What Is So Important About The Cube Part 1 ?
What is hiding inside the cube? Before I show the duality of this amazing symbol by using sacred geometry, many thanks go to Marty Leads for revealing how the Master Creator used numbers and letters along with sound to form all that is. Gematria will be used to cipher the English alphabet in this presentation.
The word alphabet comes from the first two letter in the Hebrew language Alef ( master ) Alpha and Beth ( house) Bet. Below is called a cipher of the English alphabet. Using our fingers this can be remembered. For a detailed explanation visit Marty Leeds
The English alphabet has 26 letters and the number system for these letters are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 for the first 13 letters A-M and the number system for the last 13 letters are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, N-Z. Notice that the number 7 is in the middle of the each sequence. Seven is a holy number.
Gematria is a method of interpreting words,based on numerical values of letters.(Greek geometria) Everything that is created by man involves mathematics, geometry aka Sacred Geometry (Pi). I find it interesting the words Gematria and geometria when added using the cipher equal 70 and if we use decimal parity 7+0 = 7. Why is this significant well if you spell out 7 seven it equals 22 and 22\7 = 3.142.. which is the closest known fraction to (Pi).
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For the past several weeks I have been very curious about a symbol known as Metatron`s Cube especially when I found 13 circles and many other shapes including the Star of David aka the Seal Of Solomon along with the shapes that represent the five platonic elements all encased in this awesome cube.
OK let`s get started with the word Cube ( C3,U6,B2,E5 ) 3+6+2+5+ = 16, 1+6 = 7. Right off the get go we have the Holy Number 7.
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While watching Mary Leads` presentation on the significance of this cube it got my wheels turning and it became very clear to me that the six sides represents the movement of all things in the universe. As Marty explains that up, down, left, right, forward and reverse being all connected by an axis is another piece to the story of creation. When we take the six ways of motion and count the axis this totals 7. Just like the human body where the hips are the axis. Just for fun if we look into the word axis we can see( xis a ) A SIX. SIX. Now using gematria (A,1) (S6,I5,X3 ) 1+6+5+3 = 15, 1+5 = 6. For the sake of keeping this as short as possible when we add up, down, left, right, forward and reverse it gives us a value of 133, using decimal parity this equals 7. So what does all this mean? Marty explains that we can`t see inside the cube just like we can`t see our heart when looking from the outside. In the Holy Bible we read in Genesis that God created all things in six days and rested on the seventh day. Where does God rest? It only makes sense that God would rest in our heart. These two words rest and heart have some very interesting connections. Rest ( R5,E5,S6,T7 ) 5+5+6+7 = 23 which has the same value as Heaven ( H6,E5,A1,V5,E5,N1 ) 6+5+1+5+5+1 = 23. Heart ( H6,E5,A1,R5,T7) 6+5+1+5+7 = 24 and we see this with Earth ( E5,A1,R5,T7,H6 ) 5+1+5+7+6 = 24. Here we have the masterful blending of heaven and earth or should way say
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Why do the Muslims gather around a cube and bow down and pray to God.
Why do Christians bow down before a cross and pray to God?
Now carefully examine the cube and use your imagination and unfold it one square at a time. The cube is actually a cross folded up. The cross is one of the oldest symbols known to man. Multitudes of ancient societies all recognized the cross as being symbolic of creation. If we count all the points which are the four ends of the lines and the middle where the cross intersects with the two lines we have 5 points and 2 lines that make up the component of the cross. This gives us our holy number 7.
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The Mind Is Like A Parachute It Only Works When It Is Open! When an individual learns how to tap into the higher consciousness there are no limits. ( Jack Shea) " Wisdom leads to all the right paths, knowledge will gain you freedom and love is the glue for all things. " " (Jack Shea) Research and images from Google images, wiki media,http://deboyoga.com, http://planetaryfolklore.com and Marty Leeds. Infinite Love, Jack Shea Truth Seeker 20 Free Gifts "Searching For Truth" "Fear when eliminated opens up many doors. Love when understood keeps those doors open." ( Jack Shea )