Laboratorium Petrofisika Teknik Perminyakan ITB 2015Deskripsi lengkap
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Name: ______________________________ _______
Cape Physics Unit I
Lab Manual 2015-2016
Table of Content
Lab #
imple !armonic "otion
(ro)ectiles * incomplete+
Terminal elocit& *P&+
"oments * Tentatie+
4 *P&+
Latent !eat
1> *P&+
!eat Transfer
Aim/ Problem Statement To determine the oscillation of a chain of paper clips. To inesti$ate the oscillations of a pend%l%m and to determine the acceleration d%e to $rait&. To constr%ct a simple h&drometer and determine the densit& of a li,%id. esi!n a laboratory e"periment to in#esti!ate ho$ the terminal #elocity o% a parachute epens upon the loa $hich it carries an the iameter o% the canopy' To determine the o%n$s "od%l%s for the material of a meter r%le. To determine the mass of a meter r%le %sin$ the principle of moments. (ou are pro#ie $ith a laser pointer o% un)no$n $a#elen!th' Plan an esi!n an e"periment to etermine the $a#elen!th o% a laser pointer' To determine the speed of so%nd %sin$ resonance from the air col%mn in a $lass t%be semi8immersed in 9ater and t%nin$ fors To determine the speci
Lab #:
To determine the oscillation of a chain of paper clips.
Aim: Apparat%s:
2 paper clips ?n@ retort stand@ cor@ stop 9atch@ nail.
0ia$ram of Apparat%s:
"ethod: 1+ The apparat%s 9as set %p as sho9n aboe. 2+ Fo%r paper clips 9ere h%n$ from the nail. '+ The paper clips 9ere displaced at a small an$le and released. -+ The time taen for 1> oscillations 9as recorded and done t9ice. + teps 2 to - 9ere repeated for <e other al%es of ?n. 3+ A $raph of lo$ T s lo$ n 9as plotted. Table of 7es%lts: # of clips / n -
time1 (t1)/s
time2 (t2)/s
ta! / s
"eio$ (%) / s
lo! n
lo! %
Calc%lations: T
D cE
o%rces of rror:
B&o% m%st sho9 ho9 the e,%ation is p%t into & m
Lab #:
imple !armonic "otion
Aim: To inesti$ate the oscillations of a pend%l%m and to determine the acceleration d%e to $rait&. Apparat%s:
7etort stand@ pend%l%m bob@ strin$@ stop 9atch@ meter r%le@ cor.
0ia$ram of Apparat%s:
"ethod: 1+ The apparat%s 9as set %p as sho9n in the dia$ram aboe@ 9ith the total len$th bein$ 4>cm. 2+ A metal rod 9as placed hori=ontall& on the retort stand to act as a stop. '+ The al%e of ? $ 9as meas%red and recorded. -+ The pend%l%m 9as $entl& displaced and the time taen for ten*1>+ oscillations to be made 9as recorded. + teps - 9as repeated %sin$ the same len$th for ? $. 3+ teps '8 9ere repeated for si other al%es of ? $ in the ran$eG 2> cm H $ H 3> cm.
d T 9as plotted.
4+ A $raph of T s
Table of 7es%lts:
0isc%ssion: o%rces of rror:
̵ π 2 g
( ) D 2I d T
l g
d 81 T /ms
Lab #:
0ate: Topic: (ro)ectiles Aim: To inesti$ate pro)ectiles motion 9ith: a+ The
"ethod: Jnstr%ctions: -
Ko to Koo$le and t&pe in (hT sim%lations ph&sics. Clic on N5 J"8 (hT sim%lations8. "oe pointer to the left of pa$e and clic on ALL ims. Ko to letter " and clic on Projectile motion. Clic on do9nload if &o% 9ant applet on &o%r comp%ter or clic r%n to perform lab online.* &o% ma& hae to %pdate8aa
Lab #:
0ate: ... Topic: Terminal elocit& (roblem tatement: A parach%te fallin$ in air eent%all& moes 9ith a elocit& no9n as a terminal elocit&. A to& rocet contains a small parach%te 9hich is e)ected from the rocet a short time after la%nchin$. The desi$ner of the rocet 9ishes to no9 ho9 the terminal elocit& of the parach%te is aMected b& the diameter of the canop& and the load 9hich it carries 0esi$n a laborator& eperiment to inesti$ate ho9 the terminal elocit& of the parach%te depends %pon the load 9hich it carries and the diameter of the canop&. Jn &o%r acco%nt &o% sho%ld pa& partic%lar attention to the follo9in$: a. The method b& 9hich the diameter of the canop& and the terminal elocit& are to be meas%red. b. The control of ariables c. An& important preca%tions &o% 9o%ld tae 9hich ma& improe the acc%rac& of &o%r eperiment. Aim: ... !&pothesis: ... ariables: "anip%lated: ... Controlled: ... 7espondin$: ... Apparat%s: ... 0ia$ram of Apparat%s:
Table of 7es%lts: 7ont nee actual #alues in it 8ust the heain!s $hich sho$ $hich measurements $oul be ta)en9
pected Kraph: 78ust a labelle s)etch !raph paper not re:uire ; 2 !raphs neee %or each conition9
To determine the o%n$s "od%l%s for the material of a meter r%le.
Theor&: The theor& s%$$ests that the ertical displacement ? is related to the other parameter of a meter r%le thro%$h the follo9in$ e,%ation. 4 mg L
Eb d Apparat%s:
0ia$ram of apparat%s:
"ethod: 1+ ?b and ?d 9ere meas%red %sin$ the ernier caliper. 2+ 7%le A 9as clamped hori=ontall& 9ith the bench. '+ A distance ?L >.3m 9as meas%red bet9een the point of s%pport and the end of the r%le. -+ 7%le ? 9as set erticall& %sin$ a retort stand and clamp. + A ->>$ mass 9as attached $entl& to the hori=ontal r%le so that it did not ibrate@ and the
dePection@ ?@ of the hori=ontal r%ler 9as noted. 3+ teps ' Q 9ere repeated for al%es of ?L in the ran$e >.-m H L H >.4m. 4+ The al%es of ? and ?L 9ere tab%lated and a $raph of ? s ?L ' 9as plotted. Table of 7es%lts:
o%rces of rror:
Lab #: 0ate: Topic:
3 ... 5aes
(roblem tatement: (ou are pro#ie $ith a !reen laser pointer o% un)no$n
$a#elen!th' Plan an esi!n an e"periment to etermine the $a#elen!th o% a laser pointer' Aim: ... !&pothesis: ... ariables: "anip%lated: Controlled: 7espondin$:
Apparat%s: ''' 0ia$ram of Apparat%s: ...
"ethod: ... Table of 7es%lts: 7Sho$ columns o% in%ormation $hich is to be collecte9 pected $raph: 7s)etch neee9 Calc%lations: 7sample neee9 0ata Anal&sis: &e s'e to anse te folloin! *'estions+, 1. 5hat does the term monochromatic meanR 2. plain the ori$in of the frin$e patterns. '. plain the patterns obsered 9hen: a. 0istance bet9een do%ble slits is increased/decreased b. 0istance bet9een the slit and screen is increased/decreased c. The 9idth of the slits are increased/decreased d. 5hen the screen is tilted -S for9ard. -. 5hat 9ill happen to the frin$e spacin$ if a red and a iolet laser 9as %sed instead. Concl%sion: optional recommene $here possible9
Limitations: ...
Lab #:
*(endin$ 5J lab+
To determine the mass of a meter r%le %sin$ the principle of moments.
7=esearch the theory9
0ia$ram of Apparat%s:
"ethod: 1+ A meter r%le 9as placed on a nife ed$e %ntil it 9as balanced. 2+ The centre of $rait& 9as recorded. '+ A 1>>$ mass 9as placed on the meter r%le and the nife ed$e repositioned to allo9 the s&stem to become balanced once more. -+ al%es of ? and the correspondin$ ?& 9ere recorded. + teps '8- 9ere repeated for <e *+ other positions of the 1>>$ mass. 3+ A $raph of ?& s ? 9as plotted. Table of 7es%lts: /cm
Um _________
Calc%lations:&*1>> D m+ 1>> D = m
o%rces of rror:
Lab #: 0ate: Topic: Aim:
6 ... 7esonance *a+ To determine the speed of so%nd in air %sin$ a resonance t%be. *b+ To determine the diameter d of a resonance t%be. the speed of so%nd in air *c+ can be fo%nd %sin$ the form%la: c -f * l D >.'d+@ 9here f is the fre,%enc& of the t%nin$ for and d is the diameter of the t%be. A col%mn of air in a t%be@ closed at one end@ has a nat%ral fre,%enc& of ibration at a partic%lar len$th. Jf a ibratin$ t%nin$ for is placed oer the t%be and the len$th of the col%mn of air is altered@ it is possible to
0ia$ram of Apparat%s: 7esonance aa Applet sim%lation lab
"ethod: 1. (ress the Vtrie ForV b%tton. 2. Ad)%st the hei$ht of the inner t%be@ b& dra$$in$ 9ith the mo%se@ %ntil resonance occ%rs. o% 9ill reco$ni=e resonance *at 1/- 9aelen$th+ 9hen the 9ae pattern prod%ces a c%red shape. Jf &o% hae not fo%nd resonance before the for stops ibratin$ &o% can press Vtrie ForV a$ain. '. At resonance@ 9hen the for has stopped ibratin$@ press the VKet 7%lerV b%tton. 7ecord the distance *l+ from the top of the 9ater to the top of the t%be -. (ress VNe9 ForV. 7ecord the fre,%enc& f
. 7epeat steps 1 to ' %ntil &o% hae $ot a resonant len$th for each t%nin$ for. 3. (lot a $raph of fre,%enc&*f+ ers%s 1/La$.
Table of 7es%lts: Frequency(f)/hz
Average Length(Lavg)/m
Calc%lations: for calc%lations &o% m%st clearl& sho9 ho9 the e,%ation c -f * LD >.'d+ is rearran$ed into & m D c. ALL 9orin$ m%st be clearl& sho9n for the calc%lation of the speed of so%nd and the diameter of the resonance t%be. 0isc%ssion: "%st incl%de obserations made from eperiment *eplain obserations made+. o% m%st eplain 9hat 9o%ld be heard at the diMerent len$ths
(roblem tatement: Plastic cups , . an C contain 60! o% salt solution each
at i/erent concentrations' he solution in , is the least concentrate' esi!n an e"periment to test $hether speci3c heat capacity increases or ecreases $ith concentration' Aim: ...
!&pothesis: ...
ariables: "anip%lated: Controlled: 7espondin$:
Apparat%s: 3>$ of li,%ids A@ W C@ 1>>$ mass@ 9ater bath@ thermometer@ %nsen b%rner@ tripod stand@ 9ire $a%=e.