Beyond Seven Brides for Seven Brothers ALA SRRT Alternative Media Task Force Version: June 2007
Looking for progres sive, ground breaking, captiva captivating, ting, issu is sues es oriented films? An ALA ALA SRRT selected bibliography of sources for, reviews of, and film subscriptions to alternative media in film. Arab Film Distribu Distribu tion
Arab Film Film Distribution has been the leading
distributor of Arab A rab films films for over ov er 15 years includes documentaries documentaries and and feature films. A sampling sampling includes the aw ard winners winner s The Letter: An American to wn and the “Somali “Somali Invasion”, Iraq in in Fragments, Forget Baghdad, and Private. Bullfrog Films Over the last 32 years, Bullfrog Films has
become the leading US publisher of independently-produced, environmental videos that point the way to living healthily, happily, and with greater concern for the other inhabitants of this planet, and for our descendants. desc endants. Notable Notable works work s include include China Blue a film that according to Variety “makes “makes a stronger case ca se against worker worke r exploitation exploitation than any new ne w s item could” could” and Bombies which shows the terrible aftermath of dropping cluster bombs during the secret air war in Laos and the international campaign campaign to ban them. them. Bullfrog Bullfro g Fil Films ms are heavily discount dis counted ed for fo r public libraries. Call for information inf ormation Californ California ia New New sr eel Calif California ornia New New sr eel – film and video for social change since 1968 – includes among its new releases Black Gold exposes the enormous
profiteering profiteering of the coff ee business business ( for ever y $2.00 cup cup of c of fee, the farmer farmer receives 1/5 cent.) and The Hero which tells the story of Angola, a nation attempting to reconstruct itself after 40 continual years of anti-colonial and civil warfare through the stories of a veteran who lost his leg, a prstitute who lost a child and an orphaned boy. Offer Of fers s discounted prices f or schools sc hools and public libraries. libraries. Chelsea Chelsea Gree n Publishes Publishes materials materials about the politics politics and practice practi ce
of sustainabl sust ainable e living. living. Watch for fo r soon to be released DVDs. DEFA DEFA or Deutsche Film Film Aktienges ellschaft, is the state run
East East German German film studios studios where whe re films films were wer e made made f rom 1946 1946 to 1990. University University of Massac Massachusetts husetts profes prof essor sor of o f film and and German German studies, Barton Bog founded the DE DEFA Fil Film m Library in 1990 in order to make East German cinema more available and better known in the US. The collection collecti on includes feature f eature films and documentaries. Significant titles include Kuhle Wampe, or Who Owns the World, a 1932 banned by the Nazis in 1933 for its positive depiction dict on Auschwi Auschwi tz: The of communism and for insulting Hitler, the judiciary and religion; Ver dict Glei witz Case , a detailed reconstruction of the Frankfort Auschwitz Trial 1963 - 1965; and the Glei 1939 surprise attack atta ck by a Nazi unit unit on the radio radio station in Glei Glei witz, which whic h was blamed blamed on Polisy Polisy force fo rces s and served serv ed as Hitler’s Hitler’s justification justifi cation for marching marc hing into into Pol Poland. and.
Direct Cinema Limit ed Direct Cinema Limit ed strives to
present titles tnat are both entertaining entertaining and enli enlighten ghtening. ing. Some Some of their a ward war d winning films Survivor vor Reme mber s, the story o f Gerda include Land Mines, A Love Story; One Survi Weissman Klein Klein and her six y ear ordeal as a victim of Nazi cruelty; Murder on a Sunday Morning ; and Stealing America: Vote by Vote. Fanlight Productions Fanlight Productions is a leading distributor of innovative film and video video works w orks on social so cial issues of o f our time. time. Recent releases releases include Hold Your Breath, Hidden Hidden Wound s, and Outsider. Frameline Frameline’s mission is to support, develop, and promote
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer visibil v isibility ity through media media arts. Included are Tongues United United, Em Emmy award aw ard winning director Marlon Marlon Riggs Riggs account acc ount of Black gay life that descri des cribes bes the homophobia and racismt hat conf ront ron t Black gay men men and Mom’s Mom’s Apple Pie about lesbian custody battles. Docurama Film Films from the Docurama Film
Festivals I, II, II, and III. III. Includes such power po wer ful films films as Dark Circle ( winner of the Grand Grand Prize Prize at the Sundance Film Film Circle) Circle) which whic h f ollows ollow s the trail of plutoniu plutonium m from the Rocky Rocky Flats Nuclear Power Powe r Plant in in Califor California, nia, to Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. Other titles from fr om III III – Gitmo: the New Rules of War , Of Civil Civil Wrongs a nd Rights: Rights: the Fred Kore mat su Story , and Well Founde Founde d Fear . Docuseek
Docuseek is a search site for independent
documentary, documentary, social issue, and educational educational videos in the US US and Canada. Canada. It allow allow s you to simultaneo simultaneously usly search searc h eight leading leading distributors complete complete collection of over 3,200 titles. Facets Facets is one of the world’s largest distributors of foreign, classic,
cult, art, and hard to find videos. “We search the world for artistically important film on video – bypassing bypas sing many many mainstream mainstream releases releases to focus foc us on the rare and unusual”. Catalog Catalog of over o ver 60,000 titles. Milos Milos Stehlik, Stehlik, co-founder and director o f Facets has given many w orkshops ork shops to librarians about collecting collecting videos. He He also instigated Facets Facets “public programs”, the Chicago International Film Film Festival, and the Children’s Film Festival. He serves ser ves on National Endowment Endowment for the Arts A rts panels, the Rockefeller Foundation Foundation’s ’s National National Video Resources Resources,, the Illinois Arts Council and on juries of numerous international Film Festivals. The Seven Deadly Sins Sins of Libra ry Video Collecting should be in the hands hands of all librarians librarians with responsibility responsibility for film collections. (This pamphlet may still e available from Facets 773-281-9075). Films for the Humanities and Sciences Films for the Humanities and Sciences includes some good social issues films – use key words wor ds to find them on the website. web site. Among the notable works are Dying to Leave about human human trafficking; traf ficking; The Empty ATM: Inside Arg entina’s Brok Brok en Economy Economy; and China’s Prosperity: Behind the Scenes of Progress . Films for the Humanities and Sciences is also a source for many if not all of Bill
Moyers films f ilms including NOW, NOW, On On Faith Faith and Reason, Moyers on America and more.
First First Run/Icarus Run/Icarus Film s First Run/Icarus Run/Icarus Film s is a major distributor of
documentary documentary film f ilms. s. Most of the films are independent independent productions intended to provide a fres h and informative informative view of our rapidly changing changing world. w orld. Notable Notable titles titles include Hothouse, filmed inside Israeli high-securit high-security y prisons, prisons , explores the lives and societ y of Palestinian Palestinian prisoners, men Evil, a history of the and women, members and leaders of Fatah and Hamas and The Face of Evil attempts attempts to categorize c ategorize the physiognomy physiognomy of evil. From From the paintings paintings of Hieronymous Hieronymous Bosch to physiognomics, physiognomics, phrenology, eugenics, eugenics, and anthropometrics. anthropometrics. The cost of these films may may be prohibitive for many libraries, however public libraries receive a 15% discount. Folkstreams A national national preserve preser ve about American American roots and cultures. Indiepix Indiepix is an online service created for the broad independent
film commu community nity at large – home video experts, infor mation mation profes sionals, media media arts specialists, and most importantly, committed supporters of independent film. DVD’s available from Indiepix include Farmingdale – a dammin damming g indictment on the t he treatment t reatment meted meted out to immigrants immigrants in the US; A Place Called Chiapas – a unique and and balanced balanced rreport on the obstacles obstac les faced fac ed by Mexico’s poorest residents res idents and the uprising that brought brought their troubles to the world’s w orld’s attention; and A State of Mind – Within Within the close d s ociety of North Korea Korea , British B ritish filmma filmmaker ker Daniel Gordon documents the efforts of two school girls as they train for the large governmental spectacle, the Mass Games, in the capital city of Pyongyang. Infowars Featuring Alex Jones Bohemian Grove films. Internet Infidels Internet Infidels , an interesting website that includes in
addition addition to films, films, books, articles, and a discussion discus sion board. As the name suggests the film f ilms s lean to allot Measu re 9, Coming Out Under Under Fire , and the irreverent. A sampling sampling of titles include Ballot Blood in the Face – a look at the far f ar right movement movement in the US, US, featuring footage and profiles prof iles on the Ku Klux Klan, the Aryan Nations movement, and the American Nazi Party. LAVA LAVA works to facilitate the flow of media from south t
onorth by archiving and distributing feature films and documentaries made by Latin American and Latino artists. Three recent Cuban documentary documentary films include include Conga Lessons at the Bay of Pigs, Woman is of the House House and Man is of the Stre Stre et and Marry Me. Leftbooks “Books to change the world” also includes some
noteworthy DVD’s including The Take – A real life political thriller that documents the working class resistance resistanc e in Buenos Aires, Argentina; Poison Dust – Although thousands of Gulf War 1991 are suf su f fering fe ring from f rom depleted depleted uranium uranium poisoning, poisoning, the US US use of radioactive DU DU weapons has increased six-fold six- fold from 1991 - Gulf War II. (Include (Includes s details of o f a panel about Vieqes, Puerto Puerto Rico and a DVD ROM display of further DU reports; and Mission Against Terror – award winning documentary documentary tells the stor y of the “Cuban 5" who wh o w ere er e imprisoned imprisoned in the US US for fighting against against terrorism.
National National Film Board o f Canada
With With its groundbreaking point point of vie w
documentaries documentaries and c reative animated animated shorts, the National Film Board of Canada has earned world-wide acclaim and won over 4000awards in countless film festivals and competitions. Since its inception in 1939, 1939, the NFB NFB has produced over 10,000 films films and is recognized as a place w here her e innovation, risk taking, taking, diversity, diversit y, and quality quality are its hallmar hallmarks. ks. Recent titles include The Lost Boys..Aparatheid’s Legacy, The War of 1812, and Asking Differ Differ ent Questions: Wome n and Science. Nationa Nationall Film Film Net wor k Nationa Nationall Film Film Netw or k’ s large
international collection includes both full length and short documentaries. A sampling of titles Landmark Consume r include the Fourth Annual Media That Matters Film Festival , Landmark Rights Rights Trial s, Silence: In Search of Black Black Fem ale Sexuality in Amer ica, and In the Arroyo. New Day Films New Day Films describes their endeavor as the premier
distribution cooperative for social issue iss ue media. media. Notable Notable titles titles include Dirty Secrets: Jennife r, Everado Everado and the CIA in Guatem Guatem ala; Golden Venture , a journey into America’s immigration
nightmare; Letters from the other side, post NAFTA immigration sotry told by the Mexican women lift behind; and The Last Atomic Bomb, a Nagasaki Nagasaki survivor’s survivor’ s wake-up call. Prices Prices are reasonable, usually $50. - $125. for public libraries libraries with discounts disc ounts f or more than one title. title. PBS PBS is the source R. Murro w source f or Frontline, Now , and the Edward R. Collection including Harvest of Shame and the McCarthy Years. Progressive Films Progressive Films distributes films and and
videos that offer a progressive perspective, promote human rights, and are created to advance social justice, multiracial equality and environmental sustainability. A sampling includes Fed Up, an exploration of the unintentional effects of pesticides and the links between government and Unconstitutional: the the war on our Civil Civil Liberti es ; and The Th e major major biotechnology companies; companies; Unconstitutional: Panama Deception, the untold story of the December December 1989 US US invasion invasion of o f Panama, Panama, the events
that led to it, it, the exces sive forc f orce e used, the enormi enormity ty of the t he death and destruction, and the devastating aftermath. Reasonably Reasonably priced. Straightaway Movies 22 years presenting American
underground drama. SubCine SubCine describes itself as “the only source for Independent
Latino Film and Video, an artist run and artist owned collective of Latino film and video makers –
challenging, challenging, experimenta experimental, l, and progressi progressive.T ve.Two wo recent r ecent multip multiple le awa rd winners winner s are The Lost Reels of Pancho Pancho Villa and Palante, Siempro Palante! The Young Lords. Video Project Video Project is a major source of social issues
films. New releases include The Venus Theory - the impact of sudden climate change and One More Dead Fish - the plight of small scale fishermen in the age of globalization. Women Make Movies Women Make Movies is a multiracial,
organization that produces, distributes, and exhibits exhibits independent films films by and about women. New releases include Everyone Th eir Grain of Sand - the struggles of the citizens of Maclovio Rojas, as they battle their government’s attempts to evict them from their land to make Slee ps in Rwanda -- five remarkable women as the way for corporate development; God Slee
rebuild their lives lives following follo wing the 1994 Rwandan Genocide that left left the country c ountry nearly 70% fema f emale; le; and Nalini by Day, Nancy by Night, an award winning documentary about outsourcing telephone telephone support servi s ervices ces to India – a witty film about politics politics of identity identity and globalization. globalization. Zeitgeist Films
Zeitgeist Films pioneers the world of
filmmakers with unique personal vision. Recent documentaries include My Country, my Country - an intimate portrait of Iraquis living under US occupation, Mr. Cons ervative: ervative: Goldwate Goldwate r on Goldwat Goldwat er, and Sophie Scholl:The Final Days Days - story of Germany’s most
famous anti-Nazi anti-Nazi heroine. heroine. Call Call for special spe cial public public library library rates.
Film Film Clubs and Subscriptions Subsc riptions Ironweed Ironweed Iron weed provides a monthly monthly Progressive Film Film Festival
for fo r $14.95 a month – no handling handling or shipping costs. cost s. The package includes includes a feature length fil f ilm m and two tw o or more short films. films. The February February films include include This DVD is Not Yet Rated , a raucous sleuth style investigation into how films are rated and how this affects the filmmakers who make Walleyball: Yeah, Yeah, We spe ak English, English, Just se rv e; The Competition ; How to them; Walleyball: Poke Pole a Monkey Faced Eel; and Baby Baby Squid: Squid: Born Born lik e th e Star s. Film Movement Fil Film Movem Movement ent in association with Recorded books o ffer ff ers sa
subscription subs cription to first run, awar a ward d winning films on DVD. DVD. The The films films arrive monthly monthly with a poster and performance perf ormance rights for a one time time showing sho wing in the library. library. Recent titles titles include include Gerardo Olivares’s Olivares’s The Great Match and Aaltra , an irreverent road movie of understated physical comedy and non-PC humor.
Reviews Bright Bright Light s Film Journal A popular-academic popular-academic hybrid of movie
analysis with a prime prime area of focus f ocus on the connection between betwe en capitalist society and the ima images ges that reflect, support, or subvert it. Cineaste America’s leading magazine on the art and politics of cinema. Film Comment Published by the Film Society of Lincoln Center. The Film Journal Passionate and informed film criticism from an
auteurist perspective Film Film Jour nal International
Film Quarterly Published Published by the Universit University y of o f California. Images A journal of film and popular culture. Jump Cut A revie w of contemporary contemporary media media Online Online Film Cri tics Society An international international association ass ociation of Internet-based
film critics and journalists. Screening the Past
An international, international, referred refe rred electronic elect ronic journal of
visual media media and history . Senses of Cinema An online journal devoted to the serious
and eclectic discussion of cinema. Sight and Sound Informed commentary on world cinema. Video Librarian Librarian now in its 21st year provides over 225 critical
reviews revie ws each month. month. An addit addition ional al 30 review s are shown sho wn on its website. web site. Subscribers Subscribers may may select the print only ($64. as of o f this printing) p rinting) or print and online online ($99. ) With the online online version comes access to over 20,000 reviews. Video Librarian, as it states, alerts readers to upcoming new ne w releases of o f special s pecial interest, interest, docum doc umentary, entary, and video movie movie titles. titles. Mary Sue Brown ALA/SRRT 6/28/07