Comparatives and Superlatives Sentence Transformation for B1 - PET CambridgeDescripción completa
Comparatives and Superlatives Sentence Transformation for B1 - PET CambridgeFull description
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12 Tenses by Andhika Agus Setiyono, S.Pd (based on Betty Schrampfer Azar)
For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words. 1. I 1. I started my English course 3 weeks ago. ........................................ on this English course for three weeks.
2. I haven't seen John since Friday. The last time ........................................ John was Friday. 3. he last time !laire went on holiday was five years ago. Claire ......................................... on holiday for five years. . "arie has #een married for seven months. !arie ........................................ seven months ago. ". $o you know what score you got in the test% ........................................ had the result of your test# $. I watched one film this morning and one this afternoon. % ........................................ 2 films so far today. &. &arah has never had a smartphone #efore This is the .................................................... that 'arah has had a smart(hone smart(hone ). !harles has never had a ta#let #efore This is the .................................................... that Charles has had a ta*let. +. Joe said that he had never #een to ome Joe said, -% ................................................. *een to ome. 1/. (e haven't #een to the theatre for a long time %t0s a long time since we ............................................ to the theatre. 11. )ick *oined a golf clu# a year ago. ick .............................................. a mem*er of a golf clu* for a year. 12. hey had not #een to &outh +orea #efore. %t ......................................... the first time they had *een to 'outh orea. 13. his will #e my first visit to ra-il. %0ve ........................................................ to ra4il *efore. 1. I haven't #een to the #each for a long time. %t0s a long time since % ............................... to the *each. 1". I *oined a yoga clu# si months ago. % ............................. a mem*er of the yoga clu* for si5 months now. 1$. /lea 1$. /lea had not #een to #allet classes classes #efore. %t ................................... the first time 6le5a had *een to *allet classes.
1&. his will #e her first time in &pain. 'he has ........................................ to '(ain *efore.
Complete each sentence keeping the meaning the same. 1. He became a dogwalker fve years ago.
He ______________________________ten years.
2. They visited their uncle two months ago.
They ___________________________ two months.
. !he has been a vet "or eight years.
#. $le% hasn&t scored a goal "or weeks.
The last time _____________________________ weeks ago.
'. (e have never been to $thens be"ore.
)t&s the __________________________________ $thens.
3456 1. 7..has been a dog walker "or ten years. 2. 7.haven&t visited their uncle "or two months. . !he became a vet - years ago. #. The last time $le% scored a goal was three weeks ago. '. )t&s the frst time we&ve been to $thens. *. )t&s the most e%citing match )&ve ever watched. +. He&s the most "riendly coach Carlos has ever worked. -. )t&s the most delicious cake she has ever eaten. . )t&s the "astest car )&ve ever driven. 1. He&s the laiest student )&ve ever seen.