Talk to Me in Korean Level 3

Author:  Rodrigo B.

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In this lesson, we will be talking more about the use of the word 가슴 (chest, heart, breast) in Korean idioms. If you study with this series, you will learn many idiomatic expressions that ar…Full description

Giving a genuine compliment about or to someone is an important thing to know how to do in any language. In this lesson, we are looking at common expressions you can use when you want to pay…Full description

In this lesson, we will be talking more about the use of the word 머리 (head, hair) in Korean idioms. If you study with this series, you will learn many idiomatic expressions that are based up…Full description

Throughout our lessons, we’ve covered several ways to express past action, such as using the -/었/였어요 sentence ending for plain past tense sentences and -(으)ㄴ verb ending to modify a noun wit…Full description

안녕하세요. What are something that you can do and you can’t do? Which of those things would you like to be able to say that you can or can’t do in Korean? In this lesson we are introducing how t…Full description