Tourism To urism Management System is a complete tourist tourist fully integrated tourism web site. The web site covers all the areas areas required for an including tourism, This project is developed to manage the tourist tourist in the tourism tourism managem management ent web site. site. The main main modul modulee in this project project are are login, tourist management, complaints and reports.
INRODUCTION The objective of the project is to develop a system that automates the processes and activities of a travel and. The purpose is to design a system using which one can perform all operations related to traveling.
EXISTING SYSTEM In the present system a customer has to approach various agencies to find details of places and to boo ticets. This often requires a lot of time and effort. ! customer may not get the desired information from these offices and often the customer may be misguided. It is tedious for a customer to plan a particular journey and have it e"ecuted properly.
PROPOSED SYSTEM The proposed system is a web based application and maintains a centrali#ed repository of all related information. The system allows one to easily access the relevant information and mae necessary travel arrangements. $sers can decide about places they want to visit and mae booings online for travel and accommodation.
PROJECT MODULES The system is proposed to have the following modules& !dministrator module, travels module, routes module, reservations module and Testimonials module. ADMINISTRATOR MODULE
This module provides administrator related functionality. !dministrator manages all information and has access rights to add, delete, edit and view the data related to places, travels, routes, booings, etc. TRAVELS MODULE
This module provides the details of various travel agencies. ! user can select the appropriate agency depending on convenience and accessibility.
ROUTES MODULE This module provides information related to various routes connecting sources and destinations. 'or each route, information such as source, destination, fare, reservation details, pic up points etc are provides. (nly administrator can add, delete, edit and manage the data. $sers can only view the information.
RESERVATIONS MODULE This module provides functionalities that allow a user to boo ticets or cancel previously booed ticets. The module maintains the details of all reservations made so far and allows administrator to either confirm or reject the booings.
TESTIMONIALS MODULE $sers of this application can post their opinions, complaints and suggestions regarding this portal and services to the administrator. !ccordingly, the administrator can tae various steps to act on the complaints and suggestions.
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Concl usi on 3overnments and the tourism industry have an unprecedented opportunity, particularly through support of the ::TM, to e"ercise policy leadership in pursuing a common vision for tourism in :anada. The ational Tourism Strategy provides a foundation for a longB term, coordinated approach to sustainable growth of the tourism sector. /y woring collaboratively, public and private sector tourism staeholders can continue building an internationally competitive tourism sector for :anada and its future generations.
Re f e r e n c e:
We b s i t e :
1C https&DDwww.tourismtiger.comD %C https&DDwww.projectsforeveryone.comDasp.netBprojectsBforBbcaBbtech )C https&DDwww.google.co.inDwebhpEsourceidFchromeB instant5ionF15espvF%5ieF$T'B @GqFHtourismHwebsiteHprojectHreferenceH