VENDOR DATA REQUIRE With Bid VDRL Code (1) 1 C01 C01
Data/Document Description
C03 C04 C05 C06 C07 C08 C09 C10 C11 C12 C13 C13 C14 2 D01 D02 D03 D04 D05 D06 D07 3 M01 M01 M02 M03 M04
Commercial/Contractual Vend Vendor or Docu Docume ment nt Requ Requir irem emen entt Sche Schedu dule le (VDR (VDRS) S) Engineering, Procurement, Manufacturing and Test Schedule Sub Co Contract Wo Work Pr Proposal Intentionally left blank Intentionally left blank Deli Deliv very, Ha Handl ndling ing an and Pa Packing Pro Propos posals Exception an and No Non-Conformity Fo Form Ven Vendor dor's Sub-O b-Orde rders (UnUn-Pric riced copy) py) Warranty/Guarantee Con Confirmation Vendor/Sub-Vendor List Project Ma Management Or Organisation Prog rogress Re Reports orts (We Weeekly and Mon Monthly thly)) Prov Proven en Desi Desig gn and and Manu Manufa fact ctur urin ing g Exp Exper erie ienc ncee Lis Listt Schedule of of Nozzle Pricing Drawing - General Intentionally left bl blank Intentionally left bl blank Intentionally left bl blank Intentionally left bl blank Intentionally left bl blank Intentionally left bl blank Intentionally left bl blank Process / Mechanical / Piping / Structural Foun oundatio tion Lo Load an and An Anchor Bo Bolt Location tion Intentionally left blank Drive Assembly Details Intentionally left blank
M05 M05
Equi Equipm pmen entt Des Desig ign n Cal Calcu cula lati tion onss inc inclu ludi ding ng Tran Transp spor orta tati tion on
M06 M07
Structural De Design Ca Calculations Pipe St Stress Ca Calculations
M08 M08
Proc Proces esss Flow Flow Diag Diagra rams ms incl includ udin ing g Heat Heat and and Mass Mass Bala Balanc ncee
M09 M10
Piping and Instrument Diagrams Process Si Sizing Ca Calculations
Tick (3P+E) (5)
M11 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M15 M16 M17 M17 M18 M19 M19 M20 M20 M21 M22 M22
M35 M35 M36 M37 M38 M39 M39 M40 M40 M41 M41 M42 M43 M43 M44 M44 M45 M46 M46 M47 M47 M48 M48 M49
Exch xchanger The Therm rmaal Ra Ratin ting Ca Calcul culatio tions Hydraulic Ca Calculations Thermal Gr Growth Ca Calculations Utility Calculations Flar lare/Re /Relief ief System tem Calcu lculat lation ions Flare Dispersion Calculations Reli Reliab abil ilit ity y/Ava /Avail ilab abil ilit ity y Dat Dataa and and Calc Calcul ulat atio ions ns Cause & Effect Charts Lube ube and and Sea Seall Oil Oil Syst System em Sizi Sizing ng Calc Calcul ulat atio ions ns Ant Anti Sur Surge Valv Valvee Sizi izing Calcu lculat lation ions Line List Equi Equipm pmen entt Data Data Shee Sheett inc inclu ludi ding ng spec specia iali lity ty ite items Prime Mover Data Sheets (Motor/ Diesel engine/ Gas Engine/ Turbine) Weight Data Sheet Noise Level Data Sheets General Arrangement Drawings Deta Detail il / Ass Asseembly / Fa Fabrica ication ion Dr Drawing ings Cros Crosss Sec Secti tion on Draw Drawin ing g / Exp Explo lode ded d Vie View w Dra Drawi wing ngss Inter nterna nals ls Dra Drawing wingss / Misc Miscel ella lane neou ouss Dra Drawi wing ngss Mechanical Se Seal Dr Drawings Shaft Al Alignment Dr Drawings Bill of Material Centre of Gravity Sketch Installation & Dismantling Drawings / Procedures (As Applicable) Liftin fting g / tra transporta ortattion ion Drawin wings Name Plate Drawings HVAC Schematic and Flow Di Diagrams Skid/Module GA GA an and De Detail Dr Drawings Liftin fting g Lug Deta Detail ilss / Calcu lculat lation ions Allo Allowa wab ble Nozzl ozzlee Load Calc alcula ulatio tions Weig We ight ht and and Cent Centre re of Grav Gravit ity y Calc Calcul ulat atio ions ns Lifting Eq Equipment Ca Calculations Latera eral Crit Critic icaal Speed Calcu alcullatio tions Torsion ional Crit Critic icaal Sp Speed Ca Calcul culatio tions Bearing Life Calculations Thrust Bearing ing sizi sizin ng Calcul culatio tions Pulsat lsatio ion n Da Dampener ner De Desig sign Ca Calcu lculat lations ions Roto Rotor/ r/Sh Shaf aftt syst system em Unb Unbal alan ance ced d Resp Respon onse se Ana Analy lysi siss Coupling Se Selection Ca Calculations
M50 M50
Dyna Dynami micc Cha Chara ract cter eris isti tics cs:: Lat Later eral al & Tor Torsi sion onal al Anal Analy ysis sis
M51 M52
Foundation Load Calculations HVAC Calculations
M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 M27 M28 M28 M29 M29 M30 M31 M32 M33 M34
M53 M54 M55 M56 M57 M58 M59 M59 M60 4 J0l J0l J02 J03 J04 J04
Vibration Calculations Miscellaneous Ca Calculations Skid Piping GA Drawings Pipe Work Su Support De Details Valve List Piping Isometrics Non Non-Act Actuate ated Va Valve lve To Torque que Ca Calcula culati tio ons Tie-in Schedule Instrument/Electrical Package Elec lectric tricaal Termina inatio tion Dra Drawing wingss Panel Layout and Details Panel Wiring Diagrams Instr nstrum umen entt / Fir Firee and and Gas Gas Loc Locat atio ion n Pla Plans ns/C /Cab able le Layou ayouts ts
J05 J05
Instr nstrum umen ent/ t/ Fir Firee and and Ga Gas Ins Insta tall llat atio ion n Deta Detail ils/ s/ Hoo Hookk-up upss
J06 J07 J07 J08 J09 J09 J10 J11
J17 J18 J19 J20 J21 J22 J22 J23 J24 J25 5 G01 G01
Loop Diagrams Shut Shutdo down wn and and Cont Contro roll Fun Funct ctio ion n Cha Chart rts, s, Safe Safe Char Charts ts Alarm / Trip Set Point List Electr ectric icaal Wi Wirin ring Di Diagrams an and Sc Schematics tics Electrical Sc Schematic Di Diagrams Electrical Si Single Li Line Di Diagrams Sequence and Logic Diagrams, Cause and Effect Diagrams Instrument/Electrical Data Sheets Functional Design Specifications Cable block diagram, SR Data link Address Screen Graphics Instrument Calculations including Safety Valves, Control Valves, FE's, RO's, etc. Instrument Index I/O Schedules VDU Sc Screen Di Display Graphics Control an and Sh Shutdown Ph Philosophy Cable Schedule Jun Junctio tion Box - Spe Specifica ficati tio on and Dr Drawin wings Panel Test Procedure Type Test Procedure Tie-in Schedule General Desc Descri ript ptiv ivee Lit Liter erat atur uree and and Cat Catal alog ogue ue Infor nforma mati tion on
G02 G02
Sub Sub Vend Vendor or Data Data Shee Sheets ts / Liter iterat atur uree /Man /Manua uals ls
G03 G03
Reco Recomm mmen ende ded d Spa Spare re Part Partss For For 2 Yea Yearr Ope Opera rati tion on,, Pric Priced ed
Recommended Spare parts for Start-up & Commissioning
J12 J13 J14 J15 J16
G05 G06 G07 G08 G09 G10 G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 G17 G17 G18 G19 G19 G20 G21 G22 G23 G23 G24 G24 G25 G26 G27 G28 G28 G29 G30 G31 G32 G32 6 P01
List of Special Tools Intentionally left bl blank Intentionally left bl blank Intentionally left bl blank Intentionally left bl blank Intentionally left bl blank Intentionally left bl blank Intentionally left bl blank Intentionally left bl blank Intentionally left bl blank Intentionally left bl blank Intentionally left bl blank Util Utilit ity y Requ Requir irem emen ents ts Powe Powerr / Air Air / Wa Wate terr / Othe Otherr Intentionally left bl blank Consum sumables les lis listt in includin uding g lub lubrica ricati tio on Intentionally left bl blank Intentionally left bl blank Intentionally left bl blank Loading ing, Tr Transpor port an and Un Unloa loading ing De Detail tailss Prese reserrvation ion and Stor Storaage Pro Procedure Intentionally left bl blank Intentionally left bl blank Hazardous Area Dossier Hard Hardw ware Stan Stand dard Sof Softwa tware Doc Documentat tation ion Intentionally left bl blank Material Safety Data Sheet Packing List All All App Appro rove ved d "As "As-B -Bui uilt lt"" - Draw Drawin ing gs and and Data Data Shee Sheets ts Performance Performance an and Te Test Pr Procedure
Performance Curves and Data (Pump, Compressor, Gas Turbine, Motor, Engine, Fan, Vessel Internals, etc)
P03 P04 P05 P06 P07 P08 P08 P09 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14
Intentionally left blank Trial Assembly Report Performance Test Reports Noise Reports FAT Reports Comm Commis issi sion onin ing g and and Site Site Acce Accept ptan ance ce Test Test Resu Result ltss Vibration Reports Acoustic Analysis Crane Failure Mode Analysis Heat Em Emission Ca Calculations Battery Charge/Discharge Curves Electrical Re Relay Characteristics
P15 7 Q01 Q02 Q03 Q03 Q04 Q05 Q06 Q07 Q07 Q08 Q09 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q14 Q15 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q20
Q22 Q23 Q24 Q25 Q25 Q26 Q27 Q28 Q29 Q29 Q30 Q31
Pulsation Study QA/Certification/Reports QA Accreditation Certification Contract Quality Plan Weld We ldin ing g Pro Proce cedu dure ress & Qual Qualif ific icat atio ion n Tes Testt Rep Repor orts ts Inspection and Test Plan Inspection and Test Reports Calibration Procedures & Results Hyd Hydro Te Test / Pn Pneumatic tic Test Pro Proccedures res Hydro Te Test/ Pn Pneumatic Te Test Re Reports Material Certification Electrical Ty Type Te Test Ce Certificates Approval of Relevant Authorities Statement of Code Compliance Hazardous Ar Area Ce Certification Hea Heat Tr Treatme tment Re Records, whe where ap applic licable Charpy Impact act Te Tests, sts, whe where applic licable Intentionally left bl blank Vendor Co Concession Re Request Surfa rface Pr Preparati ratio on an and Pa Paint int Pro Proccedur dure NDE Procedure & NDE Location Plan Manu Manufa fact ctur urin ing g Proc Proced edur urees incl includ udin ing g Heat Heat Tre Treat atme ment nt Pre-Commissioning / Commissioning / Site Acceptance Test Procedure Factory Ac Acceptance Te Test Pr Procedure Weighing Procedure Post We Weld He Heat Tr Treatment Pr Procedures Non Non-Confo nformance Re Report ort (NC (NCR R) Pr Procedure Erection & Installation Pr Procedure Weld Location Plans Repair Pr Procedures Weiight Ce We Certifi tificcates tes (e (equipm ipment > 50 kg) Lifting Eq Equipment Ce Certification Dimensional Control Report
Q32 Q32
Weld We lder er Perf Perfor orma manc ncee Qual Qualif ific icat atio ion n Reco Record rds/ s/Ce Cert rtif ific icat ates es
Q33 Q33 Q34 Q34 Q35 Q36 Q36 Q37 Q38 Q38 Q39 Q40 Q40 Q41
NDE NDE Oper Operat ator or Qual Qualif ific icat atio ions ns & Cert Certif ific icaates tes Prod Produc ucti tion on Test Test Resu Result ltss (Inc (Inclu ludi ding ng weld weldin ing g) NDE Reports Mate Materi rial al Tra Trace ceaabili bility ty Reco Record rdss (Loc (Locat atio ion n Draw Drawin ing) g) Certificate of of Co Compliance Painti intin ng/In /Insula sulattion ion In Inspe spection ion Rep Reports rts Inspection Release Certificate Photo otographsNi sNideos eos (i.e i.e. Borosco scope) Weld Ov Overlay/Cladding Pr Procedures
Q42 Q43 Q43 Q44 Q44 Q45 Q45 Q46 Q46
Q48 Q48 8
Cleaning an and Fl Flushing Procedures PMI Pro Procedures res and PMI Loca ocatio tion Plan Plan Pick ickling ling and Passiv sivation ion Proc rocedur dures Tube Tube to Tube Tube shee sheett Joi Joint nt Mock Mock-U -Up p Tes Testt Proc Proced edur uree Tube to Tubeshe sheet Mockck-Up Test Result sultss Pitting and Crevice Corrosion Resistance Test Procedure (ASTM G48) Inter nterg granu ranula larr Cor Corro rosi sion on Test Test Proc Proced edur uree (AS (ASTM TM 262) 262) Manuals & Indices
R01 R01
Insta nstall llat atio ion n Oper Operat atio ion n and and Main Mainte tena nanc ncee Man Manua uall (IOM (IOM))
R02 R03
Manufacturer's Da Data Report (M (MDR) Intentionally left blank
R04 R04
Trai Traini ning ng Manu Manual alss (Ope (Opera rati tion on and and Main Mainte tena nanc nce) e)
R05 R06 9 Z01 Z02 Z03 NOTES: (1) (1) (2) (3) (3) (4) (4) (5) (5) (6) (6) (7) (7) (8) (8) (9) (10) (10) (11) (11) (12) (12) (13) (13) (14)
(15) (15)
Installation Operation and Maintenance Manual (IOM) Index Manu anufacture urer's Da Data Report ort (M (MDR) DR) In Index dex Miscellaneous Speciali iality ty Doc Documen uments ts as id ident entifi ified on on VD VDS Speciali iality ty Doc Documen uments ts as id ident entifi ified on on VD VDS Speciali iality ty Doc Documen uments ts as id ident entifi ified on on VD VDS * = Prio Priori rity ty docu docume ment ntss sub subje ject ct to pena penali liza zati tion on in term term of pay payment ment.. All All do docum cuments nts sha shalll be be in English ish lan language. All All doc docum umen ents ts retu return rned ed to Vend Vendor or with with comm commen ents ts shal shalll be be rere-is issu sued ed afte afte Vend Vendor or Qual Qualit ity y Assu Assura ranc nce: e: The The Ven Vendo dorr sha shall ll subm submit it (a) (a) ISO ISO 9001 9001-2 -200 000 0 3 pri print ntss of of doc docum umen ents ts alon along g wit with h ele elect ctro roni nicc fil filee sha shall ll be be sub submi mitt tted ed wher wher P = Prin Print, t, E = Elec Electr tron onic ic file file,, CD CD = CD ROM. ROM. 3 pri print ntss of of doc docum umen ents ts sh Purp Purpos ose; e; IFR IFR = Iss Issue ue for for rev revie iew w and and comm commen ents ts,, Inf Info o = Iss Issue ue for for inf infor orma ma Issue ssue Date Date;; num numbe berr of of D = Day Days / W = Wee Weeks ks / M = Mont Months hs afte afterr pur purcch Final Is Issue; Do Document wi without co comments P = Prin Print, t, CD = CD CD ROM ROM.. 5 prin prints ts + 4CD 4CDss of of IOM IOM/M /MDR DR shal shalll be be sub subm m Nati Native ve fil files es of of all all calc calcul ulat atio ions ns and and dra drawi wing ngss shal shalll also also be be subm submit itte ted. d. MDR: MDR: Data Data/D /Doc ocum umen ents ts due due 2 week weekss aft after er deli delive very ry.. IOM: OM: Dat Data/ a/Do Docu cume ment ntss due due 4 wee weeks ks befo before re deli delive very ry.. Definitions: IOM - Installation and Operation Manual MDR Manufacturers Data Report NDE - Non Destructive Examination VDS Vendor Data Schedule BD - Before Delivery AD After Delivery BT- Before Testing AT- After Testing Vend Vendor or to to also also ref refer er BDBD-00 00-M -M-S -S-0 -033 335, 5, "Sp "Spec ecif ific icat atio ion n for for Vend Vendor or Dra Drawi wi
ENT LIST -VDRL After Purchase Order
Final Issue
IOM/MDR Tick (3P+E) Purpose (IFR/Info) Issue Date Tick (3P+E) (5P+4CD) (6) (7) (8) (14) (6) (10)
r implementing comments. Official Certification (b) Quality Manual (c) Project Quality Plan. tick marked 'With Bid". ll be submitted where tick marked. Other than prints, documents shall also be delivere ion. se order effective date (unless otherwise specified) itted.
ngs and Documentation"