Arthur Schopenhauer ‐ "On Women" Summary Quotes
‐ "You need only look at the way in which she is formed to see that woman is not meant to undergo great labour, whether of the of the mind or of the of the body. She pays the debt of life of life not by what she does but by what she suffers; by the pains of childbearing of childbearing and care for the child, and by submission to her husband, to whom she should be a patient and cheering companion."
‐ ". . . just as the female ant, after fecundation, loses her wings, which are superfluous, nay, actually a danger to the business of breeding; of breeding; so, after giving birth to one or two children, a woman generally loses her beauty; probably, indeed, for similar reasons."
‐ “The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower it is in arriving at maturity. A man reaches the maturity of his of his reasoning powers and mental faculties hardly before the age of twenty of twenty‐ eight; a woman, at eighteen . . . women remain children their whole life long; never seeing anything but what is quite close to them . . . For it is by virtue of his of his reasoning faculty that man does not live in the present only, like the brute, but looks around him and considers the past and the future . . .” of the female character is that it has no sense of ‐ “Hence it will be found that the fundamental fault of the justice. This is mainly due to the fact . . . that women are defective in the power of reasoning of reasoning and
deliberation; but it is also traceable to the position which Nature has assigned to them as the weaker sex. They are dependent, not upon strength, but upon craft; and hence their instinctive capacity for cunning, and their ineradicable tendency to say what is not true.” of the species, and are not destined for ‐“. . . women exist in the main solely for the propagation of the anything else . . .”
‐ “It is only the man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual impulses that could give the name of the fair sex fair sex to that undersized, narrow‐shouldered, broad‐hipped, and short‐legged race: for the whole beauty of the of the sex is bound up with this impulse. Instead of calling of calling them beautiful, there would be more warrant for describing women as the unaesthetic sex.”
‐ Schopenhauer argues that women should not be bestowed with land or inheritance (that has been earned through the toil and hard work of men) of men) because of their of their inability to do any kind of financial of financial management, and their tendencies to fritter away wealth on material goods. Women should be appointed (male) guardians who will make proper decisions for them. Aristotle argued that the Spartans were an inferior race because they conceded too many rights to women – women – Schopenhauer states that this is also a key factor in why the French revolution occurred. of a mother for her child is, with the lower animals as with men, of a of a purely ‐“The first love of a instinctive character, and so it ceases to be when the child is no longer in a physically helpless
condition . . . The love of a of a father for his child is of a of a different order, and more likely to last; because it has its foundation in the fact that in the child he recognises his own inner self; that is to say his love for it is metaphysical in origin.” “That woman is by nature meant to obey may be seen by the fact that every woman who is placed in the unnatural position of complete of complete independence, immediately attaches herself to herself to some man, by whom she allows herself to herself to be guided and ruled. It is because she needs a lord and master. If she If she is young, it will be a lover; if she if she is old, a priest.”