Qi-Gong and Kuji-In A Practical Guide to An Oriental Esoteric Experience
by François Lépine
F.Lepine Publishing http://www.kujiin.com © François François Lépine, Lépine, 2006 Revised and Augmented by Linda Wheeler
ISBN: ISBN: 0-9781 0-9781105 105-0-1 -0-1
I thank the Masters that have taught me this Sacred knowledge.
I pray that you may have a blessed experience as you practice the powerful techniques found in this book.
- François Lépine
Table Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Summarized Summarized Theory Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 .11 Orient Oriental al Energy Energy System Systems: s: Jin, Jin, Qi, Shen Shen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Jin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Qi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Shen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Chakras Chakras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 .17 Techniques Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 The Physical Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Breathing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Normal and Reversed Reversed Breathing Breathing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 .20 Radial Radial Qi Gathering method method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 .25 Feeling the Flow Flow of Qi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Qi-Gong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Small and Grand Grand Circulation Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 .33 Dance of the Dragon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 The Elixir of Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Of the Heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 The Mantra of Compassion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Implication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 Karma and Dharma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 .52 Lessons Lessons of the Mind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 Meditation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 The Green Dragon at the White Gate . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 Hands Hands of the Spirit Spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Basic Hand Mudras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 Elemental Mudras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 Kuji Goshin Ho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Kuji-In Techniques Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Kuji-In Additional Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 .97 Complete Complete Kuji-In Kuji-In Ritual Ritual Practices Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 .99 Kuji-In Philosophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102 Conclusion: Conclusion: No mind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113
Introduction The human body, body, despite the fact that we use it every ever y day of our live livess from from birth birth to deat death, h, is stil stilll the the center center of many many profo profound und myste mysterie riess. The myst mysteri eries es of the heart heart and and mind mind (whi (which ch seem seem to to defy the the ability ability of science science to dissect dissect and underst understand) and) are even even great greater er..
By comp compar aris ison on,, the the mys myste teri ries es of the the Spi Spiri ritt are are bey beyon ond d
the reach reaches es of our imag imagina inatio tion. n. For this this reason reason,, we begin begin our our spirspiritual work with the study and practices that use the human body as a tool. tool. Through Through our personal personal researc research, h, we will will find find many many spirispiritual secrets secrets are are hidden in in the working workingss of our physica physicall and tangitangible experience. We We could write an entire book for each chapter we have written here. here. However However,, we wish wish to concentrat concentratee on the practical practical aspects aspects of of each each of the the tec techn hniq ique uess we we wil willl be be sho showi wing ng you. you. Thus Thus, we will will summar summarize ize a great deal deal of informat information ion in but but a few few lines lines.. There There are also a few technical words that you may want to understand before before you start learning learning about this this mystical mystical art. These words words are esse essent ntia iall to to you yourr und under erst stan andi ding ng of of the the res restt of the the boo book, k, and and we we will repeat their names often to make their assimilation easier. These new terms ter ms are in bold below, below, followed by by an explanation of their meaning and use. Meridians: There are many circuits circuits of energy in the human body. body.
Most of of them start start or end at at an extremit extremityy such such as the fingers or or toes. toes. The Chinese Chinese refer refer to these energy energy circuits circuits as Meridians Meridians.. Both Qi-Gong and Kuji-In employ certain tools to stimulate and direct - 7 -
the energy emanating from these energy circuits in order to heal your body on the energetic and physical levels and to help you manifest your your desires. desires. The techniques you will will use to work work with ener energy gy inc inclu lude de::
brea breath thin ingg ex exerci ercise sess, visu visual aliz izat atio ions ns (cal (calle led d
mandalas), mandalas), chants/pr chants/prayer ayerss (called (called mantras) mantras) and hand hand positions positions (called (called mudras mudras). ). Qi-Gong Qi-Gong and and Kuji-I Kuji-In n use these mandalas mandalas,, mantra mantrass and mudra mudrass, along along with with specifi specificc exerci exercises ses,, to help help you connect with your Higher Higher Self. Self. This book book also also provides provides the conceptual context that will make it possible for you to successfully use these techniques. Mudra: A “mudra” is a hand gesture or a hand position that is
employed employed to bring bring into into effect effect the flow flow of energies energies that terminate terminate or start at the fingertips. Mantra: The energy of the body can also be stimulated through
soun sound. d. A “ma “mant ntra ra”” is a sou sound nd,, whic which h can can take take the the form form of of eith either er a short word word or a more complex complex prayer. prayer. A mantra will stimulate stimulate specific energy patterns within and around you. Mandala: Above all, the symbols and imageries in your mind
affect the flow flow and the manif manifestat estations ions of the energie energiess you you use. use. A “mandala” “mandala” is a symbol symbol or image image that that is visuali visualized zed in order order to to engage the mind in active participation with an energy work or a spiritual process. Mudra, Mudra, mantra mantra and mandala: mandala: these are three three simple simple tools tools that can can enhance enhance your entire entire spiritual spiritual experien experience. ce. These tools tools affect affect the energies energies in your physica physicall and spiritual spiritual body. body. When combined, combined, they can greatl greatlyy enhance enhance your your pers personal onal develo developmen pment. t. They can can - 8 -
prod produc ucee any any kind kind of of effe effect ct,, from from acc accel eler erat atin ingg the the heal healin ingg of the the body to aiding you in developing psychic psychic abilities. abilities. These tools are a part part of a sac sacre red d kno knowl wled edge ge cal calle led d QiQi-Go Gong ng,, whic which h mean meanss “working “working with energy” energy” or “energy “energy practice”. practice”. There is another art called “Kuji-In” that redefines your vision of the world world around you. you. Practicing its techniques techniques will slowly reveal reveal to you you a vision vision of of the univ universe erse that you could could not not have have anticipated anticipated before before you began, because because it allows allows your your limited limited human human mind mind to expa expand nd its its vision vision,, to perce perceiv ivee the Sourc Sourcee of All. All. This spiritual method will surely help you progress on your path to the the realiza realization tion of your full potential. potential. Here follows follows a Buddhist Buddhist contemplati contemplation on that I hope will will inspire inspire you about about the state of mind that the Kuji-In intends to develop in each practitioner. Buddha Buddha said: said: “I consid consider er the the position positionss of Kings and Rulers Rulers as tha thatt of dust dust mot motes es.. I obse observe rve tre treas asur ures es of gold gold and and gems gems as so many bricks bricks and pebbles. pebbles. I look upon the finest silken robes as tattered tattered rags rags.. I see myriad myriad worlds worlds of the univ universe erse as small small seeds seeds of of fruit, fruit, and the the greates greatestt lake lake in India India as as a drop drop of oil oil on my foot foot.. I perc percei eivve the the teac teachi hing ngss of the the wor world ld to be the the illusi illusion on of magici magicians ans.. I discern discern the high highest est conc concepeption tion of emanci emancipat pation ion as as a golden golden brocad brocadee in a dream dream,, and I view the holy path of the illuminated ones as flowers appear appearing ing in one’ one’s eyes eyes.. I see see medi meditat tation ion as a pilla pillarr of a mounta mountain, in, Nirvana Nirvana as a nigh nightma tmare re of dayti daytime me.. I look look upon upon the judgment judgment of right and and wrong as the the serpentine serpentine Dance of of a dragon, dragon, and the rise rise and and fall fall of beliefs beliefs as but traces left by the four seasons.” Above all, let the knowledge of this book be assimilated through experience rather than isolated intellectual analysis. analysis. Take the time to contemplate contemplate the the feeling each each technique technique evokes evokes for for you. Pay - 9 -
attention attention to your your body body,, your your heart and your your mind. mind. Eventual Eventually ly,, you will become aware of your Spirit. All of the technical words will be surrounded surrounded by practical practical instruction instructions, s, and this will will help your your mind mind make make the nece necessa ssary ry links links.. Trust your yoursel selff and have have a good good learning experience.
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Summarized Theory The Buddhist, Taoist and Hindu teachings contain the fundamental wisdom that can be found behind most Oriental practices. practices. All the teachin teachings gs of the mantra’ mantra’ss sounds sounds,, the mudras mudras gestures gestures and and the mandala’s mandala’s symbols come from these sources, sources, as well as from the many many applica applicatio tions ns of medita meditatio tion n those those teachin teachings gs utiliz utilize. e. Chines Chinesee medici medicine ne is also also a very very importa important nt sourc sourcee of knowle knowledge dge for for Qi-Gong practitioners. practitioners. The martial arts that were developed by the Shao-Lin monks use a mystical mystical secret secret science to control control the the energy in the body. body. This profound science is called Qi-Gong. Qi-Gong. Qi is energy in its manifested form, and Gong Gong is is the pract practica icall method method of applic applicati ation. on. Therefo Therefore re,, Qi-Gong Qi-Gong methods methods are the means means or techniqu techniques es of controllin controllingg the flow flow of energy energy ins insid idee you yourr body body.. Afte Afterr a whi while le,, with with a lot lot of prac prac-tice, tice, you can can also also experiment experiment with with the the manifesta manifestation tion of of Qi outside outside your body. The most popular form of Qi-Gong in North America and Europe Europe is Tai Qi Qi Chuan. Chuan. The art of Qi-Gong Qi-Gong existed existed long before the martial artists incorporated it in their fighting styles. Therefore, there are a lot of of Qi-Gong Qi-Gong practices practices that are are very easy on the body body. These Th ese practi pra ctices ces are not linked lin ked with any specif spe cific ic fighti fig hting ng technique techniques, s, and it is not necessary necessary to learn to fight to learn these techniques.
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Like many many esoteric esoteric philosophies philosophies,, the Buddhists Buddhists teach teach that, that, in order to attain spiritua spirituall illuminatio illumination, n, one must undertake undertake the necessary necessary exer exerci cise sess wit with h a since sincere re heart heart.. The secr secret etss of of heal healin ing, g, the the abi abili lity ty to see see beyond beyond ordi ordinary nary reali reality ty,, the gift gift of of commu communic nicati ation on from from mind to to mind, mind, these are all all aspects aspects of the Buddhi Buddhist’ st’ss magical magical syssystem. tem. Like Like every every grou group p of of Al Alch chem emis ists ts,, they they als also o see seekk to to exp expan and d thei theirr lif lifes espa pan n bey beyon ond d the the norma normall per perio iod. d. Yet non nonee of thes thesee abilities will manifest for you unless you begin with the proper attitude. The Qi-Gong techniques shown in the first lessons are the basic methods which will enhance your ability to experience spiritual energies energies.. After you hav havee achieve achieved d the abilit abilityy to sense sense energy energy,, we will concentrate on the practical aspects of the oriental esoteric scie scienc ncee of of Kuji Kuji-I -In. n. We enc encou oura rage ge you you to learn learn more more abou aboutt Chinese Chinese Medicine Medicine and the the channels channels of of energy in the body body.. It is also also very important for you to choose a meditation technique and to meditate meditate frequen frequently tly if you want want to to benefit benefit from from the enormous potential potential of of the methods methods explained explained in in this this manual. manual. For beginner beginners, s, a simple meditati meditation on technique technique is provided provided in this this book. As you learn more and as you diligently practice what you have learned, your experiences with Qi-Gong and Kuji-In will improve.
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Oriental Energy Systems: Jin, Qi, Shen In the last section we explained that energy takes shape in a broad rang rangee of mani manife fest stat atiions: ons: light ight,, mov movemen ementt, elec electr triicity city,, life ife... ... Thu Thus we find that energy will manifest in your body in many ways. ways. We have have clas classi sifi fied ed them them here here as thre threee typ types es of ener energy: gy: Jin, Jin, Qi and and Shen. These are the energies that flow in the physical physical body according to Tradit Traditional ional Chinese Chinese Medicine Medicine.. They take other other names in occidental occult philosophy philosophy, and we will speak about these other other terminologies elsewhere. Jin
The energy energ y that directly influences inf luences the physical plane is called Jin. It is the power power that is converted converted into physical physical movement; movement; it is heat energy, energy, and it is is the force force behind behind every every action. action. Jin can be convertconverted from Qi, Qi, which which is a more subtle subtle energy energy.. Many methods methods for for con verting Qi into into Jin involve involve compressing Qi until until it is dense enough to become available available on the physical physical plane, where it can manifest. Jin can produce heat, it can create create more intense intense electric currents currents in our nervous nervous system, system, it can heal our our body more more quickly quickly than Qi alone and it can augment physical physical strength. Jin is energy acting on gross matter. matter. It usually usually flows through the lower abdomen. You You will develop the Jin level of energy through the use of breathing breathing exercis exercises es and Qi-Gong Qi-Gong practice practicess. Jin will will be used in in many of of the physical physical practices practices you you will will be learning learning in in the next several several sections sections.. Jin assists assists us in in developing developing willpower willpower and self-c self-conf onfide idence nce.. Willpo Willpower wer and self self confid confidenc encee help help the the Jin Jin to to manifest physically. - 13 -
Qi is energy in its ethereal ethereal form. It is our life life force force.. It is bioelecbioelectricity tricity.. It is naturally naturally used used by by the body body for for all of our life life functions functions and it is used by the brain to to operate. Qi can move move from one place to another another before before it is converted converted to the activ activee form of Jin or to the elevated elevated form of energy known known as Shen. Shen. We wish wish to to develop develop and accumulate Qi because it is easy to use and because it offers us the widest range of applications. applicat ions. Breathing techniques enhance the mov movemen ementt of Qi in the the body body, as well well as as our abil ability ity to to make make effectiv effectivee use use of mental mental imagery imagery.. The more freely freely Qi can move move in and around your body body, the healthier you will will be, be, and the more more clearly clearly you will will be able to think. think. Qi can be stored inside the body battery for later use (more on this in other other chapte chapters) rs).. Qi can move move throug through h the the body body and, and, with with experience, experience, outside outside the body. body. It can be transferred transferred to someone someone else for healing healing purposes purposes,, or for the the exchan exchange ge of Qi to another another person. person. Great Chines Chinesee doctors doctors use it in in all sorts of medical medical techniques techniques.. Martial artists artists use it to augment augment their power power and speed. speed. It is also spel spelle led d Chi Chi in the the cas casee of of Ch Chii -Go -Gong ng,, or Ki. Ki. The Ch Chin ines esee and and Japanese characters are not alphabetical; they are pictograms, so their spelling in English varies.
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Shen is is the spiritual spiritual aspect of energy. energy. It is more volati volatile le and harder to feel. feel. It is alwa always ys present, present, but the the average average person person won won’’t even know it is there. It is the energy used in internal spiritual methods like prayer prayer and meditation meditation.. As we we develop develop Shen, Shen, we also also devel develop op our Spirit and elevate elevate our consciousness. consciousness. Little information about Shen is avai available lable to to the average average person. person. In fact, fact, a practition practitioner er only becomes becomes aware aware of its existence existence after after extended extended training training..
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Chakras We We will be very brief regarding the definition of the “Chakras”. The topic of Chakras is a subject too vast vast to cover in detail in in this book, but we will will give give you the basic basic information needed to use the different techniques shown here. The Chakras are the main energy centers found in the physical body. body. Each Chakra has specific primary functions you will will need to know. know. These will be described along with the techniques techniques that acti vate those functions. There are seven major Chakras. 1- Base Base Chakr Chakra: a: Locate Located d at the the base base of the spin spine; e; extend extendss from from the base base of of the pelvis pelvis at the front front of your your body body, to the coccyx coccyx at the back of of your body body.. The base Chakra Chakra thus thus covers covers the entire entire base base of your body. 2- Navel Navel Chakra: Located about one one inch below below your navel. 3- Solar Solar Plexus Plexus Chakra: Chakra: Located Located at the solar plexus, plexus, right under your sternum. 4- Heart Heart Chak Chakra: ra: Locate Located d direc directly tly in in the the middle middle of of the sternu sternum, m, in fron frontt of of your your heart. heart. 5- Throat Throat Chakra: Chakra: Located Located in the little little indentatio indentation n of bones at the the base base of of your your thr throa oat. t.
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6- Third Eye Eye Chakra: Located between between your eyebrows. eyebrows. 7- Cro Crown wn Chak Chakra: ra: found found at at the the top top of of your your head head,, with with the the cente centerr point point exac exactly tly on top top of of your your head head,, but spread spreading ing down down to to sursurround round part part of of your your head, head, around around the forehea forehead d and and the the back back of the skull. Another important Chakra is called the “Jade Gate”, and it is found found at the the back back of of the head head,, on the the pointy pointy bone bone at at the bac backk of the skull. Behi Behind nd the the Nav Navel Cha Chakr kra, a, in the the mid middl dlee of the the body body, insi inside de the the lowe lowerr abdo abdomen men,, is a plac placee whic which h is is call called ed the “Dan-t “Dan-tian ian”” in Chinese Chinese Medicine; Medicine; we will will refer refer to it in our our practices practices.. It is in the Dan-tian Dan-tian where where the energy energy of the body body is gathered gathered and stored stored for for later use. It is not necessary to remember all these Chakras right now. now. We will give you the information you need about the Chakras Chakras throughthroughout the book.
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Techniques Techniques As you start training, we encourage you to eat well and exercises regu regula larl rlyy to to kee keep p you yourr bod bodyy in in good good heal health th.. So Some me of the the techniques you will be learning are more demanding than others. Respect your your limits, limits, while always always trying to go beyond them safely. safely. Since some of these techniqu techniques es might raise raise your body temperat temperature ure aggressively aggressively,, we encourage encourage you you to to drink drink a lot lot of water water.. It is good to experim experiment ent with with all of the techniqu techniques es at least least once, until you disco discover ver which which ones you you prefer prefer.. Once you you decide decide what works best for you, feel free to spend more time on the practices you prefer prefer.. Follow ollow you you heart heart and and do not not doubt doubt yours yourself elf.. You should should use use at least one physi physical cal practi practice, ce, one heart heart practi practice, ce, one practice for the mind mind and one for the Spirit. The first subtle results will come quickly, quickly, then a longer period of time might pass before you see any any tangible tangible results results.. During During this plateau plateau period, period, your body body will be accumulating and increasing your energy level. Do not begin your training by focusing on the end-results you may eventually tually attain; attain; instead, instead, enjoy enjoy the immediate immediate benefits benefits that that these these exercise cisess provi provide de.. Befo Before re all all else, else, seek seek Love Love.. The pow power er asso associ ciat ated ed with these practices will come by itself. If you seek power, power, it will take much much more time for the effects to manifest, and they will not be as impressive.
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The Physical Body Breathing Normal and Reversed Breathing Normal Breathing: Br eathing:
Normal Breathing is very different from the automatic breathing cycle that keeps you alive when you are not thinking about breathing. ing. The reason reason is simple: simple: no one really really breathe breathess correctly correctly without without thinki thinking ng about about it. Most Most people people tak takee in only only 11 ml ml of oxygen oxygen per per minute, minute, far below below the minimum minimum oxygen oxygen your body body needs to be healthy. healthy. A Normal Breath is a healthy healthy breath. breath. An inhalation should fill your lungs almost completely without straining your your abdomen or diaphragm. The breath should naturally fill fill your your abdom abdomen, en, withou withoutt raisin raisingg your your upper upper torso torso.. A deep breath should not even make your your upper ribs move. move. Place your hand over over your heart, heart, where your your ribs connect connect to your your sternum, sternum, between your solar solar plexus and your throat. throat. Take a deep breath and feel feel to to see see if your your ribs ribs are are mov movin ingg. If they they do do, you you are are fill fillin ingg you yourr upper lungs too much, much, and not enough air air is getting to the bottom bottom of your your lung lungss. Althou Although gh it it is imposs impossibl iblee to keep keep your your rib cage totally immobile (which is not the objective) objective) it should move as little as possible without requiring too much effort. When you exhale, exhale, let your abdomen rest until the air doesn’t doesn’t come out natural naturally ly anymore, anymore, and then pull pull your your abdomen abdomen in slightl slightly y without force. It won’t won’t completely empty your lungs. If your ribs - 20 -
are moving inward inward or downward too much, much, it means you you had to lift them them upward upward when you inhaled, inhaled, or that you filled filled the upper upper part of your your lungs lungs too too muc much. h.
Breath in Abdomen out Upper chest normal
Breath out Abdomen normal Upper chest normal
When you breathe normally, normally, it is your abdomen that pushes out slightly slightly and pulls pulls in slightly, slightly, (as you inhale inhale and exhale). exhale). The breathing cycle should not require require excessive excessive force, but it should fill your lungs up up to 80% of of your maximum maximum capacity capacity.. To fill your your lungs lungs to 100% 100% of of thei theirr capa capaci city ty req requi uire ress effo effort, rt, and and it is not not nat natur ural al.. Breathing out with force and pulling in your abdomen slightly at the end end of of the brea breath th empti empties es your your lungs lungs to to 10% or 20% 20% of of their their capacity capacity.. Just Just as it is not healthy healthy to fill your lungs lungs to 100%, 100%, it is not healthy healthy to empty empty them comple completely; tely; to empty empty your lungs lungs totally totally requires requires the the applicati application on of more force force than than to bring bring them them to a natural state.
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To To learn this for yourself, try filling your lungs completely (without hurting hurting yourself), yourself), while keeping keeping your your rib cage as immobile immobile as possib possible le.. Then, Then, hold hold the the air in for for 10 seco seconds nds and and breat breathe he out out completely completely,, holding holding your your breath breath out out for for 10 seconds seconds.. Let all all your your muscles relax and allow your body to breathe without influencing it, while you think about the difference between between these two ways of breathing breathing.. Now, Now, take take in a Normal Normal Breath, Breath, filling filling your lungs down down to your your abdomen abdomen with only a slight slight effort. effort. Hold the the air in for for 3 seconds, seconds, and then let it out without without any other effort than a slight pullin pullingg inward inward of your your abdom abdomen en at the end of exhala exhalatio tion. n. This is what is meant by a “Normal Breath”. Normal Breathing will be used in all of the techniques that focus on the elevation of self self,, suc such as as med medit itat atio ion, n, ment mental al and and spi spiri ritu tual al trai traini ning ng.. The The Reversed Reversed Breath Breath is used used in physical physical developm development, ent, to open the channels channels of energy in your your body body and to enhance enhance your your ability ability to to manifest your Qi on the physical plane.
Reversed Breathing
To To clearly understand the principles of Reversed Reversed Breathing, you must must first practice practice accurate Normal Breathing Breathing.. It is important to keep your rib cage almost motionless while doing the Reversed Breath Breathing ing.. You should should also also unde underst rstand and the princi principle pless of of Jin, Jin, Qi and Shen in order for this practice to be effective. The Reversed Reversed Breathing cycle is used to concentrate or compress your Qi Qi in a way way that that will make it it denser, denser, compressing compressing it, it, so it can can become available available on the physical plane. plane. It is used used to produce Jin - 22 -
from from your your Qi. Qi. When you you compac compactt the the Qi, you will will feel feel heat. heat. This is the Jin. To To clarify this this for you, you, forget about the Normal Breathing method for for a momen momentt and let let you yours rsel elff brea breath thee insti instinc ncti tive vely ly.. Imag Imagin inee yourself yourself in a situat situation ion where where you you are are very very alert, perhaps perhaps needing needing to to defend yourself, yourself, thus requiring requiring that you are ready for immediate acti action on.. Whil Whilee clo closi sing ng your your fist fistss, take take in a qui quick ck,, deep deep brea breath th without thinking. thinking. Most people will notice that the abdomen automatically pulls in when you are breathing in, and it pushes out slightly when you you exhale. Experiment a bit bit with this breathing. breathing. When in Danger, the body automatically does a Reversed Breath, getting ready to pour energy into physical physical action. The quick breath mentioned above above was only meant as an example. example. For the Reversed Reversed Breath method, the breath should should be drawn drawn in as smoothly as the Normal Breath unless stated otherwise.
Breath in Abdomen pulled in Upper chest normal
Breath out Abdomen let out Upper chest normal - 23 -
When we are working with methods that focus on manifesting physical physical phenomena, phenomena, we will be doing Reversed Reversed Breathing Breathing.. The upper rib cage cage still doesn’t doesn’t move move,, and you should should still still breathe slow slowly ly and and com comfo forta rtabl blyy. As you you bre breat athe he in, in, cont contra ract ct you yourr abdome abdomen, n, pullin pullingg it it in in sligh slightly tly.. As you breath breathee out, out, releas releasee your your abdominal muscles muscles completely, completely, pushing out slightly at the end of the exhalati exhalation, on, without without force. force.
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Radial Qi Gathering method
Before you do do anything that utilizes utilizes Qi, you must must have have Qi reserves to work work with with.. Working orking with without out rese reserves rves of Qi will will deplet depletee your your own life life force, force, which which should should be avoi avoided ded at all all cost. cost. Gathering Gathering Qi is quite simple, simple, and you can do it just about anywhere and anytime as long as you aren’t aren’t doing something that requires concentration. For example, don’t don’t do this when when you’re you’re in a moving moving car. car. When you gather Qi, you and everyone everyone around around you will will get a little bit more prone to lose lose their concentra concentration. tion. For example, example, everyone everyone could get sleepy, sleepy, or hyper hyper,, or feel feel strange strange sensation sensationss in their body, body, especialespecially if they they are not not used used to feeli feeling ng Qi. Qi. Moreov Moreover er,, you you will will need to to be able to use your concentration for the visualizations that are necessa necessary ry to succes successfu sfully lly gather gather,, store, store, and move move Qi. The energy energy that you you envisio envision n is real real and it will follo follow w your your concentrat concentration. ion. As you visualize it traveling with your breath down to the area below your your nave navel,l, the Qi Qi will will be move moved d to your your DanDan-tia tian. n. When When you visualize compressing it in your Dan-tian, this too will actually occur. occur. You may may use the the pictures pictures as as a guide, guide, and you you will will find find it useful useful to think think of the energy energy you are movin movingg as a white white cloud cloud which flows like a stream wherever you direct it with your mind.
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Storing Qi in your Dan-tian
Place you you palms on your your Dan-tian, Dan-tian, which which is just just belo below w you yourr nav navel el (fig (fig.. 1). 1). Men Men should should have have their left palm inside inside,, touchtouching their their Dan-ti Dan-tian, an, with their right palm over their left. Women should have their right palm inside, with their left palm over thei theirr righ right. t. If you you are are sta stand ndin ing, g, bend bend you yourr knee kneess slig slight htlly. If you are sit sittin ting, try to keep your your spine straight straight,, and do not cross cross your legs. As you inhale, inh ale, visual vis ualize ize white whi te light lig ht coming from all all around around you, you, penetrating penetrating all all the the pore poress of your your skin skin,, flowi flowing ng into into your body and filling your inner Dan-tian.
Remember Remember that what you visualize visualize is actuall actuallyy occurring occurring.. As you you exhale exhale,, all of of this this white white energy energy is conde condense nsed d into into a concent concentrat rated ed ball ball of ligh lightt in in you yourr inn inner er DanDan-ttian, ian, in the the midd middlle of of your our body body just just below below the the level level of your your navel. navel. Gather Gather Qi Qi by breat breathin hing g normally, normally, deeply, deeply, and calmly calmly.. Take in Qi from all around around you and concentrate it in your inner Dan-tian.
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Active Gathering
Stand up up, take a few Normal Normal Breaths Breaths and relax. relax. Slightly Slightly bend your your knees and begin. As you breathe in, imagine a white light coming from above you, which enters through the top of your head rather like a white wind, descending in a continuous flow to your Dan-tian. Please refer refer to fig. fig. 2 below below.. You may may use use this this figur figuree as guide guide for for your your visualizations. visualizations. As you breathe out, the energy remains in your lowe lowerr abdome abdomen n and become becomess a ball ball of light. light. Take ake nine nine relax relaxed ed breaths, absorbing Qi (the (the white light) light) from the area above above your head. You may may find that that you you tighten tighten the muscles muscles of your abdomen abdomen and arms when when you try try this for the the first first time. time. That is a normal normal reflex. Practice Practice using using just your your will will to draw draw the energy energy down, while while keeping your muscles relaxed.
Fig.2 - 27 -
In the next exercise exercise,, you will will draw energy energy into both hands, hands, through through the the trunk trunk of of your your bod bodyy, and and down down int into o the the Dan Dan tian tian.. You wil willl inhale, inhale, and draw draw energy energy in through through both hands simu simultaneo ltaneously usly.. To do this, this, extend your arms out to your your sides sides,, with your your palms palms facfacing awa awayy from from you; you; absorb absorb the energy through through the the middle middle of your palms palms,, drawin drawingg the the energy energy thro through ugh your your arms, arms, the trunk trunk of of your your body, body, and down down into into your Dan-tian. Dan-tian. Repeat Repeat this sequence, sequence, (inhale (inhale and draw the energy down to the Dan-tian) Dan-tian) nine times. times. Relax your body and make this entire process as effortless as possible. Next you will repeat this process process with with both both of your your feet, feet, drawing drawing the the wind wind-l -lik ikee ener energy gy up into into the the sole soless of your your feet feet,, and and up
Fig.3 - 28 -
through through your your legs, legs, directing directing the the flow to to your Dan-tian. Dan-tian. When you you have have the energy centered centered in your your Dan-tian, Dan-tian, visualize visualize the the white white energy ball growing growing stronger stronger and stronger stronger with each of the nine nine breaths. Once you’ve you’ve taken taken nine nine breaths, breaths, while drawi drawing ng the energy energy into your your Dan-t Dan-tia ian n thr throu ough gh each each of the the 5 cente centers rs,, (fil (filli ling ng your your abdomen abdomen from from the area above above your your head, and from both of your hands and feet), you will proceed to draw draw energy through through all 5 centers at the same time, time, using all five entry points simultaneoussimultaneously, ly, and fillin fillingg your your Dan-ti Dan-tian an with with nine nine breath breathss of of energy energy.. (fig (fig. 3) Finish this exercise by placing your palms over your Dan-tian and taking taking a few Normal Breaths Breaths.. This will will help to store store the energy energy you have gathered.
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Feeli eeling ng the the Flow Flow of Qi
While your body is taking in oxygen and circulating circulating it, it is also natural naturally ly circulat circulating ing bioelect bioelectric ric energy energy.. This energy energy is used to manage bodily functions functions and and to sustain sustain life. The calmer and more more smoothly smoothly this energy flows, flows, the healthier healthier we are are and the more more clearly we we think. Our emotions emotions are influenced by by this bioelectri bioelectricc energy flow as well as by our hormones. In the same way that we have learned to draw energy into the Dan-tian by concentrating on our breathing and visualizing the bioelectric bioelectric energy as it follows follows our breath into our Solar Solar Plexus, Plexus, we can also concentrate on our breathing and direct the bioelectricity in other ways. ways. For example, example, we can make this energy energy flow through through our body simply simply by desiring desiring it to to do so. so. When we wish wish to lift an an arm, we don’t don’t need to know know how the the blood flows flows in the the veins veins and how the the neural neural energy stimulates stimulates the ADP of the muscle muscle fibers fibers to make them them contract… contract… all we we need to do is is “will it” it” and the arm lifts. lifts. A baby can can lift its its arm as well as a scientist. scientist. It only has has to desire desire to do so. In order order to cause cause this this to occur occur according according to your desires, desires, you simply need to imagine where the energy is and where you want it to go, and the Qi Qi will behav behavee accordingly accordingly,, following following the the motion of your mental image. With time and and practice, practice, you will will be able to feel this mov movement ement of Qi as if it was was a wind wind flowing flowing through through your body. body. Some people describe this as a feeling that water is flowing from the source source of the the Qi Qi to to wher wherev ever er they they direc directt it. it. The tradi traditi tiona onall name for the art of causing this energy energy to flow in accordance accordance with your your desires desires is Qi-Gon Qi-Gong, g, meaning meaning “the “the pract practice ice of Qi.” Qi.” - 30 -
Breathi Breathing ng will will enhan enhance ce the the move movement ment of Qi. Visuali Visualizat zation ion alone alone will also cause Qi to flow, flow, but not enough to make your practice truly effici efficient. ent. In order order for this this practi practice ce to be truly effect effectiv ive, e, you must breathe breathe properly, properly, mentally mentally visualizing visualizing the flow, flow, then you must must desire that the bioelectric energy move to the specified location. This is similar to wanting wanting to move move your arm; you desire it and it occur occurss, even even thou though gh the rest rest of your your body body rema remains ins moti motionl onless ess.. It is an isolat isolated ed action, action, affecti affecting ng only only that part part of you that that you you desire desire to move. move. Breathing Breathing normally is essential essential to the develop development ment of your energy energy channels and to the use of of Qi in its many applications applications.. When you breathe in, you are drawing drawing energy energ y into you, and when you breathe breathe out, out, that energy energy will flow to wherev wherever er you direct direct it. it. Clear Clear visuali visualizat zations ions,, proper proper breathi breathing ng and the proper proper use use of desire desire are crucial crucial to effecti effective ve move movement ment of the Qi. Qi. It is important that you follow the basic training process outlined here so you can correctly train your mind to visualize the good energy moving according according to your your desires desires.. We strongly strongly recommend recommend that you never imagine any chaotic or disordered energy moving through your your body, body, because it might might disturb disturb your regular regular bodily functions. A step by step approach approach is necessary to develop develop your mental ability to to control Qi Qi in your your body. body. As you acquire acquire the the necessary knowledge knowledge and experience experience in in the art of of directing directing this energy flow, flow, you will will be able able to feel the the effect of your training training and and understand understand the differ different ent appli applicati cations ons of Qi-Gong Qi-Gong more more quick quickly ly and more more completely.
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Technique for Learning to Sense Qi:
Once you’ve you’ve practiced the Gathering Qi method, your body has a little little more Qi than it normally normally does, does, and this this makes it easier easier for for you to feel the Qi. Qi. Never do any Qi exercises without without filling youryourself up with with Qi beforeh beforehand, and, otherwise otherwise you you could could use up up your your basic basic life-force or Bioelectric reserves and this can lead to undesirable side-effects, such as fatigue fatigue or illness. illness. Take Take a few natural breaths. Put your right palm over your left arm without touching it, maintaining at least a distance of one inch. You You will now use the Reversed Reversed Breathing technique. As you breathe breathe in and contract your your abdomen abdomen a bit, fill your your right hand hand with Qi by imagining imaginin g that your hand is filled with white light/ light/win wind. d. As you you breath breathee out, out, let your your abdo abdomen men rela relax, x, visual visualize ize the Qi emanating emanating from from your your right hand hand to the surface surface of your left left arm. Use your will/de will/desire sire as well well as your imaginati imagination on to achieve achieve this effect. effect. Move Move your right right hand over over the skin surface surface as you you begin to notice a light sensation emanating directly from your right hand. Qi can can tri trigger gger sen sensa sati tion onss of of heat, heat, cold cold,, a win windy dy sens sensat atio ion, n, a tic tickkling, or nothing nothing at all all when you you are first first trying trying this. this. After taking taking a few few brea breath thss, and and usin usingg your your pal palm m to ema emana nate te the the Qi, Qi, try to to emanate emanate Qi by by pointing pointing with with your your fingers fingers.. To do this this,, keep your your right arm arm straight straight and point point the fingers fingers of your left hand hand at your your right right arm, movin movingg your your left left hand hand ove overr the finge fingers rs of your your right right arm and up to the elbow, elbow, then very slowly back and forth forth while you continue Reversed Reversed Breathing and the visualization. Eventually, Eventually, you will feel the Qi flowing. - 32 -
Qi-Gong Small and Grand Circulation The following is a limited summary of the Small and Grand Circulatio Circulation. n. There is an enormous amount amount of knowledge knowledge avai available lable on this subject, subject, and we recommend recommend that that you learn learn more about about it after you learn these basic practices. There are two main passageways of Qi, one of which run down the midd middle le of the fron frontt of your your body body and the the other other up up the midd middle le of your your back. back. The channe channell in in fron frontt is is call called ed the “Concep “Conceptio tion n Vessel”, Vessel”, and the one in the back, along the spine, is called the “Governing Vessel”.
Small Circulation
We We will use the Reversed Reversed Breath for this technique, as you visualize white light flowing through through your vessels. vessels. Figure 4 will help you you understand understand the trajectory trajectory for this visualizat visualization. ion. Using the reverse reverse breathing, you will will inhale once once while you you perform steps #1 to #4, and then exhale at step 5. Take Take a few Normal Breaths and relax.
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Begin Begin your your inhala inhalatio tion, n, and visual visualize ize white Qi emanating from your inner DanDan-ti tian an.. As you you cont contra ract ct your your abdome abdomen, n, visual visualize ize the Qi movin moving g down into your Conception Vessel (#1) (#1).. The Qi Qi keeps keeps flo flowi wing ng gent gently ly down and under your groin as you contract your sexual organs and your perineum perineum (#2). (#2). The Qi flows back back into into the coccyx and up as you contract the chee cheeks ks of your your butt buttoc ocks ks.. (#3) (#3) Next Next you complete the inhalation as the Qi
moves into your spine at the level of your your inner inner Dan-ti Dan-tian an (#4) (#4).. As you you breathe ou out, letting go go of of your abdomen, abdomen, the Qi moves moves back back in your your inner Dan-tian (#5). Start with a few consecutive small circulations and try to feel the Qi flowing flowing.. It is recommended recommended that that you do nine complete complete loops loops at a time, time, and then then relax relax.. Perform erform thes thesee exerc exercise isess slo slowly wly and comfortably.
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Grand Circulation
Using figure 5 as your visualization guide, guide, comple complete te one inhala inhalatio tion n while while you perform perform steps steps #1 #1 to #5. #5. Exhal Exhalee naturally naturally,, without without visualiza visualization. tion. Take Take a few Normal Breaths and relax. As you begin your inhalation, contract your abdomen, abdomen, and visuali visualize ze white white Qi emanating from your inner Dan-tian and
Conception Vessel Vessel at (#1). The Qi keeps flowing flowing gently down and under your body as you contract your sexual organs and your perineum perineum (#2). (#2). The Qi flows flows back into into the coccyx coccyx and up up your back, back, as you contra contract ct the the chee cheeks ks of of your your buttoc buttocks ks (#3). (#3). Keepin Keeping g your your abdo abdomen men,, perine perineum, um, and buttoc buttocks ks contra contracte cted, d, visual visualize ize the Qi flowin flowingg up your your back back to the the top of of your your head head at (#4). (#4). Finish Finish your inhalation as the Qi starts moving back down your forehead and and nos nosee (#5 (#5). ). As you you bre breat athe he out, out, let let go of all all con contr trac acti tion onss, and the the Qi will will natura naturally lly move move back back down the front front of of your body body, throug through h the the Concept Conception ion Vessel, essel, and down down to to the the point point at #1 again. Perform Perform nine nine circula circulations tions at a time, time, then relax. relax. Always Always do these exercises slowly and comfortably.
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Danc Dancee of of the Dra Dragon gon The Qi-Gong Dragon Dance has many positive positive benefits, from healin healingg your your body body, to eleva elevatin tingg your your energy energy level. level. It is a bodil bodily y prayer calling for your your Divine Spirit to flow through your your body. body. It will activate circulation, develop balance, stimulate the endocrine system, system, improve improve your your biologi biological cal defensi defensive ve mechanism mechanisms, s, provoke provoke regeneration, regeneration, and much much more. more. As a pleasing side effect, it will help your body convert fat into useful useful energy. energy. It also also elevates elevates your your body tempera temperature ture a bit, bit, further contributing to weight loss. loss. By twisting your hips hips and moving your thighs, you will also reshape your body and develop flexibility. flexibility. You You might have to read the following paragraphs a few times to understand the next technique technique well enough to do it. You will move move your your joined joined hands hands in a “thre “threee circle circle trajec trajectory” tory” (figur (figuree 6), while while balancing your hips in the opposite direction. This will place your spine in in a balancing balancing S shape (figure (figure 7). Follow ollow numbers numbers #1 #1 through #8 along the path and memorize those steps. The circles cross at your your throat, throat, Solar Plexu Plexuss and perineum, perineum, then Solar Solar Plexus Plexus again and throat throat again, to complete complete the figure figure eight.
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When your hands are in the middle of your body, body, your hips are also in the the middle, middle, and you you look downwa downward rd a bit. When your your hands hands are to your right, right, your hips are to to your your left, left, and you you are are looking looking left. When your your hands hands are are to your your left, left, your hips are are to your your right right and you you are looking looking right. right. As you crouc crouch h down, down, you will will also also bend your legs until until you are half half crouched, crouched, with your hands at number number 5 on figure figure 6’s 6’s path. path. The top top circle circle of the path path will will be be completed completed more in in front front of you than than abov abovee your your head. head. The Dance is performed in two steps. The first step ste p is the active movement movement of the Dragon, Dragon, and the the second second step step is a contempl contemplativ ativee series series of of breath breathss, withou withoutt move movemen ments ts.. We provid providee photos photos belo below w to help you understand understand and execute execute the Dance. Go slowly at first, getting used to every movement before you do the entire Dance in a single fluid motion.
Step 1 Be at peace. peace. Visualize Visualize yourself yourself as young young and happy happy.
Step 2 Palms Palms togethe together, r, in front front of your your peri perine neum um..
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Step 3 Hands up to your chin.
Step 4 Hands Hands towards towards your your left, left, hips a little towards your right.
Step 5 Hands Hands in front, front, hips behind behind,, lower your head between your arms.
Step 6 Hands Hands to your your right, right, hips a little to your left.
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Step 7 Hands to your right, pointing pointing left, left, hips far to your your left. left. Start crouching.
Step 8 Hands pass your your throat, throat, then to to your your left; hips move move to your your right, right, spine in S shape.
Step 9 Hands pass your Solar Plexus, right hand inside, as you crouch lower.
Step 10 Hands move to your lower right, hips and knees move to your left, crouching more.
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Step 11 Hands Hands flat at your your perineu perineum, m, left hand inside, inside, right hand hand outside. outside.
Step 12 Hands move to your left, un-crouch a bit.
Step 13 Hands Hands pass your your solar plexus plexus,, and move to your right, hips move to your left.
Step 14 Hands pass your throat and move to your your left, hips move move to your your right as you straighten up.
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Step 15 Hands move up above your head and a bit to the front. Stand straight.
Stand 16 Stand Stand on on the the tips tips of your your toes toes by lifting your heels from the floor, floor, bend bend a bit forwa forward, rd, stay stay balanced a few seconds
Step 17 With your feet back on the ground, ground, form a triangle triangle with with your your index fingers fingers and and thumbs thumbs,, as you lower your hands.
Step 18 Hold your hands in the triangle in fron frontt of your your DanDan-tia tian. n.
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Breathe normally for 30 seconds.
Do the the entir entiree Dance Dance of of the Dragon Dragon once, once, and breath breathee normall normally y for 30 seconds seconds,, keeping keeping your hands hands in front front on your your Dan-tian. Dan-tian. Focus Focus on happiness and youth. youth. Keep your spine straight straight and smile a bit bit,, even even if you you ha have to to for force ce a fak fakee smi smile le.. The The Dan Dance ce of the the Dragon takes takes about one minute minute per repetition. repetition. Perform the repetitions titions in multiples multiples of three. three. Doing nine repetitions repetitions in the the mornmorning, nine at noon and and nine in in the evening, evening, will create create great changes changes in your physical body and your energy vessels. Once you become used used to the movements movements,, combine the breathing with the Dragon form. In all the movements where you raise you hand handss, inha inhale le.. As you you low lower er you yourr hand handss, exha exhale le.. The eff effect ectss of the the Dance will be greatly enhanced.
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The Eli Elixir xir of Li Life fe The theory and practice of the techniques of Life Extension are quite simple, but it takes a long time to achieve achieve the desired results. results. Then again, you have the rest of your life to reach your goals, so you can enjoy practicing the techniques as you extend your lifespan. Breath Breathee in Life Life in the the form form of white white light light,, throug through h the middl middlee of your your palm palmss, the the mid middl dlee of of the the bas basee of of your our fee feet, t, and and the the top top of of your your head. head. Each Each time time you inha inhale le,, breath breathee in Qi throu through gh your your 5 extremities, extremities, directing it towards towards your abdomen and concentrating it in your your inner Dan-tian Dan-tian.. Each Each time you breath breathee out, air is exhaled exhaled while all energy remains inside your body, body, but you should not really concentrate on this aspect for for this technique. technique. Let your exhalation remain natural and relaxed. Once you are able to visualize the Qi becoming concentrated into a powerf powerful ul ball ball (6 inches inches wide) inside inside your your abdomen, abdomen, relax, relax, and visualize the ball becoming increasingly dense. Imagine that it is increasingl increasinglyy tangible tangible,, real. It will will be conv converted erted into into an intense intense red pill pill of of bioelec bioelectri tricc energy energy that that you you can can even even feel feel physi physical cally ly,, so concentrated concentrated has it become. become. Continue Continue to build build up the red pill of life in your visualization. visualization. As your bodily fluids pass through your abdomen, abdomen, the red red pill of Life will will slowly slowly release release its serum serum into your bloodstrea bloodstream, m, which which will circulate circulate through through your your entire body, body, filling filling it with with the the clea clearr red red ligh lightt of of Life Life.. Vi Visu sual aliz izee the the red red pill pill of Life Life Energy continui continuing ng to become become a concentrat concentrated ed center center of living living red energy in your inner Dan-tian.
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This practice is only a part of what can be done to extend your life lifesp span an.. The The pra pract ctic icee of of pra praying ying,, than thanki king ng the the Spi Spiri rit, t, chant hantin ing g mantras, or engaging in whatever whatever practices you believe in to show gratitude and connection to your your Creator, Creator, will benefit you you as well. well. These practices will raise your your energy level and permit good circulation lation of of energy energy in your your body body. To extend extend your your lifesp lifespan, an, you you must must also expand expand your your consciousn consciousness ess.. Meditation Meditationss in which which you empty empty your mind of everything everything are are highly highly recommende recommended. d.
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Of the Heart The The Mant Mantra ra of Comp Compas assi sion on Befo Before re you you lea learn rn abou aboutt the the door doorwa ways ys of of pow power, er, you you need need to to develop develop the attitud attitudee required required to access access and use any type type of spirispiritual power. power. The way you see and define your life will also also determine the specific specific way way the powerful powerful energy energy of your Spirit Spirit will will manifest ifest throu through gh you. you. Havin Havingg a negative negative percep perceptio tion n of life life will defi defi-nitely have equally negative consequences for the way the essence of the spir spiritu itual al energ energies ies will will mani manifes festt throug through h you. you. With With proper proper training, training, you can manifest manifest only only the joyful joyful and happy events events you desire in your life. We We recommend that you begin your inner spiritual development by focusing focusing on on developin developingg compassi compassion, on, which which is one of the most powe powerfu rfull source sourcess of energy energy for the the manif manifest estati ation on of the Budd Buddha ha in your body and in your daily life.
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Om Mani Padme Hum
The mantra (prayer), Om Mani Padme Hum, said out loud or silently silently to oneself, oneself, invokes invokes the the powerful, powerful, benevolent benevolent attention attention and and blessi blessings ngs of of Chenre Chenrezig zig,, the Budd Buddhis histt embod embodime iment nt of compas compassio sion. n. It is said said that viewin viewingg the written written form form of the mantra mantra has potent potent effects, effects, acting acting as a talisma talisman. n.
It is also said said that that all the teachin teachings gs of the Buddha Buddha are containe contained d in this mantra: mantra: Om Mani Mani Padme Padme Hum, and that that it it cannot cannot really really be translated into a simple phrase or sentence. Chant it as often often as you wish, wish, and you will will develop develop compassio compassion n and attract compassion.
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Implication The concept of evolving quickly and easily is a common c ommon topic in this “New Age”. Many people wish wish to develop tremendous tremendous power power while taking little responsibility for the consequences of their use of that that powe powerr. They want want to to inve invest st very very little little time time and and energy energy,, while reaping huge rewards. rewards. It is possible for you to evolve evolve very quickly, quickly, but it is also also necessary that you develop develop personal responsibility before you you achieve achieve these gains. gains. This cannot be avoided. avoided.
Value Value and a Fair Exchange
It is important important to to demonstrate demonstrate your your appreciat appreciation ion of the value value in the sacred knowledge knowledge that you will acquire here. You must must learn how to cherish this knowledge and understand that you must not give it freely to someone who might then destroy or mutilate it. This occult knowledge is too important to be treated as anything other than your most precious possession. You must keep it for for yourself, and reveal it only when the seeker seeker before you has has shown signs signs of of unders understan tandin dingg and respect respect.. There There is a spirit spiritual ual cost cost to revealing revealing occult occult secrets secrets of great value value to someone someone before before they they have shown the mandatory respect. When a monk wanted to learn something something from his his Master, Master, he had to work work hard all day, day, and bring bring some food food with with him (to (to give give the Master). Master). Then, the Master Master would would see that there was was a balance in the exchange, exchange, and he would would reveal some esoteric esoteric knowle knowledge dge to the seeker seeker.. There must must not be any abuse in this this exchan exchange. ge. The exchan exchange ge must must be fair fair and balanced. balanced.
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You You must never destroy destroy your life to acquire occult knowledge, knowledge, but you surely surely will will not acquir acquiree any knowledge knowledge of great value value without without some some kind of of effort effort and sacr sacrifi ifice ce.. You You will develop great g reat power only when you feel within yourself that you value and cherish this sacred knowledge, and when you behave behave in ways ways that will will protect protect this knowledge knowledge.. We call this atti attitu tude de the the “Se “Sens nsee of of the the Sac Sacre red” d”.. This This “Se “Sens nsee of of the the Sac Sacre red” d” is a required required prerequisi prerequisite te to the achie achievem vement ent of of the greatest power power in any occult system.
Time and Willpower
You You will not develop any psychic powers by trying a method once for five minutes minutes.. You will not even attain anything by trying some technique technique for for an hour, hour, and then then immedia immediately tely quitt quitting ing because because of a lack lack of resu result ltss. To To develop great power, power, you must practice a minimum of five minu minute tess per per day day, every every day day of of the the wee week. k. Once Once a week week,, you you mus mustt practice practice for at least least one full hour hour.. Do something something everyday everyday,, even a simple simple salutation salutation to your your altar, altar, but do it. To To evolve evolve more quickly, quickly, you may practice the exercises twenty minutes minutes each each day. day. All of those who have have acted acted with with determination determination to make progress on their own spiritual path have achieved some transformatio transformation n and elevation elevation from within, within, with this kind of cons consis iste tent nt effo effort. rt. If noth nothin ingg hap happe pens ns insi inside de,, you you mig might ht not not be be infu infusi sing ng you yours rsel elff with with a “Sacr “Sacred ed”” atti attitu tude de,, with with res respe pect ct for for the the - 50 -
value of the knowledge you desire. Nonetheless, you should give yourself yourself time for for the result resultss to manifest manifest in you. you. Some very very uncompromising students, students, who are very committed to getting results, results, have used used these techniques techniques for thirty minutes minutes every day. day. After only a few few months months,, these devoted devoted student studentss are feeling feeling intens intensee flows flows of energy energy,, getting getting result resultss in their their pers persona onall life life,, and becoming becoming awar awaree of patterns patterns in their behavior behavior they had never never noticed noticed before. before. In addition addition to these practice practices, s, the most uncompr uncomproomising students studied esoteric knowledge, kept a sacred attitude, and took took care care of of their their bodie bodiess. Gath Gather er you yourr dete determi rmina nati tion on,, and and then then do do it. it. If you you prac practi tice ce onl only y five five minutes minutes per day, day, everyday everyday,, you will will get results. results.
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Karma and Dharma We We will not write an extensive extensive essay about Karma Kar ma and Dharma here, here, since since a lot lot of docume documenta ntatio tion n is ava availa ilable ble on on these these subje subjects cts elsewh elsewhere ere;; Instea Instead d of a long long diatr diatribe ibe,, we will will summar summarize ize the the main main concepts and give you a daily exercise to practice for your own personal growth. Karma is the the result result or cons consequ equence ence of of your your past past deeds deeds.. You get from life what you put into into it; you reap from from the field in in the fall what you you sowed sowed as seed in the the spring; you receive an eye for an an eye. eye. Every action you take will result in a reaction in the Universe Universe,, and that reaction will eventually rebound back to you (as Karmic justice). To perceive perceive your your life life on a spiritual spiritual level level,, you must must begin begin to understand that any action action you take, take, even those you took in a past life, life, will will reprod reproduce uce itself itself in your your life life toda todayy in the form of of a lesso lesson n that that may may includ includee a bit bit of suffer suffering ing.. These These lesson lessonss occur occur so so you you become more more conscious conscious of of the need for for compassion compassion in in your relarelationships. tionships. Karma Kar ma is therefore a tool to teach you whatever life-leslife-lessons will most most effectively effectively help you evolve. evolve. Suffering is not not necessary in life, life, but we we must must accept it when it occurs because because it is designed designed to to help help us us evolv evolve. e. While we must must be accepting accepting of whatever trials come to us; at the same time we must learn to free ourselves from negative Karma. Dharma is also a tool for learning and personal evolution. Assuming you did did not steal, murder or lie in another lifetime, lifetime, your Higher Higher Self Self may still still decide decide to experi experiment ment a bit, bit, perhaps perhaps in in order order to better understand life as a human being. being. To facilitate that understanding, standing, your Higher Higher Self Self may create create trials trials and event eventss in your your life, life, - 52 -
so that the desired desired learning learning can take take place. place. There is usually usually less suffer suffering ing in in the the lesson lessonss of Dharma Dharma than than in the lesson lessonss of Karma; sometimes there is no suffering at all. Even though you are seeking personal evolution, you may have suffered some some trial or injusti injustice ce that seems seems unbearable unbearable to you. you. When this is the the case you may wish wish to call upon upon the Great Great Justice Justice of the Unive Universe rse to manif manifest est itself itself in your your life life and the the lives lives of of those those directdirectly around you. We are not only only talking talking about invoking invoking simple simple human justice justice here, also we refer refer to calling on the the Divine Justice Justice that sets experiences experiences in place so that that our Karma will be resolved, resolved, in order order to to free free the the soul soul of of its burd burden. en. If you you beli believ evee you you hav havee sufsuffered fered injusti injustice ce at the hands hands of another another,, you can can call upon upon the the Great Justice Justice to set things right. Then, the Great Justice Justice will cause the occurrence of events events that will definitely definitely force force your your aggressor into a lesson, lesson, to help help him him relie relieve ve his soul soul of its Karmic burden burden.. On the the outsid outside, e, the “targe “target” t” will will probab probably ly seem seem to suffe suffer, r, and the the events events will appear appear to lead lead to the correction correction of the situation situation so that that you receive receive the justice you you feel you were denied. It might even even ruin his/he his/herr life life.. In truth, truth, these these event eventss are are set up in in a way way that that is design designed ed to reli reliev evee both both of you of the Karma Karma that that probab probably ly binds binds you together together,, and this this correction correction might even ruin your your own own life. life. If the (named) (named) aggressor is in the the right, right, and it is you you that is is in the wrong, then get ready to experience an unpleasant major lesson, while the smiling face of your innocent companion mocks you. High level levelss of compassion compassion and and forgiv forgiveness eness will will also also transmu transmute te your Karma so it is released without you having to face those difficult difficult experien experiences ces.. Developin Developingg an attitude attitude of loving loving compassion compassion - 53 -
will elevate elevate your your Karma until love dissolves your Karma Kar ma completely, ly, thereby thereby removing removing the necessity necessity for unpleasant unpleasant lessons lessons from your life. life. Compassion Compassion can can prevent prevent painful painful lessons lessons from occurring; occurring; then again it will also prevent the lesson from being received. Perhaps erhaps,, in that that event event,, the less lesson on was was not neces necessary sary for for you to to evolve, evolve, and the events you are experiencing may may have just just been the extra weight weight of your past Karma, from a time time when when you you were were less less virtuous than you are now. now. The key here is to find a balance between accepting the lessons of life on the one hand, and forgiving forgiving and developing developing compassion as a tool to reliev relievee the pain pain of your existence existence on the other other hand. hand. The practi practice ce of compas compassio sion n consist consistss of identi identifyi fying ng the lesso lessons ns in your your life by getting a perspective that is external to your normal point of view; view; it is as as if you you were were a Spiri Spiritt flyin flyingg abov abovee your your human human self self.. As you look down on the problems in your life, and the people you are having trouble trouble dealing with, you must must actively actively work work on forgiving forgiving the other other parties that that you have have been angry angry with, at the same same tim timee seek seekin ingg unde unders rsta tand ndin ingg of the the lesso lesson n itse itself lf,, and and its its meaning meaning in your your life. life. Breathe Breathe deeply and and do not not be afraid afraid of experiencing the emotions from from your past. Replay your your life in your your mind, and ask your your the Sprit Sprit to guide guide you through through the steps steps of your Karmic lessons and your Dharmic path. In time, time, you will will learn learn how to to call upon upon the the Great Justic Justicee to manifest manifest itself itself,, without without negativ negativee repercussio repercussions ns,, but don don’t ’t do this this technique technique until until you you are comfortable comfortable in your your heart, since it will will bring up old memories and it will manifest events that may cause you to to suffer, suffer, if you hav havee not first first devel developed oped enough enough compass compassion, ion, and the ability to see your life from a higher perspective. - 54 -
Les Lesso son ns of of the Mi Mind Meditation The Green Gr een Dragon at the White Gate
This meditation is based on breathing and visualization. You will breathe deeply and softly. softly. Sit down cross-legged on a pillow (or on a chair chair if you you can’ can’t cross cross your your legs legs). ). Do not not rest rest your your back back on anything. anything. Practice using your stomach stomach muscles to hold your your spine straight, straight, without without excessi excessive ve effort. effort. As you begin begin the deep breathin breathing g and maintain this this position, you will also use the Pran Mudra (hand (hand positi position) on),, explai explained ned in the basic basic hand hand mudr mudras as section section.. Please Please become familiar with it before beginning this meditation practi practice ce.. (Pran (Pran is a mudr mudra, a, Prana Prana is a form form of of energy energy.) .) Visualize drawing green energy up from the earth. Breathe as you visualize that emerald green energy energ y rising from the earth, entering your base Chakra Chakra and legs, legs, filling your body completely with green ligh light, t, all all the the way way up to to your your hea head. d. Vi Visu sual aliz izee the the green green ligh lightt surroun surroundin dingg you, you, floodin floodingg you from from the insi inside de of your your body and and extending extending to the area area surrounding surrounding you. you. Visualize Visualize this this for a few minutes. Now, Now, empty your mind. mind. Forget about about the the green light; light; just leave leave the light to do its work. work. Begin to visualize visualize drawing drawing white light down from the the Heaven Heavens, s, entering entering the the top of your head until until it fills fills your your entire body. body. Visualize this for a few minutes. minutes. - 55 -
There is a place called the “door of Prana”, at the bridge of your nose, nose, between between your your eyes. eyes. It is just just inside inside your your nasal nasal area, area, where you you initially feel air air flowing in when you inhale, in the area where where your nose nose joins joins your your eye eye bridge bridge.. Concent Concentrat ratee on the door door of Prana. Prana. Breathe, and feel the air slowly going back and forth in this area of your nose. nose. See your your body body filled filled with white light, light, and concent concentrate rate continuous continuously ly on the door of Prana. Prana. From From this this place place in your your nose the Pran Pranaa enters enters.. This is the the Univ Univers ersal al life life force, force, a form form of energy energy latent in in the air around around you. you. The Prana enters enters your your body as you you inhale, inhale, but it doesn’t doesn’t leave leave your your body when you exhale. exhale. Your body retain retainss this this life life force force and it it circula circulates tes free freely ly inside inside of you. you. When you exhale, exhale, only depleted depleted air is evacuat evacuated. ed. Visualize Visualize the the white light light shining shining brighter brighter and bright brighter er at the bridge bridge of your nose nose while while the white light/ Prana / life force is circulating throughout your your body. body. Continue this technique for five minutes. Empty Empty your your mind, mind, relax, relax, and be be at peace peace..
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Prana gives life. In scientific terms we recognize that Prana is actually the sub-atomic sub-atomic particles particles of energy which are are freely avai available lable in the the air around around us. us. As you you fill fill yours yourself elf with with this this Life Life Forc Force, e, you will will be be surprised at how much energy and vitality it will bring to you. you. With practice, as your body body learns to remain calm and relaxed while you practi practice, ce, you may may extend extend the period period of breath breathing ing in the white white light to ten minutes, minutes, and then to twenty minutes. minutes.
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Hand Handss of of The spr priit Basic Hand Mudras
A “mudra” is a hand gesture, just as a “mantra” is a sound and a “mandala” “mandala” is an image image or thought. thought. A mudra mudra is a particular particular positi position on of your hands hands that connects connects the the energy channels channels in your fingers fingers in certain ways ways,, in order to produce produce a precise and beneficia beneficiall effect. When the tips of specific fingers touch, this action activates energy relays relays which, which, in conj conjunc unctio tion n with with the the normal normal flow flow of energy energy through through your your straighte straightened ned fingers fingers,, produces produces specific specific desirab desirable le affects in your physical and energetic bodies. Some mudras are designed to stimulate their beneficial effects in your physical physical body, body, while others are designed to affect your spirispiritual bodies bodies. Effects Effects of the physi physical cal mudras mudras range from from rebuil rebuilding ding your bones bones and and cartilage, cartilage, to healing healing your your kidneys kidneys,, to clearing clearing your your mind, to helping helping you you to get up more more quickly quickly in the the morning morning. spiritual mudras mudras have have a broad range of elevating elevating effects effects that that can enhance enhance your your psychic psychic abiliti abilities es,, help you you forgiv forgive, e, reduce reduce anger, anger, raise your your ener energy gy lev level el,, etc etc. In fact fact,, ther theree are are hund hundre reds ds of diff differ eren entt mudras. mudras. From these you you may may create all the effects you could possibly wish for, for, but it is recommended that you you learn them one at a time.
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Pran Mudra
This mudra stimulates the base Chakra, the channels of energies in the the legs legs,, and the minor minor Chak Chakras ras in the the midd middle le of of the feet. feet. This This mudra mudra is called called “Mudra “Mudra of Life”. Life”. It eleva elevates tes the energy energy leve level,l, reduce reducess fatig fatigue ue,, and clears clears your your eyesig eyesight. ht. It will will enhanc enhancee your your determin determinati ation on and and self self trust. trust. It is also also used used in conju conjunct nction ion with with treatments for eye disorders. Straighten your index and middle middle fingers; fingers; place your thumb against your ring
formi rming a cir circle. Take dee p,
No r mal
Breath Breathss. Concent Concentrat ratee on your your base base Ch Chak akra ra and and the the sole soless of of both both feet feet.. To begi begin: n: Afte Afterr a minu minute te of brea breath thin ingg normal normally ly,, begi begin n Rev Reverse ersed d Brea Breath thin ingg and continue continue for sever several al cycles. cycles. Breathe Breathe in and tighten tighten your your abdomen, abdomen, sexual sexual organs, organs, perineum perineum and buttocks buttocks.. Hold your your breath in for five five second secondss and then then release release everyth everything ing,, except except the the mudra. mudra. Breath Breathee normally again and repeat this cycle for five minutes.
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Knowledge Mudra
This mudra mudra stimulates stimulates the ability ability to learn and teach. It is the mudra mudra of knowledge. knowledge. Using this mudra mudra makes makes it easier easier for both sides of your brain brain to link link new neurons neurons together, together, (thus (thus forming connecconnections that are the basis for inspiration and the ag gr gr e g a t i o n k n ow l e d g e ) .
ne w T h ese
neural connections also enable you to communicate information more easi easily ly,, and and mor moree eff effec ec-tively. tively. The Knowledge Mudra is also useful useful for acquiring acquiring knowlknowledge from from the the Heav Heavens ens,, for learnin learningg subc subcons onscio ciousl uslyy, and for allowing allowing your your Higher Higher Self Self to guide guide you. you. You will will notice notice that many many statues statues of Buddhist Buddhist Gods Gods are shown shown using using this this mudra. mudra. The Knowledge Mudra is performed with your palms pointing forward and your fingers pointing up. up. Touch your your thumb and index fingers fingers together together at the tips, tips, allowing allowing them them to form a gentle g entle curve. Breathe Breathe normally normally,, focusing focusing on the area area where where your your fingerfingertips touch. touch. Empty Empty your mind mind and be at peace. peace.
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Healing Mudra
The Healing Mudra is often used by the Buddha called Sange Menl Menla. a.
Sang Sangee Men Menla la brou brough ghtt the the scie scienc ncee of of heal healin ingg to to the the
Buddhists. Buddhists. It will help your body create a supportive supportive environment for healin healing, g, so the the medmedical and alternative solutions you employ have a bett better er chan chance ce of of workorking. ing. It is not meant meant to to be a replacement for medical solution solutions, s, it supports supports those therapies. therapies. The hand position for the Healing Mudra is the same as it is for the Knowledge Knowledge Mudra, Mudra, but your your fingers must must be pointing downdown wards. wards. Sit with with your your legs crossed, with your your left hand resting on the spot spot where where your your legs legs cros crosss, palms palms up up in front front of of your your Dan-t Dan-tian ian,, while your right hand is placed in the shape of the mudra, with your right right wrist wrist resting resting on your your right knee. knee. Breathe Breathe deeply and slowly slowly,, and meditate meditate..
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Opening Gate Mudra
This mudra is often used in those ceremonies used to open the Gates of the Temple Temple.. It is is the mudra mudra that that impro improves ves listening listening and communica communication. tion. It will treat treat any throat disorder disorder and this this mudra also helps you develop the ability to communicate at the physical and spiritual levels. The top photo shows how to place your hands when you do the mudra, but the lower photo shows more clearly that you
thumb inside the fingers of
yo u r r i g h t h a n d .
Touch Touch your right thumb and your left middle finger, finger, and notice notice the sea sea shel hell shape. Breat eathe, rela relax, x, feel feel the the
ener energy gy
flowing through your hands and your throat. Use the mantra “OM” softly to enhance the effect effectss of this this exerci exercise se..
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Food, Food, Air and Ener Energy gy Mudras Mudras
The Food, Air and Energy Mudras are utilized to improve the assimilati assimilation on of the food food and fuels you consume. consume. When the strain strain of assimilat assimilating ing the the food food you you eat eat is markedly markedly reduced, reduced, your health health will naturally be enhanced. Moreover, Moreover, your energy level will soar. This mudra mudra is designed to help you process food, absorb the nutrients from from that food, food, and then to to eliminate eliminate the waste waste products products more efficientl efficientlyy. The Food, Food, Air and Energy Mudras Mudras offer all of these benefits benefits,, and they will will also help help you to resolv resolvee digestive digestive problems. Assimilation Mudra
With the left hand, link your thumb, thumb, middle and ring fingers. This will link the circulation of energy with the assimilation/elimination process process of all your your bodies bodies (physical (physical and spirit spiritual) ual).. With your right right hand, hand, link link your your thum thumb b, index index and and middl middlee finger finger,, which which will will enhance the assimilation process at all levels. Breathe for two to five minu minute tess, keepin eepingg you yourr hands in this position. Relax and empty your mind.
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Elimination Mudra
Keep your left hand in the same position as the previous mudra, so you stay stay in touch touch with with the flow flow of energy from the the assimilati assimilation on process just established. It is only necessary to change your right hand posi positi tion on,, link linkin ingg you yourr thum thumb b, ring ring and and lit littl tlee finge fingers rs,, whil whilee keepin eeping g the index and middle finger ger
st straight.
T h is
mudra will enhance your ability to eliminate eliminate waste and toxins, toxins, help to heal digestive digestive illnesses, es, and is is especially especially beneficial beneficial for intest intestinal inal upsets upsets.. Breathe Breathe for a few minutes minutes with your your hands in this position. Concentrate on the flow of the energy energy,, relaxing relaxing your your mind and body body complet completely ely..
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Elemental Mudras
The Elemental Mudras are a good way to tap into the elemental forc forces es of of whic which h every everyth thin ingg in natu nature re is is comp compri rise sed. d. Each Each of the the Elemental Mudras encourages your energetic body to channel the fiv five types types of prim primal al ener energy: gy: Sp Spir irit it (Voi (Void) d),, earth earth,, air air, fire fire and and wate waterr. When you channel these elemental forces properly, properly, you can heal yourself yourself more effecti effectively vely and and you can learn learn to direct direct these forces forces to manifest manifest your your desires desires.. These mudras mudras should should be be used before before any type type of of exerci exercise se that that mak makee use use of the primal primal Elemen Elements ts.. They may may also be used alone, alone, for the simple benefits they bring as as we reconnect to the primary primary,, elemen elemental tal forces forces of the unive universe rse.. . Each finger finger of the hand is is associated associated with with a specific specific element. element. The thumb is associated with the most abstract element, which is the Void or Spirit Spirit.. The Void is not a form form of of emptin emptiness ess;; rather rather,, it is an absolutely infinite Primal Element that cannot be defined in normal human human terms. terms. Thus, Thus, it is percei perceived ved as a Void, Void, from our our limlimited ited human human perspe perspecti ctive ve.. Using Using the the mudra mudra of of the Void Void is is a good way to attain peace of mind and creativity. creativity. The Void will connect you with the spiritual world and bring its light and wisdom into your life. life. The Void Void will will also help you you attain attain the state of of «no mind» mind» for which there is no simple explanation: experience must serve as the teacher in this regard. The index finger is associated with the Air Element. Air is swift and conveys conveys knowl knowledge edge to us in its its flowing flowing streams streams.. The Air Element enhances mental acuity and general intelligence.
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The middle finger is associated with the Fire Element. Fire is a powerful element, which has penetrating and transmuting properties. ties. The Fire Element Element enhances enhances power power and courage. courage. The ring finger is associated with the Water Element. Water is associated associated with the characteri characteristics stics of emotion, emotion, motion motion and and sensisensibility. bility. The Water Water Element also helps helps us to develop develop flexibility and good circulation. The little finger is associated with the Earth Element. The Earth Element Element bring bringss stabili stability ty and and strengt strength. h. Its natur naturee is to be groun grounde ded, d, stab stable le,, and and soli solidl dlyy in conta contact ct.. There Therefo fore re it it inc incre reas ases es these characteristics in you. Each Each of these these mudr mudras as natur naturall allyy uses uses all of of your your fingers fingers toget together her.. Howe Howeve ver, r, the overa overallll shape shape of the hand hand in in each each of the mudra mudrass is is used to emphasize on the element associated with that finger. These mudras also connect the energy channels (Meridians) in ways that create the desired effect. Take note that the Chakras do not necessarily correspond to the associated element in every technique nique,, but they they do in in this this parti particul cular ar appl applica icatio tion. n. The conc concepts epts exposed by this particular exercise should be contemplated during the prac practic tice. e. Form your your hands hands into into the the shape shape of the mudr mudra, a, and as as you breathe, breathe, visualize the colors and focus on the related Chakra.
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Chi – Earth
Place your your hands as shown above above,, with your your fingers intertwined intertwined and the tips tips of your your thum thumbs bs touc touchin hingg. This This repres represent entss the the low low gravitation gravitational al center center and stability stability of the Earth Earth Element Element.. The photo photo on the left left represents represents the best best way way to do it, with palms palms facing facing down. down. The photo on on the right right is only to show show you you the proper proper finger position, position, with the thumbs thumbs touching touching. As you perform this mudra, you may focus on your base Chakra, which is at the base of your spine. spine. Feel yourself become one with all things things that that are solid. solid. Feel yoursel yourselff become become part part of of the very earth beneath beneath you. you. Imagine Imagine your your body body as as an almost almost inflexib inflexible le rock. rock. Be awar awaree of of your your phys physic ical al body body,, its its sol solid idit ityy and and the the rea reali lity ty of it. it. Visualize Visualize the colors brown and aquamarine aquamarine (pale green) every where. where. Breathe Breathe a bit faster than normal. Say the mantra mantra “Chi” a few few times times,, aloud aloud or mental mentally ly.. Feel the the emotion emotion of of enduring enduring stabi stabilit lityy.
- 67 -
SUI - Water
Place your your hands hands as above, above, with all of of your fingers hanging hanging down down in front front of of your belly, belly, representing representing free flowing flowing water water.. Concentrate on your lower abdomen where you might feel the energy swirling and gurgling like water in your Dan-tian. Concen Concentra trate te on your your Nave Navell Chakra Chakra.. Begin Begin to feel feel your yoursel selff flow flow with nature. Allow your body to move a bit. Water is the element of emotio emotion, n, fluidit fluidityy and flexi flexibil bility ity.. Visual Visualize ize eve everythi rything ng bathe bathed d in the color blue. blue. Breathe Breathe normally and repeat the mantra mantra “SUI”.
- 68 -
Ka - Fire
Touch Touch the tips of your middle fingers together together. The thumbs thumbs are are poin pointi ting ng up up, to repr repres esen entt the the force of Fire rising. Start the mudra with your hands in front of your your sola solarr plex plexus us and, and, afte afterr a while, lift your hands up gently unti untill they they are are in in fron frontt of your your Heart area. You You should begin by focusing on your solar plexus, plexus, then on your Heart Chakra. Chakra. You may feel feel your body body being comfortably comfortably conconsume sumed d in a risi rising ng tid tidee of great great warmt warmth. h. Vi Visu sual aliz izee everyt everythi hing ng arou around nd you you in in the the colo colorr of of red red flam flames es,, with with stre stream amss of of green green flowin flowingg throug through h them. them. Focus ocus on being being courage courageous ous.. While While your your hands are in in front front of your solar plexus, plexus, breathe breathe a little little bit faster faster than normal, normal, and say say the mantra mantra “Ka”. “Ka”. As you you raise raise your your hands hands in front front of your your Heart, Heart, slow slow your your breathi breathing ng down down and and feel your yoursel self f becoming becoming more internal; internal; softly softly chant the mantra mantra (Ka). Being courageous has nothing to do with living without fear; courage is acting without paying attention to your present fears. When you are angry angr y, do the Ka mudra to temper your anger ang er and to dev devel elop op mor moree comp compas assi sion on.. The The appe appeas asin ingg ener energi gies es of of this this mudra will help you to moderate your anger and ease your tensions sions.. Hold Hold the mudr mudraa longest longest in in front front of your your Heart. Heart.
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Fu - Wind
Hold your your index fingers fingers so they touch your your thumbs thumbs,, tip to tip, tip, forming two small circles. circles. The middle fingers should be touching touching and the the rest rest of your your finge fingers rs shoul should d also also be exten extended ded.. Place Place your your hands hands (in (in mudr mudraa posit position ion)) in front front of of you, you, anywhe anywhere re that that feels feels comfortable comfortable.. The completed completed energy energy circuit is formed with with your your arms, arms, with with your your thro throat at Chak Chakra ra at the top of of the circui circuitt and the mudra mudra at at the botto bottom m of the circu circuit. it. Focus on on your your throat throat Chakra. Chakra. Feel free, free, subtle subtle and untouc untouchable hable.. Nothing Nothing can stop you, you, and nothing nothing can disable disable you. You should should visualize everything around you radiating bright yellow energy, with purple waves waves and gentle clouds surrounding you. Let your mind connect connect to the the source source of all knowledge knowledge.. You won won’t ’t really feel feel any effect effect until a sufficien sufficientt period period of training training has has passed, passed, but you you will train your mind mind by contemplating these concepts. Allow peace to flood throughout throughout your your entire entire being. being. Breathe Breathe normally and say the mantra “Fu”.
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Ku - Void
The left palm is held face up, up, and the right hand is turned so that the palm palm is towar towards ds you. you. Your thumbs thumbs shoul should d be extended. extended. You should should slide your your hands together, together, so your hands hands intersect, intersect, with two two fingers on either either side of the intersectio intersection. n. The photo photo on the the left left is is the proper way to do the mudra, mudra, with palms facing up and towards towards you. The photo on the right right shows the the hands slightly slightly rotated rotated to show you how the hands intersect. The left hand draws energy energ y from above, and the right hand gives that energy energy to your body. body. This mudra mudra allows allows these energies energies to intertwine in a single confluence. Your Your focus here should be on your Third Eye and your Crown Chak Ch akra ra.. Vi Visu sual aliz izee you yours rsel elff at the the cent center er of the the Voi Void, d, at its its very very cent center er.. See See you yours rsel elff in all all thin things gs,, and and visu visual aliz izee every everyth thin ingg in in exis existe tenc ncee as as part part of you. you. With With this this thou though ght, t, everyt everythi hing ng exte externa rnall and internal to you is one with you. Breathe as slowly slowly as possible without straining. straining. Say the mantra “Ku”, once or several times, then empty empty your your mind mind.. With With every every inha inhalat lation ion,, hold hold your your breath breath in for a few few seconds seconds,, and with with every every exhalation, exhalation, hold it it out for for a few seconds. - 71 -
Experienci Experiencing ng the Void Void is an essential essential part of the Elemental Elemental Mudra Mudra practice. practice. The Void Void connects connects the other other four element elementss with the Universe Universe.. Contemplat Contemplatee this this truth: truth: “I am everything everything and and nothing nothing.. I am everywhere everywhere and nowhe nowhere. re. I am one with with the univer universe. se. I AM.” AM.”
- 72 -
Kuji Goshin Ho Whatever the technique, it is always better to receive a sacred initiation in person from a competent Master, Master, than to simply simply read a tec techniq hnique ue from from a book book.. None Noneth thel eles esss, in the the abse absenc ncee of a competent Master, Master, a competently written book may offer you the only resource resource avai available lable for for you to to receive receive any kind of initiatio initiation n whatsoever. whatsoever. The techniques presented in this book are not the equival equivalent ent (nor can can they take take the place of) of) the kind of of mastery mastery of the all-inclusi all-inclusive ve techniqu techniques es achievable achievable after after years of training training with a Mast Master er;; Howe Howeve verr, this this boo bookk is a very very good good pla place ce to to start start if if you you sincerely desire to climb the staircase
that leads to spiritual
discovery discovery.. The process process of learning these technique techniquess can efficientefficiently help you to start climbing that ladder within only a few weeks of daily practice, practice, but you you should should never never think think you you have have found the truth until you reach actual illumination. If you want want to have have the best best chance chance at attainin attainingg the results results you you desire, desire, you must must develop develop an an attitude attitude of respect respect and reverence reverence for the the sac sacre red d nat natur uree of of the the Di Divine vine world orld..
This This rev reveren erentt att attit itud udee
must be your first first priority when you begin to study study,, learn and practice the technique techniquess of Kuji-In, Kuji-In, the first first step in in learning learning from this book book.. If you you wan wantt rea reall resu result ltss fro from m you yourr stu studi dies es here, here, you you mus mustt begin with the proper proper context. context. Arrange your environm environment ent so that it is peaceful. peaceful. Make Make sure you will will not be interrupted interrupted during during your training training sessio session n for any reason. reason. (For (For example example,, unplug unplug your your phone, phone, make sure there are no visitors, visitors, and that nothing nothing will interr interrupt upt you in any any way) way) You must must assure assure yourse yourself lf that your your environ environment ment is - 73 -
invi inviol olat ate. e. A sac sacre red d spa space ce requ requir ires es quie quiet. t. You cann cannot ot achi achiev evee success when you are harried and your outer world is in chaos. This is your consecrated Holy Holy place; that place where you connect connect with your own Divine Light or Self. Treat it as hallowed ground. g round. Do not even play music in the background unless it is necessary to shut out noise from the outside world. “Kuji Goshin Ho” is the expression we use to refer to the protectiv tive aspec aspects ts of of this this sac sacre red d prac practi tice ce.. In fact fact,, thes thesee prac practi tice cess and and techniques techniques are the the rungs of the ladder ladder you you are are climbing climbing.. With each step up the ladder ladder,, you will will add add a level level of protection protection to your your daily daily life. You do not have to consciously think about achieving these increa increasin singg levels levels of of protec protectio tion, n, they they will will occur occur automa automatic ticall allyy as you perform perform the energy energy tech techniq niques ues.. As your your bodily bodily energet energetic ic systems develop, develop, many events will occur in ways ways you did not plan, so powerful are the influences these techniques have on your immediate environment. environment. The Kuji-In techniques will change change your life. life. If you you practi practice ce a lot, lot, the effe effect ct will will be dras drastic tic and and could could caus causee minor minor,, but tempor temporary ary dise disease ase manife manifesta statio tions ns.. Take ake care care of youryourself; you must must act responsibly responsibly with your your newly acquired acquired abilities. abilities. Warning! Warning! If you use Kuji-In to harm anyone else, even if they seem deserving to you, it will not matter what negative emotion is dri driving ving your your inte intent ntio ion, n, (ang (anger er,, hatr hatred ed,, jeal jealou ousy sy,, avaric arice… e…). ). If you you push forward in your Kuji-In Kuji-In practice, while harboring ANY such intentions and emotions, emotions, the result will be an extremely quick quick resolution olution of the karmic karmic weight weight attached attached to the event event in questio question. n. This means that you might turn your own life into a living hell. These are the inevitable consequences if you pray to the Sprit to punish someone, or to bring money to you without even even working working - 74 -
for it, or you pray pray that someone is manipulated manipulated into falling in love with you. You are totally responsible for the consequences of everything everything that that you you experimen experimentt with. with. You will will have have all the the tools tools necessary to make your life life into whatever whatever you want want it to be. be. There is never any need to act from negative or manipulative emotions. Therefore, in EVERY EVERY situation, act with virtue. vir tue. Practicing Kuji-In as it is presented here will support and enhance every other other action you you take take in life. life. Your psychic psychic powers powers will will evolve evolve,, and you you will will achiev achievee an expanded expanded perceptio perception n of the world. world. As you practice these techniques, techniques, concentrate on doing them for the joy joy of of learnin learningg them, them, with with no other other reas reason on than than disco discove verin ring g your your true self self and elev elevati ating ng your your consci conscious ousnes nesss. Once Once you have have completed completed a period period of practice, practice, you can use use variou variouss manifest manifestation ation techniques in conjunction with these present techniques with a drastically enhanced efficiency. efficiency.
Kuji-In Techniques Kuji-In Kuji-In is translate translated d from the Japanes Japanesee as “Nine Syllables”. Syllables”. The number nine is the number that symbolizes completion in the Buddhist system. system. Your hands are your primary tool in in these practices, tices, and each each hand hand mudr mudraa is combin combined ed with with a specifi specificc mantra/sound, mandala/visualization and breathing exercise that comp complletes etes the the tec techn hniq ique ue.. Thu Thus, eac each set set is comp compri rise sed d of of a mudra/mantra/mandala, mudra/mantra/mandala, and will be referred to as a SET for the rema remain inde derr of of this this text text.. The Kuji Kuji-I -In n tec techn hniq ique ue is comp compos osed ed of nine SETS. - 75 -
In Kuji-In practice you will be combining these three elements ((movement (mudra)/ sound (mantra)/thought (mandala/mind)) in order to manifest your desires. (Again remember that your your goal for now now is to perform the the daily practices practices for the joy joy of learning these techniqu techniques es and and for for the the pleasure pleasure of connecting connecting to to your your Divine Divine Self). For each SET SET you will will make the hand hand signs (mudra (mudra), ), say the single word repeatedly repeatedly (mantra), and visualize the the effect of the set set to to the the best best of your knowledge knowledge (mandala/m (mandala/mind). ind). Start with the first first set, (the RIN RIN Mantra), Mantra), using using only that one one syllable syllable mantra. mantra. Repeat Repeat this mantra mantra in your your mind, while you you also position position your your hands accordin accordingg to the mudra, mudra, and focus focus your mind mind on the concept associa associated ted with with the the mudr mudra/m a/mant antra. ra. Focus without without conscious effort. Let your mind simply settle down down until it rests on that that thou thought ght.. Do not not judge judge yourse yourself lf harshl harshlyy if your your mind mind wand wanders ers in every direction; direction; simply simply come back peacefully peacefully to the practice. practice. Do not move on to the next set until you are comfortable with the three parts of of the first set: get comfortabl comfortablee with with using using your your hands hands (mudra), (mudra), together with with the indicated word word (mantra) (mantra) and thought thought (man (manda dala la). ). When When you you mas maste terr the the thre threee parts parts of of a sing single le set set,, and and you feel that something is starting to happen in the energy planes, you can move move to the next set. Each set may take take as little as a day, day, or as much much as as a month month of daily practi practice ce before before you you can feel feel its its effect. effect. Practice Practice periods periods may may vary between between five five minutes minutes and an an hour hour every every day day. If you don’ don’t feel feel anythi anything ng after after a few few days days of pracpractice, tice, move move on to to the next set. Eventua Eventually lly,, you will feel the energies energies actively working on your body. When you reach the ninth set, you will start learning more complex complex mantras; mantras; these are are complete complete prayers prayers.. At this juncture juncture it is - 76 -
best that you begin with the first set again ag ain and re-climb the ladder. This will greatly g reatly enhance the efficiency of your Kuji-In practices, and the Divine Forces will be more present to work with you during during your your practi practices ces.. This form of of mantra mantra is a pray prayer er,, thus thus it is uttered uttered repeatedly repeatedly with faith. faith. Say it just just as you would would speak speak any normal
reverence reverence.. It is is to your True Self that you are prayin prayingg. Before you begin each practice period, start with a few minutes of the general general breathing breathing exercise exercise.. Then, for each practice practice period period,, start with the first set (RIN), and continue continue with each set in sequence for one full full minute, minute, followe followed d by the next next set (for (for one minu minute) te) , one after the other, until you reach the set set that you you are currently learning/working on. You may may practice the set you are are currently working on for as long as you wish. Once you you have have gone throug through h the process process of of learning learning the entire entire Kuji-In Kuji-In system, system, a normal practice practice period period can can be accomplis accomplished hed over over thi thirty rty min minut utes es as as foll follow ows: s: One One minu minute te of of brea breath thin ing, g, thre threee minutes per set (total twenty-seven twenty-seven minutes), minutes), and two two minutes of silent silent contemplati contemplation. on. You may then then meditate meditate for for another another half hour to elevate your consciousness. In the followi following ng presentatio presentation, n, the first first photo demonstr demonstrates ates the best way to do each exercise and the second photo shows you the proper finger finger placement placement for for that exer exercise cise.. The instructions instructions for for each mudra are followed by the Chakra associated with that Kuji, the mantra prayer prayer to be spoken with it, and the concepts and benefits associated with with practicing the Kuji. Take note that that the word word “On” “On” (from (from the Japanes apanese) e) is like like the the “Om” “Om” in Sanskr Sanskrit, it, but the - 77 -
“On” “On” invo involv lves es a projec projectio tion n of the mantra mantra,, while while the the “Om” “Om” is more more contemplati contemplative ve and and internal. internal. A “Kanji” “Kanji” may be be also also added added to your your visualization. A Kanji is a Japanese symbol representing one letter of a wor word. d. Next Next to the the pic pictu ture re of the the mud mudra ra,, you you wil willl see see a sma small ll square. The Kanji for this this Kuji-In Kuji-In is the small letter at the center of the square square.. You may may add add the the Kanji to your your visualizat visualization. ion. Here is a list of the 9 Kuji-In Kuji-In sets with their japanese japanese titles titles,, associating each with their popular benefits. 1- RIN – Reinfo Reinforces rces the positiv positivee aspects of the physical physical,, mental and energetic planes. 2- KYO KYO – Increas Increases es the heal health thyy flow of energy energy,, mastery mastery of ene energy. gy. 3- TOH – Enhances your positive relationship with the universe, universe, resulting in in improved improved harmony and balance. balance. 4- SHA – Develops Develops enhanced enhanced healin healing, g, regeneration. regeneration. 5- KAI– KAI– Devel Develops ops forekn foreknowle owledge, dge, premonition premonition,, intuition, intuition, feeling. 6- JIN – Increases telepathic ability, ability, communication, knowledgeability. 7- RETSU – Enhances your perception and mastery of space-t space-time ime dime dimensi nsions ons.. 8- ZAI – Fosters a relationship with the Elements of crea creati tion on.. 9- ZEN – Results Results in Enlightenment, completeness, suggestive invisibility.
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Tools and application Although the only apparent features features would would be the commonly seated postu posture re holdi holding ng some some kind kind of hand hand positi position, on, this this Nine Nine Hand Hand Seals method actually combines five main tools: - a hand position, position, called "mudra "mudra"" in sanskrit sanskrit - a spoken expression, expression, called called "mantra" "mantra" in sanskrit - a focus point in the body, body, called "chakra" in sanskrit - a mental mental visualizatio visualization, n, called called "mandala" "mandala" in sanskrit - a philosophical concept to ponder All or a few of these tools are used while breathing in a relaxed postur posture. e. The beau beauty ty of of this this tech techniq nique ue is is that that it it can can be done done by combining combining only two two of the five five tools tools,, helping helping in the assimilati assimilation on of the techni technique que,, yet it reaches reaches its its full full potentia potentiall when all the the tools tools are applied applied at once. once. This way way, it becomes becomes much much easier to assimila assimilate te each step one by one. When to Use
The techniques can be used used from a few minutes to a full hour each day day. It work workss great great right right before before you you go to to bed. bed. In time time,, the prac prac-tice of the technique technique will automatical automatically ly put put you you in in a state state of relaxrelaxation ation and and inner inner awa awaren reness ess,, most most of of the time time at the cost cost of a less less-er awa awaren reness ess of of the surro surround unding ingss. It is the goal goal to attai attain. n. You will will naturally generate your own mental cocoon when you practice, thus it becomes becomes necessary necessary to warn warn you of an important important side effect. effect. If you you start start doing doing even even a part part of the tech techniq nique ue while while you you are are drivdriving your your car, car, or doing doing something something that that requires requires your your attentio attention, n, you might get into into this isolat isolated ed mental mental state for for a moment, moment, putting putting - 79 -
yourse yourself lf and othe otherr people people at at risk. risk. It is ofte often n stronge strongerr than than your your own will to drive drive carefully. carefully. Practicing this technique will put put you in a state of inner awar awareness eness.. You would would not not like to to use this wonder wonder-ful technique to lose your concentration when it is the most critical. cal. So So,, we recom recommen mend d you prac practic ticee the Nine Nine Hand Hand Seals Seals techtechniques niques in a suitable suitable place for it, when your your concentratio concentration n is not required to keep you and other people safe. Since this techniqu techniquee focuses your your attention attention within yourself yourself,, it is not a technique to use while you are actually training or performing some some other other acti activit vityy that requ require iress your your attent attention ion.. Even Even if the techniques techniques will will give give out great benefits benefits by themselves themselves,, the Nine Hand Seals assists your development by making your potential fully available available when you need it in your other training training processes. In this sense, an athlete must must not use the the Nine Hand Seals or its component tools while while he is doing doing his his actual actual routine routine,, but before before it, it, or use the mental mental focus tools when simply simply training in the gym. In the same manner, manner, a musici musician an will will only only distu disturb rb his his concentra concentration tion if he tries to hold the mental concepts in mind while also trying to play with efficiency, efficiency, but having practiced the Nine Hands Seals before, more neural connections will be available for him to benefit from his practice. For example, the first technique technique is used to to develop both physical strength strength and self-confi self-confidence dence.. Those who practices practices enough of the first technique technique will have quicker results when bodybuilding, and faster recovery recovery periods between each training. training. A businessman who takes the time to use the full technique 15 minutes each day for a week will feel much much more comfortable afterwards, afterwards, when doing his presentations or holding negotiations. - 80 -
The body is filled with nerves ner ves that carry car ry electricity, electricity, but it also has a more subtl subtlee circuitry circuitry,, known known as meridian meridianss. These meridia meridians ns are commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine in the application of acup acupun unct ctur ure. e. They They are are also also the the bas basee of of many many mass massage age tech tech-niques, since they have have many beneficial influences on the the body and the mind. mind. Their Their use normally normally induce inducess a stat statee of of relaxa relaxatio tion, n, makmaking the body prone to recovery. The hand positions, positions, or mudras, mudras, that we will use crosses and extends the fingers in ways ways to benefit benefit from these meridians meridians.. Even though though the meridians meridians travel travel through through the whole whole of the body body,, most of them them start start and and end at the fingerti fingertips ps,, thus thus, the hand hand positi positions ons and finger finger puzzles puzzles.. When you you breathe breathe while while concentratin concentratingg on focus points or acupressure points, points, it will work work on these points in the same way a needle or massage would. In ancient ancient India, India, the Hindu Hindu people people tried tried out out every every type of: body positi positions ons,, medita meditatio tions ns,, endles endlesss reci recitat tation ion of prayer prayerss, diffic difficult ult fastfasting, applying applying many many trials trials on their their minds minds and bodies, bodies, in a quest quest for for the the ulti ultima mate te yoga yoga of self self-d -dev evel elop opme ment nt.. One One of the the legac legacie iess of these experimen experiments ts was the use use of mudras mudras that work worked ed on the body and the mind in manners manners similar similar to what yoga would would do. do. Yet, these hand positions are much simpler to apply than holding full body postures. postures. These hand positions traveled to China and Japan along with the propagation of philosophy and meditation techniques.
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The spoken expressions we will use always represent a reference to the philosophy philosophy that we keep keep in mind, yet it is spoken to accelerate the effect effect of the techniqu technique. e. It is known known in in auto-su auto-suggestions ggestions and neural programming that even though we keep a thought in mind, the concept integrates integrates the the mental mental process process much much faster faster if if it is spoken spoken aloud aloud,, since it it uses uses more parts of the brain brain to speak than if the conc concept ept is only only mental mentally ly conte contempl mplate ated. d. The word wordss can be be spoken in any language, since the important thing thing is to involv involvee the brain in physica physicall speech. speech. While many practit practitioners ioners of Japan's Japan's kujiin appreciate appreciate speaking speaking the Japanes Japanesee kanji pronounci pronounciation ation,, some healers healers and spiritua spiritualists lists prefer prefer the the sanskrit sanskrit mantra, mantra, while some some people also like like to speak speak them them in common common langua language. ge. Here, Here, we will will give the Japanese Kanji pronounciation (jp) and the Sanskrit pronounciation nounciation (sk.) (sk.) for for each each of the nine nine steps. steps. The concrete affirmations of philosophical expressions are a key component component for mental mental training, training, as it reinforces reinforces the concepts they represent in our mind. While repeatedly reciting reciting a few few words words that hold a certain certain meaning, meaning, the speech speech interacts interacts with with subconsciou subconsciouss parts of our mind mind to make make new connection connectionss and render render the conconcept more accessibl accessiblee to our awarenes awareness, s, in our conscious conscious mind. mind. Although the spoken expressions used in our techniques might seem to differ a bit from the philosophical concept held in mind, their efficiency is used to its fullest since they work in combination with the mental concept. This entire aspect will become much simpler when you are finished learning the first technique.
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Visualization is an image that we imagine in our mind. Mental visualization is there to help us keep our attention on the technique, nique, hoping hoping to preven preventt the mind mind to wander wander too far far astray astray.. Yet, if you start to think about random subjects, subjects, do not put pressure on yourse yourself lf to come come back back to the the visual visualiza izatio tion, n, but try try to come come back back in a peaceful and relaxed relaxed attitud attitude, e, calmly calmly resetting resetting the imagery in your mind. The image imag e kept in mind will assist in placing our attention on the focus point, point, but it will will also use colours colours in ways ways known known as chromotherapy (colour (colour therapy), combining the psychological effect of the colour colour to enha enhance nce the effici efficienc encyy of our practi practice ce peri period. od. Of course, course, the visualizat visualization ion itself itself will have have a subtle subtle referen reference ce to to the the philosophi philosophical cal concept held in mind. These visualisa visualisations tions are suggestions, gestions, and will vary vary from one tradition tradition to another another. We will even give out different visualisations in future books. Chakras
When we pay attention to a place in our body for a long enough period of time, time, the focus focus point point will become become relax relaxed ed and our our awareawareness ness of this this place place will will be enhan enhanced ced.. Paying aying atten attentio tion n to a part of our body will will accelerate its healing or regeneration, since our mental attentio attention n does lend more more neural neural electricit electricityy to the area of attenattention. This available available extra energy is always used in the best possible way by the body. body. For example, people who use pain killers heal slower slower than those who who do not, not, since feeling feeling pain pain contin continually ually attracts our attention to the hindered area. While the time differdifference is not not mira miracul culous ous,, it is is notabl notable. e. Each Each of our nine nine techni techniqu ques es requires us to focus focus on a specific point in the body, body, not to heal it - 83 -
but to enha enhance nce it. it. These These focus focus points points,, specif specific ic to to each each of the nine nine techni technique quess, are simult simultane aneous ously ly a part of the meridi meridians ans system system,, nervous nervous syst system, em, and endo endocri crine ne syste system, m, associ associate ated d with with an acuacupressure pressure point, point, a main nervous nervous centre and a gland. gland. When focusing on a point in your body, body, it should be done in a relaxed relaxed attitude attitude.. It is not necessa necessary ry to concentrate concentrate with with force. force. Simply pay attention attention to the focus focus point and try to feel it. It might take quite a while before you feel any particular sensation at this focus point, point, and it is is not require required. d. The moment moment you pay attenti attention on to a specific place on your your body, body, the technique will will be enhanced.
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1- RIN
Extend your two middle fingers and interlace all other fingers. Chak Ch akra ra:: Base Base Mantra jp:
On baï shi ra man ta ya sowaka
Mantra sk:
Om vajramanataya swaha
The RIN set is used to strengthen your mind and body. body. This Kujiin set must be performed before any other Kuji-in sets can truly be eff effect ectiv ive. e. The RIN RIN Kuj Kujii acts acts as as a sort sort of of hook hook-u -up p to the the Ultimate Ultimate Source Source of all Pow Power er.. By connectin connectingg you with this Divine Divine energy, energy, the RIN RIN Kuji Kuji strengthens strengthens your your mind mind and body body, especially especially in collabora collaboration tion with with the the other practices practices of the Kuji-I Kuji-In. n. A stronger stronger connection to the Divine energy source will make you stronger at every level. level. Please Please be aware aware that this set may may elevate elevate your body body temperature.
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2- KYO
Extend your index fingers and bend your middle fingers over over your index fingers fingers so that that the tip of your thumbs thumbs are touchi touching ng.. Interlace Interlace all your your other fingers. Chakra Chakra:: Hara/N Hara/Nav avel el Mantra jp:
On isha na ya in ta ra ya sowaka
Mantra sk sk:
Om is ishaanayaa ya yantrayaa sw swaha
KYO KYO activates activates the flow of energy within your your body and outside outside of you, in your your envir environmen onment. t. This Kuji Kuji will will help help you you learn learn to direct energy throughout your body, body, and eventually eventually outside outside your body, body, so you can manifest manifest your your desires desires in the objectiv objectivee world. world. Although Although willpower directs energy, you must not push too hard with your willpower. willpower. Willpower Willpower that is is used to direct energy should be rather like “wanting “wanting something a lot” but not like “getting a stranglehold on someth something, ing, or pushi pushing ng with with a crippli crippling ng force”. force”. Even Even when when you you apply your your willpower willpower to attain attain something something you desire, desire, you must must always be at peace and relaxed.
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3- TOH
Point your your thumbs thumbs and the the last two two fingers fingers of both hands while keeping your index and middle fingers interlaced inside your hands. Chakra: Chakra: Dan-tian, Dan-tian, between between the the Hara Hara and and the the Solar Solar Plexus Plexus Mantra jp jp:
On je je te te ra ra sh shi it ita ra ra jiji ba ba ra ra ta ta no no-o so sowaka
Mantra sk sk:
Om jijitraashi ya yatra jijivaratna sw swaha
By practicing TOH, you will develop your your relationship with your your immediate environment, and eventually eventually with with the entire universe universe.. As you practice, begin by filling yourself with energy and then surro surroun und d your yourse self lf with with this this ener energy gy.. (This (This is is accom accompl plis ishe hed d by visualizing that it is so). This is the Kuji Kuji of harmony. harmony. It teaches teaches you you to accept the outside outside events events of life while while remaining remaining at peace inside. inside. Always breathe deeply inside your abdomen, naturally, naturally, without strain.
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4- SHA
Extend Extend your thumb thumbs, s, index fingers fingers and both both little little fingers. fingers. Interlace Interlace your middle middle and fourth finger inside your hands. Chakra Chakra:: Solar Solar Plexus Plexus Mantra jp:
On ha ya ba baï sh shi ra man ta ya so sowaka
Mantra sk sk:
Om ha haya va vajramaantayaa sw swaha
With this Kuji, the healing ability of your body is increased. As you practice practice this set, set, your body body will become more more efficient efficient in its daily rebuild rebuilding, ing, healing healing and reconstruction reconstruction.. This increased increased healing healing eff efficie icienc ncyy is is the the res resul ultt of the the hig highe herr lev levels els of ener energy gy passing through your energy channels (Meridians) and your solar plexus. plexus. This healing vibration will eventually radiate around you, causing other people to heal as you spend time with them.
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5- KAI
Interl Interlace ace all of your your finge fingers rs,, with with the the tip tip of of each each finfinger pressing pressing into into the the root root of the facing facing finger finger.. Chak Ch akra ra:: Heart Heart Mantra jp:
On no-o ma ku san man da ba sa ra dan kan
Mantra sk:
Om namah samanta vajranam ham
This Kuji will raise your awareness and help you to develop your intuit intuition ion.. The mudra mudra is called called “The outer outer bonds” bonds”.. The outer outer bonds are the the energy energy currents that precede precede every every event, event, if only for an instant. They are the specific influence from the outside world that produc produces es every every one of your experiences experiences.. Intuition is a powerful powerful ally; it is the way you perceive perceive what your your senses register from your your contact with the environment, and from the people surroundin surroundingg you. This set will increase increase your your intuition intuition and will will help you you to learn to lov lovee yourself yourself and others others..
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6- JIN
Interlace all your fingers, fingers, with your your fingertips inside, inside, each each of them them touc touchi hing ng the the equ equiv ival alent ent tip tip of of the the other other hand’ hand’ss finger finger,, if possib possible le.. Chak Ch akra ra:: Throa Throatt Mantra jp:
On aga na ya in ma ya sowaka
Mantra sk sk:
Om ag agnayaa ya yanmayaa sw swaha
The “inner bonds” are the energy currents inside you that connect you with with your your True True Self. We have have the ability ability to know know what others others are thinkin thinkingg. By reachi reaching ng deep inside inside you, you, into the place place with with no no words, words, you may get in contact with this same place in others. others. When you make this connection you may hear the other person’s person’s thoughts thoughts without without words words,, or you may may learn to communica communicate te by thought concepts; this is commonly called telepathy. telepathy. This mudra is used to open your mind to the thoughts that others project from their mental activity activity.. It can help you gain an understan standi ding ng of why why peop people le do the the thi thing ngss they they do. do. If you you want want to develop compassion you can use this mudra to enhance your empathy empathy for others. others. If you don’t don’t judge what you perceive perceive,, you will perceive it with more clarity. - 90 -
Point Point your left index finger up. up. Wrap the fingers of your right hand around your left index finger. finger. Place the tips tips of of your your right right thumb thumb and and index index finge fingerr in contac contactt with with the tip of your your left left index index finge fingerr. The fingers of your your left hand are are gathered gathered into into a fist. fist. Chak Ch akra ra:: Jade ade Gat Gatee, at the the back back of the the hea head d Mantra jp:
On hi ro ta ki sha no ga ji ba tai sowaka
Mantra sk:
Om jyotihi chandoga jiva tay sw swaha
After practicing the Kuji-In Kuji-In exercises exercises for some time, time, they will alter your perceptio perception n of gross matter matter so you will will be able to perceiv perceivee the differ different ent flow flowss of energy energy composi composing ng our our spacespace-tim timee multi multi-dime dimens nsio iona nall uni universe erse.. Per the the theo theory ry of rela relati tivi vity ty,, as mass mass acce accele lera rate tess, time time slo slows ws,, thus thus if your your ener energy gy is flo flowing wing,, and and you you apply your willpow willpower, er, your mass accelerates accelerates,, time slows slows for you and you can can simply simply change (or direct) direct) the the flow/ or motion motion of your body through space.
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Now, Now, put all this this theory aside for a moment and let your mind adapt adapt to to this this new percept perception ion of of the Uni Unive verse rse.. Imagin Imaginee that that the the atoms atoms of of the unive universe rse are compos composed ed of of energy energy wave wavess inste instead ad of of rigid, rigid, inflexi inflexible ble soli solid d matte matter; r; feel feel the flexi flexibil bility ity of of the struct structure ure of of these energy energy waves waves.. Understand Understand that that these these energy waves waves build build your body. body. You are being continuously continuously re-created!
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8- ZAI
Touch Touch the tips of your thumbs and index fingers to form form a triangle triangle,, while while your your other other finge fingers rs are are spread out. Chakra Chakra:: Third Third Eye Mantra jp:
On Chi ri Chi i ba ro ta ya sowaka
Mantra sk:
Om srija iva rtaya swaha
sRija : sh-ree-j sh-ree-j with with an almost almost mute mute “ee” “ee” after the R Rtaya: Rtaya: Rutaya Rutaya with an almost almost mute mute “u” after the R By practicing with this set, you will establish a relationship relationship with the Unive Universa rsall comp compone onents nts of creati creation: on: the elemen elements ts.. These These elem element entss are not only only physical physical,, they are are also spiritu spiritual. al. This Kuji Kuji practice practice is is a basis for the power power of of manifestat manifestation. ion. Visualize Visualize being in harmony with nature. nature. Visualize the flow of Qi from nature to to you, you, and from from you to nature nature.. After a while, while, notice notice your increasi increasing ng awarenes awarenesss that nature nature is alive alive,, and that that you can can communica communicate te with it. it. Nature Nature will intera interact ct with with you you withi within n the the limit limitss of natura naturall law law. Event Eventual ually ly,, as you improve improve your sensitivity sensitivity to nature, you might develop develop the ability to call forth an elemental elemental manifestati manifestation, on, when mastered. mastered. - 93 -
9- ZEN
Rest Rest your left left knuckl knuckles es on the fingers fingers of your right right hand, with your your right right palm palm open. open. Touch the tips tips of your two thumbs gently. Chak Ch akra ra:: Crow Crown n Mantra jp:
On a ra ba sha no-o sowaka
Mantra sk:
Om ah ra pa cha na dhi
Illuminat Illumination ion is is the highest highest state state of mind. Illuminat Illumination ion is is a kind kind of Completenes Completeness, s, accomplishe accomplished d by Meditation. Meditation. By using this practice practice,, you can eventually eventually disappear from the the common mind. You are still there there,, of course course,, but others others in the common common mind mind cann cannot ot regist register er your presence presence,, because because your vibratio vibration n is higher than than what their minds minds can recogn recognize ize or interpr interpret et as real. real. To practi practice ce,, imagin imaginee simple simple emptin emptiness ess,, calm calm white white light light eve everywhe rywhere; re; Then visual visualize ize melding melding with the the white light. light. It is believed believed that that to the avera average ge person you might become invisible. Many hours hours of practice practice are required required to elevate elevate your vibrati vibration on level level enough to manifest the side-effects, side-effects, like suggestive invisibility invisibility..
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Notes on making progress: pr ogress: To To make progress with kuji-in, it is a good idea to have a meditation period period after every complete practice period. When you “come “come back back”” from from your your medi meditat tation ion,, smile smile and and drink drink a glass glass of of water. water. Do not neglect the smile, whether you feel like it or not. Breathe deeply and relax.
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Kuji-In Additional Information Each Kuji Kuji is dependent dependent on the the Kuji before before it. it. For example, example, before before you practice the fourth Kuji Kuji to enhance your healing abilities, abilities, you must do the third Kuji to produce harmony and circulation in your intestines intestines and bowels bowels.. Before Before you practice practice the third Kuji, Kuji, you must must perform perform the second second Kuji, in order to let energy energy circulate circulate throughthroughout your your body. body. The second Kuji Kuji will will open the energetic energetic doors doors between your neural system and your energetic system on the ethereal ethereal plane. plane. Before Before you practice practice the second second Kuji, Kuji, you must must do the first Kuji Kuji to get the raw raw power power to work work with, from your base Chakra. Chakra. This is why why all the Kuji Kuji practices practices must must be done done in the proper order, order, one after after the other other.. It is also the main main reason reason that trying to advance too quickly in your practices will not produce as much much resu results lts.. If you imagin imaginee a long long succ success ession ion of plumbi plumbing ng pipe pipess in seri series es,, leadin leadingg final finally ly to to a pond, pond, you you can can unde underst rstand and that, that, if you want the water to flow all the way to the pond, the valves must must be open at every every joint. Any restrictio restriction, n, (any valve valve that that isn’ isn’t open) will will restra restrain in the the flow flow of water water from from reach reaching ing the the next next sect section ion;; ultiultimately mately,, if the valv valves es aren aren’t opened opened in the the proper proper order order,, your your pond pond will remain empty. empty. The same thing is true tr ue of the flow of the Zen. The Zen energy energ y is the water in this analogy. analogy. You must open each valve valve (with the correct practice) in the proper succession so that the Zen energy flows to the ultimate destination.
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This list will give give you an idea of the proper and necessary step-bystep process to attain a successful kuji-in experience : 1- RIN accesses accesses power, power, energy, energy, and awak awakens ens your your flame. flame. 2- KYO KYO circulates the the energy in your body, body, allowing it to flow in and out. 3- TOH gathers energy in your battery (bowels) and circulates it. 4- SHA distributes the energy into the necessary parts of your your body body, produc producing ing healin healingg. 5- KAI allows you to Feel Everything. 6- JIN allows you to Know Everything. 7- RESTU RESTU allows allows you to to Be Awar Awaree of Everything Everything.. 8- ZAI is a process where you become aware that everything is energy manifested. 9- ZEN connects you with the I AM. The following visualizations are helpful variations of the Kuji-In that will make it easier for you to understand more about the functions functions and manife manifestati stations ons you you will will become become capable capable of after working with these practices. practices. Perform the complete Kuji-In practice, tice, repeating repeating the full prayer prayer as a mantra, mantra, gently focusi focusing ng on the correspo correspondi nding ng Chakra Chakra,, while while keepin keepingg the goal of the Kuji Kuji held held in your attention, attention, then add add the the followi following ng visualiz visualization ation to your your practi practice ce.. It might might seem seem dema demandi nding ng at first, first, but please please try to to simultane simultaneously ously keep in in mind mind as many aspects aspects of the exercis exercisee as possible.
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Complete Kuji-In Ritual Practices First Kuji (RIN): Visualize a red shining light descending from
Heaven into into your body, body, and lighting a flame at your your Base Chakra, the region between between your anus anus and your your sexual organs. Relax and begin begin the visual visualiza izatio tion, n, perform perform the mudra mudra,, chant chant the prayer prayer mant mantra ra cal calml mlyy, slow slowly ly or or qui quick ckly ly,, as you you wis wish, h, (or (or even even at at an an accelerating tempo, tempo, then come back back suddenly to a slower slower tempo. tempo. The Base Chakra Chakra is the the point where where the Sacred flame emerges into your energetic body. Second Kuji (KYO): Pay attention to your Navel Chakra.
Visualize your body filling with red light and the red light circulating through throughout out your your entire entire body and and around around it. Continue Continue payin paying g attention to your Navel Navel Chakra, never forcing the concentration, but always always gently gently being being aware aware of it. Third Kuji K uji (TOH): Pay Pay attention to your your Dan-tian, and visualize visualize
your entire bowel region filling with orange and golden light, which is flowing harmoniously throughout your entire bowel system healing healing your your body body. The TOH Kuji Kuji affects affects the harmony harmony between between you and and others others in your your life; it enhances enhances peace peace in your relationsh relationships ips,, the joy of associatio associations ns and communica communications tions,, and the harmony available at the emotional level. level. Do this Kuji to enhance your relationships with others, others, as well as to heal your bowels bowels..
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Fourth Kuji (SHA): Pay Pay attention to your Solar Plexus. Plexus. Visualize
it filling filling with with a golden yellow yellow light, pulsating pulsating with with strength strength and peace peace.. This is the Kuji Kuji of healin healingg. It triggers triggers the regenera regeneratio tion n of of your your body body, and the the heali healing ng of every every physi physical cal aspe aspect ct of your your health health.. Fifth Kuji (KAI): Focus on your Heart Chakra while you imagine
a comfortabl comfortablee blue blue light light everywhere; everywhere; Your heart is is glowing glowing with an intensely calm electric blue, which is so clear and strong that it radiates radiates beyond beyond your body. body. You are protected, protected, you have have intuition. intuition. Sixth Kuji (JIN): Concentrat Concentratee on your Throat Chakra, Chakra, surroundsurround-
ing that that area with with blue blue light. light. Visualize Visualize a calm calm blue blue light emanat emanating ing from from your your throat. throat. Imagin Imaginee that your your body body is very very big, immens immense, e, much more more imposing than your your actual physical physical body. body. See yourself as gigantic giganticall allyy tall, tall, filled filled with with the blue blue light light which which entirel entirely y envelop envelopes es you. you. Remai Remain n in this this visu visuali alizat zation ion and simply simply contemplate contemplate that you hav havee access access to all all the knowledge knowledge of the Unive Universe rse.. Percei erceive ve the bonds bonds betw between een you you and and the the rest rest of the cosmic cosmic reali reality: ty: bonds bonds of knowle knowledge dge and awa awaren reness ess.. Seventh Kuji (RETSU): Pay attention to the area at the back of
your your head, head, at the the base base of your your skull skull.. You now now become become awa aware re that that time time has no subs substan tance, ce, matter matter has has no subst substanc ance, e, all is is energy energy,, and EVERYTHING EVERYTHING is timeless eternity. eternity. Find your your own simple and abstract visualization. Eighth Kuji (ZAI): Focus on your Third Eye as you visualize
yourse yourself lf bathed bathed in in violet violet ligh light. t. Know Know that that you are are the the Master Master of your personal personal Univers Universe, e, and that that you are complete completely ly aware aware of your immediate Universe. - 10 100 -
Ninth Kuji (ZEN): Your Your awareness shifts to and becomes one
with the I AM. You contemplate the truth that: “I am. I am everyt everythi hing ng.. I am am ev everywhe erywhere re.. I am the the Voi Void” d”.. Cl Clea earr you yourr mind mind totally totally and and allow allow yours yourself elf to dissolve dissolve into the complete, complete, absolute absolute “voi “void” d” of the the Spir Spirit it.. The spri spritt is is beyo beyond nd huma human n und under erst stan andi ding ng and percep perceptio tion. n. Let yours yourself elf dissol dissolve ve into into the Supre Supreme me Self; Self; empty empty your mind. Always meditate for a few minutes after you do a period of Kuji-In Kuji-In techniqu techniques es.. You must must rest your your mind. mind. Breathe Breathe deeply and relax. relax. Your energetic energetic system system will also need to rest. rest. Stay calm, quiet and relaxed for a while after each session.
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Kuji-In Philosophy Kuji-In Kuji-In is is a prayer prayer,, not a do-itdo-it-your yourselfself-kit kit to attain attain power power.. Seek Love Love and Compassio Compassion; n; the power power will come come by itself. itself. Make Make a place in your heart for your Spirit Spirit to play and attain attain joy. joy. Make room in your mind mind for your your Spirit Spirit to think think and attain attain peace. peace. The same applie appliess to your your body, body, since since it is your your Inner Inner Temp Temple le,, that that place place where the Sprit resides in you. you. Your Inner Temple Temple is also the main site where the manifestations resulting from your practice will take place.
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It may be hard for for you to believe, believe, but the Universal Universal Fire is situatsituated at the base base of of your your own own experien experience: ce: the base base Chakra Chakra at the tip tip of your your spine spine.. You are are all all that that there there is; is; you simply simply don’ don’t clear clearly ly understand what what that means yet. On this path you will learn that, that, as the Sacred Flame Flame grows brighter in you, you, it actually rises up your spine until it fills your entire body. Breathe deeply and softly. softly. Every inhalation nourishes the flame at your Base Base Chakra, Chakra, encouraging encouraging it to to fill you you with Sacred Sacred Fire. Fire. Visualize the flame increasing in intensity, intensity, giving life to your entire body. body. As you you are increasingl increasinglyy filled filled with with this this Sacred Sacred Fire, Fire, all the the energy circuitry circuitry in your body will repair repair itself, itself, becoming becoming healthier healthier and more alive alive as it receives receives the flow flow of the Univer Universal sal Root Root energy: The Sacred Sacred Fire. Fire. This is your connection connection to to All That IS IS. Each time you make make a decision decision,, you will notice notice that some of of your muscles tighten with fear. Muscles tighten when you have to make make a decision decision because because of the inherent inherent biologic biological al fear that that the human human animal animal body body holds holds.. The obje objecti ctive ve of of this this exerc exercise ise is is to becom becomee cons consci ciou ouss of of the the fea fearf rful ul natu nature re of the the hum human an,, anim animal al part part of of you. you. Once you you are aware aware of these fears fears,, release release them and and trust yourse yourself. lf. Self-trust is the key to success in everything.
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What you project towards towards others, others, will eventually eventually come back to you (for good or ill) in full measure. measure. This teaches us to keep a constant attitu attitude de of peace peace.. Smile Smile.. Be joyfu joyfull in your your comm communi unicat cation ionss and in in your actions. actions. You will develop develop peace and joy as you accept it in yourself yourself.. You will will discov discover er that that your your experienc experiencee of your environenvironment will eventually eventually be modified, modified, slowly but surely by the the healthy energy you nurture nurture and project project outwards outwards.. The Flame Flame of Life will destroy your old behaviors behaviors as you establish new, new, healthier ways of acting acting and and being being.. The ropes ropes of of energy energy that that keep keep you you in bonda bondage ge to those old behaviors will come untied and every bond that keeps you hostage hostage will will inevitably inevitably be consumed consumed by by the Flame Flame of Life . As you develop this brand new, new, amplified, energy management system, you will discover discover that it is essential to become completely responsible responsible for yours yourself elf.. All that that you you do, do, all that that you you say say, will find a way to manifest manifest around you. You will have have to learn tolerance and happiness or you will magnify your negative thoughts and these will become manifest as your reality. reality. It is absolutely necessary to stay positiv positive, e, even in the worst worst situati situations ons.. It will will be necessa necessary ry to learn to feel the normal nor mal everyday emotional pains and discomforts while remaining positive; positive; to experience those periods of depression we all have have and just just humbly accept them, without judgment. judgment. Keep Keep the the eyes eyes of your your Heart Heart fixed fixed on the higher higher plane plane of life. life. In fact, you will will increasingly increasingly experienc experiencee your growing growing ability ability to positiv positively ely impact impact the world world around around you, you, and to manifest manifest your your desires desires,, by nurturing nurturing health healthyy energy and projecting projecting it into your your environment.
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Kuji-In Kuji-In must must alwa always ys be performed performed with with an attitud attitudee of gratitude gratitude towards the infinite Universe. Universe. You must complete each action with resp respec ect. t. The The succes successs of your your pers person onal al ritu ritual alss depen depend d on your your ability to remain humble before the the All, the Great spiritual Reality Reality.. When you encounter a huge hug e obstacle, like a rock obstructing your path, path, instea instead d of spendi spending ng all all of your your energi energies es trying trying to remo remove ve the the rock, rock, simply simply go aroun around d it. it. This This way way,, even even if if the rock rock stil stilll thin thinks ks it has the power power to block block your path, path, you will will be back on the road, road, moving moving ahead, keeping keeping all your energy energy for some more more useful purpurpose. pose. Be humble humble on your path. path. You have have nothing nothing to prove prove to anyone, one, not even even to yours yourself elf.. Trust yours yourself elf,, alway alwayss. Seek harmony with with the Univ Universe erse around around you. you. When somethin something g occurs that upsets you you or thwarts your your plans, plans, choose an attitude attitude of compassion. compassion. Do not waste waste your your energy energy engaging an obstacle obstacle in battle battle.. With With a stro strong ng mind mind,, heart heart and and body body, you may may advanc advancee on the evolutio evolutionary nary path with confidenc confidence. e. Even Even your muscles muscles will will benefit benefit from from this this positiv positivee mental mental attitud attitudee on the the path. path. The moment moment you set your your mind mind on something, something, the Univer Universal sal energy energy will always be there to assist you.
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SHA teaches us that unwavering strength is always consistently availab available le for for you. you. That energy energy constantly constantly flows into you, igniting igniting your Sacred Sacred Flame, Flame, causing causing it to rise until until it reaches reaches your Solar Solar Plex Plexus us,, (the (the ener energy gy dispa dispatc tche her) r).. Ther Theree is grea greatt powe powerr in the the Universe, Universe, and it is power power you you can tap into into at every moment. moment. Know that you you are powerful powerful.. Know also that, to manifest manifest this power power in your life, life, you must must be ready to assume assume the responsibilit responsibilityy for all your actions. The most obvious manifestation of your new ability to circulate powe powerf rful ul energy energy,, will will be the the com compl plet etee hea heali ling ng of your your body body.. Qi and Prana Prana move move in your your body like like rivers rivers of fire and and pure light. light. There are also other manifestations of this inner resource of power power.. Great Great expl explosi osions ons of energy energy may may occur occur when when you you real really ly need them. them. Remember Remember that that you have have an equal equal ability ability to hurt and heal. This is an awesome awesome power power.. You must be responsi responsible ble for your your action actionss. There There are are seve severe re conseq consequen uences ces for any misuse misuse of this this power power.. In this this, the origin original al intent intention ion does does not not matter matter,, only only the the result.
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As you use KAI you will will find that this new energy is now circulating with with ease ease;; the flow flow of of energy energy grows grows and begins begins to expand expand beyond beyond the illusi illusiona onary ry bound boundari aries es of of your your body body. It is time time to to listen, time to tune tune in to your your inner ear. ear. You will perceive perceive this outer world through your inner self only if you are available available to receive the info informati rmation. on. If you you are conv convinc inced ed that that you you alread alreadyy know know the truth of existence existence or that that you have have nothing nothing to learn learn from others others,, you may be building a fence that will eventually prevent you from seeing seeing what what is is on the the other other side side.. If a fence fence alrea already dy exist existss, allow allow the the fire of your Spirit Spirit to burn it to the the ground. ground. Intuition Intuition will be your your most powerful powerful guide in this process. process. It will reveal reveal to you the real truth about about the world world that that surrounds surrounds you, you, if you stay stay sensit sensitiv ivee and available to that information. When you practice KAI you are linked to nature and to the laws that govern govern the entire entire Univer Universe. se. You are not not only in contact contact with them, them, you are linke linked d with with eve every ry livin livingg thing thing,, like like the the threa threads ds of of a tapestry tapestry that has has been wov woven en together together by the the Creator Creator of ALL. You are are an an act activ ivee part part of the the liv livin ingg fab fabri ricc of of the the wor world ld.. If you you rem remai ain n attentive to your immediate surroundings you will be able to practice, practice, on a smalle smallerr scale, scale, your ability ability to be in contac contactt with with the larger Universe. Universe. There is only one way way to efficiently efficiently expand your your energetic energetic body beyond beyond your physica physicall boundaries; boundaries; that way way is to express compassion and love in every circumstance.
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When you practice the JIN Kuji, you will be able to meet your Higher Higher Self Self and mak makee contac contactt with with the the eleva elevated ted thou thought ghtss of that that more more adva advanced nced part of you. you. There There is is a specia speciall part part of your your thin thinkking proc process ess,, hidden hidden deep deep insi inside de of you, you, that that does does not not utili utilize ze word wordss to communica communicate. te. In fact it it does not speak speak in any any language language that your your conscio conscious us mind mind under understa stands nds.. This plac placee of “no word words” s” is the the place where you you truly communicate communicate,, truly think and truly know. know. This is the place where the Divine is connected to and thinks through through the human mind. Find the place place with with no words words,, and you you will find this Greater Truth. If you want want to to send or receiv receivee thoughts thoughts with with your your mind, mind, you must must understand that the thoughts that travel travel are are not the thoughts that that are phrased in words; the thoughts that travel travel do not depend on any any form form of lang langua uage ge or or sys syste tem m of of comm commun unic icat atio ion. n. To lis liste ten n without words is to accept your own inability to really understand this truth, truth, and to learn to rely solely solely on on your your Spirit. Spirit. Once you you find find your yourse self lf,, deep deep insi inside de,, you you will will bec becom omee awar awaree of everyt everythi hing ng tha thatt comes within within your your mind’ mind’s grasp. grasp. Only then then can you you decide decide whether or not you really want to put these concepts back into words so you can understand the thoughts and images that are flying around around in the world world outside outside of of you.
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The Kuji-In RESTSU will help you to become aware that the Universe Universe is is composed composed of more than three three spatia spatiall dimension dimensionss. According to modern quantum physics there are nine spatial dimensions dimensions and one one time time dimens dimension, ion, for a total total of ten space-t space-time ime dimensions dimensions.. To increase increase your underst understandin andingg of this greater greater reality reality,, you must stop believing only what your senses teach you and start listening to and looking beyond the normal nor mal space-time continuum you are are used used to accepting accepting as as reality reality.. The mysteri mysteries es of creation creation will will not remain remain secret secret fore foreve verr if you take take these these steps steps.. Natura Naturally lly,, your your senses are necessary in your your daily human human experience, but when you you start start to ackno acknowle wledge dge the the existe existence nce of higher higher lev levels els of of percept perception ion,, you expand your ability to see/perceive these other dimensions. Meditate Meditate to find find this this place place of of higher perception. perception. Seek the state state of transc transcend endenc ence, e, then then the state of consci conscious ous transc transcend endenc ence. e. Space-t Space-time ime is where where you you seem seem to to exist exist.. In fact, fact, it is actual actually ly the place where your your Higher Self is experiment experimenting ing
with the
experi experience ence of life. life. The dimens dimension ionss are partiti partitions ons delimi delimitin tingg the various worlds of manifestation, but your Spirit can easily cross those those bound boundari aries es,, once once you you under underst stand and how how. Deve Develo lop p you yourr self-trust self-trust and faith. faith. Believe Believe you you can do it. Be intelligen intelligentt enough enough to notice your limits so you do not hurt yourself, yourself, but be courageous enough to to go beyond those those limits when when you feel feel able to. to. Make Make peace with your your physical physical limitations, limitations, and know that they are not meant to define your your existence, only your immediate experience. experience.
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The Elemental world is far more than the physical manifestation of Fire, Wind, Water an and Ea Earth rth. At th the co core of of crea creattion, at th the mome moment nt of of the the birth birth of the the Univ Univer erse se,, at the the hig highes hestt lev level of of vibr vibraation of our Univers Universe, e, the Sprit chose chose to manifest manifest in many many forms. forms. Eac Each and and every every Elem Elemen entt of of Crea Creati tion on is an aspe aspect ct of the the Cons Co nsci ciou ousn snes esss of God. God. The Elem Elemen ents ts can can be be clas classi sifi fied ed as as eith either er the Four Elements used in Western Esotericism or the Five Elements Elements commonl commonlyy used in the Oriental Oriental Esoter Esoteric ic System. System. These systems systems of classifica classification tion are are there to aid aid human human understan understanding ding.. The basis of the ability to manifest and create is the knowledge that the Element Elementss of Creation Creation are are absolu absolute te spiritu spiritual al truths truths in in action action.. They are are to be be praised praised as as the origi origin n of Creati Creation on and and to be admired in their physical physical manifestation. manifestation. By developing developing an attitude of cons consis iste tent nt prai praise se,, you you can can form form a rela relati tion onsh ship ip with with the the Elem Elemen ents ts of Crea Creati tion on.. Huma Human n bein beings gs are are alwa always ys afr afrai aid d of of the the unk unkno nown wn.. The The most most distur disturbin bingg fear fearss we we suf suffer fer are the fears fears of the indefi indefinit nite, e, the mysteriou mysterious, s, the strange strange and occult: occult: anything anything we we are uncertain uncertain of makes makes us us edgy edgy.. As we we gain knowle knowledge dge,, we get get a feel feeling ing of contro controll that encourages encourages us to to extend a little little (very (very fragile) trust, trust, but even even the most innocent unknown truth is always more difficult for the human mind mind to consider consider than than the biggest, biggest, but most most well know known n falseh falsehood ood.. With With faith faith as your your guid guide, e, you will will not know know fear fear. The unknown unknown will stop being being a dark forest filled filled with monsters monsters,, and become a place for you to experience the greatest adventures, adventures, and the brightes brightestt truths. truths. When you you conquer conquer your your fear fear of the unkno unknown, wn, you will find that it is the hidden doorway to the Sprit. - 11 110 -
ZEN teaches teaches you to surrender yourself yourself absolutely to the Universe. Universe. It coun counsel selss you you to let go of everyth everything ing you have have learned learned:: every every belief, belief, and every every though thought. t. Your human ego was a necessary necessary tool tool that allowed allowed you to learn certain lessons. Now it is time to release release that ego, and to remember your your smallness compared compared with the vast vast Void Void that is a creation of the mind of the Sprit. Standing tall, looking looking towards towards the infinite infinite Univ Universe erse,, you are an infinite infinitesimal simal speck, speck, almost almost nothing nothing.. Put your your ego in its place, place, and allow allow the Sprit Sprit to enter enter your your life. life. Accept Accept everyth everything ing:: every every manife manifesta statio tion, n, every every pers person on,, every every even event, t, and and ev every crea creati tion on,, as a part part of the the Spr Sprit it.. the the Sprit can neither neither be grasped nor underst understood. ood. the Sprit can only only be Love Loved. d. When you you are are comple completel telyy immer immersed sed in the the Lov Lovee of the Sprit, Sprit, you you will will rejo rejoin in with with your your Div Divine ine Self, Self, with with your your part part of of the Supreme Supreme Consciousne Consciousness ss who made everything everything.. Then, as you calmcalmly contemplate the Infinite Universe, Universe, you will recognize yourself. yourself.
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Conc Conclu lusi sion on:: No mind mind The objective of any meditative practice is to allow your mind to play play with with your your Spirit Spirit,, your your True True Self Self.. The more more comple complete te the the meditati meditative ve metho method, d, the more more physica physicall effects effects will will become become apparent apparent to you, and the more quickly quickly your your conscious conscious mind will connect with your your Divine Divine Self. When you first connect with your Higher Higher Self, Self, you may may be overw overwhel helmed med with with highe higherr thoug thoughts hts.. Eventually, Eventually, your human human mind may may wish to shut down down to make make room for for these higher higher though thoughts; ts; your your mind will will seek seek ‘peace of of mind mind’.’. Thus Thus, When When you you all allow ow you yourr mind mind to to be fill filled ed,, it may may be be happy happy at first, first, until until it it gets inund inundate ated. d. At that that poin point, t, simply simply allo allow w your mind to shut down down and look towards towards the Divine. As you seek these higher thoughts thoughts and permit permit them them to fill you, you will find peace. When you combine all of your preferred practices with the normal normal activ activiti ities es of your your daily daily life life,, you mak makee room room in your your mind mind for your Spirit. By using these profound meditations on a regular basis you will find yourselves maintaining a slightly meditative state state duri during ng your your other other dail dailyy occupa occupatio tions ns.. In time time,, your your mind mind will learn to contemplate Spirit, without engaging any cognitive thinki thinking ng proce process ss.. This This is the the place place of of “no mind mind”. ”.
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Nev Never und under eres esti tima mate te the the pow power er of of Joy. Many Many med medit itat atiive approaches approaches deny the the right right of the mind mind to to play play. These approac approaches hes want to remove the human mind as soon as possible from the medita meditati tive ve proces processs, pushin pushingg it out of your your contem contempla platio tion n of the Sprit with force. force. This will only upset upset and even damage your mind. All the words, words, the thoughts, the methods, methods, and the different techniques we have studied here… all these exercises allow your mind the freedo freedom m to play; play; when when it plays plays,, your your mind mind is happ happyy. Do not not remove remove the the toys toys of the mind mind too too quickl quicklyy. Let your your mind mind play play for as long long as it wishes wishes to. to. When satisf satisfied, ied, like like a well well fed fed baby baby,, it will will want to rest all by itself. itself. Then your mind will will be ready to peacefully cont contemp emplat latee the the thoug thought ht proc process ess of your your True True Self Self,, with with no words, words, no methods, no techniques, and especially, especially, with no mind. The path of enlightenment is not an objective to reach, but a proces processs you you must must experi experience ence.. If there there is any part part of of the path path that that you ove overlo rlook, ok, your your human human mind mind misse missess the flavo flavorr of that that spice, spice, causing you to go through the path again until you have all the ingredie ingredients nts that that mak makee up the tast tastefu efull experi experienc encee of life. life. It is not not necessary necessary for you to run through through all all the glens and and shadows shadows of the light light and and dark dark forest forestss that that run along along each each side side of the path path;; Howeve However, r, the path itself itself must must be be complet completely ely traveled. traveled.
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The path to Illumination lies at the foothills of the experience of Joy. oy. Grea Greatt Jo Joy is is awa await itin ingg you you at every every corne cornerr, even even when when you seem to percei perceive ve pain. pain. With devotion devotion to yourse yourself, lf, tolerance, tolerance, and and com compass passio ion, n, you will ill att attain ain Joy, Lov Love, and, and, in the the end, end, Enlightenment. In devot devotion ion to to the evolutio evolution n of my fello fellow w humans humans,, I respectf respectfully ully give you this knowledge in the hope that you will reach the level of realiz realizati ation on you you seek. seek. With With Love Love and and Compas Compassio sion, n, I pray pray for the the Divi Divine ne to to rev reveal eal itse itself lf to you you,, the the true true prac practi titi tion oner erss of the the most most Sacred arts.
Be blessed on your path, François Lépine
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The seeker of the wisdom of Kuji-in will appreciate continuing Adva nced Kuji-in: Kuji -in: Transfor Transf ormati mational onal his studies with the book Advanced Approach, where the student is brought inside himself to study the workings of his spiritual bodies and energy energ y systems. More information at http://www.kujiin.com