LEARNING OUTCOME TOPIC RESOURCES METHODOLOGY 2. Unpacking Unpacking The Self gene!al gene!al lea!ning lea!ning "#$c"%e& "#$c"%e& a. Explore the diferent diferent aspects aspects o sel and identity b. Demonstrate critical critical and reective reective thought in integrating the various various aspects o sel and identity identity c. Identiy the diferent diferent orces and institutions institutions that impact the development development o various aspects aspects o sel and identity d. Examine one’s sel sel against the diferent aspects aspects o sel that that are discussed discussed in class THE PHYSICAL SEL' Impacted &ooke '. ())* +eal &lass Discussion Students explore the impact o #he Sel as Impacted ,orgeous% #he #ruth about by the $ody o the media as a key $ody and $eauty -llen and Socrates method sociocultural sociocultural actor culture n/in St 0eonards 1S2. inuencing the health sel! o #he impact o culture on body image and &ircle time concept and sel!esteem o sel!esteem% the ,o/ard 3. ())4 #he $ody themselves and others importance o beauty Image 'it% - 0ook at 5o/ 2e 9icro!debating and Students investigate #hink -bout 6ur 6ur $odies :brie;ngs’ barriers to changing the 6urselves and the 7ood 2e dominant body image. Eat 8ic5ealth Deakin -. Students keep a personal "ournal reecting reecting on the the activities they participate in during this module.
Students create a poster celebrating diversity in body /eight and shape and re"ecting myths about the relationship bet/een /eight shape and health. Students examine the limited range o body types portrayed in maga
LEARNING OUTCOME THE SE(UAL SEL' De;ne human sexual behavior Enumerate the t/o main determinants o human sexual behavior +ecogni
3hysiological aspects
3sychological aspects
Social and cultural aspects Sexually transmitted diseases 9ethods o contraception
RESOURCES 5uman sexual behaviour by 3aul 5enry ,ebhard >https%??///.britannica.com?to pic?human!sexual!behaviour@
METHODOLOGY ,roup -ctivity% Identiying unctions o the diferent parts o the human reproductive system 0ecture ? Discussion
7ilipino -dolescents’ Sexual -ttitudes and $ehaviors% +esults rom a niversity &ohort by Elmer De Aose
&hemistry o love lust and attachment
+eading -ssignment &onnect the dots >game@% -ssociate the column o neurotransmitters /ith the column o pictures #ell me a story >game@% guided story telling activity in /hich the story depends on students /ho /ill continue telling the story 7ilm 8ie/ing% #he 2edding 3lanner
I shop thereore I amC I have thereore I am
+ole o -dvertisement on consumer 0eiss et al. ()FC
Inuences o the advertisements on the
ASSESSMENT ,roup presentation Bui< #he deense o the students’ reason or such connection o column a and b Identi;cation o the students o the diferent stages o relationship based on the o/ o the story +eection 3aper% #he phases o the relationship o the characters o the story.
,roup presentation% ideas on the items
LEARNING OUTCOME De;ne &onsumerism in the 0ight o the Economic sel
Shaping the /ay /e see ourselves% the role o Identiy the inuence o consumer culture on our sense o sel and -dvertisement in shaping identity peoples buying behavior o
o •
&reate a/areness o the &onsumer 3rotection 3rovided by +- *G)4
-dvertisement and buying behavior
#he &onsumer -ct o the 3hilippines
RESOURCES http%??///.verdant.net?sciety.h tm -dvertising is po/erul $ryant and Heeman ()44C Efectiveness o -dvertisement -"
METHODOLOGY shopping preerence >students can bring in to G items that they bought due to the inuence o advertisement@
ASSESSMENT that they brought ,roup presentation% ad video clippings
,roup presentation% 8ideo vie/ing% student’s #he result o the collection o videos o their survey avorite -ds Bui< bo/l% students Buickie group Survey% /ill de;ne the given ,rocery store’s costumer the terms ound in :s reason about their the +- *G)4 preerences
-dvertisement shape buying patterns hye!Shin 'im JJ -dvertisement shape behavior o people thru cognition +ai J(G +- no. *G)4 #he &onsumer -ct o the 3hilippines THE SPIRITUAL SEL' Discuss the diferent supernatural belies o 7ilipinos including their religious belies
#he practice o religion% belie in supernatural beings and po/er
7liptop% Smugla<< vs. +apido. https%??///.youtube.com?/atc hvLa4bo!nQ+xSoKtLFMs
#he concept o NdunganO P spirit or soul
Demonstrate reective assessment o the inuence o the belie
J(4@. 3noy $ig 8alues. 3p. *J!(
8ideo vie/ing% a segment o the 7liptop battle bet/een Smugla<< and +apido
6ral recitation on individual opinion and reaction regarding the arguments on the video
6ng $. >JJG@. -ng 3aboritong
0isting o the key points?
+eaction paper
LEARNING OUTCOME TOPIC system in the development o 7unctions o rituals and o the sel. ceremonies •
Diferentiate the concept o NDunganOspirit!soul Identiy the adaptation o the concept o soul and spirit in the speci;c birthplace Identiy the common rituals and ceremonies perormed by 7ilipinos Explore and explain the implication?s o the rituals and ceremonies perormed by the ethnic tribes in the community
7inding and creating meaning in lie
RESOURCES 0ibro ni Audas #he Soul -ccording to the Indigenous 7ilipino http%??lope
METHODOLOGY lines in the rap battle that portrays superstitious belies and religion &lass?,roup discussion% expressing the o/n opinion?reaction regarding the topics discussed in the video and presenting o other superstitious and religious belies observed in the community +eading and critician excerpt rom the book o $ob 6ng@ &lass?,roup Discussion% 9y perception o /hat the concepts NDunganO soul! spirit means. Individual activity% #he students /ill list do/n situations >in movies or real lie@ that depicts the soul or the spirit
ASSESSMENT covering the student’s opinion /ith supporting details rom the booklet. Individual presentation o their list o situations /hich /ill be assessed by their classmates 2ritten and oral group report% #he output on the students’ research study on the concept o NDunganO on their speci;c barangays #he pair’s presentation o their discussion about the ritual assigned to them as /ell as their discussion about the ;rst activity 2ritten and 6ral
METHODOLOGY 7ield emersion% ,athering o inormation about the perception o their respective community about NDunganO
ASSESSMENT 3resentation on their research on the ethnic tribe’s ritual or ceremony and its meaning
&ombo dou% #he students /ill be given hal a piece o a picture. #hey /ill roam around the classroom and look or the person having the other hal. #hey /ill be a pair and discuss the rituals or ceremonies in the picture and give their o/n opinion about it. #he group o students are expected to bring a picture o an ethnic tribe perorming a ritual or ceremony and discuss its meaning •
THE POLITICAL SEL' Distinguish diferent political o Developin g a 7ilipino Identity% 8alues #raits issues as it afects the sel community and Situate the sel amid the Institutional 7actors diferent political disputes Determine personal roles o Establishing a and responsibilities in democratic culture changing or reinorcing a
+omancing colonialism and the coloniali
-round the 3hilippines >game@
-ctivity on political inuences
&lass lecture and discussion
,roup discussion on ho/ each individual inuences politics and ho/ it is applied
-rticle reading and
LEARNING OUTCOME political practice
RESOURCES colonialism!and!coloniarticle@
ASSESSMENT in day to day living
2hat makes a 7ilipino% 8alues and belies retrieved rom% https%??pilosopotamad./ordpre ss.com?J(G?JM?J?/hat! makes!a!;lipino!values!and! belies?
The Digi$al Self in C*+e!,pace 7acilitate enhanced a/areness on the risks associated /ith internet use Diferentiate bet/een the private and public sel personal and proessional sel &ite /ays to ensure saety and security o online transactions Engage in conversation on the relevance o the Nright to privacyO among millennials
I 9e 9ysel and my user ID online identity
3o/erpoint presentation on N9edia EfectsO
Selective Sel 3resentation and Impression 9anagement
3o/erpoint presentation on NIssues K #rends o Social 9ediaO
5andout on &ontrolling the Impact o online Efects o the internet interactions on the sel $oundaries o the Sel 6nline% 3rivate vs 3ublicC 3ersonal?Individual vs Social Identity onlineC ,ender and Sexuality 6nline
0ecture Individual reading% -rticle about the article controlling media efects in the home Small group discussion% identi;cation o possible negative efects o media and suggest /ays o managing
6ral presentation% #he risks and /ays to manage media efects in the home &ompletion o the chart% &ertain aspects o the online identities are missing and the students are asked to ;ll it up NDouble AeopardyO game% &onstruct =uestions /hich corresponds to the clues about the right to privacy