OMV Group
Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1. Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 2 1.2. Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 2 1.3. Application of this document ......................................................................................................... 2 1.4. OMV Expectations as defined in OMV HSSE Policy .................................................................... 2 2. OMV HSSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 3 3. PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE MONITORING ................................................................................... 3 3.1. Predetermined HSSE Key Performance Indicators (HSSE KPIs) ................................................ 4 3.2 Key Contractor documents .............................................................................................................. 4 4. CONTRACTOR HSSE PLAN ....................................................................................................................... 4 A. Bridging Document ........................................................................................................................... 4 B. Standalone HSSE Plan ...................................................................................................................... 5 4.1. Leadership and Commitment ........................................................................................................ 5 4.2. Organization .................................................................................................................................... 5 4.3. People, Competency and Behavior ............................................................................................... 5 4.4. Risk Management ........................................................................................................................... 5 4.5. Engineering and Project Management.......................................................................................... 6 4.6. Operations and Performance Management ................................................................................. 6 4.7. Contracted Services ........................................................................................................................ 8 4.8. Planning and Cost Management ................................................................................................... 8 4.9. Incidents and Accidents ................................................................................................................. 8 4.10. Emergency and Crisis Control ..................................................................................................... 8 4.11. Stakeholder Dialog and Information Management ................................................................... 9 4.12. Audit and Review .......................................................................................................................... 9 5. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................................................... 9
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1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Purpose The purpose of this document is to describe the performance and behavior expectations of OMV Group companies from all contractors and subcontractors working for OMV Group involved in EPCC activities and services. While recognizing that there is considerable legislation and regulation already applicable to EPCC in the locales in which OMV Group operates, there are significant differences in the implementation and monitoring of this legislation between countries and even within countries.
1.2. Scope This document intends to provide guidance on how to plan to safely execute contracted work as well as emphasis compulsory processes or procedures. The document defines the minimum HSSE requirements in the contracts towards Health, Safety, Security and Environment that the contractor shall fulfill upon award of the contract in the provision of EPCC equipment and services. This document does not replace the legal and regulatory requirements, nor does it prescribe how the contractor shall manage their business. However, this document does describe the standards and performance level against which the contractor shall be held accountable.
1.3. Application of this document This document applies to all HSSE aspects of the contractor’s scope of work. It is expected that contractor shall prepare a HSSE plan applicable for the engineering phase of their work addressing how they shall demonstrate their provision of a safe working environment. As contractor scope of work moves towards construction, a separate and independent CONSTRUCTION HSSE plan shall be prepared and approved. In addition to the construction HSSE plan other plans shall be required to address the major hazards created throughout construction, a minimum being; Transportation plan (See Road transportation annex for details of OMV Group requirements) Environmental Management plan Community relations plan As OMV Group has no contractual relationship with any subcontractor but as beneficiary of the work is held accountable for the HSSE performance of all parties on the site, contractor shall ensure that their subcontractors shall be held accountable to the HSSE performance and behavioral expectations of contractor.
1.4. OMV Expectations as defined in OMV HSSE Policy During the performance of the contract, contractors shall observe the latest valid version of OMV HSSE Policy statement and supporting HSSE documentation as they were provided in writing or electronically by OMV.
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2. OMV HSSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM O u ut t l l i in ne e o f f O M MV V H S SS S E E M a an n a ag g e e m m e e n n t t S y ys s t te e m m Management Element
Management will provide visible and active leadership in developing and maintaining a culture supportive of HSSE matters
The organization and responsibilities for the management of HSSE will be defined and documented
All people will be selected, trained and developed to carry out their duties competently
Hazards will be identified, the risks assessed and appropriate controls implemented
Facilities will be engineered to meet relevant codes of practice and specifications, operational requirements, and statutory regulations
All activities involving the exploration, development, production, processing, transportation and distribution will have relevant safe, secure and precautionary system s of work defined and performance indicators established.
Supplies and contracted services will be controlled to ensure they comply with company HSSE requirements.
Objectives, targets and financial resources will be planned to integrate HSSE in all business activities and avoid losses.
Incidents and accidents will be fully reported and analyzed to establish root causes and prevent recurrence
Organizational arrangements, facilities and training will be provided to effectively manage emergencies and crisis situations
Active dialogue with stakeholders and communities will ensure confidence in the integrity of our activities. Accurate and relevant documentation will be readily available for safe working and to minimize undesirable effects
An independent audit and review system will be established to assess the effectiveness of HSSE management and identify areas for improvement
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3. PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE MONITORING 3.1. Predetermined HSSE Key Performance Indicators (HSSE KPIs) In order to measure and monitor performance a set of Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound (SMART) indicators shall be agreed and used for duration of the contract and will form a major component of the assessment of contractor performance at the end of contract. Contractor is encouraged to develop their own performance indicators to include in the assessment.
3.2 Key Contractor documents The contractor shall prepare the following key HSSE documents covering their scope of work IN ADDITION to the HSSE minimum requirements of the HSSE Annex (i.e. HSSE Plan) Mobilization Plan Construction site HSSE plan Environmental Management Plan (Waste management, spill response, fluid and chemical containment) Transportation plan INCLUDING site traffic management plan Community Relations plan Commissioning plan ( including SIMOPS plan)
4. CONTRACTOR HSSE PLAN The contractor shall develop an EPCC HSSE plan to ensure the h ealth, safety and security of their personnel, OMV Group personnel and third parties and to minimize their impact on the environment and local communities. This EPCC HSSE plan shall be one of the following types – a Bridging document or a standalone EPCC HSSE plan based on the OMV Management System structure and MAY be combined with the HSSE plan legally required but shall include the requirements of the Minimum HSSE Requirements Annex as well as the EPCC requirements described below. A. Bridging Document OMV Group expects our contractors to have a robust HSSE Management System in place and demonstrably implemented in all Contractors work. In this event where contractor has such an active management system then contractor has the option to present a Bridging Document that shall address all activities for which contractor is responsible and accountable. This Bridging Document shall include as a minimum: Alignment of Contractor with OMV Group HSSE Policy Alignment with the requirements of the 12 elements of the OMV HSSE Management System intentions, expectations, objectives and metrics. Contractor HSSE organization to support OMV Group HSSE objectives and management system with respect to EPCC activities Clear identification of roles and responsibilities in contractor organization. Alignment of hazard identification and assessment with corresponding suitable and appropriate preventive and mitigation actions including full accountability with respect to EPCC Clearly identify the health, security, safety, environmental and Community Relations procedures and actions that contractor shall maintain with respect to EPCC Inspection and audit process to demonstrate alignment with OMV Group 12 elements of HSSE Management System.
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B. Standalone HSSE Plan This plan shall be developed by contractor as per the OMV HSSE Management System using the template shown above of OMV expectations. Contractor, being the specialist in their field of EPCC activities shall demonstrate competence of management of all activities to which contractor is responsible and accountable in this plan and show alignment with OMV Group requirements. *NB: The information provided below is for information purposes and represents a minimum requirement – contractor shall be required to provide a complete HSSE plan for ALL their activities including sub contracted activities. Contractor shall observe all OMV Group HSSE Management System documents provided to it in writing or electronically by OMV and shall be expected to fully understand and implement the necessary controls to ensure compliance. Listed below is an example template of what shall be in the HSSE plan.
4.1. Leadership and Commitment Visible and active leadership demonstrated throughout the period of work to support HSSE in the execution of EPCC activities: SEE MINIMUM HSSE REQUIREMENTS ANNEX
4.2. Organization The contractor’s team shall be staffed with competent and motivated personnel working towards well defined HSSE objectives: SEE MINIMUM HSSE REQUIREMENTS ANNEX
4.3. People, Competency and Behavior Contractor shall recruit and develop competent and motivated personnel to execute all work safely: SEE MINIMUM HSSE REQUIREMENTS ANNEX
4.4. Risk Management The contractor shall demonstrate a robust risk management process so that all work hazards and risks are identified and assessed with appropriate controls implemented to ensure a safe work environment as well as the safe execution of work. It is recognized that many engineering contracts do perceive HSSE hazards or risks due to their office environment. However, this is not always the case as personnel may be required to make field, site or facility visits. Therefore OMV Group expects the same management control to manage hazards and risks: The risk management program is appropriate for the risks in the execution of work and shall comply with the legal requirements. Contractor shall coordinate their risk assessments with other companies, contractors and third parties with whom they interact. Appropriate risk management tools are used for the level of risk of contractor work Risk assessments are conducted for the normal routine activities AS WELL AS risk assessments for the work environment experienced for the execution of work Specific Job Safety Analysis (JSA) or risk assessments are completed for use by personnel executing high risk activities The contractor shall be able to demonstrate that risks are reduced to ALARP – As Low As Reasonably Practical
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Contractor shall demonstrate the completeness of these risk assessments by formally documenting the following criteria: Identification of all hazards Identification of personnel exposed to these hazards or risks including public, other contractors, client and third party and the range of potential harm they may experience from each hazard. Evaluation of the risk exposure to these personnel for each type of hazard or risk considering the expected training and knowledge of these personnel Prevention of risk through elimination completely or change or procedure to significantly reduce exposure Mitigation controls to reduce the consequences should the incident be realized. Identification of the remaining risk to indicate if controls are adequate to reduce risk to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). Mechanism by which actions will be checked to be in place and working as planned.
4.5. Engineering and Project Management Contractors shall ensure that the design software and equipment used is current and compliant with the following: Design codes, specifications and standards are identified and complied with to meet current legal requirements Contractor shall ensure software used is current, valid, correctly licensed and applicable for the work being done. Contractor shall ensure compliance with the OMV Group standard - Safety in Design. Contractor shall ensure that industry best practices and lessons learned are incorporated into design to address the human interface particularly for the management of alarms and warnings. Contractor shall consider the operations and maintenance of their design over its operating life and demonstrate that the human intervention required is easy and safe with access for mechanical lifting equipment as necessary.
4.6. Operations and Performance Management The contractor shall ensure that a safe, secure and precautionary system of work is in place and maintained throughout the execution of their work: The contractor shall ensure that a robust and efficient system is in place to manage their workplace and that all hazards are identified and the risks reduced to acceptable levels Equipment is certified and checked fit for use prior to use (both before first use and daily checks) Equipment used for or with mechanical lifting equipment fitted shall be managed by the contractor such that all hazards associated with this high risk lifting activity are assessed and mitigated through a formal documented process. All lifts over 5 tons shall require a specific lift plan. Routine lifts shall have a specific risk assessment and to be reviewed prior to each lift. (Further detail is available in OMV Group Regulations on Lifting and Manual Handling) A robust and effective Permit to Work (PTW) shall be in place for high risk activities and as legally required. Contractors shall comply with the requirements of the PTW system. If OMV Group is not managing the PTW system, the contractor shall
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implement their own system. As a minimum the following shall be covered by the Permit To Work system: Mechanical lifting load over 5 ton weight Working at height over 1.8 m Working in excavations deeper than 0.7m Working within 50m of an active hydrocarbon containing vessel Hot work Vessel entry Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) shall be provided and maintained in good and fit for purpose condition with appropriate testing and certification as required. The contractor shall ensure that all their personnel (including visitors) have the minimum PPE requirement of certified PPE – overalls, boots, hard hat and glasses. Additional PPE shall be provided as necessary and shall be appropriate for the work being executed. (NOTE: minimum PPE requirements may change dependent on the environment in which work is to be performed, such as Nomex comfort for use in refineries.). Contractors shall ensure that the minimum PPE (Boots, overalls, hard hat and glasses) is worn at all sites when working on behalf of OMV Group companies. Sites include proposed greenfield sites and brownfield sites where no apparent activity is ongoing. Contractors shall have in place a process to identify and manage the hazards and risks associated with the execution of their work. Contractors shall use their expertise and knowledge to demonstrate to OMV Group their professionalism and competence in the implementation of this safe system of work. Below is a non-exhaustive list of examples of activities (or hazards associated with activities) that shall require specific management control by the contractor to demonstrate that they have a safe work environment so that work can be performed safely. The contractor shall have a plan or procedure in place where the hazards and risks for the activities are identified, assessed and controlled for each OMV Group site. Manual handling, stepping and lifting Excavation work Security of equipment Working in hot/cold environments Hazardous materials transport, security and storage Waste management including hazardous and/or toxic waste loads Lifting operations Working with chemicals including cement/concrete Working at height including on vehicles and vehicle loads Warning barriers and signs,
NOTE: This list is provided for guidance purposes only; the contractor shall demonstrate their own awareness of all the hazards and risks facing their workforce and document the procedures and controls to reduce these to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).
Contractor shall ensure they have spill prevention and spill control plan/procedure in place to address all potential spills on site (including leaks form mechanical equipment). Contractor shall have in place a chemical management plan/procedure to address the storage, transport and handling of chemicals used on site.
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Contractor shall ensure that they have a documented process in place to minimize the generation of waste, the storage of waste with the correct and safe disposal of their waste. Contractor shall ensure they maintain their worksite clear of waste Contractor shall ensure full compliance with Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for their hazardous materials.
4.7. Contracted Services The contractor shall describe and be able to demonstrate how they shall manage their subcontractors to meet the HSSE objectives and goals of the work: Subcontracting process is managed in accordance with OMV Group requirements A process is in place to monitor the HSSE performance of subcontractors As OMV Group has no contractual relationship with any subcontractor but as beneficiary of the work is held accountable for the HSSE performance of all parties on the site, contractor shall ensure that their subcontractors shall be held accountable to the HSSE performance and behavioral expectations of contractor.
4.8. Planning and Cost Management Plans with objectives and targets shall be prepared, agreed and implemented to ensure that a safe system of work is in place throughout the execution of the work: The HSSE plan shall be reviewed at regular intervals to ensure it is still appropriate and sufficient for the work, particularly at significant milestones of work HSSE objectives/ targets/ milestones shall be identified at start of work and performance against these objectives shall be documented and reported both to OMV Group representative as well as to contractor personnel HSSE Key Performance Indicators (HSSE KPIs) shall be identified before starting the activities and shall be reported during the execution of work A Quality monitoring program shall be in place to demonstrate compliance with contractor Quality system and continuous improvement Contractor shall ensure they have a plan in place to ensure the timely preparation of documentation to support all permit applications Regular meetings shall be held to review performance and incidents to ensure lessons are captured with corrective actions implemented to prevent re-occurrence
4.9. Incidents and Accidents All incidents and high potential incidents (HiPo = an incident where the actual consequence is low (level 1-2) but could easily have been a higher consequence (level 3 and above) shall be fully reported and investigated: SEE MINIMUM HSSE REQUIREMENTS ANNEX
4.10. Emergency and Crisis Control The contractor shall have plans in place to address and respond to all foreseeable emergencies including natural disasters and to ensure their personnel are adequately trained to respond to such emergencies: Emergency response plan in place and drilled at appropriate frequency to address foreseeable incidents and accidents Integrated ER Plan when other parties are on the same site with clear identification of person in charge either directly under OMV Group or lead contractor control. Required emergency response material and equipment available, suitable in required quantities and fit for purpose
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Contractor shall ensure they have a current, complete and robust INDEPENDENT BACK UP system for all key information, data and communication - both paper format and electronic format. (Independent means physically separate such that a catastrophic event in the contractor office will not permanently destroy work already completed). Regulatory emergency response requirements compliance confirmed and documented
4.11. Stakeholder Dialog and Information Management To the extent that the contractor has been contracted with activities as regards Stakeholder Dialogue and Information Management, it shall have a clear and unambiguous communication process in place to distribute HSSE information to their workforce, third parties and appropriate authorities: A Community Relations plan shall be prepared and approved by OMV Group representative as necessary which shall address the potential impact of the contractor‘s activities and describe how this impact shall be prevented or reduced. When a Community Relations plan is required from contractor it shall address the following: Personnel transportation Equipment and material transportation Accommodation plan when necessary Contractor shall observe any and all Community Relations plans in effect for the area and activity in which they are involved were provided to it in writing or electronically by OMV. Regular formal documented HSSE meetings shall be held with the workforce with appropriate subjects and issues discussed HSSE specialists shall meet at regular intervals to report to OMV Group representative on HSSE issues HSSE related permits and compliance register shall be prepared and maintained for the contractor scope of work
4.12. Audit and Review The contractor shall have an independent audit program in place: Audit schedule prepared and integrated into work schedule Regular inspections and audits documented with tracking of actions showing the responsible party and the expected closure date
5. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS OMV Group: OMV Aktiengesellschaft, OMV Petrom S.A. and Petrol Ofisi and all their subsidiaries Company: OMV Group companies Contractor: A contractor is defined as an individual or organization performing work for OMV, following verbal or written agreement. The term sub-contractor is used synonymously with contractors. Sub-contractor: A sub contractor is an individual or organization performing work for a contractor. Shall: Indicates a compulsory instruction on the contractor that requires compliance. The contractor shall maintain documentation to support compliance against such an instruction.
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ALARP: As Low As Reasonably Practicable. The concept of reducing risks to ALARP implies that there is a trade-off between the costs of risk reduction and the benefits obtained. There should be a transparent bias on the side of HSSE. (To meet this requirement the contractor/sub contractor must demonstrate what efforts have been made to reduce the risk and what mechanism was used to consider it to be acceptable). Frequency: Number of occurrences of an event per unit time. Hazard: Any unsafe act or unsafe conditions or object or physical effect with the potential to cause harm. There is no immediate incident, but under slightly different circumstances, or if several things were to happen at once, an incident could occur. Hazid: A formal risk identification process, described in ISO 17776 Hazop: Hazard and operability study. Formal documented team based process to identify hazards associated with operation of a module, unit or facility using a set of guidewords to direct the potential consequences. Engineering documents (i.e. P&ID, single line diagram, etc.) are required as input to the process Harm: Physical injury or damage to the health of people, either directly or indirectly, as a result of damage to property or to the environment. HiPo (High potential) Incident: A high potential incident (HiPo) is any incident with actual severity level 0 (near miss), 1, 2 or 3 that under slightly different circumstances could have become an incident level 4 or 5. HSSE: Health, Safety, Security and Environment HSSE-MS: Health, Safety, Security and Environmental – Management System. A management system is a set of processes and practices that enable an organization to control and manage its business activities. The HSSE MS is a process that applies a disciplined and systematic approach to managing health, safety, security and environmental activities in OMV Group. Incident: An unplanned event during working life, any deviation from the standard process that has or could have (“near miss”) resulted in personal injuries/illness, damage to assets and equipment, adverse environmental impact or unfavorable impact on the public and company reputation. Incidents do not include degradation or failure of plant or equipment resulting solely from normal wear and tear.
Vehicle incidents include all incidents to/from place of work, and all incidents during work hours for both personal and company cars.
Occupational health incidents that occur on work sites or are a direct result of work on OMV Group directed worksites.
Incidents that affect third parties due to work performed on OMV Group worksites.
Lost Time Injury (LTI): The sum of occupational injuries resulting in fatalities, permanent total disabilities and lost workday cases, but excluding restricted work cases and medical treatment cases. Major incident: Incident with a severity of consequences that is equal or greater than level 3 using the OMV Risk Matrix. Near Miss: An incident which under slightly different circumstances could have had adverse consequences. OGP: International Association of Oil and Gas Producers. Risk: Combination of the frequency of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm.
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Restricted Work Injury (RWI): Any incident that results in an individual or individuals being unable to return to their normal work the following day of the incident but are able to perform alternative light duties. When the employee or contractor can resume his or her work with restriction after an occupational injury, taking into consideration the legal framework. Safety: Is a condition where either hazards or unacceptable/intolerable risks to people, environment and/or assets are absent. Third party: Third Parties are persons or organizations that are not employed by or contracted to a company or contractor. Work related activity: A work-related activity is an activity in a work environment, which is or ought to be subject to management controls for company personnel as well as for contractors, including attendance at courses, conferences and company-organized events, business travel, field visits or any other activity or presence expected by the employer. Workplace (work area/site): Facilities or the environment (as physical place, processes and technology) where contractors and subcontractors are directed to work through contract by OMV Group representatives.
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