Solar Car Project Report

solar car...
Author:  TalhaMahmood

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Descripción completa

This is an introduction of the solar car in the form 4 projects. Hope that these information that is listed down in the presentation helps you all guys in building a solar car.

This is our semester project report. Complete code has been provided how to control and add functions in the RC Car. Sorry that I couldn't add the schematic

This project Online Car Rental System has been developed in PHP and database is MySQL which runs over the Apache Server. In present scenario every one needs car for rental, so I developed this proj...Full description

The aim is to design, analyze and fabricate a roll cage for Electric Solar Vehicle. It deals with modeling of roll cage of SOLAR POWERED VEHICLE and analyzing it to give an optimum design. The main objective of this research work is to perform analys

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This report useful for student in Mechanical Engineering Major. Because this report explained about cooling system in car especially engine cooling system. This report analyzing with thermod…Full description

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This is the project on solar energy of course of fundamentals of marketing... taught by sir asif rao at ibit punjab university lahore.

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