A capstone project proposal for Negros Oriental State University Bais City campus. This could be very helpful as reference for IT students who will have their capstone project.
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thesis chapter one for capstone project
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computer project on music website.website made using asp,html,css and vbscript......database connectivity using asp is also included in it......Full description
This project has been developed on PHP which facilates user to chat. The interface of the project has been developed like google chat where all online users is displayed and any user can cha…Full description
capstone project guideline for lovely professional university students
imradFull description
OBU sample thesis.Full description
a sample capstone projectFull description
Sample only
It is nonsense. Go and fuck a MILF
Policies and Standards for Undergraduate Thesis/Capstone Projects for Computing ProgramsFull description
College report on the project - Real Estate Listing Web ApplcationFull description
RESERVED THESIS TOPICS 2010-2011 [AS OF MAR 26 2011– 11:38 PM]Full description
Online Vehicle Showroom Management Activities and all of the its functions are managed in this documentFull description
Web Based and Online Application for Capstone and Thesis Projects 1. Web Bas Based ed Human Human Res Resourc ource e Integra Integrated ted Syst System em 2. Le Lend nding ing Sys System tem in in PHP PHP and and MySQ MySQL L 3. Web Bas Based ed Cass Cassroo room m Manage Management ment Sys System tem !. Web Bas Based ed Sc" Sc"oo oo Mana Manageme gement nt Syst System em #. $n $nin ine e Recor Records ds Manag Manageme ement nt Syst System em %. Web Base Based d Car Renta Renta &''i &''icati cation on in PHP PHP and MySQL MySQL (. $)) $))ice ice Su''y Su''y In*e In*entor ntory y System System in PHP PHP and and MySQL MySQL +. ,m' ,m'oye oyee e CocCoc- &t &ttend tendanc ance e Syst System em . &t &tten tenda danc nce e Manag Manageme ement nt Syst System em 1/. Car Was" Boo-ing Boo-ing &''icatio &''ication n 11. Web Based &ttendanc 11. &ttendance e 0rac-ing 0rac-ing System 12. $L Li-e &''ication &''ication in PHP and and MySQL 13. PHP and and MySQL $rdering $rdering System System 1!. $nine ideo Renta Renta &''ication &''ication it" &ndroid &ndroid Su''ort 1#. Sc"oar Sc"oars s In)ormation Management Management System System 1%. $nine Pubic Pubic &ccess &ccess Cataoguing Cataoguing 1(. Web Base 4eedbac4eedbac- and Comments System System in PHP and MySQL 1+. $nine 5iscussion 5iscussion &''icatio &''ication n in PHP and MySQL 1. Hote Reser*ation Reser*ation and Biing in PHP and and MySQL 2/. Web Base Point Point o) Sae 6P$S7 6P$S7 System 21. 8es Porta &''icatio &''ication n in PHP and MySQL 22. $nine 9rading 9rading System it" 9rade In:uiry In:uiry )or Students Students 23. Web Based ,nroment ,nroment Management Management and Biing System System 2!. $nine Crime Crime Re'orting Re'orting System System 2#. &umni In)ormati In)ormation on System System 2%. Web Based 0a 0abuation System System 2(. Web Based Payro Payro System using PHP and and MySQL 2+. PHP and MySQL MySQL &uction &uction System System 2. Music Library &''ication &''ication in PHP and MySQL 3/. Web Based Based oting oting System System 31. Web Based Based Hos'ita Management Management System System 32. 5ormitory Management Management System System in PHP and MySQL 33. Prison Management Management In)ormation In)ormation System using PHP and MySQL 3!. Web Based ,ntrance ,ntrance ,;amination ,;amination Pro
!/. Web Based Water Biing &''ication !1. Web Based &ssessment o) Sc"oo 4ees !2. Web Based Com'uter &ided Instruction !3. $nine &''ointment &''ication in PHP and MySQL !!. Web Based 0ranscri't Processing System !#. $nine S"o''ing Cart &''ication !%. ,*ent Registration &''ication in PHP MySQL !(. $nine ,Learning System in PHP and MySQL !+. $nine Science eLearning System in PHP and MySQL !. Web Based Bus 0ic-et &''ication in PHP and MySQL #/. 4ie Management System in PHP and MySQL #1. &ttendance System in PHP and MySQL #2. Com'uteri=ed ,ectricity Biing and Payment System #3. $nine 0ic-et Boo-ing Porta #!. Contact Manager &''ication ##. $nine 5enta Cinic &utomation #%. Web Based Hos'ita Management System #(. $nine Library Management System #+. Web Based isitor Log Monitoring System #. $nine Customer Com'aints &''ication %/. Web Based Hoste Management System %1. $nine Student In)ormation System %2. Web Based Ba'tisma In)ormation System %3. $nine 9rading and Student In)ormation System in PHP MySQL and Bootstra' %!. Heat" Insurance In)ormation System in PHP and MySQL %#. Web Based 5iary Management System %%. $nine Product Management System %(. Sc"oo Management System in &SP.8et %+. Patient Medica Record >ee'ing System %. $nine Courseare Management System (/. Web Based 0"esis &rc"i*ing System