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5. Attempt to boot with original install media or from an external hard drive with compatible OS X installed. Verify the computer is able to successfully boot to the Finder.
6. Inspect if any memory error LED’s illuminated. Install 1 only known good compatible memory DIMM in memory slot#1. Verify computer boots without kernel panic or freeze.
7. Start with ‘Shift’ key to boot into safe mode. If computer still crashes during boot, place the hard drive into a good computer to access the Panic log. Check panic log to determine if an I/O interface has crashed, i.e. AirPort card, Bluetooth card, hard drive, optical drive etc
Computer boots without kernel panic or freeze using external drive. Corrupt OS installed or damaged internal boot drive. Run ASD/Disk Utility drive test and replace hard drive if test fails. Clean Install with compatible Mac OS X
Computer had kernel panic or freeze during boot. Go to step 5
Computer boots without kernel panic or freeze with only 1 DIMM installed. Re-install the customer memory (using optimized recommend congurations) until the at fault memory is identied. Use extra known good memory to identify the faulty memory module. Replace the faulty memory module.
Go to step 5
Kernel panic relates to I/O device crash. Go to step 7
Kernel panic is not relating to an I/O crash. Go to step 8
Mac Pro (Early 2009) Symptom Charts — Memory Issues/Kernel Panic and Freezes 39