Eldricht lance: projectile, pierce pierce x3, magic damage, damage x3, dig. Lightning Massacre: Massacre: Beam, Range 3x, Zone, AoE, Lightning Damage Druids touch: Zone, Duration x3, Aoe, ro! "lants, #ar$est plants
"lace the %primal spell shape% &e.g: "rojectile, 'eam, channel, sel(, touch) into one o( the upper 'oxes then put the A*E or Zone into the 'ox 'elo! &the !hite one) !ith all the components.
+ made an amaing disco$er- !hile messing around around !ith AM. +t is possi'le to create extremel- strong spells (or a minimal cost '- using !a$e then 'eam. &onl- 'eam a/ects the cost, !or0s !ith !a$e, one, and !all) 1his !or0s in in AM $ersion 2..4.445,, +%m not not sure i( it%s due to a 'ug 'ug !ith this $ersion or i( it%s a mechanic meant to 'e there and + don%t 0no! i( it !or0s in other $ersions, 'ut it%s great. #ere are some o( the spells +%$e made as !ell as their cost.
6irst a spell + call Meteor Rain: &7a$e), &Beam), starstri0e, damage, damage, damage cost:248.95 mana 'eha$ior: sends out a !a$e !hich rains do!n 4 starstri0es &hard to tell the exact num'er), each dealing 344 damage
;ext up, a spell + call Armageddon &7AR;+; don%t use unless -ou ha$e a good computer, causes a L*1 o( lag) &7a$e), &Zone), &7a$e), &Beam), entangle, starstri0e, damage, damage, damage cost:28.33 mana 'eha$ior: sends out a !a$e creating a small one around each enem- hit,
then sends additional !a$es out (rom each one in the direction -ou are (acing, each !ith the 'eha$ior o( the pre$ious spell !hile also holding mo's in place
1his next spell is a 6irestorm one: &7a$e), &Beam), 6irestorm, Lunar, Lunar, Lunar cost:34.44 mana &still extremel- cheap (or it%s e/ects) 'eha$ior: sends out a !a$e and creates a 6irestorm area at the start and end o( the !a$e, sie, damage, and duration depend upon ho! close it is to midnight, at midnight, the area co$ers a 3< 'loc0 s=uare and lasts (or o$er hours and !ill $er- =uic0l- 0ill all AM 'osses in the area +%$e tested it on &ha$e not tested ender, lightning, or >re guardians)
1hese are m- strongest o/ensi$e spells, mess around !ith !a$e?one?!all, 'eam com'inations to create -our o!n spells.
nether =uartsunstone