Montauk Project by Preston B Nichols

Montauk Project by Preston B Nichols...
Author:  Kendra Koehler

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The sequel of Philadelphia project. Experiement in Time Travel, actually done in 20th century by Scientists.

"Carved into the annals of rock 'n roll history is an enigmatic and legendary sound engineer who was affectionately known in the music industry as "Little Buddha". Loved by musicians and producers ...

"Carved into the annals of rock 'n roll history is an enigmatic and legendary sound engineer who was affectionately known in the music industry as "Little Buddha". Loved by musicians and pro…Full description

Preston Nichols discusses his experiences with the Philadelphia Experiment, the Montauk Project and mind control, and his work with the Beatles and other early rock groups and the microwave and mus...

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El Proyecto Montauk se cree que es una continuación del experimento Philadelphia , que supuestamente tuvo lugar en 1943, también conocido como Proyecto Arco Iris . En algún momento de la dé…Full description