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Unit 2 Paper 2 Questions Use this questions to practice and submit for correction FREE by our experienced sociology tutor. Module 1 - Population tudies
1. !iscuss the Malthusian theory of population "ith respect to #aribbean demographic changes. $. % large "or&ing class ensure a reser'e army of labour. !iscuss the rele'ance of this assumption "ith reference to any named #aribbean society. (. #aribbean societies are currently currently in stage )'e of the demographic transition according to *amaican demographer +eorge Roberts. E'aluate the pros and cons of Roberts #aribbean demographic transition theory. ,. he #aribbean is characteri/ed by a dual sex labour mar&et. #ritically examine this statement "ith reference to #aribbean territories. 0. he #aribbean region has been noted to be an area of high le'els of migration. ith reference to 2ne or e'eral #aribbean territories3 discuss this 'ie". 4. #aribbean de'elopment has been hindered by cultural resistance. ith reference to any named #aribbean territory highlight the merits and de-merits of this assertion. 5. #an fertility control control measures contribute to enhanced socio-economic de'elopment in #aribbean territories6 7. #aribbean political leaders such as ir +rantley %dams 89arbados:3 ir ;orman Manley 8*amaica:and !r. Eric illiams8rinidad: belie'ed in the principle of enhancing uence in>uence its potential for de'elopment6 1?. ;eo-Malthusian theory can be used as an e@ecti'e policy for population control in the #aribbean. E'aluate this assumption. 11. #ritically assess the demographic perspecti'es of Aarl Marx and homas Malthus "ith respect to population gro"th. 1$. ith reference to at least 2;E society3 outline and assess 2;E of the follo"ing population theoriesB a. Malthusianism Malthusianism
b. MarxCs theory of population c. he !emographic ransition theory 1(. hat is the demographic perspecti'e6
Module 2 - Social Order, Social Control & Deviance
1. !e'iance is functional for #aribbean societies. !iscuss this assumption "ith reference to any ;amed #aribbean territory.
$. Using MertonCs train heory3 assess the 'ie" that increased pressure for indi'iduals to achie'e in #aribbean societies contributes to the increasing gro"th of crime and de'iance3 in these territories.
(. #aribbean "or&ing-class males are more li&ely to be arrested3 tried and imprisoned3 as opposed to males from the higher status groups. E'aluate this claim.
,. #riminal beha'iour is ;2 innate3 it is learnedD #ritically e'aluate this statement.
0. ith reference to ra'is
4. n the #aribbean there is a subculture of delinquency. ith reference to any named #aribbean territory3 present arguments for and against this assumption.
5. he illegitimate opportunity structure is more readily a'ailable as an option for achie'ement in comparison to the legitimate opportunity structure in the #aribbean. Using any 2;E named #aribbean stateterritory3 discuss the 'alidity of this statement.
7. o "hat extent do informal controls deter an indi'idual from engaging in de'iant acts6
1?. n the #aribbean3 imprisonment as a form of punishment has failed to change the indi'idual. hus other alternati'e measures should be introduced to curtail the rising incidence of crime. E'aluate this statement citing rele'ant sociological theories to support your arguments.
11. #rime is functional for societyD E'aluate this claim.
1$. he lac& of access to the Clegitimate opportunity structureC is the maGor contributing factor to crime and de'iance in modern capitalist societies. !iscuss.
1(. %ssess the notion that there is a strong correlation bet"een gender and criminalityD
1,. !oes ethnicity predispose an indi'idual to"ards criminality6 !iscuss.
10. #rime trends for the #aribbean region has increased since independence 8#aribbean
14. here has been a general decline in the perception of security amongst inhabitants of the #aribbean. E'aluate this statement "ith reference to rele'ant socialogical theory and empirical e'idence.
15. ncreasingly there has been a trend to"ard exposing and in'estigating high ran&ing oHcials3 in'ol'ed in "hite collar crime. ith reference to rele'ant sociological and empirical data3 dis cuss the 'ie" that hite collar crime has increased in the #aribbean o'er the past 0? years.
Module 3 - Social Development & Poverty
1. #an Rosto"Cs economic perspecti'e be adequately applied to the #aribbean in explaining ho" these societies de'eloped6
$. %ssess mmanuel allerstienCs dependency theory and its applicability the #aribbean.
(.o "hat extent can it be argued that ir %rthur Ie"is policy of ndustriali/ation by n'itation aided in the de'elopment of the 9ritish est ndies6
,. Urbani/ation contributes to the increasing producti'ity and economic gro"th3 "hich leads to impro'ed quality of life for all members of society. Using the appropriate sociological theories discuss the ad'antages and disad'antages of urbani/ation.
0. Using 2;E named #arribean territory3 assess the extent to "hich #aribbean ourism has aided in the de'elopment of #aribbean states.
4. s it true to state that Po'erty in the #aribbean is the result of the failure of go'ernments to allocate resources equitably6
5. %ssess the e@ecti'eness of po'erty alle'iation strategies in any 2;E named #aribbean territory.
7. o "hat extent are "omen and the elderly more 'ulnerable to po'erty in the #aribbean than other social groups6
=. ith reference to the unilinear theory of de'elopment discuss its suitability to explaining the de'elopment of #aribbean territories. 1?. ;eo-Marxist dependency theories are best suited to explaining the process of underde'elopment in #aribbean territories. !iscuss.