this is the report made on mahua biodiesel the project aim at improving the performance of the diesel engine and reducing the emissions from the vehi...
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Seminar report on
Effect of varying the Compression ratio and Injection timing on performance in CI engine using MAHUA Biodiesel A technical seminar report Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree
B) () () "aju Institute Instit ute of o f $echnolog $echnology y (ishnupur1 %arsapur1 Meda2 *istrict-3.,/ .,3-.,4
*epartment of Mechanical Engineering
B) () () "aju Institute Instit ute of o f $echnolog $echnology y (ishnupur1 %arsapur1 Meda2 *istrict-3.,/
Effe fect ct of This This is to cert certif ify y that that the the proj projec ectt enti entitl tled ed “ Ef varyin varying g th thee Comp Compre ress ssio ion n rati ratio o and and Inje Inject ctio ion n timi timing ng on performance in CI engine using MAHUA Bio-dies Bio-diesel el is the bonafide work done by () SU%*EE+ SU%* EE+ "E**'
,,,A./A0 ,,,A./ A0
Head of the department
AC5%!6E*&EME%$ It is my privilege and pleasure to express my profound sense of gratitude and Indebtedness to all the #aculty mem7ers of *epartment of Mechanical Engineering I take the opportunity to offer my humble thanks to *r) () Murali 5rishna1 Head of the *epartment1 !echanical "ngineering# $% &aju
Institute of "ngineering ' Technology
also thank
*r) Ch) (en2atesh8arulu1
I%S$I$U$E !# E%&I%EE"I%& : $ECH%!!&'1 for his support in this
"ndeavour I finally thank my family members and friends for giving moral strength and support to complete this dissertation
( SU%*EE+ "E**'
ABS$"AC$ As the price of petroleum oil reaches a new high# the need of developing alternate fuels has become acute Alternate fuels should be economically attractive in order to compete with currently used fossil fuels $iodiesel# produce by the transesterification of vegetable oils or animal fats with simple alcohols and catalyst attracts more and more attention recently $iodiesel is a clean burning diesel alternative and has many attractive features including renewability# biodegradability# non toxicity and low emission The aim of the present review is to study the biodiesel production from transesterification process# effect of reaction parameters on conversion of biodiesel yield and its combustion# performance and emission characteristics It observes that the base catalysts are more effective than acid catalysts $iodiesel is a notable alternative to the widely used petroleum( derived diesel fuel since it can be generated by domestic and non domestic sources such as soybeans# coconuts# rapeseeds# )atropha# *aranja# rubber seed# !ahua# waste frying oil# etc The main purpose of the transesterification process is to lower the viscosity of the oil
C!%$E%$S CHA+$E" %o Abstract +ontents ,ist of figures ,ist of tables and graphs ,) Introduction -- $iodiesel -. $iodiesel production -/ $iodiesel properties -0 Scope