Information in this document is su!ect to change "ithout notice. #o $art of this document may e re$roduced or transmitted in any form or y any means% &lectronic or mechanical% for any $ur$ose% "ithout the e'$ress "ritten $ermission of (&)*+ ,oldings #-.
o$yright 2002/200 (&)*+ ,oldings #-. ll rights resered
*PORT'NT RE+E',E NFOR*'TON This section outlines new features in TOCF Enterprise Eition R1! an contains important information for upgraing clients. "f #ou are upgraing from an earlier release of TOCF$EE%& please rea an unerstan all the release information etails for each release 'efore starting the installation. Prior to R()& T24 use the Temenos Connector *er+er $TC*% to host the Temenos Open Connecti+it# Framewor, $TOCF%. This framewor, inclues aapters& listeners& plugins& formatters& connection pooling& an securit#. From R()& T24 can now le+erage the application ser+er features for connection pooling& securit#& an eplo#ment of the (* listeners% $lugins% and formatters.
(*<&&= offers many $erformance% de$loyment and security adantages oer (* <( +erer=.
Release i.&li.&ts (his section $roides an oerie" of ne" (* com$onents and adice regarding any com$onents "hich hae een re$laced or de$recated. Please refer to the system re6uirements section for further details.
Release Nmer ,tandardisation In the $ast release numers for (*% !>+&% (24>ro"ser% and (24 all had different formats% maing it harder for the user to insure that com$atile com$onents "ere installed. rom R09 all com$onents for (24 use a standardised com$onent numering starting "ith the $roduct ersion. rom R11% the (*<&&= com$onent has een aligned "ith the other technology $roducts and introduced 4 digits into the release ? ersion. 8ue to this it "ill e mandatory to install the ne" R1 ersions of each com$onent. urther details can e seen elo".
Component /pdates rom R09% a ne" u$date $rocess "as introduced that gae a client the aility to find and a$$ly @u$gradesA on a com$onent asis. (his means it is no" $ossile for changes to e isolated and deliered "ith fe"er fi'es and for s$ecific com$onents. (he (*<&&= com$onent is not aailale as a (24 5$date. 5$dates are aailale for the de$endent com$onents "ithin (24. +ee the section of this document entitled &rror: Reference source not found.
,ystem Re0irements T'FC ase2a.ent (he !aseagent is the e'ecutale $rocess that listens for socet connection from the ( R and allo"s a remote client to call (24 suroutines. (his is the $rocess you "ill see running on the (24 serer B there "ill e one listener $rocess $lus one $rocess for each connection in the $$lication +erer connection $ool.
3EE compliant 'pplication ,erver (he follo"ing tale sho"s the recommended a$$lication serers designed to run TOCF(EE): 'rc&ive
(*<&&= rchie: (*<&&=R1.0.0.3.Di$
Plat4orm Supported application servers:
!>oss &P .'
3ava 3RE lirary (he follo"ing tale sho"s the minimum ersion of the Jaa Runtime &nironment
JR& 1.7
rchie: (*<&&=R1.0.0.3.Di$
5isk ,pace Re0irements >efore u$grading your (* <&&= installation $ lease ensure #ou ha+e sufficient is, space a+aila'le.
Page 4 of 8
Release Notes
N,T'++'TON OF TE ,OFT'RE Transfer the archi+es to the target machine.
/p.radin. TOCF(EE) If you hae an earlier ersion of (*<&&= installed you should 1. +ae any system configuration files efore $roceeding "ith the installation of the (*<&&= com$onents. Pay $articular attention to the follo"ing: (*$lugin/ra.rar B tcserer.'ml (*istener/e!.!ar B e!/!ar.'ml +ae any other de$loyment descri$tors or configuration files "hich might hae een modified. $$ly these changes to the de$loyment descri$tors and configuration files "hich are located inside the ne" toc4ee#ear archie. 2. 5ninstall the e'isting (*<&&= com$onents /
tocf(24ra/ra.rar < T24 Resource Adapter = or !remote/ra.rar in case of (*<&&= ersions $rior to R10.1.1
*n elogic% if necessary remoe the T24 RA client libraries from the domainAs shared lirary directory: /
(o uninstall enter$rise com$onents in J>oss you should sto$ the a$$lication serer and remoe the artifacts from the de$loy directory.
3. Install the ne" (*<&&= com$onents: /
4. Restart the a$$lication serer.
Page of 8
Release Notes
Patc&es incorporated in TOCF(EE) R16#$#$#% (his release contains the follo"ing $atches in addition to those aailale in $reious releases: RTC178%99: sse Resolved!
*n trying to u$load a document to the dataase "ith R1 (*&& the elo" error is raised. H5nale to u$load file
(he fi' $roides the serice locator and $ro$er communication $rotocol in (*&& et"een client a$$lication and a$$lication serer "hich hel$s in u$loading an image to a dataase. RTC9$9%:7< sse Resolved!
Image )anagement / an store only in one ty$e of tale. Natre o4 4i; :
(he fi' $roides the images to get u$loaded to its $ro$er tale in the dataase. (hough if there is t"o different image ty$es "ith location as different tales are used to u$load the images.