Talk to Me in Korean - Level 1

Author:  janluccas

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Talk To Me In Korean - Level 1 Lesson 1 Welcome to the very first lesson at! If you are an absolute beginner of the Korean language, start with this lesson and practice…Full description

Descripción: Talk To Me In Korean - Level 1 Lesson 1 Welcome to the very first lesson at! If you are an absolute beginner of the Korean language, start with this lesson and practice with u...

Talk To Me In Korean - Level 1 Lesson 1 Welcome to the very first lesson at! If you are an absolute beginner of the Korean language, start with this lesson and practice…Full description

Descrição: Talk To Me In Korean - Level 1 Lesson 1 Welcome to the very first lesson at! If you are an absolute beginner of the Korean language, start with this lesson and practice with u...

Descrição: In this lesson, we are going to have a look at one way to make a negative sentence. Here, you can learn how to say that something is NOT something, like “It’s not me.” or “It’s not a book.” In Kore...