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A Textbook of B.Sc. Mathematics for 2nd Semester (Gubarga !ni"ersit#$% 2&e G ' anganath )SB*
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Basic of Engineering Mathematics o))% 7&e H ' Cass D ama erma )SB*
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6or B.E. 6irst Year Semester Ii C5'' Branches. Strict'4 5ccording +o +he S4''a*us 8f ai Fandhi %roud 4ogi2i ;ish@aid4a'a4aG Bho(a' CM.%.
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Home > Higher Education > Mathematics > Aied Mathematics 0A0E)) 2nd Semester Share on facebook Share on t=itter Share on emai Share on 3rint More Sharing Ser"ices /
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Home > Higher Education > Mathematics > Aied Mathematics 0A0E)) 2nd Semester Share on facebook Share on t=itter Share on emai Share on 3rint More Sharing Ser"ices /
Aied Mathematics 0A0E)) 2nd Semester% /&e ' 0 'andasami )SB*
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1. Integra' )a'cu'us !. Methods 8f Integration ". %ro(erties 8f Definite Integra's #. eduction 6ormu'ae . Mu'ti('e Integra's -. )entre 8f Frait4 7. 6ourier Series . 8rdinar4 Differentia' E
Home > Higher Education > Mathematics > A Textbook of B.Sc. Mathematics 0art and i Share on facebookShare on t=itter Share on emai Share on 3rint More Sharing Ser"ices< ist 0rice
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A Textbook of B.Sc. Mathematics 0art and i% /&e G ' anganath )SB*
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Basics of Engineering mathematics o) (G0 Bho3a$% &e
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8rdinar4 Differentiation ? Mac'aurin/S 5nd +a4'or/S +heorem ? %artia' Differentiation ? 6u'er/S +heorem ? +ota' Differentiation ? Error 5nd 5((roimation ? Maima 5nd Minima ? +angents 5nd Norma's ? adius 8f )urature ? Definite Integra' 5nd Summation 8f Series ? )ure +racing ? Dou*'e Integra' ? +ri('e Integra' ? FammaGBeta 6unctions? Differentia' E
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