Choo Choose se the the cor corrrect ect com compa para rati tie e or s!per" s!per"at ati ie e #or #orm m i$ i$ eac each h se$ se$te te$c $ce. e.
%. A&e is is '$icer( '$icer( $icest $icest)) tha$ tha$ his #rie$* Ha". +. Mar, seems seems to &e 'hea"thier( 'hea"thier( hea"thiest) hea"thiest) tha$ Rami". Rami". -. The moie moie as m!ch m!ch 'orse( 'orse( orst) orst) tha$ tha$ e ere ere to"*. to"*. /. Caro"0$ Caro"0$ is the the '0o!$1er( '0o!$1er( 0o!$1est 0o!$1est)) o# the #o!r #o!r *a!1hters *a!1hters.. 2. 3hich o# o# the to to campsit campsites es is '#arthe '#arther( r( #arthest #arthest)4 )4 5. 6im7s p"a$ p"a$ is 'more 'more ia&"e( ia&"e( most ia&"e) ia&"e) tha$ tha$ a07s a07s p"a$. 9. Lai"a$ie Lai"a$ie is 'more 'more &ea!ti#! &ea!ti#!"( "( most &ea!ti# &ea!ti#!") !") 1ir" 1ir" i$ o!r c"ass. c"ass. 8. E*1ar is the the '&etter( '&etter( &est) &est) p"a0er p"a0er o$ the &as,et&a &as,et&a"" "" team. team. :. The $oise i$ o!r c"assr c"assroom oom as '"o!*er( '"o!*er( "o!*est) "o!*est) tha$ tha$ the $oise i$ the c"assro c"assroom om $e;t to !s. %<.Car"a is c"ear"0 the '&ri1hter( &ri1htest) o# the ti$s. II. II.
I*e$ I*e$ti ti#0 #0 the the par pare$ e$th thet etic ica" a" phra phrase se i$ ea each ch se$t se$te$ e$ce ce..
%%.Sa$1 B!a0a &e"iee* Sa$1 a$ci"7s or*s( "eai$1 $o room #or *o!&t. %+.6a$ice sta0e* !p "ate( riti$1 her oratorica" piece. %-.="a$$i$1 their $e;t moe( Loe"0 a$* her h er #rie$*s met o!tsi*e the ca#eteria. %/.3hi"e re"a;i$1 i$ the &each( I tho!1ht o# eati$1 m0 #aorite mea". %2.I# 0o!( a$ e;perie$ce* che#( ha* tro!&"e( ho har* o!"* it &e #or me4 %5.>O# co!rse( I am a#rai* o# 0o!( &!t the ,i$1 a$ts me to *o somethi$1.? %9.At "o$1 "ast( the co$test is oer@ %8.I o$7t "et Sa$1 a$ci"( that tric,0 mo!se *eer( to cross this rier a1ai$@ %:.a#ash#eh# +<.6$s#cas#ha#$a III. III.
I*e$ti I*e$ti#0 #0 the the #o""o #o""oi$1 i$1 se$te se$te$ce $ces s accor* accor*i$1 i$1 to to str!ct! str!ct!re re.. 3rite 3rite S #or #or simp" simp"e( e( C #or #or compo compo!$*( !$*( CX #or comp"e; a$* CC #or compo!$*comp"e;.
+%.No$e o# m0 other chi"*re$ co!"* 1o to U$iersit0( &!t this o$e( she is er0 smart a$* i$te""i1e$t $o &oasti$1( ma*am her teachers rite >Goo*? a$* >E;ce""e$t?( a$* so o$( so o$( i$ her report car*s. ++.Si$1apore is a 1oo* p"ace #or trae" C!"t!ra" *iersit0 is ei*e$t. +-.Spri$1 ha* arrie* Foers &"oome* eer0here. +/.A"tho!1h the o"* photo1raph ha* #a*e* &a*"0( e co!"* see ma$0 *etai"s. +2.I receie* 0o!r "etter "ast ee,. I.
3HO CHOSE BEST4 B0 6!$e . Si$1er % O$ce there there as as a rich rich ma$ ho ha* ha* to so$s. so$s. O$e O$e *a0 he ca""e* ca""e* them to him. him. >I hae hae too m!ch "a$* to ta,e care o#. o#. I sha"" 1ie some to o$e o# 0o!. 3hich o$e o# 0o! is the iser4? + >I am(? am(? sai* sai* the the o o"* "*er er so$. so$. - >3e >3e sha"" see(? see(? sai* sai* the #ather #ather. >3e >3e are 1oi$1 1oi$1 o$ a trip. trip. Each o# 0o! 0o! m!st carr0 carr0 o$e &!$*"e.? &!$*"e.? / The o"*er o"*er so$ chose chose ith acre. acre. He pic, pic,e* e* !p a sma"" sma"" &!$*"e &!$*"e o# c"othes. c"othes. The 0o!$1er 0o!$1er so$ too, too, his time. He "oo,e* oer the &!$*"es that ere "e#t. At "ast he chose a &i1 &a1 o# #oo*. 2 >Ha@? >Ha@? sai* the the o"*er so$. so$. >o! >o! too, the the &i11est &i11est &!$*"e. &!$*"e. It is eas0 eas0 to see that that 0o! are $ot $ot er0 ise@? 5 >3e >3e sha"" sha"" see(? see(? sai* the #ather #ather a1ai$. a1ai$. The The three three set o o$ their their trip. trip. 9 Soo$ the0 the0 ate "!$ch. "!$ch. The0 too, too, &rea* &rea* a$* meat meat o!t o# the &i1 &i1 &!$*"e. &!$*"e. Later Later the0 ha* *i$$er *i$$er.. The0 too, o!t more #oo*. #oo*. 8 The $e;t $e;t *a0 the &i1 &i1 &a1 as as er0 "i1ht. "i1ht. The0 stoppe stoppe* * to eat a1ai$. a1ai$. No No the #oo* #oo* as 1o$e. 1o$e. The 0o!$1er so$ as carr0i$1 $othi$1 $othi$1 &!t a$ empt0 &a1@ : The o"*er o"*er so$ as tire* tire*.. He as sti"" sti"" carr0i$1 carr0i$1 the the sma"" &!$*"e. &!$*"e. >Oh( >Oh( hat a hea0 hea0 &!$*"e &!$*"e this is@? the o"*er so$ crie*. %< >No I ,$o hich so$ is the iser(? sai* the #ather. #ather. >o! >o! tho!1ht o$"0 o# ri1ht $o. $o. So 0o! too, a sma"" &!$*"e. B!t 0o!r &rother tho!1ht a&o!t the *a0s ahea*. He is m!ch iser tha$ 0o!. %% >I i"" i"" 1ie him him the "a$*.? "a$*.?
Choose the &est e$*i$1 #or each se$te$ce. +5.This stor0 shos that it is &est a. To thi$, o# hat7s ahea* &. to thi$, o$"0 o# ri1ht $o +9.The o"*er so$ chose his &!$*"e &eca!se a. it as "i1hter &. it as so#ter +8.The 0o!$1er so$ chose his &!$*"e &eca!se a. He ,$e that it as the &i11est &. he ,$e that it o!"* 1et "i1hter +:.The #ather rea""0 a$te* to J$* o!t a. 3hich so$ o!"* !se the "a$* i$ the &est a0 &. hich so$ o!"* &e s!re to !se the "a$* ri1ht aa0 -<.I# 0o! ha* to carr0 somethi$1 o$ a trip( 0o! o!"* &e ise i# 0o! chose a. A hea0 &ott"e o# *ri$,i$1 ater &. a "i1ht &!$*"e o# s"eepi$1 &a1s Ki$* the or* i$ the stor0 that &est Jts each mea$i$1 &e"o. 'A para1raph $!m&er te""s 0o! here to "oo,.) -%.=ac,a1e '-) -+.=ic,e* se"ecte* '/) --.$oi$1 c"eer '2)
-/. A$other time o$ce more '8) -2. I$ the #!t!re to come '%<)
THE SNAE CHARMER B0 6!$e . Si$1er I$ I$*ia there are me$ ca""e* s$a,e charmers. Come ith me to I$*ia. Ma0&e e ca$ J$* a s$a,e charmer. Ah( there o$e@ =eop"e are sta$*i$1 a"" aro!$* him. The0 are atchi$1 him. He is sitti$1 o$ the 1ro!$*. His "e1s are crosse*. I$ #ro$t o# him is a c"a0 ar. No the s$a,e charmer starts to p"a0 a pipe. Ca$ 0o! hear the m!sic he is p"a0i$14 3atch@ There7s a s$a,e@ It comes s"o"0 o!t o# the ar c"a0. It starts to moe. 3atch the s$a,e charmer. Do 0o! see ho he moes ith the m!sic4 Bac, a$* #orth. Bac, a$* #orth. A$* the s$a,es moe too. Bac, a$* #orth. Bac, a$* #orth. The s$a,e a$* the s$a,e charmer are moi$1 to1ether. Is the s$a,e "iste$i$1 to the m!sic4 o! ma0 thi$, that it is. Ma$0 peop"e *o. B!t the s$a,e charmer ,$os &etter. The s$a,e charmer ,$os that s$a,es ca$7t hear. The s$a,e is atchi$1 him. As he moes( the s$a,e moes too. Ee$ i# there ere $o m!sic( the s$a,e o!"* moe &ac, a$* #orth. The$ h0 *oes the s$a,e charmer p"a0 his pipe4 He p"a0s so that e i"" $otice him. M!sic ma,es a 1oo* sho ee$ &etter. Choose the &est e$*i$1 #or each se$te$ce. -5. The s$a,e charmer p"a0s his pipe so that a. peop"e i"" come to atch the s$a,e &. the s$a,e i"" *a$ce to the m!sic -9. The ma$ is ca""e* a s$a,e charmer &eca!se a. he seems to &e $ice to the s$a,e &. he seems to or, ma1ic o$ the s$a,e -8. A s$a,e ma0 come o!t o# its ar &eca!se a. it hears peop"e a",i$1 aro!$* a$* a$ts to see them &. it #e""s thi$1s moi$1 aro!$* it a$* a$ts to see them -:. I# the s$a,e charmer *i* $ot moe( the s$a,e o!"* most "i,e"0 a. sta0 sti"" &. moe &ac, a$* #orth a$0a0 /<. The s$a,e a$* the s$a,e charmer are most "i,e a. to peop"e *a$ci$1 to1ether &. o$e ma$ *a$ci$1 to a$other ma$7s m!sic Be"o are or*s. 3hich o$e &est Jts i$ each se$te$ce &e"o4 3rite the correct a$ser o$ the &"a$,s. S$a,e charmer ar pipe so$1 /%. S$a,e p"a0 m!sic to ma,e 1oo* sho. //. The moe &eca!se the s$a,e charmer moe. /+. The0 &"o to ma,e m!sic /2. S$a,e charmers p"a0 a "ot o# *iere$t . /-. 3he$ the m!sic p"a0s( s$a,es come o!t o# their.