Self-empowerment is not simply the result of mental training, but a process of transforming ones attitude. An ancient two thousand year old technique has been stripped off of any religious belief a...
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This text describes a very general sel$ develop#ent techni+ue( The approach %ill not be appropriate $or everyone" and it is not intended as a #eans o$ diagnosis or replace#ent $or pro$essional advice( ,se only at your o%n discretion" d iscretion" liability" liability" and risk( Any testi#onials appearing on book cover or %ebsite are N-T typical results(
Ta#le of ontents
.ntroduction Disclai#er /hat is anxiety0 Anxiety Attacks Depersonalization Agoraphobia Social Anxiety Depression Sel$ Therapy $or Anxiety Practice Session 1 Practice Session * 2eal3Ti#e Sel$ Therapy Anxiety 2eversal Anxiety and ealth )onclusion
4e$ore %e begin" . %ould like to $irst thank you $or the opportunity to be part o$ your personal develop#ent process( 4y taking the initiative to read a book like this one" you have already de#onstrated your belie$ that there #ust be so#ething better than your current e#otional state 5 and there is! The techni+ue that .6# going to share %ith you has not only been an incredible tool $or overco#ing #y o%n anxiety" but also #y greatest asset $or #oving onto a #ore $ul$illing li$e in al#ost every aspect( .t6s #y sincere belie$ that it can be the sa#e $or you( . created this course based on #y o%n experience %ith anxiety" and . 7
understand ho% serious the condition can $eel( /hen #ost people encounter anxiety" they6re not a%are o$ %hat it is" or that it is such a co##on a$$liction( Moreover" they have no idea %hat to do about it( This is part o$ %hat #akes the experience so trau#atic 5 that $eeling o$ being trapped in a situation that is out o$ your control( .$ you6re thinking that you #ight be a %eak person because you6re having proble#s that other people don6t see# to have" be assured that a$ter you learn and start using the tools that %e6ll discuss" you6ll probably $eel an inner strength that you6ve never kno%n be$ore( /hether you have si#ple stress and #alaise" or i$ you6re housebound %ith $ear" the concepts %e6ll cover #ay de$ine a %hole ne% %ay o$ living $or you( The 8
only reason you have anxiety and others don6t is probably because they6re using so#e o$ the sa#e concepts that %e6ll discuss %ithout even kno%ing it( For brevity6s sake" .6ll be re$erring to the Sel$ Therapy $or Anxiety techni+ues si#ply as 9Sel$ Therapy9( There6s no intention in the na#e to i#ply that this approach should replace traditional counseling" or that it is the best %ay to treat all $or#s o$ anxiety( .t is si#ply a #ethod that has %orked a#azingly %ell $or #e and #any" #any other people( o%ever" this brings us to an i#portant issue to be a%are o$:
. a# not a doctor( . a# si#ply so#eone %ho has su$$ered $ro# severe anxiety" discovered a po%er$ul solution that co#pletely reversed the condition in #y li$e" and a# sharing that kno%ledge %ith the hope that it %ill help so#e other anxiety su$$erers( o%ever" because . a# not a licensed #edical pro$essional" this in$or#ation should be considered only as a general approach to sel$3 develop#ent" and not as medical advice or a means of diagnosis( .$ you6re not $inding the in$or#ation help$ul" or i$ you $eel too over%hel#ed to try it" please consult %ith a #ental health expert to explore other options(
What is Anxiety%
.n the #ost basic sense" anxiety usually occurs as a result o$ ongoing stress" %orry" or =ust general negative expectations( All o$ these are kind o$ the sa#e thing 5 $ear o$ so#e real or i#agined negative possibility" or possibilities( The $ears could be o$ al#ost anything: e#barrass#ent" illness" =udg#ent" driving" $lying" $ailure" poor per$or#ance" and so #any others( Since negative outco#es are possible $or =ust about any situation in li$e" it6s likely that you can identi$y a variety o$ things that cause you to %orry( Anxious people" #ost o$ %ho# have a tendency to d%ell on and i#agine the 9bad9 things that could happen" create a >
general environ#ent o$ $ear in their #inds( ?ventually the subconscious #ind begins interpreting these #ental i#ages as real danger( @ou6re i#agining all these unco#$ortable or even catastrophic scenarios" and sooner or later your #ind reacts to the#" as i$ they6re reality" and says 9ey" %hatever it is that you6re doing" or going to do" it6s not a good idea9( The %ay it tells you this is by giving you a sensation o$ $ear" releasing hor#ones like adrenaline into your body to put you into 9sel$ preservation9 #ode %ith classic $ight3or3 $light sensations( No% you #ay not realize this relationship at the ti#e" because you don6t have the usual visual signs o$ danger associated %ith adrenaline( 4ut i$ you co#pare the sensation o$ $ear and
adrenaline to that o$ anxiety" you6ll recognize the si#ilarity( The big di$$erence is that because the sense o$ danger is not being created by te#porary physical threat" but rather by your #ind6s ongoing negative thoughts" this $ear response can endure $or long periods( Sy#pto#s o$ anxiety #ay start %ith elevated heart rate and a general sense o$ uneasiness or nervousness" but over ti#e can branch out into a %ide variety o$ see#ingly unrelated issues: headaches" racing heart" inso#nia" s%eaty pal#s" #uscle $atigue" indigestion" diarrhea" dizziness" lightheadedness" chest pain" and #any others( Since anxiety su$$erers have a tendency to o$ten i#agine the %orst case scenario" 1B
and can beco#e hypochondriacal %ith =ust about any unusual body sensations" they are also +uite likely to %orry about these anxiety sy#pto#s the#selves( .t6s easy to start believing that such sy#pto#s #ay be indicators o$ serious #edical conditions( The rapid heartbeat #ay be interpreted as an indicator o$ heart attack" lightheadedness as a sign o$ stroke or brain tu#or" and so on( @ou should de$initely see a doctor to rule out physical causes" but kno% that all o$ these sy#pto#s are also very co##only the result o$ ongoing anxiety( There are so#e other eventual #ani$estations o$ anxiety that .6d like to #ention because o$ the severe i#pact they can have on the person experiencing the#( These are anxiety 11
attacks" unreality" agoraphobia" depression" and social anxiety( Anxiety Attacks & 'anic Attacks
Anxiety attacks are o$ten experienced as a $eeling o$ dread" an intense $ear that so#ething terrible is about to happen" like you #ight die or lose your sanity( These experiences can be extre#ely $rightening" especially since they can occur at anyti#e and any%here( They #ight arise %hile driving in your car" standing in a line at the store" lying in bed" or even %hile =ust %atching television( /hat happens during a panic episode is that %orries and $ears lingering in your #ind are interpreted as real danger by 1*
the subconscious" %hich in return releases adrenaline into your body to help you deal %ith the threat( 4ut since anxiety can cause adrenaline to co#e to the sur$ace at anyti#e" and %ithout any visual danger present" these $eelings #ay not #ake any logical sense to you( And not seeing actual danger %ith your o%n eyes" you don6t recognize the adrenaline burst $or %hat it is( This pheno#enon can #ake the adrenaline sensation itsel$ a see#ingly unusual and $rightening experience( As a result" you then beco#e %orried about" and $ear$ul o$" that 9out o$ place9 adrenaline $eeling( That additional $ear causes the adrenaline to increase $urther" %hich in turn =ust escalates your $ear #ore( As these t%o $eed each other" a $ull panic attack occurs(
During a panic attack" you #ay $eel as i$ you6re losing your #ind" or like your heart is about to explode( An anxiety attack is not going to hurt you or cause you to go crazy" but it can $eel like dying a thousand deaths %hen you6re having these episodes regularly( And once you6ve experienced the terror o$ a $irst panic attack" it6s +uite likely that you6ll have #ore as you beco#e #ore sensitive to the sy#pto#s that precede the#( A slight #alaise or stress stress #ay get you $ear$ul that another attack co#ing on( And ironically" it6s that very $ear that gets the adrenaline $lo%ing and starts the cycle over again( As %ith other anxiety sy#pto#s" an excellent $irst step to recovery $ro# 17
panic is to kno% that %hat you6re you6re experiencing is a nor#al reaction to persistent %orry and $ear( Think o$ a ti#e %hen you %ere really $rightened" #aybe %hile you %ere %atching a scary #ovie" or a$ter nearly getting in an accident( No% try to re#e#ber %hat types o$ sensations you had at that ti#e( Maybe a rapid heartbeat and adrenaline0 Did you get $ear$ul o$ those $eelings0 No" because you kne% kne% they %ere nor#al at that ti#e( .n $act" i$ you6re having trouble re#e#bering %hat you $elt" it6s probably because you didn6t even think about it then" since the sensations %ere nothing out o$ the ordinary $or the situation(
(nreality & Depersonali)ation
Another co##on" but o$ten +uite disturbing" result o$ anxiety is the sensation o$ unreality" also kno%n as depersonalization or derealization( .$ you so#eti#es $eel a little bit spacey" disconnected" or as i$ your body and your environ#ent are so#eho% unreal" kno% that this is an extre#ely nor#al sensation resulting $ro# the introversion that anxiety cultivates( Anxious people tend to beco#e so preoccupied %ith %orriso#e thoughts" body sensations" and adverse e#otions" that a good portion o$ their a%areness a%areness beco#es perpetually directed in%ard( @ou si#ply beco#e so $ocused on your inner %orld that the outer begins to take on an air o$ unrealness( -nce again" the typical anxious response to this sensation is 1;
o$ten to beco#e $ear$ul that you6re going crazy" losing your #ind" or losing control o$ yoursel$( .$ this sounds $a#iliar to you" =ust kno% $or no% that there is a vast di$$erence bet%een the si#ple sensation o$ unreality caused by anxiety" and true insanity( A*orapho#ia
/ith ti#e" #any anxious people create $or the#selves a condition kno%n as agoraphobia( -$ten de$ined as 9$ear o$ open spaces9" agoraphobia" in a #ore practical sense" is really a $ear o$ your anxiety sy#pto#s the#selves 5 or a kind o$ 9$ear o$ $ear9( This results in the avoidance o$ doing #any activities 1<
because o$ the unco#$ortable $eelings you associate %ith the#( Do you avoid interacting %ith people or attending events because o$ your nervousness0 Do you dread %ork or school because o$ the sy#pto#s you experience there0 These are" in a broad sense" types o$ agoraphobia( No% you don6t have to label yoursel$ an agoraphobic( This is the #ost co##on type o$ phobia there is" and anyone %ho tries to avoid e#otional disco#$ort" %hich is =ust about everyone" could be said to have a touch o$ agoraphobia( 4ut i$ you6ve sought out a book like this one" you6ve probably reached a point %here your body sensations are so unco#$ortable or $rightening that your %hole day is $illed %ith activities that you either avoid" or %ould like to avoid 1>
and $eel a%k%ard per$or#ing( Since there are so #any tasks and interactions that cause disco#$ort" anxious people have a tendency to eventually start avoiding #ore and #ore o$ those everyday activities" and so#e #ay have a hard ti#e even leaving their ho#es( Their true underlying $ear is not o$ the outside %orld" but o$ the $eelings and body sensations that they #ay experience %hile a%ay $ro# their sa$ety zone( Social Anxiety
There are #any reasons people beco#e socially uneasy( o%ever" nearly all those reasons are re$lections o$ the desire to avoid so#e sort o$ e#otional energy that arises in social situations 5 1
perhaps nervousness" a%k%ardness" insecurity" $ear o$ re=ection" or so#e other unco#$ortable $eeling( /hatever those $eelings are $or you" ask yoursel$ this +uestion: /ould you have a social anxiety proble# i$ you did not have those $eelings0 Do you think a shy person %ould re#ain shy $or long in the absence o$ negative sensations %hen approaching and interacting %ith other people0 .$ you apply the concepts you6ll learn in this book to the inner energies that you6re no% avoiding" your shyness %ill soon disappear( Depression as an Anxiety Sy$pto$
The blanket o$ $ear that anxiety creates can prevent en=oy#ent o$ the present #o#ent" create a cycle o$ %orry and *B
inaction" and eventually #ay lead to a #ild depression( This type o$ depression can certainly #ake li$e see# e#pty and undesirable( . re#e#ber #any ti#es %hen . i#agined the possibility o$ suicide as a %ay out o$ #y unhappiness( 4ut there is a usually big di$$erence bet%een the #ild depression caused by si#ple anxiety" and the #a=or depression that can lead to suicide( An anxious person #ight i#agine suicide" but %ill probably be =ust as a$raid o$ dying as they are o$ their e#otional state" and not have the intention o$ really carrying it out( o%ever" i$ you are not $eeling a$raid o$ suicide" i$ you6re experiencing real hopelessness" i$ you6re considering #ethods o$ suicide" or i$ you6re $eeling co#$orted by the thought" then you *1
should seek help $ro# a #ental health pro$essional( Speak to your doctor" check your phone book $or suicide hotlines" or call 11 $or a re$erral( For the #a=ority" you kno% that you don6t like living %ith anxiety and depression( 4ut i$ you6ve started %orking through a progra# like this" you #ost likely $eel that there is so#e hope $or your condition( Anxiety can be a strong #otivating $orce to start taking action to $ind an alternative" and so#eti#es things can get pretty dark be$ore %e break out( 4ut kno% that you are not alone in the experience( /hen you begin to #ake progress in overco#ing your anxiety" the #ild depression you6re having should disappear as %ell(
+So$e, Anxiety is -our .rien/
That6s right" so#e anxiety and stress in li$e is good( To be a little %orried about a test %ill #otivate you to study( A little nervous energy during a presentation can be trans$or#ed into a #ore engaging enthusias#( ?ven a $ear$ul state o$ #ind is use$ul in truly dangerous situations" %here %e need to take steps to protect ourselves( 4ut in day to day situations" excessive anxiety is counterproductive the slight but persistent $eeling o$ paranoia can #ake you $eel constantly nervous and a%k%ard" and prevent you $ro# doing things you need to do( ?xcess stress" aside $ro# leading to debilitating conditions like anxiety" can also be outright dangerous as it *C
suppresses the i##une syste#" increases blood pressure" and is associated %ith a %ide variety o$ diseases( -$ course" it doesn6t #ake sense to start beco#ing hypochondriacal about that" but your physical health is =ust one #ore reason to start no% %ith taking #easures to reduce your stress and anxiety( 4e$ore %e #ove on" re#e#ber that all o$ the sy#pto#s that %e6ve talked about so $ar can be $ully attributed to anxiety( o%ever" don6t use that in$or#ation as a #ethod o$ diagnosis( Get a physical exa#ination $ro# a #edical doctor to con$ir# that your sy#pto#s are not indicative o$ a #ore serious condition( Eno%ing that %hat you6re $eeling is a co#pletely nor#al result o$ anxiety can *7
be a great relie$" and a good $irst step to cal#ing yoursel$( .t6s $or this precise reason that #any anxiety books and progra#s spend an enor#ous a#ount o$ ti#e talking about sy#pto#s( A lot o$ co#$ort can be gained by kno%ing that %hat you6re experiencing is not unusual( So i$ you think that you6d bene$it $ro# additional con$ir#ation about your particular sy#pto#s" you #ight %ant to do additional research or consult %ith your doctor about the#( @ou #ay have so#e o$ the sy#pto#s %e discussed" all o$ the#" or perhaps others that %eren6t #entioned( There are #any" #any #ore" and .6ve =ust tried to cover so#e o$ the #ore co##on ones here(
/e could literally devote an entire book uch longer than this one' to discussing all the %ays in %hich anxiety displays itsel$ in various sensations and behaviors( 4ut . kno% $ro# personal experience that it6s usually not really necessary to $igure out all the #ind3body connections be$ore %orking on anxiety( And o$ten those connections beco#e easier to see once you begin to #ove beyond anxiety and can look back at the experience #ore ob=ectively( So even i$ you do take additional steps no% to satis$y your concerns" also start #oving $or%ard %ith the techni+ues that %e6ll discuss( The stress that you #ay be adding to the situation you6re %orrying about is probably not doing anything to help resolve it( And you #ay $ind that as you start learning ho% to reverse *;
anxiety" the sy#pto# that6s bothering you #ight =ust disappear be$ore you kno% it( The truth is that %hile it6s help$ul to con$ir# that your sy#pto#s are being caused by anxiety" %ithout #anaging the anxiety itsel$ you6ll eventually probably =ust $ind other sensations to beco#e concerned about( Along the sa#e lines" i$ %e atte#pt to avoid or eli#inate all the situations that inspire anxiety in us" sooner or later #ore %ill co#e along to take their place" and %e6ll eventually $ind our lives con$ined to a very li#ited nu#ber o$ sa$e places and sa$e people(
The Self Therapy Solution
,nderstanding that anxiety is pri#arily a $ear3based e#otion" the $irst ai# o$ Sel$ Therapy is to boost your tolerance levels $or the $eelings you6re no% avoiding" including anxiety( The reason $or this is that anxiety gro%s $ro# the desire to avoid the $eelings associated %ith certain activities( Fro# this perspective" anxiety is really fear o$ particular 9un%anted9 $eelings" including anxiety sensations the#selves( There$ore" %hen you learn to boost your tolerance level $or experiencing the $eelings and sensations that you6re avoiding" those very $eelings &anxiety' actually dissolve( .n other %ords" a #a=or key to con+uering anxiety is to e#brace it(
The bene$its o$ our Sel$ Therapy process %ill go %ell beyond =ust anxiety reduction( A rich and $ull li$e is achieved by living on the $ull spectru# o$ hu#an e#otion" and in learning Sel$ Therapy you6ll greatly expand your ability to do that( To $eel the desirable e#otions" like =oy" %e #ust be able to $eel and go through the lo%er ones( An un$ortunate +uality o$ #any anxiety and depression treating drugs is that %hile they #ay nu#b e#otional lo%s" they o$ten dull the highs as %ell( Achieving inner har#ony involves increasing tolerance $or all e#otions to a point %here none can stop you $ro# #oving $or%ard( This is the ulti#ate ob=ective o$ our Sel$ Therapy(
What is Self Therapy%
Sel$ Therapy is an a#azingly si#ple approach to overco#ing anxiety( o%ever" so#e o$ the concepts #ay see# a little $oreign at $irst because they6re ne%( .n a nutshell" %hat you6ll be learning is a ne% #ethod o$ co##unicating %ith yoursel$ that reverses anxiety tendencies( 4ut the #ethod o$ 9co##unicating9 in Sel$ Therapy" and %hat you think o$ as your 9sel$9" are probably going to be #uch di$$erent than %hat you #ight expect( /hat you6re about to learn %ill expand your tolerance level $or negative e#otions" increase your ability to experience higher ones" and can virtually eli#inate e#otional dependence on" and susceptibility to" external events( CB
As %ith interpersonal co##unication" Sel$ Therapy can be thought o$ as involving both speaking and 9listening9" and this progra# is loosely divided into t%o sections based on those co#ponents( /e6ll start by learning the listening aspect" %hich %ill enable you to +uickly take control o$ your e#otions and prevent anxiety $ro# over%hel#ing you( For #ost readers" this section o$ Sel$ Therapy %ill provide the key to $reedo# $ro# anxiety( @ou %ill also $ind it to be an excellent tool $or si#ply gaining a greater sense o$ connection %ith" and understanding o$" yoursel$( .n the second section" 9speaking9" you6ll learn a po%er$ul #ethod o$ re3 progra##ing your #ind" and then %ork on reversing so#e co##on thought patterns and behaviors that lead to C1
anxiety( Since you used your #ind to create the condition o$ anxiety" it only #akes sense that you6ll use your #ind to reverse it as %ell( So" in short" %e start by #anaging current anxiety levels" and then learn ho% to prevent anxiety $ro# taking root in the $irst place( As %e get started" kno% that %e are not out to suppress anxiety" or any other 9negative9 e#otion $or that #atter( As previously #entioned" in order to experience the higher e#otions in li$e" like =oy" %e #ust be able to experience the lo%er ones( . call this psychological pheno#enon the 9e#otional energy pendulu#9( To s%ing high" you #ust be able to s%ing lo%( o% good can you C*
ever $eel i$ your positive e#otions are acco#panied by a constant $ear o$ losing that co#$ort0 ?verybody experiences loss" disappoint#ent" $ailure" re=ection and other adverse situations( .$ you vie% such circu#stances %ith e#otional avoidance" or constantly $ear their possibility" anxiety %ill gro%( 4ut you can choose instead to experience such $eelings %ith acceptance" even %ith an appreciation $or the hu#anness they grant you" and to see the# as stepping stones back to the other end o$ the e#otional spectru#( The goal o$ Sel$ Therapy is to learn ho% to $eel all body sensations %ith co#plete tolerance $or their presence( /ithout $ear o$ such 9negative9 e#otions" %hether internal or external in origin" there %ill be no anxiety( CC
Self Therapy 0ack*roun/
To gain a little better understanding o$ Sel$ Therapy" let6s take a +uick look at ho% it %as developed( As a young #an" . su$$ered al#ost constantly $ro# anxiety" and a #yriad o$ sy#pto#s ste##ing $ro# that anxiety( My path to inner $reedo# actually began in traditional counseling" %ith a psychologist( Soon . began to notice various $actors that the productive counseling sessions had in co##on( .n particular" sessions that resulted in $eelings o$ increased inner strength al#ost al%ays involved a period during %hich the counselor guided #e into an observation o$ #y o%n e#otional energies( The observation o$ e#otional C7
energy %as #ore accurately a period during %hich . stopped trying to avoid inner sensations" and #erely experienced the#( Si#ultaneously %ith counseling . %as also exploring several spiritual pursuits" #ost notably through #editation( -ddly" . noticed that the goal o$ al#ost every $or# o$ #editation %as an e#ptying o$ the #ind" a 9releasing9 o$ e#otional energies $ro# the body" and a #ental concentration on the re#aining 9void9( .t %as al#ost as i$ the goal o$ #editation %as a separation o$ onesel$ $ro# one6s $eelings 5 the exact the opposite o$ %hat . bene$ited $ro# during counseling( This approach #ay indeed be a spiritual or relaxing experience $or so#e people( 4ut %hen you6re dealing %ith anxiety" it6s really =ust a $or# o$ suppression" C8
%ith very short lived bene$it in the real %orld( o%ever" . did $ind tre#endous value in the inner a%areness that #editation taught( /hat eventually resulted in Sel$ Therapy %as a $usion o$ these t%o practices" a $or# o$ #editation in %hich . %as able to co##unicate %ith #ysel$ in the sa#e #anner that the psychologist co##unicated %ith #e during those energy shi$ting sessions( . could no% co#bine the bene$it o$ inner e#otional a%areness %ith the $ocused concentration o$ #editation( The result %as a piercing ability to directly experience body sensations and e#otional energies in a controlled #anner that de$eated the subconscious tendency o$ e#otional avoidance" %hich %as leading to anxiety( C;
The bene$its o$ this techni+ue in #y li$e have been truly astounding" and . believe they %ill be $or you as %ell( .lip the S1itch on Anxiety
-$ten %hen a person starts to $eel an unco#$ortable $eeling like $ear or anxiety" the initial reaction is to avoid it either its internal sensation or external cause( The person #ay not even realize that they are avoiding so#ething" or kno% %hy they are avoiding it" since #any such reactions are triggered by subconscious associations( /hen acting in this #anner" it6s obvious that $ear is in control( And %hen dealing %ith anxiety" avoidance is =ust %hat you don6t %ant to C<
do( .$ you try to suppress anxiety" ignore it" run $ro# it" or distract yoursel$ %ith other activities" you6re only giving anxiety po%er( 2e#e#ber" $ear o$ anxiety creates #ore anxiety( The key is to instead con$ront it" $eel it" and accept it( No% that you kno% panic attacks are =ust a nor#al adrenaline response" there6s no reason to $ear the sensations any%ay( And also don6t try to ignore the sy#pto#s 5 even i$ your heart $eels like its pounding out o$ your chest" =ust feel it( No #atter ho% bad it is" the key is to $ace it( The #ore energy you put into e#bracing the sensation o$ this episode" the less strength it %ill have to a$$ect you the next ti#e( This #ay all sound 9easier said than done9" but in a $e% #o#ents %e6ll per$or# an exercise that %ill present a C>
#ore co#prehensive approach to e#bracing anxiety( For no%" =ust kno% conceptually that a%areness and acceptance o$ inner sensations is the essence o$ Sel$ Therapy listening( -nce you6ve gained con$idence in your ability to handle any $eeling" you %ill have eli#inated the $ear o$ $eelings that causes agoraphobia and panic disorder( Eno%ing this" you can +uickly prevent anxiety $ro# escalating into panic( ?#otions like anxiety exist essentially as energies %ithin our bodies( Most likely you6ve never given #uch thought to %hat $eelings really are( /e use language to place labels on e#otions like 9happy9" 9sad9" 9angry9" 9nervous9" 9anxious9" =ealous" and 9$ear$ul9" but these are =ust labels or sy#bols o$ the actual energies( For the duration o$ this C
reading" .6d like to think o$ e#otions as the energy" sensation" or essence underlying your $eelings( ,sing labels or %ords to sy#bolize e#otional energy is use$ul $or co##unicating %ith other people( 4ut you connect %ith yoursel$ by listening directly to the pure label3 less energies %ithin( @our relationship %ith yoursel$ is a uni+ue one" in that you are the only person %hose inner %orld you can ever really kno%( earning to observe and listen to your energies is the key to your relationship %ith yoursel$( And the identi$ication o$ pure energies %ithin you is a #a=or co#ponent o$ Sel$ Therapy" because learning ho% to concentrate a%areness on your energies has tre#endous ability to expand your e#otional tolerance $or the#( This is the 7B
listening aspect o$ the process( /hen you increase your e#otional tolerance" adverse energies lose their po%er over you" and you regain control over your inner %orld o$ %hich your outer %orld is =ust a re$lection( @ou6ll $ind that by identi$ying the energies underlying anxiety in your body" and observing the# as entities" you6ll be able to overco#e the #a=ority o$ anxiety6s debilitating e$$ects( -nce you can observe anxiety ob=ectively as an 9entity9 &a thing' and accept it" you #ove $ro# being consu#ed and controlled by it" to si#ply $eeling it( /ith practice" you eventually reach a level %here such $eelings no longer do#inate your thoughts to the point o$ in$luencing decisions( @ou experience energies like anxiety %ith co#$ort" and 71
can continue acting in a con$ident and constructive #anner despite their presence( Don6t %orry i$ so#e o$ this explanation see#s con$using at this point( Sel$ Therapy is a really si#ple tool" and you don6t need to co#pletely understand the underlying theory in order to #ake use o$ it( Hust like you don6t need to kno% ho% an engine %orks in order to drive a car" you also don6t need to have a per$ect grasp on these principles to reap the bene$its o$ Sel$ Therapy( 2evie% these concepts later i$ you %ish" but $or no% let6s #ove on to so#e practical instruction(
Self Therapy 'ractice Session
The best %ay to learn the Sel$ Therapy listening techni+ue is by experiencing it( So . %ould no% like to guide you through an exercise that de#onstrates the process( For this exercise" you should be in a co#$ortable seated position" in an area $ree $ro# distractions( @ou should not be driving or operating #achinery o$ any kind( 2ead through the description o$ each step $ully be$ore trying it yoursel$( .n #ost cases you can assu#e at least a $e% seconds pause a$ter each sentence( NO!" #or yo$r convenience% & have also incl$ded a g$ided a$dio recording on the ne't page that yo$ can listen to 7C
(instead of reading)* &f yo$ are ne+ to ,elf herapy% & +o$ld s$ggest listening to the online a$dio at least once in order to get familiar +ith the appropriate speed and pa$ses* Step I
O&ON./" /isten to the g$ided a$dio at C2ethod*org (trac of an'iety version)% then sip the ne't si' steps* )lose your eyes no% and relax( Direct your a%areness to%ard the inside o$ your body( . %ould like you to put your #ental a%areness $irst on the inside o$ your head( Hust #entally observe that space %ith your #ind6s eye $or CB seconds or so(
Then #ove your a%areness to your neck and observe that space $or about the sa#e a#ount o$ ti#e( Then do%n into your chest and abdo#en area( Then #ove your a%areness to your le$t ar#( Then your right ar#( No% do%n to your le$t leg( Then the right leg( Finally" expand your a%areness so that it enco#passes your entire body( 2elax in this state $or a #inute %ith in%ard a%areness throughout your body( Step II
No% that you have centered concentration %ithin your body" . %ould like you to notice the sensations in that space( @ou can start in your head" or in any area o$ your body %here a physical sensation is present( ?ach person6s 78
internal sensations %ill vary" but so#e exa#ples are: I Pressure in the head I Tightness in the neck I Aching in an ar# I Any other sensations Sensations can range $ro# physical ones like aching %ithin #uscles" to e#otional ones like the butter$ly $eeling in a nervous sto#ach" or the heaviness o$ depression( .$ the sensation you $ind is o$ an e#otional nature" like nervousness" =ust observe it as the energy(
Try to avoid placing verbal labels like 9nervousness9 or 9anger9 on energies 5 this type o$ identi$ication re+uires an intellectual evaluation that inter$eres %ith your co#plete attentive listening to the pure energy( The key right no% is to $ind and concentrate a%areness on the energies( @ou can describe energies %ith %ords like 9tingling vibration9" 9s#ooth9" 9dense9" throbbing" etc( .$ you don6t $eel anything" you6re probably trying too hard( Hust observe %hat6s there( /e all have sensation in our bodies( @ou don6t need to $orce anything to be created( .$ you6ve been experiencing anxiety recently" then you can probably $ind that sensation as an energy in your body" or 7<
#aybe throughout your body( Any e#otion that you experience has an energy" a physical sensation inside your body" that goes along %ith it( .t6s that physical sensation that %e6re interested in right no%( .$ you $ind yoursel$ beco#ing $rustrated or rushed" then that energy &the one underlying the $eeling o$ $rustration or rush' is a good one to observe( Step III
-nce you6ve $ound a sensation" greet it" al#ost as i$ it6s an 9entity9 %ithin you" by saying so#ething like 9hello energy9( Please choose an energy to concentrate on" and try this greeting no%(
.n the past" you6ve probably been in the habit o$ either ignoring or avoiding the 9unpleasant9 e#otional and physical sensations %ithin you( ,se this ti#e no% to instead consciously be %ith those energies in an accepting #anner( Focus your concentration on the energy you6re spending ti#e %ith as i$ you are listening to it" as i$ it is speaking to you %ith the sensations that it radiates( -verco#e all avoidance" $eel genuine interest in %anting to listen to it( isten %ithout analysis" %ithout evaluation" and %ithout =udg#ent o$ the energy( .$ it helps" think o$ listening to energies si#ply as concentrating on and observing the# %ith pure" thought3$ree" avoidance3$ree a%areness( Try this no% $or a couple #inutes( 7
Hust as a good listener %ould put all their #ental attention on the person they6re listening to" you should 9listen9 to the e#otional or physical energy %ith all your accepting a%areness 5 #eaning $ree o$ analytical or =udg#ental thought( )ontinue doing this $or a $e% #ore #inutes( The ability to stay $ocused and listening is like a #uscle the #ore o$ten you practice" the stronger your ability %ill beco#e( .$ you start to lose $ocus" say so#ething to the energy like 9. a# %ith you energy9( .$ you beco#e distracted %ith other thoughts" don6t try to $orce$ully push the# out" as doing so only gives the# the additional po%er o$ your attention( .nstead" let the# be there and =ust let the# $loat a%ay( They6ll lose strength as you continue concentrating 8B
on the energy you6re %ith( Hust turn your a%areness back to the energy and say so#ething like" Feeling" . a# %ith you no%( There is nothing #ore i#portant to #e right no% than being %ith you( . %ant to kno% you( /ith this in #ind" continue listening to your energy $or a $e% #ore #inutes( Step IV
For the energy you are currently listening to" try no% to describe the physical characteristics o$ that energy( 2e$lect your observations to the energy" as i$ you are speaking to it( @ou can do this either out loud or in your #ind(
So#e exa#ples #ight be: I ?nergy" you are s#ooth and thick( I Sensation" you are a tingling vibration in #y sto#ach( I ?nergy" you are aching and solid( I Feeling" you extend $ro# #y sto#ach into #y chest( I ?nergy" you are dense and throbbing" and shaped like a rod( I ?nergy" you are like a heavy sheet in $ront o$ #y $ace(
I ?nergy" you are pressure in $ront o$ and through #y chest( I ?nergy" you are like a thick gray cloud in #y body( I ?nergy" you are aching $ro# the top o$ #y head to behind #y eyes( I ?nergy" you are a $loating sensation( These are =ust exa#ples( @ou %ill obviously have your o%n uni+ue energies" and there$ore uni+ue descriptions( Try to co#e up %ith as #any descriptive %ords as possible" including shape" density" size" $eel" and so on( Take a couple #inutes to try this no%( Tell the energy your observation o$ 8C
its physical characteristics( @our description does not have to be exact" as there6s no need $or per$ection here( Hust re$lect the $irst observations that co#e to #ind( Please try this no% $or a couple #inutes( @ou #ay $ind it easier in the beginning to use a $eeling %ord $or very obvious e#otional energies( For exa#ple" i$ intuition tells you that %hat you6re $eeling is anxiety or nervousness" you can identi$y it that %ay" #aybe by saying hello nervousness( o%ever" re#e#ber to listen only to the pure energy" and to then describe its physical traits( o not get caught up in trying to interpret your energies" translate the# into e#otions" or associate the# %ith external events( This energy describing process that %e6re per$or#ing is actually 87
a $or# o$ active listening( @ou are re$lecting back to your inner energies your understanding o$ the#( This process o$ re$lecting helps #aintain #ental $ocus and re+uires clear observation( 4y $ocusing only on the physical characteristics" you li#it the need $or intellectual activity that interpreting energies into $eeling %ords re+uires( This is also the best %ay to stay $ocused on and listening to the pure energies( This describing and re$lecting step is the #ost i#portant co#ponent o$ the Sel$ Therapy process" and the #a=ority o$ your session should be devoted to this activity( So i$ you %ould like to spend so#e #ore ti#e listening to the energy that you are currently %ith" please $eel $ree to do so be$ore continuing( 88
Step V
2e#e#ber that the goal o$ Sel$ Therapy is to increase tolerance $or all e#otions" not to rid yoursel$ o$ the un%anted ones( There is so#e irony in this" because as you spend ti#e listening to your energies and beco#ing co#$ortable %ith their presence" they o$ten trans$or# into $eelings that are no longer over%hel#ing( ,sually this happens %ithin a $e% hours a$ter a Sel$ Therapy session( @ou %ill notice that the energy that had perhaps been +uite unco#$ortable be$ore your session beco#es so#ething that is easily tolerable %ithin a short period a$ter%ards(
So#eti#es energy shi$ts can even occur during the session itsel$( ?nergies #ay change shape or density" expand or contract" or #ove slightly( So#eti#es an energy you6re spending ti#e %ith #ay even disappear altogether( Hust go %ith these trans$or#ations" and continue being present %ith the ne% $or#s that e#erge( .t %ill o$ten be a nice side e$$ect" but an eli#ination o$ unpleasant $eelings should not be the ob=ective o$ your interaction %ith body energy( To have a #ental goal o$ dissolving your $eelings %ill de$eat #uch o$ Sel$ Therapy6s e$$ectiveness( @ou are learning to be %ith your energies" and in doing so eli#inating the #agni$ication o$ unco#$ortable ones that is caused by avoidance( So do not try to e#pty 8<
yoursel$ o$ unpleasant e#otions( Doing so %ill only have the reverse e$$ect( Please close your eyes again" and turn your attention back once again to the energy you %ere spending ti#e %ith( A$$ir# your acceptance o$ the energy6s presence by repeating the $ollo%ing phrases to it: I ?nergy" you6re okay to be %here you are( I ?nergy" . can handle you( I .6# okay %ith your presence in #y body( I ?nergy" . do not seek to suppress you( 8>
I . seek only to be co#$ortable %ith you( I Sensation" . a# okay %ith you( I ?nergy" . let you be as you are( Do your best to express these state#ents %ith sincerity( This beco#es easier %ith practice( Step VI
@ou #ight have noticed that the #anner in %hich %e6re co##unicating %ith body energies is si#ilar to an interaction %ith a person( That6s an excellent %ay to vie% this process( For our purposes" you can treat the energies as separate 8
entities" or $riends" %ithin you( .n a %ay" they are indeed $riends" as #ost energies arise because they are trying to provide you %ith so#ething that your subconscious #ind thinks is use$ul in$or#ation &as illogical as its interpretation #ight be'( More i#portantly" e#otional energies are %hat #ake us hu#an( Feelings" and our ability to experience all o$ the#" #ake li$e rich and $ull and %e don6t %ant to eli#inate this special di#ension o$ our lives( .nstead" our nu#ber one goal here is to learn to listen to energies ob=ectively( /ith continued practice o$ the Sel$ Therapy listening techni+ue" your tolerance level %ill increase and you %ill be able to #ove through sel$3 li#iting e#otions like $ear and anxiety because they %ill no longer overpo%er ;B
you( @ou6ll $ind that the bene$its o$ this process build upon the#selves day a$ter day" as you continue practicing( Please turn your a%areness back once #ore to the energy you %ere spending ti#e %ith( /ith a $eeling o$ genuine appreciation" regardless o$ the nature o$ the energy" repeat the $ollo%ing phrases to it: I ?nergy" thank you $or the #essage you are trying to give #e( I ?nergy" . appreciate and accept your presence %ithin #e( I ?nergy" thank you $or contributing to #y hu#anness( ;1
These state#ents or so#ething si#ilar can conclude your Sel$ Therapy session( 'ractice Session 2otes
This $irst exercise has de#onstrated the principles o$ Sel$ Therapy 9listening9( o%ever" $or the de#onstration %e have only spent li#ited ti#e %ith one energy( During a sel$ paced session" you can spend as #uch ti#e %ith an energy as you %ish" #ove bet%een all o$ the energies %ithin your body" or repeat the sa#e process $or each energy that you detect( .$ you6re still ne% to Sel$ Therapy and pre$er the guidance o$ this reading" si#ply repeat this seg#ent anyti#e( -nce you6re $a#iliar %ith the techni+ue" ;*
you can %ork independently at your o%n pace and even create your o%n variations o$ the techni+ue( For exa#ple" you #ay choose to #ove $ro# one area o$ your body to another" or to %ork $irst %ith the #ost unco#$ortable energies( .n #y o%n sessions" . tend to %ork %ith the do#inant energies $irst" and %ill =u#p back and $orth bet%een the listening and speaking steps &%hich %e6ll cover later'( This techni+ue does not have rigid rules" and you %ill undoubtedly $ind an approach that %orks best $or you( 4e a%are that you %ill o$ten encounter energies that you are not at all co#$ortable placing your a%areness on" especially given that you6re probably reading this book due to $eelings o$ anxiety and $ear that you6ve spent years trying to avoid ( o%ever" those energies ;C
in partic$lar are the #ost re%arding ones to spend ti#e %ith( Directly observing underlying energies takes sel$ discipline" and #ay initially be very unco#$ortable( 4ut your ability to i#prove your e#otional state %ill be in direct proportion to your ability to extend your experience into the real# o$ disco#$ort( .n $act" the best ti#e to engage in Sel$ Therapy listening is in the period =ust be$ore" during" or =ust a$ter a situation that has caused adverse energies to arise( This is especially true i$ you6re experiencing panic or anxiety attacks( .$ you6re $eeling panicky or anxious and can sa$ely do so" i##ediately engage in the sel$3listening exercise( Face that anxiety head on by $eeling it co#pletely" and release all e$$orts to prevent it $ro# ;7
co#ing to you( Greet the sensations" accept the#" observe the#" be %ith the#" and experience the#( @ou6ll +uickly prevent general anxiety $ro# escalating into a panic attack( -nce you6ve been practicing the listening #ethod $or a%hile" you #ight even try going to a place that re#inds you o$ an anxious episode and i#ple#ent your listening skills %ith the $eelings that arise $ro# #e#ory( ?ach ti#e you extend yoursel$ in directly observing the previously avoided sensations" the bene$its o$ your e$$orts %ill increase" and your anxiety %ill d%indle( @ou6ll be a#azed at the sel$ e#po%er#ent you create by expanding your tolerance $urther and $urther each day( .t6s si#ilar to exercising running $i$ty yards #ight ;8
%ipe you out %hen e#barking on a $itness progra#( 4ut as you push your li#its little by little on a daily basis" you soon $ind yoursel$ running $urther and $urther %ith less e$$ort( 'ractice3 'ractice3 'ractice!
4e$ore %e #ove on" .6d like to stress once again the i#portance o$ this 9listening9 phase o$ Sel$ Therapy( Don6t #ake the #istake o$ =ust reading through this #aterial and =udging its value %ithout trying it( .$ you only read about it" then you6re %asting your ti#e here( isten to the recording at #c*#ethod(org to see i$ the guided audio %orks better $or you( Also" i$ you6re thinking that this process is si#ilar to si#ply $eeling an e#otion like ;;
you nor#ally do" please kno% that there is a h$ge di$$erence bet%een si#ply %alking around %ith a $eeling and actually taking the ti#e to $ully listen to the energy directly( .$ you6re su$$ering $ro# anxiety" the #anner in %hich you6ve been experiencing adverse $eelings is #ost certainly one o$ avoidance( This #eans that %hen there is a sti#ulus or thought pro#pting $ear or anxiety %ithin you" you probably try to avoid the situation" andJor suppress the e#otional reaction( 4ut it is by consciously taking ti#e to co#pletely $eel the unco#$ortable energy that you %ill boost your tolerance and co#$ort levels $or both that $eeling" and the situations that cause it to arise(
Self Therapy 'ractice Session 45
O&ON./" /isten to the g$ided a$dio at C2ethod*org (trac of an'iety version)% then sip this session* .$ there are certain types o$ situations that provoke especially high levels o$ anxiety $or you" or i$ there are past events in your li$e that plague you %ill guilt" anger" or other inner tur#oil" .6d like to sho% you a use$ul variation o$ the listening techni+ue that helps reduce the e#otional i#pact o$ such events( -ne o$ the #ost po%er$ul therapeutic tools o$ a #ental health pro$essional is the skill o$ active listening( An e$$ective psychologist %ill e#ploy active listening to guide a patient into e#otional sel$3 ;>
a%areness( 4y pro#pting the person to describe a #e#ory" and ho% they $eel during that recollection &e(g( by asking $or clari$ications'" the patient is led into a state o$ re3experiencing unco#$ortable e#otional energies( This e#otional re3 i##ersion in a sa$e environ#ent can drastically decrease the intensity o$ unco#$ortable e#otions( /hile such hand3holding #ay be bene$icial" especially $or deeply trau#atic or repressed #e#ories" the counselor is still relying al#ost co#pletely on the patient6s ability to heal their o%n e#otional state( The healing is induced by the direct i##ersion into e#otional energies that the doctor6s active listening necessitates(
Sel$ Therapy e#po%ers you %ith that sa#e po%er$ul tool" %ithout #aking you dependent on any other person $or your inner har#ony( There #ay be certain issues that you $ind too di$$icult to re$lect on alone" $or %hich pro$essional help #ay be sought( o%ever" $or #any e#otional events" especially those revolving around anxiety" you can also be a good listener to yoursel$ yoursel$ 5 and provide to yo$rself to yo$rself the the sa#e supportive and accepting environ#ent that pro#otes inner healing( . %ould no% like to lead you through an exercise that de#onstrates exactly ho% to do this( 4e$ore getting started" please think o$ a #oderately unco#$ortable experience that you6ve had recently" or perhaps =ust a general situation that
causes you to $eel anxious( /e6ll use that experience $or a practice de#onstration( For this exercise" you should be in a co#$ortable seated position" in an area $ree o$ distractions( @ou should not be driving or operating #achinery o$ any kind( As be$ore" you should either read through the steps be$ore trying the#" or use the guided audio link above( Step I
/hen you6re ready" close your eyes and relax Direct your a%areness in%ardly" and =ust $eel the sensations o$ your body( Take a $e% #o#ents to relax into the $eelings o$ your being" and let any thoughts that co#e to you =ust $loat a%ay( <1
.#agine yoursel$ no%" in your #ind6s eye" in the situation that #akes you anxious" $ear$ul" or other%ise unco#$ortable( /hether this is a past event that causes lingering disco#$ort" or an upco#ing one that you6re nervous about" visualize yoursel$ in the situation 5 as i$ it is currently happening right no%" all around you( Do a hal$%ay decent =ob o$ #entally pro=ecting yoursel$ into the situation &as i$ you6re in it right no%'" and you %ill +uickly notice an e#otional reaction arise so#e%here in your body &e(g( nervousness" stress" uneasiness'( .##ediately trans$er your a%areness to that energy( Hust let it co#e( et it be there %ithout trying to stop it( Do not react to the energy" do not try to evaluate or analyze it" and above all do not try to <*
suppress it( Hust be %ith the energy %ith all your observing a%areness( /e6ll no% per$or# the steps o$ Sel$ Therapy listening =ust as %e did in the $irst session" instead applying the# to this internally generated $eeling( Step II
First" greet the energy by saying so#ething like" 9ello energy9( Then" =ust keep your accepting a%areness on the energy( isten to it %ithout analysis" %ithout evaluation" and %ithout avoidance( Do this $or a couple #inutes no%(
.$ you start to lose $ocus" say so#ething to the energy like 9. a# %ith you( . %ant to kno% you9( .$ you lose track o$ the energy" si#ply re3visualize the situation and then trans$er a%areness back to the $eeling( )ontinue listening in this #anner $or a couple #ore #inutes( Step III
No%" start describing the energy6s physical characteristics( Eeep your in%ard a%areness on the sensation and re$lect your observations to it" either out loud or in your #ind( I ?nergy" you are((( I Sensation" you are((( <7
I Feeling" you are((( /hen distracting thoughts arise" =ust let the# go and re3greet the energy( Tell the energy there is nothing #ore i#portant to you right no% than getting to kno% and be co#$ortable %ith it( )ontinue listening and re$lecting $or as long as you6d like( As %ith the standard $or# o$ Sel$ Therapy &$irst practice session'" #ost o$ your ti#e should be spent on this step( Step IV
No%" let the energy kno% that you accept and appreciate its presence by repeating the $ollo%ing phrases to it( As you do so" kno% that as you continue <8
increasing your ability to tolerate $eelings like this one" you %ill also be able to handle the situations %here these energies arise( So once again" direct your a%areness to the energy" and repeat so#e phrases like these: I ?nergy" you are okay to be %here you are( I Feeling" . accept your presence in #e( I ?#otion" . do not seek to suppress you( I ?nergy" thank you $or your #essage( I ?nergy" . can handle you( I ?nergy" . can be %ith or %ithout you( <;
@ou6re $ree to change the %ording in any #anner that $eels right $or you as long as it $acilitates the goal o$ 9accepting observation9( And as #entioned be$ore" you can #ove bet%een all these steps as you see $it( Stay %ith the energy until you $eel that you are able to tolerate and even be co#$ortable %ith its presence( Not only does this have the therapeutic e$$ect o$ reducing anxiety" but such e#otional tolerance also #akes you less likely to avoid situations that you6ve co#e to associate %ith adverse $eelings( -nce again" the #ost i#portant co#ponent o$ achieving this ob=ective is the practice o$ non3evaluational listening and $ocused observation o$ your energy( .$ you lose track o$ the $eeling you started %ith" you #ay %ant to repeat the entire process( Start over by visualizing <<
the situation so that the energy is re$ocused %ithin you" and then proceed through the steps again( @ou %ill probably notice that each ti#e you repeat the process" the original energy6s tendency to e#otionally over%hel# you %ill beco#e %eaker and %eaker( ?ventually" %hen practicing this #ethod regularly" you #ay have a hard ti#e even $inding the adverse energies that once a$$ected you( ,lti#ately" you %ill $eel in control o$ yoursel$ even %hen the energies do resur$ace" because you have consciously a$$ir#ed your ability to handle their presence( Many other anti3anxiety exercises involve relaxation" perhaps using #uscle contraction or peace$ul visualizations( o%ever" relaxation is not the goal o$ this exercise that %e6re doing here( To <>
the contrary" %e6re actually visualizing a $eared or 9undesirable9 situation $or the speci$ic purpose o$ re3creating and $ully experiencing the disco#$ort %ithout e#otional avoidance( .ronically" pro$ound and lasting relaxation is #ore o$ten the eventual result( Real6ti$e Self Therapy
.$ your experience o$ anxiety is anything like #ine %as" your daily li$e is probably riddled %ith situations that you loathe because o$ the unpleasant $eelings they cause( @ou %ill $ind Sel$ Therapy to be an i##ensely valuable tool $or keeping your e#otional balance as you $ace such events(
For exa#ple" there %as a ti#e %hen . %as +uite literally petri$ied o$ speaking in $ront o$ groups( . say 9petri$ied9 because %hen . %ould talk in $ront o$ people" the anxiety %ould be so extre#e that a lu#p in #y throat %ould virtually prevent #e $ro# speaking( . %ould blush like a to#ato and #entally $reeze so that . couldn6t even think o$ %hat . had to say( This reaction alone #ade the %hole experience #any ti#es %orse( A$ter learning the Sel$ Therapy listening techni+ue" . started to apply it to #y $ear o$ public speaking( .$ . kne% in advance that . %ould be giving a presentation" . %ould start by per$or#ing the variation o$ Sel$ Therapy that %e =ust discussed" applying it to the upco#ing event( .6d visualize #ysel$ in the $uture speaking situation &or actually practice the speech >B
%hile i#agining #ysel$ 9on stage9'" and =ust be %ith the energies that arose( More i#portantly" as the ti#e to speak approached" even #inutes be$ore" . %ould continue actively listening to #y energies as . got ready( And $inally" even %hile speaking" . %ould keep so#e #ental a%areness on the anxiety energies %elling up inside o$ #e( /hereas previously . %ould have tried to suppress those energies %hile speaking &%hich al%ays resulted in disaster'" . could no% =ust let all those reactions $lo% into and through #e( ?ven i$ . thought #y heart %as going to explode" . could =ust $eel it" and continue acting cal# on the outside( /hat %ould have previously beco#e bottled up energy overload %as no% a co#pletely #anageable reaction( >1
As . beca#e #ore con$ident in #y ability to handle these sensations" the $ear that %as causing the reaction in the $irst place eventually dissolved" along %ith #y $ear o$ speaking( .t #ay initially be so#e%hat o$ a challenge to concentrate a%areness in%ardly like this %hile involved in an activity like speaking or interacting" but it6s really #uch less o$ a distraction than suppressed anxiety %ould be( @ou %ill $ind that" %ith practice" #aintaining an inner a%areness %hile out%ardly interacting is possible" and very bene$icial( -bviously you %on6t be able to have the $ull3$ledged inner dialog %ith your $eelings" but an accepting a%areness is the key co#ponent in #anaging such situations( >*
.6ve used public speaking anxiety as an exa#ple here" but the sa#e concept can be applied to any situation3speci$ic anxiety( And %hile this exa#ple did allo% $or so#e #ental preparation" you can also apply Sel$ Therapy to unanticipated situations as they occur( Hust keep a portion o$ your #ental a%areness on your inner sensations" observe the#" and accept their presence( @ou #ight even try intentionally placing yoursel$ into so#e situations that cause anxiety" =ust to practice listening to the sensations that arise( i$e is $ull o$ events that #ake us $eel one %ay or another( .ncreasing your ability to tolerate such situations" and your inner reactions" is an a#azing step $or%ard to beco#ing the person o$ your $ull potential( .$ you can handle anything >C
in your inner %orld" you can handle anything in your outer %orld( This brings #e to one #ore topic .6d like to cover be$ore leaving this section( /e6ve pri#arily discussed Sel$ Therapy listening as applied to anxiety( o%ever" learning to experience other e#otions %ithout avoidance is also i#portant( For exa#ple" think o$ ho% co##on it is $or people to avoid trusting or loving so#eone $ully because they6re a$raid o$ re3experiencing sensations o$ loss" betrayal" re=ection" or other $eelings that they6ve encountered in the past( .t6s not $ear o$ loss it6s $ear o$ the feeling o$ loss( ?#barrass#ent" anger" sadness" loneliness" and so #any other e#otions >7
no one usually %ants to experience these things" but they are sensations that #ake us hu#an( The degree to %hich %e6ve insulated ourselves $ro# $eelings that %e6ve gro%n to $ear" grasping $or e#otional co#$ort and security" is also a #easure o$ ho% #uch %e6re li#iting ourselves and our lives( So regardless o$ %hat sensations co#e along" take the opportunity to gro% $ro# the#( 4e %ith those $eelings" and %ork on observing their energy %ith acceptance rather than avoidance( appiness" sadness" peace" su$$ering" love" loneliness( These things %ill co#e and go( 2eal =oy" and real inner strength" can be $ound in being able to $eel each #o#ent and being oay %ith yoursel$ in it( >8
Self Therapy "istenin*" Re7ie1
The Sel$ Therapy listening skills that you6ve =ust learned %ill be po%er$ul tools $or #anaging your anxiety( istening to and gaining #astery over inner energies has pro$ound bene$its $or anxiety reduction( Si#ply kno%ing that you can tolerate and no longer need to $ear negative $eelings" or the situations that inspire the#" %ill #ake a tre#endous di$$erence in your anxiety levels( @our $ears %ill no longer get nearly the a#ount o$ e#otional $uel that you previously gave the# once you trust in your capacity to handle even the %orst case e#otional scenarios( Don6t give anxiety the additional po%er that $earing its presence creates( Make the practice o$ Sel$ Therapy listening part o$ your daily li$e" and you %ill see its >;
bene$its constantly un$olding be$ore you in #ore pro$ound %ays( . %ould reco##end continuing %ith the listening exercises regularly" at least one or #ore sessions per day i$ possible" especially i$ your anxiety levels are still high( .t6s probably a good idea to use the guided audio recordings a couple ti#es in the beginning to be sure that you6re applying the concepts correctly &go to M)*Method(org'( @ou6ll eventually co#e up %ith your o%n variations" but initially it6s i#portant to be %orking %ith a proper $oundation( earn to look $or%ard to spending that ti#e %ith yoursel$" and kno% that your accu#ulated e$$orts %ill lead to inner $reedo#(
The upco#ing #aterial is best utilized once you6ve #anaged your current anxiety to a degree that it is not over%hel#ing you( For #ost people" the 9listening9 exercises %ill be the #ost i#portant co#ponent o$ the Sel$ Therapy process and overco#ing anxiety( .n $act" it used to be the entire progra#!
Re7ersin* the Anxiety Tren/
To stop stress and anxiety $ro# arising in the $irst place" %e #ust look at %here those $eelings are originating $ro#( And in al#ost every case" the cause is our thoughts and belie$s( @ou6ve probably heard the ter# 9seeing the %orld through rose colored glasses9( /ell" %ith anxiety you6re looking at the %orld through lenses o$ $ear( The origin o$ this behavior #ay be sel$3preservation instinct" but an excess o$ it beco#es purely sel$3de$eating( 2e$lect $or a #o#ent on the $act that it6s not situations the#selves that cause stress it6s your perception o$ ho% they #ay a$$ect you( Thinking o$ and i#agining $eared outco#es excessively >
eventually causes the body to react to the i#ages as i$ they are reality" resulting in $eelings o$ anxiety and stress( Thoughts" being the $ilters o$ perception" are also the #anu$acturer o$ $eelings( And the e#otional +uality o$ everything you do during your day is going to re$lect those $eelings that you have created %ith your thoughts( So#eti#es the reverse can occur" %here a $eeling in$luences thinking( A good exa#ple is a panic attack or anyti#e %e6re a$raid o$ an e#otion( Fear o$ the $eeling itsel$ causes us to i#agine so#ething bad( And it6s $or that reason that this progra# began %ith developing your ability to handle all $eelings so that you don6t have to $ear the#( 4ut in #ost cases" the do%n%ard thought3$eeling B
cycle usually begins %ith thoughts and perceptions( Do you %onder %hy you $eel better %hen you are %ith certain people" or %hen you are in certain situations0 .t6s because you think di$$erently in those situations( .$ you6re %ith good $riends that accept and appreciate you and #ake you think %ell o$ yoursel$" you6re probably going to $eel $ine &or even great'( -n the other hand" i$ you6re in a 9stress$ul situation9 that poses a lot o$ 9negative possibilities9" you6re probably going to do a lot #ore 9%hat i$9 or 9catastrophe9 thinking( 4ut the $act is that you could instead be exerting a sense o$ control by i#agining and i#ple#enting positive solutions(
/hy do you $eel better %hen you6re reading an inspirational book0 4ecause it6s giving you inspirational thoughts( 4ut you can start producing your o%n inspirational thoughts all the ti#e( /hy do you reach out $or or even cling to certain people %hen you6re $eeling $ear$ul or uneasy0 4ecause their presence or supportive attitude enables the type o$ thinking %ithin your #ind that #akes you $eel sa$e and secure( 4ut you can do the sa#e thing $or yoursel$! /hether in %ords" i#ages or both" %e6re involved al#ost constantly in an inner dialog %ith ourselves( And to overco#e anxiety %e need to control the direction o$ this co##unication( 2ather than continuing to blindly $ollo% the progra##ing that %e6ve passively absorbed $ro# unenlightened people and *
9negative9 experiences" %e can choose to start taking conscious control o$ deciding the type o$ thoughts that %e6ll produce and 9speak9 to ourselves( NO!" lease don5t dismiss the remainder of this boo by thining it might be a co$rse in 6positive thining6* .ltho$gh some+hat along those lines% & feel confident in g$essing that every approach to positive tho$ght that yo$5ve ever been e'posed to before +as probably fla+ed in some +ay% other+ise yo$ +o$ldn5t be here* ,o please read on7 .#proving the +uality o$ your thoughts is a critical step to%ard de$eating anxiety( .t is the #ental preoccupation %ith i#ages o$ things you $ear that causes your body to get nervous" release C
adrenaline and create other anxiety sensations( The $act is" i$ your #ind didn6t have a tendency to d%ell on negative thoughts and possibilities" the $ear reaction o$ anxiety %ould have no basis on %hich to gro%" and the avoidance behaviors leading to anxiety and stress %ould be #uch less likely to occur( Stress and anxiety si#ply cannot exist %ithout the thoughts that create the#( So %hat6s the conclusion0 2everse your thinking and you %ill reverse your anxiety( Those %ho stagnate in li$e" those %ho resist change" and o$ course those %ho tend to%ard anxiety" are the ones %ho d%ell on negative possibilities( .$ you expect bad things or nothing to co#e o$ your e$$orts" you6re probably not going to do #uch to better yoursel$ 5 people 7
act in accordance %ith their belie$s( 4ut e#otionally e#po%ered people have their #inds $ocused on the positive possibilities and act to%ard #ani$esting those possibilities( Don6t cheat yoursel$ out o$ all that your li$e could be( Eno% that i$ you continue thinking and acting in your current #anner" this is %hat your li$e %ill continue to re$lect( 4ut it can be so #uch #ore( Eno% that you are the creator o$ your li$e" and start to choose #ore constructive thoughts and belie$s $or yoursel$ as #uch as possible( The 9speaking9 aspect o$ Sel$ Therapy involves taking back conscious control o$ your thought patterns" %hich is essentially your co##unication to 8
yoursel$( @ou stop passively sustaining old sel$3li#iting #essages" and decide %hat thoughts and belie$s you need to internalize in order to reach your ob=ectives" even i$ your only ob=ective is si#ple inner har#ony( To reverse the cycle o$ negativity that breeds anxiety" keep a%are o$ the %alls that i#proper thinking builds bet%een you and your true goals" and begin to re3arrange your thoughts and belie$s in a #ore constructive #anner( Sure" bad things %ill so#eti#es happen( 4ut your #ental energy %ould be #uch better spent on #ani$esting positive possibilities and solving proble#s that really do arise" rather than i#agining the #yriad situations that could" but probably %on6t" arise( ;
Thou*ht A/8ust$ent
To begin reprogra##ing your #ind" it6s help$ul to $irst deter#ine %hat thoughts and belie$s you personally hold that are responsible $or your anxiety( So#e o$ these #ight be obvious to you already" and in the next sections %e %ill cover a $e% o$ the #ost co##on thought patterns that lead to anxiety( o%ever" you #ay also have so#e uni+ue personal belie$s that need ad=ust#ent( 2e$lect on things in your li$e that cause anxiety $or you" consider the $aulty thoughts behind the reactions" and decide %hat replace#ent thoughts you #ust assu#e in order to achieve the e#otional result you desire( @ou #ight consider an e#otionally secure or <
con$ident person that you kno%" and $igure out %hat they #ust $eel and believe about the#selves in order to be that %ay( ?verybody %ill have so#e personal thoughts and belie$s to change" and their o%n variations $or ne% and e#po%ering ones( .nitially" your replace#ent thoughts don6t have to be the co#plete opposite o$ your current ones( For exa#ple" =ust ackno%ledging a positive possibility is a signi$icant i#prove#ent" and an excellent starting point( 4e$ore #oving on" let #e re#ind you to not $orget about your 9listening9 skills( ,sing the upco#ing 9thought ad=ust#ent9 as a #ethod o$ repressing existing e#otions that you6d like to avoid is counterproductive( .$ there6s $ear or avoidance underlying your ne% >
thoughts" it %ill likely under#ine your e$$orts( There$ore" be sure to keep practicing %hat you learned in Sel$ Therapy 9listening9 as you #ove into this next section( /hen $irst getting started" it6s a good idea to per$or# a listening session =ust be$ore %orking on thought ad=ust#ent( This %ay you $irst overco#e any tendency to%ard avoidance o$ your energies" a$$ir# your ability to handle their presence" and don6t #ake the #istake o$ using the thought ad=ust#ent exercises as a #eans o$ e#otional suppression( -nce you6ve #anaged anxiety and other $eelings" you are then in the best position to reprogra# your #ind %ith ne% and e#po%ering belie$s(
So %ith that in #ind" let6s get started( .n order to de#onstrate the process o$ thought ad=ust#ent" %e6re no% going to %ork on reversing so#e co##on thought patterns and behaviors that lead to increases in anxiety( The purpose o$ these sessions is to instill so#e general thought patterns and belie$s as a $oundation on %hich to start building your anxiety resistance( -$ course" the intention is not to brain%ash you into accepting belie$s that you don6t agree %ith( .$ you should encounter any concept or thought that you6re not co#$ortable %ith" si#ply ignore it and #ove on to the next( And you6ll #ost likely $ind so#e state#ents that don6t apply to your particular situation( They6re all presented only as exa#ples o$ general healthy attitudes to 1BB
hold" and assu#e that you6re using good =udg#ent in their application at all ti#es( For the upco#ing exercises" please $ind a private and co#$ortable environ#ent" %here you can %ork %ithout distraction( Thou*h A/8ust$ent Session 49
R!CO!N!" /isten to the follo+ing sessions at C2ethod*org (tracs 13-18 of an'iety a$dio)% then sip ahead * For de#onstration" please start by si#ply repeating the $ollo%ing phrases out loud to get $a#iliar %ith the#:
I /ith #y ne% skills" . no longer need to avoid" suppress or run $ro# anxiety( I /hen . $eel anxiety arising" . can no% =ust listen to it and be %ith it( I . no% kno% that . can handle any $eeling that arises in #y body No%" do the sa#e thing again 5 repeat the phrases out loud( 9o+ever " this ti#e say the# %ith the co#plete $eeling that they are really true $or you( Place your e#phasis on the feeling that #atches the %ords" rather than =ust the %ords: I /ith #y ne% skills" . no longer need to avoid" suppress or run $ro# anxiety( I /hen . $eel anxiety arising" . can no% =ust listen to it and be %ith it(
2e#e#ber" it is very i#portant that you try to create the inner $eeling that the state#ents are in $act true $or you no% 5 perhaps a happiness or =oy that you6re overco#ing anxiety( /ithout generating the $eelings" the %ords do not carry any energy( 2epeat the last phrase %ith this in #ind: I . no% kno% that . can handle any $eeling that arises in #y body -kay" that6s a good start( No%" here are so#e additional steps to really get the energy o$ your body &belie$' into align#ent %ith the %ords that you6re speaking( Turn your a%areness to%ard the inside o$ your body" and do the $ollo%ing:
I 2e#ind yoursel$ that %hat you6ve learned so $ar has enabled you to stop $earing anxiety 5 that it %ill set you $ree( I Feel and listen to any positive e#otional energy that arises $ro# that thought( I et yoursel$ $eel those positive e#otions" and try to expand the# %ithout thinking about the#( I 2ealize that your internal $eeling is no% that o$ a person %ho has overco#e anxiety( I .n%ardly congratulate yoursel$ $or having $ound a %ay beyond anxiety( 1B7
I )ontinue listening to and expanding the $eeling in your body( .$ necessary" re#ind yoursel$ that anxiety relie$ i$ real $or you no%" and then continue expanding the energy( Don6t think about it 5 =ust $eel it" and #entally %ill the energy to expand( So %hat %e6re doing here is trying to get your body energies to correspond %ith those o$ a person %ho kno%s that they are anxiety $ree( Speaking %ords out loud &the li#it o$ #ost positive thinking and a$$ir#ation progra#s' is only a start( Speaking %ith intense $eeling is an i#prove#ent( o%ever" the #ost i#portant co#ponent o$ the process is to do %hatever it takes in your #ind to get your body energies into align#ent %ith 1B8
the thoughts 5 even i$ =ust $or a #o#ent( So#eti#es si#ply thinking about a positive possibility can get so#e o$ the target energy $lo%ing( At other ti#es" visualizing yoursel$ acting in a certain #anner can help" or perhaps =ust speaking the %ords %ill bring up a bit o$ the energy( 4ut the #ost i#portant and po%er$ul step co#es %hen you drop the thought" $eel the energy" and expand it through your #ental %ill( Eeep thought out o$ the process at that point =ust $eel the energy" and expand it in your body as #uch as possible( Eno% that it is real $or you in that #o#ent( This %hole process beco#es easier %ith practice" and %ith ti#e you6ll $ind the 1B;
results to be truly pro$ound( As %e #ove $or%ard" keep in #ind that even though . #ay be introducing ne% thoughts and perspectives %ith %ords" our ob=ective is to generate the body energy o$ belie$ that corresponds to those %ords( Don:t Worry3 0e Real+istic,
/orry can be a bene$icial survival #echanis#" as it is %orry that o$ten #otivates us to choose sa$er alternatives( o%ever" the excess %orry that causes anxiety usually provides little bene$it" and can severely li#it your ability to engage in nor#al activities( For exa#ple" so#e anxious people $ear $lying in airplanes( /hile $lying does involve an ele#ent o$ physical danger" the a#ount o$ #ental energy channeled 1B<
into negative expectations usually $ar out%eighs the a#ount o$ actual risk( Ask yoursel$" %hat is the realistic probability that your $eared event %ill actually happen0 .s it %orth $illing your head and coloring your experience %ith visions o$ catastrophe0 .ronically" the i#agined catastrophe $or even #ore anxious people is a physically har#less event that could occur( This #ight revolve around $ear o$ re=ection" $ailure" e#barrass#ent" loss" loneliness 5 the list goes on( Anxiety about such irrational $ears" i$ not con$ronted" can be truly devastating i$ it prevents us $ro# taking action to achieve the type o$ li$e %e desire( /hat %e need in order to start #oving beyond these sel$3li#iting tendencies are replace#ent belie$s that 1B>
give us a sense o$ control in all situations( There is one belie$ in particular" one realization" that %hen $ully internalized" %ill $ree you to live %ithout excess anxiety" and to $ully en=oy the li$e that you have available to you no%( /hat is it0 .t is the realization that :O; C.N 9.N/! & ( /hatever it is that you $ear happening" realize no% that yo$ +o$ld be able to handle it i$ it did happen( No #atter ho% bad it is" you have a strong #ind and you %ill be able to cope( @ou %on6t lose your sanity( @ou %ill survive( .n Sel$ Therapy 9listening9" you already began %orking on your ability to be present %ith the $eelings in your body( This is %here con$idence in your 1B
capacity to handle anything begins( Eno%ing that you can experience negative $eelings like anxiety %ithout avoidance is a po%er$ul step to%ard overco#ing their li#iting e$$ects( .n order to rein$orce the con$idence you6re gaining $ro# the 9listening9 exercises" that6s %hy %e6ve also #ade this the sub=ect o$ our $irst thought ad=ust#ent session( To continue building on the initial C state#ents" please repeat the $ollo%ing phrases out loud %ith the strong and congruent $eeling that they are already true $or you no%: I . no% accept all $eelings that co#e to #e( . let the# co#e(
I Fearing e#otions or body sensations only gives the# po%er( . e#brace $eelings instead( I . a# %illing to experience all hu#an e#otion( I 4y being able to experience all e#otions" . a# no% able to live #ore $ully( I /hen . $eel $ear" . =ust $eel it( . a# proud o$ #y ability to tolerate and go through $ear( I . do not repress or run $ro# anxiety( . $ully $eel #y anxiety and kno% . can handle it(
I /hen . sense anxiety" . no longer run $ro# it by seeking #ental or social diversions( 2e#e#ber" $or #axi#u# i#pact speak each thought %ith the belie$ that it is true $or you already( -nce again" the %ords don6t #atter 5 it is the $eeling that #atters( This is %hat gives the thoughts real po%er( Try to ignore the intellect" %hich likes to argue %ith anything that does not con$or# to your belie$ syste#( @ou6ll recognize the 9intellect9 5 it6s that voice in your head saying 9no you6re not9 every ti#e you think a ne% thought about yoursel$( 4y concentrating your $ull a%areness on the replace#ent thoughts %ith $ull belie$ and congruent $eeling behind the#" you %ill not leave any roo# $or the intellect to inter$ere( .n this %ay" you are bypassing the 11*
analytical intellect" and speaking directly to your subconscious #ind( So speak your ne% thoughts %ith co#plete belie$ and deep e#otion( Feel the %ords being spoken out to the universe by every cell o$ your being( Pro=ect and sense the =oy or %hatever e#otion you %ould expect to have i$ the target condition %here already attained( Eno% that the change is true $or you already( As you take ti#e everyday to instill your ne% thoughts and belie$s in this #anner" the e$$ects %ill accu#ulate" and generating the $eelings %ill beco#e #ore natural( The intellect %ill soon beco#e #ore accepting" and eventually
the ne% thoughts and belie$s %ill replace the old ones( A$ter speaking these last state#ents out loud" you probably already generated so#e o$ the energy that is in align#ent %ith the thoughts( .$ not" re#ind yoursel$ si#ply o$ the possibility that %hat you6ve learned in this book %ill enable you to handle anything that arises in your body" including anxiety( Then: I Feel and listen to any positive e#otional energy that has arisen $ro# these thoughts( I /hile $eeling and listening to those positive e#otions" try to expand the# %ithout thinking about the#(
I 2ealize that your internal $eelings are no% those o$ a person %ho can handle anything( I .n%ardly congratulate yoursel$ $or having $ound true con$idence( I )ontinue concentrating on and expanding the $eeling in your body( Don6t think about it 5 =ust $eel it" expand it" radiate it( Stress Re/uction
. %ould no% like you to re$lect on this $act: .$ you can be okay %ith any sensation or e#otion inside o$ you" then you %ill also be able to handle anything that happens outside o$ you( This is 118
because it is really the inner reaction that you $ear( /e =ust talked about ho% %orry and anxiety beco#e sel$3de$eating %hen they prevent us $ro# taking action( 4ut conveniently" i$ you6ve developed con$idence in the $act that you %ould be able to handle any $eared event" then you %ill have already eli#inated the need $or #uch o$ your %orry( @ou see" %orry is si#ply a preoccupation %ith negative possibilities( 4ut i$ you kno% you could handle any o$ those possibilities i$ they did arise" then you %ill be #uch" #uch less likely to d%ell on the#( And %ithout %orry and $ear" anxiety %ill no longer be able to take root(
2epeat the $ollo%ing a$$ir#ations out loud( As be$ore" speak %ith a co#plete kno%ing that they are already true $or you no%( Speak the %ords as i$ %ith every cell o$ your being 5 as i$ every cell o$ your body absolutely kno%s their truth( I . have the capacity to handle anything that happens( I There is nothing . can6t handle" only the #is3belie$ that . can6t handle it( I .nstead o$ %orrying" . kno% that . a# able to cope %ith any situation that arises(
I . have the e#otional strength to handle anything that co#es #y %ay( I Since . can handle anything" . can no% go through #y $ears( I . %ill survive even i$ the %orst case e#otional scenario happens( I /hen . $eel $ear" . continue taking action %ith con$idence and go through it( I . have the capacity to handle any situation" any outco#e" any event( -ne reason that people disregard the po%er o$ traditional 9positive thinking9 is because o$ the delay and disconnect 11>
bet%een the thought reversal and $eeling reversal( That6s %hy %e are doing both si#ultaneously( Another pit$all is that even %hen speaking positive a$$ir#ations" it is very easy to actually be thinking the exact opposite( Again" it is $or this reason that . place e#phasis on generating the desired and congruent $eelings" rather than =ust speaking positive thoughts( .t is the feeling and body energy that matters above all else( That is %here belie$ lies( earning to sel$3generate e#otional energy does take so#e practice" so don6t be too concerned i$ you cannot instantaneously create a strong $eeling %hen you6re $irst getting started here( Hust keep doing the best you can" and e#otional ad=ust#ent %ill co#e( .ts strength %ill continue to increase as you 11
continue generating your ne% energies $ro# day to day( E$otional Self Reliance
)on$idence can be increased by trusting in your ability to solve proble#s and co#plications that arise" as they arise( Al%ays re#e#ber that you can handle anything that happens" because you have a strong #ind( .$ you had the creativity to i#agine the +uantity o$ negative possibilities necessary to create anxiety" then your #ind is also resource$ul enough to $ind solutions to the proble#s that really do co#e along( Proble# solving ability is like a #uscle in your #ind exercise those #uscles on a daily basis" %hen they6re needed" and you %ill
beco#e a #ore e$$ective" and relaxed" relaxed" person( 4y trusting in your ability to cope %ith" $ix" or i#prove any undesirable situation" you %ill #aintain a sense o$ control over your li$e and daily events( That sense o$ control prevents situations $ro# beco#ing sources o$ stress and trau#a( Hust re#e#ber that there is al%ays so#ething you can do( @ou are never given #ore than you can handle in this li$e( And it is by #aintaining a sense o$ control over your circu#stances that you gain real e#otional strength %ithin( 2epeat these thoughts out loud %ith the $eeling throughout your body that they are true $or you no%:
I . have the ability to $ind solutions to the proble#s that arise in #y li$e( I . have a po%er$ul #ind and a# a strong proble# solver( I . put #ental energy into $inding positive solutions( I . can al%ays $ind a %ay to i#prove an undesirable circu#stance( I ?very ti#e . solve a proble# and i#prove #y li$e" . beco#e a stronger person( I 4ecause . can $ind a solution to any proble#" . no longer longer need to %orry about 9bad9 things happening( 1**
The attitudes that %e6ve covered so $ar can help greatly %ith reducing the anxiety and stress caused by 9%hat i$9 thinking( /hen you kno% that you6d be able to handle %hatever happens" you %on6t spend so #uch ti#e %orrying about all the #yriad negative possibilities that could happen( Apply these attitudes to $ears and %orries that are causing you anxiety or li#iting your personal gro%th( @ou #ight also experi#ent %ith changing your perception o$ 9negative9 events( As a personal exa#ple" . once vie%ed #y anxiety as so#ething undesirable and 9bad9( 4ut %as it really 9bad9 i$ . got through it" beca#e a stronger" #ore content person as a result" and can no% help others0 My $riend %as 1*C
devastated %hen her last relationship $ell apart" and she couldn6t see any other $uture( 4ut %as the experience 9bad9 i$ it helped her to gro% e#otionally" and i$ she is no% #uch happier %ith her ne% partner0 Perhaps the tra$$ic on the %ay to %ork this #orning got you stressed %ould you $eel stressed i$ you kne% that the tra$$ic had diverted you $ro# a serious accident0 The 9negativity9 %e perceive in daily li$e is only relative" pure re$lection o$ the breadth o$ the observer6s perception( .$ nothing else" . urge you to si#ply experi#ent %ith seeing your li$e $ro# a larger" #ore enlightened" perspective( Trust that everything is =ust right $or its ti#e 5 that it6s the universe steering you in the right direction" even i$ you cannot yet see the destination( @es" you #ay 1*7
never kno% %hen a 9proble#9 %as a saving grace" %hen an 9accident9 %as preparing you $or better things" or %hen an 9obstacle9 taught you a crucial lesson( 4ut =ust try assu#ing the best( See the procession o$ events in your li$e $ro# this perspective" and all the little proble#s and setbacks %on6t see# +uite so 9bad9( Self Estee$
A healthy sel$3estee#" or regard $or onesel$" is another vital ele#ent o$ overco#ing anxiety( Acceptance o$ yoursel$ gives you the $reedo# to #ake #istakes you don6t need to try to appear per$ect to others i$ you6re already okay %ith yoursel$( .#agine %hat this can do $or $ear o$ $ailure" re=ection and social 1*8
anxiety( For exa#ple" %ould you %orry about saying so#ething stupid or e#barrassing yoursel$ i$ didn6t #atter so #uch to you %hat others thought0 /ould you $ear re=ection i$ you %here already so supportive and loving o$ yoursel$ that no one else6s negative criticis# could a$$ect you0 .#agine that 5 i$ no one6s =udg#ent could e#otionally touch you because your sense o$ sel$3%orth %as already so rock solid( @ou6d be able relax around others and =ust be yoursel$( @ou6d be able to $reely tell people %hat you $eel" let the# kno% %ho you are" and start #aking real connections( /hen you6re okay %ith %hat6s inside you" you don6t try to hide it $ro# others 5 i$ so#eone doesn6t like you" that6s their proble#( .n this #indset" it6s easier to act yoursel$" 1*;
try ne% things" and $eel authentic( .t6s $or all these reasons that i#proving sel$3 estee# is another #a=or key to coping %ith anxiety( So ho% can %e cultivate that unsinkable sel$3estee#0 The key once again is to i#prove your co##unication %ith yoursel$( )onsider the #anner in %hich you %ould hope that your best" #ost supportive" encouraging" and trust%orthy $riend %ould co##unicate %ith you 5 and then adopt this #anner o$ co##unication $or speaking to yoursel$( .nstead o$ relying on others $or your e#otional support and seeking the# out %hen things get bad" $igure out %hat type o$ e#otional energy and %ords you %ould %ish to receive $ro# the#" turn your attention in%ard" and give it to the inner you( 1*<
.$ %e depend on supportive #essages $ro# other people $or our sel$3estee#" then the opposite &neglect" criticis#" or negativity to%ards us' %ill logically eat a%ay at sel$ estee#( The solution is to $ree yoursel$ $ro# the daily barrage o$ uncontrollable external #essages that can destroy sel$3i#age by building your $oundation o$ sel$3estee# $ro# the inside( Stop looking outside $or approval" and co##unicate your thoughts o$ acceptance to your o%n inner sel$( As an additional #otivator" kno% that loving yoursel$ is not only a key to real sel$3content#ent" but also the $oundation $or success$ul relationships and $riendships( @ou #ust have love $or yoursel$ in order to have extra love to give to others( Moreover" you6re #uch 1*>
less likely to repel people %ith insecurity" and #ore likely to accept love $ro# the# %ithout doubt" i$ you already love yoursel$( This is because %hen you love yoursel$" you #ore naturally believe yoursel$ %orthy o$ others love( The $ollo%ing exercise should give you a good idea o$ the type o$ sel$ dialoging you can engage in to take charge o$ your o%n sel$3estee#( This seg#ent should not be per$or#ed %hile driving or operating #achinery( @ou should be in a seated position" in an area $ree $ro# distractions( 2epeat the $ollo%ing phrases * or C ti#es" doing your best to go beyond the
%ords" into the body energy and $eeling that corresponds to their #eaning( I . accept and love #ysel$ unconditionally" as . a#( I . love the person . a# choosing to beco#e( 4e$ore #oving onto the next state#ents" .6d like to introduce another use$ul techni+ue o$ generating target energies that is by speaking your thoughts in%ardly to yoursel$ in the *nd person( For exa#ple" instead o$ saying 9. a# a con$ident person9" you6d turn your #ental $ocus to%ard your inner being and say" 9K &nsert yo$r name hereL" you are a con$ident person9( @ou speak $ro# the center o$ your consciousness into 1CB
your body and all the energies that #ake up your being( .$ done properly" %ith $ull $eeling and thought3$ree #ental $ocus" your subconscious #ind %ill perceive these #essages al#ost as i$ an ob=ective third party is #aking the state#ents about you( -$ten an outside and ob=ective state#ent is the one that %e &our subconscious' $ind #ost believable" and speaking in%ardly to yoursel$ in this #anner is an excellent %ay to si#ulate that e$$ect( This techni+ue #ay see# a bit strange at $irst" but re#e#ber that it is a #eans to an end( ?xperi#ent a little and you6ll discover that it really helps to create an energy o$ belie$ in your subconscious #ind( A$ter all" it %as outside in$luences that inspired #any o$ your perceptions in the $irst place( This #ethod o$ 1C1
speaking to yoursel$ is essentially replacing uncontrollable outside voices %ith your o%n" #ore enlightened one( Further#ore" the $ocus on your inner being leaves little roo# $or intellectual distraction" and can #ake $or a #ore direct i#pact on your subconscious #ind( Si#ply #odi$y your thought phrases by replacing the %ords 9. a#9 %ith the %ords 9Sel$" you are9 &%here 9sel$9 is your na#e'( et6s give it a try( )lose your eyes no% and turn your a%areness in%ard( 2epeat the $ollo%ing phrases" speaking $ro# the center o$ consciousness in your head do%n into your entire body and being( 2eplace the %ord 9sel$9 %ith your na#e( 1C*
I Sel$" . a# okay %ith the person you are( I Sel$" . en=oy spending ti#e %ith you and getting to kno% you( I Sel$" #y relationship %ith you is i#portant to #e( I Sel$" you are #y best $riend" and . a# your best $riend( I Sel$" . like the person that you are" and . like the person that you are beco#ing( Again" be sure to speak the phrases to yoursel$ %ith a genuine and absolute sincerity( Si#ultaneously generate a 1CC
$eeling that you really #ean it that it6s 1BB true no%( I Sel$" . support you and stand by you through everything and no #atter %hat( I Sel$" . %ill al%ays be %ith you as you #ove through any $ear( I Sel$" you can no% ignore outer criticis# that . love and accept you is all that #atters( I Sel$" . a# co##itted to giving you supportive and encouraging thoughts at all ti#es(
I Sel$" you are doing a great =ob( . a# proud o$ you( you( . congratulate you $or the the progress you have have #ade( I Sel$" you are #y co#$orter" . a# your co#$orter( I Sel$" you are the one . run to" and . a# the one you run to( I Sel$" there are so #any good things about you( . like %ho you are( I Sel$" . appreciate the hu#anness %ithin you( . appreciate your i#per$ections( I Sel$" it is okay %hen you #ake #istakes(
I Sel$" . look out $or you( . stand up $or you( I Sel$" everything %ill be okay( ?verything al%ays %ill be okay( I Sel$" . love you no #atter %hat( /hile your attention is still $ocused %ithin" take a #o#ent and =ust $eel your inner energies( No%" instead o$ speaking" try to pro=ect the energy o$ love to yoursel$( Feel the energies o$ co#plete acceptance" appreciation" ad#iration and any other co#ponents o$ love" and #entally radiate those in%ardly to yoursel$( Try this no%( .$ it helps" you can silently speak the %ords" 9Sel$" . love you and appreciate you9 as you pro=ect the energy o$ love into your 1C;
body( Feel those energies energies $lo%ing no% $or a $e% #inutes( Social Anxiety
Good $riendships and loving relationships can be one o$ li$e6s #ost re%arding experiences( o%ever" the +uality o$ such external relationships is in large part a re$lection o$ the +uality o$ your relationship %ith yoursel$( The last t%o sections provided an excellent $oundation to start %orking on your internal co##unication( Eno% that putting your relationship %ith yoursel$ $irst does not #ean being sel$ish( To the contrary" %hen you $irst resolve your o%n e#otional issues and beco#e less preoccupied by your your inner 1C<
su$$ering" you6ll be #uch #ore capable o$ giving yoursel$ to others( Step 1 in i#proving your relationship %ith the outside %orld is i#proving your relationship %ith yoursel$( ike a drop o$ %ater on a still lake" the e$$ects o$ your e$$orts to i#prove your inner relationship %ill ripple out to external ones( 4y #aking your inner needs a priority you %ill have the greatest positive i#pact on everyone around you( ike%ise" once you6ve created a healthy relationship %ith your inner sel$" you are then in the best position to start connecting %ith others in a healthy" non3 needy" non3clingy" unconditional #anner( The $ollo%ing a$$ir#ations %ill address so#e additional sources o$ social anxiety" shyness" and $ear o$ re=ection" 1C>
all o$ %hich are o$ten nothing #ore than sy#pto#s resulting $ro# negative expectation about social interaction( 2epeat these phrases %ith $ull e#otion" kno%ing they are true $or you no%: I . a# okay %ith #ysel$ and this #akes #e a co#$ortable person to be around( I 4ecause . a# secure %ith #ysel$" #y presence #akes others $eel secure( I aving resolved #y anxiety" . a# no% able to $ocus #y attention on others rather than #ysel$( This #akes #e a #ore likable person( I . kno% that not everyone %ill like the person . a#" and this is okay %ith #e( 1C
I .$ so#eone does not like #e or is not co#$ortable %ith #e" this is their proble#( I . can only be the person that . love" and let others love #e i$ they choose( I . do not try to appear per$ect to others( My interactions %ith others do not need to be per$ect( I Mistakes and i#per$ections #ake #e hu#an( . appreciate #y hu#anness( The people . care about like #e because . a# real and genuine(
I . love and appreciate #y i#per$ect li$e" i#per$ect events" and i#per$ect interactions( I Anyone %ho disapproves o$ or =udges #e is o$ no i#portance to #e( I . have no $ear o$ =udg#ent or re=ection" because . a# already $ully okay %ith #ysel$( I . a# %illing to $eel nervousness" re=ection" and e#barrass#ent( . e#brace and go through such $eelings( I . take the risk o$ re=ection that getting to kno% others re+uires(
I . take chances in order to $ind the relationships and $riendships . desire( This is a good place to introduce one #ore #ethod o$ ad=usting thought patterns and belie$s( . call this #ethod 9acting9" and it involves behaving in a #anner congruent %ith your targeted belie$s" even i$ such behaviors $eel arti$icial or unnatural at $irst( This is especially use$ul in social situations( /hile the approach #ay at $irst appear to be #ore o$ a physical activity than a #ental one" 9acting9 the role o$ the person you %ant to beco#e creates an extre#ely po%er$ul i#pression on your subconscious #ind that can +uickly beco#e the $oundation o$ your thoughts about yoursel$(
For practice" next ti#e you6re not $eeling all that con$ident in a particular situation" try si#ply acting like you are con$ident( Stand tall" speak in a cal# voice" #ake eye contact" be controlled in your #ove#ents" and so on( @ou %ill probably be a#azed to $ind that by si#ply acting con$ident &even i$ you don6t $eel it initially' you %ill cultivate an energy o$ con$idence %ithin yoursel$ that %ill change your i#age o$ yoursel$( Not $eeling social0 Try acting social( Not $eeling energetic0 Try acting energetic( Not $eeling co#petent0 Try acting co#petent( @ou %ill beco#e it( So#e sel$ develop#ent coaches re$er to this #ethod as 9$ake it until you #ake it9( o%ever" it6s really not the sa#e as being $ake or phony( Phoniness involves insincerity( /hat .6# talking about here 17C
is 9acting9 as though you are already the person that you %ant and are choosing to beco#e" %hich is probably the best re$lection o$ %ho you really are( Acting is an a#azingly po%er$ul #ethod o$ rede$ining yoursel$" and it doesn6t take long $or ne% and i#proved behaviors to beco#e second nature( .ro$ Actin* to Takin* Action
?arlier %e %orked on building con$idence in your capacity to handle any $eelings or events that arise in daily li$e( 4ut %hile kno%ing that you %ould be able to handle any undesirable negative possibility is very co#$orting" true e#po%er#ent %ill co#e %hen you start taking real action to con$ront the things that you $ear( @ou are a person 177
that #ust continually gro% in order to be happy( See your anxiety as a %ake3up call that gro%th has slo%ed" and the ti#e $or pro$ound action is no%( /hile the Sel$ Therapy 9listening9 techni+ue %ill help you to #anage your e#otions and get a good grip on your anxiety" don6t #ake the #istake o$ trying to eli#inate your $ears co#pletely be$ore con$ronting the#( The deep realization that you can truly handle anything" and real $reedo# $ro# anxiety" co#es by proving to yoursel$ that you have the capacity to $eel $ear and go through it( To get out o$ your rut o$ stagnation" practice doing %hat you $ear even %hen you don6t yet $eel like it( Don6t %ait until 178
you $eel con$ident on the inside to take action on the outside( To achieve the #ost pro$ound levels o$ con$idence" you #ust do the things that you don6t yet have the con$idence to do( Massive inner strength co#es by taking action %hen you6re e#otionally do%n( So start looking $or gro%th opportunities by seeing events and situations in your li$e as practice opportunities( And be sure to use the real3ti#e Sel$ Therapy #ethod %hile taking the# on( To put this all another %ay" the best %ay to really de$eat the disco#$ort o$ anxiety is to intentionally con$ront your underlying $ears( For exa#ple" i$ you %ant to overco#e social anxiety" learn to invite" listen to" and even love that $eeling o$ nervousness and a%k%ardness that arises %hile you6re interacting( 17;
/henever you notice yoursel$ trying to avoid so#e person" interaction" or social situation due to anxiety" use that as an opportunity to practice being okay %ith your inner sensations( NO!" Of co$rse% +e5re not taling abo$t rational fears of realistically dangero$s sit$ations< al+ays $se good =$dgment and mae e'ceptions +here yo$r physical safety is concerned* See each challenge as one %ith yoursel$( For exa#ple" you are not =ust giving a speech you are con$ronting your $ear o$ speaking( @our $ocus isn6t =ust on the speech it is on being okay %ith the $eelings during the speech( 2egardless o$ ho% it goes" you are success$ul because you got up and $elt those sensations( 17<
Give positive $eedback to your inner sel$ %hile $acing $ears( @ou are doing so#ething very i#portant and very di$$icult( So co#pli#ent yoursel$ $re+uently( And realize that even 9$ailure9 is success( 2epeat the $ollo%ing a$$ir#ations %ith the $eeling and realization that they are already your o%n belie$s( I . look $or%ard to the good things that %ill co#e %ith going through #y $ears( I The anxiety .6# $eeling no% is %orse than the disco#$ort o$ change( . choose change(
I Success$ul people go through $ear" $ailure" and re=ection( As do .( I . see anxiety provoking situations as practice and gro%th opportunities( I /henever . $eel anxiety" . take the opportunity to $eel it" accept it" and go through it( I . no% $ace situations %ith an attitude o$ e#otional con$rontation rather than avoidance( I My $ears have taught #e ho% to have courage %hen . a# a$raid(
I . kno% that con$idence is enhanced by con$ronting $ear . take action even %hen . $eel uncon$ident( I ?ven i$ the %orst outco#e happens" . %ill see it as a success$ul gro%th experience( .$ there is one real gi$t that anxiety provides" it6s dissatis$action %ith dissatis$action( .$ you6re not #aking progress in your li$e and #oving $or%ard %ith your goals in so#e %ay" you6re probably going to get uneasy( For exa#ple" i$ you6re experiencing anxiety no%" it6s +uite likely that you6re not content %ith your present external circu#stances( @ou #ight be holding back $ro# doing so#e things in your li$e that you %ant to do" #aking changes you 18B
need to #ake" standing up $or yoursel$ in so#e #anner" or #oving $or%ard %ith your li$e in one %ay or another( The reason . say this is that anxiety o$ten starts to dissolve once %e begin to take action externally" and internally prove to ourselves that %e are capable o$ achieving the circu#stances %e desire( ?arlier %e discussed ho% developing con$idence in your ability to handle any outco#e %ill eli#inate the need $or %orry $ro# %hich anxiety gro%s( Take that principle one step $urther no%" and realize that if yo$ become a person that can handle any fail$re% then yo$r s$ccess (ho+ever yo$ define it) is virt$ally g$aranteed ( .$ you really %ant so#ething bad enough" then no $ailure" no re=ection" and no setback %ill stop 181
you $ro# picking yoursel$ up and trying again( Fear o$ $ailure is itsel$ responsible $or #uch o$ the negative thinking that leads to inaction and anxiety( Free yoursel$ $ro# this trap by changing your perception o$ $ailure( 2e#ind yoursel$ o$ten that every $ailure is a learning experience and stepping stone to success" that you have the ability to acco#plish the ob=ectives you6ve set your #ind to" and that you are no% able to #ove through the discourage#ent and disappoint#ent o$ any setback( @ou #ight #ake so#e #istakes you #ight $ail #any ti#es( 4ut you %ill be able to persevere in the $ace o$ adversity because you6re pursuing a vision that you believe in( 18*
Thou*ht A/8ust$ent Re7ie1
.n this section o$ the book you6ve learned so#e i##ensely po%er$ul tools o$ sel$ trans$or#ation( /ith the#" you can begin to reprogra# your subconscious #ind and rede$ine yoursel$ by replacing sel$3de$eating and anxiety3 producing thought patterns %ith #ore constructive ones( /hile you shouldn6t expect to i##ediately reverse years o$ #ental inertia" kno% that the bene$its o$ your e$$orts %ill build upon the#selves as you continue practicing day a$ter day( 4y $ocusing as #uch #ental energy on truly believing the ne% thoughts" and generating congruent e#otional energies" you %ill drastically accelerate your results( ?ventually you6ll 18C
internalize ne% belie$s co#pletely and have a ne% basis $ro# %hich you interact %ith people and your external %orld in general( /henever you $eel $rustrated" re#e#ber that negative thinking and expectation is a habitual behavior that you6ve been 9practicing9 $or a long ti#e( As %ith any habit" it #ay take so#e ti#e to reverse" and you #ay occasionally $all into your old %ays( That6s okay 5 i$ this happens" =ust revie% %hat %e6ve discussed and gently #ove yoursel$ back to generating the ne% energies( Eno% that they %ill eventually beco#e your do#inant and natural e#otional $oundation(
And once again" don6t $orget the i#portance o$ continuing %ith your listening exercises! 'hysical Health an/ Anxiety
Since anxiety is usually created in the #ind" it see#s logical that it should be resolved in the #ind" and this book pri#arily $ocuses on that aspect( o%ever" e#otional energies exist throughout the body" and you6d be %ise to consider both co#ponents in your recovery( The truth is that physical health can directly i#pact e#otional %ellness" including anxiety levels( /ithout taking proper care o$ both your #ind and body" you %ill si#ply not be able to #anage stress and anxiety as %ell as you %ould other%ise( 188
@ou6ve probably heard this a hundred ti#es" but a $e% #a=or co#ponents o$ a healthy li$estyle are proper diet and nutrition" good sleeping habits" and regular exercise( /hat you #ay not be a%are o$ is that a de$iciency in any one o$ these areas can actually contribute to stress" anxiety" and depression" and #ay be having #ore o$ a negative i#pact on your e#otional li$e than you realize( A co#plete course in health and nutrition is beyond the scope o$ this book" but there is plenty o$ #aterial out there should you %ish to increase your kno%ledge o$ the sub=ect( For no%" let6s take a +uick look at so#e o$ the #ost co##on %eak links in e$$orts to%ard anxiety relie$(
NO!" &t is advisable to cons$lt +ith a doctor before maing changes to yo$r diet or fitness program* ;et an a/e
-ver #illions o$ years our bodies have evolved %ith regular physical activity present" %hich #odern conveniences" transportation" and o$$ice =obs have nearly eli#inated( /ithout replace#ent activities" it6s easy to accu#ulate a lot o$ excess body energy( And in the right #ental environ#ent those energies easily trans$or# into higher anxiety levels( This pheno#enon #akes exercise one o$ the best %ays to initially #anage anxiety issues(
?xperi#ent %ith cardiovascular exercise" resistance training" and activities like =ogging or bicycling to $ind %hich %orks best $or you( The right activity can %ork %onders in enhancing your overall #ental and e#otional state by releasing accu#ulated body energy" reducing stress levels and irritability" and producing endorphins that relax both the body and #ind( Think about ho% easily children $all asleep at night" and then note ho% #uch physical activity they are engaged in during the day( ?xercise isn6t the only $actor %hen it co#es to overco#ing anxiety" but it can certainly play a #a=or role( Again" it is usually advisable to consult %ith a doctor be$ore #aking changes to your personal $itness progra#( 18>
A7oi/ alcohol3 ci*arettes3 an/ caffeine
.$ alcohol has helped reduce your anxiety in the past" it #ost likely =ust happened to create a so#e%hat care$ree #indset at that particular ti#e( @ou6ve probably $ound that such results cannot be relied on" as #ore o$ten the e$$ects o$ this drug actually lead to heightened anxiety levels( Fortunately" in this book you6ve learned ho% to cultivate an anxiety3$ree #entality %ith #uch greater reliability( As $or nicotine and ca$$eine" these are both %ell kno%n nervous syste# sti#ulants %hich increase heart rate" produce stress hor#ones" and have the potential $or shooting anxiety levels through the roo$! Take a look at the 18
ingredients in $oods you eat regularly to #ake sure ca$$eine is not present( This anxiety trigger sho%s up in #any places" including chocolate desserts &theobro#ine'" co$$ee" black and green tea" and especially cola( .$ you drink co$$ee" soda" or other ca$$einated beverages regularly" you are going to be #uch #ore prone to stress" nervousness" and general anxiety( @es" both nicotine and ca$$eine are legal drugs" but they do have a detri#ental e$$ect on health and anxiety levels( .6# not out to change your li$estyle" but i$ you6re serious about overco#ing anxiety" you o%e it to yoursel$ to at least experi#ent %ith cutting alcohol" ca$$eine and nicotine out o$ your diet te#porarily( 1;B
Several po%er$ul ideas have been presented in this book" and you #ay %ant to revie% $ro# ti#e to ti#e to #ake sure you6re getting the #ost $ro# your Sel$ Therapy sessions( The techni+ues that you6ve learned can be truly li$e changing" especially in that they are extre#ely practical( Don6t be $rightened i$ lingering anxiety appears $ro# ti#e to ti#e" even a$ter you6ve been using these #ethods $or a%hile( .n #ost cases" you6ll be able to identi$y an episode o$ negative expectation as the cause( At other ti#es" certain sights or sounds #ight trigger e#otional #e#ories o$ anxiety( . once had an anxiety attack %hile a particular 1;1
song %as playing on the radio" and $or years &be$ore developing Sel$ Therapy' %as unco#$ortable listening to that song( The sa#e thing can happen %ith sights" s#ells" sensations" or any other #e#ory trigger( .$ so#ething si#ilar happens to you" re#e#ber to not try to suppress" avoid" or run $ro# your anxiety( Hust engage your 9sel$ listening9 skills and kno% that you can go through it by e#bracing it( /ith gro%ing con$idence in your ability to handle those episodes" along %ith your ne% anxiety resistant thoughts and behaviors" such occurrences %ill beco#e less and less co##on( @ou are learning ne+ behaviors" changing longti#e thought patterns" and 1;*
breaking strong habits so don6t be surprised i$ anxiety pops up $ro# ti#e to ti#e as you occasionally $all back on your old %ays( /elco#e the opportunity to practice your skills and rein$orce your kno%ledge that you can handle it( Tho#as Paine once %rote" 9The #ind once enlightened cannot again beco#e dark(9 No% that you have the tools to cope %ith anxiety" you no longer need to $ear it( And no% that you understand the cause o$ anxiety" you can reverse the tendency to create it( The %orst point you have been to is %here you $elt trapped in your anxious $eelings %ithout kno%ing ho% to escape the#( @ou no% have the key" and you kno% a %ay out(
-ne o$ the greatest gi$ts %e have in being hu#an is the ability to $eel e#otions( .n #y experience" true happiness co#es %hen one is able to experience the entire range o$ e#otions %ithout avoidance behavior( /hen %e can do that" even %ith anxiety" then anxiety itsel$ %ill disappear( The 9sel$ listening9 #ethod that you6ve learned is a po%er$ul tool $or experiencing any e#otion" and eli#inating the ability o$ any e#otion to over%hel# or stop you( @our general e#otional state" your relationships" your career" and all other areas o$ your li$e %ill go through cycles( As s#ooth as things see# no%" there %ill be dips( .$ you are living an active and $ull li$e" then disappoint#ent" $ailure" loss" and other such events %ill inevitably co#e( This is the nature o$ 1;7
our physical lives( @our ability to $eel the e#otions that co#e %ith such events is also the #easure o$ your ability to live $ully and eventually succeed" regardless o$ %hat your de$inition o$ success #ay be( /hen you kno% that you can handle anything" you %ill be $ree o$ $ear" $ree to live in and en=oy the present #o#ent( The depth to %hich you are able to experience the lo%s" and the height to %hich you can tolerate the highs" together %ill de$ine your spectru# o$ experience" and richness o$ li$e( ?ventually you6ll reach a point %here you kno% that each $ailure is =ust a stepping stone to your next success" each re=ection a stepping stone to your next connection" each lo% a stepping stone to your next high( And you %ill no longer 1;8
$ear these setbacks( @ou %ill $ind yoursel$ #oving #ore and #ore rapidly $ro# peak to higher peak in your li$e" %hile even appreciating the valleys in bet%een( @our assign#ent no%" and hope$ully $or everyday o$ your li$e" is to continue building your e#otional sel$3a%areness to deeper levels" to consciously produce #ore positive and e#po%ering energies" and to never stop taking action to%ard beco#ing the person you %ant to be( @ou can #ove beyond anxiety and $ear" and beco#e a person $or %hich there truly are no li#its( Thank you very #uch $or trying the Sel$ Therapy $or Anxiety techni+ue( . really hope that %hat you6ve learned in this 1;;