QP Ref.: IP-OPS-066 Rev.:A1 Date.: Dec. -2014 Page.: 1 f 10
A!!A"H#$N! " % !YPI"AL JHA &OR#
JHA N.:'"1411(600)0
N.: J Ref P5ect P5ect N. ) 7 7 O8e N.: '"-1411(600
Aea :
J Lcat*,: Lcat*,: /2/(/4//6/ /2/(/4//6/ 3 #"R
Ha9a8+ Aea ";a++*
Z,e 1
J De+c*=t*, De+c*=t*, : cable laying, cable glanding and termination
Act*v*t? J Ste=+@
Pte,t*a; Ha9a8
7 =e>*t f> Unauthorized commencement of QP t e works may result in ta*,e8 exposing workers and or potential to harm or danger. •
R*+7 Rat*,g Befe #*t*gat* ,
3 X B !edium
0" 2o. 45161137888
Z,e 2
Pe>*t !?=e3 N.:
",t; #*t*gat*, #ea+e+
"uthorized #$% holder shall ensure obtaining and maintaining &alid work permit. $he worksite super&isor super&isor responsible for for this acti&ity has to check the ##' of his sta( to ensure that all re)uired items are a&ailable and properly used. *nform all workers regarding permit condition before work starts. %orksite super&isor shall conduct toolbox talks about nature of works and associated potential hazards and their essential precautionary precautionary measure. #age 1 of 10
Re+*8 a; R*+7 ) Rat*,g
1 X B +ow
Act*, Pat? ) Re>a7
'ngineer -uper&isor and -afety /cer
Pe-ta+7 *e<,g $he work force does not understand the t; ta;7+ a,8 pre task brie:ng +*te *,+=ect*, therefore does not understand the potential dangers and control measures to be implemented. -ome of the workers could be lacking ##' or using defecti&e ##' •
#*;*9at*, a,8 8e>*;*9at*,
#hysical in;ury from hea&y e)uipment, hea&y lifting, pinch point, slip, trips and fall hazards
3 X B !edium
'nsure that the pre task brie:ng is gi&en out in a language understood by the work force, ha&e it translated. "sk )uestion regarding the brie:ng to get feedback from the sta(, this ensures full comprehension. *ssue re)uired appropriate ##' and replace ##' that has signs of defect. ##' must include both hearing protection as well as dust inhalation protection. 3 X B Before transporting the loads to the site, !edium rest assure that the materials are secured and tight with nylon rope for the safe transporting. 'nsure that a dri&er is ha&ing knowledge to the hazard while transporting the materials. $he dri&er shall not ha&e dri&ing attitude while using the road.
1 X B +ow
'ngineer -uper&isor and -afety /cer
1 X B +ow
'ngineer -uper&isor and -afety /cer
$,+e a;; +ta *,v;ve8 *, tC*+ act*v*t? Ca+ tCe cect PP$ a,8
0" 2o. 45161137888
*ncorrect ##' gi&en out or failure to pro&ide re)uired ##' -ta(s are not
#age 2 of 10
1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer,
ade)uately briefed on the acti&ity, the risks or the emergency procedures leading to increased risk of incident *f sta( is not ade)uately briefed on the acti&ity, the risks and the emergency procedures leading to increased risk of incident.
Cave ece*ve tCe =e +tat *e<,g
!ave;;*,g *tCt ,ece++a? a,8 e++e,t*a; Dc>e,t+ !a,+=tat*, f ca;e 8>+ a,8 >ate*a; t tCe +*te
$ra/c accident, fatalities, serious personnel in;ury, property damage, unsecured materials on the truck, o&erloading
$he super&isor with the assistance of the safety o/cer shall gi&e a pre start brie:ng to all sta( in&ol&ed pointing out the ; ob steps and how they will be conducted
$echnician and elper
$he super&isor with the assistance of the -' o/cer shall gi&e $ool box talk brie:ng to all sta( in&ol&ed pointing out the ; ob steps and how they will be conducted $he sta( shall be briefed about the emergency procedure, so that they should know how to proceed further in case of any incident during this acti&ity. 'nsure dri&er has a proper document before tra&elling with the materials "pply the proper gate pass for the dri&er to enter in the 4lient premises to pre&ent any delay or any discrepancies while entering to the site. 'nsure dri&er has &alid dri&ing license, follow road regulations and courtesy 'nsure load material are properly fastened 4ompliance to the re)uirements of critical national infrastructure authority
'ngineer -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper
3 X B !edium
3 X B !edium
0" 2o. 45161137888
#age ( of 10
1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper 1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper
OEa8*,g f >ate*a;+ at tCe +*te +*,g Ceav? eF*=>e,t.
Aailure of lifting e)uipment and accessories that will cause of in;ury to the workers and property damage.
3 X B !edium
• •
"a;e =;;*,g C*;e tCe ca;e =;ace+ *, tCe ca;e 8>+
3 X B -erious in;ury by !edium falling cable drums or stud shaft *n;ury to hand due of wooden sharp or sharp nails
• •
• •
0" 2o. 45161137888
tired down and secured correct and safe to tra&el going to site 'nsure that the truck or e)uipment is not o&er to its capacity 'nsure that all lifting appliance and accessories ha&e a &alid 3rd party inspection certi:cate. "ll lifting operation shall be planned in prior to the operation. 'nsure that lifting accessories are well maintained and inspected prior to used. Use proper tag5lines to guide the hea&y loads. Use appropriate ##' 'nsure operator and lifting super&isor ha&e a &alid 3rd party certi:cate and appro&ed by #. Be sure that the cable stands are properly balanced ? surface le&el is &eri:ed by proper and good magnetic spirit le&el. #rohibit anyone posting nearby cable drums %ear appropriate cut resistant glo&es Be sure that the cable pulling person ha&e knowledge or train to pull the cable Use proper cable rollers 'xercise proper looping of cables if necessary 'nsure workers are aware of looping cables while pulling #age 4 of 10
1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper
1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper
$ake proper precaution to pull cable in duct. 3 X B Use appropriate mask or other re)uired !edium ##'. -pray with water to minimize blown materials Edust suppressionF -top work when the weather condition is not good. 3 X B Be sure that the ladders are i n proper !edium position and at least @8G parallel. %hile working on the 9nd rung, keep 3 points of contact on the ladder at all times. +adder should be proper tying by rope or properly hold by the workers with buddy system. Before use the ladders make sure it is in good condition. $ake a moment to check a ladder, not a fall. •
"a;e =;;*,g , 8+t? ca;e ta? aea
*nhalation of harmful dust and fumes and skin contact.
"a;e P;;*,g +*,g ;a88e+ >*;e +ca;8*,g a+ 7*,g =;atf>
Aalls from ladder or mobile sca(olding
• •
0" 2o. 45161137888
4heck the stiles, rungs, ri&ets and welding to make sure that the ladder is not liable to collapse or twist. 4heck the feet, make sure they are clean and not worn. $hey must be able to gi&e a good grip on the surface that is set up on. Be sure that they inspect by the )uali:ed sca(older inspector and green tag should be attached in the sca(olding itself. 'nsure that a worker has wearing fall body arrest system. 'nsure that a worker has a 188H tie o( the fall arrest system in a proper anchorage
#age of 10
1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper 1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper
to pre&ent fall from heights 4heck :rst the fall body arrest system and donIt used defecti&e fall body arrest.
Use your feet to turn not your waist
=eep weight close to the body
#a,a; Ha,8;*,g f ca;e
Back and shoulder in;uries due to twisting or lifting things too far from the body. -houlder in;uries occur due to lifting things abo&e the head or mo&ing things repeatedly. +ower back and shoulder strains due to twisting or o&er excursion while pulling or pushing things that are too hea&y or to stuck in place to mo&e easily. -training a muscle in the leg, back, or shoulder by being thrown o( balance. *n;uring knee ;oints by trying to reco&er your balance. $urning an ankle while reco&ering. -crapes and bruises
3 X B !edium
Use wheel borrow where a&ailable and it makes sense $hink through how you are going to lift
• •
Use your core muscles as much as practicable =eep your :ngers and toes out of the way to pre&ent in;uring them !aintain good footing and good gripping to pre&ent un5intended shifts or slips #ushing is preferable to pulling
*nspect the tra&el path or work area for
0" 2o. 45161137888
#age 6 of 10
1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper
from the fall as a result of a missed tripping hazard.
potential tripping hazards Jemo&e tripping hazards whene&er possible
!aintain a clean and uncluttered work area
"a;e g;a,8*,g
3 X B !edium
and tools in;ury Epinch pointF
3 X B !edium
• •
• •
0" 2o. 45161137888
#ay close attention to where you are walking, do not take anything for granted #ay extra attention when carrying bulky items %hen laying down tent Koors remo&e any potential tripping hazards 'nsure that the hand tools to be use is appropriate or exactly only to the size of cable gland. 'nsure that the person work for cable glanding is proper trained for the ;ob and competent. 'nsure to check &isually a hand tools prior to use. Use hand tools for their intended purpose. 'nsure to ha&e the correct tools before starting a task. 4lean the hand tools before and after use. #lace and keep hand tools in the correct container or rack.
1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper 1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper
ha&e been designed, if the ;ob re)uires a speci:c tool use that tool do not impro&ise. 3 X B $ake extra care and keep away from li&e !edium panel to a&oid tripping or shutdown the system. 'nsure the work site super&isor is properly monitoring the work task and barricading the area
1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper
-lips, trips and fall near the e)uipment
1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper
"a;e **,g te>*,at*,
-hort circuit on wiring connection that will cause of electrocution
0" 2o. 45161137888
#age G of 10
1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper
and, :nger, eye in;ury cause during wiring termination
3 X B !edium
Be alert to potential hazards before an accident happens. Use hand tools, do not use your "2< as the $+. %ear appropriate glo&es to gi&e ade)uate protection and glo&es should be appropriate to the ;obs, :t properly and comfortable. 'nsure to wear proper safety glass for the unwanted small particles during wiring termination 3 X B $ake extra care and keep away from li&e !edium panel to a&oid tripping or shutdown the system. 'nsure the work site super&isor is properly monitoring the work task and barricading the area
1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper
1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper
-lips, trips and fall near the e)uipment
0" 2o. 45161137888
#age / of 10
1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper
properly instructed to the working area. 16
"a;e 8e++*,g) "a;e !agg*,g
#ersons are possible for back pain
3 X B !edium
I, ca+e f e>ege,c?
4able tagging materials may cause hand in;ury
#ersonnel doesnIt know what they will do
3 X B !edium
3 X B !edium
#erson must wear proper hand glo&es. "nd obser&e suitable tools intended for the cable
"ll worksite super&isors must aware to the nearest assembly point area and 'mergency exit gates. Brief all personnel about the emergency e&acuation procedure. o to the nearest muster point area or 'mergency exit gates. 4all 'mergency 4ontrol Joom 66@17DDD and 66@1@DDD
#resence of 9s or any hazardous gas in the area
3 X B !edium
'nsure that all personnel are trained by 3 rd party 9s awareness training. "ll indi&idualsI personnel should ha&e portable 9s monitor. *f any suspicious gas smells, inform all personnel to check the wind direction and approach # plant operator to check atmospheric testing.
$rips, stumble or foot puncture
3 X B !edium
0" 2o. 45161137888
#lace e)uipment in orderly manner. =eep work location and access safe. =eep area clean daily ? weekly basis, •
#age 10 of 10
1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper 1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper 1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper
1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety /cer, $echnician and elper 1 X B 'ngineer +ow -uper&isor, -afety
remo&e debris and store material tidily safely.
!$A# #$#B$R AND $NDORS$#$N! P+*t*, S) Na>e S*te S=ev*+ 3 ) Ref N Safet? Oce I,8*cat
Na>e S*te S=ev*+ 3 Safet? Oce
P+*t*, ) Ref I,8*cat
JHA !ea> Lea8e AtC*9at*,:
Ref. I,8*cat:
JHA A==va; Pe>*t AtC*t? ) A++et H;8e@:
Ref. I,8*cat:
S) N
R*+7 A++e++>e,t #at* RA#@ 0" 2o. 45161137888
#age 11 of 10
/cer, $echnician and elper
I N " R $ A S I N ' S $ K $ R I ! Y
Pte, t*a; Seve* t?
Never heard of in industry
Occurred in industry
Occurred in QP
Occurrence several times in QP
Occurrence several times a year at this site
A++et 8a>age 3 +*,e++ ;++e+
$,v*,>e, ta; $ect
Re=tat* , I>=act
No Injury
No Damage
No Effect
No Impact
No Risk
Slight injury or health effects
Slight damage (<R!"#$$
%$Slight effect
Slight impact
&inor injury or health effects
&inordamage ('etween R !"#$$$ and !"$#$$
%$&inor effect
&inor impact
&ajor injuryor healtheffects
&oderate damage ('etween R !"$#$$$ and !" &illion%
&oderate Effect
&oderate impact
Single fatality orpermanent totaldisa'ility
&ajor damage ('etween R !" &illion and !" &illion%
&ajor effect
&ajor Impact
&ultiple fatalities
&assi*e damage (+ R !" &illion%
&assi*e Effect
&assi*e impact
0" 2o. 45161137888
#age 12 of 10