Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Da Date 03/98
Revision Da Date 02/99
Page 1
Section 4 - Corrosion of Above Ground Steel Storage Tanks
1" Acco!ing Acco!ing to API API Reco##ene Reco##ene P!actic P!acticee $ 651% the!e the!e a!e &ou! co#'one co#'onents nts in each each co!!osion ce((" )heses co#'onents a!e an anoe an a(( but *hich o& the &o((o*ing+ a, DC cu!!e cu!!ent nt su''( su''(ie ie b- batte batte!ie !iess b, A cathoe c, A #eta((ic #eta((ic 'ath 'ath connecting connecting the the anoe anoe an cathoe cathoe , An e(ec e(ect! t!o( o(-t -tee Re&e!ence. API$651 Pa!ag!a'h "1"1 2" )he base #eta( #eta( goes into into so(ution so(ution co!!oes, co!!oes, b- !e(easin !e(easing g e(ect!ons e(ect!ons an &o!#ing &o!#ing 'ositive 'ositive #eta( ions" )his state#ent esc!ibes *hat taes '(ace at *hat co#'onent o& a co!!osion ce((+ a, b, c, ,
)he ca cathoe )he e(ect!o(-te )he #eta(( #eta((ic ic connecti connection on bet*een bet*een the the cathoe cathoe an an the anoe )he an anoe
Re&e!ence. API$651 Pa!ag!a'h "1"1a, 3" hich o& the the &o((o*ing &o((o*ing is the the #ost co!!ect co!!ect state# state#ent ent !ega!ing !ega!ing the cathoe+ cathoe+ a, oe!at oe!atee co!!osi co!!osion on taes taes '(ace '(ace at the the cathoe cathoe b, 4o co!!osion taes '(ace at the cathoe c, A(( co!! co!!osi osion on taes taes '(ac '(acee at the the cathoe cathoe , A che#ica( che#ica( !eaction !eaction taes '(ace '(ace using using e(ect!ons e(ect!ons !e(ease !e(ease at the e(ect!o(e(ect!o(-te te Re&e!ence. API$651 Pa!ag!a'h "1"1b, " )he e(ect!o(e(ect!o(-te te contains contains ions an an conucts conucts 'ositive 'ositive cu!!ent cu!!ent &!o# &!o# the anoe to to the cathoe" cathoe" )he #ost co##on e(ect!o(-te &o! ete!na( tan bo tto# su!&aces is % *hi(e the #ost co##on &o! inte!na( su!&aces is " a, ate!% te!% s(uge s(uge an #ois #oistt soi( soi( b, oist soi(% *ate! an s(uge c, Aciic Aciic soi(% soi(% *ate! *ate! an an s(uge s(uge , oist oist soi( soi(%% '!ouc '!ouctt an an s(uge s(uge Re&e!ence. API$651 Pa!ag!a'h "1"1, 5" )he t*o #ost #ost co##on co##on t-'es t-'es o& co!!osi co!!osion on to tan tan botto#s botto#s a!e a!e an an " a, St!ess St!ess co!!os co!!osion ion an ga(van ga(vanic ic b, 7!osion an e!osion/co!!osion c, ene! ene!a( a( an 'itt 'ittin ing g , St!aSt!a- cu!!e cu!!ent nt an bi# bi#eta eta((i ((icc Re&e!ence. API$651 Pa!ag!a'h "1"2
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Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Da Date 03/98
Revision Da Date 02/99
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6" hich t-'e t-'e o& co!!os co!!osion ion !esu(ts !esu(ts in !e(ative( !e(ative(- uni&o!# uni&o!# #eta( #eta( (oss+ (oss+ a, 7!osio 7!osion n an an e!osi e!osion/ on/co! co!!os !osion ion b, St!a- cu!!ent c, ene!a( , Pitting Re&e!ence. API$651 Pa!ag!a'h "1"2 ;" hich t-'e t-'e o& co!!osion co!!osion #a- on(- a&&ect a&&ect !e(ative( !e(ative(- s#a(( a!eas% a!eas% *hi(e *hi(e substantia( substantia( a!eas a!eas o& the su!&ace a!e una&&ecte b- co!!osion+ a, a(vanic b, ene!a( c, !itt(e , Pitting Re&e!ence. API$651 Pa!ag!a'h "1"2 8" Co#'ositio Co#'osition n o& the #eta( #eta( is a &acto! &acto! in ete!#in ete!#ining ing *hich *hich a!eas beco#e beco#e anoes anoes an *hich beco#e cathoes" hat e(se can cause co!!osion+ a, Di&&e!ence Di&&e!encess bet*een bet*een *e( #eta(% #eta(% heat heat a&&ecte a&&ecte
API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Da Date 03/98
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6" hich t-'e t-'e o& co!!os co!!osion ion !esu(ts !esu(ts in !e(ative( !e(ative(- uni&o!# uni&o!# #eta( #eta( (oss+ (oss+ a, 7!osio 7!osion n an an e!osi e!osion/ on/co! co!!os !osion ion b, St!a- cu!!ent c, ene!a( , Pitting Re&e!ence. API$651 Pa!ag!a'h "1"2 ;" hich t-'e t-'e o& co!!osion co!!osion #a- on(- a&&ect a&&ect !e(ative( !e(ative(- s#a(( a!eas% a!eas% *hi(e *hi(e substantia( substantia( a!eas a!eas o& the su!&ace a!e una&&ecte b- co!!osion+ a, a(vanic b, ene!a( c, !itt(e , Pitting Re&e!ence. API$651 Pa!ag!a'h "1"2 8" Co#'ositio Co#'osition n o& the #eta( #eta( is a &acto! &acto! in ete!#in ete!#ining ing *hich *hich a!eas beco#e beco#e anoes anoes an *hich beco#e cathoes" hat e(se can cause co!!osion+ a, Di&&e!ence Di&&e!encess bet*een bet*een *e( #eta(% #eta(% heat heat a&&ecte a&&ecte
API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
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Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
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11" hat is anothe! te!# use &o! >st!a- cu!!ents>+ a, Sho! Sho!tt ci!c ci!cui uits ts b, Positive cu!!ents c, I#'! I#'!es esse se cu!! cu!!en ents ts , Inte Inte!& !&e! e!en ence ce cu!!e cu!!ent ntss Re&e!ence. API$651 Pa!ag!a'h "2"1 12" )he #ost co##on co##on an 'otentia((- the #ost a#aging st!ast!a- cu!!ents a!e. a, Di!e Di!ect ct cu!! cu!!en ents ts b, A(te!nating cu!!ents c, Inte Inte!# !#it itte tent nt cu!! cu!!ent entss , C(ose C(ose '!oi# '!oi#itit- a(te!n a(te!nati ating ng cu!!ent cu!!entss Re&e!ence. API$651 Pa!ag!a'h "2"1 13" hich o& the &o((o*ing is is not (ie(- to be a sou!ce o& st!a- cu!!ents+ cu!!ents+ a, Stat Static ic e(ec e(ect! t!ic icit it b, e e(ing (ing #achines c, I#'!esse I#'!esse cu!!ent cu!!ent cathoic cathoic '!otect '!otection ion s-ste#s s-ste#s , Rai(!oa oas Re&e!ence. API$651 Pa!ag!a'h "2"1 1" )*o )*o #eta(s *ith i&&e!ent i&&e!ent co#'ositions connecte in an e(ect!o(-te is a gene!a( esc!i'tion o&. a, A batte! b, A cu!!ent su''!esso! su''!esso! c, A sho! sho!tt ci! ci!cu cuit it , a(va a(vani nicc co! co!!o !osi sion on Re&e!ence. API$651 Pa!ag!a'h "2"2 15" A(( but one o& the &o((o*ing &o((o*ing is (iste (iste as #ajo! &acto!s *hich *hich in&(uence the seve!it- o& inte!na( co!!osion" hich is not a &acto!+ a, )he '? (eve( o& the &(ui &(ui in contact contact *ith *ith the the stee( stee( botto# botto# b, )he a#ount o& nit!ogen in the &(ui in contact *ith the stee( botto# c, Sus'ene Sus'ene so(is so(is in the the &(ui &(ui in contact contact *ith *ith the stee( stee( botto# botto# , Conuctivit Conuctivit- o& the &(ui &(ui in in contact contact *ith the the stee( stee( botto# botto# Re&e!ence. API$651 Pa!ag!a'h "2"3 16" )h!ee #ajo! t-'es o& inte!na( inte!na( co!!osion to be consie!e a!e gene!a( co!!osion% 'itting 'itting co!!osion% an to a (esse! etent in tans% envi!on#enta( c!acing" a, )!ue b, @a(se Re&e!ence. API$651 Pa!ag!a'h "2"3 API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Date 03/98
Revision Date 02/99
Answers to API-651 Section 4, corrosion of Aboveground Steel Storage Tanks uestion 4u#be! 1 2 3 5 6 ; 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 15 16
Ans*e! A D C C D A C D A A D A
Shou( -ou &in a #istae o! isag!ee *ith an- ans*e! (iste% '(ease b!ing it to o u! attention &o! co!!ection o! c(a!i&ication" A: )echnica( Associates% Inc" has atte#'te to '!ovie ans*e!s eve(o'e &!o# 'a!ag!a'hs o& the !es'ective Coe% Stana!% o! Reco##ene P!actice" :ou can !each A: )ech b- 'hone at 610, 59$9036% b- &a at 610, 59$2612% o! be$#ai( at b-ag(eBgte"net"
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A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Date 03/98
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Section 5 - Determination of Need for Cathodic Protection
1" API Reco##ene P!actice 651 states that the nee &o! cathoic '!otection #ust be ete!#ine &o! a(( sto!age &aci(ities" Decisions gove!ning the nee &o! cathoic '!otection shou( be base on a(( but *hich o& the &o((o*ing+ a, Data &!o# co!!osion su!ve-s an o'e!ating !eco!s b, 4ationa( oa! an AS7 !eco##enations c, P!io! test !esu(ts *ith si#i(a! s-ste#s in si#i(a! envi!on#ents , 4ationa(% state% an (oca( coe !eui!e#ents an the !eco##enations in API$651 Re&e!ence. API RP 651% Pa!ag!a'h 5"1 2" hen shou( co!!osion cont!o( b- cathoic '!otection &o! ne* AS)s be '!ovie+ a, A&te! &ina( *e(ing an be&o!e h-!ostatic testing b, A&te! a(( st!ess !e(ie& has been ca!!ie out c, In the initia( esign , A&te! the tan is in se!vice &o! 6 #onths Re&e!ence. API RP 651% Pa!ag!a'h 5"1"1 3" ene!a((- tans in 'et!o(eu# se!vice use on the inte!na( su!&aces to cont!o( inte!na( co!!osion" a, AC Cu!!ent instea o& DC cu!!ent cathoic '!otection s-ste#s b, Coatings c, Cathoic '!otection in conjunction *ith coatings , Since 'u!e h-!oca!bon &(uis a!e usua((- not co!!osive e'e!ience sho*s that inte!na( co!!osion *i(( neve! occu! the!e&o!e% co!!osion cont!o( is not necessa!Re&e!ence. API RP 651% Pa!ag!a'h 5"1"3 " Cathoic '!otection is an e&&ective #eans o& co!!osion cont!o( on(- i& it is 'ossib(e to 'ass e(ect!ica( cu!!ent bet*een *hat t*o co#'onents+ a, Anoe an cathoe b, )an she(( an !oo& su''o!t s-ste# c, Roo& to botto# th!ough !oo& su''o!t st!uctu!es , )an she(( an tan botto# Re&e!ence. API RP 651% Pa!ag!a'h 5"1" 5" A &u(( eva(uation o& tan histo!- shou( be 'e!&o!#e '!io! to " a, @i((ing the tan &o! the 25th ti#e b, Painting the ete!io! su!&ace o& the tan c, )e#'o!a!i(- !e#oving the tan &!o# se!vice , Dete!#ining the nee &o! cathoic '!otection Re&e!ence. API RP 651% Pa!ag!a'h 5"2"1
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A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
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6" Such ite#s as site '(an% soi( '!o'e!ties% '!evious !e'ai!s% eisting cathoic '!otection o& nea!b- st!uctu!es% #aintenance histo!-% an e'ecte (i&e shou( be investigate an ete!#ine *hen conucting the " a, 7va(uation o& the (ocation o& a !e&ine! b, P!obabi(it- stu- o& tan sett(e#ent c, 7va(uation o& tan esign/const!uction histo!, 7va(uation o& tan !e'ai!s an a(te!ations Re&e!ence. API RP 651% Pa!ag!a'h 5"2"1"1 ;" =& the &o((o*ing ite#s *hich is not an ite# that shou( be investigate an ete!#ine in the eva(uation o& t-'es o& se!vice+ a, )-'e o& '!ouct sto!e b, P!ouct te#'e!atu!e c, A#bient te#'e!atu!e , P!esence an e'th & *ate! botto#s Re&e!ence. API RP 651% Pa!ag!a'h 5"2"1"2 8" Such ite#s as tan ins'ections 'e! API Stana! 653% co!!osion !ate !eco!s% st!a- cu!!ent '!ob(e#s% esign an 'e!&o!#ance o& '!evious '!otection s-ste#s% an st!uctu!e$to$soi( 'otentia( su!ve-s shou( be investigate an ete!#ine *hen conucting the " a, 7va(uation o& tan !e'ai!/a(te!ation/const!uction histo! b, 7va(uation o& tan esign/const!uction histo!c, 7va(uation o& t-'es o& se!vice , 7va(uation o& ins'ection/co!!osion histo!Re&e!ence. API RP 651% Pa!ag!a'h 5"2"1"3 9" )he cushion #ate!ia( une! the tan has a signi&icant e&&ect on ete!na( co!!osion o& the tan botto#" )he #ate!ia( can a(so in&(uence. a, )he e&&ectiveness an a''(icabi(it- o& ete!na( cathoic '!otection b, )he e&&ectiveness an a''(icabi(it- o& inte!na( cathoic '!otection c, )he ecision to use o! not use a !ecti&ie! o! DC gene!ato! set to su''(- cu!!ent , )he t-'e o& '!ouct that #a- be sto!e in the tan Re&e!ence. API RP 651% Pa!ag!a'h 5"3"1"1 10" hat is an avantage o& using &ine 'a!tic(es &o! the cushion #ate!ia(+ a, )he &ine 'a!tic(es shou( be uni&o!# *hich #aes it easie! to t!ans'o!t b, @ine 'a!tic(es '!ovie a #o!e ense cushion to he(' !euce the in&(u an out&(o* o& o-gen c, @ine 'a!tic(es *i(( not 'e!#it the 'assage o& '!ouct shou( a (ea occu! in the tan botto# , @ine 'a!tic(es *i(( ho( #oistu!e (onge! 'e!#itting it to stabi(i
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Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Date 03/98
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11" hat is the #ain isavantage in using (a!ge si
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
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Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Date 03/98
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Page 8
1;" h- *ou( it be #o!e i#'o!tant to '!ovie '!o'e! su''o!t une! cushions o& ne* as'ha(t than &o! conc!ete+ a, As'ha(t is inhe!ent(- a(a(ine an the!e&o!e oes not have the 'otentia( o& '!eventing co!!osion b, As'ha(t is not inhe!ent(- a(a(ine an the!e&o!e oes not have the 'otentia( o& '!eventing co!!osion c, As'ha(t #a- eg!ae an beco#e a co!!osive substance , As'ha(t #a- c!ac a((o*ing #oistu!e to !each the tan botto# *he!e it *i(( !eact vio(ent(- *ith the as'ha(t an the stee( tan botto# Re&e!ence. API RP 651% Pa!ag!a'h 5"3"3"1 18" ?o* can the conition o& the ete!na( su!&ace o& tan botto# an the as'ha(t cushion be ete!#ine+ a, Raise the enti!e tan an ins'ect the tan botto# an the as'ha(t b, )ae a co!e sa#'(e &!o# the as'ha(t &o! testing" )his test *i(( !evea( the a#ount o& stee( that has gone into so(ution an been t!a''e in the as'ha(t c, Conuct a soi( !esistivit- su!ve- a!oun the 'e!i'he!- o& the tan contain#ent , - cutting cou'ons &!o# the tan botto# Re&e!ence. API RP 651% Pa!ag!a'h 5"3"3"2 19" A soi( ana(-sis !evea(s the '? o& a native soi( cushion to be 6"25" )his soi( is consie!e to be. a, oe!ate(- co!!osive b, i((- co!!osive c, Co!!osive , e!- co!!osive Re&e!ence. API RP 651% Pa!ag!a'h 5"3""1 an )ab(e 2 20" A soi( ana(-sis !evea(s the su(&ates (eve( o& a native soi( cushion to be 5525''#" )his soi( is consie!e to be a, oe!ate(- co!!osive b, i((- co!!osive c, Co!!osive , e!- co!!osive Re&e!ence. API RP 651% Pa!ag!a'h 5"3""1 an )ab(e 2 21" hat is the #ost co##on #ate!ia( use as a cushion beneath sto!age tan botto#s+ a, C(ean conc!ete b, C(ean san c, C(ean As'ha(t , C(ean #oi&ie agg!egate Re&e!ence. API RP 651% Pa!ag!a'h 5"3"5
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A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
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22" )he use o& oi(e san beneath tan botto#s oes not e(i#inate the nee &o! cathoic '!otection an in &act #a- cause cathoic '!otection to be (ess e&&ective because. a, )he oi(e san has highe! !esistivit b, )he san is unab(e to conuct e(ect!ica( cu!!ent c, )he oi( acts as an insu(ato! an b(ocs a(( cu!!ent &(o* , )he oi( c!eates a va'o! bea!e! ent!a''ing *ate! an conta#inants net to the tan botto# Re&e!ence. API RP 651% Pa!ag!a'h 5"3"5 23" )he!e a!e seve!a( *a-s the tan cushion can beco#e conta#inate" )h!ee o& the &o((o*ing a!e #ethos o& cushion conta#ination% *hich one is not+ a, In coasta( a!eas sa(t s'a- #a- be *ashe o*n the sie o& the tan b, @e!ti(i
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2;" ?eate tans o! tans sto!ing hot '!ouct can cause. a, Inc!ease *ate! int!usion ue to causing sno* to #e(t an !un o*n the tan sies b, 7cessive !-ing out o& conc!ete &ounations !esu(ting in '!e#atu!e ete!io!ation an &ai(u!e c, Acce(e!ate co!!osion on the inte!na( su!&ace es'ecia((- in tans *ith *ate! botto#s , Acce(e!ate co!!osion on the ete!na( su!&ace ue to e(evate te#'e!atu!e is the a!ea is *et Re&e!ence. API RP 651% Pa!ag!a'h 5""1 28" )he!e a!e a va!iet- o& #ethos &o! secona!- contain#ent% *hich o& the &o((o*ing is not an acce'te #etho o& secona!- contain#ent" a, Dua( botto# tan esign b, San bags c, Fse o& i#'e!vious c(a- 'a in tan ie , I#'e!vious non#eta((ic #e#b!ane Re&e!ence. API RP 651% Pa!ag!a'h 5""3"1 29" Du!ing the insta((ation o& a ne* stee( botto# ove! an eisting stee( botto#% *hich has been !e'ai!e% i& *ate! o! othe! e(ect!o(-te int!ues into the annu(us% *hat can ha''en+ a, A ga(vanic ce(( #a- &o!# *hich *i(( cause the ne* stee( tan botto# to co!!oe at an acce(e!ate !ate b, An e(ect!oche#ica( !eaction #a- tae '(ace c!eating ha
API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
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Answers to API-651 Section 5, Deterination of !eed for "at#odic Protection uestion 4u#be! 1 2 3 5 6 ; 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 15 16 1; 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 25 26 2; 28 29 30
Ans*e! C A D C C D A C D A C D C D A D C D A
Shou( -ou &in a #istae o! isag!ee *ith an- ans*e! (iste% '(ease b!ing it to o u! attention &o! co!!ection o! c(a!i&ication" A: )echnica( Associates% Inc" has atte#'te to '!ovie ans*e!s eve(o'e &!o# 'a!ag!a'hs o& the !es'ective Coe% Stana!% o! Reco##ene P!actice" :ou can !each A: )ech b- 'hone at 610, 59$9036% b- &a at 610, 59$2612% o! be$#ai( at b-ag(eBgte"net"
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610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Date 03/98
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Page 12
Section - !ethods of Cathodic Protection for Corrosion Control
1" hat is the basic '!inci'(e that #aes cathoic '!otection e&&ective" a, Cathoic '!otection is a techniue &o! '!eventing co!!osion b- #aing the enti!e su!&ace o& the #eta( to be '!otecte act as the !ecti&ie! b, Cathoic '!otection is a techniue &o! '!eventing co!!osion b- #aing the enti!e su!&ace o& the #eta( to be '!otecte act as the co!!osion ce(( c, Cathoic '!otection is a techniue &o! '!eventing co!!osion b- #aing the enti!e su!&ace o& the #eta( to be '!otecte act as the cathoe , Cathoic '!otection is a techniue &o! '!eventing co!!osion b- #aing the enti!e su!&ace o& the #eta( to be '!otecte act as the anoe Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 6"1 2" hat a!e the t*o s-ste#s o& cathoic '!otection+ a, a(vanic an !e'!esse cu!!ent b, a(vanic an i#'!esse cu!!ent c, a(vanic an !eve!se cu!!ent , a(vanic an inuce cu!!ent Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 6"1 3" a(vanic cathoic '!otection s-ste#s use a #eta(% that is #o!e active than the st!uctu!e to be '!otecte% to su''(- the cu!!ent !eui!e to sto' co!!osion" hat is anothe! te!#s, use to esc!ibe this #ate!ia(+ a, Anoe% co##on(- !e&e!!e to as a ga(vanic o! sac!i&icia( anoe b, Cathoe% co##on(- !e&e!!e to as a ga(vanic o! sac!i&icia( cathoe c, Ribbon cathoe% co##on(- !e&e!!e to as a sac!i&icia( !ibbon cathoe , I#'!esse cu!!ent anoe% co##on(- !e&e!!e to as the i#'!esse anoe Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 6"2"1 " he!e on the ga(vanic se!ies is c(ean an shin- #i( stee(+ a, C(ean an shin- #i( stee( has a va(ue o& G1"1 vo(ts b, C(ean an shin- #i( stee( has a va(ue o& G1"0 vo(ts c, C(ean an shin- #i( stee( has a va(ue o& G0"8 vo(ts , C(ean an shin- #i( stee( has a va(ue o& G0"5 to $0"8 vo(ts Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 6"2"1 an )ab(e 3 5" )he #ost co##on #eta(s use as ga(vanic anoes in soi( a!e. a, Eea an co''e! b, A(u#inu# a((o- 5H
API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Date 03/98
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6" =& the &o((o*ing% *hich is not an avantage o& ga(vanic cathoic '!otection s-ste#s+ a, 4o ete!na( 'o*e! is neee b, Ca'ita( invest#ent is (o* &o! s#a(($ia#ete! tans c, etho is (i#ite to use in (o*$!esistivit- soi(s , Inte!&e!ence '!ob(e#s st!a- cu!!ents, a!e !a!e Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 6"2"2 ;" I#'!esse cu!!ent cathoic '!otection s-ste#s use. a, A(te!nating cu!!ent b, Di!ect cu!!ent usua((- '!ovie b- a !ecti&ie! c, Di!ect cu!!ent usua((- '!ovie b- a !- ce(( batte!, 7ithe! i!ect cu!!ent o! a(te!nating cu!!ent e'ening u'on *hich is avai(ab(e Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 6"3"1 8" =& the &o((o*ing% *hich is not a isavantage o& i#'!esse cu!!ent cathoic '!otection s-ste#s+ a, ?igh cu!!ent out'ut b, ?igh #aintenance costs c, ?igh o'e!ating costs , ?igh ca'ita( cost &o! s#a(( insta((ations Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 6"3"3 9" A cathoic '!otection !ecti&ie! has t*o #ajo! co#'onents *hat a!e the-+ a, A ste'$o*n t!ans&o!#e! to !euce the AC su''(- vo(tage an !ecti&-ing e(e#ents to conve!t DC to AC out'ut b, A ste'$o*n t!ans&o!#e! to !euce the AC su''(- vo(tage an !ecti&-ing e(e#ents to conve!t AC to DC out'ut c, A ste'$o*n t!ans&o!#e! to !euce the DC su''(- vo(tage an !ecti&-ing e(e#ents to conve!t DC to AC out'ut , A ste'$o*n t!ans&o!#e! to !euce the AC su''(- vo(tage an !ecti&-ing e(e#ents to !egu(ate the AC out'ut Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 6"3"3 10" I#'!esse cu!!ent anoes use in soi( a!e not #ae o&. a, !a'hite b, ?igh si(icon cast i!on c, Jinc , ie #eta( oies on titaniu# Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 6"3"5 11" I#'!esse cu!!ent anoes #a- be insta((e une!neath the tan" a, )!ue b, @a(se Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 6"3"5 API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Date 03/98
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Answers to API-651 Section 6, $et#ods of "at#odic Protection for "orrosion "ontrol uestion 4u#be! 1 2 3 5 6 ; 8 9 10 11
Ans*e! C A D C C A C A
Shou( -ou &in a #istae o! isag!ee *ith an- ans*e! (iste% '(ease b!ing it to o u! attention &o! co!!ection o! c(a!i&ication" A: )echnica( Associates% Inc" has atte#'te to '!ovie ans*e!s eve(o'e &!o# 'a!ag!a'hs o& the !es'ective Coe% Stana!% o! Reco##ene P!actice" :ou can !each A: )ech b- 'hone at 610, 59$9036% b- &a at 610, 59$2612% o! be$#ai( at b-ag(eBgte"net"
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A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Date 03/98
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Section " # Design of Cathodic Protection S$stems
1" It has been ecie to insta(( an i#'e!vious #e#b!ane une! a ne* sto!age tan being insta((e in a ie a!ea" Cathoic '!otection o& the tan botto# is !eui!e" he!e #ust the anoes be '(ace+ a, Anoes sha(( be '(ace outsie the ie a!ea b, Di!ect(- une! the #e#b!ane beneath the tan c, As c(ose as 'ossib(e to the !ecti&ie! , et*een the #e#b!ane an the tan botto# Re&e!ence. API 651% Pa!ag!a'h ;"2"3"1 2" Ins'ection e'e!ience has isc(ose the nee &o! cathoic '!otection &o! an eisting tan in a ie a!ea" )he!e is a #e#b!ane insta((e une! the tan" hat *ou( be an o'tion &o! insta((ing anoes une! this tan+ a, Kac the tan u' on the sie o''osite the &i(( an ischa!ge (ines an s(ie the !ibbon anoes une! b, o!e une! the tan at a ve!- sha((o* ang(e an insta(( the anoes c, o!e une! the #e#b!ane at a ve!- sha((o* ang(e an insta(( the anoes , Insta(( ee' g!oun be anoes in coe b!ee
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5" Inust!- e'e!ience has sho*n that i& a conuctive e(ect!o(-te eists bet*een an o( an a ne* tan botto#. a, )he cu!!ent &(o* an #eta( (oss *i(( be &!o# the o( botto# b, )he cu!!ent &(o* an #eta( (oss *i(( be &!o# the ne* botto# c, )he cu!!ent &(o* *i(( be &!o# the o( botto# an #eta( (oss *i(( be &!o# the ne* botto# , )he cu!!ent &(o* *i(( be &!o# the ne* botto# an #eta( (oss *i(( be &!o# the o( botto# Re&e!ence. API 651% Pa!ag!a'h ;"2""3 6" )he!e a!e seve!a( avantages to insta((ing a secona!- contain#ent" =& the &o((o*ing% *hich *ou( not be consie!e an avantage+ a, P!ovies a #eans o& etecting an containing (eas an '!eventing g!oun conta#ination b, P!events the natu!a( cu!!ent &(o* bet*een the o( botto# an the ne* botto# c, Pe!#its the aition o& cathoic '!otection at a (ate! ate , a- !euce the ent!- o& g!oun*ate! into the s'ace bet*een the botto#s Re&e!ence. API 651% Pa!ag!a'h ;"2"5"1"1 ;" )he!e a!e seve!a( isavantages to insta((ing a secona!- contain#ent" =& the &o((o*ing% *hich *ou( not be consie!e a isavantage a, )he #e#b!ane #a- act as a basin to contain *ate! o! an- othe! e(ect!o(-te that #ight *et the san bet*een the botto#s b, )he #e#b!ane cou( ent!a' h-!oca!bon '!oucts% *hich *ou( !eui!e et!a ca!e &o! hot *o! c, aes the &utu!e aition o& cathoic '!otection vi!tua((- i#'ossib(e , Acts as a ba!!ie! to g!oun*ate! Re&e!ence. API 651% Pa!ag!a'h ;"2"5"1"2 8" hen an ete!na( cathoic '!otection s-ste# is being esigne% the!e a!e seve!a( ite#s to be consie!e" =& the &o((o*ing &ou! ite#s% *hich one *ou( not be a consie!ation+ a, Se(ection an esign o& the cathoic '!otection s-ste# &o! o'ti#u# econo#- o& insta((ation% #aintenance% an o'e!ation b, S'eci&ication o& #ate!ia(s an insta((ation '!actices that #eet a''(icab(e coes% such as 4ationa( 7(ect!ica( anu&actu!e!s Association stana!s% 4AC7 !eco##ene '!actices% an &ee!a(% state% an (oca( !egu(ations c, P!ovisions &o! #onito!ing the cathoic '!otection s-ste# , S'eci&ication o& #ate!ia(s an insta((ation '!actices that #eet a''(icab(e coes% such as A#e!ican Societ- o& echanica( 7nginee!s stana!s% 4AC7 !eco##ene '!actices% an &ee!a(% state% an (oca( !egu(ations Re&e!ence. API 651% Pa!ag!a'h ;"3"2
API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
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Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
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9" In&o!#ation that is use&u( &o! esign o& an ete!na( cathoic '!otection s-ste# can be ivie into th!ee catego!ies. a, S'eci&ications% site conitions% an ju!isictiona( !eui!e#ents b, S'eci&ications an '!actices% site conitions% an F"S" eo(ogica( su!ve- !e'o!ts c, S'eci&ications an '!actices% site conitions% an &ie( su!ve-% co!!osion test ata% an o'e!ating e'e!ience , S'eci&ications an '!actices% tan she(( conitions% an &ie( su!ve-s Re&e!ence. API 651% Pa!ag!a'h ;"3"3 10" hat a!e the t*o t-'es o& cathoic '!otection s-ste#s #ost co##on(- use+ a, a(vanic cathoe s-ste# an i#'!esse vo(tage s-ste# b, a(vanic anoe s-ste# an i#'!esse cu!!ent s-ste# c, a(vanic anoe s-ste# an inte!&e!ence cu!!ent s-ste# , a(vanic anoe s-ste# an inte!&e!ence vo(tage s-ste# Re&e!ence. API 651% Pa!ag!a'h ;"3"5"1 an ;"3"5"2 11" a(vanic cathoic '!otection s-ste#s a!e #o!e econo#ica( on. a, S#a(($ia#ete! tans b, Ea!ge$ia#ete! tans c, a!e% 'oo!(- coate st!uctu!es , u(ti'(e (a!ge tans in a ie a!ea Re&e!ence. API 651% Pa!ag!a'h ;"3"5"1"1 12" )he th!ee #ost co##on ga(vanic anoe #ate!ia(s use &o! soi( insta((ations a!e. a, ?igh 'otentia( #agnesiu# a((o-s%
API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
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1" )he nu#be! o& anoes !eui!e to '!ovie cathoic '!otection e'ens u'on *hat t*o &acto!s+ a, )he istance &!o# the ga(vanic anoe to the tan botto# an soi( ischa!ge !ate b, )ota( cu!!ent !eui!e#ents an the e'ecte iniviua( anoe ischa!ge !ate in the soi( c, )ota( st!a- cu!!ents e'ecte an the tota( cu!!ent !eui!e#ents , )ota( cu!!ent !eui!e#ents an the e'ecte iniviua( cathoe ischa!ge !ate in the soi( Re&e!ence. API 651% Pa!ag!a'h ;"3"5"1" 15" In '(acing the anoes% ho* is bette! cu!!ent ist!ibution an #o!e uni&o!# 'o(a!i
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
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19" =& the &o((o*ing% *hich is not the best #ate!ia( &o! i#'!esse cu!!ent anoes use in *ate! insta((ations a, )itaniu# b, )anta(u# c, Co''e! , P(atini
API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
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23" )he cu!!ent !eui!e#ent test can on(- be 'e!&o!#e on eisting tans using a te#'o!a!g!ounbe an an a''!o'!iate sou!ce o& i!ect cu!!ent" De'ening on the cu!!ent !eui!e% the 'o*e! sou!ce can va!- b- ho* #uch+ a, @!o# a 2 vo(t sto!age batte!- to a 300$a#' *e(ing unit b, @!o# a 12 vo(t sto!age batte!- to a 300$a#' *e(ing unit c, @!o# a 6 vo(t sto!age batte!- to a 300$a#' *e(ing unit , @!o# a 1"2 vo(t so(a! 'ane( to a 300$a#' *e(ing unit Re&e!ence. API 651% Pa!ag!a'h ;"3"5"2"2"1 2" Du!ing the cu!!ent !eui!e#ent test% ho* is #ai#u# contact o& the tan botto# *ith the cushion #ate!ia( ensu!e+ a, )he tan is &i((e to an aeuate (iui (eve( to ensu!e #ai#u# botto# contact b, )he tan is '!essu!i
API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
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28" Conition an t-'e o& coating i& an-,% #ini#u# an #ai#u# *ate! (eve( in tan% co#'atibi(it- o& sto!e (iui *ith anoes an cab(es% a n inte!na( ins'ection inte!va( o& tan *hich a&&ects esign (i&e a!e a(( &acto!s that. a, In&(uence the esign o& an ete!na( cathoic '!otection s-ste# b, In&(uence the esign o& a e'!esse cu!!ent cathoic '!otection s-ste# c, In&(uence the esign o& an inte!na( cathoic '!otection s-ste# , In&(uence the esign o& the !ecti&ie! use in a cathoic '!otection s-ste# Re&e!ence. API 651% Pa!ag!a'h ;""1
Answers to API-651 Section %, Design of "at#odic Protection S&stes uestion 4u#be! 1 2 3 5 6 ; 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 15 16 1; 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 25 26 2; 28
Ans*e! D C A C D D C A C C D D C A C D A D A C
Shou( -ou &in a #istae o! isag!ee *ith an- ans*e! (iste% '(ease b!ing it to o u! attention &o! co!!ection o! c(a!i&ication" :ou can !each A: )ech b- 'hone at 610, 59$9036% b- &a at 610, 59$2612% o! b- e$#ai( at b-ag(eBgte"net" API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Date 03/98
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Section % # Criteria for Cathodic Protection
1" API$651 '!ovies c!ite!ia &o! ete!#ining the aeuac- o& cathoic '!otection o& aboveg!oun sto!age tans" hat ocu#ent is !e&e!ence &o! a #o!e etai(e esc!i'tion+ a, AS7 Section % 4onest!uctive 7a#ination b, API$Stana! 650% e(e Stee( )ans &o! =i( Sto!age c, API$Stana! 653% )an Ins'ection% Re'ai!% A(te!ation% an Reconst!uction , 4AC7 RP$01$69 Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 8"2"1 2" In ete!#ining i& aeuate cathoic '!otection is being achieve% *hich o& the &o((o*ing *ou( be co!!ect+ a, A negative cathoic, 'otentia( o& at (east 850 # *ith cathoic cu!!ent a''(ie b, A 'ositive cathoic, 'otentia( o& at (east 850 # *ith cathoic cu!!ent a''(ie c, A negative cathoic, 'otentia( o& at (east 85"0 # *ith cathoic cu!!ent a''(ie , A 'ositive cathoic, 'otentia( o& at (east 85"0 # *ith cathoic cu!!ent a''(ie Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 8"2"2"1 3" ?o* #ust the !eui!e negative 'otentia( be #easu!e+ a, )his 'otentia( sha(( be #easu!e *ith !es'ect to a satu!ate co''e!/co''e! su(&ate !e&e!ence e(ect!oe CS7, contacting the #eta( tan botto# b, )his 'otentia( sha(( be #easu!e *ith !es'ect to a satu!ate co''e!/co''e! su(&ate !e&e!ence e(ect!oe CS7, contacting the e(ect!o(-te c, )his 'otentia( sha(( be #easu!e *ith !es'ect to a satu!ate co''e!/co''e! su(&ate !e&e!ence e(ect!oe CS7, contacting the #eta( casing o& the !ecti&ie! , )his 'otentia( sha(( be #easu!e *ith !es'ect to a satu!ate co''e!/co''e! su(&ate !e&e!ence e(ect!oe CS7, contacting the 'ositive te!#ina( o& the 'o*e! sou!ce Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 8"2"2"1 " In ete!#ining i& aeuate cathoic '!otection is being achieve% *hich o& the &o((o*ing *ou( be co!!ect+ a, 4egative 'o(a!i
a co##on #etho o& #easu!ing 'o(a!i
Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 8"2"2"2 API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
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6" In ete!#ining i& aeuate cathoic '!otection is being achieve% *hich o& the &o((o*ing *ou( be co!!ect+ a, A #ini#u# o& 1000 # o& cathoic 'o(a!i
API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
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10" Co!!ection &o! IR !o' in the soi( is o&ten necessa!- &o! #easu!e#ents #ae at the tan 'e!i#ete! even i& the !e&e!ence e(ect!oe is '(ace i##eiate(- ajacent to the tan" )his is es'ecia((- t!ue i& is/a!e c(ose to the tan" a, Dist!ibute anoes b, )he cathoic '!otection 'o*e! su''(- !ecti&ie! c, )he sac!i&icia( anoe , )he DC 'o*e! su''(- batte!-, Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 8"3"2 11" onito!ing the actua( st!uctu!e$to$soi( 'otentia( une! the tan shou( be consie!e" ?o* can this be acco#'(ishe+ a, Pe!#anent(- insta((e !e&e!ence e(ect!oe o! b- bu!-ing !e&e!ence e(ect!oe eve!20 &eet a!oun the 'e!i#ete! o& the tan b, Inse!ting a !e&e!ence e(ect!oe une! the tan th!ough a 'e!&o!ate tube o! attaching a !e&e!ence e(ect!oe to the tan she(( c, Pe!#anent(- insta((e !e&e!ence e(ect!oe o! b- inse!ting a !e&e!ence e(ect!oe une! the tan th!ough a 'e!&o!ate tube , Pe!#anent(- insta((e ba!e co''e! *i!e connecte to the tan botto# o! binse!ting a !e&e!ence e(ect!oe une! the tan th!ough a 'e!&o!ate tube Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 8"3" 12" =the! stana! !e&e!ence e(ect!oes #a- be substitute &o! the satu!ate co''e!/co''e! su(&ate !e&e!ence e(ect!oe" hich o& the &o((o*ing is not a co##on substitute+ a, Re&e!ence e(ect!oe Jinc% o(tage L0"25 b, Re&e!ence e(ect!oe Satu!ate OCI ca(o#e( o(tage $0";8 c, Re&e!ence e(ect!oe Si(ve!/si(ve! ch(o!ie o(tage $0"80 , Re&e!ence e(ect!oe A(u#inu# a((o- 5H
API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
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Answers to API-651 Section ', "riteria for "at#odic Protection uestion 4u#be! 1 2 3 5 6 ; 8 9 10 11 12
Ans*e! D A C D C C C A C D
Shou( -ou &in a #istae o! isag!ee *ith an- ans*e! (iste% '(ease b!ing it to o u! attention &o! co!!ection o! c(a!i&ication" A: )echnica( Associates% Inc" has atte#'te to '!ovie ans*e!s eve(o'e &!o# 'a!ag!a'hs o& the !es'ective Coe% Stana!% o! Reco##ene P!actice" :ou can !each A: )ech b- 'hone at 610, 59$9036% b- &a at 610, 59$2612% o! be$#ai( at b-ag(eBgte"net"
API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Date 03/98
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Section & - 'nstallation of Cathodic Protection S$stems
1" Insta((ation o& cathoic '!otection s-ste#s sha(( be in st!ict acco!ance *ith the !a*ings an s'eci&ications" 7ce'tions #a- be #ae on(- *ith the a''!ova( o& *hich o& the &o((o*ing+ a, )he API$653 Ins'ecto! o! 'e!sonne( ua(i&ie an t!aine b- the Ins'ecto! b, )he 4ationa( oa! Ins'ecto! o! 'e!sonne( ua(i&ie an t!aine b- the Ins'ecto! c, )he o*ne!% o'e!ato!% o! 'e!sonne( ua(i&ie b- the o*ne! o! o'e!ato! , )he #anu&actu!e! o& the tan o! the autho!i
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Date 03/98
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6" In an i#'!esse cu!!ent cathoic '!otection s-ste#% ca!e #ust be taen not to c!ac o! a#age the anoe u!ing han(ing an insta((ation" =& the &o((o*ing% *hich *ou( be a t!ue state#ent+ a, Anoes *ith ve!- s#a(( c!acs nea! the botto# o& the anoe #a- be use *ithout !e'ai! b, C!ace anoes shou( be ins'ecte to ensu!e the insu(ation on the (ea *i!es is not a#age be&o!e insta((ing the anoe c, Anoes *ith c!acs g!eate! than 0"0625> in *ith sha(( not be use , C!ace anoes shou( not be use Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 9"3"1"1 ;" ?o* can the (i&e o& an i#'!esse cu!!ent anoe be inc!ease+ a, - insta((ing a ti#ing evice that activates the cu!!ent at thi!t-$secon inte!va(s b, P!o'e!(- insta((ing the bac&i(( #ate!ia( c, Fse a substitute anoe #ate!ia( , Fsing AC cu!!ent instea o& DC cu!!ent Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 9"3"1"2 8" =& the &o((o*ing% *hich is not a '!inci'a( 'oint that nees to be obse!ve in the insta((ation o& i#'!esse cu!!ent anoes+ a, )he anoe shou( be insta((e so that at (east one sie is in contact *ith the soi( b, u!ie connections #ust be '!otecte against the ent!ance o& #oistu!e c, Anoes an cab(e shou( be insta((e at a su&&icient e'th to '!otect against accienta( a#age , Ca!e shou( be taen to '!otect the cab(e connection to the anoe Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 9"3"1"3 9" @o! a t-'ica( ve!tica( anoe insta((ation% the ho(e is ecavate inches in ia#ete! ba''!oi#ate(- &eet ee'" a, Si to ten% &ive to ten b, 7ight to t*e(ve% ten to t*entc, )*e(ve to eighteen% t*e(ve to t*ent-$&ou! , 7ighteen to t*ent-$&ou!% eighteen to thi!tRe&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 9"3"2"1 10" hen it is necessa!- to insta(( an i#'!esse cu!!ent anoe in the ho!i
API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Date 03/98
Revision Date 02/99
Page 28
11" @o! i#'!esse cu!!ent cathoic '!otection s-ste#s% *hen *ou( insta((ation o& the anoe in the ho!i
API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Date 03/98
Revision Date 02/99
Page 29
15" hat is the '!e&e!!e #eans o& connecting the negative !ecti&ie! (ea *i!e to the st!uctu!e to be '!otecte+ a, A 'o*e! *e( connection Ca*e(% )he!#ite% o! euiva(ent, b, !a
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Date 03/98
Revision Date 02/99
Page 30
20" h- is it a goo '!actice to insta(( 'e!#anent test (eas% g!ouning (ugs% o! sho!t 'ieces o& cab(e &o! #easu!ing tan$to$soi( 'otentia(+ a, Re'eate contact *ith the tan b- a ni&e o! ice 'ic *i(( eventua((- 'unctu!e the tan b, Re'eate contact *ith the tan b- a ni&e o! ice 'ic can cause sho!t ci!cuiting o& the cathoic '!otection s-ste# c, Re'eate contact *ith the tan b- a ni&e o! ice 'ic can cause ea!(- &ai(u!e o& the tans 'aint s-ste#" , Re'eate contact *ith the tan b- a ni&e o! ice 'ic can cause st!ess !ise!s ue to cutting the tan su!&ace Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 9"";
Answers to API-651 Section (, Installation of "at#odic Protection S&stes uestion 4u#be! 1 2 3 5 6 ; 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 15 16 1; 18 19 20
Ans*e! C D A C D A C D C D A C D C
Shou( -ou &in a #istae o! isag!ee *ith an- ans*e! (iste% '(ease b!ing it to o u! attention &o! co!!ection o! c(a!i&ication" A: )echnica( Associates% Inc" has atte#'te to '!ovie ans*e!s eve(o'e &!o# 'a!ag!a'hs o& the !es'ective Coe% Stana!% o! Reco##ene P!actice" :ou can !each A: )ech b- 'hone at 610, 59$9036% b- &a at 610, 59$2612% o! be$#ai( at b-ag(eBgte"net"
API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Date 03/98
Revision Date 02/99
Page 31
Section () - 'nterference Currents
1" hat can be a '!ob(e# cause b- the insta((ation o& a ne* i#'!esse cu!!ent cathoic '!otection s-ste#+ a, A ne* i#'!esse cathoic '!otection s-ste# #a- cause an unacce'tab(e !ain on the e(ect!ica( substation &o! the !e&ine! b, A ne* i#'!esse cathoic '!otection s-ste# #a- cause inte!&e!ence *ith neighbo!ing st!uctu!es c, A ne* i#'!esse cathoic '!otection s-ste# #a- cause inte!&e!ence *ith ce!tain !aio signa(s , A ne* i#'!esse cathoic '!otection s-ste# #a- cause inte!&e!ence *ith o'e!ating cont!o(s o& nea!b- '!ocess units Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 10"1"1 2" hat is the #ost co##on sou!ce o& >constant cu!!ent> inte!&e!ence cu!!ents+ a, Recti&ie!s ene!gi&(uctuating cu!!ent>% *hich o& the &o((o*ing is not a no!#a( sou!ce &o! this t-'e o& st!a- cu!!ent+ a, Fne!g!oun #ining e(ect!ica( s-ste#s b, 7(ect!ic !ai(*a-s c, Ra'i t!ansit s-ste#s , AC to DC !ecti&ie!s Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 10"2"2 " Du!ing a co!!osion cont!o( su!ve-% the ins'ecto! notice a 'ositive shi&t o& the st!uctu!e$ to$soi( 'otentia( on the a&&ecte st!uctu!e at a 'oint *he!e cu!!ent #a- be ischa!ge &!o# the a&&ecte st!uctu!e" hat *ou( this inicate+ a, Inte!&e!ence &!o# the cathoic '!otection s-ste# !ecti&ie! b, Inte!&e!ence &!o# a nea!b- (ighting ci!cuit c, Inte!&e!ence &!o# a neighbo!ing sou!ce , Inte!&e!ence &!o# a ga(vanic anoe s-ste# Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 10"3 5" Inte!&e!ence cu!!ents have been etecte" ?o* cou( this '!ob(e# be !eso(ve+ a, Design% '!o'e! boning% an use o& sac!i&icia( anoes b, Design% !e(ocation o& the tan% use o& sac!i&icia( anoes c, Design% '!o'e! boning% !e#ova( o& cathoic '!otection s-ste# , Design% '!o'e! boning% i&&e!ent choice o& coating on the st!uctu!e Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 10""1 API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Date 03/98
Revision Date 02/99
Page 32
Answers to API-651 Section 1), Interference "urrents uestion 4u#be! 1 2 3 5
Ans*e! A D C A
Shou( -ou &in a #istae o! isag!ee *ith an- ans*e! (iste% '(ease b!ing it to o u! attention &o! co!!ection o! c(a!i&ication" A: )echnica( Associates% Inc" has atte#'te to '!ovie ans*e!s eve(o'e &!o# 'a!ag!a'hs o& the !es'ective Coe% Stana!% o! Reco##ene P!actice" :ou can !each A: )ech b- 'hone at 610, 59$9036% b- &a at 610, 59$2612% o! be$#ai( at b-ag(eBgte"net"
API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036
Subject API RP 651 Cathoic P!otection
Issue Date 03/98
Revision Date 02/99
Page 33
Section (( - *+eration and !aintenance of Cathodic Protection S$stems
1" h- is it i#'o!tant to conuct 'otentia( su!ve-s *hen the!e is an aeuate (iui (eve( in a tan+ a, otto#$to$e(ect!o(-te 'otentia( !eaings #a- inicate aeuate '!otection &o! the 'o!tion o& the tan in contact *ith the soi( but *hen the tan is &u(( an a(( o& the botto# is in contact% '!otection #a- not be su&&icient b, otto#$to$anoe 'otentia( !eaings #a- inicate aeuate '!otection &o! the 'o!tion o& the tan in contact *ith the soi( but *hen the tan is &u(( an a(( o& the botto# is in contact% '!otection #a- not be su&&icient c, otto#$to$cathoe 'otentia( !eaings #a- inicate aeuate '!otection &o! the 'o!tion o& the tan in contact *ith the soi( but *hen the tan is &u(( an a(( o& the botto# is in contact% '!otection #a- not be su&&icient , otto#$to$e(ect!o(-te 'otentia( !eaings #a- inicate aeuate '!otection &o! the 'o!tion o& the tan in contact *ith the soi( but *hen the tan is &u(( an a(( o& the botto# is in contact% '!otection #a- be &a! #o!e than necessa!Re&e!ence. API$651% Pa!ag!a'h 11"1"3 2" easu!e#ents o& the native st!uctu!e$to$soi( 'otentia( shou( be #ae " a, I##eiate(- a&te! an- cathoic '!otection s-ste# is ene!gi
API$653 7a# P!e' Cou!se
A: )echnica( Associates% Inc"
610, 59$9036