A/L ICT Competency 10 Web Development

HTML , FORM Html tags, frame html tags, css tagsFull description...
Author:  Mohamed Irfan

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HTML , FORM Html tags, frame html tags, css tags

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What is Data, Forms of Data, What is Information, Characteristics of Information

What is ICT, Use of ICT, Sectors Benefited by ICT

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History Of Computers, Types of computers according to size, according to Technology, according to Purposes.

Input and Output Interfaces, Storage Interfaces, Motherboard Ports

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Von Neuman Architecture, Fetch execute life cycle, System BusesFull description

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Questions on History of Computer, Von Neumann Ahitecture and Fetch...execute life cycle..

Manual and Computer Based Data Processing, History Of Internet & www

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ICT Human Capital Development Framework, which the Computing Professional Bill (CPB2011) draft is largely based on. Version provided to me by Shaifubahrim can be accessed here: http://moourl.com/4cdzb

With the Knowledge of PHP, we can implement a Project for the purpose of online Examination, online shopping, Library Management system, Blood Bank Management system, Inventory Management system and Invoice Management.

Web applications are programs those are created in a language that supports browser like JavaScript, CSS and HTML and run on web browser.