2018 OnePwaa Social Studies Guide

A collaborative effort, the OnePwaa study guide aims to help you revise in the lead up to the global rounds. Packed full of information, you'll b...
Author:  OnePwaa

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A collaborative effort, the OnePwaa study guide aims to help you revise in the lead up to the global rounds. Packed full of information, you'll be ready for globals in no time!

A collaborative effort, the OnePwaa study guide aims to help you revise in the lead up to the global rounds. Packed full of information, you'll be ready for globals in no time!

A collaborative effort, the OnePwaa study guide aims to help you revise in the lead up to the global rounds. Packed full of information, you'll be ready for globals in no time!

Frantically preparing for the global rounds? Exciting news - the OnePwaa Study Guide is here to help! With concise notes to help you prepare for globals, you'll be ready in no time!

“1 week until globals… what to do, what to do.” We’ve got your back with the second study guide in the series: History!

“1 week until globals… what to do, what to do.” We’ve got your back with the second study guide in the series: History!

Frantically preparing for the global rounds? Exciting news - the OnePwaa Study Guide is here to help! With concise notes to help you prepare for globals, you'll be ready in no time!

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