2014 பிப்ரவரியில் ரிலீசாகி முதல் ஆயிரம் பிரதிகள் உடனே விற்றுப்போய் -ஓவர் கான்ஃபிடன்ஸுல ரீ ப்ரிண்ட் செய்து அடுத்த ஆயிரம் பிரதி விற்க ஒரு வருடம் 7 மாதங்கள் எடுத்துக்கொண்ட 4 நூல்களில் முதல் நூல…Full description
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TOSOH Bioscience AIA-360 Installation Protocol
12-CSS-030 Rev 8
AIA A IA-360 -360 Anal An aly y zer Installation nstallation Protocol roto col
Rev 8 May 2008
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TOSOH Bioscience AIA-360 Installation Protocol
12-CSS-030 Rev 8
Installation Documentation *** It is imperative that the following items are completed before running the analyzer. Upon delivery, there will be two boxes stacked as shown. The smaller box on top contains the manuals and power conditioner. The larger box contains the analyzer and accessory kit.
1. Remove the instrument from the box taking care not to damage the manifold or tubing connectors on the back of the unit. 2. Unpack the accessory kit. Check that no accessories are missing. The following accessories are needed to install the AIA-360:
Power cable
Substrate holder with screws and spacers
Bottle tray
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TOSOH Bioscience AIA-360 Installation Protocol
12-CSS-030 Rev 8
Diluent bottle 500 ml(DILUENT)
Wash solution bottle 1000 ml(WASH)
Waste fluid bottle 1000 ml(WASTE)
Diluent bottle cap
Wash solution bottle cap
Waste fluid bottle cap
Level sensor lead
Printer paper (thermal paper roll)
ABC Power conditioner
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TOSOH Bioscience AIA-360 Installation Protocol
12-CSS-030 Rev 8
3. Tape the smart media card to the back of the analyzer for safe keeping.
4. Remove and discard the following items from the plastic bag found in the AIA360 box: Japanese Operator’s Manual
Japanese QC Certificate
5. Remove the gray plastic stopper located at the back of the system. This stopper secures the probe during shipping and must be removed prior to installing the system. Remove the two screws and the wing nut that secures the probe. Carefully pull the gray stopper away from the unit.
Gray Plastic Stopper
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TOSOH Bioscience AIA-360 Installation Protocol
12-CSS-030 Rev 8
6. Replace the gray plastic stopper with the black metal plate to cover the hole.
Be sure to keep the gray plastic stopper should the system need to be returned to TOSOH. TOSOH Bioscience, Inc. will not be responsible for damages to the probe if the stopper is not in place when the analyzer is shipped back.
7. Remove the bracket which secures the carousel for transportation.
8. Attach the bracket to the back panel as shown.
This prevents the bracket from getting lost.
9. Remove the two outside covers of the instrument by removing the six screws for each cover. 10. Open the door to the carousel and remove the tape that holds the carousel in place during shipment.
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TOSOH Bioscience AIA-360 Installation Protocol
12-CSS-030 Rev 8
11. Inspect the rollers from the front and back to ensure the carousel has not slipped in shipment.
12. Call ISC (Dan Minard) or Tech Support immediately if there is a problem. Do not continue with installation.
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TOSOH Bioscience AIA-360 Installation Protocol
12-CSS-030 Rev 8
13. Inspect all tubing and connections from the back and both sides. Pay particular attention to the keypad ribbon cable.
Roller and carousel home sensor 14. Reattach the two outside covers.
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TOSOH Bioscience AIA-360 Installation Protocol
12-CSS-030 Rev 8
15. Install the substrate holder onto the back of the system as follows. Remove the screw circled in red.
16. Attach the two spacers with the two screws provided as shown.
17. Install freshly prepared substrate.
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TOSOH Bioscience AIA-360 Installation Protocol
12-CSS-030 Rev 8
18. Locate the tubes extending from the back of the system and connect the tubes to the port assembly as shown. The tubes are labeled diluent, wash, and waste and should be connected to their corresponding position on the assembly.
Diluent Wash
Diluent Wash Waste
19. Connect the bottle tray to the right side of the instrument. 20. Connect the tubes extending from the port assembly to their corresponding bottle caps as shown. Fill the bottles with diluent and wash solutions. Tighten the bottle caps and arrange as shown.
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TOSOH Bioscience AIA-360 Installation Protocol
12-CSS-030 Rev 8
21. Connect the level sensor cable to the back of the system as shown. Connect the color-coded caps to the correct bottles as shown. Green Yellow Red
22. Install the printer paper by lifting the printer cover and pulling the blue lever forward to release the paper clamp. Remove the core shaft and insert the printer paper as shown. Feed the paper through and push the blue lever back to lock the paper in place.
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TOSOH Bioscience AIA-360 Installation Protocol
12-CSS-030 Rev 8
23. After confirming that the power supply switch located on the left rear of the system is set to the OFF position, insert the power supply cable into the back of the AIA-360.
24. Connect the ABC power conditioner to a power source and connect the AIA-360 to the power conditioner. The power conditioner does not have an ON/OFF switch. A green light on the front of the power conditioner indicates that the conditioner is functioning.
25. Turn the power on. Press the INSTALLATION key on the keypad to access the INSTALLATION WIZARD. It is crit ical that this s tep be done before running the instrum ent. Press NEXT after each process on the screen has been successfully completed.
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TOSOH Bioscience AIA-360 Installation Protocol
12-CSS-030 Rev 8
26. When all steps of the Installation Wizard have been successfully completed, the physical installation of the analyzer is finished. Refer to 12-CSS-005, AIA-360 Installation and Customer Training, section 6.1 for verification of analyzer performance.
27. Refer to the AIA-360 Specification Adjustment Procedure document to change assay and system specifications.