Significance of climatology in architectureFull description
nakshatraFull description
nakshatraFull description
About Pi
In this file, you can ref useful information about significance of performance appraisal such as significance of performance appraisal methods, significance of performance appraisal tips, si…Full description
This paper contains a discussion on the significance of using birth star or nakshatra in Vastu and Vaastu as well as Sthapatya Veda. The use of nakshatra may at first seem to be based on sup…Full description
Vedic astrology NakshatrasFull description
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limitation of the study
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Significance of the Study
This study is conducted to benefit the following:
Students. This study may serve as a guide and reference for the students undertaking similar studies.
Administrators and Staffs. This study will help them organize enrollment procedure and different transactions made in their respective areas.
Professors. This research will aid them their discussions regarding related lessons. It will be easier for them to tackle related topics about this research.
Future Researchers. This research will be a useful reference for the researchers who would plan to make any related study precisely the standard underlying the Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering program.
Overall, this research study will aid PUP- Bataan itself: the students, Administrators Administrators and Staffs, Professors and Future Researchers in giving a standard and synchronized way of making their work accessible.