blue become colourless #ery fast$ less time taken 2. %!y"en concentration in sample R is hi"h the methylene blue become colourless slow$ lon"er time taken 3. %!y"en concentration in sample P is lower than o!y"en concentration in sample R the time taken for methylene blue to become colourless is shorter.
"omplete Table # based on this experiment. $ariables
%o the variables are operated
&anipulated! Water sample
&ater sample is collecte' from three 'ifferent locations.
Respondin' variable Time taken to 'ecolourise methylene blue
Time taken for methylene blue to become colourless is recorded by using a stopwatch.
ixed variable .!" of Methylene blue is used for all e#periments/ ! ml volume/ $ ml of water sample. Table #
Metlhylene blue concentration / volume/ volume of water sample
State the hypothesis for this experiment. Able to state a hypothesis to show a relationship between the manipulated variable and responding variable and the hypothesis can be validated base on ! criteria: manipulated variable responding variable relationship
Sample answer : 1. The most pollute' water has shortest time for methylene blue to become colourless. 2. (ample water P is the most pollute' has shortest time for methylene blue to become colourless. 3. (ample water R is less pollute' compare to water samples P an' Q has lon"est time for methylene blue to become colourless
"onstruct a table and record all the data collected in this experiment based on the folloin' criteria! ater sample Time taken Able to tabulate a table and fill in data accurately base on three criteria: o Table draw with labeled column" o Sample o Time taken with unit" Sample ansers ! Water Sample
Time taken % minutes&
*$ 3
Based on the data in 1(e) dra a bar chart of time taken for methylene blue solution become colourless a'ainst ater samples. 3
)ble to 'raw a bar chart base on criteria* +orrect chart o )!is with correct scale o +orrect #alue o
hat is the relationship beteen time taken, oxy'en concentration and B*+ value of ater in this experiment Able to state clearly and accurately the relationship between:
time taken o oxygen content o BOD value Sample answer: 1. The shorter time taken for methylene blue to become colourless less o!y"en in the water an' ,%- #alue is hi"h. o
Based on the result of this experiment, state the operational definition for B*+ Able to explain BOD base on experiment correctly according to the criteria: o Amount of oxygen in the water sample o used by microorganisms o shown by time taken Sample answer: 2. ,%- is amount of o!y"en in the water sample that use' by microor"anisms an' can be shown by time taken of methylene blue to become colourless.
This experiment is repeated by usin' ater sample from chicken farm areas. -redict the time taken for methelyne blue to become colourless. 3
Able to predict the result accurately" o #xpected time o $ompare to which o %eason Sample answer: The time taken for methylene blue to become colourless is minutes less than water sample P because chicken farm water can be contaminate' with chicken faeces$ or any other answer. ()
/rran'e the ater samples from the most polluted to the least polluted. Able to arrange the ! level of polluted water Sample answer: Types of water