Name: Kathleen Annee Villanueva Year & Section: MLS- 2F Date: Sept. 26 2!"6 Summar# o$ %ial'( Li$e in Dapitan )e*innin* o$ e+ile in Dapitan ,here are are $our $our rea(on( rea(on( accorin* accorin* to aie aie /h# %ial %ial e+ile e+ile in Dapitan. Dapitan. Fir(t Fir(t %ial ha ha pu0li(he pu0li(he 0oo1( an an article( a0roa /hich (ho/e i(lo#alt# toSpain aan /hich /ere $ran1l# anti-3atholic an impruentl# anti-$riar4. Secon a $e/ hour( a$ter hi( arrival in manla there /a( $oun in one o$ the pac1a*e( a 0unle o$ han0ill an hum0le *enero(it# o$ Filipino i( (atirie an /hich accu(ation i( pu0li(he a*ain(t the cu(tom( o$ reli*iou( orer(.4 ,hir hi( novel 5l Fili0(teri(mo /a( eicate to the memor# o$ three prie(t4 )ur*o( 7ome an amora an on the title pa*e he /rote that in vie/ o$ the vice( an error( o$ the Spani(h amini(tration the onl# (alvation $or the 8hilippine /a( (eparation $rom the mother countr#4. An $ourth the en he pur(ue( in hi( e9ort( an /ritin* i( to tear $rom the lo#al Filipino 0rea(t( the trea(ure o$ our catholic Faith. A (teamer calle 3e0u carrie %ial to Dapitan an it al(o carrie a letter $rom Father 8a0lo 8a(tell( to Father Antonio 0ach. n the letter (tate( that %ial coul live at pari(h convent on the $ollo/in*: Fir(t that %ial pu0licit# retract( hi( error( concernin* reli*ion an ma1e( (tatement( that /a( clearl# pro-Spani(h an a*ain(t revolution. Secon that he per$orm( the church rite( an ma1e( a *eneral con$e((ion o$ hi( pa(t li$e4. ,hir that hence$orth he conuct( him(el$ in an e+emplar# manner a( a Spani(h (u0;ect an a man o$ reli*ion. %ial i not a*ree upon the(e conition( an rather choo(e to live in the hou(e o$ 3aptain 3arnicero /herein the# have /arm an $rienl# relation(hip(.
2 the (leep# to/n o$ Dapitan0ur(t in hectic e+citement. 3aptain 3arnicero Dr. ?o(e %ial an Franci(co 5@uillior /on in a lotter#. %ial then *ot hi( (hare o$ 62!! an he *ave 2!!! pe(o( to hi( $ather an 2!! pe(o to hi( $rien in on* Kon*. e inve(te the re(t o$ the mone# in a*riculture. ,hi( /innin* o$ 3atholic %ial reveal( that he ha( an aiction in pla#in* lotter# 0ut never (mo1e( nor rin1( li@uor. %ial- 8a(tell( De0ate on reli*ion e ha a lon* an (cholarl# e0ate /ith Father 8a(tell( on reli*ion. Bt (tarte /hen Father 8a(tell( (ent him a 0oo1 0# Sara /ith avice that the latter %ialC (houl e(i(t $rom hi( ma;are( $ooli(hne((C in vie/in* reli*ion $rom the pri(m o$ iniviual ;u*ement an (el$-e(teem. ,hi( intere(tin* reli*iou( e0ate ma# 0e rea in hi( letter(. Bn all hi( letter( to Father 8a(tell( %ial reveale hi( anti-3atholic iea( /hich he ha ac@uire in 5urope an em0itterment at hi( per(ecution 0# the 0a $riar(. Bt i( uner(tana0le /h# he /a( 0itter a*ain(t the $riar( /ho committe certain a0u(e uner the cloa1 o$ reli*ion. A( he /rote to )lumentritt $rom 8ari( on ?anuar# 2! "=>!: B /ant to hit the $riar( 0ut onl# $riar( /ho utilie reli*ion not onl# a( a (hiel 0ut al(o a( a /eapon ca(tle $ortre(( armor etc.E' B /a( $orce to attac1 their $al(e an (uper(titiou( reli*ion in orer to *ht the enem# /ho hi him(el$ 0ehin it. %ial 3hallen*e a Frenchman a Duel. G mem0er( o$ hi( $amil# too1 turn( in vi(itin* him in orer to a((ua*e hi( loneline(( in the i(olate outpo(t o$ Spani(h po/er in the Morolan. Amon* them /ere hi( motherE (i(ter( ,rinia Mauricia an 8ruencio. e 0uilt hi( hou(e 0# the (ea(hore o$ ,ali(a# ,ali(a# (urroune (urroune 0# $ruit tree(. tree(. e ha ha al(o another another hou(e $or hi( (chool (chool 0o#( an an a ho(pital ho(pital $or hi( hi( patient(. %ial'( 5ncounter /ith the Friar'( Sp# Durin* the earl# a#( o$ Novem0er "=>G rial /a( livin* peace$ull# an happil# at hi( hou(e in ,ali(a# a 1ilometre a/a# $rom Dapitan. hi( mother (i(ter( Narci(a an ,rinia an (ome nephe/( /ere then livin* /ith him. i( 0li(($ul li$e /a( /hen (uenl# ;olte 0# a (tran*e incient involvin* a (p# o$ the $riar(. ,hi( (p# /ith the a((ume name o$ 8a0lo Mercao4 an po(in* a( a relative (ecretl# vi(ite %ial at hi( hou(e on the ni*ht o$ Novem0er G "=>G. he introuce him(el$ a( a $rien an relative (ho/in* a photo o$ %ial an a pair o$ 0utton( /ith the initial( 8M4 8a0lo MercaoC a( evience o$ hi( 1in(hip /ith the %ial $amil#. A 8h#(ician in Dapitan %ial practi(e meicine in Dapitan. e ha man# patient( 0ut mo(t o$ them /ere poor (o he even *ave them $ree me meicine. ,o hi( $rien in on* Kon* Dr. Mar@ue he /rote: ere the people are poor that B have even to *ive meicine *rati(.4 e ha ho/ever (ome rich patient( /ho pai him han(omel# $or hi( (ur*ical (1ill.
en*ineerin*. Bn Dapitan he applie hi( 1no/le*e o$ en*ineerin* 0# con(tructin* a (#(tem o$ /ater/or1( in orer to $urni(h clean /ater (#(tem in Dapitan. 3ommunit# 8ro;ect( $or Dapitan I Dona ,eoora /ith he e#e(i*ht $ull# re(tore returne to Manila. Durin* her lon* (ta# in Dapitan (he (a/ ho/ 0u(# her talente (on /a( re*rette that he ha re;ecte the Mu(e(. She re@ue(te him to /rite poetr# a*ain. Bn re(pon(e to her re@ue(t %ial /rote a 0eauti$ul poem a0out hi( (erene li$e a( an e+ile in Dapitan an (ent it to her on cto0er 22 "=>I. ,hi( poem /a( Mi %etiro4 M# %etreatC /hich i( acclaime 0# literar# critic( a one o$ the 0e(t ever penne 0# %ial. %ial an ?o(ephine )rac1en Bn the (ilence hour( o$ the ni*ht a$ter the a#'( har /or1 %ial /a( o$ten (a. he mi((e hi( $amil# an relative( hi( *oo $rien( in $orei*n lan( the e+hilaratin* li$e in the cite $ 5urope an i( hap# a#( in 3alam0a. ,he eath o$ Leonor %ivera in Au*u(t 2= "=>G le$t a poi*nant voi in hi( heart. e neee (ome0o# to cheer him up in hi( lonel# e+ile. %ial an the Katipunan 2 /a( *ainin* more an more aherent(.
Volunteer( a( Militar# in Doctor in 3u0a Moth( 0e$ore the Katipunan contacte him %ial ha o9ere hi( (ervice a( militar# Doctor in 3u0a /hich /a( then in the throe( o$ revolution an a ra*in* #ello/ $ever epiemic. ,here /a( a (horta*e ph#(ician( to mini(ter to the nee( o$ the Spani(h troop( an the 3u0an people. Bt /a( )lumentritt /ho tol him o$ the eplora0le health (ituation in /ar-rien 3u0a an avi(e him to volunteer a( arm# ph#(ician there. ,he Son* o$ the ,raveler 7reat /a( %ial'( ;o# in receivin* the *la(ome ne/( $rom Malacanan*. At la(t he /a( $ree once moreJ once more he /a( *oin* to travel- to 5urope an then to 3u0a. Bt /a( a ;o#ou( thou*ht o$ re(umin* hi( travel( that he /rote hi( heart /armin* poem 5l 3anto el Via;ero4 ,he Son* o$ the ,ravelerC. Aio( Dapitan n ?ul# G" "=>6 %ial'( $our-#ear e+ile in Dapitan came to an en. At mini*ht o$ that ate he em0ar1e on 0oar the (teamer 5(pana. e /a( accompanie 0# ?o(ephine Narci(a An*elica Narci(a'( au*hterC hi( three nephe/( an (i+ pupil(. Almo(t all Dapitan $ol1( #oun* an ol /ere at the (hore to 0i him *oo0#e. Man# /ept a( the (teamer (aile a/a#-e(peciall# pupil( /ho /ere too poor to accompan# their 0elove teacher to Manila. ( $are/ell mu(ic the to/n 0ra(( 0an (tran*el# pla#e the olorou( Funeral March o$ 3hopin. a (it'( melanchol# melo# oate in the air %ial mu(t have $elt it eepl# $or /ith thi( pre(entiment o$ eath it (eeme an o0(e@u# or a re@uiem.