Funding has been put to question since the National Museum permanently lifted its admission fee on July 1, 2016. he museum used to charge !1"0 for adults, !120 for senior citi#ens and !"0 for students. he $oard of rustees of the National Museum ratified the policy of free admission. %ifting the admission fee meant cutting one of its sources of re&enue used to maintain museum operations. $ut according to the National Museu Museum, m, they they are are suppo supporte rted d by a solid solid insti institut tution ional al budg budget et dra' dra'n n from from Filip Filipino ino ta(payers through the national budget.
ourism is deemed to bring re&enue to the country and consequentially, boost its economy. )n 201", the !hilippine ra&el and ourism )ndustry contributed a total of !1.*+ !1.*+ trill trillion ion to the the loca locall econo economy my,, 'hich 'hich roug roughly hly compr comprise ises s 10.6 10.6 perce percent nt of the !hilipp !hilippines ines gross gross domestic domestic product product as reporte reported d by the -orld -orld ra&e ra&ell and ourism urism ouncil. ourist arri&als of /.1/ million and an amount of !"/. billion for e(penditure are proected to contribute to a yearly gro'th of 6.63 in the !hilippine ourism )ndustry 45emo, 2016.
hese hese general generally ly positi& positi&e e proect proections ions about about the !hilipp !hilippine ine ra&e ra&ell and ourism urism )ndustry asserts great opportunities to put the National Museum for'ard as the best
establishment for an immersi&e e(perience about the !hilippine art, culture and heritage.
7nother important thing to note is that, the millennials, the target audience are 8no'n to be career9shifters and &ie's their careers more as a means to self9disco&ery than a means to an income. )n January 2016, a report by $usiness )nquirer sho'ed statistics that *03 of Filipino millennials ought to quit their present obs in 2 years. his is attributed to their feelings of being underutili#ed, the lac8 of leadership de&elopment and being o&erloo8ed for potential leadership positions 47badilla, 2016. his trend among millennials insinuates the possibility of their lac8 of sufficient income to dispose for e(penses other than their necessities.
he &isitor statistics of the National Museum reflects that the highest percentage of &isitorship comes from ollege :tudents ;isitors, 'hich comprises *1.163 for the National Museum of Fine 7rts and +.*03 for the National Museum of 7nthropology. his huge chun8 of &isitors collecti&ely comprises the
Filipino millennials are typecast to be highly dependent from the gratifications of the internet especially the social media, and li&es by the quintessential term
millennials are positi&ely percei&ed to be politically and socially acti&e, and engages themsel&es in the causes and principles they strongly belie&e in 4!hilippine !rimer, 2016. Ne&ertheless, the cultural participation of millennials in the !hilippines is still yet to be de&eloped. ulture and heritage are not hea&ily embedded in their &alues as politics and contemporary social issues are. ?ata from the National Museum of the !hilippines sho'cases an apparent dominion of the count of millennial &isitors o&er other &isitors such as tourists, children, senior citi#ens etc. but during the focus group discussion their inputs and insights generally reflect disinterest from the museum9going acti&ity. 7 high museum &isitorship does not necessarily translate to effecti&e engagement.
)n terms of leisure lifestyle, the Filipino millennial is prominently engaged in acti&ities that are sociable, educational and rela(ing. hey are also fond of tra&elling to places that could refresh and rene' their minds, ho'e&er they are not fond of doing acti&ities that are physically e(hausting. Millennials also choose their friends o&er family members as leisure9time companions. his could imply the millennials desire for independence and sociability in their acti&ities.
he proected trend for these age groups is their declining engagement in traditional ad&ertising media particularly radio, ne'spaper, maga#ine and tele&ision.
here is ho'e&er a significant spi8e in their engagement 'ith the internet and out of home media, this reflects the age groups shift to more non9traditional media of ad&ertising.
)n fact, the digital lifestyle statistics this age group reflects the burgeoning impact and presence of the )nternet in their daily li&es. he )nternet is no' accessed more prominently in :martphones that des8top or laptop computers, 'hich implies that the )nternet has become more con&enient and readily accessible to many. Moreo&er, the )nternets prime function to most indi&iduals has become leisure and no longer school or 'or8 matters. o put it briefly, the millennials truly are digital nati&es because the )nternet is apparently embedded in their lifestyles.
@lobally, museums are already resorting to the aid of technology in impro&ing the museum e(perience of their &isitors. echnology is no longer ust a supplement to the entire museum9&isit e(perience, but already comprises an integral part of it. )n the Metropolitan Museum of 7rt in Ne' Aor8 ha&e in&ested in technologies to ma8e the museum e(perience more interacti&e, e&en 'or8ing 'ith the smartphones that guests carry 'ith them 4:hu, 2016.
hrough 5epublic 7ct No. */2, also 8no'n as the National Museum 7ct of 1//, the National Museum is recogni#ed as a trust of the go&ernment and is independent and autonomous from other go&ernment agencies. :ection 2+ of this
mandate grants the National Museum an Bndo'ment Fund amounting to !"00, 000,000 appropriated from the !hilippine harity :'eepsta8es Cffice and the !hilippine 7musement and @aming orporation. he said fund is utili#ed to enact section of the mandate, 'hich are the museums duties and functions.
5oughly + years ago, the National Museum settled a dispute about their endo'ment fund amounting to +01 Million !esos, 'hich 'ent missing. Cn 7ugust 201+, the ommission on 7udit 4C7 stated that a huge sum of the endo'ment fund of the National Museum 'as ta8en out of the %and $an8 of the !hilippines. his alleged misuse of public fund is deemed to be a betrayal of public trust 45anada, 201+.
SWOT Analysis Strengths •
:trong brand name and presence recogni#ed as the leading curatorial body for the cultural heritage and natural history of the !hilippines
he National Museums critical resources such as the popular 'or8s of notable Filipino artists li8e Juan %una, Fernando 7morsolo, $otong Francisco and ;icente Manansala to name a fe'.
he National Museum is a trust of the go&ernment and is duly funded to restore and maintain their e(hibits and collections
onducts e(hibits, lectures, 'or8shops, boo8 launches and seminars that encompasses different topics in culture and heritage
?oes not require an admission fee
Weaknesses •
%ac8s interacti&ity 'ith the collections and e(hibits
Museum staff and personnel are deemed to be unfriendly by its &isitors
?oes not ha&e amenities such as a cafeteria or a sou&enir shop that &isitors loo8 for
he museum e(perience is static and lac8s an interesting flo' of information
:tatic and restricti&e museum e(perience
here are no prominent forms of mar8eting and ad&ertising in the past years
Opportunities •
Ma8e the museum e(perience more interacti&e by introducing technology
>a&e a stronger digital presence through an updated 'ebsite and museum applications 'hich can be po'ered by the go&ernments fiber optic internet plan
Cptimi#e the museum e(perience for millennial &isitors since they comprise the biggest portion of &isitors
an be mar8eted more as a part of !hilippine tourism
reate distinguishable mar8eting and ad&ertising efforts
Threats •
Cther options for leisure acti&ities such as going to the mall, going to the mo&ies or eating out
?eclining interest and appreciation for traditional art
More contemporary museums or galleries 'hich asserts more rele&ance to the young art patrons
arketing i! Pro"uct
he National Museums N5 branch is comprised of 2 buildingsD he National 7rt @allery located at the old legislati&e building and the Museum of the Filipino !eople located at the building 'hich formerly housed the ?epartment of Finance. he National 7rt @allery is comprised of the :poliarium >all 'hich holds the most prominent painting among its collections, Juan %unas :poliarium, and 2" other galleries each holds a collection of prominent Filipino artists.
he Museum of the Filipino !eople, also 8no'n as the National Museum of 7nthropology houses the National Museums anthropology, archaeology di&isions, ancient artifacts and #oology di&isions. he museum is comprised of " permanent e(hibits and se&eral temporary e(hibits throughout the year.
he National Museum of the !hilippines permanently lifted its admission fee on July 1, 2016, it no longer charges any amount for museum access.
he National Museum is primarily led by a $oard of rustees 'hich includes the museum director 'ho manages a directors office. he ?irectors office then manages the different di&isions of the National Museum namelyD 7dministrati&e,
7nthropology, 7rchaeology, 7rts, 7:$M?, $otany, onser&ation and %aboratory, ultural !roperties, @eology, Museum Bducation, !lanetarium, 5estoration and Bngineering and Eoology.
he present National Museum hairman is 5amon ?el 5osario, the National Museum ?irector is Jeremy $arns, B:C ))) and the National Museum 7ssistant ?irector is 7na Maria heresa %abrador, !h. ?.
he National Museum has t'o components in Metro Manila namely the National 7rt @allery and the Museum of the Filipino !eople. he National 7rt @allery is housed in the old legislati&e building found in !. $urgos ?ri&e in Brmita Manila 'hile the Museum of the Filipino !eople is housed in the former ?epartment of Finance building found in the 7grifina irlce, 5i#al !ar8 Manila.
he museum maintains online presence through their social media pages in Faceboo8 and 'itter, and also through their 'ebsite although it is mostly outdated.
he National Museums promotions are limited to tie9ups 'ith other cultural agencies, e(hibition promotions through their social media pages and basic collaterals such as tarpaulins and posters. he museum has not carried out any maor promotional, mar8eting or ad&ertising efforts in the past years.
7badilla, ?. 42016, January 2/. Forty percent of !inoy millennials may quit obs in 2 years. 5etrie&ed No&ember 2, 2016, from 4business.inquirer.net206+2*09of9 pinoy9millennials9may9quit9obs9in929years !hilippine !rimer. 42016, June 2. Millennials in the !hilippinesD -ho are they and 'hat do they doG 5etrie&ed No&ember 2, 2016, from'ho9are9they9 and9'hat9do9they9do 5anada, !. 42016, 7ugust 16. -here did !++19M NatHl Museum endo'ment fund goG 5etrie&ed No&ember 2, 2016, from httpD'''.rappler.comnation+6"629 national9museum9endo'ment9fund9go 5emo, 7. 5. 42016, March 2+. ourism contributes !1.* to @?!. 5etrie&ed No&ember 2, 2016, from httpDbusiness.inquirer.net2061tourism9 contributes9p19*t9to9gdp :hu, %. 42016, May 1. >o' Museums 7re Ising echnology. 5etrie&ed No&ember 2, 2016, from httpD'''.digitaltrends.comcool9techho'9museums9are9using9 technology