PROPOSED "Complejo Portuario Marítimo Integrado de Zamboanga" ("Zamboanga Integrated Seaport Complex"). GOALS 1. Balance efort efort to attract ne! redental redental and commercal de#elopment to t$e Rede#elopment %rea !t$ t$e need to enco&rage t$e re$abltaton o' extng properte. . o rede#elop rede#elop a Ct* port not not onl* mpro#e mpro#e t paenger paenger and good good er#ce b&t alo promote t$e local econom* o' t$e Zamboanga ct*. OBJECTIVES •
o o de#elop a ne! !a* o' controllng controllng t$e c$aotc c$aotc mo#ement o' paenger paenger and cargo n t$e Sea Port. o o enlarge enlarge t$e 'aclte o' t$e port to &tan &tan t$e n&mber n&mber o' paenger paenger and cargo.
Background/overview $e Port Port o' Zamboanga a center 'or ardne ardne export to t$e +nted State,, E&rope State E&rope,, t$e -ddle -ddle,, and ar Eat. Eat . / $ppng lne operate #a t$e port, er#ced b* 'o&r $p*ard operatng !t$n t$e port bo&ndare and n Zamboanga Ct*. Departng paenger are !ell accommodated n a paco& termnal b&ldng (rg$t p$oto). $e b&* Port o' Zamboanga $andle nter0land and nternatonal 'at 'erre, and alo occaonal nternatonal cr&e $p. $p .
$e Zamboanga Port $a $a an mpre#e mpre#e contaner contaner *ard, capable capable o' $andlng $andlng mall 2 contaner contaner and bgger 3/2 contaner. contaner. 4ocal dra*age capact* capact* more t$an &5cent, and t$e port t$e begnnng6endng termn& o' t$e Pan0P$lppne 7atonal 8g$!a*, allo!ng del#er* o' good to an* pont n t$e co&ntr*.
Literature Review Seaport pla* a #tal economc role bot$ globall* and regonall*9 port pro#de drect and ndrect emplo*ment, attract to&rt and act a mportant part o' global martme tranport nd&tr*. 8o!e#er, port act#te 'orm a ma:or o&rce o' poll&ton n coatal !ater9 $ppng, dredgng, ballat !ater, and torage and tranport o' $a;ardo& materal are condered a gn
eaport, t$e trategc approac$e addng to t$e port 'or &tanable port tratege !t$ t$e am o' ntegratng economc and ocal apect nto en#ronmental concern to ac$e#e t$e &tanable eaport complex.
PROPOSED ?Parque Acuático Del Palacio Imperial, Balneario Y Campo De Gol De Zamboanga! (Zamboanga Imperal Palace @aterpar> Reort, Spa and Aol' Co&re) GOALS 1. o pro#de a ne!, extng and latng attracton to redent and #tor al>e and to be an attract#e detnaton not :&t 'or c$ldren and 'amle b&t 'or all age gro&p. . o pro#de emplo*ment opport&nte and economc de#elopment 'or Zamboanga, t$ro&g$ to&rm and detnaton 'aml* reort recreaton. . o ofer a compett#e and en:o*able amate&r e#ent to gol'er o' all >ll le#el bot$ locall* and nternatonall*, to en:o* a '&n0
Pro#dng en:o*able recreaton, a a'e en#ronment, and memorable #acaton experence 'or e#er* g&et and e#er* member o' t$e taf. o generate emplo*ment and el'0emplo*ment opport&nte 'or t$e poor and dad#antaged ecton o' t$e comm&nt* b* n#ol#ng t$em drectl* n to&rm er#ce. Pro#de entertanng, '&n, and exctng contet 'or partcpant and a &n&e e#ent !t$ #al&able meda co#erage 'or expo&re and recognton
Background/overview Zamboanga Aol' Co&re one o' -ndanao ma:or la*o&t o' 1 $ole. It $a a rt aro&nd Balan Strat 'or a bt o' ocean #e!. %n nteretng ro&nd al!a* n tore 'or t$e a#erage gol'er or t$e pro*.
Zamboanga Imperial palace "aterpar# $e%ort, &pa and Gol cour%e i% located n +pper Calaran, Zamboanga ct*, ma>e *o&r 'anta* come to l'e $ ne! attracton an addton to t$e c$an o' Zamboanga Aol' Co&re. Imperal Palace t$e , b< and degned b* expert. It 'eat&re <#e dferent t$emed pool9 $e @a#e Rder !t$ art Pool !$c$ 'eat&re a prate $p and lde, $e !$rpool lde, t$e Beac$ pool and t$e oddler pool. Jo&r !aterpar> ad#ent&re !o&ldnt be complete ' *o& !ont tr* t$e t$ree ex$laratng lde t$at !o&ld reall* get *o&r adrenalne r&$ng. Imperal palace ofer alo a relaxaton to t$e next le#el !t$ dferent pa er#ce. Pro'eonal t$erapt !ll be $app* to attend to *o& o#er tea at Caracalla Spa. $ere $a#e treatment room pecal;ng n >ncare program. S$o!er and Kac&;; are alo a#alable to &t g&et need.
Propoed 'Complejo Integrado de ()cina% de Gobierno *ocal de la Ciudad de Zamboanga! (?Zamboanga Ct* Integrated 4ocal Ao#ernment O5ce ComplexL) GOALS 1. o pro#de a ne! Ao#ernment O5ce t$at allo! people to eal* acce aro&nd t$e area o' a dferent local go#ernment o5ce. OBJECTIVES •
$e &non o' dferent ector o' local go#ernment M natonal go#ernment to be n one degnated area.
Background/overview $e Ao#ernment o' Zamboanga Ct*, alo >no!n a t$e Zamboanga Ct* Ao#ernment t$e local go#ernment &nt n0c$arge o' t$e Ct* o' Zamboanga. It a ma*or0co&ncl 'orm o' go#ernment &per#ed drectl* b* t$e Predent o' t$e P$lppne and t$e Secretar* o' t$e Interor and 4ocal Ao#ernment . $e ct* go#ernment $a t$ree nterdependent branc$e9 t$e leglat#e branc$, t$e exec&t#e branc$, and t$e :&dcal branc$. It Aloball*, t$ere $a been a paradgm $'t !$ere !del* recogned t$at t$e emergence o' e0 go#ernment (bot$ de#eloped and de#elopng) Ao#ernment re<ed n de#elopng local and and ot$er ndependent polc*6la! ma>er $a#e natonal go#ernment operatonal and proce realed t$e gn
Ao#ernment e5cence, a !ell a pro#dng acceblt* a a trong tool 'or recept#e go#ernance . It !del* recogned t$at t$e emergence o' e0 Ao#ernment re<ed n de#elopng local and natonal go#ernment operatonal and proce e5cence, a !ell a pro#dng acceblt* to >e* ta>e$older e.g. ct;en, b&nee, o, e#eral go#ernment aro&nd t$e globe are go#ernment emplo*ee and ot$er go#ernment aggre#el* tr#ng !t$ a #on to ac$e#e agence. 4ocal go#ernment are !ell potoned to carr* o&t polce to red&ce po#ert* and mpro#e t$e &alt* o' l'e at t$e local le#el. 8o!e#er, Zamboanga ct*, carce at t$e $g$er le#el o' go#ernment (Cantonal, Entt* and State) tand a barrer to local go#ernment ablte to be dr#er o' de#elopment