XRIO User Manual
OMICRON Test Universe
Article Number: VESD 5015 - Manual Version: XRIO.AE.3 - Year 2011
© OMICRON electronics. All rights reserved. This manual is a publication of OMICRON electronics GmbH. All rights including including translation translation reserved. reserved. Reproduction Reproduction of any kind, kind, e.g., photocopying, photocopying, microfilming, microfilming, optical optical character recognition and/or storage in electronic data processing systems, requires the explicit consent of OMICRON electronics. Reprinting, wholly or in part, is not permitted. The product information, specifications, and technical data embodied in this manual represent the technical status at the time of writing and are subject to change without prior notice. We have done our best to ensure that the information given in this manual is useful, accurate, up-to-date and reliable. However, OMICRON electronics does not assume responsibility for any inaccuracies which may be present. The user is responsible for every application that makes use of an OMICRON product. OMICRON electronics translates this manual from the source language English into a number of other languages. Any translation translati on of this manual is done for local requirements, and in the event of a dispute between the English and a non-English version, the English version of this manual shall govern.
OMICRON Test Universe
Article Number: VESD 5015 - Manual Version: XRIO.AE.3 - Year 2011
© OMICRON electronics. All rights reserved. This manual is a publication of OMICRON electronics GmbH. All rights including including translation translation reserved. reserved. Reproduction Reproduction of any kind, kind, e.g., photocopying, photocopying, microfilming, microfilming, optical optical character recognition and/or storage in electronic data processing systems, requires the explicit consent of OMICRON electronics. Reprinting, wholly or in part, is not permitted. The product information, specifications, and technical data embodied in this manual represent the technical status at the time of writing and are subject to change without prior notice. We have done our best to ensure that the information given in this manual is useful, accurate, up-to-date and reliable. However, OMICRON electronics does not assume responsibility for any inaccuracies which may be present. The user is responsible for every application that makes use of an OMICRON product. OMICRON electronics translates this manual from the source language English into a number of other languages. Any translation translati on of this manual is done for local requirements, and in the event of a dispute between the English and a non-English version, the English version of this manual shall govern.
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
Table of Contents
1 Introduction Introduction ......................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................... .......... 5 2 RIO and XRIO.................................................................................... XRIO............................................................................................................................................ ........................................................ 5 2.1 Purpose Purpose of Data in RIO and XRIO ................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ................................... 5 2.2 RIO and its Limitations Limitations .......................................................................... ........................................................................................................................ .............................................. 6 2.3 XRIO and its Enhancements Enhancements ............................................................................. ............................................................................................................... .................................. 6 3 The Test Test Object User User Interface Interface ............................................................................. ............................................................................................................... .................................. 8 3.1 User User Roles............................................................................................................................... Roles........................................................................................................................................... ............ 8 3.2 The Generic User Interface Interface ............................................................................... ................................................................................................................. .................................. 8 3.2.1 Standard Mode .................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. .......................................................... 9 3.2.2 Advanced Advanced Mode........................................................................................................... Mode........................................................................................................................... ................ 11 3.3 The Classic User User Interface................................................................................................................ 13 4 The XRIO Structure Structure......................................................................... ................................................................................................................................ ....................................................... 14 4.1 Technical Technical Details behind XRIO ................................................................................. ......................................................................................................... ........................ 14 4.2 Blocks and Parameters Parameters .................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................... ................................... 14 4.3 Block Properties Properties ......................................................................... ................................................................................................................................ ....................................................... 15 4.4 Parameter Properties Properties ..................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................ ................................... 16 5 Global Test Test Object with Multiple Function Function Blocks Blocks ........................................................................... ............................................................................. .. 18 6 Custom Section – Create Create your own Parameters................................................................................. Parameters................................................................................. 20 7 XRIO Scripting............................................................................................... Scripting........................................................................................................................................ ......................................... 21 7.1 Setting up Formulas Formulas for Values and Enabled Enabled Flags.......................................................................... Flags.......................................................................... 21 7.1.1 Basics Basics about about Formulas Formulas ........................................................................... ................................................................................................................ ..................................... 22 7.1.2 Arithmetic Arithmetic Operators.............................................................................................................. Operators.................................................................................................................... ...... 24 7.1.3 Comparison Operators Operators ........................................................................... ................................................................................................................ ..................................... 24 7.1.4 Logical Operators Operators ..................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................ ................................... 24 7.1.5 IIF – Statement .................................................................... ............................................................................................................................ ........................................................ 24 7.1.6 Predefined Predefined References........................................................................................................ References................................................................................................................ ........ 25 7.2 Script Functions Functions Section with Global Functions Functions .............................................................................. ................................................................................ .. 25 7.2.1 Programming Programming in the Script Functions Functions Section .......................................................................... ............................................................................. ... 27 7.2.2 Adding Adding Script References.................................................................................... References............................................................................................................ ........................ 28 7.2.3 Compilation Compilation and Execution Execution of the Script Script in the Background Background ....................................................... 28 8 Organizing XRIO files .................................................................... ............................................................................................................................ ........................................................ 29 8.1 Left Tree – The Test Object Object ....................................................................................... .............................................................................................................. ....................... 29 8.2 Right Tree Tree – The XRIO File............................................................................................................... 30 8.3 Merging the two Trees....................................................................................................................... Trees....................................................................................................................... 30 8.3.1 Blocks with fixed Destination....................................................................................................... 30 8.3.2 Blocks with variable variable Destination.................................................................................................. 30 9 XRIO Converter Converter – Input Genuine Relay Relay Settings.............................................................................. Settings ................................................................................ .. 31 10 Testing and and Debugging of XRIO Converter........................................................................ Converter....................................................................................... ............... 33 11 Filters......................................................... Filters............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................ ...................... 35 12 Fully Parameterized Tests – LinkToXRIO ........................................................................... .......................................................................................... ............... 37
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
: : : : : : : : :
OMICRON Test Universe Relay Interface by OMICRON eXtended Relay Interface by OMICRON OMICRON Control Center eXtensible Markup Language Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Visual Basic .Net Microsoft Developer Network Software Developer Kit
: : : :
Component of the Test Universe software describing the device under test Specification for Test Object definitions introduced with Test Universe 2.0 Saved XRIO Test Object as a file Test Object with automatic calculation of parameters from settings
Definitions Test Object XRIO XRIO File XRIO Converter
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
1 Introduction The XRIO concept was introduced with the OMICRON Test Universe (OTU) 2.0 as an improvement of the Relay Interface by OMICRON (RIO). It represents the second generation to model test objects in the OTU. A test object can be a protection relay, a meter, or other devices, which are physical test objects in a protection environment. The purpose of this manual is to illustrate the features of XRIO. All the explanations in this manual are based on an example XRIO converter for the protection relay SEL-421 from Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories and show the concept behind XRIO. With this knowledge, it should be possible to create XRIO files with XRIO converter functionality for any test object. It is also shown how to use the XRIO files in a test plan in the OMICRON Control Center (OCC). It is required to be familiar with the OTU, the OCC and RIO before reading this manual. The following chapter points out the reason for introducing XRIO in the OTU 2.0 and the advantages compared to RIO, which was used in previous versions of the OTU.
2 RIO and XRIO 2.1 Purpose of Data in RIO and XRIO RIO was developed out of a need for a uniform data format for the parameters of protective relays produced by different manufacturers. It provides a common structure for functionally similar relays from diverse manufacturers to be tested with similar test procedures. Moreover, RIO permits relay characteristics to be imported into the OTU software from external sources. The following excerpt of the SEL-421 RIO file illustrates the structure of a RIO file. Each Test Object contains of a DEVICE block with general parameters and optional function blocks with protection function specific parameters (e.g. DISTANCE block). BEGIN TESTOBJECT BEGIN DEVICE DEVICE_MODEL "SEL-421" MANUFACTURER Schweitzer DEVICE_TYPE 21 PHASES 3 VNOM 115 VMAX-LL 200 VPRIM-LL 230000 INOM 5 IMAX 50 IPRIM 1000 FNOM 50 ININOM 1 VLNVN 1.732 END DEVICE BEGIN DISTANCE ACTIVE TRUE LINEANGLE 84 LINELENGTH 7.8 ... BEGIN ZONE LABEL "Z1 L-L" INDEX 1 TYPE TRIPPING FAULTLOOP LL ACTIVE true TRIPTIME 0 ... END ZONE ... END DISTANCE END TESTOBJECT
Figure 1: RIO structure shown by an excerpt of the SEL-421 RIO file
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
The XRIO concept introduced in the OTU 2.0 is based on the RIO file technology. The "X" in the name XRIO stands for eXtended RIO. XRIO implements some enhancements to RIO to overcome its limitations and fulfill future requirements of automated testing. The most important aspect of XRIO is that a tester can work directly with the relay specific parameter settings. Therefore, a XRIO file includes additional information and functionality compared to a RIO file.
2.2 RIO and its Limitations The OMICRON test modules can be divided in two groups. There are function specific test modules for specific protection functions, and general test modules. The RIO specification defines how to store these functions with its parameters in a RIO file. A Test Object function is a block in the RIO file with a defined structure as shown by the DISTANCE block in Figure 1. Some examples for general test modules are QuickCMC , State Sequencer , and Ramping . The function specific test modules are closely coupled to a Test Object function and a set of parameters describing this function. Examples for function specific test modules are Overcurrent , Distance, and Differential . The so called RIO functions for specific protection functions are always developed together with the according test modules. If test modules would have also access to parameters from other function specific blocks and/or access to new blocks with freely definable parameters the usability of the concept would be increased enormously. Another serious drawback of the RIO concept is that each Test Object function block can only occur once in a Test Object. This becomes especially obvious when testing overcurrent functions because relays having more overcurrent functions than can be covered by one RIO Test Object. With the RIO file technology, the workaround was to insert multiple Test Objects in an OCC document, which can be cumbersome. Although RIO gained wide acceptance, the data sheet of a relay does not contain the parameters in the RIO representation. This concept has some good reasons, but also has disadvantages. It would be advantageous to work directly with the relay specific parameters. Therefore, the relay parameters must be transformed into RIO parameters, which can be done by human or by program (Excel macros, relay software export,…). A RIO converter is a utility to transform relay parameters from a specific source (file, database) into a RIO file.
TEST OBJECT Relay Specific Parameters
RIO Converter XRIO File RIO File
OMICRON Test Universe Figure 2: RIO converter needed for RIO file technology
2.3 XRIO and its Enhancements The XRIO implementation includes some enhancements to overcome the limitations and disadvantages of RIO which are described above. The basic concept to implement the XRIO features is a general definition of XRIO as a tree structure with blocks and parameters. Parameters are the leaves of the tree and contain the real information. A block can contain parameters and sub blocks. This concept is a usual technique to structure data (e.g. file systems).
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
Generally, there are three sections in XRIO to group the data file according to its purpose and origin. The RIO section holds conventional RIO blocks for function specific test modules which are required for the test modules in the OTU. The structure of this section is based on the RIO specification. The Custom section can be freely defined. The main purpose is to map the relay specific parameter settings. These parameters are the same as the parameters which an engineer uses to configure the test object. Additionally, the Custom section can include other user-defined helper parameters. The Script Functions section has no sub-blocks and parameters. In this section it is possible to declare global functions which are used for the transformation of the relay specific parameters into the RIO parameters. The XRIO tree structure with its three sections is shown in Figure 3. The detailed structure of XRIO is described in chapter 4 The XRIO Structure.
Figure 3: XRIO tree structure The following list includes all XRIO enhancements which are introduced in the XRIO concept to improve the Test Object settings architecture. •
XRIO Structure Hierarchical tree structure with blocks, sub-blocks, and parameters.
Global Test Object with repeated Function Blocks Usage of multiple function specific blocks of the same kind in a Test Object.
Custom Section – Create Your Own Parameters User-defined parameters (relay specific parameters and helper parameters) with references to other parameters and the possibility of using formulas.
XRIO Scripting Creation of formulas in the RIO section for converting the relay specific parameters in the Custom section into the RIO parameters. Global functions can be defined in the Script Functions section.
XRIO Organizer A tool to organize the content of XRIO files. There are import, merge, and export functions.
XRIO Converter – Input Relay Settings Only Usage of the relay specific parameters as input. The XRIO converter connects the input parameters into the OMCIRON Test Object parameters.
Testing and Debugging of XRIO Files
Filters Import/Export relay settings into a XRIO file.
LinkToXRIO The OTU test modules can link test settings to any Test Object parameter in the XRIO file.
The above mentioned enhancements included in the XRIO concept are explained in detail in chapters 4 to 12. In the following chapter, the features and commands of the new Test Object user interface are shown.
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
3 The Test Object User Interface The Test Object user interface in the OTU combines a new generic user interface with the classic Test Object user interfaces from previous OTU versions. The generic user interface is designed to browse and manipulate the whole contents of a Test Object. The classic user interface for the device settings and the function specific blocks can be accessed in the RIO section in the generic user interface. Both parts of the user interface are used to create a Test Object with XRIO converter functionality. It is possible to edit the parameter values in both user interface types.
3.1 User Roles There are the following three groups of users who work with the Test Object user interface. Each group performs different tasks and has different requirements to the user interface. •
Test Object – Designer The designer of a Test Object with XRIO converter functionality is an expert for protection and/or measuring devices and needs in-depth knowledge about OMICRON test modules and Test Objects. His task is to generate Test Objects from scratch. The sophisticated work can be divided into several tasks which are described in detail in chapter 9.
Test Designer The test designer creates OCC documents, where he imports an existing Test Object and models the test settings. XRIO allows him to link test settings to any Test Object parameter. This concept is called LinkToXRIO and is described in chapter 12.
Tester The tester primarily executes the test. Sometimes he switches to the test designer role to make some adaptations to the test.
3.2 The Generic User Interface The generic user interface is shown at opening of the Test Object and represents the main window. For a separation of the above described different user roles, the Test Object can change between two modes. The flag in the menu VIEW | ADVANCED is used to switch between the two modes. Depending on the selected mode, there are different commands available for the user. The mode of the Test Object of the last session is always saved and used when opening the Test Object next time.
Figure 4: Generic user interface of Test Object in standard mode ( Custom section)
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
3.2.1 Standard Mode A tester and the test designer work in this mode to import an existing XRIO file and configure the Test Object with the current settings of the relay. There are only the enabled parameters and blocks visible in the Custom section. This can be achieved by some logic depending on the current relay configuration to make only the configured features available. The parameter table shows the Status, Name, Foreign ID, Description, Value, and Unit of the parameters. Only the parameter value can be entered, all other fields are read-only. Parameters, which are disabled, are not visible in the parameter table. The status of a parameter can be parameter is okay (
means that a comment is defined)
or parameter has a disabled value formula. In the RIO section, it is only possible to view or edit the OMICRON Test Object settings in the classic user interfaces (with the exception of the CB Configuration function block that has no classic user interface). The inner structure of the function specific blocks in the RIO section is not visible to a user in standard mode. Instead of the parameter table there is an Edit button to open the classic user interfaces for the device settings and the function specific blocks.
Figure 5: Generic user interface of Test Object in standard mode ( RIO section) Standard Commands The standard commands of the Test Object are available in both standard and advanced mode. These commands are used to work with existing XRIO files. FILE menu commands: •
IMPORT… and EXPORT… Opens a dialog to import a new RIO / XRIO file or to export the current Test Object to a RIO / XRIO file.
IMPORT RELAY SETTINGS… Importing relay settings with an existing filter from an appropriate file (e.g. XML file, Excel sheet)
REVISION… Display and update the XRIO Converter Version
SAVE AND EXIT and EXIT WITHOUT SAVE Exit from the Test Object and optional save the changes of the Test Object to the test module or OCC document. The OK and Cancel button provide the same way to exit the Test Object.
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
commands to manipulate RIO functions:
Show the classic test object user interface of the RIO function.
VIEW menu
This switches between standard and advanced mode of the Test Object. In advanced mode, a check mark is shown.
Show or hide the RIO subtree of the XRIO file.
A list of information, warnings, and errors of the current XRIO file. In Figure 7 there is the Errors view window shown of a sample XRIO file with its error messages. The amount of errors, warnings, and information in a XRIO file are also shown in the status bar of the Test Object (see bottom of Figure 5).
Figure 6: Number of errors, warnings, and information shown in the status bar Besides the three mentioned categories, there are different groups of messages for each category. The line and column number of the errors and warnings in the XRIO file are also displayed in the Errors view. Additionally, there is a Description, the Name-Path, and the Id-Path shown for each message. With all this information it is possible to find errors and warnings in a XRIO file. If the source of an error can directly been viewed in the XRIO user interface (parameter, formula code, script,…), the context menu of the error entry contains the "Goto Error" command that directly jumps to the cause of the error. This is also possible with just double-clicking the error entry.
Figure 7: Errors view in the Test Object The information messages show which parameter values have changed to a new value by an import of relay settings with a filter. The way how filters work is described in detail in chapter 11. In the OMICRON test modules only the error messages of the Test Object are shown in the status history view as shown below.
Figure 8: Status history view in OMICRON test modules Note: as
long as an error exists in XRIO, calculating formulas is temporarily disabled.
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
3.2.2 Advanced Mode The designer of a XRIO file with its XRIO converter functionality works in the advanced mode of the Test Object. Besides the standard commands there are the advanced commands available. In the Custom section there are all blocks and parameters visible. The designer can add, delete, cut, copy, paste, and modify parameters and blocks. The parameter table shows additionally to the standard mode the parameter's ID, Min and Max value, and value Formula. By right-clicking the header of the parameter table the visibility of the single columns can be customized. There is also an additional parameter status for disabled parameters shown with the following icon. parameter which is disabled Disabled blocks are also visible and marked with a cross over the block icon as it is shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Generic user interface of Test Object in Advanced Mode In the RIO section the inner structure of blocks with their parameters is shown. Designers can define formulas to calculate a parameter value from other parameters and to control the Enabled attribute of blocks and parameters. It is only possible to add new function specific blocks as sub blocks of the RIO root block.
Figure 10: Add function specific blocks in the RIO section
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
The data type, Min value, Max value, Name, ID, and Description of RIO parameters cannot be changed. Block names can be changed to distinguish blocks of the same type (e.g. labels for distance zones). Function specific RIO sub block can only be changed by a designer in the classic user interfaces of the specific functions blocks and/or with the integrated XRIO organizer, which is described in chapter 8. Additionally, the Script Functions section of a XRIO file is accessible. The purpose of the Script Functions section is described in chapter 7.2. Advanced Commands FILE menu commands: • ORGANIZE… Opens the XRIO organizer. The organizer includes two panes. There is one for the Test Object and one for a XRIO file, which can be imported and exported.
BLOCK and PARAMETER menu commands: •
CTRL+B for block and CTRL+P for parameter
only in block menu
As mentioned above, blocks and parameters can be added in the Custom section in the generic Test Object user interface. In the RIO section only test module function blocks can be added as sub block of the RIO block. For this reason there are different block or parameter commands available depending on which block or parameter is marked. There is also a toolbar available which includes the import button and buttons to add, remove, and show details of blocks and parameters.
Figure 11: Toolbar of the Test Object The tree view shows the nested block structure and offers the commands for blocks in the context menu. Additionally, there is the possibility to open the classic user interface for the device block and the function specific blocks in the RIO section. The Script Functions section of the Test Object contains global functions which are useful for the XRIO converter functionality. It is possible to add external references to the script, and compile or debug the script. XRIO scripting is described in detail in chapter 7.
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
Cut / Copy / Paste These commands appear in the main XRIO block and parameter menus and in the context menu. The functionality does not use the clipboard of the operating system. Therefore a cut/copy/paste is only available within a single Test Object and not between multiple Test Objects. The items are copied with the current contents and references to other items. The existence of dependencies (e.g. input parameter of formulas) inside the item and from other items is taken into consideration. The manipulations will be only allowed when the resulting context will make sense. The logic of formula reference handling is as follows: 1.
If a tree is copied/moved which has internal formula references, these references are internal in the copied tree too.
If a tree is copied/moved which has input parameters from outside the tree, these fixed references stay the same.
If a tree is copied which has parameters that are references to outside formulas (its parameters are input to outside formulas), these outside formulas keep the source tree parameters as input.
If a tree is cut/pasted in the same way, the outside references are applied to the new target.
If a tree is deleted which has parameters that are references to outside formulas, these outside formulas are disabled.
Disabled formulas, which are only disabled because of missing references, are enabled again, if all references with the same ID paths are recreated.
3.3 The Classic User Interface The classic user interfaces to work with Test Objects from older versions of the OTU are still available and needed for some function specific RIO blocks to generate the structure of the corresponding part in the RIO section. They are accessed through the context menu of the device block and the particular function blocks in the RIO section. For example, the block structure of the distance function block (distance zones definitions) has to be generated in the Characteristic Editor of the classic user interface before the XRIO converter functionality can be implemented. The shape of the zones can be defined in the Characteristic Editor as shown below.
Figure 12: Classic user interface (Distance) and Characteristic Editor for distance zones Note that the classic test object user interface is not directly aware of the XRIO specific infrastructure like formulas and their dependencies. If for example a value is changed in an edit field that is a calculation result of a formula, the corresponding formula will be disabled as the value is not any more the result of the calculation. When the classic UI is closed with the OK button, XRIO checks for such problems and warns the user if he has destroyed formulas by changing values. The user can cancel the changes. 13
OMICRON Test Universe
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4 The XRIO Structure 4.1 Technical Details behind XRIO The specification of the technical details how XRIO file has to be constructed is described in the XRIO Technical Reference manual which comes with the documentation of the OTU.
4.2 Blocks and Parameters The Test Object is a container for the whole information about a device. A single piece of information is a parameter. A block can include a group of parameters and other sub blocks. A Test Object has the same structure as a file system in a computer (you can compare a XRIO parameter with a file and a XRIO block with a folder). A parameter in the Custom section is used to define a relay specific setting or a helper parameter for the XRIO converter. The parameters in the RIO section represent the Test Object settings for the test modules.
Figure 13: Block structure (tree view left side) and parameters of a block (parameter table right side) Parameters and blocks have some common properties. Actually the parameters have the same properties as the blocks plus the value properties. The properties can be edited in the appropriate details pages.
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
4.3 Block Properties The following figure shows the block details page which can be accessed via the BLOCK menu in the advanced mode or the context menu of the selected block.
Figure 14: Block details page Note that the explanations of the block properties are also valid for parameter properties because these are common properties. •
Name Short name for a block or a parameter.
ID An identifier for a block or a parameter. It must start with a letter (A..Z) and must be a unique key (sequence of capitalized letters and digits) for all parameters and sub blocks within a block. The frequently used character ">" (for overcurrent pick up levels I>, I>>) is not allowed in ID's. Identifiers are used as names for variables in the formulas. Therefore, IDs have to be different from the keywords of the script language (VB .Net).
Description A comment to describe the block and parameter.
Foreign ID Supplier specific parameter address. Comment Any additional information about the parameter can be stored here. Enabled This flag enables a block or parameter. A logical expression can be used to calculate the Enabled flag. Whether a block or parameter is enabled or not then depends on a formula which can include other parameters and global functions.
The Enabled flag is available in the Custom section and the RIO section. Generally, blocks and parameters which are disabled are not visible in the standard mode. In the advanced mode, they are visible but marked as disabled blocks or parameters. Note that the disabled blocks and parameters in the RIO section are not passed to the test modules of the OTU. All disabled blocks and parameters are still available for the references used in a XRIO converter and the LinkToXRIO concept.
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
4.4 Parameter Properties Beside the common properties of blocks and parameters the parameters have some additional properties. These properties are called Value and Display Properties and are used to define the value related information of a parameter. The following figure shows the parameter details page which can be accessed via the PARAMETER menu in advanced mode or the context menu of the selected parameter.
Figure 15: Parameter details page The additional value and display properties for a parameter are explained in the following section: •
Data Type The data type can be String , Enumeration, Boolean, Integer , or Real . This information is also used to provide a comfortable data input (e.g. a combo box for Enumeration type and a checkbox for Boolean type). The Define Values button opens a dialog to define the values of an enumeration. Each enumeration item contains an internal used identifier and a name.
Figure 16: Enumeration value definition
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XRIO User Manual
If a Boolean type is chosen the value can only be true or false. The Integer and Real types have minimum and maximum values. •
Value, Multiplier, Unit, Digits after decimal A value is a constant or the evaluated formula expression. It is possible to define a unit and a multiplier for a value. The available units are V, A, s, cy, Hz, °C, F, W, VA, var, and Ohm. The user can also define any string as unit. Multipliers are used to represent a value in the user -6 interface as a combination of an adjusted value with its multiplier. They can be u for 10 , m for -3 3 6 10 , k for 10 , and M for 10 and can be used with the predefined units and with custom defined units. If a parameter value is defined with a multiplier, the value is converted internally to a value without a multiplier (e.g. 3kV is stored as 3000V). Using the digits after decimal the default display of the parameter value can be controlled. For the predefined non SI unit cycles (cy), the input value is automatically converted internally the following way: cy Value = Input / fn SI-Unit = s It is recommended to use values, which represents the quantity in basic SI units.
Min Value and Max Value Boundary values of the parameter. If these values are defined they are used to validate the input.
Formula It is possible to define a formula for a parameter value. Therefore, a parameter can be set directly with a new value or the value is the result of an expression defined in the formula element.
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
5 Global Test Object with Multiple Function Blocks Modern protection devices are getting more complex and include many protection functions. If devices have more than one protection function of the same kind, a Test Object needs to have multiple instances of this device function. This was not possible in the RIO file technology, which was a drawback of RIO as mentioned in chapter 2.2. A workaround was to insert multiple Test Objects in an OCC document which can be cumbersome. A typical case is that a protection relay has more overcurrent functions. Another example is the use of one distance function block for the tripping zones, another one for the starting zones, and eventually another one for the power swing detection zones. The solution is that a function block can occur as often as needed in a Test Object but the instances need to have unique names. In the Test Object settings of a test module one of the available function blocks is selected as the active function block which is actually used in the test module.
Figure 17: Set RIO function block as active function in the Test Object In an OCC document only one global Test Object needs to be included. In the test modules of the OCC document, a specific block is selected as the active function as shown above. To reduce the complexity for the user, there are the following rules defined: •
Each test module must have a corresponding function block. Therefore, a default function block is generated and filled with default values at startup of the Test Object.
One of the multiple function blocks of the same kind is the active one.
The local Test Object shows the settings of the currently assigned block.
In an OCC document, there are some additional aspects for the global Test Object to know: •
A function block must exist, if a corresponding test module is embedded.
If a test module (e.g. Overcurrent) is inserted into an OCC document, then the default overcurrent function block is assigned to the module.
In the Test Object settings of a test module the assignment can be changed.
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
Figure 18: OCC document with a global Test Object, hardware configuration, and four test modules
A Test Object can change due to example by deleting a RIO function block or importing a RIO function block from a file in the XRIO organizer. In such situations the existing assignments to the available function blocks remain as valid assignments. If an assignment could not be resolved the default function block is assigned.
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
6 Custom Section – Create your own Parameters The Custom section is used to map any type of relay specific parameter and other useful helper parameters. As mentioned earlier, it is organized in a tree structure. Each block can include parameters and sub-blocks. The values of the parameters represent the current relay settings and are the input values for an integrated XRIO converter which generates the RIO parameters in the RIO section. The XRIO converter is described in detail in chapter 9.
Figure 19: Custom section with the relay parameter of the SEL-421 relay (advanced mode) It is recommended to create the Custom section with the same structure as in the relay handbook or the relay settings software. The creation of the Custom section is done in the advanced mode. A tester works in the standard mode and should be able to enter all the relay settings in the Custom section. Mostly, availability of settings depends on logical conditions. For example, this means that only the parameters for enabled relay functions are editable. This mechanism should also be implemented in the Custom section. The figure below shows such an example of a logical condition.
Figure 20: Realize logic conditions in the Custom section The two Boolean parameters in the Relay Configuration block specify if the blocks with the corresponding relay function parameters are enabled and therefore visible in the Custom section in standard mode. The advantage of this logic is that the tester who works in standard mode only sees the important parameters for the current relay configuration.
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
7 XRIO Scripting All the calculations in the XRIO concept are implemented in a script-language. Microsoft VB.Net is used. The XRIO scripting is needed to create XRIO converter functionality. Generally, there are two cases where XRIO scripting is used: •
Setting up formulas for parameter values and Enabled flags
Script Functions section with useful global functions
There are some different rules for scripting in these two cases which are illustrated below. The VB.Net scripting language is a high-level programming language and is powerful enough to satisfy the needs of experienced programmers. Generally, all features of the .Net framework are available but only some of them are needed for XRIO. The System.Math namespace is very useful for implementing formulas and script functions in the XRIO concept. Therefore, it is included by default. This has the advantage that frequently used mathematical operations can be written in the short form (e.g. TAN(…) instead of MATH.TAN(…)). Note that VB.Net scripting language is not case-sensitive. In this manual only some basics of the VB.Net scripting language are shown which are typically needed for modeling a XRIO converter. For detailed information on the VB.Net scripting language refer to the 1 MSDN VB.Net documentation .
7.1 Setting up Formulas for Values and Enabled Flags It is possible to calculate a parameter's value and an Enabled flag for parameters and blocks by formulas. A formula is a single-line expression with the structure result = formula expression. Therefore, formulas should be as short and simple as possible. This can be achieved by implementing useful functions in the Script Functions section and use them in the formulas. The creation of these functions is described in 7.2. The operands can be numbers, or other parameters (ID's) defined in the Test Object. These ID's are references to other parameters and are added with a right-mouse click at the current cursor position in the formula. The dialog for inserting a formula reference shows the XRIO tree to select the desired parameter. Additionally, the reference ID name can be changed and the name path location in the XRIO tree is shown. To calculate formulas of enabled conditions it is often necessary to compare an enumeration value with one of its definitions. Therefore this dialog also allows inserting enumeration value definitions. They can be found as sub-nodes of the enumeration value in the tree.
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Figure 21: "Add Reference" with "Insert Formula Reference" dialog
7.1.1 Basics about Formulas The Test Object parameter values can be calculated from other parameters by formulas. These formulas are single-line expressions and are often one-to-one relationships to other parameters or simple formulas as shown below. •
nominal voltage divided by square root of 3
(INOM – IMEAS) / 2
nominal current minus measured current; difference divided by two
Z1ANG + 180
line angle plus 180 degrees
Figure 22: Example for parameter value formula expressions Note that inserting or editing a parameter ID (e.g. Z1ANG) is not permitted in the formula field. It is only possible with the Insert Formula Reference dialog shown in Figure 21. Other tokens like operators, VB.Net mathematical function, and global functions of the Script Functions section are typed text. Independent of the country settings the decimal separator is always the period. When several mathematical operators occur in an expression, they are evaluated in a predetermined order called operator precedence. The operator precedence corresponds to the common mathematical conventions and is therefore not explained here any further. Boolean expressions are used for block and parameter Enabled flags. The result of the Boolean expression is the value for the Enabled flag.
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XRIO User Manual
Figure 23: Example for block Enabled flag formula If a parameter is deleted, which is referenced in a formula of a parameter or block the following warning is displayed.
Figure 24: XRIO warning if a parameter for deletion is referenced in a formula
When a referenced parameter is deleted, all formulas using the ID of the deleted parameter are disabled because they can not be calculated anymore. The advantage of disabling the formulas instead of deleting them is that they can be used again after enabling them. If the formula still contains errors after enabling, a script error message is displayed.
Figure 25: Enabling of disabled formulas (context menu)
The following section shows examples from the wide variety of possibilities and the most common operations in XRIO.
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7.1.2 Arithmetic Operators Operation
Floating point division
11 / 4
Integer division
11 \ 4
2.5 ^2
Square root
Trigonometric functions
sin(30 * PI/180)
(arguments in Radians)
cos(45 * PI/180)
7.1.3 Comparison Operators Operator
True if
False if
< (less than)
expression 1 < expression 2
expression 1 >= expression 2
<= (less than or equal to)
expression 1 <= expression 2
expression 1 > expression 2
> (greater than)
expression 1 > expression 2
expression 1 <= expression 2
>= (greater than or equal to)
expression 1 >= expression 2
expression 1 < expression 2
= (equal to)
expression 1 = expression 2
expression 1 <> expression 2
<> (not equal to)
expression 1 <> expression 2
expression 1 = expression 2
7.1.4 Logical Operators Boolean Operation Logical and Logical or Logical negation
23 > 12 AND 12 > 4
23 > 12 OR 4 > 12
NOT 23 > 12
7.1.5 IIF – Statement As mentioned, formula expressions in XRIO can only by single-line expressions. Therefore, the IIF – statement, which is a one-line IF-ELSE statement of VB.Net, is useful for creating formulas. It returns one of two values, depending on the evaluation of an expression.
iif(expression, trueValue, falseValue) If the expression is true, the trueValue is returned as the result, otherwise the falseValue.
Figure 26: Example of an IIF – Statement (NFREQ enumeration shown in Figure 16)
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
7.1.6 Predefined References A set of frequently used parameters are available in formulas as a list box. In the context menu of formulas there is an item Predefined References which opens a list box. The shortcut Ctrl+Shift+I also opens the list box in a formula field to select one of the listed parameters.
Figure 27: List box with often used parameters in formulas (Ctrl+Shift+I)
7.2 Script Functions Section with Global Functions For a comfortable creation of XRIO converters it is necessary to define arbitrary global functions. Therefore, the Test Object has a development environment for creating and editing functions in the VB.Net script language. These global functions are placed in the Script Functions section of the Test Object. The syntax is checked by the integrated compiler. A complex script development is only possible with an additional debug feature. An example for a useful global function is the calculation of the constraint for drawing the line element 4 of the quadrilateral distance protection zones in the SEL-421 protection relay. The quadrilateral ground distance zone 1 is defined with the relay parameters resistive reach RG1, reactive reach XG1, and line angle Z1ANG in the Custom section. The appropriate RIO parameters for this zone in the RIO section can be referenced to these parameters with formulas. Depending on the SEL-421 relay configuration (R1G, X1G, Z1ANG) the line element 4 of the quadrilateral zone 1 may not exist. This constraint for the line element 4 is graphically illustrated in the figure below.
Figure 28: Constraint for line element 4 of quadrilateral zone (SEL-421)
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The line element 4 only exists when the following constraint is true. Otherwise the element is disabled and the shape only exists of three remaining line elements. RG
XG <
cos( Z 1ANG )
Since the same constraint is used for all the quadrilateral ground distance zones, it is useful to define a function in the Script Functions section, which calculates the right side of the equation. The following figure shows the Script Functions section for the Schweitzer SEL-421 User Manual.xrio file (located in OMICRON Test Library) with the function to calculate the constraint for the line element 4 of the quadrilateral distance protection zones.
Figure 29: Script Functions section for global functions (e.g. SEL-421 constraint)
The constraint is used for the Enabled flag of the line element 4 (e.g. for zone 1). The verification of the constraint can be done directly in the formula field of the Enabled flag as shown below.
Figure 30: Calculation of the constraint for line element 4 in the block Enabled formula
As an alternative the constraint can be verified in a new Boolean helper parameter in the Custom section. In this case, only the helper parameter has to be referenced in the formula field of the Enabled flag for the line element 4. The Enabled flag of the blocks in the Custom section which contain such helper parameters should be false. As a result, these blocks are not visible in the standard mode, which is described in detail in chapter 3.2.
Figure 31: Definition of the constraint as a Boolean helper parameter in the Custom section
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
7.2.1 Programming in the Script Functions Section Note that the angle values have to be converted into Radians for the calculation with trigonometric functions. For example, this can be solved by a multiplication with a defined constant Deg2Rad as shown in Figure 29. The implementation of functions in the Script Functions section of XRIO does not require much programming skills. Generally, the following things should be known to create script functions in a Test Object. •
Defining Constants:
Const c1 as Integer = 10 •
Defining Variables:
Dim R as Double •
Structure of a Function:
Function TheFuncName(Par1 As Double, Par2 As Double) As Double Dim R As Double Const Deg2Rad As Double =PI / 180 R = Par1 + Par2 Return R End Function •
Public and Private Keywords: Each constant, variable, and function can be defined as a public or private member. Public members can be used in the whole Test Object. This means they are also available in the formulas for parameter values and Enabled flags. If a member is declared as private in the Script Functions section, it can only be used inside the Script Function section.
Shortcuts to insert templates for constants and functions: It is a common task to create constants and functions in the Script Function section. Therefore, a context menu offers a quick way to insert templates for constants and function, which can also be done with the appropriate shortcuts shown below.
Figure 32: Shortcuts to insert templates for constants and functions
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
7.2.2 Adding Script References It is also possible to reference other VB.Net or own assemblies into a XRIO file. This is done with the References button. Script references can be included from files or the GAC (global assembly cache).
Figure 33: Add a script reference All the functions defined in the added script references can be used in formulas and the Script Functions section of the XRIO file. Note that the fully qualified names for assembly members and operations have to be used.
7.2.3 Compilation and Execution of the Script in the Background A VB.Net script with all the formulas and the functions in the Script Functions section is automatically generated. This script is compiled after any code changes in the Test Object or when a user forces the script compilation by pressing the Compile button in the Script Functions section. If a parameter value is changed which is involved in a formula, the script is executed.
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
8 Organizing XRIO files Unlike RIO, the XRIO concept implements a Test Object with a very variable content. This new concept needs a tool to organize the content of the Test Object or an XRIO file. Typical operations with the XRIO organizer are: •
Save a subset of blocks to an XRIO file
Get blocks from an existing XRIO file
Put blocks into an existing XRIO file
Delete blocks from the current Test Object
Duplicate blocks in the current Test Object
There are many different use cases where these operations of the XRIO organizer are used. An example scenario is that over time several XRIO converters are developed for a device. Maybe one XRIO converter supports the distance protection and another one supports the overcurrent protection. The software does not have to merge two XRIO converters automatically into one file. The XRIO organizer can be used to merge two converters temporarily. With the menu FILE | ORGANIZE in the advanced mode a Test Object and a XRIO file can be organized. The organizer includes two XRIO trees as shown in the figure below.
Figure 34: XRIO organizer
8.1 Left Tree – The Test Object The left tree holds the current Test Object. Two buttons provide functions for deletion and duplication of blocks. A duplication of a block generates a copy of the selected block at the same location in the tree structure. The ID of the copied block is derived from the original ID by appending a number. In the RIO section only the RIO function blocks and blocks in a collection of equal block types can be duplicated. The organizer can be closed with the OK button for saving or with the Cancel button for discarding the changes made to the current Test Object.
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
8.2 Right Tree – The XRIO File The right tree holds an XRIO file. At startup time of the organizer the tree is empty. RIO or XRIO files can be imported into the right tree which represents a temporary XRIO file. After merging of the two trees as described below, the content of the right tree can be exported into a new RIO or XRIO file.
8.3 Merging the two Trees Single parts of the two trees can be merged in both ways. Therefore, there are two buttons with arrows in different directions between the two trees. Generally, the block which should be moved from one tree to the other has to be selected. In the other tree the destination location can be selected. These buttons will be enabled or disabled depending on the selected blocks in both trees because some block types can only be moved to predefined locations. If an arrow button is enabled, a tool-tip is shown moving the mouse pointer over the button. This tool-tip explains which block is moved to which destination location if the arrow button will be pressed. In Figure 34 there is an example for such a tool-tip shown. There are some block types which can only be moved to a predefined location in a tree. In these cases the destination in the other tree needs not to be selected because the blocks move to the correct destination automatically. For all the other blocks the destination is defined by the current selection in the opposite tree.
8.3.1 Blocks with fixed Destination •
Script Functions section Replaces the Script Functions section in the destination tree with the Script Functions section in source tree.
Custom section Copies all blocks in the Custom section of the source tree to the Custom section in the destination tree. Identical blocks (same ID's) can be overwritten or skipped and new blocks are added to the Custom section of the destination tree.
Custom section blocks (no selection in the Custom section of the destination tree) Insert the selected block in the source tree as a child of the Custom root block of the destination tree.
RIO section Copies the RIO section of the source tree to the destination tree. Identical blocks (same ID's) can be overwritten or skipped and new blocks are added to the RIO section of the destination tree.
Sub blocks of the RIO root block Insert the selected block in the source tree as a child of the RIO root block of the destination tree.
8.3.2 Blocks with variable Destination •
Custom section blocks (destination is specified in the Custom section) If there is a sub block in t he Custom section of the destination tree selected, the moved bock will become a sub block of this block.
All blocks in the RIO section except the sub blocks of the RIO root block The right destination according to the RIO specification has to be selected in the destination tree.
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
9 XRIO Converter – Input Genuine Relay Settings The test modules work with the RIO parameters represented in the RIO format. Mostly a tester has only the relay settings from the data sheet or the relay software. Therefore, a RIO converter is needed to generate the RIO parameters from the original relay settings. In the OMICRON Test Library there are many RIO files for different protection devices available which have predefined values for a typical device configuration. In the past, the term RIO converter was used for a utility, which generates the RIO data from the original relay settings and stores the result in a RIO file. The new XRIO concept has a so called XRIO converter integrated in the XRIO data structure, so that the transformation logic is part of the XRIO file. XRIO converters are distributed in XRIO files for various protection or measurement devices. These next generation Test Object templates contain the relay settings in the Custom section and automatically calculate the RIO parameters in the RIO section. The RIO parameters depend on the relay parameters in following ways: •
Parameters correspond to a relay parameter in a one-to-one relation
Parameters can be calculated from relay parameters with a simple formula (e.g. Z = ZSM / 2)
The number of items in a collection of blocks or parameters depends on the relay settings
Note that the XRIO converter logic is not protected. Any user can read and copy the complete content of the file including values, formulas and constraints. The integrated XRIO converter uses the formula field of a parameter to calculate its value from other parameters. The formulas of the Enabled flag are used to determine if blocks and parameters are enabled or not. The operands of these expressions are mainly relay parameters of the Custom section. A formula can use any parameter in the Test Object as an operand. Circular references are not permitted and therefore detected. A XRIO converter must implement this mechanism for at least one of the RIO function blocks. If a XRIO converter supports a RIO function block, the parameters of this block must be calculated from relay settings, wherever possible. The final goal of the integrated XRIO converter is that only the relay settings describe the Test Object. The following figure shows the different sections of a XRIO file with its dependencies. It is obvious that the RIO section is generated out of the Custom and Script Functions section. XRIO file Custom Section: Blocks with relay settings. Each parameter has a unique identifier.
The UI shows the parameters in a table. The tester can modify the values.
Script Functions Section: Global script functions. (e.g. for constraint calculation,…)
RIO Section: The Enabled flag and the RIO parameter values are calculated. Script functions and parameter identifiers are used in formulas. Only a designer of a XRIO converter needs to modify this section. A tester has only access to the classic user interfaces.
Figure 35: XRIO Test Object with its dependencies
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XRIO User Manual
It is recommended for a designer of a Test Object with integrated XRIO converter to use the following sequence of steps. Note that a designer has to work in the advanced mode. Step 1:
Create the Block Structure in the RIO Section: If there exists a RIO file for the protection test object in the OMICRON Test Library, this RIO file can be imported into the Test Object to fill the RIO section with the appropriate data. Some relay manufacturer offer a RIO export option in their relay software. The resulting RIO file can also be imported into the Test Object to generate the structure in the RIO section. Additional RIO functions blocks can be added. This is also used when there is no RIO file available for a protection test object and the RIO block structure has to be created from scratch. The following dialog box shows all possible RIO functions blocks which can be added.
Figure 36: Add new test module function blocks to the RIO section These RIO function blocks are filled with the default values which can be changed in the corresponding classic user interface. It is recommended that designers always generate the maximum content in the RIO section with the classic user interface before adding formulas in step 4 (e.g. maximum zone elements for distance protection zones). Step 2:
Create Relay Parameters in the Custom Section: The designer uses the generic user interface to add blocks with parameters in the Custom section. These parameters map the relay parameters with their current settings and additional helper parameters for the XRIO converter. It is recommended to use the same structure in the Custom section as in the relay handbook or the relay software.
Step 3:
Add Global Functions in the Script Functions Section: Global function can be added into the Script Functions section of the Test Object. These functions are written in the VB.Net scripting language and can be used in any formula field of any parameter in the generic user interface.
Step 4:
Add Formulas for the XRIO Converter Functionality in the RIO Section: In the generic user interface, formulas can be added for calculation of parameter values in the RIO section. Additionally formulas for the Enabled flags of parameters and blocks can be defined. All parameters and script functions can be used in formulas.
After completing the design a Test Object with XRIO converter functionality has to be verified. There is a recommended checklist for testing of XRIO converter in the following chapter. Sometimes it can be necessary to debug a XRIO converter.
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
10 Testing and Debugging of XRIO Converter During the creation of a Test Object with XRIO converter functionality, error messages and warnings will possibly show up in the Errors view. These messages have to be eliminated by removing their cause. The XRIO converter functionality can be tested by changing relay parameters in the Custom section and analyzing the changes of the related RIO parameters in the RIO section. For a verification of a XRIO converter the following conditions should be fulfilled. Checklist for a XRIO Converter •
All device parameter can be entered in the Custom section
Limits and default values match the ones from the device
Minimum and maximum values do not lead to problems within formulas (e.g. invalid characteristics)
All formulas and functions used in the Test Object are used and verified
One test plan for each protective function of the relay is created
One real world test for each protection function is performed
Besides the recommendations listed above, the most important thing is that there is no need for the user to enter RIO parameters. As mentioned, syntax errors and warnings are shown in the Errors view but there is no information about a calculation in the XRIO converter which returns a wrong result. If there are many complex formulas and script functions in a XRIO converter, it is difficult to find the reason for such a wrong calculation. For this task, the Test Object offers the possibility of debugging. The debug feature is available in the Script Functions section. The associated debugger loads the VB.Net script which is always generated in the background of the Test Object. This VB.Net script includes all formulas and script functions of the Test Object. Setting of breakpoints in the debugger makes it easy to analyze critical parts of the XRIO converter and watch the results of each single calculation. The following figure shows the debugging of the script function for the calculation of the constraint of line element 4 of quadrilateral zones in the SEL-421 protection relay. For this example, the Microsoft Common Language Runtime (CLR) debugger is used.
Figure 37: Debugging of the SEL-421 XRIO converter with the CLR Debugger
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XRIO User Manual
Requirements for Debugging For the debugging of a XRIO converter, an external debugger is needed. If there is no debugger installed on the machine, the free .Net Fr amework Software Development Kit (SDK) 1.1 can be used. The SDK can 2 be downloaded from the internet . After the installation of the .Net Framework SDK the including CLR debugger has to be started (the default installation location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v1.1\GuiDebug\DbgCLR.exe). The just-in time debugging option for "Common Language Runtime" has to be enabled in the CLR debugger options.
Figure 38: Enabling just-in time debugging for "Common Language Runtime" in the CLR debugger
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
11 Filters Typically, the Custom section holds the relay specific settings. If the configuration of a test object is changed, the same changes have to be applied to the parameters in the Custom section. This can be a lot of work if there are many relay parameters involved. Additionally, it has to be verified that the configuration values of the physical test object are identical with the parameter values in the Custom section. For the automation of these tasks, filters can be used. A filter is software that reads/writes data from/to an external source. A standard XML filter is shipped with the OTU. User specific filters can be developed and installed if necessary.
Relay Software
Export Function for Relay Parameter Values
XML File
Standard XML Filter
Test Object
Figure 39: Filling the parameters of the Custom section with the standard XML filter If another data format is used a corresponding filter is needed. The structure of a filter allows import and export f unctionality. Some filters will provide both, some only import depending on the usage of the filter. There are many situations where it is useful to import data from a different source outside the OTU. For example, this can be a relay settings file of any format created by a relay software. In this case, the values of the parameters in the Custom section have to be updated. Another scenario is that relay settings from IEC61850-conformant devices will be read either from a file or even directly from a protection device. The data input is not only possible from a file but in general from any source. Normally, a filter only manipulates the data in the Custom section. However, there is the possibility to change the complete XRIO tree. Filters are accessed via the FILE | IMPORT RELAY SETTINGS menu in the Test Object. The following dialog offers the possibility to select one of t he available filters and set it as the default one. Export is in the moment only accessible via Automation.
Figure 40: Relay settings import with filters The Standard Filter for XML Files which comes with the OUT is simple and effective. This filter reads an XML file which contains the current relay configuration and performs an update of the parameters in the Custom section. The XML file must have the same structure as blocks and parameters in the Custom section. Every relay parameter which is found in the XML file depending on the ID path is updated in the Custom section. If a relay manufacturer wants to supply a XRIO converter with configuration data from the relay software there is just an XML export option needed to generate an appropriate XML file. The manufacturer that exports this structure does not have to provide any additional software.
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XRIO User Manual
An excerpt of a XML file with configuration data of the SEL-421 protection relay is shown below. This XML file can be used to update the Custom section's relay parameters of the SEL-421 XRIO converter with the standard XML filter. 5 84 24.80 81.50 4 0 4 R F F 4 6 10 10 15 …
Note that filters can be developed separately and added as additional packages to the OTU.
OMICRON Test Universe
XRIO User Manual
12 Fully Parameterized Tests – LinkToXRIO The test modules in the OTU can link most test settings to any Test Object parameter. This concept is called LinkToXRIO. In the RIO concept all test modules had access to the parameters of the DEVICE block in the RIO file. The function specific test modules had in addition access to the set of protection specific parameters. For example it could be useful, if the State Sequencer module could link a value directly to a parameter from the Overcurrent block. This is possible with the LinkToXRIO concept. A typical use case is in the Ramping module to ramp a current from a minimal to a maximal current. It is . an obvious wish to define these values for example as I Min = 0.9 IPickUp and IMax = 1.1 IPickUp. This is possible, if IPickUp is used as the reference value for I Min and I Max. We would say, I Min and IMax are linked to the parameter I PickUp.
Figure 41: LinkToXRIO in the Ramping module (relative mode) Establishing a Link All Test Object parameters are potential targets for a link. From possibly hundreds of parameters only a few parameters will be mostly used for linking. It is recommended to use a short name for a linked parameter, because the user interface must show the value as ' Factor Name'. The dialog to link a test setting to a Test Object parameter is launched from the context menu of the test setting.
Figure 42: LinkToXRIO in the context menu of a value in the Test view LinkToXRIO is only possible if this feature is activated for the value. This command opens a dialog to browse the XRIO tree. The LinkToXRIO dialog remembers the last selected parameter to reconstruct the state of the tree from the last usage. If the dialog is called for an already linked value, then the linked parameter is selected.