I am the Pied Piper- a man of some fameIf you want to hear my story, then be glad that you came. My tale is better, b etter, better than watching cartoon, I¶ll play on my pipe- and you will dance to my tune
Good morning to our dedicative chairman, the honourable judges, realible timekeepers, teachers, ladies and gentlemen
Let¶s find out what happens when the Mayor tries to cheat the mysterious Pied Piper.
Today, I will present to you all my story entitled µThe Pied Piper of Hamelin¶.
One upon a time, there was a town called Hamelin. Hamelin was very beautiful. But the people who lived in Hamelin were not happy. They was not happy because of the RATS ! The beautiful town of Hamelin was FULL of rats« The rats nibbled, and gnawed, and nipped, and grabbed, and grasped, and grippeduntil«the people of Hamelin went t o see the Mayor. ³Get rid of these rats!´ they cried. ³ If you don¶t, we will get rid of YOU !´ !´ So, the Mayor and his Council had a meeting. But no one knew how they could get rid of the rats. Meanwhile, a stranger arrived in Hamelin. He went to see the Mayor. ³Who are you?´ whispered the Mayor. The stranger replied: ³I am the Pied Piper- a man of some fame- All those who are troubled may know of my name. If you have an enemy under the moon, I¶ll play on my pipe- and he¶ll dance to my tune!´ ³I have hundreds of enemies!´ said the Mayor. ³I will do anything to get rid of them.´ ³Will you give me a thousand guilders?´ asked the Pied Piper. ³I will!´ cried the Mayor. ³Who are these enemies of yours?´ asked the Pied Piper. ³The RATS !´ !´ replied the Mayor.
The Pied Piper began to play his pipe. It was a magical tune. And as he played, all the rats of Hamelin came running. The Pied Piper began to dance. All the rats danced, too. He danced towards the river, and the rats danced after him. Everyone of them danced to the P ied Piper¶s tune. When the Pied Piper reached the river, he stop dancing, but his tune went on, and so did the rats. They danced straight into the river«and were never seen again. The Pied Piper returned to the Town Hall. ³I¶ve come for my thousand guilders,´ he said. ³A thousand guilders?´ replied the Mayor. ³Just for playing a tune? Here are fifty guilders. That¶s all you will get from me.´ The Pied Piper frowned. ³You have broken your promise,´ he said, ³and you must be punished.´ And the Pied Piper raised his pipe to his lips.
He began to play, and as he played, the children of Hamelin came running. The Pied Piper began to dance. The children danced, too. He danced towards the mountain, and the children danced after him. When the Pied Piper reached the mountain, he stopped dancing, but his tune went on, and so did the children. They dance straight into a cave, and disappeared. The people of Hamelin were furious with the Mayor. ³It¶s all your fault!´ they shouted. And they chased him and his Council out of the city gates. When they reached the river, the Mayor and his Council were thrown in! and they were never seen again. Then the Pied Piper said«´I am the Pied Piper- a man of some fameYour children are gone, but you know who to blame. I¶ll bring back your children, I¶ll bring them back soon, I¶ll play on my pipe- and they¶ll dance to my tune!´ And as he piped, the children came running! The people of Hamelin paid the Pied Piper his thousand guilders- and they a ll lived happily ever after. But r emember- if YOU ever make a promise to the Pied Piper, be sure to keep your word!
The moral values of this story are good people and good deeds always win over evil. So, be wise in your action rather than be foolish. And important of all keep to your promise.
That¶s the end of my story for today. Thank you.