0.1 MPa. (6) Working Working oil pressure after electric scoop is normal >0.15 MPa.
Condensate pump tripping protection
(1) Upper and and lower bearing temperatures of condensate pump motor are ≥95 ℃; (2) Motor thrust bearing of condensate pump is ≥80 ℃; (3) Inlet valve of condensate pump has been closed; (4) X and Y direction vibrations of condensate pump are ≥125mm; (5) Condensation water flow is ≤380t/h and condensation water re-circulating valve non-open delay is 15s; (6) Hot water well level is Low II value ≤300mm; (7) Condensate pump motor stator coil temperature is high ≥130 ℃; (8) Press on-site accident button.
Generator hydrogen, oil and water system interlock protection
(1) Start up DC sealing oil pump in linkage when front and rear differential pressure of air side AC sealing oil pump is less than 0.035MPa; Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 80 of 197
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(2) When main oil pump works, air side AC oil pump runs, standby differential pressure valve acts when hydrogen and oil differential pressure decreases to 0.056MPa, and the first standby oil source puts into operation automatically; (3) When main oil pump doesn’t work normally, normally, air side AC oil pump runs, HP sealing oil standby pump p ump starts up automatically and standby differential pressure valve acts when hydrogen and oil differential pressure decreases decreases to 0.035MPa, and the the second standby oil source source puts into operation automatically; automatically; (4) Air side AC oil pump runs, and the third standby oil source air side standby oil pump puts into operation automatically when hydrogen and oil differential pressure is 0.035MPa; (5) Stator water pump inlet and outlet differential pressure is <0.14MPa and s tarts up standby pump after delaying 3-5s; (6) Open water replenishing solenoid valve when stator water tank level is lower than 450mm; (7) Generator trips after delaying 30s when stator water flow is slower than 1/2 rated flow. flow.
Other interlock protection of steam turbine
(1) Standby condensate pump is linkage when condensate pump outlet protopipe pressure is lower than 2.65MPa; (2) Condensate delivery pump trips when 300m3 water tank level is ≤1.2m; (3) Standby open type pump is linkage when open type pump outlet mother pressure is lower than 0.15MPa; (4) Standby closed pump is linkage when closed pump outlet mother pressure is lower than 0.4MPa; (5) Closed pump trips when closed water tank level is lower than 700mm; (6) Standby vacuum pump is linkage when condenser vacuum is lower than -75kPa; (7) Give an alarm when condenser hot well water level is high 710mm; (8) Condensate pump trips when condenser hot well water level is low 300mm; (9) Give an alarm when condensate pump motor coil temperature is high 120℃; 3.6.2
Unit test
Unit interlock protection test
Equipment and system interlock protection test shall be carried out by thermo-technical personnel to simulate various linkages and tripping operating conditions after meeting test conditions (thermo-technical personnel force it when conditions are not met), in order to observe whether action and alarm condition are normal.
Electric valve (baffle) and pneumatic pneumatic valve valve (baffle) (baffle) test
Confirm whether electric valve (baffle) change direction is correct, pneumatic valve (baffle) switch is correct and light signal state indication is correction during test. Record switching time and action dead zone condition of valves (baffles). Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 81 of 197
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Inlet valve test
Test provisions and precautions (1) DEH selects “automatic” mode and DCS and DCS calls out relevant picture. (2) DEH must be at “single valve” control mode, for the test, load shall be within 5%~69% of rated load and main steam pressure shall be within 25%~100% of rated pressure, prohibit performing test not in the said scope, and put power feedback into operation during test. (3) Carry out test in accordance with the sequence of left side first then right side and prohibit performing the left side and right side test at the same time (loop is also closed); closed); carry out the test of the other side after stable running for 5min when test of one side valve is over. (4) Pay attention to monitoring parameters of load, main re-heat steam pressure, temperature, bearing metal temperature, vibration and axial displacement during test. (5) Contact with thermo-technical personnel to coordinate with the test on site. Stop test immediately if occurring abnormal change during test or control device switches to manual operation, return to valve operation manually and resume test after finding out abnormity. (6) Confirm whether valve action is normal and whether there is jamming phenomenon on site during test, and record valve test time of each side. (7) Don’t allow carrying out total excursion valve test but loosening test when carrying out DEH manual operation. (8) This test is prescribed to be performed once a week. Take running record, and test period can be extended to once two weeks if encountering special conditions and after approval of leader. leader.
Test methods of high pressure main main steam valve and intermediate pressure main steam valve valve
(1) Confirm DEH is at “automatic” mode, “single valve” key is on and power feedback puts into operation. (2) Unit load and pressure meet specified scope. (3) Click “TV1” and “test” (take #1 HP main steam valve as a n example) buttons on the DEH picture, and test begins after buttons change color; (4) Close the regulating steam valve GV1/GV4 at the same side with main steam valve within 60s, close main steam valve within 1s after closing regulating steam valve, close DCS picture and on-site confirmation valve, and actions are flexible. (5) After closing “TV1”, recover to the original state, open “TV1” ,then open regulating steam valves GV1/GV4 in sequence and open DCS picture and on-site confirmation valve. (6) Press “suspend test” key if finding abnormal condition during closing or opening process, and valves recover to the state before test. (7) Perform other main steam valve tests as per the above test procedure. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 82 of 197
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Steam extraction check valve test
(1) Place steam extraction ex traction check valve test switch at the “test” position on site. (2) Observe check valves and check valves shall be closed freely and without jamming. (3) Place test switch at the normal position as soon as possible and confirm check valve is open. (4) Closure time shall not be too long during test and pay attention to unit load and axial displacement change. (5) Carry out activity test for each steam extraction check valve one by one by the same test procedure. Don’t do the test for HP extraction check valve. val ve.
Low oil pressure pressure linkage test of auxiliary auxiliary lubrication pump, hydrogen sealing oil standby pump and
DC lubrication pump (1) Inspect the above oil pump operation switch is placed at “interlock” position. Testers on site keep contact with central control room and open test oil leakage valve slowly. slowly. (2) Observe test oil pressure gage indication, record oil pump oil pressure during linkage respectively and inspect whether oil pump runs normally. (3) Shut down linkage oil pump. (4) Place test oil pump operation opera tion switch at “automatic”.
Jacking oil pump pump and barring low oil pressure protective test
(1) Main engine oil system and sealing oil system run normally. (2) Jacking oil and barring system run normally. (3) Contact with thermo-technical personnel to do low oil pressure test. (4) Record oil pressure of jacking oil and barring tripping.
Main engine protective device test
(1) Test provisions and precautions a. Carry out periodic test once a month during unit running, take test record and carry out comparison analysis with the former test record; b. Find out causes and eliminate eliminate it if finding errors. errors. c. Unit overhaul and maintenance, carry out this test after verification and setting of protective device and before steam engine starts up, but oil control overspeed tripping valve test shall be carried out when rotating speed is 3000r/min. d. Steam engine cold start speed rises to 3000r/min, and rise load parallelly only after protective test is qualified. e. Production Director and Professional Engineer of this test shall be on site and strictly execute operation supervision system, assigning special person for operation and supervision. f. Carry out test after confirming unit runs stably and normally before test and test meter indications are Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 83 of 197
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accurate. (2) Accident releasing device test Low EH oil pressure test method: a. Select “on“on -line test” on the emergency tripping system DCS. b. Press “A side low EH oil pressure test” button and A side test channel light is on. c. Inspect whether low EH oil pressure #1, #3 and tripping channel #1 are on. d. Press “tripping reset” button and tripping channel #1 light is off. e. Do B side EH oil pressure test by the same method. Do “low lubrication pressure” and “low vacuum” tests by the same method with the above, and pre ss corresponding test buttons when only doing test. (3) Emergency governor governor fly ball oil injection test a. Place test handle at the test position and keep it at this position. b. Open test valve slowly, slowly, tripping heavy punch stretches and impact tripping trigger when reaching certain oil pressure, emergency tripping oil discharges and read oil pressure through pressure gage. c. Close test valve and confirm test oil pressure turns to zero. d. Reset handle manually to place test handle at the normal position. 3.6.2. 9
Vacuum leakage test
(1) Confirm standby vacuum pump is in the startup state at any time. (2) Record load, vacuum, steam extraction temperature and atmospheric pressure before test. (3) Shut down running of vacuum pump manually and pay attention to vacuum change condition. (4) Begin to record vacuum values of low pressure, high pressure condenser once a minute after 30s. (5) Regain vacuum pump running after shutting down vacuum pump 8min. (6) Solve average value of vacuum breaking per minute from the breaking value of vacuum of the last 5min. (7) Vacuum Vacuum tightness criteria is breaking per minute is not greater than 0.399KPa. Vacuum tightness evaluation criteria are as follows: Superior: 0.133kPa/min (1mmHg/min); Good: 0.266kPa/min (2mmHg/min); Qualified: 0.399kPa/min (3mmHg/min). (8) Vacuum of any condenser shall not be less than 90KPa during test; stop test immediately if vacuum breaks and recover recover to the state before test.
Sealing oil standby oil pump self-starting and standby oil source test
(1) Sealing oil system runs normally. normally. (2) AC lubrication pump and hydrogen sealing standby oil pump control switches are at automatic Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 84 of 197
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position. (3) Start up AC lubrication pump and hydrogen sealing standby oil pump self-starting #1 test station oil drainage valve slowly on site, observe pressure gage reading and record starting pressure values of AC lubrication pump and hydrogen sealing standby oil pump. (4) Close AC lubrication pump and hydrogen sealing standby oil pump #1 test station oil drainage valve. (5) Place AC lubrication pump and hydrogen sealing standby oil pump after shutdown at automatic position after observing pressure pressure is normal. (6) Repeat the above operation to carry out AC lubrication pump and hydrogen sealing standby oil pump #2 test station test. (7) Take record. (8) After sealing oil system runs normally, open oil and hydrogen differential pressure switch air side pressure gage secondary secondary valve to confirm confirm oil and hydrogen differential differential pressure is 0.084MPa. (9) Close differential pressure switch air side sealing oil separating valve, open pressure release valve, and air side DC sealing oil pump is self-starting when oil and hydrogen differential pressure reduces to 0.035MPa. (10) Record starting oil pressure and close pressure release valve. (11) Close differential pressure switch air side pressure gage secondary valve and open its sealing oil separating valve. (12) Stop it after confirming air side DC oil pump runs normally on site, and put automatic standby into operation.
EH oil pump test
Inspect whether EH oil system runs normally and place standby oil pump switch at “standby”
Press “on” button after pressing “EH oil pump test electromagnet” on the DCS picture and inspect
whether solenoid valve is open.
Observe EH oil pressure decrease decrease condition, start start up standby oil pump when EH oil pressure
decreases to 11.0~11.4Mpa, record self-starting oil pressure, confirm oil pump runs normally and EH oil pressure recovers. recovers.
Press “off” button after pressing “EH oil pump test electromagnet” on t he DCS picture and inspect
whether solenoid valve is closed.
Shut down the originally run EH oil pump and then do another standby EH oil pump test again.
Overspeed test
(1) Test provisions and precautions a. Carry out overspeed test after unit overhaul or running half a year continuously or maintenance of Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 85 of 197
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emergency governor alone. b. Overspeed test during unit cold start shall be carried out when unit is 10% of rated load and runs at least 7h. c. This test must be directed by General Engineer. Engineer. d. This test must be performed after high pressure and intermediate pressure main steam valve, speed regulating steam valve leakage test, oil injection test, manual releasing test and actions are normal. e. During test, manual tripping handle must be always responsible by special person and apply manual brake timely if necessary necessary.. f. Carry out test when unit with no-load, carry out two mechanical overspeed tripping tests, and rotating speed difference of two overspeed tests shall not be greater than 18r/min. Monitor changes of unit rotating speed, vibration, axial displacement and LP steam extraction temperature closely during test. g. Equip with sufficient testers, instruments and tools before test. (2) Manual releasing test a. Confirm DEH is at “automatic” mode and unit and unit rotating speed is 3000r/min. b. DEH-DCS DEH-DCS picture is at “control overall” picture. c. On-site manual tripping. d. Inspect whether high and intermediate pressure main steam valves and regulating valves, extraction steam check valves are closed on site. e. Reset released handle on site or by main control, and raise speed of unit to 3000r/min. (3) Mechanical overspeed test a. Inspect steam turbine rotating speed is 3000r/min and whether parameters are normal. b. Place the test switch switch at “overspeed restrain” restrain” position on the program control EPS picture. picture. c. Put “103 prohibit” function into operation on the DEH-DCS DEH-DCS picture. d. Target Target rotating speed is 3300r/min and raising speed is 50r/min. e. Steam turbine rotating speed raises to emergency governor operate value, emergency governor operates, steam turbine trips, and main steam valve and regulating valve are closed. f. Carry out emergency shutdown immediately manually if steam turbine rotation raises to emergency governor operate value but emergency governor doesn’t do esn’t operate. g. Emergency governor resets and unit resets again when unit rotating speed decreases to 3000r/min. h. Perform emergency governor overspeed releasing test twice under the same condition and rotating speed difference of the two operates shall not exceed 18r/min. (4) Electrical overspeed test a. Inspect steam turbine rotating speed is 3000r/min and whether parameters are normal. b. Place the test switch switch at “overspeed protection” protection” position on the program program control EPS picture. picture. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 86 of 197
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c. Set the target rotating speed is 3310r/min and raising s peed is 50r/min. d. Electrical overspeed protection action steam turbine trips when steam turbine rotating speed raises to 3300r/min; inspect high and intermediate pressure main steam valve and close regulating valve rapidly. e. Unit can reset when unit rotating speed decreases below 3000r/min.
Small turbine static test
(1) Confirm whether small turbine t urbine HP/LP steam sources have separated thoroughly before test. (2) Put EH oil system into operation and its operation is normal. (3) Start up small turbine AC oil pump and inspect whether control, lubrication oil pressure and oil temperature are normal. (4) Press “small turbine reset” button on the MEH control panel to reset tripping alarm. Inspect and confirm whether small turbine has no tripping command. (5) Press “latch” button. (6) Press “HP main steam valve” button, open HP main steam valve; press “LP main steam valve”, open LP main steam valve, and inspect and confirm on site all have been open. (7) Press control button of LP regulating valve again, input 100%, all the LP regulating valves open, and press control button of HP regulating valve. valve. (8) Input 100%, all the HP regulating valves open, valve position indication on the control panel is 100%, and inspect and confirm on site all have been open. (9) Press “apply the brake” button, all HP/LP main valves and regulating valves are closed, tripping light is on and reset light is off. Inspect and confirm on site all have been closed. (10) Take Take record when test is over. over. Recover the system to its original state.
Small turbine main steam valve activity test
Carry out main steam valve activity test when small turbine rotating speed is 4300r/min. Perform tests for small turbine HP/LP main steam valves respectively once a week. (1) LP main steam valve activity test (25% excursion test) a. Select “LP main steam valve activity test” on the DCS picture. b. Press LP main main steam valve “put test into operation” button, button, test solenoid valve 6YV energizes, energizes, inspect whether main steam valve on site closes slowly according to certain rate and stops until 25% position. c. LP main steam valve test in-place signal sends out, test solenoid valve 6YV is power losing, and LP main steam valve opens fully automatically. automatically. d. During test process, pay attention to whether switch position DCS of main steam valve is corresponding to on-site indication. e. Test is over when DCS indicates “successful”; perform test after finding out causes and finishing treatment if DCS indicates “failed”. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 87 of 197
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(2) HP main steam valve activity test (total excursion test) HP main steam valve activity test shall be carried out when small turbine rotating speed is faster than 3100r/min and in “automatic” state. a. Select “HP main steam valve activity test” on the DCS picture. b. Close small turbine HP regulating valve during test. c. Press HP main steam valve test “put test into operation” button, main steam valve activity test solenoid valve 8YV energizes, and HP main steam valve fully opens gradually. gradually. d. After MEH receives fully closed signal of main steam valve, main steam valve activity test solenoid valve 8YV is power losing, and HP main steam valve opens fully automatically. automatically. e. Pay attention to whether switch position DCS of main steam valve is corresponding to on-site indication during test. f. Test is over when DCS indicates “successful”; perform test after finding out causes and finishing treatment if DCS indicates “failed”.
Small turbine overspeed test
Before test, split small turbine and feed pump coupling and test small turbine alone; perform small turbine manual releasing test before this test, inspect whether main steam valve and regulating valve close rapidly, rapidly, or prohibit performing overspeed test. (1) Electrical overspeed test a. Raise rotating speed of small turbine to normal working rotating speed according to normal raising speed procedure of small turbine. Press “overspeed key test switch” button on the MEH -DCS and place it at “normal”. b. Contact with thermotechnical thermotechnical personnel to set electrical electrical overspeed protective protective value as as 5900r/min. c. Set target rotating speed as 6000r/min. d. Press “proceed/maintain” button and state shows “proceed”. e. Electrical overspeed protection operates when small turbine raises speed to 5900r/min, and small turbine trips. f. Close HP main steam valve, LP main steam valve and LP regulating valve automatically and rotating speed shall decrease. g. After test is over, contact with thermotechnical personnel to set overspeed protective value as 6000r/min. h. Place “overspeed key test switch” button at “normal” position after test is over. over. (2) Mechanical overspeed test a. Raise rotating speed of small turbine to normal working rotating speed according to normal raising speed procedure of small turbine. Press “overspeed key test switch” button on the MEH-DCS and place it at Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 88 of 197
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“mechanical overspeed”. b. Contact with thermotechnical personnel to relieve small turbine MEH and TSI oil gas overspeed protection. c. Set target rotating speed as 6400r/min and speed raising rate is 300r/min. d. Press “proceed/ maintain” button and state shows “proceed”. e. Mechanical overspeed protection operates when small turbine raises speed to 6425r/min, and small steam engine trips. f. Place “mechanical overspeed test” button at “normal” position after test is over. over. g. After test is over, contact with thermotechnical personnel to put small turbine MEH and TSI electrical overspeed into operation.
Small turbine emergency governor oil injection test
(1) Raise small turbine rotating speed to 3500-3550r/min according to normal startup procedure; (2) Keep steam parameter is rated value 0.72MPa/346 ℃ and inspect whether parameters of bearing vibration, oil temperature, oil pressure and vacuum are normal; (3) Press “oil injection test” button on the small turbine MEH picture, pop out “oil injection test” operation window and press “put into operation” button; (4) Close separating solenoid valve excitation, open oil injection solenoid valve excitation when “latch” signal turns gray, “latch oil pressure doesn’t establish” signal and “primary oil pressure is low” signal occurs. (5) Carry out latch on site after oil injection test is successful. “Latch” signal occurs and “latch oil pressure doesn’t doesn’t establish” and “primary “primary oil pressure is low” signals disappear. disappear. (6) Press “switch off” button off” button and test is over. over. (7) Contact with thermo-technical personnel timely for treatment if separating solenoid valve or oil injection solenoid valve operates abnormally, abnormally, oil injection test is not successful or small turbine trips. 3.6.2. 22
Water pump linkage test
Carry out static test first for 6KV equipment and 400V great power equipment. Static test includes static switching in, on-site accident button and linkage test. Perform dynamic test only after passing static test. Dynamic test includes motor running in and equipment running in. (1) Electrical static linkage test (6KV equipment and 400V equipment) a. Swing test pump electrical switch to “test” position and connect with operation power source. b. Click “startup” button on the DCS and inspect whether this startup state of this pump feedbacks normally. c. Put standby interlock into operation. d. Press accident button of running pump on site, this pump state displays shutdown and standby pump is linkage. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 89 of 197
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e. Test Test another pump by the same method. f. Recover the state before test after test is over. (2) Electrical dynamic linkage test (400V equipment) a. Connect with power source and operation power source of this equipment. b. Start up a pump to to run and put interlock of standby pump into operation. operation. c. Press accident button of running pump on site, this pump state displays shutdown and standby pump is linkage. d. Test another pump by the same method. e. Shut down pump after test is over. over.
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Unit accident disposal
Accident disposal principle
Watchman shall lead the staff of unit quickly to handle accident according according to provisions of rules rules under
the direct leadership of Shift Supervisor when occurring accident. Immediately execute command from Shift Supervisor except the command has direct danger on human body and equipment, or state reasons and object to execute it. Report it to the superior when Shift Supervisor insists on the dangerous command. 4.1.2
Operators shall shall find out accident accident first causes quickly when when occurring accident, accident, to eliminate eliminate threat on
human body and equipment and ensure normal running of non-fault equipment as far as possible at the same time. Emergency shutdown shall ensure the plant electricity is not power losing. 4.1.3
Operators shall shall handle accident accident according according to the the following procedure when unit occurs fault. fault. Determine unit has occurred occurred fault according according to parameter parameter change, DCS display, display, equipment linkage,
screen alarm, light word plate alarm, fault printing and outside unit phenomenon condition, then: (1) Eliminate threat on human body and equipment rapidly and split equipment that occurs fault immediately if necessary; (2) Find out fault nature, occurred location and scope rapidly, then handle it and report it; (3) Maintain normal running of non-fault equipment; (4) Each stage of accident disposal shall report it to Shift Supervisor as fast as possible, convenient for timely report and adjustment, correctly adopting countermeasure and preventing accident expansion .
Take measures and maintain unit running when it’s judged to be system and other equ ipment fault,
convenient for possibly recover normal running of the whole unit as soon as possible.
Each post shall shall notify each each other about the condition when handling accident, accident, cooperate cooperate each other
closely, handle it according to provisions of rules quickly and strive to prevent accident expansion under unified command of Shift Supervisor.
Accident disposal shall shall be rapid and accurate. Repeat it again after receiving receiving command and report
execution condition rapidly to commander after executing command. 4.1.4
When occurring accident and fault outside this rule, Watchman Watchman shall make correct correct judgment according according
to his own experience, take countermeasures actively and handle it quickly. Ask for instruction from Shift Supervisor if time permits and carry out accident handling under the guide of Shift Supervisor. Supervisor. 4.1.5
carry out manual manual MFT or apply apply the brake brake manually manually during accident accident disposal disposal when when
reaching emergency furnace shutdown and turbine shutdown condition but protection doesn’t act; immediately shut down this auxiliary turbine when auxiliary turbine reaches emergency shutdown condition but protection doesn’t doesn’t act. 4.1.6
If occurring occurring unit sudden tripping, recover unit running as soon as possible after finishing accident
disposal and accident causes have been found out. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 91 of 197
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When unit occurring fault fault and handling accident, accident, Operators Operators shall not leave work work without authorization. authorization.
Extend shift handover if accident occurs at the shift handover time. Before handling handover procedure, handing personnel shall continue to work until finishing accident handling or coming an conclusion. Handled personnel shall actively actively assist handling personnel to to handle accident. 4.1.8
Prohibit irrelevant irrelevant personnel gathering gathering in the central control room or staying staying at the fault fault locality
during accident handling process. 4.1.9
After finishing handling, handling, Watchmen Watchmen shall immediately report report the accident occurrence occurrence and handling handling
condition to the superior and take detailed record for accident time, phenomenon, development, handling process and cause analysis. analysis. After After shift meeting organizes organizes all the staff staff to analyze accident accident and write report. 4.2
Emergency shutdown and accidental accidental shutdown condition and disposal disposal
Break vacuum vacuum and perform emergency shutdown when encountering one of the situations:
Unit rotating s peed raises to 3300rpm but overspeed protection protection doesn’t operate. operate.
Unit suddenly occurs occurs violent vibration vibration or blade of steam turbine breaks and accompanies accompanies with
obvious metal grating and impact sound.
Steam turbine occurs water impact.
Any bearing of steam turbine unit smokes due to fuel cutoff cutoff or any support bearing bearing metal
temperature of steam turbine reaches 113 ℃ or generator support bearing metal bearing temperature reaches 120℃ or its oil return temperature reaches 82℃.
Steam turbine oil system and generator sealing oil system catches fire and can’t be extinguished,
and threaten human body and equipment safety. safety.
Sealing oil system loses oil and hydrogen differential differential pressure and and generator sealing pad leaks a
large amount of hydrogen.
Oil system leaks leaks a large large amount of oil, main oil tank level decreases decreases to extremely extremely low value of main
oil tank level, gives an alarm but can’t be remedied.
Steam turbine axial displacement reaches to tripping valve, but overspeed protection doesn’t
Any differential differential expansion expansion of steam turbine high, intermediate intermediate and low pressure cylinder exceeds exceeds
limit value.
Lubrication pressure reduces to 0.049 MPa (tripping value), but protection doesn’t operate.
Generator smokes, catches fire or hydrogen explodes.
Oil return return temperature temperature of steam steam turbine turbine thrust bearing reaches reaches 80 ℃.
Steam turbine shaft shaft seal seal is abnormal friction and sparkles. sparkles.
Report to Shift Supervisor immediately immediately and carry carry out non-breaking non-breaking of vacuum fault shutdown after
approval if encountering one of the following situations: Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 92 of 197
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Main steam temperature temperature and reheating reheating steam temperature run run in excess of 20min or above above 565℃
after raising to 554 ℃.
Upper and lower lower cylinder temperature temperature difference difference of steam turbine high and intermediate intermediate pressure
cylinder exceeds 56 ℃.
Pressure in front of steam turbine automatic automatic main steam valve valve exceeds 18.9MPa.
Condenser vacuum decreases, it can’t be recovered and continue to decrease to 79.7kPa after load
reduces to the minimum.
Generator fixed cold water flow is lower than 104T/H which can’t be recovered, and water -break water -break
protection protection doesn’t operate.
DEH work abnormity can’t control steam turbine rotating speed and load.
EH oil pump or EH oil system fault endanger unit safety or EH oil pressure is lower than than 9.5MPa.
LP cylinder steam extraction temperature temperature is high to 121℃.
Generator sealing oil system fault can’t maintain necessary oil pressure and oil level.
Main and reheat reheat steam pipe, HP water supply pipe or pressure-containing pressure-containing member member breaks and unit
can’t be operated.
High and intermediate pressure regulating steam steam valve control loop is seriously fault and can’t
maintain normal operation of unit.
Plant power sources are all lost.
Oil temperature temperature after oil cooler is high to 60℃ and it’s invalid after adjustment.
All the operator stations of heat control control DCS system are fault (all the DCSs are “blank screen” or
“dead halt”), and there is no reliable standby operation and monitor means.
Steam temperature in front of steam turbine high and intermediate intermediate main steam valve abnormally abnormally
decreases below 450 ℃ or reheat steam temperature decreases 50 ℃ in 10min during unit is operated.
Unit runs more than 1min without steam.
All the rotating speed speed meters of steam turbine display incorrectly or without display, display, and there is
no any monitor means.
Reheat steam is interrupted.
Control steam pressure is low or disappeared disappeared unit cannot maintain maintain the original running mode.
Recovery of protective controller fault is failure.
High and intermediate main steam valve speed regulating steam valve is jamming and can’t move.
Hydrogen content at the steam steam turbine hydrogen hydrogen separation separation and anti-explosion fan exhaust port port or
in the main oil tank exceeds 1%.
Any of the protection shall trip but not trip (in addition to shutdown due due to breaking breaking of vacuum).
Pressure ratio of regulating regulating stage and and HP steam extraction extraction is less less than 1.7. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 93 of 197
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Emergency shutdown operation operation procedure procedure of breaking breaking of vacuum vacuum Press “emergency shutdown” button manually or pull steam turbine tripping handle manually in the
central control room, to confirm generator splits and steam turbine rotating speed decreases; inspect and confirm whether high and intermediate pressure main steam valve, regulating valve, HP extraction check valve and each stage steam extraction check valves are closed.
Inspect whether whether steam turbine turbine main body and main reheat reheat steam pipe and steam steam extraction pipe
drain valve are open, plant electricity switches successfully, boiler interlocks MFT, and primary fan, coal pulverizing system and fuel system in front of boiler boiler has shut down.
Start up main engine lubrication lubrication pump and DC lubrication pump manually manually,, inspect whether
lubrication pressure is normal and adjust lubrication temperature to be normal.
Shut down vacuum vacuum pump. Close to condenser condenser all dewatering, dewatering, open breaking breaking valve of vacuum
(handle this
in light of the circumstances for fault shutdown).
Stop shaft seal steam if vacuum is 0.
Inspect whether whether barring automatic automatic operation is normal normal if rotating speed speed is 0; perform manual
operation if automatic operation is not successful and record rotor idling time, eccentricity, barring motor current and cylinder temperature, etc.
Pay attention to whether unit’s vibration, lubrication temperature and sealing oil and hydrogen
differential differential pressure are normal during shutdown.
Operators shall shall listen attentively attentively to interior sound of unit on site and prohibit immediately start up
unit again if there is obvious metal impact sound or rotor idling time shortens obviously in the interior. 4.2.4
Other operations are the same with normal shutdown. Operation procedure of not not breaking breaking of vacuum fault shutdown shutdown Report to Shift Supervisor Supervisor for application application of shutdown, reduce reduce load rapidly rapidly after receiving receiving fault
shutdown command, start up AC lubrication pump and jacking oil pump and barring motor running and confirm lubrication pressure is normal.
Press “shutdown” button on the steam turbine control panel or apply the brake at the turbine head,
inspect whether load is to zero, generator reverse-power protective operates, generator splits, steam turbine rotating speed decreases, high and intermediate automatic main steam valve, regulating valve, steam extraction electric valves, check valve and HP extraction check valves are closed.
Inspect whether whether open drain drain valves of main main and reheat steam pipe automatically automatically,, and open steam
turbine main body drain valve.
Inspect whether HP/LP HP/LP bypass actions are are normal, attemperation water water puts into operation
automatically, automatically, open condenser rear cylinder water injection valve interlock, and condenser vacuum and steam cylinder steam extraction temperatures are normal. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 94 of 197
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Confirm shaft seal steam supply pressure pressure and shaft seal seal temperature temperature are normal and deaerator
switching is normal.
Perform comprehensive comprehensive inspection for steam turbine turbine main body, body, emphasis on unit vibration, axial
displacement, differential differential expansion, thrust pad temperature bearing oil return temperature as well as relevant parameters related related to protective action, action, and listen attentively to sound of each unit part.
Inspect whether whether barring device device automatic operation runs normally normally when rotation rotation is 0, and record record
barring current, rotor eccentricity ratio ratio and rotor idling time. 4.3
Complete other operations of shutdown.
Steam parameter abnormity
Every main main and reheat reheat steam pressure and temperature are too high or too too low. low.
Parameter overruns and gives an alarm.
Unit load changes.
Main engine engine axial axial displacement displacement and differential differential expansion have have variation. variation.
Pressure and temperature temperature control system system have fault or adjustment of attemperation attemperation water is
Unit shed load suddenly. suddenly. 4.3.2. 3
HP heater splits suddenly. sudden ly.
Safety valve of steam system opens suddenly. suddenly.
Coal quality changes suddenly suddenly or coal pulverizing pulverizing system system runs abnormally. abnormally.
Control system fault shall be handled respectively respectively according according to fault degree, switch to manual mode
to adjust pressure and temperature to be normal if necessary and adjust it through adjusting combustion and load, etc.
Handle it as as per relevant relevant provisions if too fast load increase and decrease causes adjustment adjustment of load
change rate and load change caused by working condition like protective action.
HP heater protective action splitting shall adjust unit load timely. timely.
If coal pulverizing system runs abnormally and uneven coal powder output output cause unstable unstable boiler
heat load, adjust coal pulverizing system and shut down the system if necessary. necessary.
Handle it according according to the following following provisions when main and reheat reheat steam temperatures temperatures are
abnormal: (1) Allow unit carries out long-term continuous operation when main and reheat steam temperature changes within 538 5388℃. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 95 of 197
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When steam temperature raises to 545~551℃ abnormally, the running time shall not exceed 400h in
total within a year and running time of each time shall not exceed 30min, or carry out fault shutdown. Carry out fault shutdown when overtemperature if exceeding 400h.
Allow main and reheat steam temperature temperature fluctuates fluctuates to maximum maximum 565℃ from rated temperature
within 15min, or runs within 551~565℃ temperature, yearly accumulative total shall not exceed 80h, or immediately carry out fault shutdown if exceeding the time period. Immediately carry out fault shutdown if steam temperature is higher than 565 ℃. Contact with boiler operator and carry out timely adjustment to prevent overheating overheating if main and reheat steam steam temperature temperature is always high.
Rapidly take measures to recover steam steam temperature temperature to normal normal value when when main steam temperature temperature
and reheat steam temperature are abnormal. Immediately carry out fault shutdown if main steam and reheat steam temperature continues to decrease below rated value 84 ℃ (454℃) or steam temperature suddenly decreases exceeding 50 ℃ during handling process. (2) When steam pressure and temperature change abnormally, abnormally, pay attention to monitoring trend of steam turbine differential expansion, axial displacement, shaft vibration, section pressure and each control index, and immediately carry out fault shutdown if exceeding limit value. 4.4
Unit load hunting
System impact, oscillation or boiler running is normal;
Generator is out of step;
Steam turbine control system is abnormal or speed regulating steam valve action is abnormal; abnormal;
HP/LP bypass is operated by mistake or reheating steam steam extraction extraction shuts down suddenly. suddenly.
Disposal Relieve CCS coordinative coordinative control and find out causes causes quickly according to DCS display, display, relevant
instruments’ instruments’ indications and external symbol.
Rapidly execute execute relevant operations according according to command command from from Shift Supervisor Supervisor if system occurs occurs
Generator out of step shall reduce generator active power power and increase increase excitation excitation manually manually..
Strictly control control unit output and don’t exceed output running if unit load changes suddenly due to
power grid cycle cycle change.
Immediately switch to manual control if caused caused by control system abnormity abnormity,, and carry out
shutdown handling if it can’t be handled during running; runn ing;
Adjust steam turbine steam inflow and stabilize stabilize steam parameters if load sudden change change caused by
abnormal change of boiler running;
Increase load according according to allowable allowable steam inflow when speed regulating regulating steam valve is fault falling
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out and don’t increase or decrease load forcedly when speed regulating steam valve is jamming.
Inspect whether whether oil extraction extraction temperature, temperature, axial displacement, differential differential expansion expansion and vibration vibration
of thrust bearing and other bearings are normal; 4.5
Inspect whether whether water levels levels of deaerator, deaerator, condenser condenser,, heater and shaft seal heater are normal.
Unit load shedding
Unit load decreases suddenly suddenly,, on-site sound changes suddenly and axial displacement changes; changes;
Steam pressure increases increases and boiler safety valve (or PCV valve) valve) operates operates possibly;
Steam extraction pressure of each each section decreases;
Boiler side has relevant interlock action when occurring “RUN BACK” working condition.
Electric system occurs fault fault and power power transmission transmission line line trips;
Unit protection operates;
Speed regulating regulating system occurs occurs fault, close regulating valve valve by mistake or main auxiliary engine
trips. 4.5.3
Closely monitor change of main main and re-steam re-steam parameters parameters and boiler maintains normal parameters as
far as possible.
Inspect unit running condition comprehensively, comprehensively, find out causes and handle it correspondingly as far
as possible; immediately report to Shift Supervisor and prepare for raising load if there is no obvious fault.
Carry out shutdown shutdown handling handling if it it is speed speed regulating system fault and it can’t be handled during
Inspect steam steam pump running situation and water supply automatic automatic regulation regulation situation. Relieve Relieve main
water supply and small turbine automation if water supply automatic regulation can’t meet boiler requirements, and pay attention to minimum flow valve operation condition of feed pump.
Pay attention to electricity electricity use running condition; condition; pay attention to condenser condenser vacuum and LP
cylinder steam extraction temperature; monitor and regulate condenser, deaerator and heater water level; maintain normal auxiliary steam protopipe pressure.
Pay attention attention to deaerator pressure and shaft shaft seal steam supply condition.
Immediately report to Shift Supervisor and immediately execute execute command command from Shift Supervisor if if
unit protection is operated by mistake. 4.6
Breaking of condenser vacuum
Phenomena DCS and on-site condenser vacuum indications decrease. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 97 of 197
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Steam extraction temperature temperature raises and and condensation condensation water water temperature temperature raises. raises.
Steam flow increases increases and regulating regulating stage pressure raises raises under the same load of unit.
Give an alarm when when vacuum breaks to 79.7kPa 79.7kPa or steam extraction extraction temperature temperature raises to 80 ℃.
Cause Circulating water water pump works abnormally abnormally or trips, circulating pump outlet butterfly valve opening
reduces or closes totally, and condenser circulating inlet and outlet valves are closely by mistake to cause circulating water volume reduced or suspended.
Condenser stainless steel tube is dirt.
Vacuum pump pump works abnormally abnormally or trips; vacuum vacuum pump cooling device is fault fault or heat exchange exchange is
Open vacuum breaking valve by mistake or don’t close it tightly, vacuum system pipe and other
equipment system damages or leaks and vacuum system valve water seal loses.
Shaft seal steam steam supply pressure obviously reduces and shaft heater water level and negative
pressure is abnormal. abnormal.
Condenser hot well water level is too high.
Small turbine vacuum system leaks.
Steam engine LP cylinder anti-explosion valve cracks.
Disposal Check indications of vacuum vacuum meters rapidly rapidly,, compare steam extraction extraction rise in temperature temperature and
determine breaking of vacuum if finding condenser’s breaking of vacuum.
Carry out the following inspections for for circulating circulating water system:
(1) Inspect whether circulating water pressure is normal, and inspect whether circulating water system leaks or is blocked if pressure is low; (2) Inspect whether water level of absorbing well is normal, and clean inlet filter screen timely if water level is low. (3) Inspect whether circulating water temperature rises; (4) Pipe is dirt if condenser intake pressure rises and outlet water temperature rises, and clean condenser at this time; (5) Inspect whether circulating pump runs normally, normally, or start s tart up standby pump.
Perform the following inspection for vacuum system and do corresponding separation handling: handling:
(1) Inspect whether vacuum pump and vacuum pump cooling device works normally; (2) Inspect whether vacuum system has leakage point; (3) Inspect whether vacuum system pipe and LP blow-off line are damaged; (4) Inspect whether vacuum breaking valve is tightly closed and seal water is normal; Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 98 of 197
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(5) Inspect whether shaft seal steam supply pressure is normal; inspect whether shaft seal inlet valve and overflow valve are normal, whether shaft heat U type pipe water seal is normal, and start up standby fan if shaft heater fan is fault or shaft heater negative pressure is low; (6) Inspect whether small turbine exhaust steam system is normal, if necessary, start up electric pump, shut down small turbine and close exhaust steam butterfly valve.
Inspect whether condensate pump pump seal water is normal and barring barring root is completely completely leakage;
whether condenser water level is too high, and carry out shutdown or leakage inspection treatment according to stainless steel tube leakage conditions if condensate hardness and electrical conductivity rise.
Breaking of vacuum of condenser to 75kPa, standby vacuum pump starts up automatically automatically,, or puts it
into operation manually; reduce load if vacuum continues to break. Jumping engine protection acts if vacuum breaks to 69.3Kpa. Otherwise, Otherwise, apply the brake brake manually for shutdown.
During breaking of vacuum, pay close attention to LP LP cylinder exhaust steam temperature. temperature. LP
cylinder water spray begins operation when exhaust temperature rises to 70 ℃; fully open spray water valve when temperature is 80℃; shut down engine as fault if temperature continues rising to 120 ℃. 4.7
Small turbine trips when vacuum breaks breaks to 47.46kPa, 47.46kPa, or carry out manual shutdown.
Large unit vibration
Shaft vibration indications of the TSI are large, and so are the in situ measurement measurement values.
The bearing vibrates obviously obviously when feeling with hands, and the unit sound is abnormal.
The bearing temperature increases.
The pressure and temperature temperature of the lubrication oil are abnormal or oil whip occurs
Unit warm-up is insufficient, insufficient, the cylinder expends expends and the cylinder cylinder draining is poor, poor, and the
temperature differences between upper cylinder and lower cylinder in the HP cylinder and IP cylinder are large.
Large shaft bending
The operation operation parameter and work condition rapidly change resulting in abnormal changes of axial
Broken blades blades or internal internal machine machine parts of the turbine turbine break down or drop off. off.
The bearings of the main engine break down.
Cold air or cold water inflow or water impact occur occur on the turbine.
Breaking of vacuum causes causes turbine shaft centerline centerline offset offset or last last stage blade blade vibration.
The unit speed are within the critical speed speed range during power-on power-on and power down. down.
Unit vibration vibration caused by the generator faults, such such as magnetic field imbalance imbalance Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 99 of 197
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The unit will will shut down when the unit vibration vibration increases to the value requiring requiring protection actions. actions.
Otherwise, shut down the unit manually. manually.
Check whether the pressure and temperature temperature of the lubrication, lubrication, bearing metal metal temperature temperature and oil
return temperature are normal. If not, adjustment is required.
If vibration is caused by water water impact, isolate the cold air and cold water sources sources and the improve improve
the water draining in the block. 4.8
If vibration is caused by the generator, generator, decrease the unit load and and then monitor the unit operation.
Steam turbine water impact
The main and reheat steam temperatures rapidly decreases decreases and give give an alarm. alarm.
The temperature temperature difference difference between between the upper and lower cylinders of the steam turbine is large, and
give an alarm.
Water slamming occurs occurs in the steam turbine or the steam steam pipeline, and the vibration of the unit and
steam pipeline is intensified.
The load fluctuation and differential differential expansion decrease, decrease, and the axial displacement displacement and the
temperature of the thrust bearing increase. Steam leaks or water drops slop on the steam pipeline flange, valve rod, cylinder joint face and shaft seal. 4.8.2
Barring current increases in barring mode. Cause The vapor bag is filled with water water and steam flow flow rapidly increases increases to a large quantity so that the
priming occurs.
Boiler combustion control is improper or fails.
The desuperheating desuperheating water water control of the boiler boiler main and reheat steam is improper or fails.
During unit power-on, the draining of the warming pine is not complete complete or smooth.
Water spills from the heater and deaerator, deaerator, and flows flows to the steam turbine. turbine.
The draining of the shaft seal seal system is not proper so that the accumulated accumulated water water and drained drained water
flows to the cylinder. 4.8.3
The indication of the main main or reheat temperatures is abnormal. abnormal. Disposal When the temperatures temperatures of main and reheat reheat steam decrease decrease abnormally abnormally,, immediately check check related
meters to confirm that the temperature actually decreases.
After confirming confirming that the water water impact occur occur on the unit, immediately perform perform the vacuum break
emergency shutdown. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 100 of 197
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If the temperatures of the main and reheat steam rapidly decrease decrease below the set value, immediately immediately
perform the vacuum vacuum break emergency emergency shutdown.
When the temperatures temperatures of the the main and reheat reheat steam decrease decrease abnormally abnormally,, strengthen the monitor
on the metal temperature and temperature difference of the steam turbine upper and lower cylinders. If the temperature of the lower cylinder is 42°C lower than that of the upper cylinder, all steam traps of the steam turbine block and the main and reheat steam pipelines should be opened.
Check the turbine turbine block and and the opening conditions of all the steam pipeline traps to completely
drain the water.
Verify and eliminate the causes for water impact and isolate the faulty devices. devices.
Correctly record record and analyze analyze the idling time, input continuous continuous barring in a timely manner, manner, measure measure
the shaft bending, and listen to the sound in the unit. If the idling time, shaft thrust, differential expansion, vibration and temperature difference between the upper and lower cylinders are all normal, and no rub occur and unusual sound is heard in the unit, contact the shift supervisor to restart the unit after completely draining the water tint he main and reheat steam pipeline and pump-line.
If water impact, differential differential expansion, shaft thrust temperature temperature exceeding the limit, limit, and obvious
idling time shortening occur, or unusual sounds are heard and rub occurs between dynamic and static parts in the unit, open the cylinder for examination.
If water flows in the steam turbine barring, keep keep the barring barring in operation till the temperature temperature
difference between the upper and lower cylinders of the steam turbine becomes normal. At the same time, strength the monitor on the sounds inside the steam turbine, rotor eccentricity and barring currency. currency. 4.9
Blade of the turbine drops
Metal clash clash generates generates in cylinder or grating generates in set barring;
Set vibrates fiercely;
Axial displacement displacement and differential differential expansion expansion changes abnormally; thrust thrust pad temperature temperature and oil
return temperature rise;
Pressure in monitoring section rises;
If the blade blade of low pressure pressure cylinder breaks and the broken bland enters condenser and and damages
stainless steel pipe, the conductivity and hardness of condensation water increase and the water level of hot well rise abnormally; 4.9.2
If it is determined determined that blade breaks and the set vibrates fiercely fiercely,, please stop operation operation immediately. immediately.
If the regulator or extraction pressure pressure is abnormal, abnormal, please immediately analyze and and meanwhile refer
to the change of vibration, axial displacement and metal temperature of thrust bearing to determine that Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 101 of 197
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broken blade shall be given given emergency emergency disposal;
If the water water level in condenser condenser rises, turn turn on the water in front of #5 low-add outlet to maintain maintain
normal water level or drain in condensation water storage tank. 4.9.3
Keep the set operating operating within allowable cycle scope;
Keep the set steam parameter normal;
Ensure that that heater and deaerator deaerator operate operate in order and and relevant relevant dredge dredge
Keep normal set output and forbid overrun;
Strictly forbid overrunning of the turbine;
Monitor water water quality in case of corrosion corrosion after after blade blade scales. scales.
Axial displacement displacement of main engine is normal
DCS and recorder shows that axial displacement displacement exceeds the limitation;
The temperature temperature of thrust bearing bearing and oil return return rises abnormally abnormally high. The set set vibration may
probably enlarge. enlarge. 4.10.2
The turbine trips when it comes comes to set protection protection movement value. Cause
The set overloads or set load and steam flow flow change suddenly. suddenly.
The load is the same, while the steam steam parameter parameter is low or the steam extraction extraction condition changes changes
Water induction happens to the turbine.
Thrust pad abrades.
Blade scales seriously. seriously.
Blade breaks. 4.10.2 .7
Vacuum degree of condenser is low.
The axial abrasion of the set is abnormal. abnormal.
Generator rotor bunches.
Cycle drops
Safety valve of reheater moves.
Disposal When axial displacement is abnormal during operation, please immediately immediately examine whether the
thrust pad temperature rises, whether abnormal sound generates in the machine, whether the pressure and temperature of lubricating oil are normal, whether set vibration is normal and whether steam parameter and vacuum degree of condenser are normal, etc. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 102 of 197
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If it is caused due to above abnormal abnormal parameters, please please regulate parameters parameters till they return return
Report to the leader and promptly reduce set load so that axial displacement and and return oil
temperature, thrust bearing temperature recover to normal value.
If it is caused caused due to blade blade break or steam turbine water water impact, impact, please break down immediately immediately..
When axial displacement rises to limitation and protection does not function, function, please break down
emergently. 4.11
Lubricating oil system fault of main engine
Common faults
Lubricating oil pressure reduces
Lubricating oil temperature increases extremely high.
Oil level of main oil tank drops.
Lubricating oil quality is not qualified.
Oil pipeline leaks.
Lubricating oil pressure drops Phenomena
(1) Lubricating oil pressure drops according to gauges and DCS display; (2) Temperature Temperature and oil return temperature of all bearings may increase or alarm; (3) Lubricating oil pressure drops to 0.0823MPa and alarm; meanwhile alterative-current lubricating oil pump starts. (4) Lubricating oil pressure drops to 0.0755MPa and alarm; meanwhile direct-current lubricating oil pump starts
Cause and disposal
(1) When main oil pump or oil ejector works out of order, please start alterative-current lubricating oil pump; if main oil pump works out of order seriously, seriously, please close down disorderly; disorderly; (2) If lubricating oil supply pipe leaks, please adopt measures to stop the leaking and contact repair to dispose; closely monitor the oil level of main oil tank and supplement oil if necessary; (3) When lubricating oil pressure drops to 0.0755Mpaand direct current accident oil pump starts automatically; when lubricating oil pressure continually drops to 0.049Mpa, please close down emergently; emergently; (4) Outlet check valve of ac and dc lubricating oil pump is not strictly closed; report to the on-duty leader and contact repairman to dispose; (5) Please regulate to normal condition when overpressure valve mal-operates; (6) When lubricating oil pressure drops, please examine the bearing black gold and oil return temperature and oil flow of oil-return observation window; Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 103 of 197
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(7) When lubricating oil pressure drops, please pay close attention to bearing temperature and oil return temperature and immediately close down and damage vacuum when supported bearing temperature is abnormally high to limited amount; (8) Please immediately close down when bearing leaks oil; (9) During set starts and accelerates, when the accessory oil pump has fault so that lubricating oil pressure drops, depending upon the revolving speed of the set and fault property, property, please accelerate to rated revolving speed and dispose accessory lubricating oil pump if the revolving speed is close to 2750r min while the fault can be eliminated soon or please close down if the revolving speed is lower than 2750r 2750r min while the accessory lubricating oil pump fault cannot be eliminated soon. 4.11.3
Lubricating oil temperature Phenomena
(1) The outlet temperature of oil cooler is high; (2) Bearing temperature and oil
Cause and disposal
(1) The cooling water amount of oil cooler is small or cooling water temperature is high; please increase cooling water amount and reduce cooling water temperature; (2) If oil cooler becomes dirty, please switch to spare oil cooler and contact repairman to dispose; (3) If the automatic lubricating oil regulator becomes ineffective, please switch to manual regulation; (4) When electrical heater of main oil tank misoperates, please immediately stop the operation of electrical heater; (5) Oil temperature may rise when set vibration is large, bearing runs out of order or shaft seal leaks steam greatly. greatly. Confirm the reason for respective problems and make corresponding disposal. 4.11.4
The reason reason for and disposal disposal of oil level level reduction of main oil tank If lubricating lubricating oil pipeline breaks and leaks oil, please adopt separation separation measures to stop leaking
and contact the repairman to dispose and meanwhile supplement oil promptly. If oil pipeline breaks seriously, seriously, carry out load shedding breakdown or emergency breakdown. Please confirm the necessary oil mass for coasting operation.
Sealing oil system has fault and leaks oil; dispose according according to relevant relevant fault disposal disposal regulations
of sealing oil system.
If oil cooler leaks, please switch to spare oil cooler and carry carry out separation separation treatment. treatment.
If oil purification purification device has fault fault and leaks oil, please close down the oil inlet inlet of the device device
immediately and stop oil purification device.
When the oil level of main main oil tank drops to -200mm slowly, slowly, promptly supplement oil; if oil fails to
supplement promptly and the oil level of main oil tank drops to -300mm suddenly, please break down Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 104 of 197
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emergently. 4.11.5
Disqualification reasons and disposal of lubricating oil quality
If mechanic sundries or water water enter after replacing replacing new set or repair due to halfway cleaning of oil
system, please strengthen oil purification or replace oil.
When shaft seal seal steam supply pressure is high so that water content in the oil increases, please
properly turn down the shaft seal steam supply pressure and turn up shaft negative pressure pressure with precondition that the condensate vacuum is not influenced.
The oil system system has hot spot and oil aging. Please strengthen oil filtration filtration or replace oil; oil; eliminate
hot spot. 4.12
High bearing temperature of automobile automobil e motor
Bearing temperature is high or alarms alarms according to DCS; DCS;
Return oil temperature temperature of the bearing reads high;
Set vibration possibility increases;
The cooling water system system of the oil cooler has fault and lubricating oil temperature temperature is high.
Lubricating oil pressure pressure is low or oil oil is unqualified.
Inlet and outlet outlet oil of the bearing is not smooth.
The set vibrates fiercely. fiercely.
Bearing damages. 4.12.2 .6
Shaft seal leaks steam greatly.
When the set overloads and extraction extraction steam system and vacuum system run out of order, thrust
bearing temperature temperature and return oil temperature temperature will rise. 4.12.3
When bearing temperature temperature and return oil temperature temperature are higher than than normal value, please
immediately check following parameters and examine at site: (1) Whether DCS temperature reading of the same bearing and local return oil temperature rise together; (2) When temperature of all bearings rises due to high lubricating oil temperature, low lubricating oil pressure or high revolving speed of the set and large set vibration, please immediately regulate to normal condition; (3) Check the oil flow of return oil observation window of the bearing and carefully listen to internal sound of the bearing.
Regulate lubricating oil temperature temperature and pressure pressure to normal level.
If the oil oil quality is unqualified, unqualified, please strengthen strengthen oil filtration filtration or replace replace oil; if the oil ages, please Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 105 of 197
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break down.
When temperature temperature rises rises due to that thrust bearing overloads, overloads, please regulate set load.
If the shaft seal steam leakage is large, large, please properly reduce shaft seal steam steam pressure with
precondition that condenser condenser vacuum is ensured. ensured.
When support bearing bearing temperature temperature is up to 113 113℃ or thrust bearing temperature is up to 107 ℃ or
return oil temperature is up to 82 ℃, the disposal is ineffective and it shall break down. 4.13
EH oil system fault
Common faults
Oil pressure sloshes.
Oil pressure drops.
The oil level of oil tank drops.
Oil pipeline leaks.
Oil temperature is abnormal.
Oil is unqualified.
Fault disposal When EH oil pressure sloshes, please immediately examine the working condition of operational operational
oil pump and examine whether spillover valve acts and whether oil level of oil tank is normal; inspect the working condition of outlet checkup valve of spare oil pump. Please switch to oil pump if oil pump fails to operate in order.
Oil pressure reduction reduction may be caused due to abnormal working working condition of oil pump, system
leakage, blocking of filtration network or acts of spillover valve. Please dispose according to respective conditions. (1) Please switch to spare oil pump if oil pump fails to work in order. (2) If oil system leaks, please separate the leaking point and promptly contact the repairman to supplement oil with precondition that EH oil pressure is not too low; if the oil leakage is too serious to separation, please break down. (3) If it is due to large filtration network pressure differential, please separate. (4) When oil pressure drops to 11.2Mpa, spare pump shall start automatically, otherwise start by hands; when oil pressure drops to 9.8Mpa, break down by protection action, otherwise break down by hands.
When the oil level of the oil tank drops to 450mm, 450mm, make alarm and promptly supplement supplement oil. Oil
level reduction is generally caused by oil leakage of oil pipeline or leakage of oil cooler, please adopt separation measures for this reason; when oil level cannot be separated so that oil level continually drops and fails to sustain, please break down.
When oil temperature temperature is abnormal, abnormal, please examine examine the operation operation and breakdown breakdown condition of the
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heat pump, working condition of cooling water at site and operation of oil cooler.
When oil is unqualified, unqualified, please examine whether whether the system regeneration pump runs in order and
whether the operation of kieselguhr network is normal. Please replace if necessary. necessary. 4.14
Low Sealing oil pressure
Sealing oil pump runs out of order;
Sealing oil filtration network is seriously blocked;
Sealing pad leaks oil seriously;
Recycling valve valve of sealing oil pump is opened opened by mistake mistake or is out of order;
Pressure difference regulation valve is out of order. order.
Check input of spare oil source and input of spare oil oil pressure difference difference regulators regulators in order to
ensure that oil/hydrogen pressure difference is normal;
If it caused due to serious blocking blocking of sealing oil filtration network, please switch filtration
network and contact relevant personnel to dispose;
If it is caused due to recycling recycling valve of sealing oil pump, please please regulate recycling valve;
If sealing pad leaks oil seriously, seriously, please report report to the leader and contact for for disposal; please please apply
for breakdown if it fails to maintain operation;
If pressure difference regulation valve is is out of order, order, please regulate regulate bypass valve valve by hands to
keep supplying oil to sealing pad and contact repairman to dispose. 4.15
Recycling water pump fault
Pressure difference difference of inlet filtration network of recycling water water pump is large large Phenomena
(1) The surface of filtration network becomes dirty and the water level of absorption well of recycling water pump is low; (2) When the water level of absorption well of recycle pump is low, the motor current of recycling water pump fluctuates and outlet water pressure fluctuates. Cavitations of recycling water pump may occur if it is serious;
(1) Recycling water quality is bad and plankton is much; (2) The effect of trash remover of the filtration network is bad; (3) Trash remover cannot operate for long time or the automatic start becomes ineffective. (4) Blocked by large-size sundries.
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(1) Contact repairman to dispose trash remover and start as soon as possible; (2) When the pressure difference of filtration network continually enlarges, please pay close attention to monitoring the working condition of recycle pump and please stop the recycling water pump when cavitations of recycling water pump occur. Please note the vacuum condition of the condenser. condenser. (3) When the pressure difference of the filtration network reaches 200mm, the flush water pump starts and operates automatically; when the water level difference before and after filtration is ≥ 400mm (adjustable), the filtration network and flush water pump start automatically and run at high speed continually and immediately send alarm signal to on-duty room (or control room). (4) If the recycling water quality is bad, please contact chemical dosing disposal. 4.15.2
Inversion of recycling water pump Phenomena
(1) When recycling water pressure reduces, the outlet pressure of inversion recycle pump indicates. (2) Local recycling water pump runs in inverse direction. (3) When inversion is serious, the water level of absorption well at inlet of recycle pump rises.
(1) Outlet butterfly valve is not completely closed after recycling water pump stops. (2) Outlet butterfly valve is opened by mistake when recycling water pump is spare. (3) Outlet butterfly valve is opened but not started when recycling water pump is started. (4) Start recycling water pump and open outlet butterfly valve when motor supply source of recycling water pump is at test position. (5) When motor phase order of recycling water pump is inversely i nversely connected, reverse after start.
(1) When switch the interconnected control way of inverse recycle pump butterfly valve on DCS to “eliminate” position, close the butterfly valve by hands; if it fails to close, please immediately examine and confirm whether butterfly valve is opened at butterfly valve control station and reverse recycling water pump. If the control station is power-on, power-on, please switch butterfly valve control way to “location” and close butterfly by hands. If the control station is power-off, power-off, please immediately open manual discharge valve to close butterfly valve and recover control power supply as soon as possible. Please open manual discharge valve as soon as the power supply of butterfly valve control station powers off. (2) If recycling water pump is started at test position so that the butterfly valve is opened, please immediately stop test and close butterfly. butterfly. Continue after contacting hot worker to connect relevant joints. (3) When butterfly valve opens but the recycle pump does not start in starting recycle pump, please trip the pump immediately and examine and confirm that butterfly valve shall be closed. Otherwise dispose at site and contact repairman to dispose the start failure of recycle pump. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 108 of 197
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(4) If the phase order of the motor is disordered, please immediately close down and contact repairman to dispose. 4.15.3
Other faults
When the bearing bearing oil level of motor drops, please examine whether whether the oil discharge discharge valve valve is
closed tightly and whether oil pipeline leaks and supplement oil promptly.
When bearing bearing oil level of the motor motor rises, please please examine whether whether oil emulsifies emulsifies or has white foam
to judge whether water enters oil. Close down the pump if necessary.
When pump set set vibration enlarges enlarges abnormally abnormally,, please examine examine motor current and listen to to sound in
pump; if the outlet pressure and current of recycle pump fluctuate greatly, greatly, please examine whether the water level of absorption well of recycle pump is too low and whether inlet filtration network is blocked. If the motor current of recycle pump increases and protopipe pressure decreases, please examine whether outlet butterfly valve slides down or is closed. Please reopen the outlet butterfly if it slides down and contact repairman to dispose if reopening fails.
When the motor motor coil temperature temperature of recycle recycle pump rises, please please examine whether cooling water
pipeline is blocked.
When the water water level of recycle pit rises, please promptly promptly start sewage sewage pump and examine outlet
water source in case that the part under butterfly valve control is submerged. 4.16
Closed cooling water system failure
Common faults
Closed cooling water interruption
Decline or fluctuation fluctuation of the main pipe pressure of closed cooling water
The closed closed cooling cooling water water tank tank is in low water level.
Heavy vibration in the closed closed cooling water water pump
Abnormal increase of the motor current current of the closed cooling water water pump pump
Worsen water quality of closed closed cooling cooling water water
Failure disposal If the main main pipe pressure of the closed cooling water is declined, declined, operation of the closed water water
pump shall be checked on whether the level of the closed cooling water tank is too low, low, and whether the water discharge valve of this system is closed tightly. In the condition that the output pressure of the pump is deficient or lower than 0.35MPa, please check whether the backup pump automatically starts, otherwise please start the backup pump manually. manually.
If the pressure of the closed cooling water main pipe fluctuates hugely with motor current current beat, it
is generally caused by the low water level of the closed cooling water tank or the air admitted in the pump. When the water level is low, low, please replenish water to the normal level in time; when the differential differential pressure Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 109 of 197
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of the strainer blockage on the pump inlet is larger than or equal to 0.02MPa which leads to automatic start of the backup pump, the original operation pump shall be ceased and its outlet strainer shall be cleaned; when air gets in the pump, related air relief shall be opened to discharge air. Switch to backup pump immediately when it evaporates.
When closed cooling water water pump fluctuates hugely, hugely, please please check check
pump bearing and pump pump have have
abnormal sound. Please switch to backup pump immediately if above conditions appear.
If the motor motor current increases increases according to the display, display, please measure measure whether it truly increases.
The current increase may be caused by two-phase operation or bearing damage. Please switch to the backup pump and contact the repairman repairman to dispose.
If the closed cooling water quality gets worsen, it may may be caused by the pollution of the
replenished water source. Please change the water and contact with relevant staffs for chemical dosing. 4.17
Faults of auxiliary equipment equipment
The rotating equipment shall be stopped urgently urgently in case that one of the following situations situations occurs:
Equipment vibrates fiercely. fiercely. Dynamical Dynamical frication and static frication occur. occur.
There is clear clear metal stipulation inside the the equipment. equipment.
The motor is smoking or on fire.
The bearing’s fuel is cut off or or is smoking.
Other faults faults that threat the safety of equipment equipment and people occur occur..
Start the back-up auxiliary equipment equipment first, and then stop the fault equipment in the following cases. Abnormal noise of the equipment Electric current of the motor increases increases abnormally, abnormally, insulation smells burning or temperature of
the motor coil is over-limit.
Two Two phase operation of the motor
Vaporization of the pump in operation
Temperature Temperature of the bearing bearing exceeds the limit.
Air cooling system fault of large-scale motor
Packing generates heat, smoke or leaks a large number of oil or water, water, and and the adjustment is
invalid. 4.17.3
Other situations situations that threat the safe operation of the auxiliary equipment When the motor starts, it must be stopped immediately immediately if the following abnormities abnormities occur. occur.
After starting, the current doesn’t return in a long time.
After closing the power switch, the motor can’t work and buzzes.
The motor sparks or smokes.
The equipment equipment vibrates abnormally abnormally,, and there is serious leakage leakage in the place that connects pipes
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and flanges. 4.17.4
Heavy vibration of the auxiliary equipment
(1) Both in situ measurement and distant indicated vibration amplitude value show all high. The responding auxiliary equipment vibrates heavily, which may cause alarm. And auxiliary equipment with vibration protection may trip if reaching operation value. (2) If there is abnormal noise in s itu, the temperature of the bearing may increase. (3) If the water pump vibrates strongly because of vaporization, there is more abnormal noise in situ.
(1) Centering of the coupling doesn’t meet the requirement or coupling is damaged. (2) Rotor center is not standard. (3) The mounting clearance of the bearing is too big or the bearing is damaged. (4) Anchor screw is loosened or mechanical connection is loosened. (5) Vaporization of the water pump
(1) If the rotor center is not standard, adjust it to be standard. (2) Check whether the bearing is damaged or not; the loosened part of anchor screws or mechanical connections shall be fastened. (3) Adjust effectively effectively and immediately when surge or vaporization occurs. (4) For equipment without vibration protection, operation shall be stopped when vibration increase abnormally to limiting value. (5) It shall be regarded as big vibration when vibration of the auxiliary equipment exceeds the value in the following table: Rated speed (r/min)
vibration amplitude(um) (double amplitude um)
Reversion of the steam pump
Phenomena Rotate speed of small machine falls to zero zero and then rises again, check check the rotation rotation of the rotor rotor in
situ, and there is abnormal noise inside the pump. The indicator “Pump Reversal” alarms.
Exit pressure of the steam pump pump is low and inlet pressure pressure is high
Bearing vibrates heavily. heavily.
Reverse direction of axial displacement increases.
Exit pressure of the booster pump is high.
Pressure and water level of the deaerator rise. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 111 of 197
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Close the pump pump outlet electric electric door immediately once the steam pump reversion is found. If If the
electric door of the steam pump is blocked or loses power, power, close it manually and immediately. immediately.
Stop operation operation of small machine and electric electric pump and close the exit electric door. door.
Close inlet main feed feed water electric electric door of the economizer, economizer, close high-pressure exit electric door
and cut off boiler water filling.
Close intermediate stage bleed-off bleed-off valve of the reversion reversion steam pump, and open minimum flow
bypass valve of the steam pump compulsorily. compulsorily.
Inlet electric door of the booster pump of reversion steam pump can’t be closed.
Pay attention attention to the normal operation of lubricating oil system of the small small machine.
Motor fault
Condition of operation interruption due to to the motor fault
Once one of the following conditions occurs, motor operation shall be stopped immediately. immediately.
When threatening the safety of person;
Motor and the electrical electrical equipment equipment it belongs to are on fire with smoke;
When the mechanical equipment it it drives is damaged, leading leading to the unable to run of the motor;
Strong vibration vibration or internal shock occurs, leading leading to the friction between between stator and rotor;
Rotational speed of the motor slows down rapidly, rapidly, leading to the increase or return to zero zero of the
Rapidly increase increase of the temperature temperature of motor and bearing surpassing surpassing the allowed allowed value; value;
Disaster such as flood and and fire, etc. that endanger the safety operation of motor occurs.
Condition of operation interruption due to to the motor fault
Once one of the following conditions happens, important plant motors can start their backup equipment, and then stop running:
Abnormal voice in motor or charred charred smell smell of the insulation; insulation;
Flames or smoke occurs inside inside the motor or the start and conditioning device;
Stator current surpasses surpasses the normal operation operation value (with the same same amount of load);
Severe overheat of the cable cable lead of motor;
Cooling system of high capacity motor fails;
Three-phase imbalance current of motor surpasses 10% above. above.
When the tripped tripped motor affects affects the the output power or safety operation of the set, and no backup motor
or immediate start of the motor is available, it is allowed to coincide the tripped motor, the following condition will not be included:
Obvious short circuit circuit or damage damage occurs on the start and conditioning conditioning device of motor or the power
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Human injury requiring the immediate immediate halt of machine occurs;
The machine driven by motor is damaged;
Motor strips due to the protection action.
When voltage of important motor motor loses or decline, decline, it is forbidden to manually cut the plant motor
within one minute. 4.19.5
Automatically strip during the operation of motor
(1) Turn-to-turn Turn-to-turn or inter-phrase short circuit of stator coil (2) Power cable fault (3) Driven machine locked dead (4) Stepping down of voltage (5) The action of protective relay or error operation of staffs
(1) Start the backup equipment (2) When backup equipment is not available, please check the equipment as soon as possible. If no problem exists, restart the equipment. The equipment can be immediately restarted when mal-operation is confirmed. (3) If it strips when starting, please do not restart it before the cause is found out. (4) Following check shall be conducted to dispose the stripped motor: a. Which kind of protective action; b. Whether the short short circuit, ground connection connection and breakage breakage occurs in the coil and cable of motor; c. Whether the driven machine locks dead, the fuse burns out and the interlock circuit is in good condition; d. Whether the switching mechanism is in good condition, and the power switch and disconnecting link is well switched; e. Measure whether the insulation resistance of motor including the cable is in good condition. 4.19.6
Motor is on fire with smoke and burning smell Cause
(1) Stator and rotor crash due to the obliquity of the bearing center or the abrasion of bearing bush. (2) The coil insulation of stator becomes damp, pollution and ageing, which leads to the inter-phrase short circuit or ground connection fault. (3) Open weld or fracture of squirrel-cage bar
Disposal Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 113 of 197
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(1) Immediately pull open the power switch of motor. motor. (2) Please use dry powder fire extinguisher, 1211 fire extinguisher, carbon dioxide fire extinguisher or smog-like water spray. spray. It is forbidden to use strong water flow, sand or foam to extinguish a fire. (3) Conduct a detail check on motor. 4.19.7
Fierce vibration of motor
(1) Inconsistent of the center of motor and its driven machine leads to the bend of macro-axis, so that the machine is damaged. (2) Bearing of the set is damaged or the displacement of counterbalance loses its balance. (3) Stator and rotor rub or fan falls off (4) Open weld or fracture of squirrel-cage bar of rotor. (5) Machine vibrates and the foot-screw looses.
(1) Start the backup motor (2) If no backup motor is available, please reduce the motor load, and check if the vibration is mitigated or eliminated, otherwise contact relevant staffs for disposal. 4.19.8
If temperature temperature of the motor increases abnormally abnormally,, check the following contents:
Check if the voltage is lower than the specified value, and whether the current exceeds the
specified value. Check whether whether the temperature of the cooling cooling air exceeds 35℃, whether the cooling system is
blocked, and whether the fan operates operates normally. normally.
Check whether the three-phase three-phase current is balanced, exceeding the specified specified value or not.
Check whether the machine is jammed jammed causing overload.
All auxiliary full-power loss
Unit trips, furnace furnace master fuel trips, machine machine trips and the the motor splits; alarm rings with with its
corresponding shiny plates are bright.
Auxiliary buses voltage of every section section drops to zero, the green light of their power power switch will be
All the operational alternating current( AC) current( AC) auxiliary engines stop, and the backup ones are not
linked; electrically operated gate doesn’t move as operated.
All the direct current( DC) equipment are linked.
The AC lighting lamp lamp goes out and DC lighting lamp lamp is lightened darkening the control room. room.
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High plant transformer trips with sections of 6KV and 400V losing their power, while fast-cut back of the backup power fails or backup standby transformer trips due to its failures. So all the emergency power supply fail their auto-switch over. 4.20.3
Confirm that that the main main engine, straightway straightway pump of small turbine, straightway seal oil pump pump on the
airside are all started, otherwise can shut it by hands for several times until they are started. Check the lubricating oil of main engine, oil hydrogen differential pressure is normal.
Manually open the condenser condenser vacuum broken valve, shut all the the drain valves to the condenser condenser..
Input pneumatic motor of air pre-heater. Shut the manual vales of the stokehole fuel tripper valve and the return oil.
Inform all outside posts to do the corresponding corresponding disposal for the auxiliary auxiliary power loss. Reset all the the
tripping equipments, remove the interlocking of the standby equipments.
Immediately go to the diesel room to do the following inspection inspection and operation operation to the emergency emergency
power supply: (1) Confirm that the work switch of security 400V PC has tripped off, check whether the auto-start of the diesel generator is successful, otherwise start is manually, input emergency power supply, recover the emergency main line power supply. (2) After recovering the emergency main line power supply, recover the security MMC power in machine and furnace sections and the AC emergency emergency lighting step by step.
After recovering recovering the emergency emergency power supply, supply, do the following following work:
(1) Start the AC lubricating oil pump of the main engine, top shaft oil pump, AC seal oil pump on hydrogen side and airside, seal oil standby pump, AC oil pump of small turbine, electric motor of air pre-heater, pre-heater, AC flame flame detection fan. (2) Input the lubricating oil system of each assistant machine. (3) Shut entrance valve of the steam pump and electric pump, check the pump shall not roll backward. (4) Check and confirm that the HP, IP main steam valves, adjusting valves, HP discharge check valve, each check valve have been shut, shut all the relevant electric valve; open the relevant drain valve on the furnace side. (5) Check and adjust the position of air valves, baffles of all the pulverizing system is correct. Water-spraying electric valves of superheater and reheater are shut. (6) When the rotate speed of the main engine is zero, input the jigger. If before inputting the jigger, the rotor has stopped, turn the rotor in 180°, stay for some time, then input continuous jigger. jigger. (7) Check the UPS power switching is normal. Start the floating machine of the 110V, 220V DC system tripper. tripper. Shut down the relevant DC equipments. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 115 of 197
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Open all the the close switches switches of each each 6KV section. Check the reason that makes the auto-input of the
6KV backup power failed, after the defect is removed, recover the power of each 6.6KV section and low plant changes running.
Recover the auxiliary power power step by step, and recover recover all all the systems systems according to the condition of
unit. If the temperature of LP cylinder discharging discharging steam is above 50℃, shall first start condensate
water pump, start a vacuum pump, keep the micro vacuum of the condenser, when the stainless steel tube cools and the discharging steam temperature is below 50 ℃, input the water circulation system.
According to the temperature difference state of the steam drum wall, ask the chief chief engineer for
feeding water to the boiler, keep the water level of steam drum and the water temperature of the deaerator normal. 4.21
Recover the other operation of unit running step step by step.
Generator cooling system fault
Hydrogen cooling system malfunction If smoking, fire or explosion happen happen to the generator, generator, emergence shutdown shutdown and hydrogen
discharging shall be done.
When generator generator is operating operating and hydrogen hydrogen purity in generator generator downs to 96%, discharge discharge hydrogen
and fill hydrogen. Make sure there is no fire operation near to sewage outfall when discharge pollution. Operate shall be slow in case of producing electrostatic that causing explosion and fire.
Hydrogen temperature temperature is abnormal, inspect inspect operation status of hydrogen hydrogen cooler. cooler. If automatic
regulation of hydrogen temperature does not work, manually regulate the temperature by using bypass valve and inform maintenances service to handle it.
When one hydrogen cooler cooler is shutdown due to malfunction, the load of the the machine unit downs to to
80%, strictly monitor the stator core temperature and temperature and oil temperature of generator.
when malfunction happens happens to the hydrogen hydrogen purity meter, meter, inform the maintenances maintenances service to
handle it and contact the chemistry department sample and analyze the hydrogen purity one time every four hours until the hydrogen purity meter is repaired and operates normally. normally.
When hydrogen pressure drops or there is hydrogen hydrogen leakage, employees shall check,
find the
reason and find out ways to solve it. (1) Sealing oil is broken. Emergence shutdown and emergence discharging hydrogen. hydrogen. (2) If pressure of sealing oil is low, normal pressure difference between oil and hydrogen cannot be maintained. Fine way to regulate sealing oil to normal or open backup pump. If pressure of sealing oil cannot be improved, low hydrogen pressure to operate. When hydrogen pressure drops, hydrogen pressure corresponding curve. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 116 of 197
control the load as
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(3) When pipe fracture or leakage at valve flange, generator measuring leads causes hydrogen leakage, handle it without affecting unit normal operation, and if it cannot be handled, it shall be treated as shutdown. (4) When generator sealing pad or outgoing bushing is damaged, promptly report to the shift supervisor, and treat it as shutdown. (5) When the case of mal-operation or hydrogen discharging valve not closed tightly appears, correct wrong operation immediately, close the hydrogen discharging valve tightly, and make up hydrogen to the normal hydrogen pressure. (6) With the suspect of the leakage of generator stator coil or hydrogen cooler, immediately report to the value supervisor and shutdown to handle it if necessary. necessary. (7) If hydrogen hydrogen leaks in factory, factory, open windows immediately in relating areas immediately, immediately,
open fan on
the roof , improve air flowing, forbid all fire operation. 4.21.2
Water cooling system fault
If the stator cooling water pressure is low, low, please examine examine the working condition of operational
pump and switch pump.
When the water level level of water water tank is low, low, please supplement to to normal water water level.
When system system pipeline, valve, valve, water cooler and flange leak, leak, please adopt adopt separation separation measures and
contact the repairman to dispose.
If the system drainage drainage valve valve is opened by mistake, close close the valve.
Water break break of generator generator (inflow (inflow of generator is smaller than 1/2 rated flow).
(1) When water in generator breaks, it is allowed to operate with 100% rated load for 5s and spare pump starts operation within 5s; (2) When the stator cooling water volume vol ume is low and meanwhile the internal cooling water’s conductivity is smaller than 1.5us/cm, the generator may operate for 1h under 15% rated current; (3) If water break happens to stator winding of the generator during operation and parallel operation of two stator water cooling pumps recovers to normal condition, two pumps shall carry load in 15min operation before increasing load. load. 4.22
When fire fire is found within administration range, the operator shall ensure that:
Strengthen set operation operation maintenance maintenance and dispose dispose accidents accidents according to specification specification provisions.
Perform correct order of last post fast.
Disposal when fire occurs. When fire alarm alarm is sent, please rush to the fire site to know fire condition, condition, examine whether whether fire
fighting system runs in order and use relevant fire extinguishers to put out fire correctly. correctly.
When electrical electrical equipment meets fire, please firstly cut of power supply and then put out fire with Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 117 of 197
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fire extinguisher; when fire occurs surrounding electrical equipment or threatens the equipment safety, safety, please stop equipment and cut of power supply.
When the fire has not threatened threatened set operation yet, yet, please adopt relevant relevant measures to stop fire
extension, move inflammables out of fire site and put out fire as soon as possible.
Strengthen operation monitoring and make make preparation preparation for breakdown.
When fire is serious enough to threaten set safety, safety, please break down down immediately. immediately.
When it catches catches fire in or surrounding oil tank and oil tank safety is threatened seriously seriously,, please
damage vacuum breakdown and open the accident oil discharge valve of oil tank. However, please consider that lubricating oil shall be unceasingly supplied before set stops in case of burning the bearing.
When sealing oil system catches catches fire and the fire cannot be put out and threaten threaten the equipment
safety, please break down immediately and discharge hydrogen fast during coasting operation. Sealing oil system shall maintain till set stops.
When generator or hydrogen cooling cooling system catches catches fire, please please break down emergently and
meanwhile fill CO2 to discharge H2 in generator. Water Water cooling system shall maintain operation. 4.22.3
Extinguishment method, devices and tips:
If sundries that are not soaked soaked in oil catch catch fire, put out out fire with water, water, foam extinguisher and sand.
When sundries that that are soaked in oil catch fire, fire, please put out fire with foam extinguisher and
When oil in oil tank and other container container catch fire, fire, please put fire fire with foam extinguisher, CO2,
CCL4 and 1211 fire extinguisher.
Please put fire with wet wet cloth or by isolating air if necessary necessary.. However, However, it is forbidden to put fire
with sand and tap without nozzle.
If electrical electrical equipment catches catches fire, please put put fire with CO2, CCL4, 1211 and and dry powder
extinguisher after cutting off power supply. Do not put fire with foam extinguisher. If motor catches fire, do not put fire by injecting sand or large-amount water. water.
If electrical electrical equipment catches catches fire and it fails fails to cut off off power supply immediately, immediately, please put fire
with CO2 and CCL4 extinguisher. It is forbidden to use other non-insulation extinguishers.
If steam pipeline pipeline or other high-temperature high-temperature components components catch fire, do not put fire with CO2
extinguisher. extinguisher. Use water carefully in case that thermal stress damages equipment.
If the revolving revolving part and revolving revolving system of the equipment catch fire, it is forbidden to put fire
with sand and perform according to relevant regulations. 4.23 4.23.1
If hydrogen hydrogen system catches fire, fire, please put fire with CO2 and and 1211 extinguisher. extinguisher.
DCS fault All operators of DCS have faults
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(hien tuong)
(1) All upper computers have “black screen” or crashes. (2) The mouse or keyboard operation interface fails to function. (3) All parameters and alarm readings on DCS interface do not change.
(1) Power supply fault of DCS (2) Signal interface circuit break of DCS (3) Internal software fault of DCS control. (4) Internal hardware fault of DCS.
(1) If DCS fault appears and the boiler puts fire, dispose as extinguishment. (2) If boiler fire is not put out and main spare hard manual operation and supervisory instrument can be used temporarily to maintain normal operation, please switch to spare operation manner and meanwhile eliminate fault and recover the operator station’s operation way. Otherwise, please break down and stop the boiler immediately. immediately. If there is not reliable spare operation monitoring method, please break down and stop boiler. boiler. (3) Monitor boiler water level, combustion chamber draft, temperature, pressure and combustion condition according to local water level television, flame television, boiler water level, combustion chamber draft and main-heat/reheat steam pressure, temperature and other monitoring instruments. (4) Keep set load stably. When steam pressure is not stable, regulate the load properly by hands and maintain normal pressure. (5) Contact thermal technician immediately to examine and dispose. (6) If the boiler combustion working condition fails to control, parameters become abnormal and DCS fault cannot be eliminated promptly, promptly, please stop the boiler immediately. (7) After the boiler stops, please close oil, wind, smoke valves or baffle through manual or electrical manner and stop revolving equipment that shall be closed for emergency breakdown. 4.23.2
Fault of partial operator station When partial operator station fault occurs, please continually continually monitor the set operation with usable
operator station.
Stop significant operation.
Contact thermal technician to disposal fault.
If the fault fault cannot be eliminated, please please dispose according according to actual operation operation conditions at that
time. 4.23.3
Please dispose when controller controller or corresponding power power supply in the system meet fault: Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 119 of 197
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When accessory accessory controller or corresponding corresponding power supply fault appears, appears, please switch switch to spare
manual operation and dispose system fault fast. If it does not satisfy the conditions, the accessory controller shall quit operation.
When circuit circuit regulation controller controller fault or corresponding corresponding power supply supply fault occurs, please switch
from automatic operation to manual operation and meanwhile dispose system fault fast and adopt corresponding measures according to actual conditions.
When controller fault regarding boiler protection protection appears, appears, please please replace replace
or repair repair controller
membranes immediately; when boiler protection power supply fault appears, please adopt forced supply measures. Then please implement measures of preventing controller initialization. If the recovery fails, please stop the boiler emergently. 4.24
Anti-accident Anti-acci dent measures for preventing water inflow of turbine and main shaft curving
Examine and confirm that that cylinder has good heat preservation preservation conditions conditions before starting the steam steam
turbine. Do not start when heat preservation conditions are not satisfied to ensure that oversize temperature difference will not be caused during normal start-up and breakdown. When the temperature difference between top cylinder cylinder and lower cylinder cylinder is larger than 42 42 ℃, please break down. 4.24.2
All metal temperature temperature test points points of the steam turbine shall be complete complete and reliable reliable and the
eccentricity indication of the main shaft shall be correct. Before enhancing the revolving speed of the steam turbine to rated value, the eccentricity of main shaft shall not exceed 110% of original value (0.076mm 0.075mm). Otherwise do not start. The double amplitude range before revolving of the steam turbine shall not exceed 0.025mm. 4.24.3
Please keep barring barring for at least least 4h continually before before enhancing the revolving revolving speed of the steam
turbine to rated value. After breakdown, the rotor becomes static and immediately puts into continual barring. If continual barring meets fault and cannot be input, please turn by 180° every half hour. Input continual barring after eliminating rotor elastic deformation and heat deformation (meaning that the stay duration after barring shall be 1/2 duration duration before barring). barring). 4.24.4
Please make all all efforts to prevent operate under 60MW load for long time when when the set starts and
breaks down. Please frequently frequently examine and carefully listen to the sound in the cylinder and shaft seal during during normal operation and report and dispose promptly when abnormal conditions are found. 4.24.5
Please strictly perform the valve valve examination examination card before before start. Examine Examine and confirm confirm that all dredge
valves are opened before enhancing the revolving speed to rated value and dredge is smooth by manual feeling. 4.24.6
Supply steam to shaft seal seal first and vacuumize vacuumize in hot start. Before Before supplying steam to shaft seal, seal,
please drain water from overall heating pipe of shaft s eal system in case that cold steam or water enters shaft seal. the shaft seal temperature shall match the metal temperature of steam cylinder; the maximum steam Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 120 of 197
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temperature of shaft seal shall not exceed 375 ℃; light the boiler after condensate vacuum realizes. 4.24.7
The revolving speed of the set shall be enhanced in “automatic” manner as possible and the program
shall not be interfered randomly. Please strictly perform 600r/min low-speed friction examination. Arrange full-time person to monitor the vibration, pad temperature, differential expansion and metal temperature of TSI system of the steam turbine during start and meanwhile arrange full-time person to monitor the vibration and general differential expansion of all bearings at site. It is forbidden to stay at critical revolving speed. Once vibration value overruns (especially close to the first critical revolving speed), please close down immediately. immediately. Do not reduce speed for observation. 4.24.8
Give close monitoring monitoring to the change of parameters parameters such as boil water level, level, axial displacement displacement of
main engine, differential expansion, vibration, main-heat/reheat steam temperature and strictly control the change rate of main-heat/reheat steam temperature during starting or closing the set and varying working condition. When main steam temperature drops to trip value while protection fails, please close down by hands immediately. immediately. If the steam temperature drops by 50 ℃ within 10min, please close down immediately. 4.24.9
Do not operate operate high-pressure high-pressure heater when the load is lower lower than 20%. Pay close attention to monitor monitor
the water level of high-pressure heater and deaerator under any working condition (especially during the set starts or closes down). Please examine and confirm protection is correct when the heater is full of water, otherwise step out by hands and examine whether electrical steam extraction valve and check valve are closed. Switch water supply to bypass and start water dredge of steam extraction pipeline. 4.24.10
After high and low bypass system stops, please please close manual temperature reduction valve reliably. reliably.
After repair or spare close-down close-down and before before the temperature temperature of steam turbine cylinder cylinder reaches
environmental temperature and steam-water system is not separated completely, the steam turbine shall be considered under operation status; continue monitoring the water level of condenser and metal temperatures of all parts of the cylinder and record the readings at regular intervals. Close electrical valve and manual valve of cold section and four extraction pumps to accessory steam, close condensate water to supplementation valve of hydrogen station, close supplementation valve of condenser, close inlet valve from supplementation box to condensation pump, close temperature reduction valve to heating in case that condenser is full of water. The water level of condenser when water injection leakage examination is made shall not exceed 8.5m and temporary water level monitoring measures shall be adopted. After leakage examination, start all relevant dredge valves to drain water. 4.24.12
Do not stop supplying supplying steam to shaft seal after after close-down and before vacuum vacuum comes to zero in
case that cold air enters. During coasting operation of the rotor, do not damage the vacuum and analyze and record the rotor coasting operation time. Do not transmit shaft seal steam under no-barring status. In half hour after rotor coasting operation ends, drop vacuum to 30kPa and operate. Before condenser vacuum comes to zero, please close all dredge valves to condenser and open vacuum damage valve. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 121 of 197
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Carefully perform perform work at regular intervals, intervals, complete activity test test of main steam valve and
extraction check valve, report problem to dispose promptly. Quit corresponding heater if necessary. necessary. 4.24.14
The sliding cylinder temperature temperature of the steam turbine shall not be lower lower than 400℃.
During barring period after after close-down, it is forbidden to examine and and repair systems regarding regarding the
steam turbine in case that cold air enters cylinder. Please examine and make measures according to special conditions. 4.25
Anti-accident Anti-accident measures measures of preventing preventing oil leakage and pad burning burning of the steam turbine turbine
The oil level level of main oil tank shall be be kept during 0~150mm during normal normal operation, while oil level level
of small oil tank shall be kept at normal oil level (monitor according to local oil level gauge). 4.25.2
Operate oil level level gauge of main main oil tank once every every day to examine examine and confirm oil level gauge is
out of jam and oil level alarm is normal. The reading of two oil level gauges shall be consistent. 4.25.3
The oil level level alarm test of small oil tank is normal.
Alarm signal test of oil purification device device fault is normal. normal. Please examine examine regularly during during
operation of the device and immediately separate and note the oil level of main oil tank if device leaks oil. Supplement oil to normal level when it reduces. 4.25.5
Accident oil discharge discharge valve valve and water water drainage valve of main main oil tank and small small oil tank shall be
closed tightly and locked with w ith “no operation” alarm card. 4.25.6
Store certain amount of qualified turbine oil within 100m3 oil tank. Lubricating oil transportation
pump shall reach good spare conditions in order to ensure that main oil tank and small oil tank may supplement oil promptly. promptly. 4.25.7
During normal operation, please examine immediately immediately if oil level level of oil tank drops. drops. If oil pipeline pipeline
leaks, please separate or block oil; pay attention to the change of oil level of oil tank and supplement oil if necessary. 4.25.8
Examine whether whether oil cooler leaks and switch to separate if it leaks.
Examine the sealing oil system: system: oil level gauge of sealing sealing oil tank at empty side side is normal; if oil
pipeline leaks oil, please separate; separate; 4.25.10
If the oil level level of main oil tank drops and and continues dropping to -300mm even after
supplementation, please damage vacuum and close down to ensure coasting operation oil of the steam turbine. 4.25.11
Strictly perform perform relevant tests and and fixed-period working working provisions of main oil system in the
specification. 4.25.12
Keep close attention to the the temperature temperature of thrust pad, shaft pad pad tungsten and and return oil during start, start,
close-down and operation of the set. When the temperature exceeds the limitation, please report promptly and dispose decisively according to the specification provisions. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 122 of 197
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It is forbidden that spare pumps are used used for other work during normal normal operation so that all spare spare
oil pumps are occupied. 4.25.14
Prevent that the set operates operates when vibration vibration is unqualified. unqualified.
Test Test oil quality at at regular intervals intervals and promptly dispose degradation of oil quality quality.. If oil quality
and cleanliness overrun, do not start the set. Test the oil quality in main oil tank once every month. 4.25.16
When abnormal abnormal conditions that may damage bearing pad appear during during operation (such (such as water
impact and instant oil outage, etc.), please restart after confirming that the bearing pad is not damaged. 4.25.17
Low oil pressure pressure protection, thrust bearing protection and low oil pressure interlocking shall be
reliable and normally input and shall not be removed randomly. randomly. 4.26
Main steam valve or regulation valve jam after the steam turbine trips trips
Steam turbine trips.
“Close” signal of high-pressure high -pressure and middle-pressure middle-pressure valves fail to send out.
High-pressure and middle-pressure middle-pressure regulation valves in DEH interface are not switched off to “0”
completely. 4.26.2
Examine whether the revolving revolving speed of the steam steam turbine turbine drops. drops.
After the steam turbine trips, the steam valve jams and is not closed closed completely; completely; it shall be
disposed as normal close-down if revolving speed drops fast.
After the steam steam turbine trips, trips, the steam valve jams and is not closed completely so that the
revolving speed rises; please stop vacuum emergent close-down. close-down.
Stop vacuum pump operates and discharge discharge boiler pressure pressure as soon soon as possible. Stop operation operation of A
and B machine and stop operation of EH oil pump.
Contact the repairman repairman to dispose the jam fault of steam steam valve and find out the reason. Restart Restart after
the fault is eliminated. 4.27 4.27.1
Anti-accident measures of preventing preventing overspeed operation of of the steam turbine turbine Insist performing performing overspeed, oil injection and static test of the steam turbine according according to the
regulations and ensure that the speed conversion rate and dead-band comply with the regulation. 4.27.2
The oil filling test of the set set is normal normal and movement movement is flexible flexible and correct.
After one-month one-month close-down after after set overhaul overhaul and emergency emergency governor is disassembled, please please
carry out overspeed test according to the method of enhancing revolving speed. 4.27.4
In carrying out overspeed test necessary for cold start of the set, set, please firstly connect to the grid, grid,
warm the set at low load according to regulations and carry out test. 4.27.5
Please ensure ensure that the speed rises stably when governor overspeed overspeed test is carried out. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 123 of 197
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Thermal overspeed overspeed protection protection signal shall be tested after minor repair and overhaul to ensure that the
action value of thermal signal is correct and additional protection may be input stably. stably. 4.27.7
The test period of overspeed constraint slide valve valve of hydraulic hydraulic system (OPC) shall shall be the same same to
that of overspeed test. 4.27.8
If find IP, IP, HP automatic automatic main steam valve and steam adjusting valve have have jam fault, please
immediately report and promptly eliminate the faults and carry out steam valve test according to relevant regulations. 4.27.9
Please examine examine the tightness of main steam valve, governing governing valve, extraction extraction check valve valve before before
start and close-down every time. Please promptly report if the tightness is not in good condition. Start after the faults are eliminated. 4.27.10
Steam quality quality and oil quality quality of the steam turbine shall be tested tested at regular intervals. intervals. Please adopt
corresponding measures if it is unqualified. 4.27.11
Please regulate the shaft seal seal pressure of the set rationally and prevent water water inflow in oil. Please Please
eliminate the water in oil as soon as possible. 4.27.12
In overspeed overspeed test, the regulation regulation steam steam valve shall shall be stably and gradually opened and the revolving
speed shall rise to the acting revolving speed of the safety cut-out. When regulation steam valve is opened to maximum suddenly, suddenly, please break down and stop immediately in case of overspeed operation. 4.27.13
Please choose proper parameters parameters in overspeed overspeed test and keep pressure and temperature temperature within ruled
range. Overspeed test can be carried out after parameters are stable. 4.28
If two pumps operate, while one steam pump trips, please dispose as electrical water supply
pump is not connected. 4.28.1
50% RB alarm on DCS interface
The set load drops fast.
“Steam“Steam -feed water supply pump fault” light on alarm window lights and meanwhile and meanwhile accident horn
sounds. 4.28.2
Disposal: Immediately start electrical pump reception reception load by hands and examine examine RB movement. movement. Otherwise Otherwise
reduce load to 50% rated load by hands.
Immediately regulate the coal quantity of coal mill and stop relevant relevant coal pulverizing pulverizing system
according to conditions if necessary. necessary.
Please note and and monitor the boiler water level. If If the automatic water level regulation regulation fluctuates
greatly, greatly, please switch to manual regulation.
Please pay close attention to the change of main-heat/reheat main-heat/reheat steam steam temperature and promptly
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contact on-duty staff of the boiler for regulation in case that the steam temperature drops greatly. greatly.
If the set of RB reduces reduces to 50% rated load, please examine examine and confirm that generator vibration, vibration,
differential expansion, axial displacement, thrust pad temperature and all bearing metal temperature and return oil temperature of the steam turbine are normal; condensate vacuum, pressure at monitoring section and shaft seal system are normal and maintain the load operation. If any parameter of the steam turbine comes to trip value and cannot maintain after regulation, please stop and break down. Report to and contact relevant staff and find out fault reason as soon as possible; eliminate the fault promptly, promptly, start trip steam pump and close down electrical pump. pump.
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5. 5.1
Startup curve Cold startup curve
Union start of high-pressure and middle-pressure cylinder-cold bypass start
Flow of high-pressure cylinder Inlet temperature
Flow of middle-pressure Revolving speed
Reheat temperature
Inlet steam pressure of middle-pressure cylinder
4min Maximum 3%
Inlet steam pressure
82min Grid connection
25min 5% Load
132min 26% Load
Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 126 of 197
Minimum 110min
Revolving speed
Vietnam Vinh Tan Phase II 2 !622MW Coal-Fired Power Generator Unit
Warm startup curve
Warm no-bypass start of high-pressure cylinder
Flow of high-pressure cylinder Inlet temperature
Flow of middle-pressure cylinder Revolving speed
Revolving speed
Inlet temperature
3min Reheat temperature Load
Inlet steam pressure of middle-pressure cylinder
4min Time
Grid connection 125min
10min Grid connection
5% load
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Union start of high-pressure and middle-pressure cylinder-warm bypass start
Flow of high-pressure cylinder Inlet temperature
Flow of middle-pressure cylinder Inlet steam pressure
Revolving speed
3min Reheat temperature
Inlet steam pressure of middle-pressure cylinder Maximum 3% 125min
10min Grid connection
5% load
26% load
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Revolving speed
Vietnam Vinh Tan Phase II 2 !622MW Coal-Fired Power Generator Unit
Hot startup curve
Hot no-bypass start of high-pressure cylinder
Flow of high-pressure cylinder Inlet temperature
Flow of middle-pressure
Reheat temperature
Inlet steam pressure
Revolving speed
Revolving speed
Inlet steam pressure of middle-pressure
10min Grid connection
50min 5% load
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Union start of high-pressure and middle-pressure cylinder-hot bypass start
Flow of high-pressure cylinder Inlet temperature Flow of middle-pressure cylinder Reheat temperature Revolving speed
Inlet steam pressure
Inlet steam pressure of middle-pressure cylinder
4min Maximum 3% Time
10min Grid connection
5% load
26% load
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Revolving speed
Vietnam Vinh Tan Phase II 2 !622MW Coal-Fired Power Generator Unit
Extremely-hot startup curve
Extremely-hot Extremely-hot no-bypass start of high-pressure cylinder
Flow of high-pressure cylinder Inlet temperature
Reheat temperature
Revolving speed
Flow of middle-pressure cylinder Inlet steam pressure
Revolving speed
Inlet steam pressure of middle-pressure cylinder
10min Grid connection
5% load
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Union start of high-pressure and middle-pressure cylinder-extremely-hot bypass start
Flow of high-pressure cylinder Inlet temperature
Flow of middle-pressure cylinder
Reheat temperature
Inlet steam pressure
Revolving speed
Inlet steam pressure of middle-pressure cylinder
4min Maximum 3% Time
10min Grid connection
5% load
26% load
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Revolving speed
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Auxiliary equipment start-stop
General provisions
Equipment start-stop precautions
The inspected auxiliary unit, after maintenance, maintenance, must be carried out the interlocking, interlocking, protection test, test,
the control loop, automatic devices, thermal interlock protection and mechanical devices, pneumatic devices before a trial run and and shall go into the a trial run after passing a specified specified test respectively respectively..
Only passing the test run, can the inspected inspected auxiliary unit be put into operation or standby standby.. There
must have a maintenance person in charge when it goes into a test run. If the electromotor has been overhauled partially, it shall be connected with the auxiliary unit after the test turning to be correct. The power equipment of 6KV 6KV shall take a static switch test and make clear clear that it is good or inspected. inspected.
Check it before starting the test run of auxiliary unit, and then deliver the current to start after
confirming the start condition.
Measure the insulation of qualified qualified before delivering and starting starting for those electromotor that
whether they may be affected with damp or broken down for more than one week.
Start the the 6KV equipment and important important 400V equipment, and a specially-assigned specially-assigned person shall be
sent on the spot for monitoring. When startup, personnel on the spot shall stand at the emergency button, identify problems and timely break it down in case of fault occurring.
Two Two or more 6 KV auxiliary auxiliary unit cannot be started at the same time time and on the same bus.
If tripping occurs when the auxiliary unit starts, then eliminate the pre-fault pre-fault before re-starting.
If auxiliary equipments are equipped equipped with forced circulation circulation lubricating lubricating oil system or hydraulic hydraulic
control system, the oil systems shall be started two hours in advance.
Contact with with the relevant personnel before before the start of each auxiliary auxiliary equipment.
The auxiliary equipments shall be started started in accordance accordance with the logical relationship and try try to
avoid starting with a load.
Specially-assigned Specially-assigned person is needed needed when the auxiliary auxiliary unit starts starts to monitor the current current and
starting time. Stopping running immediately if the start-up time exceeds while the current has not return to normal.
Auxiliary equipment equipment start-stop shall shall generally be operated on the corresponding corresponding picture in the DCS, DCS,
and you shall pay attention to the control switch in the "Distant" position. If start-stop need to be operated on the spot, then the control switch shall be placed placed on the position of “ On “ On the spot” spot”.
When selecting selecting a auxiliary auxiliary unit for starting or standby application, pay attention to maintain the
auxiliary power with a even load distribution for each segment and shall void the load from concentrating on a certain segment as far as possible. 6.1.2
Inspecting content before the equipment starting Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 133 of 197
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Work tickets used to check check and start the equipment have have been taken back, check check that all the staff staff
shall leave from the spot , on-site check all staff out the scene. Check the equipment and its surrounding to keep it without sundry but sufficient lighting.
Check the appearance of the equipment equipment to ensure that it is a integrity one, firmly connected. connected. Safety
shield of the rotating part shall be refitted. Manhole door is tightly closed. The anchor bolts and coupling bolts are without loosening. Meters relating to the equipment equipment shall be put into operation. operation.
Check the equipment equipment bearing bearing to ensure that it is ready with the lubricant oil. The oil, oil level and
oil temperature shall meet the requirements. Cooling water or the sealing water of the equipment has been put into normal, and the temperature auxiliary unit and parts of the electromotor shall meet the requirements.
Check the electromotor electromotor to ensure that that the wiring is firm and the grounding grounding is good. Measuring Measuring
insulation shall be qualified.
Check the wiring of device in-place in-place accident buttons remains remains good and the safety safety shield is
Complete inspection shall shall be carried carried out according according to the system checking checking card. Keep Keep the oil and
water systems and pump oil-filled oil -filled and water-filled, exhausting the air.
For the auxiliary equipment equipment which can be moved with manual operation, operation, move the rotor to confirm confirm
that it can be rotated flexibly without jamming.
Complete the checking checking work before the start of auxiliary equipment equipment and deliver the power supply
and control power of the auxiliary unit and
its related system system devices after after ensuring that the starting
conditions have been met. 6.1.3
Checking after the start of equipments Rotate equipment bearing (W) and the temperature temperature rising of reduction gearbox gearbox shall comply with
the provisions of the manufacturer. If the manufacturer has no provisions, the general sliding bearing must not exceed 80 ℃, antifriction bearing must not exceed 100 ℃. (Calculated by ambient temperature of 40 ℃). The temperature of motor sliding bearing produced by Shanghai Electric Plant must not exceed 90 ℃; and antifriction bearing temperature must not exceed 95 ℃.
Vibration Vibration in each part of the equipment meets meets the specification. specification. Bearing vibration is generally generally
controlled according to the following table: Bearing vibration allowable values Rotating speed(rpm)
750 and below
Allowed dual amplitude value(mm)
Motor temperature temperature rising and current indication meet the specification. specification.
The oil level of each lubricating lubricating oil tank is normal, no leakage in system. system.
Sealed portion of equipment shall be sealed well.
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No abnormal abnormal noises and tribulation on equipment equipment and electromotor. electromotor.
Machinery joining of each each adjusting device shall be in good condition, without falling off. off.
Device inlet and outlet outlet pressure pressure and flow are normal. normal.
Recognize that the every interlocking and automatic adjustment device device are put into and normal. 6.1.4
The system device belonged belonged is remained remained no water water leakage, leakage, steam leakage and oil leakage.
Auxiliary equipment shutdown
Shutdown operation operation of auxiliary auxiliary equipment equipment shall be carried out in accordance accordance with the equipment
outage logical relationships.
Consider the protection and and interlocking relationship relationship comprehensively before the outage of
auxiliary equipment and prevent the equipment linkage, tripping and other unsafe situations from occurring.
Properly monitor monitor the auxiliary auxiliary equipment equipment after its outage and isolate it immediately if it inverts.
Stop the auxiliary auxiliary unit when the repair and and isolation work is carrying out and then isolating isolating
operation can be carry out. 6.1.5
Emergency shutdown conditions of auxiliary equipment
When violent violent vibration or channeling axis occur and there is danger of damage to the equipment. equipment.
When the bearing temperature temperature rises abnormally abnormally or exceeds a specified value.
When the motor rotor and stator are in serious friction friction or smoking to fire.
When the auxiliary unit rotor and enclosure enclosure are are in serious friction friction or impact.
When a fire fire or flooding occurs in auxiliaries. auxiliaries.
Endanger personal safety. safety.
Open cooling water system falling into stop Open circulating cooling water: It is seawater. The design temperature:33 ℃, the design pressure is
0.4MPa (g), running water pressure is ~ 0.2MPa (g). Within the auxiliary equipment, vacuum pumps, turbine lubricating oil cooler, closed water heat exchanger adopt open circulating cooling water (sea water) for cooling. 6.2.1
Open cooling water system input Checking before the start of open pump
(1) Confirm that the system and pump interlock test are qualified; (2) Circulating water system is normally put into operation; (3) Open the electrically operated gate before and after the open pump inlet filter, close the bypass door, close the blowdown door after the blowdown with strainers, and import the inlet filter control into "automatic" controlling mode; (4) Turn off all the system water discharge valve and open the open pump access door; (5) Open the pump body of open pump and system air relief, then close it when seeing the water; Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 135 of 197
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(6) Open the cooling water terminal valve of the closed cooling water heat exchanger (A or B or C) to provide open water passage.
Open water systems putting into operation
(1) Start A or B open pump, check the exit door linkage to ensure that it can be opened normally. Motor current and ensure the vibration, sound, pressure and bearing temperatures are normal. (2) Keep the standby open water pump outlet valves in a fully-open condition and put them into standby application. 6.2.2
Open cooling water system shutdown
Confirm that the open water users already already have have conditions without water water..
Relieve the "standby" interlock interlock of the standby standby pump and close the outlet outlet valves of the standby
pump. 6.2.3
Stop the pump, the outlet valves valves of the original running open pump will close automatically. automatically. Open water pump switching
Check the standby open pump to ensure it is in standby application, meeting meeting the start start condition.
Check that the inlet door of the standby open pump is open.
Relieve the "standby" condition of the standby standby open pump.
Start the standby open pump, check its current, vibration, vibration, sound, outlet pressure, to ensure that they they
are normal and the DCS status indication is correct.
Stop the original running open pump, check check the instructions of DCS to ensure that it is correct and and
the in-place pump will not be reversed.
Check the open open water protopipe protopipe to ensure that it has no low pressure pressure signal and put the original
running pump into “ standby” condition according to the need. 6.2.4
Operation and maintenance of open water system
Differential Differential pressure of inlet screen of the open pump shall be no more more than 0.06MPa;
Open pump and motor bearing temperature are normal;
Temperature of the open pump motor coil, sound, vibration vibration and friction between the pump and each each
part of the motor. motor. 6.3
Closed cooling water system shutdown Circulating cooling water: water is demineralized water, the design temperature: 38 ℃, the design
pressure is 1.0MPa (g) (provisional), operating pressure is 0.55 ~ 0.65 MPa (g). Closed cooling water system is mainly to provide cooling water for equipments which require high cooling water quality, and also provide cooling water to: steam pump and fore pump mechanical seal cooler, electric pump and fore pump mechanical seal cooler, generator stator water cooler, generator air side sealing oil cooler, hydrogen side sealing oil cooler, hydrogen desiccators cooling water, open water pump bearing, EH oil cooler, condensate Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 136 of 197
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pump bearing mechanical seal s eal and generator cooler, carbon dioxide heater, heater, electric pump electromotor air cooler, electric pump and fore pump lubricating oil cooler, electric pump and fore pump operating oil cooler, electric pump electromotor air cooler, precision processing sampling, primary air fan bearing oil cooler, force draft fan oil cooler, induced draft fan oil cooler, main bearing of the seal fan bearing, coal mill oil station reduction gears, air pre-heater spigot bearing cooler, etc. 6.3.1
Closed cooling water system input Check before the input
(1) Open the inlet valve from the closed water tank to closed water protopipe; (2) Input the water level indicator into the closed cooling water tank; (3) Turn off all the wicket of the system, open the deflation valve closed after water, then close it when seeing the water; (4) Open the stop valve located before and after the automatic regulation valve of the closed cooling water tank level; (5) Start the condensation water delivery pump to replenish water into closed cooling water tank to a normal water level (condensate pump can be opened from its exit to the replenishing valve of closed tank); (6) Open the electrically operated gate of the closed cooling water pump entrance; (7) Open the inlet and outlet water valves of the closed cooling water cooler, infuse water into the pump and system with the air deflated and close air relief after finishing air deflating; (8) Provide the closed cooling water passage; (9) Check the oil quality of closed water pump bearing to ensure that it is good.
Confirm that the the pump body and water injection injection system is deflated and close close the pump discharge
Start a closed cooling water water pump (A or B), look out that that the pump outlet valve linkage shall be start
until fully open, check the water level of the closed tank to ensure it is normal, or open the bypass valve for water replenishing, check the motor current, pumps vibration, sound, outlet pressure, bearing temperature to ensure that they are normal; regulate the closed water system users to ensure that the closed pump does not exceed the current.
Start the standby pump outlet valve and put it into “standby” application after finishing the deflating
of the closed standby water pump. 6.3.2
Closed cooling water pump interlock protection Allowable conditions of the closed pump starting
(1) Normal operation of open circulating cooling water system; (2) Water Water level of the closed water tank is not low;
Closed water pump tripping operation Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 137 of 197
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(1) Water Water level of the closed water tank is not low: ≤700mm; (2) Bearing temperature of the closed pump motor drive-end: drive- end: ≥ 95 ℃; (3) Bearing temperature of the closed pump motor non-driving non- driving end: ≥ 95 ℃; (4) Press the in-place emergency button.
Closed water pump interlock startup condition
(1) Closed water protopipe pressure is: ≤ 0.35MPa. (2) Stop running the closed water pump. (3) Differential Differential pressure of the running closed pump inlet valve strainer: ≥0.02MPa. 6.3.3
Closed water system shutdown
Confirm that all the closed water water users have have already met the conditions conditions of cutting off off the water
Relieve the the "standby" "standby" condition of standby pump and close its outlet valve.
Stop running the closed cooling water pump.
Check the outlet outlet valve of the operating pump pump to ensure that it is automatically automatically closed, or close it
Stop replenishing water into the closed closed cooling water tank.
Close the inlet and outlet valve valve of the closed water water cooler according according to the needs and stop the closed closed
water cooler. 6.3.4
Closed cooling water pump switching
Check the standby pump to ensure ensure that it is good and and has the the starting condition.
Check and and confirm that the water level level of closed tank is normal. normal.
Check and and confirm confirm that the inlet valve valve of standby pump starts.
Relieve the "standby" condition of standby pump.
Start the standby pump, check check that its current, current, vibration, sound, outlet outlet pressure is normal, normal, DCS
status indicator is correct.
After a comprehensive inspection, close the outlet valve valve of the original running pump, look out that
the closed water protopipe pressure is normal.
Close the original running pump, check check that the DCS status indicator indicator is correct.
Open the outlet valve of the original running pump.
Check the closed closed water protopipe protopipe to ensure that that it has no low pressure signal and and put the original
running running pump into “ standby” condition according to the need. 6.4
Auxiliary steam system shutdown Auxiliary steam system provides utility steam source for the whole plant. # 1, # 2 machines set two
auxiliary steam header with the pressure of 0.8 ~ 1.6MPa and the temperature of 367 ℃. Auxiliary steam Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 138 of 197
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header # 1 machines, respectively respectively,, connects the starting furnace and # 2machine auxiliary steam header. header. Units start-up auxiliary steam comes from the starting of the boiler or adjacent machine; low-load auxiliary steam comes from its own reheating and cooling segments or adjacent machine; steam supply comes from the four pumping during normal operation. Auxiliary steam system provide the steam to: coal mill separator fire fighting steam, coal mill fire fighting steam, deaerator heating, a small steam turbine debugging for steam supply, steam turbine shaft seal supply, supply, fuel oil atomization, etc. 6.4.1
System input Preparation before the auxiliary auxiliary steam putting into use
(1) Preparation in mechanical aspects sees the valve operation card. (2) Confirm and verify that the safety valve of auxiliary steam is normal.
Putting into use from starting starting furnace within plant area to auxiliary steam steam header:
(1) Ask for shift supervisor’s instructions for approving of putting-in-service putting -in-service of the auxiliary steam: (2) Confirm that auxiliary steam protopipe and the drain valves of each user’ door are fully -open, communicating door of # 1 and #2 machine auxiliary steam header according shall be started according to needs. (3) Open the starting furnace slightly to auxiliary steam electric gate, auxiliary steam begins to be heating and control the auxiliary steam protopipe to ensure that the pipe pressure is mo more than 0.1 MPa, without shocking and vibration on the pipe. (4) Check that there is steam emitting from all the drain pipes of auxiliary steam protopipe gradually and the auxiliary steam header pressure is gradually increased. (5) Warm the auxiliary steam protopipe fully, check the auxiliary steam pipe to ensure that the dewatering adjustment is normal after the temperature rising to 200 ℃, inform the starting furnace and start it gradually to the auxiliary steam electric gate and improve auxiliary steam header pressure to 0.2MPa. (6) When the auxiliary steam header temperature rises to 300 ℃, check to ensure that the dewatering is normal. Slowly and fully start the starting furnace for auxiliary steam electric gate, without shocking and vibration on the pipe. (7) Report to the
shift supervisor, supervisor, if necessary, necessary, put the auxiliary steam users into use to adjust auxiliary
steam pressure and temperature to normal.
Switch the auxiliary steam source to reheating reheating cold period of operation:
(1) Confirm boiler in this unit has been burned steadily and the unit load is: ≥20%. (2) Confirm that the isolation gate is open after the reheating cold section reaching to auxiliary steam adjusting door of the auxiliary steam protopipe, open the checking door in front of the cold section to a drain valve, open the drain valve in front of the isolation gate. (3) Check the auxiliary steam to ensure that the set value adjusting door pressure of cold segment Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 139 of 197
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steaming auxiliary steam is lower than the pressure of auxiliary steam protopipe, adjusting door is located at the self-closing position. (4) Fully open the cold electric steaming of auxiliary steam and then set the auxiliary steam cooling section inlet pressure of adjusting door higher than that of auxiliary steam header, then pay attention that auxiliary steam cooling section steaming adjusting door is slowly opened and adjusted automatically to the desired pressure setting value. Starting furnace can run in a reduced load. (5) Check to ensure that the auxiliary steam header and drain valves of each user are in regulation position as well as the auxiliary auxiliary steam pipes and safety safety valves have no leakage. leakage.
Switch the auxiliary steam source to the unit four pumping operations: operations:
(1) When the unit keeps in stable operation and the four pumping pressure reaches to 0.80MPa, auxiliary steam will be switched to four pumping supply. supply. (2) Confirm that all the dewatering of the auxiliary steam four pumping is regulated to normal, slowly open the four pumping steaming electric door of auxiliary steam, without shocking and vibration on the pipe. (3) Adjust the auxiliary steam cooling section inlet pressure setting of adjusting door to make it lower than the pressure of auxiliary steam four pumping, checking will rise with the auxiliary steam four pumping pressure and the cooling cooling steaming adjusting door of auxiliary steam will be closed closed gradually. gradually. (4) Starting furnace can stop running according to needs. 6.4.2
Shutdown of auxiliary steam system:
If it is necessary necessary to stop stop the auxiliary steam system, we shall be subject to the consent consent of the shift shift
supervisor and confirm that there is no auxiliary steam users before stopping.
Close the isolation cooling cooling section door and electric door of auxiliary steam; auxiliary steam
protopipe communicating door; d oor; electrically operated gate with four pumping for steam, starting furnace to auxiliary steam isolation doors and electric door. door.
Open all the drain valves of auxiliary auxiliary steam protopipe fully. fully.
Contact with the shift supervisor timely when carrying carrying out the operations, such as starting, stopping
and switching on the auxiliary steam system, etc. 6.5
Condensate system shutdown Condensate system delivers the exhaust steam of turbine low pressure cylinder to deaerator through the
condensation water coagulated from condenser within hot well and supplies water to boiler feed pump, and also provide desuperheating water to LP bypass, auxiliary steam and shaft seal steam supply attemperator, etc. 6.5.1
Preparation before the starting of condensate system
Preparation in mechanical mechanical aspects sees the the valve valve checking checking card. card.
Confirm that closed cooling water system runs normally; normally;
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Infuse water water into the water water storage tank of demineralized demineralized water by contacting chemistry chemistry to about
Start delivery pump for condensation water
(1) Confirm that the inlet valve and recycling valve of the condensate pump are open, but the outlet valve of the pump closed. (2) Open the pump body air relief and the inlet strainer air relief of the condensate pump, then close it after seeing the water. (3) Keep the outlet valve slightly open, start the condensate pump, check that the pump and motor sound, vibration, bearing temperature, motor current, the outlet pressure are normal.
Water infusion infusion of condensate system and water replenishing of condenser
(1) Gradually open large the outlet valve of the condensate pump, appropriately adjust the opening of recycling valve door. (2) Open the condenser water bypass valve to the condenser water. water. (3) Close the water replenishing bypass valve when the condenser reaches a normal water level, slightly open recycling valve of condensate pump before stopping water replenishing. (4) Open the stop valves before and after the replenishing adjusting valve of the condenser, condenser, put the water level into automatic control. (5) Open the condensate pump to water injection valve of condensate system, open all the air reliefs of condensate system to perform water injection and air deflating. Close all the air reliefs when sees the water. 6.5.2
Starting conditions of condensate pump of condensate pump motor: <85 ℃;
Upper and lower bearing temperature
Condensate pump thrust bearing temperature: <75 ℃;
Open the condensate pump inlet valve;
High back pressure condenser water level: > 300mm;
Condensate pump seal water pressure: > 0.1MPa; 0.1MPa;
Condensate pump circulating circulating valve has been been opened: opened: > 95%;
Water level of deaerator water supply tanks not high, value III(3000mm) , and the water water level is is not
high, value II (2800mm). 6.5.3
Condensate pump startup Confirm that the condenser water water level is normal, test for each each interlock protection protection of the
condensate pump is qualified.
Confirm that the injection pressure pressure of condensate condensate system is more than 0.4MPa or and and then emptying
Confirm that the condensate condensate pump outlet pressure is normal. normal. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 141 of 197
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Open the valves valves from condensate condensate pump outlet to the condensate condensate pump sealing sealing water gate, infuse
sealing water into the condensate pump.
Open the inlet inlet screen air air door of condensate pump, pump, pump body discharge air air valve and and outlet air
door in the front gate.
Open the inlet valve of the condensate condensate pump, infuse infuse water into into the condensate pump to ensure that that
the recycling valve of condensate pump is open.
Deliver power to condensate pump.
Open condensate pump with frequency frequency conversion conversion or power frequency frequency according according to the situation, situation,
pay attention that the current, vibration, sound pressure indication are normal. Look out that the outlet valve is opened automatically after the starting of the pump, or open it manually. manually.
Open condensate condensate pump outlet to the pump body sealing water gate, close the condensate condensate pump to
condensate pump sealing water gate.
Open another inlet valve of condensate pump, pump body body and suction valve valve in front front door, door, open the
inlet valve and put it into standby condition. 6.5.4
Condensate pump outage After the unit outage, confirm that LP cylinder exhausted exhausted temperature (HP (HP and LP LP condenser) condenser) is
lower than 50 ℃, while no other water users, condensate pumps can be stopped.
Relieve "standby” "standby” condition of the standby pump.
Stop the condensate pump
Note that the outlet valve of condensate pump shall be closed closed automatically, automatically, or shut down manually manually..
If it is necessary to isolate the condensate condensate pump for for repairing repairing after after stopping stopping it, we shall shall
close its its
pump body bod y and suction valve in front of the outlet door, close the inlet door, turn off the condensate pump outlet to the pump sealing water gate and close the condensate pump to condensate pump sealing water gate. 6.5.5
Condensate pump switching Check the standby standby condensate condensate pump to ensure ensure that it is in standby application, meeting the start
Check that the sealing sealing water input of standby condensate pump is normal.
Confirm that the standby pump inlet door is open.
Confirm that the standby pump outlet door is open.
Check that the the condensate condensate system is operating operating normally. normally.
Confirm that that standby condensate pump body and air damper damper of outlet outlet front door are open.
Relieve "standby” "standby” condition of the standby pump.
Start the standby condensate pump.
Check that the motor motor current, vibration, vibration, sound are normal normal after starting starting the standby condensate condensate
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pump and ensure that the DCS status indicator is correct. correct.
Check that the condensate system pressure is normal.
Stop the original original running pump, outlet doors is closed automatically automatically,, check that the DCS DCS status
indicator is correct.
Check that the pump pump has no reverse reverse phenomenon phenomenon after after stopping running it.
Check the outlet water protopipe of condensate pump to ensure ensure that it has no low low pressure signal,
open the outlet door of to original running pump according to the needs and put the original running pump into “ st “ standby” andby” condition. condition. 6.5.6
Condensate pump operation and maintenance
Condensate pump outlet pressure is normal, the current current does not exceed exceed 226.4A.
Condensate pump thrust bearing oil is is qualified. Motor bearing bearing of temperature temperature condensate pump
does not exceed 85 ℃;
Condensate pump packing is without without leakage. Input Input of sealing water, water, motor motor bearings cooling cooling water
is normal.
Pumps and motors motors have no abnormal abnormal noise, motor upper and lower bearing bearing vibration is not larger
than 0.05mm. Motor coil temperature of the condensate pump does not exceed exceed 105 ℃. 6.6
Deaerator shutdown The deaerator uses the four-section steam extraction of steam turbine to heat the condensation water to
corresponding saturation temperature under its operation pressure. So it could remove the oxygen dissolving in the water and other non-condensed gas to prevent or lighten the oxygen corrosion of the boiler, steam turbine and the pipelines of its accessory equipment. By the meantime, the deaerator makes full use of heat energy by back heating to improve the thermal efficiency of the generator. generator. 6.6.1
Preparation before the deaerator is put into operation
Make sure the compressed air system works fine fine and the used used air pressure of the instrument instrument is
Make sure each instrument instrument of the deaerator deaerator is well-equipped well-equipped with instruments, instruments, each water level level
gauge works normal.
Make sure the auxiliary steam steam system works fine, auxiliary pressure and temperature temperature meet meet the
Make sure sure the condensate system works works fine and water water quality is qualified.
The experiment experiment of water water level of deaerator and interlock protection of pressure is qualified. Put the
water level of deaerator, pressure and other equipments of measure and protection into operation.
Make sure the following valves are closed: Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 143 of 197
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(1) #1, 2, 3 From #1, 2, 3 HP heater to continuous air evacuating of No. 1 and No. 2 valves of the deaerator; (2) Relating isolation valves of nitrogen filled protection of the deaerator; (3) Emergence water drain valves and overflow valves of deaerator; (4) From #1, 2, 3 HP heater drain valve to isolation valves of deaerator; (5) From the four-stage extraction to electric isolation valve and check valve of deaerator; (6) Auxiliary steam to pressure regulating valves of deaerator and its isolation valve (7) From the continuous blowdown to deaerator valve.
Open the deaerator and start exhaust valves.
After the deaerator deaerator is repaired repaired or overhauling, or it it is the first time to be put into operation, all all
pipelines that going into the deaerator deaerator shall be flushed. flushed. 6.6.2
Put the deaerator into operation Make sure the the position of each valve of the condensate condensate system is normal, start condensation pump,
inject water into deaerator to normal level.
Open the booster booster pump entrance entrance valve valve of electric electric steam pump, open front-back front-back isolation valves valves of
recirculating regulation valve of electric steam pump, inject water and evacuate air to electric steam pump.
Open the booster booster pump entrance entrance valve valve of A, B steam steam pump, open front-back isolation valves of A,B
steam pump recirculation valve, inject water and evacuate air to A,B booster pump of the steam pump.
Inspect the electric steam steam pump. If If it meets the requirements requirements of start-up, start it. (Or start the booster booster
pump of steam feed feed pump and put deaerator heater into operation ). ).
Inspect and open open the HP auxiliary steam to the back drain drain valve of electric valve of the deaerator, deaerator,
open the HP auxiliary steam to heating pipe of electric valve of the deaerator. Pay attention to controlling temperature rise rate of heating pipe in case of its vibration.
Close the drain valve valve when pipe heating is over. over. Open the auxiliary auxiliary steam to electric electric valve of the
deaerator, open the regulating valve slowly, keep the rate of temperature rise rate of deaerator lower than 1.5℃/min. Warm Warm and deoxidize the water in the deaerator water tank.
Heat the water water in the deaerator deaerator according to water injection requirements of boiler, keep metal
temperature difference between injection water and inner surface of the drum within 90 ℃. So the temperature difference difference of inner and outer, up and down s urface of the boiler drum can be within the specified value.
After condensate condensate system promoted by machine unit is put into operation, use water level level regulating
valve of deaerator to control the deaerator water level.
When feed pump pump is started, the deaerator deaerator water level is normal and that that flow rate of the the water is
constructed, put automatic water level regulation of the deaerator into operation as needed. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 144 of 197
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The deaerator deaerator pressure is controlled around 0.15MPa 0.15MPa during the machine unit is started started and water water
feeding in boiler, the deaerator shall be kept operating in fixed pressure.
When machine unit is in normal operation status, turn turn exhaust steam starting of the deaerator to
normal continuous exhaust steam valve, regulate exhaust oxygen valve open level basing on oxygen content in feed water.
After pressure of four-section four-section steam steam extraction reaches reaches 0.15MPa with increasing increasing load of the
machine unit, steam source of the deaerator backs to four-section steam extraction from auxiliary steam, the deaerator operates changes from fixed pressure operation to sliding pressure operation.
When the quality of steam and water water is qualified during sliding pressure operation, start start continuous
exhaust steam valve to isolation valve of the deaerator, deaerator, plunge continuous exhaust steam valve to operation of the deaerator. 6.6.3
Normal operation maintenance of the deaerator People should monitor that the deaerator deaerator pressure <0.996MPa and temperature ≯354.8℃ during
the normal operation of the deaerator. Corresponding with machine unit operation status at that time, the sliding pressure ranges from 0.296 MPa to 0.996MPa.
Water level gauge gauge on the ground of the deaerator shall shall be proofread regularly regularly and kept the same same
value with water level indicated value on DCS.
Water level control of the deaerator shall be put to automatic automatic operation to keep the deaerator
operating in normal water level.
When auxiliary steam is backup steam source during the deaerator deaerator operates normal, open all valves
from auxiliary steam to pressure regulating valve and manual isolation valve. The drain valve before the door shall be opened slightly and the pressure regulating valve shall be put to automatic operation.
Dissolved oxygen oxygen in normal deaerator deaerator operation operation shall meet the requirement ( ≤7PPB mg/L). regulate
open level of continuous exhaust valves in normal operating basing on changes of oxygen content in feed water.
Outlet water temperature of the deaerator ≤177℃
Operating value of safety safety valve of the deaerator is 1.12MPa 1.12MPa
Shutdown of the deaerator When normal load decreasing decreasing or the machine machine unit is shutdown, the deaerator is in shutdown mode mode
of sliding pressure and the sliding pressure ranges from 0.296 MPa to 0.996MPa
With load decreasing decreasing of the machine unit, pressure pressure of four-section steam extraction extraction reaches
0.15MPa, steam source of the deaerator back to auxiliary steam from four-section steam extraction.
With load decreasing of the machine unit, the automatic water level level regulation shall be normal,
otherwise turn it to manual regulation. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 145 of 197
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When the machine machine unit is shutdown, whether whether feeding water water to the deaerator deaerator or not depends on
specific situation.
Close continuous exhaust exhaust steam valve valve of the boiler, boiler, expanding device to isolation of the deaerator. deaerator.
If the deaerator deaerator has been shut down over a week, week, it shall adapt nitrogen nitrogen filled protection, which which
means cutting off every steam source and water source, draining off residual water in water tank and closing drain valve. After the deaerator has been isolated completely, open nitrogen filled protection valve and isolation valve, fill nitrogen in the deaerator and to keep it in pressure. 6.7
Start and stop of electric feed pump Electric feed pump supplies water to boiler continuously and supplies attemperating water to boiler
superheater, reheater and HP bypass of steam turbine when the machine unit is activated or the main feed pump is under maintenance maintenance or accident. 6.7.1
Inspection before startup
When every interlock protection experiment of electric electric feed pump pump is qualified, every interlock
protection and relating measure measure detecting of watt-hour meter shall shall be put into use.
Inspect closed cooling water operates normal.
When tank oil level of the electric electric feed pump is inspected inspected to be normal, the oil system is qualified to
be put into operation.
Start the auxiliary oil pump pump of the electric electric feed pump and and inspect oil system system of electric feed pump
operates normal.
Regulate oil cooler outlet valve of the electric feed pump to maintain oil temperature between between 36℃
and 54℃.
Inspect and close feed pumps and each of its water drain vain of systematic systematic pipeline.
Inspect water water tank level of the deaerator is normal, water quality is qualified, water temperature temperature
meets water feeding requirement of boiler, open the booster pump entrance valve of electric feed pump slightly, slightly, feed water to booster pump and evacuate air from it. When it is done, open the inlet door.
Close electric electric door at the outlet valve valve of the electric electric feed feed pump.
Open the front and and back valves valves of the minimum flow flow rate of electric feed pump and make sure
circulating valve is open.
Open closed inlet water valve of mechanical mechanical sealed sealed cooler of the electric feed pump, open outlet
valve after injecting water and evacuating air.
Open inlet and outlet valves valves of mechanical mechanical sealed sealed water magnetic magnetic filter of the electric electric feed pump pump
and close the bypass valve.
Feed water in booster pump of mechanical sealed electric electric feed pump. pump.
Inspect actuator power of electric feed pump pump and scoop tube is normal. normal.
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he electric electric feed pump supplies electricity to motor. motor.
Start the electric feed pump
Make sure sure the electric feed pump meets meets every start permission permission conditions.
(1) The temperature of electric feed pump is normal; (2) Recirculating regulating valve of the electric feed pump is open; (3) The lubricating oil pressure is not low; (4) The outlet valve of the electric feed pump is closed; (5) The inlet valve of booster pump of the electric feed pump is open; (6) The water level of the deaerator is not low; (7) Scoop tube of the electric feed pump is at the minimum position.
Make sure sure the electric door of the electric electric feed feed pump outlet is closed.
Set the scoop tube position of the electric electric feed feed pump at position 0%.
Start electric electric feed pump, inspect inspect generator cooling water water is fed. If the current does not return return to
normal after starting the electric feed pump for 10s, the electric feed pump shall be stopped at once.
Inspect each each bearing whose oil inlet, inlet, return oil temperature, vibration, sound, differential pressure of
strainer etc. are normal.
Open outlet door of the electric electric feed pump, pump, regulate scoop tube of the electric electric feed pump to
essential position for feed water to water supply pipeline and evacuate air from water supply pipeline.
When the lubricating lubricating oil pressure pressure of the electric feed feed pump is over 0.22MPa, interlock interlock shutdown of
auxiliary oil pump of the electric feed pump is normal.
After the pump pump operates normal, normal, pay attention attention to the temperature temperature changing of the sealed water water of the
electric feed pump and regulate cooling water of oil cooler in time to keep lubricating oil temperature between 36℃ and 70℃.
Make sure the lubricating oil pressure and working working oil pressure of the electric electric feed pump pump is normal. 6.7.3
Open inter-stage inter-stage extraction valve as needed.
Stop of electric feed pump
Inspect and verify verify the minimum flow rate valve valve is in place of “automation”.
Close scoop tube of the electric electric feed pump gradually and pay attention attention that the minimum minimum flow rate
valve shall be open normal.
When lubricating lubricating oil pressure pressure of the electric feed feed pump is lower than 0.15MPa, combined combined starting of
auxiliary oil pump of the electric feed pump is normal.
Continue to close close the coop tube of the electric feed feed pump pump until it was closed completely. completely.
Close inter-stage inter-stage extraction valve of the electric feed pump pump
Stop the electric electric feed pump and close electric door at the outlet valve of the electric feed feed pump. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 147 of 197
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Additional rules of the electric feed pump
All AC/ DC power of the electric feed pump shall shall be supplied supplied (actuator power of electric feed feed pump
and scoop tube)
The tank oil level of the electric electric feed feed pump is normal and oil quality is qualified.
The electric feed pump is put into “standby” status.
When auxiliary auxiliary lubricating oil pump of the electric electric feed pump pump operates continually, continually, oil pressure, pressure, oil
temperature and oil flow in bearing are normal.
The booster pump entrance entrance valve valve of electric feed pump pump is completely completely open. open.
Scoop tube position of the electric feed pump is on position “0”.
The electric electric door of electric electric feed feed pump shall be completely open.
Front and back isolation valves valves of the minimum flow rate rate valve of the electric electric feed pump pump shall be
opened completely and the minimum flow rate valve shall be put into “automation” position and kept it completely open.
Manual isolation valves of inter-stage extraction of the electric electric feed pump are completely open.
All interlock protection of the electric feed feed pump shall be put into operation, operation, each measure measure
detecting of watt-hour meter, transmitter and other devices shall be in operation status. 6.7.5
Operation maintenance of the electric feed pump Entrance and and exit pressure of the electric electric feed pump pump is normal and the current is within specified specified
value 681A.
The tank oil level level of the electric feed pump is normal and oil quality is qualified. qualified. The lubricating lubricating oil
pressure of the electric feed pump is more than 0.17MPa and oil pressure of lubricating oil filter of the electric feed pump is between 0.25MPa and 0.35MPa. Oil temperature of oil cooler entrance is lower than 65℃, oil temperature of oil cooler exit <55 ℃, oil temperature of working oil cooler entrance is lower than 100℃, oil temperature of working oil cooler exit is lower than 75 ℃. Each bearing return oil temperature is within 65℃.
Journal bearing bearing temperature temperature of the electric electric feed pump is lower lower than 80 ℃, thrust bearing temperature
is lower than 90 ℃, bearing temperature of booster pump is lower than 80 ℃, metal temperature of each bearing of the electric feed pump coupler is lower than 90 ℃, temperature of mechanical sealed water is normal and temperature of seal ring is within 80 ℃.
The cooling water water of the motor is normal, normal, temperature of the cooling water water is lower lower than 38℃ and
water pressure is lower than 0.16MPa.
The pump and motor motor has no abnormal abnormal noise. Vibration Vibration of DE and and opposite DE bearing bearing of the
electric feed pump is less than 7.1 mm/s and it shall not eexcess xcess 11.2 mm/s.
The axial axial displacement displacement of the feed feed pump and booster pump is normal.
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The pump shell shell dose not leak, leak, the oil system system does not leak oil, differential differential filter pressure of the the feed
pump and booster pump is less less than 0.06MPa. 6.8
Start and stop of the steam feed pump unit Each machine unit has been equipped with a 2*50 %B-MCR steam feed pump. When one steam feed
pump is working, make sure the machine unit bears 60%B-MCR water feeding volume. When two steam feed pumps are working, make sure the machine unit bears 100%B-MCR water feeding volume. Steam source of steam turbine of the electric feed pump has cold reheat (HP steam) and four-section steam extraction (LP steam). When switch LP steam to HP steam, the load range ≤40% and regulate auxiliary steam source. Sealed cooling water is closed cooling water; the supply mode of gland sealing steam is header of gland sealing steam and is equipped with desuperheater; share shaft seal cooler with main engine. 6.8.1
Drain off the small steam turbine drain to drain water system system of the main main engine, the small small steam
turbine exhaust steam direct to condenser of the main engine. 6.8.2
Essential conditions before the steam feed pump starts.
Small steam turbine is switch out.
MHE power control and other power power of the system have been put into operation.
Open compressed air source valve
The steam parameter conforms to requirement.
Preparation of the machine part is on checking checking card of valve. valve.
Start lubricant system After confirming confirming the lubricant system meets starting starting condition, start lampblack lampblack presser. presser. Make sure sure
everything is normal.
Make sure #1 and #2 lubricating oil pump and and emergency emergency oil pump meet starting condition.
Supply power of the emergency emergency oil pump, plunge plunge interlock switch switch of the emergency emergency oil pump, pump,
check the emergency oil pump self-starting, in-situ inspect the emergency oil pump operates normal, stop the emergency oil pump.
Supply power of the #1 lubricating lubricating oil pump, plunge interlock of #1 lubricating lubricating oil pump, #1 #1
lubricating oil pump self-starting and inspect #1 lubricating oil pump operates normal.
Supply power to #2 lubricating oil pump, pump, plunge interlock of #1 lubricating oil pump, open
experimental electromagnet electromagnet of #1 lubricating oil pump, inspect low outlet pressure alarm of #1 lubricating oil pump and #2 lubricating oil pump pump self-starting operates operates normal.
Stop #1 lubricating oil pump operating, operating, plunge interlock, interlock, test #2 lubricating oil pump self-starting
operates normal by using the above methods.
Plunge interlock of emergency emergency oil pump pump and using the above methods to inspect emergency emergency oil
pump linkage normal. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 149 of 197
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Whether to fill fill in oil or not bases bases on tank oil level level and whether to put oil cooler into operation or not not
bases on oil temperature. temperature. 6.8.4
Put HP oil control system into operation
Put fire resistant oil system of the main engine into operation operation and it shall operate operate normal. normal.
Make sure the HP accumulator of small turbine fire resistant oil operates normal. normal.
Open entrance entrance of small turbine supplied by anti-fuel oil of the main engine, open oil return return valve of
anti-fuel oil of the small turbine and inspect leakage of system. 6.8.5
Put shaft seal system into operation, operation, open exhaust exhaust valve of the small turbine and construct construct vacuum in
the small turbine.
Inspect and open #1 and #2 inlet steam isolation of small small turbine shaft seal, open counter steam
valve of shaft seal, open front and back isolation valves of LP attemperating water regulation door of shaft seal supplied low pressure of the small turbine, close bypass valve of attemperating water. water.
Slightly open inlet steam isolation valves of shaft seal seal of small turbine, inspect air proving pipe of
the shaft seal drain water fluently, fluently, shaft seal of small turbine feed air to heating pipe. Regulate steam pressure of the shaft seal around to 0.003-0.01MPa and the temperature of shaft seal is 150 ℃.
When the shaft shaft seal start to supply steam, open exhaust steam dish valve valve of the small turbine turbine and
maintain high quality vacuum. 6.8.6
Drain valve of small turbine
Make sure all the following following drain valves valves are open and it shall shall be closed until the main engine load
reaches 40% of its rated load during the small turbine starts. (1) Front drain valve of HP main steam valve (2) Back drain valve of HP main steam valve (3) Front drain valve of LP main steam valve (4) Back drain valve of LP main steam valve (5) Main manual valve of the small turbine proper water drain
During engine is stop, main engine load decrease decrease to 25% of its rated rated figure, reopen reopen all of above
valves. 6.8.7
Open drain drain valves valves immediately when the small steam turbine trips. Start of booster pump
Make sure the start-up conditions of booster pump meets the following: recirculating valves of feed pumps are open, temperature of booster pump is normal, entrance door of booster bump is open, electric exit valve of steam pump is closed, water tank level of the deaerator is normal and water feeding in booster pump is done. 6.8.8
Start of the small steam turbine
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The small steam turbine shall meets the following conditions before its impulse starting
Make sure rotor vibration, vibration, axial displacement, rotating speed and other monitors monitors of the small turbine
are well-equipped and put into operation.
EH oil system system shall be used and the normal oil pressure is between 12.2MPa 12.2MPa and 14.8MPa.
Close HP and LP LP main main steam valves and regulation regulation valves.
The shaft seal system is put into operation,
Make sure each tamp tamp trap and exhaust steam steam valve of the small small turbine are all open.
Lubricating pressure and oil temperature are normal.
Water level of feed tank is normal.
All recirculating recirculating valves of feed pumps and regulation valve valve are put into operation. operation.
Sealed water and its cooling water valve valve of the pump pump are open and the water flows smoothly. smoothly.
Make sure all protection of the booster pump, small turbine and steam pump are put into operation.
Heating pipe of the small turbine. Open Open front-back water drain valves valves of the electric valve of small
turbine LP steam source supplied by auxiliary steam, slightly open the electric valve of small turbine LP steam source supplied by auxiliary steam, close the drain valve when there is steam, completely open the electric valve of small turbine LP steam source supplied by auxiliary steam and pay attention to vibration of the pipe when heating it.
Impulse starting parameter
Steam pressure: 0.6~1.3MPa. Steam temperature: having superheat over 50 ℃. 6.8.9
Impulse starting of small turbine
Press the latch button, latch the machine unit.
Press “open HP main steam valve” and “open LP main steam valve” button, open HP/LP main
steam valve.
“Target “Target rotating speed” is set as 800r/min.
“Speed” is set as a s 200r/min/min(Cold start-up: start-up: down time ≥72h ) 300r/min/min (Warm (Warm start-up: down time 72~12h) 400r/min/min (Hot start-up: down time<12h)
Press “process” button, open LP regulation valve gradually and the machine unit increases rotating
speed as given rising rate.
Increase speed to 800r/min and check
Warm the engine for 15min in this speed. Inspect Inspect the machine unit thoroughly. thoroughly. Mainly inspect
whether the dynamic-static part has friction, the vibration is accessed and axial displacement etc.
“Target rotating rotatin g speed” choice
Speed of 1800r/min Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 151 of 197
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“Speed” choice
Rising rate of 200r/min/min (Cold start-up) start-up)
Rising rate of 300r/min/min(Warm 300r/min/min(Warm start-up) Press “process” button, increase rotating speed to target rotating speed figure. Warm the engine for 45min in this speed and inspect the machine unit thoroughly.
“Target rotating rotatin g speed” choice
“Speed” choice
Speed of 3000r/min
Rising rate of 500r/min/min (Cold start-up) start-up)
Rising rate of 800r/min/min(Warm 800r/min/min(Warm start-up) Press “process” button, increase rotating speed to target rotating speed figure.
Operate high-speed high-speed engine warming in this speed for 45min when small turbine is started in cold
start-up mode in speed of 3100r/min. Operate high-speed engine warming in this speed for 15min when the engine is in warm start-up mode. Notes: Critical speed computation value of the first-order is 2545 r/min, Critical speed computation value of the second-order is 11721 r/min. stable operate in rotating speed of 1800 r/min, each working part shall be inspected whether to be normal. Make sure all monitors and control instruments are put into operation. Cross the critical speed rapidly when everything works normal. “Button” mentioned above is on DCS screen.
When the actual rotating speed of steam turbine increases to 3100 r/min r/min and meets boiler
automation control condition, control mode of steam turbine changes from rotating speed automation to boiler automation automatically and placidly through software. Then rotating speed of the steam turbine changes with indicator of water feeding requirement CCS (coordination control system of boiler water feeding). After the boiler is in automation mode, distance order of the controller limits rising rate 1000r/min/min.
Open the electric electric exit valve valve of the steam pump, parallel parallel pumps operation (Open the exit valve
when exit pressure of steam pump is close to the pressure of feed protopipe)
Open inter-stage inter-stage extraction extraction valve valve of the feed pump as needed.
When the load load of main engine engine reaches 40% rated load load figure, close main steam valve, regulation
valve, cylinder and all drain valves on steam pipeline of small s team turbine. 6.8.10
Operation rules of parallel pumps operation operation of the feed pump
Electric feed pump pump and and single steam pump operate operate coordinately
(1) Inspect whether steam pump is in boiler automatic control mode, exit pressure of steam pump and electric feed pump is close, front-back pressure difference of exit valves of steam pump is lower than 0.06MPa. (2) Make sure the electric feed pump operates normal, the electric feed pump is in automatic control mode and feed – feed – water water control is in automatic mode. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 152 of 197
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(3) The load of machine unit is around 180 MW. (4) Open exit door of steam pump, pay attention to entrance flow rate of electric feed pump and (5) Try to maintain flow rate of water feeding stable during parallel pumps operation and pay attention to changes of water level of drum. (6) When load of machine unit drops suddenly, steam pump “automation” shall be changed to “manual operation” immediately in case of its flow rate drops suddenly in status of “automation” and the minimum flow rate valve cannot be opened in time would lead to low entrance flow rate and the protection action
parallel pumps operation of two steam pumps
(1) Make sure the second small turbine is starting and its rotating speed is controlled by boiler. (2) Regulate rotating speed of steam pump, front-back pressure difference of exit pressure is lower than 0.06MPa. (3) Open electric exit valve of steam pump, open the inter-stage extraction extraction valve. (4) Make sure the electric feed pump and steam pump works normal, its rotating speed is in automatic mode, water feeding is controlled automatically by boiler. (5) Regulate rotating speed of steam pump. When exit pressure of three pumps are close, decrease the rotating speed of electric feed pump, shutdown electric feed pump, inspect self-starting of auxiliary oil pump of electric feed pump, oil pressure is normal. (6) When two steam pumps works in parallel mode and they both are in “automation” mode and the electric feed pump is standby, if one steam pump trips, turn operating steam pump to manual regulation mode immediately after electric pump being linked or manual started to make sure the regulation speed of small turbine is stable. 6.8.11
Shutdown of small turbine Preparation before normal shutdown
(1) Experimental spare main oil pump, emergency oil pump and turning motor all work normal. (2) Make sure main steam pump and regulation valve shall work flexibly and there is no jam fault.
Normal shutdown
(1) Start electric feed pump when the main engine load drops to 60% of rated load. One steam pump can be shutdown if water feeding feeding system inspection is is normal. (2) Release steam pump automation, decrease rotating speed of steam pump, increase load of electric feed pump and make sure the steam pump load that is ready to stop has been transferred. (3) Close inter-stage extraction valve of the steam pump ready to stop to electric attemperating water valve of reheater. (4) Close electric exit valve of steam pump, inspect and open the minimum flow rate valve. (5) When the main engine load drops to 25% of rated load, open all drain valves of small turbine Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 153 of 197
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cylinder and steam pipeline. Open pneumatic drain valves in front of HP and LP main steam pumps at the same time. (6) With the decline of main engine load, C CS (coordination control system of boiler water feeding) can decrease the rotating speed of the small steam turbine. Press button “Release” on “MEH operation panel” when the rotating speed of the small steam turbine drops to the minimum 3100r/min of “boiler automation” control mode. (7) Inspect and confirm HP main steam valve, LP main steam valve, HP regulation valve and LP regulation valve of the small turbine are closed and relating indicator is light. (8) Inspect and confirm the electric valve of small turbine HP steam source and electric valve of small turbine HP steam source are closed. (9) The following work shall be done if the small turbine has been stopped for a long time: a. If the main engine continues to operate in load lower than 50% of rated load, the boiler is fed water by electric feed pump, vacuum dish valve on the exhaust steam of the small steam turbine shall be closed speedily to avoid breaking the vacuum of condenser of the main engine. b. When sliding pressure operation declines to load, one steam pump shall be cut off when main engine load is under 40% and the main engine shall operates with one steam pump. (10) Cylinder temperature ≤150℃, lubricant system of small turbine can be s hut down.
Emergency shutdown
(1) Strong vibration happens to machine unit, amplitude is beyond shutdown figure but protection device does not act or vibration figure increases rapidly. (2) Clear metal friction noise and impact noise in the steam turbine. (3) Water hammer happens to the steam turbine. (4) Bearing temperature increases rapidly to 113 ℃ or oil inlet of any bearing increases to 75 ℃. (5) Heavy friction or sparkles happen to shaft seal or oil deflector ring. (6) Lubricating pressure of the bearing downs to 0.04MPa, invalidity of start backup oil pump. (7) Oil tank level downs to shutdown figure, oil filling void. (8) Oil system is on fire and cannot be put out immediately. immediately. (9) Axial displacement displacement is beyond the limit, but protection device of the axial displacement does not act. (10) Rotating speed of the steam increases to rotating speed figure of the trip, but the machine unit is not switch out. 6.8.12
Normal maintenance of small turbine
Around the steam pump, it is clean clean and there are no sundries. sundries. No leakage leakage of gas, oil or water. water.
Oil level of the tank tank is normal. normal. Fill in oil in time if the oil level is below below 550 mm. mm.
Normal oil return temperature of the bearing <60℃, alarm ringside if it is beyond 65℃.
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Control oil pressure, lubricating pressure pressure and and oil temperature to be normal.
Test Test bearing and machine body vibration every every day, day, vibration figure shall not beyond 0.05mm. 0.05mm.
Regularly inspect the smoke exhauster of oil tank work work normal, keep oil tank of small turbine
Inspect strainer pressure difference difference of feed feed pump lubricant indicate normal, pressure difference difference is
lower than 0.06MPa.
Inspect pressure pressure of lubricant cooling water of steam turbine of the feed pump as normal as
0.35MPa. 6.8.13
Switch of oil coolers of the small turbine
Make sure the two oil coolers’ operation and backup status.
Check the backup oil cooler is fine.
Slightly open backup oil charge charge valve and outlet nazzle nazzle high spot vent valve of the oil cooler, cooler, fill
oil and vent gas to the oil cooler Close vent valve when there is oil leaks continually from the vent door.
Completely open oil charge charge valve of the oil cooler, cooler, boost pressure pressure to backup oil cooler, observe observe
leakage situation.
Open inlet and outlet valves of cooling water of the backup oil cooler. cooler.
Turn switching switching handles of oil cooler for a while, observe observe working status of backup oil oil cooler. cooler.
Continue to turn switching handles slowly. slowly. Observe it while turning it. Put oil cooler into operation
gradually until switch it to the th e position of original backup oil cooler. Pay attention to oil temperature change.
Close oil charge charge valve of oil cooler, cooler, close inlet and outlet valves valves of the original working oil cooler
gradually and turn them to backup. 6.8.14
Switch of oil strainer of small engine
Open oil filling filling valve of backup strainer slowly. slowly.
Open vent vent valve valve on top of backup backup strainer strainer slowly. slowly.
After venting and oil filling of backup strainer, strainer, close vent valve valve on top of backup strainer, strainer, close oil
charge valve of backup strainer. 6.9
Turn and switch handles of strainer slowly, slowly, switch strainer to the original working backup strainer strainer..
Heater putting into operation and shutdown Use once reheat system, set Class III HP heater, Class I deaerator and Class IV LP heater to make up
Class VIII reheat system. The HP, LP heater both use lying U shape tube-type, among which use integrated design for No.7 and No.8 LP heater, and design two No.7, No. 8 LP heaters. There is auto-dewatering from the HP heater to the deaerator step by step, and there is auto-dewatering from the LP heater to the condenser. Each heater has accident drain valve, which discharges to the condenser respectively. respectively. 6.9.1
Principle of heater heater putting into operation and shutdown Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 155 of 197
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First operate the water side then the steam side for the heater input; first shut down the steam steam side
then the water side for the heater shutdown. Operate the water side of the LP heater when there is water injection in condensation water system, or operate it normally after the condensation water system has been put into operation properly; operate the water side of the HP heater when there is water filling of the boiler, finish the water injection operation under the condition of low pressure.
LP heater heater is started started randomly by sliding during unit impulse starting, HP heater is put into operation
when the unit load reaches 25% and the deaerator is back to the fourth section of this unit for the steam extraction and supplying.
Observe the principle of from from high pressure pressure to low pressure pressure when put the HP
heater into operation, and on the contrary for the shut down it.
Strictly prohibit putting leaking heater into operation.
Heater is permitted to be put into operation only when its water level indicator indicator is in good condition,
the action of alerting signal and protective device is normal.
During the heater putting putting into operation and shutdown shutdown process, strictly control temperature temperature
changing rate of LP heater ≯3℃/min, the temperature changing rate of HP heater outlet water ≯1.85℃/min.
During the input, shutdown shutdown process of the heater, heater, pay attention that that if the heater heater step-by-step
auto-dewatering cannot meet the requirement, control the water level of the heater by the emergency drain valve. 6.9.2
HP heater input 6.9.2. 1
Waterside input Electric feed pump and steam pump run properly, properly, the electric valve on the exit of the running feed
pump is open; slightly open the exit valve of the HP heater, inject water to HP heater, heater, control the temperature changing rate of HP heater outlet water ≯1.83℃/min, close it after seeing water in the air discharge valve.
After water injection, injection, check the water water level indicator indicator of the HP heater, heater, there shall be no water water
After the pressure of the HP heater water side and the pressure of the feed pump exit are kept kept
balance, open the electric electric valve of the HP heater heater entrance, exit.
Flush the the HP heater according to the requirement until it is qualified. Steam side input Confirm that the HP HP heater water side has been input normally, normally, the HP heater heater water level interlock interlock
protection test is normal, normal, condenser vacuum is normal.
When the unit load reaches reaches 30% of the rated load, input input the HP heater steam side in turn according according
the order of #3, #2, #1.
Check the relevant relevant drain valves valves of the steam extraction pipe, open the steam extraction extraction check
valve of the input HP heater, slightly open the steam extraction electric valve to do the HP heater pre-warm, Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 156 of 197
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pay attention to control the temperature changing rate of the HP pressure outlet water ≯1.83℃/min. Use the water discharge valve of the input HP heater steam side to keep the water level normal.
After the air inflow of the HP heater, heater, shut the starting air air discharge valve, valve, open the continuous air
discharge valve of the steam side.
After finishing the pre-warm, gradually open the steam extraction extraction electric valve of the HP heater heater..
Check #3 HP heater, heater, when the steam side pressure is 0.2~0.3MPa higher than the deaerator
pressure, confirm that both the front and back stop valves of the #3 HP heater normal dewatering adjusting valve are open, slowly shut the water discharge valve of #3 HP heater steam side, pay attention that the action of the #3 HP heater normal dewatering adjusting valve shall be normal.
Check #2 HP heater, heater, When the steam side pressure pressure is 0.2~0.3MPa higher higher than that of #3 HP heater heater,,
confirm that both the front and back stop valves of the #2 HP heater normal dewatering adjusting valve are open, slowly shut the water discharge valve of #2 HP heater steam side, pay attention that the action of the #2 HP heater normal dewatering adjusting valve shall be normal.
Check #1 HP heater, heater, When the steam side pressure pressure is 0.2~0.3MPa higher higher than that of #2 HP heater heater,,
confirm that both the front and back stop valves of the #1 HP heater normal dewatering adjusting valve are open, slowly shut the water discharge valve of #1 HP heater steam side, pay attention that the action of the #2 HP1 heater normal dewatering adjusting valve shall be normal.
After the HP heater steam side is input normally, normally, shut all the drain valves of the relevant relevant steam
extraction pipes.
During the process of HP heater input, try to keep the unit load steady, steady, pay attention to that that
whether the water level auto-adjusting of the HP heater is normal.
During the unit unit starting process, process, after the joint of the unit unit (if it is cool starting, after after finishing the the
initial load pre-warming), open I, II, III extraction check valve, slightly open the I, II, III extraction electric valve, do pre-warming for the HP heater, control the dewatering by the emergency drain valve; pay attention to the temperature rise and water level of the HP heater exit. With the load rising, gradually open wide the steam inlet electric valve of the HP heater until it is fully open, then adjust all the water level fixed value of the normal drain adjusting valve to be normal.
The HP heater input during during the unit running Relevant overhaul has been finished, the overhaul site has been cleaned, cleaned, and there is no object object
which will obstruct the starting of this system.
The inspection and operation operation needed before the system starting starting have been completed. completed.
Do the water injection , air discharge before before the HP heater water water side input, pay attention to that
the feed water flow of the boiler shall be normal when switch from the bypass to the main road.
Pay attention to the change of the condenser vacuum vacuum when open the emergency emergency drain manual Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 157 of 197
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When the HP HP heater heater steam side input, fully do the pipe warm-up, warm-up, pay attention to control the water water
temperature rise rate of the input heater exit ≯1.83℃/min. The other operations are the same as the normal input of the steam side. 6.9.3
HP heater shutdown
Steam side shutdown
When the load reaches reaches to 30% of the rated load, slowly shut the steam steam extraction electric electric valve
according to the order of #1, 2, 3.
When the extraction extraction check valve shut automatically automatically,, all the drain valves valves of steam steam extraction pipe pipe
shall open automatically. automatically.
Shut down the continuous air discharge of the HP heater to the the manual isolation isolation valve of the
deaerator. 6.9.3. 2
Waterside shutdown
After shutting down down the HP heater, heater, shut down the the water side according to the actual situation.
If the heater heater shall be in outage for a long time, first discharge discharge all the stored water, water, then inject
nitrogen for maintenance.
The HP heater shutdown during the unit running running
When the HP HP heater heater is shut down, the load of steam turbine shall be reduce to the ruled value.
Shut HP heater continuous air discharge valve
Slowly shut steam extraction electric valve, valve, pay attention attention to that the turbine expansion difference, difference,
axial displacement, water level change of HP heater shall all be within the controlled range, the temperature falling rater of heater outlet water ≯1.83℃/min. When the #1 steam side pressure is 0.2~0.3 MPa higher than that of the #2, open the water discharge valve on the steam side of #1 HP heater, shut the stop valves from the drain valve of #1 HP heater to the drain adjusting valve of #2. When the #2 steam side pressure is 0.2~0.3 MPa higher than that of the #3, open the water discharge valve on the steam side of #2 HP heater, shut the stop valves from the drain valve of #2 HP heater to the drain adjusting valve of #3.When the steam side pressure of #3 is 0.2~0.3 MPa higher than the pressure of deaerator, open water discharge valve on the steam side of #3 HP heater, shut the stop valves from #3 drain valve to the deaerator adjusting valve.
After the steam side is shut down, open the water water side bypass valve, valve, shut entrance and exit valves valves
of HP heater, heater, pay attention to that the feed water flow shall be normal.
Before open the water water discharge valve valve and air discharge discharge water, water, shut all the emergency emergency drain
manual isolation valves from the HP heater to condenser. condenser.
Properly do other other isolation measures for the overhaul. overhaul.
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LP heater running 6.9.4. 1
Water side input Start condensate condensate water pump, pump, slightly open LP heater water inlet inlet valve, inject water to the LP LP
heaters according the order of #8~#5, when there is water seen in the air discharge valve on the water side, shut air discharge valve, there shall be no water level when there is injection, and there shall be no change of the condensate water flow after the injection
Fully open the entrance and exit valve valve of the LP LP heater water side, shut the bypass bypass valve.
Flush the the LP heater according to the requirement requirement until it is qualified.
Steam side input #8A/B~#7A/B #8A/B~#7A/B #8A/B~#7A/B LP heater steam steam side shall be input randomly during the impulse
starting of the steam turbine.
After the steam steam turbine vacuum vacuum is established, established, shut down #6, 5 LP heater starting starting air discharge discharge
valves by turn, slowly open LP heater continuous air discharge valve, pay attention to the change of condenser vacuum, if the change is great, shut the valve immediately and check the leak point, after the leak point is removed, input the continuous continuous air discharge. discharge.
After the unit joint, input steam side according to the order of #5, 6, check the relevant drain
valves of steam extraction pipe shall be open, open the extraction check valve of the input LP heater, slightly open steam extraction electric valve to do the pre-warm, pay attention to control the temperature changing rate of LP heater outlet water ≯2℃/min, maximum ≯3℃/min. Gradually open the LP heater steam extraction electric valve until it is fully open, the action of the normal drain adjusting valves for #5 LP heater to #6 LP heater shall be normal.
When the unit load load is more than 20%, all the drain valves of the section V, V, VI steam extraction
pipe shall be shut.
When the unit load permits, immediately immediately switch the #6 LP heater drain valve from emergency
drain valve to normal drain valve.
LP heater input during the unit running The relevant overhaul overhaul is finished, the the work ticket is taken back, the overhaul site is cleaned, and
there is no object which will obstruct the starting of this system.
Before starting starting the system, the inspection and operation has been completed. completed.
Fully inject water for the water side input, discharge off the air; during the water injecting injecting of the
water side, keep close watch that there shall be no change of the dewatering water level; when switch from bypass to main road, supervise supervise that the condensate water flow shall shall be normal, avoid water-break. water-break.
Slowly open the LP heater heater continuous air discharge discharge valve, valve, and keep close watch on the condenser
vacuum, if the vacuum reduced fast, shall shut that valve immediately, and check the heater, continue Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 159 of 197
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operating after confirm that the leak point has been removed.
Fully warm warm the pipe for the steam steam side input, input, pay attention to control the outlet water temperature temperature
rise rate of the input heater ≯3℃/min.
After the steam steam side is input normally, normally, check all all the drain valves of steam extraction pipe shall be
LP heater normal shutdown
LP heater steam side shutdown
There is random slipping shutdown for 1#5, 1#5, 6, 7A/B, 8A/B LP heater. heater.
After the steam steam turbine braking, braking, confirm that steam extraction extraction electric electric valve and extraction
check valve shut automatically, all the drain valves of steam extraction pipe shall open automatically.
LP heater water side shutdown
After the shutdown of heater, shut down the water side according to the actual situation.
If the heater heater needs to be in outage for for a long time, shall discharge discharge off the water, water, inject nitrogen
for maintenance.
LP heater shutdown during unit running
According to the situation of the LP LP shutdown, reduce reduce the steam turbine turbine load to the ruled ruled value.
Slowly shut the steam extraction extraction electric valve, pay attention that the change of the turbine
expansion difference, axial displacement shall be within the controlled range, the temperature falling rate of the heater outlet water ≯3℃/min.
After the extraction extraction check is shut, all the drain valves of steam extraction extraction pipe shall shall open
When the steam steam side is shut down, open the bypass valve on the water water side, shut shut the entrance, entrance,
exit valves, pay attention to supervise that the feed water flow shall be normal.
Before opening the water discharge discharge valve and air discharge valve, shut the LP LP heater normal normal
drain manual valve, emergency drain manual valve, continuous air discharge valve and the normal drain manual valve from the upper-level heater to this LP heater. 6.9.5
Properly do the other isolation isolation measures measures for the overhaul.
Control the water level of dewatering Normal water level
The normal water level is the designed best water level, and it is shown clearly on the general drawing and water level indicator board. And the best water level in thermal state shall be determined by adjusting during the running. When the heater reaches to the running state and runs steadily, try best to keep the normal water level, generally it is the drain adjusting valve that controls the water level. In order to make it convenient for the Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 160 of 197
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operating personnel to observe, water level indicator is connected on the shell. Generally, Generally, the permitted water level deviation is 38mm upper or lower than the normal water level.
Low water level
38 mm lower than the water level (0mm for vertical type), when it is lower than this water level. for the heater which has dewatering cooling section, the inlet of dewatering cooling section will break the surface of water, water, and let the steam flow into this section, this will result in breakdown by destroying the normal work of this section (1) Cause the gaining of drain approach; (2) Because of leakage, the loss of steam latent heat, the property of heater deteriorates (3) Create erosive damage to the entrance of dewatering cooling section and the entire section, which will break the pipe, in order to make sure whether there is air leakage, compare the temperature of the dewatering outlet and feed water inlet. According to the designed working state, when it runs normally, the temperature of dewatering is about 5.5~11 ℃ higher than that of feed water inlet, if the temperature of dewatering is 11~27.5℃ higher than that of feed water inlet, then there may be partial water inflow and air leakage in the dewatering cooling section.
High water level
38mm (50mm for vertical type) higher than the normal water level is high water level, when it is higher than this level, there will be heat transfer pipe inundating in water, which reduces the available limited heat transfer section and declines the heater property (lower the feed water outlet temperature). High level is caused by the following situations: (1) Drain adjusting valve cannot work properly or has fault; (2) The pressure difference difference of the heater valves, which water step by step, is not enough; (3) Overload; (4) Pipe damage. If the pipe leaks, take measures immediately, bloc the broken pipe, which is to avoid the erosive damage to the neighboring pipes caused by high pressure water. water. 6.10
Input and breakdown of main engine shaft gland system Running of adjusting valve in each control station is interlocked under the pressure of different gland
sealing protopipe Pressure of gland sealing protopipe MPa(a) MPa(a)
HP steam supply valve
Auxiliary steam
Cold reheat steam
supply valve
supply valve
Overflow valve
Start and control
Start and control
Start and control
Start and control
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Input conditions of steam turbine shaft gland system
Steam temperature in the auxiliary steam supply header >300℃, pressure 0.8~1.2 MPa.
Shut the electric valve, valve, adjusting valve, bypass valve of the shaft seal steam source supplied by the
main steam.
Shut the electric valve, valve, adjusting valve, bypass valve of the shaft seal steam source supplied by the
cold reheat steam.
Input steam turbine jigger, it works works properly. properly.
Input water circulation system.
Input condensate water system,
Shut the overflow valve of the shaft seal steam source protopipe. protopipe.
Preparation before the shaft seal system input
Confirm that the relevant interlocking and protection are are normal normal by checking.
Confirm that input of condensate water water system is normal, and the jigger of main engine has been been
Unit is started normally, normally, input shaft seal system system to main engine and steam turbine of feed water
pump at the same time. time. 6.10.3
Finish the operation of shaft seal seal system according to the system checking card. Input the shaft seal system
Before starting starting the vacuum vacuum pump, input the steam steam turbine shaft seal for steam supplying.
Confirm that each drain valve of shaft seal is open, slowly slowly open the manual isolation valves from from
auxiliary steam to shaft seal steam, do the pipe warm-up, pay attention that there shall be no phenomenon of vibration in pipes of shaft seal s ystem.
Open the water seal seal water injection injection valve and air discharge discharge valve of the shaft seal heater, heater, inject
water with U shape to the shaft seal heater, slightly open the bypass valve of shaft seal steam resource supplied by auxiliary steam.
Start the fan of a shaft shaft seal heater, heater, check whether the pressure taken taken by steam side of shaft seal seal
heater is normal, fan of shaft seal heater runs steadily, all is normal, including sound, temperature, vibration, etc., input the other one for standby application.
Fully open the shaft shaft seal auxiliary steam inlet electric electric valve, shaft shaft seal steam source adjusting
valve supplied by auxiliary steam will input automatically, shut bypass electric valve of the assistant supplying shaft seal steam source. Check whether the action of the assistant supplying supp lying shaft seal steam source adjusting valve is normal.
Open the front front and back back isolation valves of the LP shaft seal seal steam temperature temperature control control valve, shaft shaft
seal steam temperature control valve input automatically, set the temperature at 149 ℃, check whether the Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 162 of 197
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auto-adjustment of the shaft seal steam attemperation water adjusting valve is normal.
Monitor the pressure of shaft seal steam supplement, temperature of shaft seal steam, strictly
monitor the change of the unit expansion difference and the running state of the jigger. jigger.
Input shaft seal to small small steam turbine at the same time, open the shaft seal steam supplement supplement stop
valve of the small steam turbine, pay attention that the pressure and temperature of the shaft seal steam shall be normal.
When the load of main engine reaches to 25%, 25%, open the isolation valves on the two side of the cold
reheat steam supplement valve in time, and pay attention that switch the shaft seal steam source to cold reheat. When the load continue rising to more than 70%, totally switch the shaft seal system to self-seals. 6.10.4
Shutdown of shaft seal system
Check and confirm that that the vacuum vacuum of condenser completely completely disappears, disappears, permit to shut down shaft
Remove standby fan of shaft seal heater, heater, shut down the fan of shaft seal heater. heater.
After shut down the fan of shaft seal cooler, cooler, shut the steam seal pressure adjusting adjusting valve and the
manual shut valve on the two sides s ides according to the following order.
HP steam supplement valve
Auxiliary steam supplement valve
Cold reheat steam supplement valve
Overflow valve
Shut attemperation attemperation water control control valve of the LP cylinder and the isolation valves valves on the two sides
from main steam to attemperation water control valve of the LP cylinder. cylinder. 6.10.5
Shut the water injection valve valve of the shaft seal heater heater water water seal. Operation & maintenance
Running monitoring When the load load of unit is over than 70%, shaft seal system reaches self-seals, overflow overflow valve
controls the shaft seal steam supplement pressure at 0.031MPa.
Temperature of the LP shaft seal steam steam is generally kept between 121~177℃, when the
temperature of shaft seal steam exceeds 149 ℃, the LP shaft seal steam supplement attemperation water input automatically. 6.10.5 .1.3
In steam seal area of the HP, HP, IP steam turbine, the temperature difference between the steam and
rotor metal shall not exceed 110 ℃.
Pay attention attention that if the vacuum of the shaft shaft seal cooler cooler is about 50.8~76.2mmH2O, the shaft seal
water level auto-adjusting is normal.
After inputting the shaft seal steam, shall pay attention to the important parameters, parameters, such as Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 163 of 197
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temperature difference and expansion difference between the upper and lower cylinder, etc., check whether there is bubbling in the shaft seal place and whether the sound id normal.
The steam supplied to the steam turbine shaft seal seal must be the overheating steam, steam, and the
overheating degree shall not be less than 14 ℃.
When reducing the load normally, normally, if the cold reheat pressure can keep keep the shaft seal seal steam
supplement protopipe pressure over than 0.0241MPa, the steam supplement volume of the shaft seal system can get from the cold reheat pipe of the main engine. If the protopipe pressure fall to below 0.0241MPa, assistant adjusting valve shall be open to keep the pressure of protopipe at 0.0241MPa.
Try to adjust the branch pipes temperature temperature of each LP shaft seal system system between 120~130 ℃,
when it is lower than 100℃, shall do the air discharge work of the corresponding LP shaft seal pipe in time.
The rules of the temperature temperature and pressure when the unit needs to start the shaft seal:
HP shaft shaft seal steam supplement supplement is used for the steam turbine starting starting after tripping and load
shedding or used when the low load cold reheat section doesn’t supply steam. Thus, adjust the lowest pressure of HP steam supplement valve intelligent positioner to be 0.0207MPa(a) , and adjust the pressure of auxiliary steam supplement valve and cold reheat steam supplement valve to be 0.00345MPa(a) higher.
When the unit is started in any state, temperature temperature of LP shaft seal steam steam is normally kept between
121~177℃, anytime the LP shaft seal temperature shall not be lower than 121 ℃.
Temperature Temperature and and pressure reduction of the HP steam supplement from the main steam, steam, configure
two tandem pressure reduction valves, the first one controls the pressure at about 5.0MPa, then control the pressure within the designed range by the second one, then reduce the temperature to 350~400 ℃ by the HP desuperheater. In order to prevent the negative influence on the steam seal system, which is brought by the high temperature and high pressure steam, when there is no need of HP steam supplement, shall cut off the source of the main steam by the electric stop valve. 6.11
Putting into operation and shutdown of vacuum system
Preparation before vacuum system is put into operation operation
Take Take full inspection to to the vacuum pump and vacuum system to ensure that they conform to the
condition of putting into operation.
Power delivery of vacuum pump.
Check and make sure that all air release valves valves and water discharge valves are are closed and relevant relevant
meters are put into operation.
Confirm that that manual isolating isolating valves from condenser to all vacuum pump pump inlets are opened.
Check and and make sure that vacuum pump inlet valve is closed.
Confirm that condensate system and open circulation circulation cooling water system have been been put into
operation. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 164 of 197
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Open the manual manual isolating valve valve of steam steam separator connecting connecting condensation condensation water and vacuum
pump to fill water and pay attention that the automatic water feeding valve valve is in normal motion.
Put cooling water in vacuum pump cooler. cooler.
Close the vacuum breaker valve of condenser condenser..
Open the main main sealing water water gate of vacuum breaker valve, valve, regulate all branch gates to maintain maintain
certain sealing water level without overflow.
For the initial start start of establishing vacuum, two two sets of vacuum pumps shall shall be started
simultaneously; for maintaining vacuum, one pump shall operate and one for standby. 6.11.2
Start of vacuum pump Start the first first set vacuum. When When the pressure pressure difference difference of vacuum vacuum pump inlet is -4.5kPa, -4.5kPa, the
pneumatic valve of vacuum pump inlet will open automatically automatically..
Confirm that vacuum indication indication of vacuum vacuum pump inlet and exhaust exhaust of steam steam separator separator are normal.
Start the second set vacuum vacuum pump. When the pressure pressure difference difference of vacuum pump inlet is -4.5kPa, -4.5kPa,
the pneumatic valve of vacuum pump inlet will open automatically. automatically. 6.11.3
Confirm that vacuum indication indication of vacuum vacuum pump inlet and exhaust exhaust of steam steam separator separator are normal. Operating maintenance of vacuum pump Check whether pump vibration vibration is normal without friction and abnormal sound; motor current current is
Check the leakage condition of pump packing box.
Check the water level of vacuum vacuum pump steam separator separator and make sure sure that the temperature temperature of
working water is normal.
Check and make make sure that the sealing water water level of vacuum breaker breaker valve of condenser is is normal.
Check and and make sure that vacuum pump cooler is working normally. normally.
Shutdown of vacuum pump
Relieve the “standby” of standby vacuum pump and stop operating the vacuum pump.
Confirm that the vacuum pump inlet is closed.
If it is fault or pumping termination termination defect, defect, isolate the pump.
Switchover of vacuum pump Take Take full inspection of the standby standby vacuum pump and make sure that it is is in good condition condition and
ready for start.
Relieve the “standby” of standby vacuum pump.
Start standby vacuum pump. Check and make make sure that the current and and sound are normal, DCS
status indication is correct.
Check and confirm confirm that when the inlet pressure difference is -4.5kPa after the start of standby Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 165 of 197
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pump, the inlet valve shall shall open in linkage, or else, contact contact thermotechnical thermotechnical personnel for handling.
After the complete inspection, inspection, stop a set vacuum pump that is operating to check whether whether the DCS DCS
status indication is correct and whether all valves are closed correctively on the site.
Check and make make sure that condenser vacuum is normal; put the unused vacuum pump into
“standby” as needed. 6.12
Putting into operation and and shutdown shutdown of main engine engine lubricating lubricating oil system Steam turbine lubricating oil system is composed of main oil pump, AC lubricating oil pump, DC
accident oil pump, high pressure standby seal oil pump, jacking oil pump, barring gear, oil cooler, purging system, main oil tank, oil ejector, oil purifier, etc. Lubricating oil system oil return pipe shall adopt suit pipeline. The main oil pump for steam turbine turbine spindle drive is volute centrifugal centrifugal pump. For normal operating, operating, main oil pump outlet pipe will supply oil to oil ejector, machinery overspeed trip and hand trip header pipe, high pressure seal standby oil pipe. Ejector outlet supplies oil to main oil pipe inlet, lubricating oil system and low pressure seal standby oil pipe. During start and stop of unit, AC lubricating oil pump will supply oil to lubricating oil system through oil cooler. This system is set up with two sets of oil coolers, one for normal operation and one for standby, which can be switched over by three-way valve. The system is set up with self-starting test device, which links AC and DC lubricating oil pump when the oil pressure of lubricating oil system is low; it has low oil pressure test device, which links steam turbine when the oil pressure of lubricating oil system is low. low. 6.12.1
Conditions for system’s putting into operation
All interlock protection tests tests of system system equipment have been finished and up to standard. standard.
Main oil tank tank has been been filled with appropriate appropriate qualified oil (Oil level level shall be 500mm).
All oil outlet valves and water discharge discharge valves valves of system have been closed.
Corresponding oil coolers have been put into operation. operation.
Preliminary operation of equipment equipment and leak detection of system system Start the smoke exhaust exhaust fan of main oil tank and check whether whether the vibration and sound sound are
Check whether lubricating oil oil temperature temperature is normal. normal. Check that that oil sealing sealing has been been finished.
Close the isolating isolating valve from lubricating lubricating oil, high pressure pressure standby oil to sealing oil; start AC
lubricating oil pump to check whether the vibration, sound and pressure are normal.
Check whether lubricating oil system is leaking. leaking.
Stop AC lubricating lubricating oil pump pump and start DC accident oil pump; start hydrogen hydrogen seal oil pump pump to
check and make sure that the vibration, sound and pressure are normal, then stop DC accident oil pump and hydrogen seal oil pump for standby. standby.
Check and make make sure that all pressure meters meters and thermometers thermometers of system indicate correctly. correctly.
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Take Take oil cooler switchover switchover test to confirm that that oil pressure does does not fluctuate during switchover. switchover.
Start all jacking jacking oil pumps one by one. Check and make make sure that the vibration, vibration, sound, outlet
pressure, all jacking oil pressures pressures are normal. normal.
Check and and make sure that jacking oil device is is free of oil leakage.
Shutdown of jacking oil pump
Shut down down the smoke exhaust exhaust fan of main oil tank.
Putting into operation of lubricating oil system Before lubricating lubricating oil system is put into operation, operation, make sure that all startup checks of system have
been finished.
Start the smoke smoke exhaust exhaust fan fan of main oil tank. tank.
Start AC lubricating oil pump and hydrogen seal oil pump. Check and make make sure that all pressure
meters of system indicate correctly. correctly.
Interlocking switch of DC lubricating lubricating oil system is put into standby. standby.
For system’s system’s initial operation and putting into operation after overhaul, the check valve valve installed on
oil ejector outlet shall be adjusted by maintainer. maintainer.
Check and make sure that oil flow of oil return peephole of all bearings are normal. normal.
Check whether the bearing lubricating oil temperature is normal. If the oil temperature is too low, low,
check the oil heater of main oil tank. 6.12.4
Shutdown of lubricating oil system Barring shall operate continuously continuously till the peak temperature temperature of steam steam turbine cylinder is lower than
150℃; only when the peak temperature of cylinder is lower than 120 ℃ can the lubricating oil system s ystem of main engine be stopped. Pay attention that sealing oil system shall operate normally.
After the shutdown shutdown of main engine engine barring, relieve relieve the interlocking interlocking of main main engine DC oil oil pump
and stop the jacking oil pump according to the cylinder temperature. Pay attention to check the oil level rising of main oil tank. If the oil level is too high, it shall overflow to the storage oil tank outside main plant and it’s prevented from flowing out of main oil tank.
Close the inlet and outlet valve valve of cooling water water of oil cooler. cooler.
If needed, stop stop the main engine engine lubricating lubricating oil purification plant.
When the lubricating lubricating oil system and sealing oil system system have been been stopped for 2 hours, the smoke
exhaust fan of main oil tank can be stopped. 6.12.5
Stipulation of main engine barring Continuous barring must be put into operation operation four hours before before impulse starting of steam steam turbine;
during continuous barring, if main shaft is still for operational needs or due to barring fault, continuous barring shall be operated operated for another four hours hours before the engine is started again. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 167 of 197
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When barring barring is operating, make sure that lubricating oil, jacking oil and sealing oil shall not be
broken off and oil pressure shall be sufficient. sufficient. Rotor eccentricity eccentricity shall not exceed 0.076mm. 0.076mm.
After the shutdown shutdown of steam turbine, turbine, barring and lubricating lubricating oil circulation shall shall operate
continuously for at least 48 hours till the rotor is cooled below 150 ℃. Monitor the relevant parameter change of main engine.
Continuous barring can be stopped only after the first-stage metal metal temperature of cylinder is lower
than 150℃; after barring is stopped, lubricating oil system shall operate continuously. continuously.
If continuous barring barring fails to operate due to the stuck of dynamic-static dynamic-static part part caused by thermal
shock and thermal deformation, then operate the barring manually; if it fails, then try it again after an hour; if it fails again, try it again after another hour. If it still does not work, it perhaps is the cause of dynamic-static deformation. Under this situation, preserve the heat for one to two days, then operate the barring to eliminate the dynamic-static dynamic-static stuck. Note: It’s absolutely prohibited to steam the tur bine or move rotor by crane. crane.
Under the condition that jacking jacking oil pump pump cannot be put into operation, operation, barring must continue for
steam turbine. “Stuck -slip” phenomenon may take place during barring, take the following measures for handling until the jacking oil pump restores normal operation. (1) Start DC accident oil pump to increase lubricating oil quantity and try to reduce oil temperature as much as possible, but shall not be lower than 27℃. (2) Wait for one min. If “Stuck “Stuck -slip” phenomenon still exists, stop barring for 15 min, and then start barring. (3) If “Stuck -slip” phenomenon still exists, then stop barring again and rotate rotor 180°every 10 min to straighten rotor. Repeat the above abov e process till the “Stuck -slip” phenomenon disappears and barring device is put into operation.
During barring period after after shutdown, all all systems relevant relevant to steam turbine ontology are prohibited
for overhaul. Cool steam and water are prohibited to enter into steam turbine. Pay attention to monitor the change trend of cylinder metal temperature: pay attention to the upper and lower cylinder temperature difference, main and reheat steam system, upper and lower temperature difference of all steam extraction pipes as well as the change of container water level and pressure and temperature. If the upper and lower temperature difference enlarges acutely, find out the reason for water or cool steam inflow immediately, cut off water, water, steam source and drain ponding.
During continuous barring, if continuous barring must be stopped for operational needs or due to
fault, it shall be approved by chief engineer and the following principles must be followed: (1) For overhaul due to barring device fault or other operational needs, after the barring is broken off, mark on corresponding positions of rotor and record the time of barring shutdown. (2) After the shutdown of barring, move the rotor 180°before continuous barring is restored. At this Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 168 of 197
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moment, pay special attention to the rotor eccentricity and make sure that barring current does not rise or fluctuate overly.
During continuous barring period, period, under special special situations, shaft-jacking device device can be stopped,
but the barring current must be monitored. When the increment value of barring current is not 120% larger than the normal value, shaft-jacking device can be stopped for continuous barring. Otherwise, shaft-jacking device must be put into production for barring.
During continuous barring period, period, if there is obvious metal metal friction sound in the cylinder cylinder and the
barring current fluctuates with large margin (not the fault of barring device), stop the continuous barring immediately and change it to manual barring for straight shaft according to the above regulation until the barring device can can be restored and used. used. 6.13
Putting into into operation operation and and shutdown shutdown of main engine engine oil cooler
Standby application of oil cooler
During operation, standby oil cooler shall be filled with with oil and the oil cooler after after overhaul must
be charged oil before it is used as standby: standby: open the oil inlet and outlet; stop using cooling cooling water. water.
Check and make make sure that main engine oil level is above 0, otherwise, charge charge oil to main oil tank.
When one oil cooler is operating and another is is filling oil after overhaul, overhaul, open the oil feeding valve
of oil cooler and pay attention to watch the change of lubricating oil pressure. After the air of oil cooler is discharged, close the oil feeding valve. 6.13.2
Putting into operation of water-side of oil cooler
Close the water-side water-side drain drain valve at the bottom of oil cooler and close the outlet valve valve of oil cooler. cooler.
Open the water-side water-side air vent valve valve of oil cooler. cooler.
Confirm that isolating isolating valves in front of and at rear rear of cooling water regulating regulating valve of oil cooler cooler
are opened and the bypass valves are closed.
Open the inlet valve of oil oil cooler slight to fill water and and discharge discharge air to oil cooler; cooler; close it when
vent valve shows water.
Open the outlet valve of oil cooler. cooler.
Confirm that the cooling water water regulating valve of oil cooler controls controls the air air source and regulating
is normal. 6.13.3
Switchover of oil cooler For switchover switchover of oil cooler during operating, pay attention to the change of oil level of main main oil
tank, lubricating oil pressure and temperature.
Confirm the operating operating state of A, B oil coolers. coolers.
After standby oil cooler is filled with with oil, put the cooling water of oil cooler into operation.
Slowly rotate rotate the hand wheel wheel of switch-over switch-over valve valve and when when it rotates for 90°,check 90°,check and make make sure Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 169 of 197
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that the indicator screw on hand wheel points to the center and oil cooler is operating in parallel.
Continue rotating the the hand wheel wheel to oil cooler direction for 90°, check and make sure that the
indicator screw on hand wheel point to standby oil cooler, switch over the standby oil cooler for operation. Pay attention to the moving condition of cooling water regulating valve and confirm that the oil outlet flow temperature of oil cooler is between 40±2 ℃ and lubricating oil pressure is normal.
After the switchover switchover is normal, normal, stop the cooling cooling water of originally operating operating oil cooler and the
which shall be switched to standby state. 6.13.4
Shutdown of oil cooler
Check and and confirm the operating operating state of A, B oil coolers. coolers.
Switch over the switch-over valve of oil cooler to the operating position of another oil cooler; cut
off the oil circuit of shutdown oil cooler.
If the shutdown shutdown oil cooler needs overhauling, open the oil outlet valve at at the bottom of, and the
vent valve at oil side of oil cooler to discharge the oil of the oil cooler.
Close the inlet and outlet valve of oil cooler, cooler, open the water drain valve at the bottom and vent
valve at water side of oil cooler to discharge the water. water. 6.14
Putting into operation and shutdown of EH oil system system The main functions of EH oil system oil supply device are to supply hydraulic power for main engine
steam turbine, main throttle valve of steam pump small steam turbine, actuator of governing valve and maintain the normal physical and chemical property of hydraulic oil. EH oil system is composed of oil tank, two sets of EH oil pump-motor components, control module, filter, magnetic filter, overflow valve, energy accumulator, self-circulating cooling system, control fluid regenerative filter system, EH oil tank heater, ER terminal box and some standard equipment for alarming and indicating and controlling to oil pressure, oil temperature and oil level. 6.14.1
Check before EH oil system system is put into operation
Confirm that the oil level of EH oil tank is slightly higher than normal normal oil level and oil quality is
Confirm that all tests of EH oil system are are qualifies and all interlocking protection is put into
Open the first first and secondary secondary valves of all pressure pressure switches and close all the oil drain valves and
outlet valves.
Control power power is put into operation and signal signal is normal.
Start isolating valve valve and put one set of EH oil cooler into into operation.
Confirm that that closed cooling cooling water system is put into operation operation and air air is discharged. discharged.
Leakage check of system
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EH oil pump, pump, cooling oil pump and and filter pump motors have have been delivered power. power.
Start cooling oil pump and the operation operation steps are as follows:
(1) Start the oil inlet valve of cooling oil pump; (2) Open the inlet valve of cooler; (3) Start cooling oil pump; check and confirm that vibration and sound are normal; (4) Check and confirm that cooling oil pump pipeline system is free of oil leakage;
Start and stop of control fluid regenerative pump
(1) Start oil inlet valve of regeneration pump; (2) Start the bypass valve of kieselguhr filter; (3) Start regeneration pump; check and confirm that vibration and sound are normal; (4) Slowly open the oil inlet valve of kieselguhr strainer; (5) Close the bypass valve of kieselguhr strainer gradually; (6) Confirm that the differential pressure of kieselguhr strainer strainer is normal normal and less than
(7) Confirm that control fluid regenerative system is free of oil leakage without abnormal conditions; (8) Stop control fluid regenerative regenerative pump.
Start and stop of EH oil pump
(1) Confirm that oil temperature of oil tank is between 21℃~37℃; (2) Open the oil inlet valve of EH oil pump to take oil in and discharge air; (3) Confirm that the following valves are fully open: a. Outlet valve of EH oil pump; b. Manual valve of main main engine EH oil protopipe; (4) Start EH oil pump A or B; check and confirm that vibration, sound and pressure are normal and system is free of oil leakage; (5) Check and confirm that the oil level of oil tank is normal; or refuel; (6) Check and confirm that EH oil piping system is free of oil leakage; (7) Stop EH oil pump; (8) Start and stop another EH oil pump by the same operating steps. 6.14.3
Check of nitrogen energy accumulator
Confirm that inlet valves of energy energy accumulator accumulator are full closed and oil drain valves valves are full open.
Check and confirm confirm that nitrogen nitrogen has been filled to the set pressure. If the pressure pressure is lower than set
value, aerate again. 6.14.4
After check is finished, close close oil drain valve valve and open inlet valve of energy accumulator accumulator.. Putting into operation of EH oil system Confirm that closed cooling water water system has been put into operation. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 171 of 197
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Confirm that cooling pump is at “automatic” position. If the EH oil temperature is lower lower than 21℃,
then heater will start automatically.
Start a set of EH oil pump and put another pump on DCS into “standby” after comprehensive
inspection check is normal. 6.14.5
Check and confirm confirm that all all the pressure meters meters on EH oil system device device panels indicate indicate normally. normally. Shutdown of EH oil system
This system shall not be stopped unless EH oil system has to
Relieve the “standby” of standby EH oil pump on DCS and stop the operating EH oil pump.
Close the cooling water water inlet inlet valve valve of oil cooler. cooler.
Switchover of EH oil pump
Check and confirm that that system is operating steadily steadily and standby pump is in good condition.
Start standby pump; check and confirm confirm that that everything is normal. normal.
Stop the original original operating pump. pump. Confirm that this pump has stopped operating and outlet
protopipe pressure is normal. normal.
Put the shutdown EH oil pump on DCS into “standby”.
Check and and confirm that EH oil system is operating normally. normally.
Operating maintenance of oil system
Ambient lighting of equipment equipment is sufficient; oil level level of oil tank is normal and all all pressure
indicators are normal.
Leakage condition of EH oil system.
Oil tank temperature is normal.
Vibration Vibration and sound of oil pump and system system pipeline are normal. normal.
Putting into into operation operation and and shutdown shutdown of generator sealing oil oil system This sealing oil system is auxiliary system set up for steam turbine generator, which can provide
continuous sealing oil for generator sealing pad, seal the hydrogen in the sealing generator and prevent from outward leakage. The system is cartridge type, which corresponds to the double ring s ealing pad of generator. Two oil supply tanks are set in the sealing pad to form independent hydrogen-side and air-side sealing oil system. It is composed of two sets of air-side sealing oil pumps (screw-type constant flow pump), two sets of hydrogen-side AC sealing oil pumps (screw-type constant flow pump), two sets of air-side, hydrogen-side coolers and filters, one air-side oil return tank, one set of hydrogen-side oil return tank, differential valve, balance valve and other components. 6.15.1
Check before before generator sealing oil system system is put into operation Put all control power supply
and signal power source into operation; operation; all kinds of
thermo-technical thermo-technical instruments are complete and put into operation; Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 172 of 197
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Test Test insulation to to equipment motor and deliver power power after mechanical part is ready; ready;
Closed cooling water system is put into operation.
Open the valves valves of all pressure pressure meters, meters, differential differential pressure gauge gauge and regulator regulator gauge; open the
isolating valve for oil level inspection; all the strainers rotate flexibly.
Open the inlet valve of hydrogen-side sealing oil pump. pump.
Appropriately open the outlet recirculation recirculation valve of air-side, hydrogen-side sealing oil pump (Lock
after adjustment).
Open the inlet valve, valve, outlet cooling water valve valve of air-side, air-side, hydrogen-side sealing sealing oil cooler
prepared for putting into operation; close the inlet valve and open the outlet outlet valve of standby cooler; open the outlet valve of air-side strainer. strainer.
Open the inlet valve of air-side, air-side, hydrogen-side hydrogen-side sealing oil strainer and close the bypass valve.
Close the rear manual manual valve of hydrogen-side sealing oil#1 pressure-balanced pressure-balanced valve; close the
pressure gauge of air-side, air-side, hydrogen-side hydrogen-side sealing oil;
Close the rear manual valve of hydrogen-side sealing sealing oil#2 pressure-balanced pressure-balanced valve; close the
pressure gauge of air-side, air-side, hydrogen-side hydrogen-side sealing oil;
Drop the hand hand screw of oil level level regulation float valve of hydrogen-side oil return tank to make
two float valves in free state;
Close the hydrogen-side hydrogen-side pressure gauge oil release release valve of main differential differential pressure pressure regulator. regulator.
Close the hydrogen-side hydrogen-side pressure gauge oil release release valve of standby standby differential differential pressure
Open the inlet valve of air-side air-side sealing oil pump. pump.
Open the manual valve valve of outlet protopipe of air-side air-side sealing sealing oil pump.
Place the oil return stop valve valve from hydrogen hydrogen side to air side and the oil drain valve from
hydrogen-oil separator to sealing oil tank in automatic regulating state; appropriately open the oil filling valve of hydrogen-side oil tank and close the hydrogen-side constraint oil release valve.
The following valves shall shall be regulated regulated to conform conform to regulations before before sealing oil system is put
into operation: (1) Hydrogen-side sealing oil two-end pressure-balanced valve. (2) Air-side sealing oil main differential pressure regulating valve and standby oil pressure difference regulating valve. (3) Steam turbine main oil pump oil supply reducing valve and the safety gate behind it. (4) Outlet recirculation valve of air-side sealing oil pump. (5) Outlet recirculation valve of hydrogen-side sealing oil pump. 6.15.2
Operating provisions of sealing oil system Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 173 of 197
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Sealing oil system shall be put into operation operation 60 hours hours before impulse starting of steam turbine and
generator is filled with hydrogen.
Sealing oil pressure must be kept when generator is full full of hydrogen or during during steam turbine
When generator generator is full full of hydrogen, hydrogen, the smoke smoke ventilator of air-side hydrogen-oil separator separator shall
operate continuously.
Before sealing sealing oil system system is put into operation, put into the main engine lubricating oil system.
The hydrogen hydrogen in the generator must be emptied before before lubricating oil main oil tank is draining oil.
Putting into operation of system Confirm that the start condition of air-side sealing sealing oil pump is satisfied; satisfied; start air-side air-side sealing oil
pump, check and make make sure that it is in good operation. operation.
Adjust the pump outlet recirculation recirculation valve to keep the rear oil pressure of oil filter in 0.8Mpa and
oil temperature between 27~50 ℃.
Smoke ventilator ventilator shall start jointly automatically; after the operation operation is normal, normal, interlock the
standby smoke ventilator. ventilator.
Start the hydrogen-side, oil-side balance gate of pressure regulator to put differential differential pressure
valve into operation. If the differential pressure valve is out of order, keep the oil pressure in normal operation by outlet recirculation valve.
Charge oil to hydrogen-side oil return return tank to the normal.
Start the air-side, hydrogen-side hydrogen-side sealing sealing oil valve of two-side balance valves of sealing oil and put
balance valve into operation.
Put the hydrogen-side hydrogen-side AC sealing sealing oil pump into operation and and keep the rear oil pressure of pump
outlet recirculation valve in 0.8Mpa; pay attention that the oil pressure difference before air-side and hydrogen-side sealing oil shall not be over 0.49Kpa.
Conduct sealing sealing oil system protection protection and oil pump linkage tests according to provisions. provisions.
If balance valve and pressure difference difference regulator regulator cannot cannot guarantee the required oil pressure during during
operation, the oil pressure shall be kept by b ypass valve and put into operation again after the reason is found out. 6.15.4
Operating maintenance of system Monitoring of normal operation
(1) Kee p the hydrogen pressure pressure in 0.4Mpa for unit’s unit’s normal operation. (2) Keep the hydrogen-oil pressure difference between 0.085±0.01Mpa. (3) Keep the oil supply pressure difference of hydrogen-side and air-side sealing oil between 0.49Kpa. (4) Outlet oil temperature of sealing oil cooler shall be kept between 27~49℃. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 174 of 197
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(5) Oil return temperature of air-side sealing oil shall be <56 ℃. (6) Oil return temperature of hydrogen-side sealing oil shall be <64 ℃. (7) Bearing oil level, temperature and vibration of oil pump and motor. motor. (8) Oil level of hydrogen-side and air-side oil tank. (9) Vacuum Vacuum degree of air-side oil return tank shall be kept between -250~-500Pa. (10) Oil supply pressure of steam turbine main oil source. (11) Smoke ventilator operates in good condition. Note: Air-side sealing oil system can operate alone (hydrogen-side sealing oil pump is shut down for overhaul), but the monitoring on hydrogen pressure and purity shall be strengthened. Keep the hydrogen purity higher than 90%.
Oil source source of air-side air-side and hydrogen-side hydrogen-side sealing oil
(1) Oil source for air-side sealing oil a. Main working oil source: air-side sealing oil normal working oil source is provided by AC sealing oil pump with outlet pressure 0.8Mpa. b. First standby oil source: it is the high pressure oil from steam turbine oil pump and hydrogen sealing standby oil pump. When the main working oil source occurs fault and hydrogen oil pressure lowers to 0.056Mpa, this oil source will be put into operation automatically by standby pressure difference difference regulator. c. Second standby oil source: it is provided by high pressure sealing oil standby pump on steam turbine main oil tank. When the rotating speed of steam turbine is lower than 2850rpm or when steam turbine occurs fault and hydrogen oil pressure lowers to 0.056Mpa, the sealing oil will be provided by high pressure sealing oil standby pump. d. Third standby oil source: it is provided by DC sealing oil pump. When hydrogen oil pressure lowers to 0.035Mpa, start DC sealing oil pump and this oil pump is only allowed to operate for about 1 hour. e. Fourth standby oil source: it is provided by main engine lubricating oil pump. The oil pressure it provides is low and the normal normal is 0.035~0.105Mpa. (2) Oil source for hydrogen-side sealing oil Hydrogen-side sealing oil normal working oil source is provided by two sets of AC sealing oil pumps and they alternate. 6.15.5
Shutdown of system Conditions of shutdown
(1) Hydrogen in the turbine has been all replaced by air; air purity is 100% and the pressure in the turbine is above 50kPa; (2) Steam turbine barring has been stopped. When rotor is rotating, sealing oil system shall not stop, or it will damage the sealing pad. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 175 of 197
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Shutdown of sealing oil system
(1) Relieve the interlock of standby sealing oil pump; (2) Stop the AC sealing oil pump. (3) After sealing oil system is stopped for 2 hours, stop the operation of smoke ventilator. 6.16
Putting into operation and and shutdown shutdown of generator hydrogen cooling system system Generator adopts water-hydrogen cooling way: stator winding is water cooling, rotor winding is
hydrogen inner cooling and iron core is hydrogen outer cooling. Hydrogen system is mainly composed of 2
high pressure hydrogen storage tank, standby hydrogen cylinder, CO steel cylinder for replacement, hydrogen dryer, hydrogen decompressor, hydrogen filter, purity analyzer, liquid detector and hydrogen dew-point instrument. It mainly provides appropriate pressure, high-purity cooling hydrogen for generator rotor winding and stator iron core; meanwhile, it will finish the cooling, drying and detecting to hydrogen. 6.16.1
Check before before gas replacement replacement of generator and precautions precautions for replacement
Sealing oil system shall operate reliably, reliably, oil-hydrogen pressure difference shall be kept within within
0.08~0.085Mpa and generator rotor shall be in static or barring state.
Relevant meters meters and alarming devices devices shall shall be verified and tested with qualification. qualification.
Generator shall be sealed completely and generator generator gas leak test test is qualified.
All the flame operations in the machine machine room have been completed.
There is certain certain pressure in the generator. generator.
Confirm that sealing oil pressure difference regulating valve valve characteristic characteristic test is qualified; keep
the gas pressure in turbine at 50Kpa during gas replacement process.
Notify the hydrogen generation generation station to prepare sufficient sufficient hydrogen before filling hydrogen and 2
confirm that hydrogen supply is stopped before hydrogen is drained. There shall be sufficient CO on the site for gas replacement and the purity shall be tested qualified.
Generator gas leak test shall be qualified.
When operating hydrogen system valve, open and and close it slowly. slowly. Try to operate by hand as much
as possible. For special condition, use copper wrench. During operation, it shall prevent hydrogen from bursting out from valve valve and causing fire.
Press H2 system valve valve checking card (before (before gas replacement by CO ) to check whether system
valve switch state is correct. 6.16.2
CO2 Replace the air in generator by CO
Close the compressed air isolating valve to generator generator..
Close the main valve valve from hydrogen generation generation station station to hydrogen protopipe.
Close the main steam supply valve valve of hydrogen cylinder. cylinder.
Close the front stop valve of hydrogen hydrogen pressure regulating regulating valve, rear stop valve of hydrogen hydrogen
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pressure regulating valve valve and bypass valve valve of hydrogen pressure pressure regulating valve.
Close the main valve of hydrogen hydrogen supply pipe.
Open hydrogen replacement valve.
Close CO2 replacement replacement valve.
Open the main door of CO2 supply. supply.
Open the main valve of CO2 tank supply supply CO2 pipe.
Open and regulate the main air vent vent valve of gas replacement replacement and keep keep the inner pressure pressure
between 40~50kPa; meanwhile, pay attention that the sealing oil pressure shall be higher than in ner pressure 80kPa.
When the generator’s inner CO2 purity is higher than 90%; 90 %; open the leakage detector valve(1). valve(1).
Open the leakage leakage detector detector drain valve valve 138 and and close leakage leakage detector valve and drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (2).
Open the leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve valve and drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (3).
Open the leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve valve and drain valve valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the monitor rack valve valve of generator generator working working conditions. conditions.
Open drain valve valve of generator, generator, close the generator generator working condition condition monitoring rack rack valve and
generator drain valve after CO2 purity is qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (4).
Open the leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve valve and drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (5).
Open the leakage detector drain valve and close leakage leakage detector valve valve and drain valve valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (6).
Open the leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve valve and drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (7).
Open the leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve valve and drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open hydrogen-to-hydrogen hydrogen-to-hydrogen purity instrument instrument valve and close it after CO2 purity is qualified. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 177 of 197
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Open hydrogen-to-hydrogen hydrogen-to-hydrogen hygrograph hygrograph valve. Open hydrogen hygrograph valve valve inlet hand
valve and hydrogen hygrograph valve drain hand valve.
Open hydrogen drain valve. Close hydrogen hygrograph hygrograph valve inlet inlet and drain hand valve after
CO2 purity is qualified.
Open hydrogen – toto- hydrogen dryer valve. Close hydrogen hygrograph valve inlet and drain hand
valve after CO2 purity is qualified.
Close hydrogen-to-hydrogen hydrogen-to-hydrogen hygrograph valve.
When the CO2 purity in the generator generator reaches reaches 95% and above, close the main valve valve of CO2 tank
supply CO2 pipe and main CO2 supply gate. 6.16.3
Replace CO2 in generator by H2
Check and close the inlet valve valve and air return valve valve of hydrogen hydrogen purity instrument.
Disconnect the H2 purity meter, meter, and deliver power when the H2 purity in generator reaches 90%
and above.
Confirm that that house-use compressed air air to hydrogen hydrogen pipe hand hand valve is closed tightly.
Confirm that the CO2 purity in generator reaches reaches 95% and above above and the inner pressure is about
Contact hydrogen generation station to supply hydrogen.
Open the main gate gate of hydrogen generation station to hydrogen protopipe. protopipe.
Open the front stop valve and rear stop valve of hydrogen pressure pressure regulating valve.
Open the main valve of hydrogen hydrogen supply pipe.
Check and and confirm that hydrogen replacement replacement valve is closed tightly. tightly.
Regulate the hydrogen hydrogen pressure regulating regulating valve to make hydrogen supply supply protopipe pressure pressure
higher than 50Pa. 2
Open CO replacement valve.
Open and regulate regulate gas replacement replacement exhaust main valve to keep the inner pressure pressure of generation to
50kPa; pay attention to sealing oil.
Differential Differential pressure regulating valve valve is in normal operation and make sealing oil pressure pressure higher
than inner pressure 80kPa. 2
When the H purity in generator is above 90%, open leakage detector valve (1).
Open the leakage leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve and drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (2).
Open the leakage leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage leakage detector valve valve and drain valve valve after
sampling is tested qualified. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 178 of 197
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Open the leakage detector valve (3).
Open the leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve valve and drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (4).
Open the leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve valve and drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (5).
Open the leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve valve and drain valve valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (6).
Open the leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve valve and drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (7).
Open the leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve valve and drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the monitor rack valve valve of generator generator working working conditions. conditions.
Open generator generator exhaust valve and close close it when H purity is qualified.
After H2 purity is qualified, open the hydrogen-to-hydrogen hydrogen-to-hydrogen purity instrument valve. valve.
Open hydrogen-to-hydrogen hydrogen-to-hydrogen hygrograph hygrograph valve. Open hydrogen hygrograph hygrograph valve inlet and
exhaust hand valve.
Open hydrogen hydrogen exhaust exhaust valve valve and close it after H2 purity is qualified.
Open hydrogen – toto- hydrogen dryer valve. Close hydrogen hygrograph valve inlet and exhaust
hand valve after CO2 purity is qualified.
When the H purity in generator reaches 96% and above, close CO replacement valve and gas
replacement exhaust main valve. Replacement is over. 6.16.4
Putting into operation of hydrogen cooler
Water discharge discharge valve of inlet and outlet pipe of cooler;
Slowly open the inlet valve valve of hydrogen cooler and close close the air relief when water is seen in the air air
discharging pipe.
Open the outlet valve of hydrogen cooler;
Open the front front and rear rear isolating valve valve of hydrogen hydrogen temperature temperature regulating valve and close close bypass
valve to put the hydrogen cooler temperature regulating valve into “automatic”. 6.16.5
Hydrogen cooling system monitoring during generator operation When generator is operating normally, normally, the hydrogen pressure in the generator shall be kept at Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 179 of 197
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500kPa (local control panel indicator). It will give an alarm when it is higher than 520kPa or lower than 480 kPa. When the hydrogen pressure is too high, open the exhaust valve to exhaust some hydrogen and reduce the pressure to normal value. Inner hydrogen pressure of generator must be higher than stator cooling water pressure. When hydrogen pressure is lower than 480 kPa (DCS indicator), charge hydrogen to generator and the maximum hydrogen charge quantity is 19m /day. Conduct leakage test if it exceeds this limit value.
When generator generator is operating, operating, the minimum value value of H2 purity purity shall be 95% and dew point
temperature shall be 0 ℃. If purity or humidity is not qualified, drain the dirt and charge hydrogen to generator so as to improve purity and reduce humidity.
During generator’s normal operation, H2 moisture removal device shall be put into operation. into operation.
During generator’s normal operation, to make hydrogen cooling system operate in good condition,
the sealing oil system must be kept operating normally. normally.
For generator’s generator’s normal operation, all the hydrogen coolers shall be put into operation. operation. If one set of
hydrogen cooler quits operating, generator load shall be limited to 80% of rated load.
During normal operation, the generator generator hydrogen inlet temperature must be lower than stator
cooling water inlet temperature. All the four temperature measuring points of hydrogen cooler outlet shall be lower than generator stator cooling water inlet temperature.
When one of the four measuring measuring points of hydrogen cooler cooler outlet temperature temperature has big deviation
from the average value of the other three points, contact service for handling timely.
If any measuring measuring point of generator generator hydrogen hydrogen cooler outlet temperature temperature is higher higher tha generator
stator cooling water inlet temperature, check and regulate hydrogen temperature or stator cooling water temperature to normal range. If it is caused by incorrect measuring indication, contact service for handling timely. 6.16.6
Replace H2 in generator by CO2
Close the compressed air isolating valve to generator generator..
Close the main valve valve from hydrogen generation generation station station to hydrogen protopipe.
Close the main steam supply valve valve of hydrogen cylinder. cylinder.
Close the front stop valve of hydrogen hydrogen pressure regulating regulating valve, rear rear stop valve of hydrogen
pressure regulating valve valve and bypass valve valve of hydrogen pressure pressure regulating valve. valve.
Close the main valve of hydrogen supply pipe.
Open hydrogen replacement valve.
Close CO2 replacement replacement valve.
Open the main door of CO2 supply. supply.
Open the the main main valve valve of CO2 tank supply CO2 pipe.
Open and regulate regulate the main air vent valve of gas replacement and keep keep the inner pressure pressure
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between 40~50kPa; meanwhile, pay attention that the sealing oil pressure shall be higher than inner pressure 80kPa.
When generator’s enerator’s inner CO2 purity is higher than 90%, open the leakage detector valve(1). valve(1).
Open the leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage leakage detector valve valve and drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (2).
Open the leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve valve and drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (3).
Open the leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve valve and drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the monitor rack valve valve of generator generator working working conditions. conditions.
Open exhaust valve of generator and close the monitor monitor rack valve of generator generator working
conditions and exhaust valve of generator after sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (4).
Open the leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve valve and drain valve valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (5).
Open the leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve valve and drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (6).
Open the leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve valve and drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (7).
Open the leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve valve and drain valve valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open hydrogen-to-hydrogen hydrogen-to-hydrogen purity instrument instrument valve and close it after CO2 purity is qualified.
Open hydrogen-to-hydrogen hydrogen-to-hydrogen hygrograph hygrograph valve. Open hydrogen hygrograph valve inlet hand
valve and hydrogen hygrograph valve drain hand valve.
Open hydrogen drain valve. Close hydrogen hygrograph hygrograph valve inlet inlet and drain hand valve after
CO2 purity is qualified.
Open hydrogen – toto- hydrogen dryer valve. Close hydrogen hygrograph valve inlet and drain hand
valve after CO2 purity is qualified.
Close hydrogen-to-hydrogen hydrogen-to-hydrogen hygrograph valve. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 181 of 197
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When the CO2 purity in the generator generator reaches reaches 95% and above, close the main valve valve of CO2 CO2 tank
supply CO2 pipe and main CO2 supply gate. 6.16.7
CO2 Replacement of generator generator CO2 by compressed air
Check and close close the main door of hydrogen hydrogen production station station to hydrogen protopipe, main door
of hydrogen cylinder steam supply and front and rear stop valve of hydrogen pressure regulating valve as well as bypass valve of hydrogen pressure regulating valve.
Open the drain valve valve of plant-use compressed compressed air to generator replacement-use replacement-use protopipe and close
it after water is drained.
Check and close close hydrogen replacement valve, valve, main CO2 supply gate and main valve of CO2 tank
supply CO2 pipe.
Open CO2 replacement valve.
Open the main valve of hydrogen hydrogen supply pipe.
Open and regulate regulate the main main air vent valve of gas gas replacement and keep the inner pressure between
40~50kPa; meanwhile, pay attention that the sealing oil pressure shall be higher than the inner pressure 80kPa.
Open the the isolating valve to generator generator compressed compressed air. air.
Open the leakage detector valve (1).
Open the leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve valve and drain drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (2).
Open the leakage leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve and drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (3).
Open the leakage leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve valve and drain valve valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (4).
Open the leakage leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve and drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (5).
Open the leakage leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve and drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the leakage detector valve (6).
Open the leakage leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve and drain valve valve after
sampling is tested qualified. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 182 of 197
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Open the leakage detector valve (7).
Open the leakage detector drain drain valve and close leakage detector valve valve and drain valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open the monitor rack valve valve of generator generator working working conditions. conditions.
Open exhaust valve of generator and close the monitor monitor rack valve of generator generator working
conditions and exhaust valve of generator. generator.
Open hydrogen-to-hydrogen hydrogen-to-hydrogen purity instrument valve and close it after sampling is tested
Open hydrogen-to-hydrogen hydrogen-to-hydrogen hygrograph hygrograph valve. Open hydrogen hygrograph valve inlet hand
valve and hydrogen hygrograph valve drain hand valve.
Open hydrogen drain valve. Close hydrogen hygrograph hygrograph valve inlet inlet and drain hand valve after
sampling is tested qualified.
Open hydrogen – toto- hydrogen dryer valve. Close hydrogen hygrograph valve inlet and drain hand
valve after sampling is tested qualified.
Close hydrogen-to-hydrogen hydrogen-to-hydrogen hygrograph valve.
When the CO2 purity in the generator generator is less than 5%, close the main main valve of hydrogen supply supply
pipe, CO2 replacement replacement valve and isolating valve valve to generator compressed compressed air. air. 6.16.8
Close the main exhaust valve of gas replacement. replacement.
Emergent hydrogen discharging operation
Close the front, rear stop valve and bypass valve of hydrogen pressure pressure regulating valve.
Open hydrogen replacement valve.
Open the main exhaust valve of gas replacement. replacement.
Reduce the H2 pressure pressure in generator to 50kPa. 50kPa. Pay attention attention that the sealing oil differential differential
pressure regulating valve is in normal operation; keep the sealing oil pressure higher than inner pressure 80Kpa.
Open main main CO2 supply valve valve and main valve valve of CO2 supply by CO2 tank.
Open all branch branch valves of CO2 cylinder and charge charge CO2 to to inner generator generator to replace H2 till it is
qualified. 6.17
Putting into operation and shutdown shutdown of generator stator cooling water water system
Check before before stator cooling cooling water water system is put into operation operation
System interlock interlock test is qualified and stator water system system valve position is correct. correct.
After the stator stator cooling water water tank water water filling is tested qualified, open open the water water filling valve valve
water tank to fill water.
Closed cooling water system has been put into into operation. operation. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 183 of 197
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Control power supply , dynamic power has been delivered; delivered; instrument and alarming device device have
been put into operation.
Confirm that that generator hydrogen system and sealing oil system are operating normally. normally.
Confirm that hydrogen hydrogen pressure in inner generator has reached reached 0.2Mpa. 0.2Mpa.
Water injection to stator water system The water in the system shall be drained before before stator water system is injected with water. water.
(1) Stator water system is injected and flows through ionizer normally with flow 25~40L /min. (2) Confirm that front pipeline water circulation of ionizer has been washed cleanly and the water quality in the pipeline is qualified; open the front hand valve of solenoid valve. (3) Prepare the replacement of ionizer and fill water to stator water tank; start condensate pump. (4) Open inlet hand valve of ionizer. (5) Close the stator water return valve and inject water to stator water system by water feeding solenoid valve. (6) The inlet pressure of water feeding shall be 0.36Mpa and the allowed maximum water inlet temperature shall be 50 ℃. (7) When the water level in water tank is fed to normal level, solenoid valve will close automatically. automatically. (8) Open the air gate on stator water tank, cooler and pipeline, exhaust the air and then close it. 6.17.3
Start of stator cooling water pump Chemical stator stator cooling water quality shall be qualified and water water level in cooling water water tank shall
be normal.
Open stator cooling water pump and slowly open the outlet valve; check whether vibration, vibration, sound
and all bearing temperature are normal.
Check and confirm confirm that outlet pressure pressure is normal. Close vent valve valve when water is seen in ion
exchanger vent valve; regulate the recirculation valve to make generator stator inlet pressure about 320kPa (onsite indication). Regulate water tank water feeding valve to make water level normal and regulate ion exchanger flow to 25~40L /min.
After system system is operating operating normally, normally, put another stator cooling water pump pump into standby operation.
Put stator stator water water cooler cooling water into operation.
Shutdown of stator cooling water pump
Relieve the interlocking interlocking of standby standby stator water water cooling cooling water water pump. pump.
Stop operating stator water cooling water pump.
If stator water cooling pump pump is stopped for overhaul, disconnect the dynamic dynamic power, power, close inlet and and
outlet valve of pump to eliminate pressure and drain water. water. 6.17.5
Switchover of stator cooling water pump
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Check and confirm confirm that the oil level of standby stator cooling water water pump bearing bearing oil cup is
normal and oil quality is good.
Start standby pump and make make full full inspection inspection to pump. pump.
Check and and confirm that stator cooling water water protopipe pressure is normal.
Stop the originally operating stator cooling water water pump.
Put the originally operating pump into standby. standby.
Monitoring items of stator water system operation:
Water level and temperature temperature of stator stator water water tank. tank.
Inlet and outlet outlet pressure, pressure, current current of stator water pump.
Stator water water pump motor motor and pump bearing oil level, bearing bearing temperature, temperature, vibration and and sound,
Inlet and outlet pressure of stator water cooler cooler outlet strainer and pressure difference. difference.
Inlet and and outlet pressure difference difference of generator generator stator cooling water water..
Inlet flow of stator cooling water. water.
Electrical conductivity of stator stator cooling cooling water water is 0.5-1.5 0.5-1.5 S/cm.
Electrical conductivity of ionizer ionizer outlet stator is 0.1-0.4 0.1-0.4 S/cm.
Inlet and outlet pressure of ionizer. ionizer.
Putting into into operation operation and and shutdown shutdown of circulating circulating water system
Check and preparation before putting into operation Check and confirm that all equipment, equipment, pipelines of circulating water system system are in good condition;
overhaul is finished; manhole valve is closed and work ticket has been terminated.
Check and confirm confirm that circulating circulating water system valve has been in normal normal state before start
according to the valve checking card.
Confirm that circulating water system protection and interlocking test are in good condition with
normal alarm; all thermal meters are in good indication; current meter and butterfly valve indicator light is correct.
Open the inlet and outlet valve valve of condenser condenser circulating water and air air vent valve valve of water chamber. chamber.
Confirm that the main water supply supply valve from from industrial water water to circulating circulating pump, front and and rear
isolating valve of water supply reducing valve, isolating valve from industrial water to circulating cooling/ lubricating water are opened; the isolating valve from industrial water to bearing cooler cooling water on circulating pump motor is opened.
Confirm that the circulating pump bearing cooling/lubricating water solenoid valve is opened;
check and confirm that circulating pump bearing cooling/lubricating water pressure is 0.35MPa; confirm that bearing cooler cooling water solenoid valve on circulating pump motor is opened and motor bearing cooling Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 185 of 197
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water pressure is normal.
Confirm that front and rear rear isolating valves valves from industrial water to circulating pump pump bearing
cooling/lubricating strainer and bearing cooler cooling water strainer on motor are opened on the site.
Confirm that bypass valve from from industrial water to circulating circulating pump bearing bearing cooling/lubricating cooling/lubricating
strainer and bearing cooler cooling water strainer on motor are opened on the site.
Check and and confirm that oil level of motor bearing is normal.
Open the front and rear pressure pressure meter meter gate of circulating pump cooling/ lubricating water water strain.
Dynamic power and control power supply of circulating water water pump outlet outlet butterfly valve have
been delivered.
Check and confirm that that the oil level of circulating water water pump outlet butterfly valve is normal. normal.
Set the butterfly control mode switch of local butterfly valve control panel to “linkage”.
Check the “local/remote” changeover switch of circulating pump local control cabinet and turn it
to “remote” position; confirm that all indicators shall indicate correctly. correctly.
Check and confirm that DCS picture circulating pump pump control power supply is normal without without
alarm signal; all equipment’s state indication is correct. 6.18.2
Water filling start of circulating circulating water pump:
Check and confirm confirm that circulating water pump cooling water/ water/ lubricating water, water, motor motor cooling
water flow, motor bearing oil lever are normal.
Check and confirm that the oil level and oil pressure of circulating water pump butterfly valve oil
pump station are normal. normal.
Check and confirm that the manual isolating valve of circulating water water pump packing automatic automatic
air-relief is opened; after the circulating water pump is started for operation, check and confirm that the automatic air relief of packing shall exhaust air normally. normally.
Relieve the the interlocking interlocking of standby circulating water water pump outlet butterfly butterfly valve.
Open the circulating circulating water pump outlet liquid control butterfly valve on DCS; when the light
“open 20°”is on, press the “stop” button and circulating water system will fill water. water.
Press the “start” button of circulating circ ulating water pump on DCS picture; check and confirm that
circulating water pump current is normal; confirm that circulating motor vibration, bearing temperature and motor winding temperature are normal; Keep butterfly valve opening and fill water to system.
After the air in condenser condenser water chamber chamber is exhausted, close close the water-side water-side air vent valve of
Open the circulating circulating pump outlet liquid control control butterfly valve fully and put the outlet butterfly
valve into interlocking.
Check and confirm that that the circulating circulating pump lubricating lubricating water booster pump is started normally; normally;
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lubricating water has been turn to circulating water supply and pressure and flow are normal.
Open the isolating isolating valve from circulating circulating water pump to motor cooler and confirm that that cooling
water pressure is normal.
After confirming confirming that circulating circulating water protopipe pressure is normal, turn the standby pump
switch to “standby” position. 6.18.3
Normal start of circulating water pump: Check and confirm confirm that circulating circulating water pump cooling water/ water/ lubricating water, water, motor cooling
water flow, flow, motor bearing oil lever are normal.
Check and confirm confirm that the oil level of circulating water pump outlet butterfly butterfly valve oil pump pump
station is normal.
Turn control control mode changeover changeover switch on circulating circulating pump outlet butterfly butterfly valve local control control
cabinet to “remote” position to put outlet butterfly valve into interlocking.
Start circulating circulating pump on DCS; check and and confirm that circulating pump pump outlet butterfly valve
linkage is full open.
Check and confirm that current, outlet pressure pressure and vibration vibration of circulating water pump are
Check and confirm confirm that circulating pump lubricating lubricating water booster pump is started normally; normally;
lubricating water has been turn to circulating water supply and pressure and flow are normal.
Open the isolating valve valve from circulating water pump pump to motor cooler. cooler.
Check and confirm that circulating water water pump bearing cooling/lubricating cooling/lubricating water, water, motor cooling
water pressure are normal. 6.18.4
Normal shutdown of circulating water pump Change the motor motor cooler cooling cooling water of circulating pump that needs to be stopped and pump pump
bearing lubricating water to external industrial water supply from pump outlet; confirm that motor cooler cooling water and pump bearing lubricating water pressure and flow are normal.
Relieve the interlocking of standby pump and the outlet outlet butterfly valve that needs to be stopped.
Press the “Close” button of circulating pump outlet butterfly valve that needs to be stopped and
confirm that outlet butterfly valve has started closing.
When the outlet butterfly valve is closed to 70°, the circulating pump pump will trip automatically. automatically.
Confirm that outlet butterfly valve valve is closed continuously continuously to full close. close.
Press the “Stop” button of the circulating ci rculating pump that has been stopped to reset.
Confirm that the state indication indication of pump and valve is correct. correct.
Emergent stop of circulating water pump Press the circulating pump accident button. Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 187 of 197
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Circulating pump pump trips, red light is off and green light will will is on.
Simultaneously, Simultaneously, outlet butterfly butterfly valve of circulating pump is closed rapidly and automatically. automatically.
Close the isolating valve valve from circulating water water pump to motor cooler cooler cooling water. water.
Check and maintenance and precautions during during circulating circulating water water pump operation:
Under the condition that water filling filling is started, started, the outlet butterfly valve of circulating pump pump shall
be started prior that water pump; when butterfly valve is opened to 15%~20%, circulating pump s hall start; under normal normal start, water pump and butterfly valve are allowed to start at the same time, but it’s required that butterfly valve shall be full open in 20s. If the outlet butterfly valve is not opened 30s after water pump is started, circulating pump will trip in linkage.
Monitor the circulating pump motor current and and confirm confirm that it is normal. normal.
During water filling start-up process, pay attention to monitor the vibration vibration and opening of of
circulating pump outlet butterfly valve.
Check and confirm confirm that circulating circulating pump is in correct rotating rotating direction without friction and
vibration is normal.
Check and confirm that circulating circulating pump packing shall have little leakage. leakage.
Check the circulating circulating pump cooling/lubricating water water pressure and confirm that motor cooling
water pressure shall be normal with low alarm when there is no flow; or els e, open the bypass valve, close the inlet and outlet valve of strainer and contact service to clean strainer.
Monitor the switching time time and stroke of circulating pump outlet butterfly butterfly valve.
Monitor and confirm that the outlet pressure pressure of operating circulating water water pump shall be larger larger
than 0.2MPa (single pump).
Check and confirm confirm that the system is free free of leakage. Check and confirm confirm that all all bearing temperature temperature and motor motor winding temperature temperature of circulating circulating
pump are normal. normal.
If it has been shut down for for a long time, time, it shall be injected with lubricating lubricating water for 10 min once
every week.
Check and confirm that that the oil pressure pressure of butterfly valve valve station is normal. Oil level shall be 1/2
above oil level gauge and oil temperature shall be <60 ℃.
The upper bearing oil level of circulating water water pump motor shall be on the middle position of
visual window; fill oil from top petrol tank when oil level is low. low.
For initial start, rubber guide bearing bearing shall be washed by water water for over over 20min.
When stopping the pump, close the outlet butterfly butterfly valve first and then stop the pump; pump; meanwhile
pay close attention to the butterfly valve events events to prevent circulating water water pump from reversing. reversing.
After accident accident pump shutdown shutdown occurs, close close the outlet valve immediately immediately to prevent circulating
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water system from impacting.
Keep close water water over the outlet pressure of circulating water water pump, inlet and outlet pressure of
condenser circulating water to avoid the insufficient output of circulating water pump, which will cause the rise of turbine-exit temperature of condenser and dropping of vacuum.
Before circulating circulating water pump is started, first start the trash trash remover for operation and and it shall not
be stopped until circulating circulating water pump is operating operating normally. normally.
Pay attention to the front and rear water level of circulating circulating water pump trash remover; remover; when the
difference is major, major, start the trash remover timely to clean sundries.
After the circulating circulating water pump motor is changed changed from high speed to low speed, speed, confirm that
motor differential protection has been removed before it is started; after the circulating water pump motor is changed from low speed to high speed, confirm that motor differential protection has been put into operation before it is started. 6.19
Operating instruction on rubber ball washing
This rubber ball system has three working working modes: 1. manual, 2. automatic, automatic, 3, timing.
Preparation before operation:
(1) Rubber ball shall absorb water fully; when necessary, pinch the rubber ball to exhaust the air in the rubber ball; the rubber ball shall be pinched under water and then loosen gently. gently. (2) Put the water -absorbed rubber ball into ball collector, open the manual ball valve of ball screen to exhaust air. 6.19.3
Putting into operation and shutdown of rubber ball
(1) Under manual mode, all the operations are completed by the toggle switch on control panel: Close the power switches of “main switch” of control cabinet, “ball screen”, “rubber ball recirculating pump”, “runner of ball ball collector” and “electrically “electrically operated operated valve”. Turn the “ball screen” toggle switch on control panel to “off”, and indicator light of “ball screen is off” will start flickering; after ball collector is closed in place, the indicator light of “ball screen is off” will be normally on. Turn the “rubber ball recirculating pump” toggle switch on control panel to “start” (or “2” at the right side), check and confirm that rubber ball recirculating pump is starting normally. normally. Turn the “electrically operated valve” toggle switch on control panel to “on”, and indicator light of “electrically operated valve is on” will start flickering; after electrically operated valve is opened in place, the indicator indicator light of “electrically operated valve is on” will be normally on. Open the air vent valve on ball collector to exhaust the air. Operate it for about 10 min to let rubber ball absorb water fully. Turn the “runner” toggle switch on control panel to “on”, and indicator light of “runner is on” will start Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 189 of 197
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flickering; after runner is opened in place, the indicator light of “runner is on” will be normally on and cleaning will start. Cleaning time is generally 3-4hours and then balls are collected. Turn the the “runner” toggle switch on control panel to “off”, and indicator light of “runner is off” will start flickering; after runner is closed in place, the indicator light of “runner is off” will be normally on, then turn the “runner” toggle switch to “stop” to collect to collect balls. The ball collecting time is generally 2-4 hours. When it’s time for collecting balls, turn the “electrically operated valve” toggle switch on control panel to “off”, and indicator light of “electrically operated valve is off” will start fli ckering; after electrically operated valve is closed in place, the indicator light of “electrically operated operated valve is off” will be normally on, after that, turn the “electrically operated valve” toggle switch on control panel to “stop”. Turn the “rubber ball recirculating pump” toggle switch on control panel to “stop” or (“1” at the left side), check and confirm that rubber ball recirculating pump has stopped operating. Turn the “ball screen” toggle switch on control panel to “on” and indicator light of “ball screen is on” will start flickering; after ball collector is closed in place, the indicator light of “ball screen is off” will be normally on. Open the power switches of “main switch” of control cabinet, “ball screen”, “rubber ball recirculating pump”, “ball collector” collector” and “electrically “electrically operated valve”. valve”. (2) Automatic mode: Under automatic mode, turn the start resetting button on control panel to “start” to give a start signal to DLC, the system will start automatic operation for one cycle. After that, the system will wait for next start signal. Return it to original state (ball screen is opened in place, electrically operated valve and ball collector runner are closed in place). Turn the “ball screen” toggle switch on control panel to “off”, and indicator light of “ball screen is off” will start flickering; after ball collector is closed in place, the indicator light of “ball screen is off” will be normally on. Turn the “rubber ball recirculating pump” toggle switch on control panel to “start” (or “2” at the right side), check and confirm that rubber ball recirculating pump is starting normally. normally. Turn the “electrically operated valve” toggle switch on control panel to “on”, and indicator light of “electrically operated operated valve is on” will start flickering; flickering ; after electrically operated valve is opened in place, the indicator light of “electrically operated valve is on” will be normally on. Open the air vent valve on ball collector to exhaust the air. Operate it for about 10 min to let rubber ball absorb water fully. Turn the “runner” toggle switch on control panel to “on”, and indicator light of “runner is on” will start Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 190 of 197
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flickering; after runner is opened in place, the indicator light of “runner is on” will be normally on and cleaning will start. Cleaning time is generally 3-4hours and then balls are collected. Turn the “runner” toggle switch on control panel to “off”, and indicator light of “runner is off” will start flickering; after runner is closed in place, the indicator light of “runner is off” will be normally on, then turn the “runner” toggle switch to “stop” to collect balls. The ball collecting time is generally 2-4 2 -4 hours. When it’s time for collecting balls, turn the “electrically operated valve” toggle switch on control panel to “off”, and indicator light of “electrically operated valve is off” will start flickering; after electrically operated valve is closed in place, the indicator light of “electrically operated valve is off” will be normally on, after that, turn the “electrically operated valve” toggle switch on control panel to “stop”. Turn the “rubber ball recirculating pump” toggle switch on control panel to “stop” or (“1” at the left side), check and confirm that rubber ball recirculating pump has stopped operating. Turn the “ball screen” toggle toggle switch on control panel to “on” and indicator light of “ball screen is on” will start flickering; after ball collector is closed in place, the indicator light of “ball screen is off” will be normally on. Then wait for next start signal. (3) Timing mode When timing mode is started, that is, return to the original state ((ball screen is opened in place, electrically operated valve and ball collector runner are closed in place) and the operating steps are as follows: Turn the mode select switch to “3”→timing relay starts timing→close ball screen when time is up→start rubber ball recirculating pump→open electrically operated valve→delay for several seconds→open ball collector runner→cleaning time relay starts timing (start cleaning) →cleaning time is up→close up→cl ose ball collector runner→ball collecting timing relay starts timing (ball collecting starts) →ball collecting time is up→close electrically operated valve→stop rubber ball recirculating pump→open ball screen→operation is finished→timing relay restarts timing→go to next circulating cycle. 6.19.4
(1) Under manual manual mode, ball screen may collect balls in maximum, maximum, but back flushing flushing must
be opened
at regular intervals (usually about a week) to prevent ball collecting pipe from blocking by sundries. (2) During ball collecting and cleaning process, it’s prohibited to open ball screen so as to avoid misoperation to cause ball running.
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Attached: Comparison table of saturated vapor pressure temperature (by pressure) Pressure(MPa)
Temperature( ℃)
Temperature( ℃)
Temperature( ℃)
116.93 116.93
Critical 22.115
Critical 374.12
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Attached: Comparison table of atmospheric pressure, vacuum and corresponding saturation temperature ts
B 666
670 665 660
Steam Turbine Operation Manual Page 193 of 197