TAILS OS warning about security flaws and usesFull description
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A 320 ECAM Warning System Reset
Jika yang Anda input adalah SAMPAH, maka outputnya juga SAMPAH. Solving Warning Pada Etabs menjelaskan apa saja warning yang ada pada ETABS dan cara memperbaikinya.Deskripsi lengkap
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Jika yang Anda input adalah SAMPAH, maka outputnya juga SAMPAH. Solving Warning Pada Etabs menjelaskan apa saja warning yang ada pada ETABS dan cara memperbaikinya.
Referat Early Warning Score, AnestesiFull description
Referat Early Warning Score, AnestesiFull description
Early Warning SystemFull description
Detective Novel by Madhubabu
Warning Systems 1. What is is the purpose purpose of the the Proximit Proximity y Switch Switch Electroni Electronicc Unit? Unit? Monitors the takeoff configuration warning. o Monitors the landing configuration warning. o Monitors the landing gear. o ll of the a!o"e. o #. $he PSEU PSEU system system on the ground ground monitor monitorss which which of the the followin following? g? $akeoff%landing $akeoff%landing configuration warnings o &anding gear o ir%ground sensing o ll of the a!o"e. o '. steady steady warning warning horn horn alerts alerts the crew crew when the landing landing gear gear is not down down and locked locked and a landing is attempted. $rue o (alse o ). When is the Proximi Proximity ty Switch Switch Electroni Electronicc Unit light light inhi!i inhi!ited? ted? *n flight. o (or 1 minute after landing. o ll of the a!o"e. o +. $he takeoff takeoff configurat configuration ion warning warning horn sounds when when the sta!ili, sta!ili,er er trim is not in in the takeoff takeoff range. $rue o (alse o -. Which of the the following following is an input into into the Stall Stall Management Management a aw /amper computers computers?? /*0U data. o ntiice controls. o ntiice controls. o ll of the a!o"e. o 2. Which of the the following following will cause cause acti"ation acti"ation of the takeoff takeoff configurat configuration ion warning warning system? system? &eading edge flaps in the extend position and trailing edge flaps at flaps +. o &eading edge flpas in the full extend position and trailing edge flaps at 1+. o Spoilers partially extended. o SPEE/ 304E le"er in the /5W6 position. o 7. While While performing performing the &6/*68 &6/*68 checklist checklist the the PSEU light light illuminates illuminates on recall. recall. $his $his indicates9 normal condition o fault is detected in the landing gear locking system or the air%ground sensing o systems $he landing gear configuration warning horn will sound upon landing. o pro!lem exists in the PSEU system !ecause the light should !e inhi!ited in o flight :. *lluminati *llumination on of the PSEU light light on the the aft o"erhead o"erhead panel will acti"at acti"atee the MS$E0 MS$E0 ;U$*56 system. $rue o (alse. o
1<. $he landing gear configuration warning horn will acti"ate anytime a gear is not down and locked with the flaps set to 1+= one thrust le"er at idle and the other at a high power setting >a!o"e ') degrees9 $rue o (alse. o 11. $he 8PWS will pro"ide a warning%alert of slow descents into unprepared terrain while in the landing configuration. $rue o (alse. o 1#. $he SM/ computers recei"e inputs from9 nti ice controls. o /*0U@s o (M; o ll of the a!o"e. o 1'. $he 8round Proximity Warning System $est9 ;an !e performed only on the ground. o *s inhi!ited from liftoff to 1=<<< feet 0adio ltitude. o ;an !e performed only a!o"e 1=<<< feet 0adio ltitude. o ;an !e performed anytime. o 1). When are the 8PWS windshear warnings a"aila!le? 3elow 1+<< feet 8&. o 3elow #+<< feet 8&. o 3elow '<<< feet 8&. o 3elow +<<< feet 8&. o 1+. $he windshear warning mode of the 8PWS has priority o"er all other 8PWS modes. $rue o (alse. o 1-. When is a traffic ad"isory issued? When the other aircraft is within )< 6M. o When the other aircraft is within #< 6M. o When the aircraft is within )< seconds of the closest approach. o When the aircraft is within #< seconds of the closest approach. o 12. When is $;S inhi!ited? 3y windshear alerts. o 3y 8PWS. o t low altitudes where traffic a"oidance maneu"ers are inappropriate. o ll of the a!o"e. o 17. $he $akeoff ;onfiguration Warning horn sounds if9 Sta!ili,er trim is not in the green !and. o &eading edge flaps and trailing edge flaps are not in the correct position for o takeoff. Speed!rake le"er is not in the down position. o ll of the a!o"e is correct. o 1:. When does the &$ &E0$ light extinguish? When you le"el off at the selected altitude. o '<< feet !efore the selected altitude. o #<< feet !efore the selected altitude. o -<< feet !efore the selected altitude. o
#<. Aow can you silence the Mach%irspeed warning inflight? Slow the airplane speed to !elow Bmo%Mmo o Press the Mach%airspeed warning test switch o /escent to a lower altitude. o ;lim! to a higher altitude. o #1. $he mach%airspeed warning system can only !e checked on the ground9 $rue o (alse. o ##. While flying an *&S approach !elow 1=<<< feet 0adio ltitude= a 3E&5W 8%S alert occurs. $o cancel the alert9 ;orrect the flight path !ack to the glide slope. o Press either pilot@s 3E&5W 8%S P*6A*3*$ light o $he alert cannot !e cancelled o $he first two statements are correct. o #'. Which of the following will illuminate a landing gear configuration warning? &anding gear disagrees with the position of the landing gear le"er. o &anding gear is not down and locked. o Either or !oth thrust le"ers are at idle and the aircraft is !elow 7<< feet 8&. o ll of the a!o"e. o #). $he 8PWS pro"ides a C364 68&EC warning when the roll rate exceeds #+ degrees= '< degrees= and '+ degrees. $rue o (alse. o #+. Which of the following is 65$ a 8PWS mode? Excessi"e descent rate. o Excessi"e terrain closure. o Unsafe terrain clearance when in the landing configuration. o Windshear. o #-. While flying an *&S approach !elow 1= <<< feet 0adio ltitude= a 3E&5W 8%S alert occurs. $o cancel the alert9 Press 0E;&&. o Press either pilotD@s 3E&5W 8%S P*6A*3*$ light= or correct the flight path !ack o to the glide slope. $he alert cannot !e cancelled. o Select another mode on M;P. o $he "olume of the aural alert and the repetition rate increase as de"iation increases. #2. $he 8round Proximity Warning System $est9 ;an !e performed only on the ground. o *s inhi!ited from liftoff to 1= <<< feet 0 o ;an !e performed only a!o"e 1= <<< feet radio altitude. o ;an !e performed any time. o #7. $he Predicti"e Windshear alerts are issued9 When $E00 switch on E(*S control panel is pressed. o When WP$ switch on E(*S control panel is pressed. o utomatically !elow 1= #<< feet 0. o utomatically !elow #= +<< feet 0. o
#:. Predicti"e windshear alerts are triggered from9 E8PWS. o Weather 0adar System. o ural Warning Module. o '<. Ser"icea!ility of the tailskid cartridge is shown !y9 green decal. o green indicator light o Wear dimples. o green and red decal. o '1. *n the e"ent of an o"er rotation= which part of the tailskid structure contacts the runway? $he skirt. o $he fairing. o $he shoe. o $he cartridge. o '#. $he terrain displayed in the &ookhead $errain lerting system is generated from9 Weather 0adar correlated with *0S position. o 8PWS na" data !ase correlated with *0S position. o 8PWS na" data !ase correlated with 8PS position. o (M; na" data !ase correlated with 8PS position. o ''. When is a traffic ad"isory issued? When the other aircraft is within #< 6M o When the aircraft is within #< seconds of the closest approach. o When the other aircraft is within )< 6M. o When the aircraft is within )< seconds of the closest approach. o '). $he &ookhead $errain alerting system will show for terrain9 Within #=<<< feet 0. o 3elow 1=<<< feet !arometric altitude. o !o"e 1=<<< feet 0. o Within #=<<< feet !arometric altitude. o '+. *n what mode will the $;S automatically show if a $%0 occurs and the $(; switches are selected 5((. *n P&6= MP= B50 or PP modes o *n MP= center MP= P&6 or PP modes o *n center MP= B50 or PP modes. o *n MP= center MP= B50= or PP modes. o '-. What is correct a!out the color on the terrain display? /otted green terrain #+<
6one of the statements a!o"e are correct '7. 5n takeoff the config warning sounds. What can !e the cause? $railing edge flaps set to # o $railing edge flaps are in a skew condition o Sta!ili,er set in the takeoff range o $akeoff power not set on !oth engines o ':. When can you expect the E8PWS C(i"e AundredC call? When descending through the +<< feet am!er !and on the &$ tape on a sta!le o *&S approach. When descending through +<< feet 0 outside # dots of the &&H o *f descending through +<< feet 0 on a ;$ *** approach for the (&0E 0M o check. 5n an *&S approach descending through the am!er !and and the 8S is 1 dot from o the glideslope !eam. )<. $;S $ES$ is displayed on the na"igation display during the test followed !y $;S $ES$ PSSE/ or $;S $ES$ (*&E/. $his test remains in "iew for IIIII then !lanks. n aural annunciation sounds at the completion of the test. ' seconds o + seconds o 7 seconds o 1< seconds o )1. $he area>s inside the red lines indicate>s the pitch region>s to a"oid in order to resol"e the traffic conflict. $he airplane sym!ol must !e outside the $;S pitch command area>s to ensure traffic a"oidance. $rue o (alse o )#. $he 0 aural alert C;&*M3 ;&*M3 65WC means9 *ncrease clim! rate from initial pitch attitude. o ;lim! at displayed pitch. irplane clim!s through trafficFs altitude. o ;lim! at the displayed pitch. o 0e"ersal maneu"er from initial descent 0. o )'. When performance is limited= such as with an inoperati"e engine= to pre"ent recei"ing 0s !eyond the airplaneFs capa!ilities9 Select &$ 5(( o Select $;S 5(( o Select $%0 o Select $ o )). ll $;S alerts are inhi!ited9 3elow approximately +<< feet radio altitude. o 3y 8PWS and windshear warnings. o 3elow approximately 1=1<< feet radio altitude. o Until the flaps are fully retracted after takeoff. o )+. $he $;S sym!ol for proximate traffic is9 red sJuare o n am!er circle o white solid diamond o white hollow diamond o )-. $ sym!ol showing on the 6/ has= alongside it= a down arrow and C<2C. $his means9 o