The The main main purp purpos osee of this this proj projec ectt is used used to DESI DESIGN GN AND FABRIA RIAT TION ION
$A!INE "IE% !o&din' machine is a mechanica& de(ice used to ho&d or other)ise e*ert a force on an o+ject too hea(, to dea& )ith +, hand% A common e*amp&e is the )or-shop machine (ice. )hich is used to fi* the end of a )or- piece +, a s,stem of ratchets. 'ears. and scre)s% !o&din' machine (ices are used for &e(e&in' or positionin' hea(, e/uipment. or for supportin' structures% In this project )e are doin' the machine (ice )ith rac- and pinion mechanism arran'ement )ith steerin' )hee&%
This de(ice the steerin' machine (ice for )or-shops and )or- piece 'ara'es has +een de(e&oped to &ater the needs of sma&& and medium )or-sh )or-shop% op%
most of the 'ara'es the )or- piece are ho&ded +, usin'
machine (ice% This needs hi'h man po)er and s-i&&ed &a+ours% In order to a(oid a&& such disad(anta'es. this machine (ice for )or-shops has +een desi'ned in such a )a, that it can +e used to ho&d the )or- piece (er, smooth&, )ithout an, impact force% The operation is made +e simp&e that e(en an, person can hand&ed. +, turnin' the steerin' )hee&% This This is an era era of auto autom matio ation n )her )heree it is +roa +road& d&, , defi define ned d as rep&acement of manua& effort +, mechanica& po)er in a&& de'rees of auto automa mati tion on%% The The oper operat atio ion n remai remains ns an esse essent ntia ia&& part part of the the s,st s,stem em a&thou'h )ith chan'in' demands on ph,sica& input as the de'ree of mechani1ation is increases%
De'rees of automation are of t)o t,pes. (i1 % 3 Fu&& automation% 3 Semi automation% In semi emi automa omation a com+ination of manua& effort and mecha echani nica ca&& po)e po)err is re/u re/uir ired ed )her )herea eass in fu&& fu&& auto autom matio ation n hum human participation is (er, ne'&i'i+&e%
Auto Automa mati tion on can can +e achi achie( e(ed ed throu throu'h 'h compu compute ters rs.. h,dra h,drau& u&ic ics. s. pneumatics. ro+otics. etc%. of these sources. pneumatics form an attracti(e medium for &o) cost automation%
To achie(e mass production
To reduce manpo)er
To increase increase the efficienc, of the p&ant
To reduce the )or- &oad
To reduce the production cost
To reduce the production time
To reduce the materia& hand&in'
To reduce the fati'ue of )or-ers
To achie(e 'ood product /ua&it,
5ess $aintenance
In the de(e&opment of the su+marine from pre6)ar c&asses. man, chan'es and impro(ements ha(e occurred% One of the outstandin' differences is the &ar'e (ariet, of su+marine de(ices )hich are no) operated +, automatic po)er% In ear&, c&asses. there )as no automatic s,stem. and po)er re/uirements )ere met +, means of air or e&ectricit,% A&on' )ith constant&, impro(in' su+marine desi'n has 'one a constant e*tension and di(ersification of the use of automatic po)er% 3.2 Compara!"# a$"a%a' o( a)oma!* po+#r
Automatic s,stems possess numerous ad(anta'es o(er other s,stems of po)er operation% The, are &i'ht in )ei'ht7 the, are simp&e and e*treme&, re&ia+&e. re/uirin' a minimum of attention and maintenance%
Automatic contro&s are sensiti(e. and afford precise contro&&a+i&it,% Because of the &o) inertia of mo(in' parts. the, start and stop in comp&ete o+edience to the desires of the operator. and their operation is positi(e%
Fina&&,. automatic units are re&ati(e&, /uiet in operation. an important consideration )hen detection +, the enem, must +e pre(ented% Therefore. in spite of the presence of the t)o po)er sources just descri+ed. automatic po)er ma-es its appearance on the su+marine +ecause of the fact that its operationa& ad(anta'es. )hen )ei'hed a'ainst the disad(anta'es enumerated for e&ectricit, and air in the precedin' para'raphs. fu&&, justif, the addition of this third source of po)er to those a(ai&a+&e in the modern su+marine%
A $achine (ice is a porta+&e de(ice consistin' of a scre) mechanism used to ho&d or &o)ers the &oad% There are t)o t,pes of machine (ices6 mechanica& and h,drau&ic% $echanica& machine (ices can +e either hand operated or po)er dri(en% The h,drau&ic machine (ice consist of c,&inder and piston mechanism A&thou'h a machine (ice is a simp&e de(ice used to ho&d (arious t,pes of &oads Proper si1e. stren'th and sta+i&it, are essentia& re/uirements for the desi'n of the machine (ice from safet, consideration
A (ice is a mechanica& apparatus used to secure an o+ject to a&&o) )or- to +e performed on it% "ises ha(e t)o para&&e& ja)s. one fi*ed and the other mo(a+&e. threaded in and out +, a scre) and &e(er% T,pes
;ood)or-in' ;ood)or-in' (ises are attached to a )or-+ench. t,pica&&, f&ush )ith its )or- surface% Their ja)s are made of )ood or meta&. the &atter usua&&, faced )ith )ood to a(oid marrin' the )or-% The mo(a+&e ja) ma, inc&ude a retracta+&e do' to ho&d )or- a'ainst a +ench do'% <=uic-6re&ease< (ises emp&o, a sp&it nut that a&&o)s the scre) to en'a'e or disen'a'e )ith a ha&f6turn of the hand&e% ;hen disen'a'ed the mo(a+&e ja) ma, +e mo(ed in or out throu'hout its entire ran'e of motion. (ast&, speedin' up the process of adjustment% ommon thread t,pes are Acme and +uttress% En'ineer>s An en'ineer>s (ise. a&so -no)n as a meta&)or-in' (ise or fitter>s (ise. is used to c& meta& instead of )ood% It is t,pica&&, made of cast stee& or ma&&ea+&e cast iron% heaper (ises ma, +e made of +ritt&e cast iron% The
ja)s are often separate and rep&acea+&e. usua&&, en'ra(ed )ith serrated or diamond teeth% Soft ja) co(ers made of a&uminum. &ead. or p&astic ma, +e used to protect de&icate )or-% An en'ineer>s (ise is +o&ted onto the top surface of a )or-+ench. )ith the face of the fi*ed ja)s just for)ard of its front ed'e% The (ise ma, inc&ude other features such as a sma&& an(i& on the +ac- of its +od,%
Others Other -inds of (ise inc&ude@ !and (ises $achine (ises 6 dri&& (ises &ie f&at on a dri&& press +ed% "ises of the same 'enera& form are used a&so on mi&&in' machines and 'rindin' machines% compound s&ide (ises are more comp&e* machine (ises% The, a&&o) speed and precision in the p&acement of the )or-% ross (ises. )hich can +e adjusted usin' &ead scre)s in the C and Y a*es7 these are usefu& if man, ho&es need to +e dri&&ed in the same )or-piece usin' a dri&& press% ompare router ta+&e% Off6center (ises An'&e (ises
Sine (ises. )hich use 'au'e +&oc-s to set up a hi'h&, accurate an'&e Rotar, (ises Diema-ers> (ises Pin (ises for ho&din' thin. &on' c,&indrica& o+jects +, one end e)e&&ers> (ises and +, contrast 5e' (ises. )hich are attached to a +ench +ut a&so supported from the 'round so as to +e sta+&e under the (er, hea(, use imposed +, a +&ac-smith>s )or-%
An ad(anta'e of (ice o(er some other t,pes of (ice is that the, are se&f6 &oc-in'. )hich means )hen the rotationa& force on the cam is remo(ed. it )i&& remain motion&ess )here it )as &eft and )i&& not rotate +ac-)ards. re'ard&ess of ho) much &oad it is supportin'% This ma-es them inherent&, safer than h,drau&ic (ices. for e*amp&e. )hich )i&& mo(e +ac-)ards under &oad if the force on the h,drau&ic actuator is accidenta&&, re&eased% M#*,a%!*a a$"a%a
The mechanica& ad(anta'e of a cam (ice. the ratio of the force the (ice e*erts on the &oad to the input force on the &e(er. i'norin' friction. is
is the force the (ice e*erts on the &oad
is the rotationa& force e*erted on the hand&e of the (ice is the &en'th of the (ice hand&e. from the cam a*is to )here the force is app&ied
!o)e(er. most cam (ices ha(e &ar'e amounts of friction )hich increase the input force necessar,. so the actua& mechanica& ad(anta'e is often on&, 4H to 9H of this fi'ure%
A (ice threads must support hea(, &oads% In the most hea(,6dut, app&ications. such as cam (ices. a s/uare thread or +uttress thread is used. +ecause it has the &o)est friction% In other app&ication such as actuators. an Acme thread is used. a&thou'h it has hi'her friction% The &ar'e area of s&idin' contact +et)een the cam threads means (ice ha(e hi'h friction and &o) efficienc, as po)er transmission &in-a'es. around 4H9H% So the, are not often used for continuous transmission of hi'h po)er. +ut more often in intermittent positionin' app&ications% The Ba&& cam is a more ad(anced t,pe of &eadcam that uses a recircu&atin'6+a&& nut to minimi1e friction and pro&on' the &ife of the cam threads% The thread profi&e of such cams is semicircu&ar to proper&, mate
)ith the +earin' +a&&s% The disad(anta'e to this t,pe of cam is that it is not se&f6&oc-in'% App!*a!o%'
Amachine (icescre)>s threads must support hea(, &oads% In the most hea(,6dut, app&ications. such as machine (ices. a s/uare thread or +uttress thread is used. +ecause it has the &o)est friction% In other app&ication such as actuators. an Acme thread is used. a&thou'h it has hi'her friction% The &ar'e area of s&idin' contact +et)een the scre) threads meansmachine (icescre)s ha(e hi'h friction and &o) efficienc, as po)er transmission &in-a'es. around 4H9H% So the, are not often used for continuous transmission of hi'h po)er. +ut more often in intermittent positionin' app&ications% The Ba&& scre) is a more ad(anced t,pe of &eadscre) that uses a recircu&atin'6+a&& nut to minimi1e friction and pro&on' the &ife of the scre) threads% The thread profi&e of such scre)s is semicircu&ar to proper&, mate )ith the +earin' +a&&s% The disad(anta'e to this t,pe of scre) is that it is not se&f6&oc-in
Ma*,!%# "!*# op#ra!o%'
It is necessar, that the )or- shou&d +e proper&, and secure&, he&d on for machinin' operations. a "ISE is a effecti(e )or- ho&din' de(ice% "ises@ "ises are the most common app&iances for ho&din' )or- on ta+&e due to its /uic- &oadin' and un&oadin' arran'ement% There are main&, three t,pes of (ises common&, used. P&ain (ise S)i(e& (ise Too& ma-ers uni(ersa& (ise P&ain "ise@ the p&ain (ise +o&ted direct&, on the ta+&e on the T6s&ots% The (ise ma, +e fastened to the ta+&e )ith the ja)s set at ri'ht an'&es to the ta+&e T6s&ots% ;or- is camped +et)een the fi*ed and mo(a+&e ja)s and for ho&din' )or- pieces of irre'u&ar shape specia& ja)s are used% S)i(e& (ise@ the s)i(e& (ise is used to mi&& an'u&ar surface in re&ation to a strai'ht surface )ithout remo(in' the )or- from the (ise% In construction it ma, +e considered a p&ain (ise. )hich is mounted on a circu&ar +ase 'raduated in de'rees% The +ase is c&ed on the ta+&e +, means of T6 s&ots%
The re/uired machinin' operations to +e performed are@ Facin'. chamferin'. turnin' to pro(ide c&in' surface to ja)s%
E*terna& S/uare threadin' on the spind&e% Dri&&in'. Borin' and interna& threadin' on +ase p&ate% Dri&&in' on the spind&e and threadin' on &e(er to fit into the spind&e
for app&ication of manua& &oad% 6c& for c&in' the "ice on the ta+&e%
V!'# I%'aa!o%
This (ise hard)are is adapta+&e for insta&&ation in a (ariet, of positions. and on different st,&es of +ench tops% The -e, to successfu& insta&&ation is carefu& p&annin' and preparation% Insta&&ed proper&,. ,our (ise )i&& 'i(e a &ifetime of usefu&. dai&, ser(ice% First@ hoose (ise position and ja) si1e This (ise can +e mounted in a (ariet, of positions. dependin' on ,our )or-in' st,&e and +ench t,pe% Assumin' ,ouJre ri'ht handed. t,pica& mountin' positions )ou&d +e either to)ards the &eft of the front ed'e of ,our +ench. or the ri'ht end of ,our +ench% ar(ers )i&& pro+a+&, find the end position most usefu&. as )i&& those )ho )i&& most often c& )ide.
f&at )or- &i-e doors and )ide pane&s% If the (ise )i&& most&, +e used to ho&d sma&& parts. or narro) +oards on ed'e for jointin'. the +enchJs front ed'e )i&& &i-e&, +e the +est option% ust +e sure that the &ocation ,ou choose doesnJt interfere )ith +ench &e's or aprons% a) si1e is determined +, a com+ination of +ench top thic-ness and )idth. the mountin' st,&e ,ou choose. and ,our preference% a) $ateria&@ Traditiona& +ench and (ise ja) materia&s inc&ude European +eech and hard map&e7 )here these species are for sa&e the,Jre usua&&, a(ai&a+&e in K8 thic-ness% Birch and )hite oa- are a&so 'ood. tou'h )oods to consider% If ,ouJ(e made ,our o)n top. ,ouJ&& ha(e ,our o)n preference% a) Thic-ness@ ;e recommend that ja)s +e at &east 069K inches thic-. )hich a&&o)s +oth secure fastenin' to the hard)are. and room to accommodate do' ho&es either s/uare or 4K8 inch round in the front ja)% a) 5en'th@ For the sma&& (ise. recommended ja) &en'th is 02 to 09 inches% The &ar'e (ise can accommodate ja)s up to 0 inches &on'7 an,thin' &on'er su+jects the (ise to e*cessi(e rac-in'. )hich can shorten its &ife%
a) Depth@ the startin' point for determinin' ja) depth is throat depth% Throat depth is the (ertica& distance from the top ed'e of the ja) f&ush )ith the +ench top do)n to the top o( ,# CHAPTER - COMPONENTS AND DESCRIPTION
S##r!%& +,##
A steerin' )hee& a&so ca&&ed a dri(in' )hee& or hand )hee& is a t,pe of steerin' contro& in )or- piece and (esse&s ships and +oats% Steerin' )hee&s are used in most modern &and )or- piece. inc&udin' a&& mass6production )or-shops as )e&& as &i'ht and hea(, truc-s% The steerin' )hee& is the part of the steerin' s,stem that is manipu&ated +, the dri(er7 the rest of the steerin' s,stem responds to such dri(er inputs%
This can +e throu'h direct mechanica& contact as in recircu&atin' +a&& or rac- and pinion steerin' 'ears. )ithout or )ith the assistance of h,drau&ic po)er steerin'. !PS. or as in some modern production cars )ith the assistance of computer contro&&ed motors. -no)n as E&ectric Po)er Steerin'%
As a dri(er ma, ha(e his hands on the steerin' )hee& for hours at a time these are desi'ned )ith er'onomics in mind% !o)e(er. the most important concern is that the dri(er can effecti(e&, con(e, tor/ue to the steerin' s,stem7 this is especia&&, important in )or- piece )ithout po)er steerin' or in the rare e(ent of a &oss of steerin' assist% A t,pica& desi'n for circu&ar steerin' )hee&s is a stee& or ma'nesium rim )ith a p&astic or ru++eri1ed 'rip mo&ded o(er and around it% Some dri(ers purchase (in,& or te*ti&e steerin' )hee& co(ers to enhance 'rip or comfort. or simp&, as decoration% Another de(ice used to ma-e steerin' easier is the +rodie -no+% A simi&ar de(ice in aircraft is the ,o-e% ;ater (esse&s not steered from a stern6mounted ti&&er are directed )ith the ship>s )hee&. )hich ma, ha(e inspired the concept of the steerin' )hee&%
Ear&, Formu&a One cars used steerin' )hee&s ta-en direct&, from road cars% The, )ere norma&&, made from )ood necessitatin' the use of dri(in' '&o(es. and in the a+sence of pac-a'in' constraints the, tended to +e made as &ar'e a diameter as possi+&e. to reduce the effort needed to turn%
The )ire spo-es )ere a +uffer or a+sor+er +et)een the dri(er>s hands and the drum of the road% $ost )ere 4 or 8 spo-es made of four or fi(e )ires in each spo-e. hence the name
The steerin' )hee& shou&d +e used )ith strate'ic mo(ements of the hand and )rist in spinnin' motions% aution and care shou&d +e used to ensure safet, of the e*tremities% The constant motions used must +e performed )ith caution%
Ra*/ a%$ p!%!o%
A rac- and pinion is a t,pe of &inear actuator that comprises a pair of 'ears )hich con(ert rotationa& motion into &inear motion% A circu&ar 'ear ca&&ed
A 'eneratin' rac- is a rac- out&ine used to indicate tooth detai&s and dimensions for the desi'n of a 'eneratin' too&. such as a ho+ or a 'ear shaper cutter% Rac- and pinion com+inations are often used as part of a simp&e &inear actuator. )here the rotation of a shaft po)ered +, hand or +, a motor is con(erted to &inear motion% The rac- carries the fu&& &oad of the actuator direct&, and so the dri(in' pinion is usua&&, sma&&. so that the 'ear ratio reduces the tor/ue re/uired%
This force. thus tor/ue. ma, sti&& +e su+stantia& and so it is common for there to +e a reduction 'ear immediate&, +efore this +, either a 'ear or )orm 'ear reduction% Rac- 'ears ha(e a hi'her ratio. thus re/uire a 'reater dri(in' tor/ue. than scre) actuators% A rac- and pinion is common&, found in the steerin' mechanism of cars or other )hee&ed. steered )or- piece% Rac- and pinion pro(ides a &ess efficient mechanica& ad(anta'e than other mechanisms such as recircu&atin' +a&&. +ut &ess +ac-&ash and 'reater feed+ac-. or steerin'
G#ar' G#ar'0toothed )hee&s or co's are positi(e t,pe dri(es )hich are used to
transmit motion +et)een t)o shafts or a shaft and a component ha(in' &inear motion. +, meshin' of t)o or more 'ears% The, ha(e ad(anta'e o(er other dri(es &i-e chains. +e&ts etc% in case of precision machines )here a definite (e&ocit, ratio is of importance and a&so in case )here the dri(er and the fo&&o)er are in c&ose pro*imit,7 the do)nside is that 'ears
are more e*pensi(e to manufacture and their operatin' cost is a&so re&ati(e&, hi'h% Po+#r '*r#+' are used to con(ert rotar, motion in to trans&ationa&
motion % It is a&soca&&ed trans&ationa& scre)% The, find use in machines such as uni(ersa& tensi&e testin'machines. machine too&s. automoti(emachine (ices. (ises7 aircraft f&ap e*tenders. trench +races.&inear actuators. adjusta+&e f&oor posts. micrometers. and 6 c&s% There are t)o -indsof po)er scre)s. h,drau&ic and mechanica& po)er scre)s%A specia& case is machine (ice )hich ho&ds or &o)ers the &oad +, app&,in' a sma&& force inthe hori1onta& p&ane% A scre) thread is formed +, cuttin' a continuous he&ica& 'roo(earound the c,&inder% These 'roo(es are cut either &eft hand or ri'ht hand%The majorit, of scre)s are ti'htened +, c&oc-)ise rotation. )hich is termed a ri'ht6hand thread % Scre)s )ith &eft6hand threads are used in e*ceptiona& cases% For e*amp&e.antic&oc-)ise forces are app&ied to the scre) )hich )ou&d )or- to undo a ri'ht6handthread. a &eft6hand6threaded scre) )ou&d +e an appropriate choice%Po)er scre)s are t,pica&&, made from car+on stee&. a&&o, stee&. or stain&ess stee& and the,are usua&&, used )ith +ron1e. p&astic. or stee& matin' nuts% Bron1e and p&astic nuts arepopu&ar for hi'her dut, app&ications and the, pro(ide &o) coefficients of friction forminimi1in' dri(e tor/ues%
!o&d pad
$i&d stee&
Steerin' )hee&
Stand Frame
$i&d stee&
$echanica& 'ear arran'ement
$i&d stee&
Steerin' rod
$i&d stee&
2 $eter $i&d stee&
Ta# .1 L!' o( Ma#r!a'
Arm Po)er
Steerin' )hee&
Power To Front Wheel
$achine (ice Arran'ement
Rac- and pinion
!o&d the )or- piece
CHAPTER - 9 :OR6ING PRINCIPLE The steerin' )i&& +e operated at the time of an, hodin' the )or- piece or machinin' operation% The arm po)er is 'i(en to steerin' )hich transmits mechanica& po)er% The steerin' rotates )hich is coup&ed )ith
pinion a&so rotates% The rac- and pinion con(erts rotar, to &inear motion in the s,stem )hich mo(es the mo(a+&e ja) in the machine (ice and the )or- piece 'ets ho&ded% This is an era of modern techno&o', )here it is +road&, defined as rep&acement of manua& effort +, mechanica& po)er in a&& de'rees of automation%
In order to ho&d the hea(, &oad of the )or- piece a mechanica& &oc- arran'ement is a&so pro(ided%
Calculation of Linear Speed for a Machine vice
M#r!* U%!'
RPM $% Inp&' Sa%' ) H$*din+S,re- Lead Linear Speed
(!in" # Gear Ra'i$n
or a&ternati(e&,
RPM $% Inp&' Sa%' Linear Speed (!in" # T&rn. $% W$r %$r / H$*d
Imp#r!a U%!'
RPM $% W$r Sa%' ) H$*din+S,re Linear Speed
Lead (in"
(in!in" # Gear Ra'i$n
or a&ternati(e&,
RPM $% W$r Sa%' Linear Speed (in!in" # T&rn. $% W$r %$r /0 H$*d
CHAPTER - 1< ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES ADVANTAGES It re/uires simp&e maintenance areas% The &en'th, )or- piece can +e easi&, ho&ded% hec-in' and c&eanin' are eas,. +ecause of the main parts are
scre)ed% !and&in' is eas,% $anua& po)er not re/uired for ho&din' the )or- piece% Repairin' is eas,% Rep&acement of parts is eas,% $a*imum &en'th upto 0%9 feet can +e reached%
Initia& cost is hi'h%
It is (er, much usefu& for machine O)ners and Auto 'ara'es% This
automatic machine (ice for )or-shops is used for ho&din'K +ra-in' the )or- piece% Thus. it can +e usefu& for the a&& t,pes of industries%
CHAPTER - 12 CONCLUSION This project )or- has pro(ided us an e*ce&&ent opportunit, and e*perience. to use our &imited -no)&ed'e% ;e 'ained a &ot of practica& -no)&ed'e re'ardin'. p&annin'. purchasin'. assem+&in' and machinin' )hi&e doin' this project )or-% ;e fee& that the project )or- is a 'ood so&ution to
+rid'e the 'ates +et)een institution and industries% ;e are proud that )e ha(e comp&eted the )or- )ith the &imited time successfu&&,% =DESIGN AND FABRICATION
OPERATED MACHINE VICE IN :OR6SHOPS is )or-in' )ith satisfactor, conditions% ;e are a+&e to understand the difficu&ties in maintainin' the to&erances and a&so /ua&it,% ;e ha(e done to our a+i&it, and s-i&& ma-in' ma*imum use of a(ai&a+&e faci&ities% In conc&usion remar-s of our project )or-. &et us add a fe) more &ines a+out our impression project )or-% B, usin' more techni/ues. the, can +e modified and de(e&oped accordin' to the app&ications%
REFERENCES 0% G%B%S Naran'. L;or-shop En'ineerin'M. hanna Pu+&ishers. De&hi. 00. pp%:?0% 2% ;i&&iam !% ro)se. L;or-shop En'ineerin'M% 4% $E!ANIS$S IN $ODERN ENGINEERING DESIGN "o&% "% PART I 8% E5E$ENTS OF ;ORS!OP TE!NO5OGY "O55 II 6S%% !ARA !O#D!RY 6 S%% BOSE 6 A%% !ARA !O#D!RY 9% STRENGT! OF $ATERIA5S I%B% PRASAD