Learn how to use teasing and banter when talking to women.
Joshua Pellicer’s Banter Cheat Sheet
BanterHB: Sorry I have a boyfriendPUA: Yea Yea i've got a goldfish..HB: What?PUA: Oh I tho!ght "e "ere tal#ing abo!t things that dont $atterPosted by %a&or She dro&ss&illset(. so$ething )*his is "hy "e (an't have ni(e things.)Posted by +(le(ti( 'Yo!'re 'Yo!'re so (!te "hen yo!r angry' ,s-!eee her (hee#/ Posted by 0r. 1e!s 2Whi(h one of yo! g!ys "o!ld "in in a fight? 2Yo!'re 2Yo!'re ta#ing this "ay too serio!sly 2Sto& flirting "ith $e 2If that "ere tr!e yo! "o!ldn't love $e 2Yo! $!st've driven yo!r &arents (ray 23ive $e a #iss on the (hee# and $aybe $a ybe I'll let yo! forgive $e 2I'$ too high $aintenan(e for yo! 2What else do yo! li#e abo!t $e? 2I'$ so o!t of yo!r leag!e 24et's &lay a ga$e. 4et's see ho" long yo! (an hold yo!r breath 2Yo!'re ba(# to s-!are one "ith $e $issy 2Yo!'re so o!tside the (ir(le of tr!st2Ho" short are yo!? 2Yo!'re s!(h a &layer 2Yo! 2Yo! g!ys re$ind $e of the Po"er P!ff 3irlsor Yo! Yo! g!ys are li#e "at(hing *he %ie" 20o yo!r &arents #no" "here yo! are 2Isn't this a s(hool night 2Yo!'re $a#e!& is s$!dged 2Bartender yo! $ight "ant to (he(# this girl's I0 again 2We sho!ld hang o!t so$e ti$e. Yo! (an hel& $e &i(# !& (hi(#s 2Yo! 2Yo! girls aren't to!rsists are yo!? 2Holy shit yo! really don't #no" "hat yo!'re doing do yo!? 25aref!l girl I'$ a heartbrea# "aiting to ha&&en 2Yo!r e6 boyfriend so!nds 7!st li#e $e 2I'$ so e$otionally !navailable right no" 2I thin# yo! $ight $a#e a ni(e friend 2We need to find yo! a $an 2We "o!ld never get alongYo!: alongYo!: We're too $!(h a l i#e. We'd never get along Her: Why? Yo!: Be(a!se "e'd never have anything signifi(ant to arg!e abo!t. So "e'd have to $a#e !& &etty little thingsto fight abo!t... And I'd al"ays "in. Her: 8o yo! "o!ldn't Yo!: Yes I "o!ld Her: 8o Yo!: Yo! see "e're arg!ing right no"... And yo! started itHer: 8o I didn't. Yo! Yo! didYo!: O93 7!st let it go. If yo!'re going to #ee& a(ting li#e this I "ill so have to brea# !& "ith yo!Her: ,Whatever. 0oesn't $atter/Yo!: $atter/Yo!: Hey b!t at least "e'd have good $a#e !& se6Her: ,Whatever/Yo!: ,Whatever/Yo!: Yeah Yeah 7!st #idding any"ays. We don't have to get in arg!$ents to have se6Here's another arg!e ro!tine I thin# it "as Harle-!in "ho on(e &osted in a field re&ort.Yo!: 0o yo! "ant to have an arg!$ent?Her: 8oYo!: Yes yo! doHer: 5an I hel& yo!?Yo!: Yeah I need a ba(# r!b and a "ar$ bathYo!: bathYo!: Hey yo!'re not sho&lifting are yo!?Her: 8o I "or# hereYo!: hereYo!: What's the $atter $atter the e$&loyee dis(o!nt not eno!gh for yo!?Yo!: So "hat do they &ay yo! here li#e ;<<<< a "ee#?Her: 8oYo!: 8oYo!: Oh that's too bad. I "as going to as# yo! o!t. B!t I'$ loo#ing for a ri(h girlHer: 8i(e to $eet yo!Yo!: I'$ s!re it isHer: Have a ni(e dayYo!: dayYo!: Hey don't tell $e "hat to doPosted by Harle-!inIn a -!iet bar: )3+* O== 9Y 5O5>) When she offers !& a "hi$si(al idea...)3irl yo!'re n!ttier than S-!irrel2shit.)Posted by =a(e )While yo!'re do"n there...) @I say this !nder $y breath anyti$e a girl dro&s so$ethig or bends do"n for any reasonPosted by fadr If a girl tells $e brb or I "ill tal# to yo! later I res&ond "ith )don't threaten $e)Posted by %in(ent 5hase Wearing an arti(le of (lothing rather tight or noti(ably la(#ings$all.)What the $atter? 5o!ldn't find anything in yo!r sie? 9aybe yo! sho!ld sto& sho&&ing at the Baby 3a&.CBanter 4ines in Des&onse to 5o$$on E!estions 3irls As#
yo!r shirt&antsCYo!: K*han# yo!. B!t 7!st be(a!se yo! li#e $y shirt&ants doesnt $ean theyre (o$ing off.CHer: KWhat nationality are yo!?CYo!: KD!ssian @or "hatever yo! are b!t sorry $y $o$ only lets $e dates other D!ssiansC ,she $ight res&ond KI a$ a -!arter D!ssianC to "hi(h yo! (o!ld then get into the boyfriendgirlfriend fra$e and say KOh "ere &erfe(t for ea(h otherC then to the other friend K0ont "e $a#e a (!te (o!&le?C as yo! h!g the original target/.Her: KHo" tall are yo!?CIf shes tall:Yo!: KNG. B!t $y $o$s only G and she "ants $e dating shorter girls.CIf shes short:Yo!: KNG. B!t $y $o$s only G li#e yo! and she al"ays "ants $e dating shorter girls so therefore I date tall girls.CHer: KYo!re too yo!ng for $e.C @and shes olderYo!: KWell yo!re &ra(ti(ally a senior (itien. 0ont ta#e this the "rong "ay b!t I$ an a(tive g!y and I$ not s!re that yo! (o!ld handle $e "ith yo!r (ane and all. I sho!ld introd!(e yo! to $y grandfather.CHer: KYo!re too yo!ng for $e.C @and shes also yo!ngYo!: K3irls age faster than g!ys. 9odels &ea# at ;F and are &ast their &ri$e at ;M. Yo!re G; $eaning yo!re "ay over the hill.CShe o&ens yo!:Yo!: KIs that yo!r &i(#!& line?CYo!: K0id yo! (o$e over 7!st to flirt "ith $e?CShes staring at yo! in the bar:Yo!: KYo! sho!ld tal# to $e if yo!re going to stare at $eCShe has a si$ilar interest as yo!:Her: KI love the 0odgers tooC Yo!: K*hats so (ool +ven if I "asnt trying to get in yo!r &ants Id still hang o!t "ith yo!.CShe to!(hes yo! in any "ayYo!: KHands off the $er(handise.CYo!: K0ont go grabbing li#e that *his shit aint for free.C @better "ith Ms and ;<sShe tal#s to another g!y:Yo!: KSto& trying to $a#e 7ealo!sC @sar(asti(Yo!: KAre yo! (heating on $e?CShe gives yo! serio!s attit!de:Yo!: KI #ind of have a thing for feisty girls "ere so getting $arried in %egas to$orro".CShe s&ills:Yo!: KSee this is "hy "e (ant have ni(e things.CShes !n!s!ally yo!ng:Yo!: K0o yo!r &arents #no" "here yo! are?CShe b!$&s into so$ething:Yo!: KI ho&e yo! didnt h!rt the table(hair$y elbo"CShe doesnt ret!rn yo!r (all:Yo! @te6:: KAre yo! &laying hard to get?CYo! @te6t: KAre "e bro#en !&? I "ant $y 50s ba(#.CShe gives yo! 49D:Yo!: KYo!re right "e sho!ld sto& I$ gonna sto& ta#ing off yo!r &antsC If shes singing along to the $!si(:Yo!: KWho sings this song?CHer: KJJJ.CYo!: KOh really? Yo! sho!ld &robably let the$ sing it.C23ood Banter 4ines;;2;2G<
$e.C@she fle6es and yo! feel her h!ge bi(e&9e: K5o$e on fle6CHer: KYo! 7er#CHer: KWhat do yo! do for a living?C9e: KI flirt "ith girls.C9e: KI$ a big flirt b!t I dont &!t o!t. I$ &i(#y.CWhen yo! &art "ays:9e: K0ont $iss $e too $!(hC*a#e a &i(t!re and loo# at it:9e: KWe $a#e a (!te (o!&le dont "e? 5o$e here give $e a h!g.CIf its a girls birthday:9e: K8i(e. I have a great &resent for yo!.CHer: KAnd "hats that?C9e: K9eCIve ta#en so$e of the best banter lines fro$ a variety of so!r(es and gro!&ed the$ into (ategories a((ording to the fra$e of yo!r intera(tion "ith the girl. I've &robably $issed a fe" good ones so feel free to add yo!r o"n.Ive fo!nd it $ost hel&f!l to $e$orie a fe" in ea(h (ategory and then aggressively steer yo!r intera(tion "ith the girl into that fra$e.Here they are:=ra$e ;: Shes 9isbehavingQ Yo!re 3oing to =ight2Yo! loo# li#e tro!ble2Yo! and I arent gonna get along2Were gonna fight2 9y $o$ "arned $e abo!t girls li#e yo!2I hate yo!2Yo! s!(#2Yo! dor#2O# note to self: dont date her2I (ant tal# to yo! any$ore2Is she al"ays li#e this?2Sto& &laying hard to getQ yo! #no" I$ better at it=ra$e G: Shes Hitting on Yo!2Are yo! hitting on $e?2If yo! dont sto& hitting on $e I$ going to get a restraining order2Are yo! trying to feel $e !&gro&e $e? @if she to!(hes yo!2*o!(hing $e already? I$ not that easythis shit aint for free.2Sto& !ndressing $e "ith yo!r eyes2Sto& trying to sed!(e $e2What are yo! loo#ing at? I$ not a &ie(e of $eatsa!sage "ith giant feet2Sto& &ointing attrying to feel $ y boobs29y eyes are here ,fa(e/ not here ,(rot(h/. @If she stares at yo!r (rot(h or (o$&le$ents yo! on yo!r belt2R!st be(a!se yo! li#e $y shirt&ants doesnt $ean its (o$ing off @if she (o$&le$ents yo! on either "hi(h girls fre-!ently do2Yo!re hitting on the "rong g!y I$ totally not boyfriend $aterial. *hat g!y loo#s better for yo! @&oint to so$e loser beta $ale2Yo! li#e hanging aro!nd !s dont yo!? @if she leaves and (o$es ba(#2Are yo! a se6!al &redator?2Yo!re bad yo!re $a#ing $e thin# i$&!re tho!ghts20id yo! &!t roofies in $y drin#?2Are yo! trying to get $e dr!n# so yo! (an ta#e advantage of $e?2I$ not that #ind of g!y. I need tr!st (o$fort and (onne(tion first.2I dont li#e to ta#e things &ast friendshi&2I$ not so$e tro&hy h!sband yo! (an !se for se6. I have feelings too.2Is that yo!r &i(#!& line? @if she o&ens yo!20id yo! (o$e over here 7!st to flirt "ith $e?2 Sto& thin#ing abo!t $eQ I$ tingling20ont $iss $e too $!(h=ra$e : She Wants to 5o$e Ba(# for the After Party20ont get yo!r ho&es !& I$ not that eas y @"hen she first $entions an after &arty20ont get any ideas I$ going to &ass o!t on yo!2Yo! (an (o$e in b!t only for a se(ond. I have to "or# to$orro".2B!t I &ro$ised $y friends I "o!ldnt go ho$e "ith anyone tonight2I dont #iss on the first date @"hen yo!re setting !& a day G=ra$e : Shes a Bad 3irlfriend@Only !se these if shes already attra(ted to yo!. Other"ise Ive fo!nd its too easy for a girl to regain (ontrol of the fra$e by sar(asti(ally res&onding "ith so$ething along the lines of Ks!reJin yo!r drea$sJyo! "ishC2Are yo! (heating on $e?2Were bro#en !&. I "ant $y 50s ba(#.2Yo!re a terrible girlfriend. Shell be $y ne" girlfriend @&oint to so$eone else.2Yo!ve been do"ngraded fro$ booty (all ; to booty (all ;<2Its too early in o!r relationshi& for yo! to be bossing $e aro!nd2Yo!re slee&ing on the (o!(h tonight=ra$e : Shes A(ting 0!$b2Yo!re not a real blond (o$e on no"2So yo!re a nat!ral blond then?2Br!nettes have blond days too h!h?2Its a good thing yo!re &retty be(a!se on(e the loo#s go yo!ll be in tro!ble2Bartender (an yo! (!t her off?2I$ losing an IE &oint a $in!te tal#ing yo!2Yo!re the &i(# of the litter arent yo!? 9is(ellaneo!s:2*his is "hy "e (ant have ni(e things @if she s&ills2Yo! h!rt $y elbo" @if she b!$&s into yo!20o yo!r &arents #no" "here yo!? @if shes !n!s!ally yo!ng28i(e shoes are yo! feet tall "itho!t the$? Oh I$ sorry foot G?2*hats so (ool +ven if I "asnt trying to get in yo!r &ants Id still hang o!t "ith yo!. @if she has a si$ilar hobby as yo!I go into =ra$e ; i$$ediately after the o&ener then I go into =ra$e G and !se that as the $ain fra$e of the intera(tion then I al"ays end the night in =ra$e . 9ean"hile Ill &eriodi(ally go into =ra$e ; =ra$e and =ra$e thro!gho!t the evening "henever the sit!ation (alls for it.Be (aref!l not to $i6 =ra$e G and =ra$e too $!(h as theyre see$ingly (ontradi(tory ,in =ra$e G shes &!rs!ing yo! and yo!re &laying hard to get "hile in =ra$e yo!re boyfriendgirlfriend and no" shes the one $isbehaving/.*o s!$$arie:=ra$e ;222222222222222=ra$e G222222222222222=ra$e With =ra$e ; =ra$e and =ra$e (ontin!ally !sed thro!gho!t the intera(tion.*he ne6t ste&
"o!ld be to fig!re o!t ho" to -!i(#ly steer the (onversation into the above fra$es. I a$ (!rrently "or#ing on a &ost on that to&i(.4ot of ne" ones here g!ys...=DA9+;: She's $isbehaving yo!'re going to fight2Yo!'re fired ,(lassi( 0onald *r!$& one/2Yo! girls are bad. I'$ gonna have to #ee& on eye on yo! ,$otion this "ith G fingers for added effe(t/2Are yo! dr!n# or are yo! a(t!ally li#e that?2Yo!'re li#e $y little sister: lovable b!t a little bit annoying2Yo!'re s!(h a dor#=DA9+G: She's hitting on yo!2Be (aref!l girlie... yo!'re abo!t to brea# $y heart=DA9+: She's a bad girlfriend2Wo$en yo! (an't live "ith the$.... &eriod=DA9+: She's a(ting d!$b2,she s&ills her drin#goofs !&/ Yo! don't have to be nervo!s...2+ither I'$ too fast...or yo!'re too slo"2Oh aren't yo! a (har$er...20id yo! forget to ta#e yo!r $edi(ation today?2,tri&s/ =irst day on yo!r ne" feet?=DA9+N: 9is(.2Where's yo!r off2b!tton2Sto& thin#ing so $!(h yo! $ight h!rt yo!rself2@"hen she doesn't rea(t enth!siasti(ally&ositively Hide yo!r enth!sias$2Why are girls al"ays so logi(al? Why (an't they 7!st =++4 and live in the $o$ent? @"e have to en(o!rage girls to going "ith their e$otions be(a!se it hel&s !s in PU right? Banter is far fro$ logi(al...=DA9+F: 5o(#y and f!nny @I added this fra$e2>iss $e on the (hee# and $aybe I'll let yo! forgive $e2I "anna hear the tr!th no $atter ho" flattering it is23irls are often 7ealo!s of $y loo#s b!t that's their &roble$ not $ine @dire(t -!ote fro$ a (eleb$odel B*W2,"hen introd!(ing yo!rself/ What a treat 2 yo!r treat. ,than# yo! 3ro!(ho29ar6/20on't thin# I didn't noti(e yo!r grin "hen yo! realied yo!'re in $y for(e2field ,g!ys this is $ine do yo! thin# it's any good/2Are yo! al"ays li#e this or 7!st "ith g!ys yo! find irresistable? 2Oh so yo! "anna &lay hard2to2get.. o# b!t re$e$ber that I'$ the best at it20on't let $y (har$ fool yo!. I'$ only here for the $!si(.2I "as too $odest b!t I've i$&roved and I'$ &erfe(t no".B*W e6(ellent idea to gro!& these by fra$e :/5ard +nglish +nglish I$age; )Des&e(t)She's b!sting on yo! G Al"ays re$e$ber that yo! are absol!tely !ni-!e. R!st li#e everyone else.She's (ool Are yo! al"ays li#e this or 7!st "ith g!ys yo!'re attra(ted to?She's hitting on yo! N Bad girl...go to $y roo$.She's $isbehaving T Bartender yo! $ight "ant to (he(# this girl's I0 again.She's yo!ng GN B!y $e a drin# before yo! hit on $e li#e that.She's hitting on yo! F 0a$n. It's a good thing I have s!(h high self estee$. *hat (o!ld've really h!rt $y feelings.She's b!sting on yo! ;T 0id yo! (o$e all the "ay over here 7!st to flirt "ith $e?She's hitting on yo! ;M 0on't get yo!r ho&es !&. I'$ not easy.She's hitting on yo! G;< Hey I (harge for that. *his shit isn't for free.She's hitting on yo! ;;;; Holy shit. Yo! really don't #no" "hat yo!'re doing do yo!?She's a(ting d!$b ;G Ho" do yo! g!ys #no" ea(h other?She's "ith her friend ;; I al"ays ya"n "hen I'$ interested.She's a(ting d!$b F; I bet yo! have a real (!te side so$e"here. Yo! 7!st don't sho" it.She's $isbehaving ;;; I (an't tal# to yo! any$ore.She's $isbehaving ;;N I don't #no" "ho yo!r boyfriend is b!t he's not s&an#ing yo! eno!gh.She's $isbehaving ;<;F I had yo! at hello.She's hitting on yo! M;T I love yo! g!ys. &in#y loveShe's "ith her friend ;M I "anted to tal# to the $ost bea!tif!l girls in the bar b!t I "as really nervo!s so I tho!ght I "o!ld "ar$ !& "ith yo! g!ys.She's "ith her friend G< I'll ta#e Irrelevent Shit for ;<<< Ale6.She's a(ting d!$b TG; I'$ not going ba(# to yo!r &la(e to )finger -!otes.) I need tr!st (o$fort and (onne(tion first.She's hitting on yo! FGG I'$ too high $aintenan(e for yo!.She's hitting on yo! ;G Is she al"ays li#e this?She's $isbehaving GG Is that yo!r &i(#!& line?She's hitting on yo! TG Isn't this a s(hool night?She's yo!ng ;GN It so!nds li#e +nglish b!t I (an't !nderstand a "ord yo!r saying.She's a(ting d!$b ;GF It's a good thing yo!'re &retty be(a!se on(e the loo#s go yo!'ll be in tro!ble.She's a(ting d!$b GT It's too early in o!r relationshi& for yo! to be bossing $e aro!nd.She's a bad girlfriend GM R!st to "arn yo! I don't hit girls. B!t I "ill ti(#le yo! !ntil yo! &ee yo!r &ants.She's $isbehaving ;< 4et's &lay a ga$e. 4et's see ho" long yo! (an hold yo!r breath.She's $isbehaving F; 4oo# I'd love to agree "ith yo! b!t I hate being "rong.She's a(ting d!$b GG 9y $other "arned $e abo!t girls li#e yo!.She's $isbehaving ; 8one of that no" yo!ng lady.She's $isbehaving ;G 8ote to self: do not date this girlShe's $isbehaving
Oh so yo!'re one of *HOS+ #inds of girls.She's $isbehaving ;NN Please don't e$barrass $e in front of $y friends.She's a(ting d!$b MFSto& flirting "ith $e. I don't li#e it. 4iesShe's hitting on yo! ;T Sto& !ndressing $e "ith yo!r eyes.She's hitting on yo! M *hat's a real sha$e. )"hat) R!st "hen I "as starting to fall for yo! yo! had to go and blo" it.She's a bad girlfriend N< *hat's it. I'$ brea#ing !& "ith yo!. I "ant $y 0%0s ba(#.She's a bad girlfriend ; *hat's it. Yo!'re slee&ing on the (o!(h tonight.She's a bad girlfriend GG *hat's so (ool +ven if I "asn't trying to get in yo!r &ants I'd still hang o!t "ith yo!.She's (ool G *his is the 4AS* ti$e I let yo! o!t !ns!&ervised.She's $isbehaving *his is "hy "e (an't have ni(e things.She's a(ting d!$b N We sho!ld hang o!t so$eti$e. Yo! (an hel& $e &i(# !& (hi(#s.She's (ool N We're too $!(h ali#e. We'd never get along.She's a bad girlfriend F Whi(h one of yo! g!ys "o!ld "in in a fight?She's "ith her friend GT Why $!st yo! al"ays $a#e $e feel li#e this?She's b!sting on yo! GM Yo! already had yo!r (han(e "ith $e.She's hitting on yo! ;<ill Boring 5onversationby +ri( 0is(oSe& ;
"hy yo! (ant have ni(e things.CYo!re In line in front of her ? KYo!re not trying to (!t in front of $e are yo!? Be(a!se I$ &retty to!ghC Or if yo!re in line behind her: KI$ not trying to (!t in front of yo!. I "o!ldnt do that. Yo! loo# &retty to!gh.CShe *ells Yo! Her 8a$e and its Strange KOh $y god yo!re the fo!rth @her na$e Ive $et todayCAt "or#K*heyre "or#ing yo! to the bone. 0o they (hain yo! to yo!r des# at night?CK0o they ever let yo! o!t of here? CKAd$it it yo! dont do any "or# aro!nd here.CKSto& flirting "ith $e and get ba(# to "or#C So$e 3ood Banter 4ines22)Are yo! serio!s?? Yo! don't #no" abo!t ,Y1/?? 0+AAAA4BD+AAA>+D)22)Soooo ret!rning that B== ne(#la(e I got for yo!.) ,t!rns to her friend/ )She's o!t yo!'re in. What's !& B==)22)9y eyes are !& here.)22Her: 8i(e &e(sYo!: *han#s I get e$ fro$ $y 9o$22R!st start singing. Whatever song yo! "ant. When she starts tal#ing get lo!der. She'll event!ally (at(h on to "hat yo!'re doing and &a!se. When she &a!ses yo! &a!se. When she starts tal#ing start singing again. Over and over !ntil she starts la!ghing.22 Her: I need to sho"er.Yo!: So that's "hat that s$ell is... ,lean in and s$ell her/...)3ross.)22)Have I ever told yo! ho" in(redibly hot yo!...thin# I a$?)22)If "e "ere $arried and I "anted another "ife a (elebrity "ife "ho "o!ld be a((e&table for yo!? R!st don't $a#e her too hot or yo!'re slee&ing on the (o!(h.)22Her: any sort of ins!lt. )yo!'re an asshole) )yo! loo# li#e a do!(hebag) )I'd never have se6 "ith yo!)Yo!: Oh &lease. Yo!'re so in love "ith $e. Yo!r friends told $e so.22Yo! ,loo#ing at her/: 9ra"""r. 5o$e here yo!'re se6y.Her: +" I'$ all s"eaty right no"Yo!:...0o!ble $ra"""r.22Her: ,brea#s so$ething (an't fig!re o!t so$e si$&le &ie(e of f!rnit!re or $a(hinery/Yo!: )0a$$it this is "hy "e (an't have ni(e things.)22Her: tri&s falls do"n st!$bles "hateverYo!: )Hahahaha Oh shit by hahahaha I really $eant )are yo! O>.C