SPELL GUIDELINES for Ars Magica 5 th edition Basic Spells Guidelines Range Personal
Duration: Momentary
!arget: Individual
Range: Touch
Duration: Ring
!arget: Circle
Personal Eye/Touch Voice/Road** Sight Arcane Connection
Momentary iameter/Concentration Sun/Ring Moon/!ire** "ear/#ntil $condition%**/"ear&'** (argain** $&) Magnituedes to sell%
Individual/Circle/Taste* Part/Touch* +rou/Room/Smell* Structure/,earing*/(loodline** (oundary/Vision*
Basic "ard Spells Guidelines
*: Magical Sense only -or Intellego sells. **: secial arameters only -or Magi ith !aerie Magic $Merenita or initiated to the 0uter Mystey o- the ,ouse Merenita%.
Ranges Description
Durations Description
!argets Description
Personal: the sell only a1--ect a1--ect the casting casting magu magus2 s2 or the the thin thing g that that he is ear earin ing g or carrying. carrying. The Target is tus never larger than Individual. E#e: the the magu maguss may may targ target et any any ers erson on or creature that he has esta3ilished an eye contact ith. A human 3eing ho 4nos o- no reason to avoid eye contact ma4es it automatically i- dealing ithteh magus in a social setting. The +i-t does not ma4e eole avoid eye contact. !or more in-ormation see age '''. !ouch: the magus magus or anythi anything ng he touches touches22 heter a erson or thing. $oice: anythin anything g to gich gich the magus5s magus5s voice voice carries. Tyically2 -irm voice and gesture carry a3out '6 aces2 hile a shout carries a3out 67. The The range range is 3ased on the distance distance that the caster caster5s 5s voice voice can carry2 carry2 not on heth hether er the target target can hear it. !or more in-ormation in-ormation see age '''. Road : the maga may target anyone or anything on the same road or ath as her. The identity o- roads and aths is not alays clear2 and the troue may decide i- things are di--icult. !or more in-ormation see age 89. Sight: anyt anythi hing ng the the magu maguss can can see. see. I- the the magus magus is standin standing g on the highest highest oint oint -or miles miles22 this this range range can 3e immens immense. e. A 3lind 3lind magu maguss can can only only a--ec a--ectt himse himsell-.. !or !or more more in-ormation see age '''. Arcane %onnection: anything that the magus has an Arcane Arcane Conne Connectio ction n to. istan istance ce is immeterial immeterial unless the Storygui Storyguide de chosees chosees to imose some limit. !or more in-ormation see age '''.
Mo&entar#: the sell last 3ut a moment2 and Indi+idual: the sell a--ectone a--ectone discrete thing then dissiates. In many cases the e--ects o- the such as a erson or o3 ''). moves moves uotside uotside a ring ring dran dran at the time o- !ouch: the in-orm in-ormati ation on comes comes throu through gh the casting2 or until the ring is hysically 3ro4en. sense sense o- touch. touch. !or more in-ormation in-ormation on the !or more in-ormation see age ''9. Magical Sense see age ''=. Moon: the sell lasts until the moon ne;t rise or Group: the sell can a--ect a grou o- eole or sets. things. things. The comonent comonent o- the grou grou must must 3e close togeth together er in sace sace and the grou itsel- itsel- 'ire: sells ith this duration can only 3e cast close on -ires2 and they they last last until until the -ire target targeted ed must 3e searated -rom any other things o- the goes out. !or more in-ormation see age 89. same tye. !or more in-ormation see age ''). sell a--ect a--ectss everyt everythin hing g ithin ithin a (ear: the sell lasts until sunrise on the -ourth Roo&: the sell e1uino; e1uino; or solstice solstice a-ter the casting. casting. A sell cham3er. This room can 3e very large2 3ut it must ust 3e encl enclos osed ed and and have ave a de-in e-init itee ith this uration must 3e a Ritual. Until $condition% $condition%:: the sells lasts until come 3oundaries. !or more in-ormation see age ''). condition condition is met. #ntil $condition% $condition% re1uires re1uires a S&ell: the in-ormation comes through the sense ritual sell2 and cannot cannot normally normally diselled diselled 3y o- smell. !or more in-ormation on the Magical magic2 unless this is a art o- the condition. Sense see age ''=. The ending condition must 3e seci-ied hen Structure: the sell a--ects everything ithin a the sell is cast2 and e;ires i- the caster asses single structure. The structure itsel- counts as into Tilight2 even temoraly2 or the caster or ithin the structure -or this uroses. !or more the target dies. in-ormation see age ''). (ear)*: this sell last -or an year and a day. ,earing: the in-ormation in-ormation comes comes through through the Also sells sells ith this duration duration must 3e ritual2 ritual2 sense sense o- hearing. !or more in-ormation in-ormation on the 3ut di--erently -orm "ear sells2 the duration o- Magical Sense see age ''=. these sell is determined 3y the actual time that Bloodline: a 3loo 3loodl dlin inee and and all all the the eo eole le asses2 rather than the turning o- season. descended descended3y 3y 3lood -orm a given given erson2 erson2 the Bargain: a sell sell ith ith (argai (argain n durati duration on can immediate immediate target. 0nly the immediate immediate target only only 3e cast cast on some someo one ho ho has has made 3oundary. A e--ect e--ect ithout ithout the need to 3yass 3yass resistance sell sell ith this Range must 3e a Ritual Ritual.. !or !or again. again. (argain (argain sells sells have a second second duation duation more in-ormation see age ''). hich determines ho long the sells last a-ter $ision: the in-orm in-ormati ation on comes comes throu through gh the it ta4es ta4es e--ect e--ect.. The The sell sell can only en-orce en-orce a sense sense o- sight. sight. !or more in-ormation in-ormation on the 3argain -or a ma;imum o- a "ear. Magical Sense see age ''=.
ANIMAL -An. To tell i- a sell a--ects the mind o- a creature2 determine -rom the animal5s Characteristics i- it has Cunning or Intelligence. I- the creature ha Intelligence2 a Mentem sell must 3e used? i- it has Cunning an Animal sell must 3e used. I- a Creature ith Intelligence is shaechanged into animal -orm2 a Mentem sell must 3e used2 instead its 3ody is a--ected 3y Animal sells. I- a human 3ody has animal arts $e.g. ings%2 only those arts are a--ected 3y Animal sells. A (
Increase one o- an animal Characteristics 3y one oint2 to no more than -our higher than the average score -or that 4ind o- animal. Le+el 55: Increase one o- an animal Characteristics 3y one oint2 to no more than -ive higher than the average score -or that 4ind o- animal. A greater increase is not ithin the natural range -or the animal and thus cannot 3e a--ected 3y Creo magic. Le+el 35: Raise an animal -rom the dead.
Intellego Ani&al -InAn.
hen you try to get in-ormation -rom an animal2 remem3er that its memories are gathered through its articular senses2 ith their articular %reo Ani&al -%rAn. strenght and ea4ness. Animal cannot remem3er human ords2 3ut hen creating a magical creature2 the Magical Might o- the creature might remem3er toneo- voice and such. "ou may not get the e;act cannot e;ceed the level o- the sell2 and re1uisites must 3e included -or in-ormation you are loo4ing -or. To communicate ith an animal2 you any secial oers. A Vim re1uisite2 -or the magical nature2 is alays must 3ring yoursel- to the animal5s mental state D a rocess that might re1uired.To create treated animal roducts add one magnitude to the have strange2 through temorary2 e--ects on you. Additional ideas can 3e level necessary to create the e1uivalent amount o- dead animal. To seen in Intellego Corus and Intellego Mentem guidelines. create treated and rocessed animal roducts2 add to magnitude o the level necessary to create the e1uivalent amount o- dead animal.To Le+el *: +et a mental image o- an animal. in-luence the 3eauvoir o- created animals2 a Rego re1uisite is re1uired Le+el 0: Sense the state o- consciousness o- a 3east. and as this is an additional e--ect add at least one magnitude to the sell +et general in-ormation a3out its 3ody. level. 0therise they
Perdo Ani&al -PeAn.
%reo Aua& -%rA.
There is normally no Soa4 against Perdo Animal D the magic does not create something that cause damage2 it
ater created temorarily 1uenches thirst2 3ut rovides no lasting 3ene-its to the drin4er. It can 3e used to ash2 and the thing ashe stay clean.Slightly unnatural li1uids are one magnitude harder than ater2 very unnatural li1uids are to magnitudes harder. Poison created at the guideline level have an Ease !actor o- )? each magnitude added to the level o- the sell adds ) to the Ease !actor.
Le+el /: amage something made o- animal roducts. Le+el 0: o suer-icial damage to a 3east $removes its hairs%. Le+el 1: estroy something made o- animal roducts. Cause a 3east ain2 3ut do not real damage. Ma4e a 3east lose one !atigue level. Le+el 5: In
Rego Ani&al -PeAn. Additional ideas can 3e seen in Rego Corus and Rego Mentem guidelines. General: Create a circle o- arding against animals -rom one Realm $ivine2 Magic2 !aerie or In-ernal% ith Might score less than the level o- the sell. $(ase ard Sells +uideline alies% Le+el *: Maniulate items made o- animal roducts. Le+el /: Plant a single suggestion in an animal mind. Protect the target -rom animal attac4s. 0nly a--ect animal ithout mystical a3ilities. Le+el 1: Calm an animal. Le+el 5: Maniulate animal emotions. Paraly@e an animal. Le+el *2: Ma4e an animal comletely assive. Le+el *5: Comletely control an animal.
General: Create a corrosive su3stance doing &$evel% damage. $Increasing the Range to more than Touch is a really good idea% Le+el /: !ill a containe ith ater2 or som other natural li1uid $ith aroriate re1uisite%. Le+el 0: Create ater $or some other natural li1uid% that is not contained $ spread over a surface%. Le+el 1: Create ater $or some other natural li1uid% in an unnatural s hae $in a sphere%2 3ut ater so created ill 3ehave naturally. Create a sring ith a lo rate o- -lo. Le+el 5: Create a oison that cause a ight ound. Create a sring ith a highe rate o- -lo. Le+el *2: Create a geyser ith a very high rate o- -lo. Create a oison that cause a Medium ound. Le+el *5: Create a oison that cause a ,eavy ound. Le+el /2: Create a oison that cause a Incaacitating ound. Le+el /5: Create a oison that cause a !atal ound.
Intellego Aua& -InA. Hote that Intellego A1uam sells do not normally re1uire re1uisistes deending on the tye o- li1uid targeted. Le+el *: Ma4e a sense una--ected 3y ater. Le+el /: +et an image o- ater ithin range. Le+el 0: +et an image o- ater and its sorrounding ithin range. earn all the natural roerties o- a li1uid. Le+el 1: earn all the natural roerties o- a mi;ture o- li1uids. Le+el 5: earn all the magical roerties o- a li1uid. Le+el *2: earn all the magical roerties o- a mi;ture o- li1uids. Le+el *5: Sea4 ith a natural 3ody o- ater. Le+el /2: Sea4 ith an arti-icial 3ody o- ater $a fountain%
Muto Aua& -MuA. "ou cannot trans-orm li1uids ithin someone5s 3ody2 unless the sell is designed that ay and has a Corus or Animal re1uisites. Poison created at the guideline level have an Ease !actor o- )? each magnitude added to the level o- the sell adds ) to the Ease !actor.
General: Change a li1uid into another li1uid that does &$evel% oints o- damage on contact. A4UAM -A. Le+el /: Change a natural li1uid into another natural li1uid. A1uam sells a--ects ater and all other li1uids. They cannot a--ect Change a li1uid into a oison causing a ight ound. li1uids in a 3ody2 such as 3lood2 that re1uies a Corus sell. Le+el 0: Change a natural li1uid into a slightly unnatural li1uid $make The alication o- Target category to A1uam magic is not as o3vious as blue water % or vice versa. it is -or some other !orms2 so -urter guidelines are give here. I- the Change a li1uid into a oison causing a Medium ound. standard target do aly2 they may also used. Le+el 1: Change a li1uid into an unrelated solid2 ith Terram Indi+idual: a stretch o- ater ith the same comosition and curent. A re1uisite2 or gas ith Auram re1uisite. small ond2 art o- a stream2 or a sring. Change a natural li1uid into to or more di--erent natural Part: a art o- an Individual. This category alies easily. li1uids2 ith the tyes searate. Althrough they Group: a num3er o- Individuals. Can include a large river2 here there ill mi; again normally. are several di--erent currents2 a num3er o- rivers -loing together2 or a Change a li1uid into a oison causing a ,eavy ound. la4e. Change a li1uid into a very unnatural li1uid2 re1uisites ill Roo&2 Structure and Boundar#: as -or the other !orm? the sell a--ects o-ten 3e re1uired. $a shocking pink liquid that all the li1uids ithin the targeted area. cause allucination% A 3ase Individual -or A1uam is a ool o- ater a3out 6 aces $'6 -eet% Le+el 5 : Change a li1uid into a mi;ture o- any li1uid2 solid2 ith across2 and 9 aces dee at the centre. Haturally occurring li1uids2 such Terram re1uisite2 or gas2 ith Auram re1uisite. as -ruit
Perdo Aua& -PeA.
Intellego Aura& -InAu.
As magnitudes in this sells rise2 the destruction caused 3ecomes more su3tle2 or more ervasive. estroying ater that is art o- something2 such as the -luid in a human 3eing2 re1uiresa target Part. estroying ater that is merely on someone2 such as the ater ma4ing a erson et2 only needs a target o- Individual.
Le+el *: Ma4e a your senses unhindered 3y the air $ you can hear over a howling wind %. Le+el /: Sense one roerty o- the air2 such as i- is is sa-e to 3reath. Le+el 1: earn all the mundane roerties o- the air. ,ave an intuition a3out some -act regarding the air. Le+el *5: Sea4 ith air.
Le+el 1: Comletely dry something2 u to the si@e o- a small house2 that is et. Le+el 5: +reatly rteduce the amount o- a li1uid ithout destroying it comletely. Le+el *2: estroy a li1uid? re1uisites may 3e re1uired. Le+el *5: estroy one roerties o- a li1uid $alcohol's ability to intoxicate, or sea water's saltiness% Le+el /2: estroy a small sring2 so that it never -los again.
Rego Aua& -ReA. Rego A1uam can chnge ater into ice or steam2 3ecause these are 3oth states that ater can have naturally. Add one magnitude i- the controlled movement is slightly unnatural2 to magnitudes i- it is very unnatural. General: ard against creatures o- ater 3elonging to one Realm $ivine2 Magic2 !aerie or In-ernal% hose Might is less than or e1ual the level o- the sell. $(ase ard Sells +uideline alies% Le+el *: Control a li1uid in an e;tremely gentle ay Le+el 0: Change a li1uid into ice or steam. This does not re1uire re1uisites. Le+el 1: Control a li1uid in a -orce-ul 3ut calm ay2 such as a -ast 3ut constant current. Le+el 5: ard against mundane ater. Control a li1uid in a violent ay. Le+el *2: Control a li1uid in an e;tremely violent ay.
Muto Aura& -MuAu. Trans-orming only one roerty o- air generally loers the level 3y one magnitude. General: Trans-orm air into a gas doing & evel damage. Le+el 0: Trans-orm an amount o- air into another -orm o- air. Le+el 1: Trans-orm an amount o- air into another element $-ire2 earth2 ater%2 using the aroriate re1uisite. Le+el 5: Trans-orm an amount o- air into a mi;ture o- elements. Trans-orm an amount o- air into something slightly unnatural Le+el *2: Trans-orm an amount o- air into something holly unnatural
Perdo Aua& -PeAu. Causing the destruction o- air ith great recision raise the order o- magnitude 3y at least one level.
Le+el 0: Ma4e air stu--y and oor -or 3reathing. Le+el 1: estroy still air. estroy a minor eather henomenon: a 3ree@e2 a mist2 a light dri@@le. Reduce the intensity o- a eather henomenon 3y one ste. The stes are Very Severe2 Severe2 Hormal2 Minor. Le+el 5: estroy a normal eather henomenon: a cloud2 ind2 -og2 rain -rom a cloud that already e;ist. Le+el *2: estroy a severe eather henomenon: dea-ening thunder2 monsoon rain2 imenetra3le -og2 gale -orce ind. AURAM -Au. estroy a de3ilitating 4ind o- air : no;ious stench2 mild oison Auram sells usually a--ects air henomena2 li4e inds2 odors ...2 rather Le+el *5: estroy a very severe eather henomenon: hurricane -orce than gases2 hich is a modern concet. Some target categorie-or Auram ind2 lightning stri4e2 tornado. re1uires some clari-ication? i- the normal descritions aly2 they can2 o- course2 3e used. Rego Aura& -ReAu. Indi+idual: a single henomenon2 such as one ind2 one cloud2 one 3olt Rego Auram allos the magus to control e;isting eather henomena. o- lightning. Is is not ossi3le create a 3ree@e ith Rego Auram2 3ut it is ossi3le to Group: several related henomenon2 such as the clouds2 inds2 and rain direct the course o- a storm. This includes starting and stoing the rain in a storm. A 3ase Individual -or Auram is a eather henomenon that a--ects the at the magus5 command. Controlling an amount o- air ith great strenght or great recision r aises the magnitude o- the sell 3y one oint. area ithin a standard (oundary D an area '77 aces across.
%reo Aura& -%rAu. eather henomena are normally created at Sight range. This is 3ecause most eather henomena naturally 3egin in the uer air2 and so sells to create eather must have enough Range to reach this area. It is ossi3le to create eather henomena that start at the ground2 3ut they are very unnatural2 and the increase in level -or that recisely o--set the decrease -rom reducing Range to Touch. A-lying magus cuold2 o- course2 use Touch range to create natural eather henomena2 3ut such sells are not very oulare in the 0rder. Le+el *: Create a minor eather henomenon: a 3ree@e2 a mist2 a light dri@@le. Le+el /: Create a normal eather henomenon: a cloud2 ind2 -og2 rain -rom a cloud that already e;ist. Le+el 0: Create a severe eather henomenon: dea-ening thunder2 monsoon rain2 imenetra3le -og2 gale -orce ind. Create a de3ilitating 4ind o- air: no;ious stench2 mild oison Le+el 5: Create a very severe eather henomenon: hurricane -orce ind2 lightning stri4e2 tornado. Create a henomenon in a slightly unusual -ashion: &' magnitude $indoors% Create a henomenon in a very unnatural -ashion: &9 magnitudes. Create a henomenon holly divorced -rom its normal conte;t $lightning bolt speading from the caster's hands): &= magnitudes.
General: ard against creatures o- the air -rom one Realm $ivine2 Magic2 !aerie or In-ernal% hose Might is less t han or e1ual the level o- the sell. $(ase ard Sells +uideline alies% Le+el /: Control a minor eather henomenon. Le+el 0: Control a normal eather henomenon. ard someone against a tye o- minor eather henomenon. Le+el 1: Control a severe eather henomenon. ard someone against a tye o- normal eather henomenon. Le+el 5: Control a very severe eather henomenon. ard someone against a tye o- severe eather henomenon. Le+el *2: ard someone against a tye o- very severe eather henomenon.
%6RPUS -%o. A 3ase Individual -or Corus is an adult human 3eing u to Si@e &'. The hysical Characteristics are Strenght2 Stamina2 e;terity and uic4ness2 and they can 3e a--ected and imroved 3y Corus magic.
%reo %orpus -%r%o. Many Creo Corus sells are most use-ul as ritual sells. #nless otherise noted2 a healing sell cast other than as a momentary duration ritual actually susends the healing rocess so that uon the sell5s e;iration2 ound are as -resh as they ere hen the sell as cast. Ho ,ermetic sell can restore !atigue levels. A sell that can heal something can also heal less serious versions o- the same thing $a sell that can heal Medium ounds can also heal ight ounds%. ,oever2 a sell to heal ounds cannot cure diseases2 no matter ho high its level2 and vice versa. Le+el *: +ive an character a &' 3onus to Recovery rolls. Le+el /: +ive an character a &) 3onus to Recovery rolls. Preserve a corse -rom decay. Le+el 0: +ive an character a &B 3onus to Recovery rolls. Prevent all o- a tartget5s ounds -rom getting any orse. Le+el 1: +ive an character a &8 3onus to Recovery rolls. Le+el 5: +ive an character a &'9 3onus to Recovery rolls. Create an entire human corse. Le+el *2: +ive an character a &'6 3onus to Recovery rolls. Le+el *5: ,eal a ight ound. +ive an character a &' 3onus to Recovery rolls. Resolve a minor aging crisis. Le+el /2: ,eal a Medium ound. ,eal the de3ilitating a-ter>e--ect o- a disease2 oison or in
Intellego %orpus -In%o. Le+el 0: ocate a erson to hom you have an Arcane Connection. Le+el 1: Sense very general in-ormation a3out a 3ody. Le+el 5: Sense a seci-ic iece o- in-ormation a3out a 3ody. Sea4 ith a dead 3ody. Le+el *2: Sense all use-ul in-ormation a3out a 3ody.
Muto %orpus -Mu%o. Trans-ormation do not usually eradicate the original -orm2 something o- the original must remain $turning a fat lame man in a wolf originate a fat lame male wolf %. Trans-ormation can have su3tle2 and sometimes dramatic2 ermanent e--ect. Someone ho sent a month or more as an animal 3egins to act and thin4 li4e that animal. Eventually ea4 illed individuals might lose their human identity altogether. hen trans-ormed 3ac4 in human2 the target might temorarily or ermanently retain some -eature o- the other shae. Trans-ormation are tric'6 enalty -or casting ithout hands and voice. The trans-ormed erson gains any a3ilities the animal -orm has though it may ta4e a day or so o- e;erience to get used to using them. To change accoutements along ith the 3ody involves re1uisites $ "nimal for the leather armor and so on%. Accoutements are trans-ormed only i- they are actually 3eing orn2 not i- they are
Perdo %orpus -Pe%6. These sells harm eole directly2 o-ten ermanently2 unless outside magics are used to reair the damage. iseases caused 3y magic have a Ease !actor o- B. !or every magnitude 3y hich the sell level increases2 the Ease increase 3y '.It is not ossi3le to riduce the level o- the sell 3y reducing the Ease !actor. $See age '7 -or more on diseases% Le+el 0: o suer-icial damage to a 3ody $removes its hairs%. Le+el 1: Cause ain2 3ut do not real damage. Le+el 5: ,amered a erson2 ithout actually in
Rego %orpus -Re%o.
Muto ,er7a& -Mu,e.
General: ard against creatures o- the Corus -rom one Realm $ivine2 Magic2 !aerie or In-ernal% hose Might is less than the level o- the sell. ,ermetic Magi have no Might2 and so are not a--ected 3y this sell. $(ase ard Sells +uideline alies% Le+el /: Ma4e a target lose control o- one 3ody art. Le+el 0 Move a target sloly in one direction2 as long as the sur-ace can suort its eight. Le+el 1: Control the large>scale ysical movement o- the target. Move the target sloly in any diection you lease. Move the target sloly straight u or in one direction over sur-aces tha cannot suort it. Le+el 5: ,old the target5s 3ody motionless. Move the target sloly in any direction2 even i- the target is unsuorted. Le+el *2: Control target5s motions. Eliminate enalties o- !atige and ounds. Animate a corse. Transort the target instantly u to 6 aces. Le+el *5: irect the -lo o- 3odily energy. Move a target in a ny direction you lease. Transort the target instantly u to 67 aces. ard a target against another human 3eing. To ard o-- an ,ermetic Magus2 the ard must enetrate his Magic Resistance. Le+el /2: Transort the target instantly u to 677 aces . Le+el /5: Transort the target instantly u to one league$62B4m%. Le+el 02: Transort the target instantly u to seven league $)8294m%. Le+el 05: Transort the target instantly u to a lace to hich you have an Arcane Connection.
Changing a lant into something else usually involves a sell o- one magnitude higher than the guideline most aroriate to the action. To change lants into treated or -inished material $wooden furniture, a vegetarian meal, linen cloth% add one magnitude to the level necessary to change lants into natural2 unor4ed lants.
,ERBAM -,e. A 3ase Individual -or ,er3am is a lant roughly one ace in each direction.
%reo ,er7a& -%r,e. Any -ood create is nutritious only i- the creation is ritual. The guideline levels given 3elo are generally -or con
Intellego ,er7a& -In,e. Le+el *: +ain an intuitive 4noledgeo- a lant $know whether a given action would harm a plant %. Le+el /: ocate a lant. Le+el 0: earn general in-ormation2 or a single seci-ic -act a3out a lant or an item made -rom lant roduct. Le+el 1: earn all mundane roerties o- a lant2 or an item made -rom lant roduct. Le+el *5: Sea4 ith a lant.
Le+el 0: Le+el 1:
Change a lant or item made -rom lant roduct. Change a lant or item made -rom lant roduct into metal or stone. Re1uire a Terram re1uisite. Aa4e the consciousness o- a lant. Re1uire a Mentem re1uisite. Le+el 5: Cause a lant to 3end and tist raidly in lace.
Perdo ,er7a& -Pe,e. The guidelines given here are -or destroying dead ood. estroying live ood usually add one magnitude to the level o- the sell. Le+el /: Cause the leaves to -all o-- the lant. Le+el 0: Soil an amount o- -ood. Le+el 1: estroy an amount o- dead ood. Le+el 5: estroy a lant.
Rego ,er7a& -Re,e. It is e1ually easy to control living or dead ood. General: ard against creatures associated ith ood -rom one Realm $ivine2 Magic2 !aerie or In-ernal% ith Might less than the level o- the sell. $(ase ard Sells +uideline alies% Le+el 0: Control an amount o- ood. Le+el 1: e-lect a single attac4 3y a ooden eaon. Control an entire lant2 moving it around as you direct2 altgough it remain rooted. Le+el 5: Control an entire lant2 moving it around as you direct2 and it need not to remain rooted. Summon a mo3ile lant. Le+el *2: Ma4e a lant or thing made o- lant roducts move ith urose and intelligence2 ithout re1uiring your costant control. Le+el *5: ard someone against mundane lant roducts. Ma4e a tree 3lossom out o- season2 i n a moment. eave thread into a tunic.
IGNEM -Ig. ight and heat also -all ithin the domain o- this !orm. It5s imortant to remem3er that heat also includes relative a3sence o- heat2 so sells that result in cold temeratures are ossi3le though Ignem. The 3ase Individual -or Ignem is a large cam-ire or a -ire in the hearth o- a great hall. !ire damage is e;lained on age ''.
%reo Igne& -%rIg. Le+el *: Create a light e1uivalent to moonlight. Le+el /: Create a light e1uivalent to candlelight. ,eat an o3
Intellego Igne& -InIg.
Perdo Igne& -PeIg. The intensity o- a -ire also a--ects the di--iculty o- destrying it. !or every 6 oints 3y hich the -ire5s damage e;ceeds &6 add one magnitude to the sell5s level. Le+el /: +reatly reduce the amount o- light in an area. Le+el 0: Comletely e;tinguish all light in an area. Reduce the si@e o- a -ire ithout destrying it. Le+el 1: E;tinguish a -ire2 cooling the ashes to merely arm. Chill an o3
Rego Igne& -ReIg. The intensity o- a -ire also a--ects the di--iculty o- controlling it. !or every 6 oints 3y hich the -ire5s damage e;ceeds &6 add one magnitude to the sell5s level. Rego Ignem sells can control heat and light as ell as -ire. General: ard against creatures o- -ire 3elonging to one Realm $ivine2 Magic2 !aerie or In-ernal% hose Might is less than or e1ual the level o- the sell. $(ase ard Sells +uideline alies% Le+el 0: Control -ire in a natural -ashion $control its direction of spread %. Move a -ire 1uic4ly throughsace hile leaving it 3urning naturally. Le+el 1: Control -ire in a slightly unnatural -ashion $stop it from burning a person%. Le+el *2: Control -ire in a very unnatural -ashion $ fashion into a dancing humanoid shape%.
Imaginem is the !orm o- sensation and illusion2 thus one can creates2 Le+el *: Sense one roerty o- a -ire. ercives2 trans-orms2 destroys2 and controls images2 not necessarily ocate a -ire. illusions. Imaginem canot a--ect light2 as this is art o- Ignem2 3ut it can Le+el /: Sense all mundane roerties o- a - ire. a--ect the things that light allos you to see. Stenches and er-umes2 tints (ecome aare o- all -ires ithin the target area. and stains2 color and shado2 melody and cacohony2 seet and sour2 all these are ercetions2 and so can 3e maniulated 3y the Art o- Imaginem. See a -ire hich you have an Arcane Connection. An image or4s on the senses2 not on the mind2 so an unthin4ing 3east Le+el 0: Sense all mundane roeries o- ash. etect the traces o- -ires hich 3urned ithin the last lunar is as li4ely to 3elive an image as an imaginative human. Similarly2 everyone can sense an illusion create 3y Imaginem magic. Hevertheless2 month. Imaginem sells are still most e--ective at -ouling the communication on Le+el 1: See clearly through raging -ire. Auram re1uisite may 3e hich human society deends. (easts are li4ely to 3e -ooled 3y illusions2 necessary i- smo4e is resent as ell. as are the simler undead. emons are very hard to deceive2 hile -aeries earn the magical roerties o- a -ire. o-ten see throgh illusions and maniulate them to -ool you in turn. Le+el *2: See a -ire you have an Arcane Connection to and all things it Certain mem3er o- the Church have roven remar4a3ly adet at illuminates $a campfire and everything within its discerning truth -rom illusion though the talent is not deenda3le. circle of light %. Is more di--iculto to mimic a seci-ic o3) -or an un-amiliar o3
%reo I&agine& -%rI&.
Rego I&agine& -ReI&.
It is imortatant to note that Creo Imaginem only create the images o- things2 not the thing themsel-. This is the -irst $and most imrtant% clue that image is
As ith CrIm and PeIm2 it si slightly harder to a--ects changing images. Add one level o- magnitude to sells that do so. Add a -uther level o- magnitude i- the image os to change along ith the o3
Le+el *: Le+el /: Le+el 0: Le+el 1: Le+el 5:
Create an image that a--ects a single sense. Create an image that a--ects to senses. Create an image that a--ects three senses. Create an image that a--ects -our senses. Create an image that a--ects -ive senses.
Intellego I&agine& -InI&. These sells imrove uon your senses 3y 3ringing in images2 usually sounds and images2 not normally avai3le. Hote that seeing or hearing into another room or a hundred miles aay does you no good i- there is no light or sound there. As in CrIm sells2 each aaditional sense you ish to ercive increases the level o- the s ell 3y one magnitude. General: iscern an illusion caused 3y sells o- e1ual or loer level than the level o- this sell $Vision target%. Le+el *: #se one sense at a distance. Memori@e or er-ect your memory a3out an image you have encountered. (e a3le to discern your on illusions. Le+el /: #se to senses at a distance. Le+el 0: #se three senses at a distance. Enhance one o- your senses in one ay $to see clearly at distance, to see things at distance, to see in the dark###% Le+el 1: #se -our senses at a distance. Le+el 5: #se -ive senses at a distance.
Muto I&agine& -MuI&. Muto Imaginem2 or indeed other Imaginem magic2 cannot overcome the e--ects o- The +i-t2 although it might o--set them a little. Le+el *: Change one sensation o- an o3
Perdo I&agine& -PeI&.
Le+el /: Ma4e an o3
MEN!EM -Me. Intelligent minds are a--ected 3y Mentem sells hile the minds o- 3easts are a--ect ed only 3y Animal sells. The mental Characteristics are Intelligence2 Percetion2 Presence2 and Communication.2 and they can 3e a--ected 3y Mentem sells. Minds do not have a si@e2 so si@e modi-iers do not aly to Mentem e--ects ith individual targets. ,oever2 minds can 3e counted2 so -or +rous you still need to 3oost the si@e to a--ect more eole. Similarly Mentem sells a--ecting everyone in a Room2 Structure2 or (oundary have si@e modi-iers in the normal ay.
%reo Mente& -%rMe. In addition to healing minds2 these sells can also create thoughts emotions and memories in another erson5s mind. These creations interact normally ith the target5s other thoughts2 and may 3e changed in the rocess. Le+el 0: Le+el 1: Le+el 5: Le+el 02: Le+el 05: Le+el 12: Le+el 15:
estrying changing images is more di--icult D add one level o- Le+el 52: magnitude to the sell that do so. Hote also that shado are due to the hysical 3 ody 3loc4ing the light2 thus destrying something5s shado is Le+el 55: Creo Ignem2 or ossi3ly Rego Ignem2 and not Perdo Imaginem. Mirror images2 hoever2 are cause to the secies 3ounching o-- the mirror2 so a sell destroying $or changing% the secies also changes mirror images. Le+el /: estroy an o3
!orm ords in another5s mind. Put a thought or emotion into another mind. Create a memort in another5s mind. Increase one o- a erson5s mental Characteristics oint2 to no more than 7. Increase one o- a erson5s mental Characteristics oint2 to no more than &'. Increase one o- a erson5s mental Characteristics oint2 to no more than &9. Increase one o- a erson5s mental Characteristics oint2 to no more than &). Increase one o- a erson5s mental Characteristics oint2 to no more than &=. Increase one o- a erson5s mental Characteristics oint2 to no more than &6.
3y one 3y one 3y one 3y one 3y one 3y one
Intellego Mente& -InMe.
Rego Mente& -ReMe.
Additional ideas can 3e seen in Intellego Animal guidelines2 -or sell that a--ects the mind. Hote that riting does not contain any in-ormation o- itsel-2 and is generally materials Animal2 ,er3am2 or Terram -or the materials2 not Mentem. To translate ritings2 you need someone ho can read it2 although you could read the translation -rom their mind. A Momentary Mentem sell can anser a single 1uestion2 although is not necessary that the anser 3e e;ressa3le in a 3rie- -orm. !inding out a lot o- in-ormation ta4es time
Additional ideas can 3e seen in Rego Animal guidelines2 -or sell that a--ects the mind. Many changes to the mind are Rego e--ects2 3ecause the mind could naturally assume that state.
Le+el 1: Sense the state o- consciousness o- one intelligent 3eing $asleep, awake, meditating, dead, drugged, insane, or comatose%. Le+el 5: Sense a single emotion in a 3eing. #nderstand the meaning 3ehind so4en sounds. Le+el *2: Sense all o- the emotions in a 3eing. iscover the truth o- a statement. Le+el *5: Sea4 ith any one human. Read a erson5s sur-ace thoughts. Pic4 a single anser -rom the mind o- the target. Le+el /2: Read the last day5s memories -rom one erson. Le+el /5: earn all the in-ormation you ish -rom a erson5s mind.
Muto Mente& -MuMe. Muto Mentem sells give a mind roerties it could naturally ac1uire.These -all into three maincategories. !irst2 changing memories: hile memories may decay over time2 they do not naturally change radically2 so ma4ing them so do is Muto. Second2 emotions and thoughts that eole cannot normally -eel: this incluses the thoughts o- an animal and similar. Third2 non mental roerties: this cover ma4ing a mind hysical and is very di--icult. +ranting a magical sense to other eole has a 3ase level one magnitude higher than granting it to yoursel- using Intellego. The necessary increase to range2 and ossi3ly2 target increase the level -urther. Le+el *: Ma4e a minor change in erson5s memory o- an event. Le+el /: Ma4e a ma
General: ard against sirits 3elonging to one Realm $ivine2 Magic2 !aerie or In-ernal% hose Might is less than the level o- the sell. $(ase ard Sells +uideline alies% Le+el 0: Ma4e a su3tle di--erence to the target mental state. Le+el 1: Control a target 5s mental state $awake, asleep, confused###% Le+el 5: Control a natural emotion $calm, fear###%. Tha target must -eel the emotion 3e-ore yuo can control it. Control a disem3odied sirit. Incline a erson to a articular sort o- resonse. Le+el *2: Control an unnatural emotion $cultivate a person's feeling of bravery where he is usually cowardly%. Im3ue all o- a erson5s resonse ith a art icular emotion. Le+el *5: Control a human 3eing as long as you can see him. Summon a ghost. Le+el /2: +ive a erson one comle; command2 hich he tries to carry out to the 3est o- his a3ility. Le+el 02: Comletely control a erson5s mind and emotions.
!ERRAM -!e. Through Terram sells a--ect all manner o- solid o3
%reo !erra& -%r!e. Creating earth in an ela3orate shae or ith some unnatural roerties is one level o- magnitude higher than the listed guidelines. Le+el *: Le+el 0: Le+el 5: Le+el *5: Le+el /5:
Create sand2 dirt2 mud2 or clay. Create stone or glass. Create 3ase metal. Create recious metal. Create gemstone.
Intellego !erra& -In!e. Intellego Terram sells level are not a--ected 3y the material o- the thing a--ected.
Perdo Mente& -PeMe. Emotions naturally reaear in a erson2 so sells that destry them must have a contunuing duration to ensure tha they do not come 3ac4. Memories do not naturally return2 so Momentary duration sells remove them -orever2 although a erson could 3e told hat he had -orgtten2 or reconstruct the memory -rom things he does remem3er. A continuing sell ould revent a erson -rom relearning that i n-ormation hoever. Le+el 0: Remove a minor detail -rom the erson5s memory. Le+el 1: Remove an imortant detail -rom the erson5s memory. iminish a single mental caa3ility in a erson. Reduce the intensity o- all o- a erson5s emotions. Le+el 5: uell an emotion in a erson. Le+el *2: Remove a minor or short memory -rom a erson5s mind. Reduce all o- a erson5s mental caa3ilities. Le+el *5: Remove a ma
Le+el /: earn one visi3le roerty o- an o3
aly to the levels o- Individual Target Vim sells. ,oever Vim sells The target 3elo are -or changing earth $dirt2 sand2 mud...%. To change a--ecting areas2 or num3er o- sells2 must 3e increased in level -or large to or -rom stone or glass2 add one level o- magnitude. To change to or areas or large num3ers2 as normal. The guidelines 3elo re-ers mainly to -rom metal or gemstone add to level o- magnitudes. These ad,ermetic i@ards2 do not have Might a cu3ic inch o- gemstone ith a 3ase Individual. score2 and thus are not a--ected 3y ardings or other sells that act against Might score. Le+el *: Change one roerty o- earth. Le+el /: Change earth to another tye o- natural earth sand, $ mud, %reo $i& -%r$i. loam###% . General: Create a magical shell hich loo4s real to Intellego sells Le+el 0: Change earth so that is slightly unnatural. Re1uisites may 3e ith alevel less than tice its level lus one re1uired. magnitude. This aura is generic magicF only D no Change earth into a li1uid or gas. Re1uisites may 3e re1uired. misleading in-ormation can 3e sulied. Change earth to stone2 or vice versa. Create a magical shell hich revents Intellego sells ith a Le+el 1: Change earth so that is highly unnatural. Re1uisites are o-ten level less than its level lus one magnitude -rom re1uired. learning any details a3out the magic on the target. Change earth into a mi;ture o- li1uid2 solid and gases. Create a magical shell hich gives -alse in-ormation a3out Re1uire the aroriate re1uisites. the target to Intellego sells ith level less than Change earth into a lant. Re1uire ,er3am re1uisite. hal- its $level lus one magnitude%. Ma4e something gro to eight time its revious volume. Le+el 0: Taint something ith magic. Le+el 5: Change earth into slightly unnatural li1uid or gas. Re1uire the Le+el 5: Create a 3urst o- magic that gives the target ' aring oint. aroriate re1uisite. Sell that grant aring cannot have a duration o- Change earth into an animal. Re1uire Animal re1uisite. greater than Momentary. Hote that doing this to a magus is an attac42 an clearly against the Code. Le+el *2: Change earth into highly unnatural li1uid or gas. Re1uire aroriate re1uisite. Le+el *2 +ive the target 9 aring oint. Le+el *5: +ive the target ) aring oint. Perdo !erra& -Pe!e. Le+el /2: +ive the target = aring oint. Earth includes dirt2 sand2 mud and other similar tye o- earth. To destroy stone or glass2 add one level o- magnitude. To destroy metal or gemstone add to level o- magnitudes.
Muto !erra& -Mu!e.
Le+el /: ea4en earth. Le+el 0: estroy earth.
Rego !erra& -Re!e. Earth includes dirt2 sand2 mud and other similar tye o- earth. To control stone or glass2 add one level o- magnitude. To control metal or gemstone add to level o- magnitudes. Maniulating o3
$IM -$i. Vim sells hels your sell to have a 3etter e--ects. Many Vim sellsare meant to 3e cast along ithother sells2 and modi-y or change their e--ects. Vim magic also encomasses summoning and dealing ith emons2 3ut this actice is rohi3ited ithin the 0rder2 rather -ighting emons is alloed. Magi o-te use Vim sells to counteract magical henomena: in these case Storyguide should assign sell level -or all magical henomena that those using Vim countersells ill have to match. Most Vim sell are o- +eneral level2 and the guidelines rovided -or Vim sell ta4e account o- this2 and rather than giving an a3solute level -or a corresonding e--ect2 they give the relationshi that the level o- the Vim sell must 3ear to the level o- the target. hen you change arameters o- a +eneral sell2 you should ta4e account o- these change in level 3e-ore multilying or dividing the the sell5s level to get the real e--ect. The Individual target -or a Vim sell can re-er to either an individual sell2 or an individual o3
Intellego $i& -In$i.
Muto $i& -Mu$i.
emons cannot 3e detected 3y Intellego sells unless they ish to do $at least to the common 4noledge o- the 0rder%2 3ecause they are the essence o- decetion2 thus there are no demons locating sells in the 0rder. Magic items cannot 3e investigated ith simle sells2 3ut re1uires a season sent in la3oratory to discover hat magic an encheanted item contains and ho to use them $see the a3oratory chater%. !urther increase in level ill give increased sensivity to residues. The 3ase level o- a sell lso gives a -airly good idea o- the strenght o- a sell $ithin a magnitude%. In addition o- one magnitude ill say hether the e--ect is ,ermetic2 and a magus -amiliarith other tyes o- magic ill 3e a3le to identi-y them as ell. The addition o- to magnitudes ill give in-ormation a3out Tecni1ue and !orm2 or nearest e1uivalent -or other tye o- magic. !urthere increases in the level ill yeld -urther in-ormation2 deending on the design o- the seci-ic sell. i--erent sells may 3e invented to detect !aerie2 ivine2 or In-ernal e--ects. Each sells a--ects only one realm2 and Storyguide may disallo sells that detect the ivine or In-ernal. As general rule2 the residues o- magic decline as -ollo: as soon as the magic -inishes2 the magnitude halves2 it then dros 3y one -or one -or every duration o- the sell that asses. Storyguide should emloy this as a guideline2 not a rigid -ormula2 and may i- they ish2 allo high level detection sells to ic4 u residues ith negative magnitudeF. Magical items can have an e--ective residue magnitude e1ual to the num3er o- an o- vis used to oen the enchantment $or the total ans used -or lesser enchanted devices%. Magnitudes -or non>,ermetic items must 3e setted 3y the Storyguide. A sell that detect items ill not also detect e--ects or creatures2 and vice versa. Variants ill detect item enchanted 3y di--erent Realms2 as a3ove. Magical creatures can also 3e detected: trat their Might as the level o- the e--ect? -or ,ermetic magic use their highest Art. ivide Might $or the Art% 3y -ive $rounding u% to get the e--ective residue magnitude. Again this re1uires a di--erent sell and variants may detect !aerie and ossi3ly ivine creatures. Storyguide may allo sells that detect other In-ernal creatures2 such as dia3olists and undead. Ra vis ill sho u as magical2 simly as ra vis2 under any magical detection. The level o- the detecting sell is irrilevant as is the the realm o- oer that is as designed to detect. ,oever2 only secially designed sells ill yeld any in-ormation other than that is ra vis.
Most MuVi sells last as long as the sell that they have altered2 ith a nominal duration o- Momentary. It is not normally ossi3le to have a MuVi sell that lasts longer than the target sell. These meta>magical sells have certain restrictions2 hich aly to all MuVi sells invented according to ,ermetic theory. !irst o- all2 they cannot 3e cast on sontaneous sells: such magic is 3eing maniulated at him D any attemt to alter it -urther uold ma4e the caster lose control. Second2 you must ma4e an Intelligence & Concentration roll o- 8& i- you are casting 3oth sells: i- this -ails2 the sells do not go o--? i- it 3otches2 they 3otch. I- you ish to cast one o- these sells on a sell 3eing cast 3y another magus you must 3e either cooerating2 or you must -ast cast the MuVi sell. There is no other ay to get the timing right. In addition your Penetration total -or the MuVi sell must 3eat the other magus5s Penetration total -or the sell to 3e changed2 unless you are cooerating. Touch range is su--icient to a--ect your on sells2 3ut Voice range at least2 is needed to a--ect another magus5s casting. "ou cannot touch the sell itsel-. These sells can only 3e used on ,ermetic magic2 as they deends on a good understanding o- the rocess involved. "ou may only ut a MuVi e--ect into a magical item i- it is to or4 ith another e--ect in that item. All MuVi sells re1uire some tailoring to the seci-ic use2 and a magical item e--ect cannot 3e so tailored. Hote that a sell invented according to one o- the guidelines 3elo ill change another sell in a seci-ic ay? it is not ossi3le to invent a single sell hich changes another sell hoever the caster ants. See the e;amle sells -or ideas on ho seci-ic this should 3e. It is not ossi3le to use MuVi to a--ect another sell a-ter it has 3een cast.
Le+el *: etect magic o- '7J magnitude or higher etect the resence o- a mystical aura. etect the resence o- ra vis. Le+el /: etect magic o- J magnitude or higher. etermine the oer o- a mystical aura. Le+el 0: etect magic o- BJ magnitude or higher. etect regio 3oundaries. I- cast ith a Vision target2 this rovides enough in-ormation to -ind a ay 3eteen levels2 -or regiones that allo that sort oentrance. 0therise2 it reveals the resence o- a regio2 and ossi3ly its rough shae. Le+el 1: etect magic o- )J magnitude or higher. Kudge the amount o- vis resent. iscern the Art o- vis. Le+el 5: etect any active magic. Le+el *2: etect the traces o- oer-ul magic. etect the recent resence o- ea4 magic.
General: Suer-icially change a sell o- less than tice the $level &' magnitude% o- the MuVi sell. This may not change the rimary e--ect o- the sell or its oer. Signi-icantly change a sell o- less than the $level &' magnitude% o- the MuVi sell. This may not change either yhe Tecni1ue or !orm o- the target sell. A change in oer o- lus or minus one magnitude is a signi-icant change2 as is change otarget2 i- the target as ossi3le -or the original sell. Totally change a sell o- less than hal- the $level &' magnitude% o- the MuVi sell.This may change the Tecni1ue2 !orm2 or 3oth o- the target sell2 and needs no re1uisites -or those Arts. The MuVi sell a--ect the structure o- the sell2 not the things that the sell targets. A change in oer u to to magnitudes is a total change. Any grater change re1uires either Creo or Perdo to create more magical energy or destroy some.
Perdo $i& -Pe$i. I- you ant to cast a PeVi sell on a character ho has Magic Resistance2 you must overcome the Magic Resistance. General: Ma4e something2 including a magical item2 seem non> magical to any Intellego sell o- less than tice the $level D9 magnitudes% o- this sell. isel e--ects o- a seci-ic tye ith a level less than the $level &= magnitudes% o- the Vim sell & stress die $no 3otch%. A seci-ic tye could 3e ,ermetic Terram magic2 or Shamanic sirit control magic. A magus must have some 4noledge o- a tye omagic although not necessarily a3ility to use it% to invent a sell to a--ect it. All ,ermetic magi have some 4noledge o- all ,ermetic magic. Reduce the target Might 3y the level o- a sell &'72 as long as the sell enetrates the creature5s resistance. isel any magical e--ect ith a casting total less than halthe $level &= magnitudes% o- the Vim sell & a stress die $no 3otch%. Reduce the casting total -or all magic cast 3y the target 3y hal- the $level &9 magnitudes% o- the sell. I- 9 or more sells a--ect one target2 only the highest has any e--ect: the enalties do not add. The sell must enetrate the target5s Magic Resistance in order to have any e--ect. Le+el 5: Reduce the duration o- an Arcane Connection 3y one ste on the ta3le on age =. I- this reduces the duration 3elo ,ours2 the connection e;ires immediately. oes not or4 on connections that naturally have Inde-inite duration2 3ut can ma4e an Arcane Connection that as -i;ed in la3oratory e;ire. Hote that the Range is the range to the Arcane Connection2 and you must 4no hat you are targeting2
Rego $i& -Re$i. Theoretically is ossi3le to con