CHAPTER 19: El Filibusterismo Published in Ghent (1891) Naration: Days flew swiftly for Rizal in Brussels like flying arrows. Day in and day out, he was busy revising and polishing polishing the manuscript manuscript of El Filibusteris Filibusterismo mo so that it could be ready for the press. press. He had begun writing it in October, October, 1887, while practising practising medicine in Calamba. Calamba. The following year, in London, he made some changes in the plot and corrected some chapters. He wrote more chapters in Paris and Madrid and finished the manuscipt in Biarriz on March 29, 1891. It took him, therefore, three years to write his second novel. Rizal: (Writing the last few words....Stands... Holds the manuscript.) At long last! (stares at the manuscript) MI EL FILIBUSTERISMO... Naration: On July 5, 1891, Rizal left Brussels for Ghent, a famous University City in Belgium, for reasons that: that: (1.) The cost of printing printing in Ghent was cheaper cheaper than in Brussels and (2.) to escape from the enticing attraction of Petite Suzanne. Jose Alejandro: Senor! Are you a Filipino? Rizal: Senor! (Shakes hand) Yes, I am from Calamba. Jose Rizal. Jose Alejandro: Jose Alejandro, Senor. I am from Pampanga. And this is Edilberto Evangelista from Manila. We are engineering students from University of Ghent. We noticed from a far that you are not familiar with the place. You looked Filipino, so my friend and I decided to come for help. Is there anything we could do to help, Senor? Rizal: I've just arrived and I'm looking for a good but cheap place to stay in. Jose Alejandro: The boarding house where I live is cheap but is enough. I can still accommodate one person in the room. Rizal: Grazie Senor. I think that is what I need. Naration: Owing to his limited funds, Rizal lived a cheap boarding house, with Jose Alejandro as room-mate. Theirs was a very frugal life, subsisting on the barest necessities. To economize further, they prepared their own daily breakfast.
Shortly after his arrival in Ghent, Rizal searched for a printing shop that could give him the lowest quotation for the publication of his novel. At last, he did ind a publisher -- F. MEYER-VAN LOO PRESS, PRESS, No. 66 Viaanderen Street -- who was willing to print his book on an instalment basis. He pawned his jewels in order to pay the down payment payment and the early partial partial payments payments during the printing printing of the the novel. Rizal: (counting his remaining funds... looking desperate) I need to get more funds. This money... (holds money) it will bring me no where.
Mail comes... comes... over)..I have sent some money and P200 from Rodriguez Arias for the copies of Basa: (Voice over)..I Morga's Sucesos sold in Manila. This is everything. Rizal: (Reading the letter. Shakes head) Still not enough. I need to pay so many things. I am broke.
The printing is not even half way. (sad tone) Writes to Basa.. "I have already pawned all my jewels, I live in a small room, I eat in the cheapest restaurant in order to economize and be able to publish my book (Shows in action). . . . . . . . (Rizal writing on the table) I will have to stop the publication if no money comes...." Naration: On August 6, the printing had to be suspended, as Rizal feared because he could no longer give the necessary fund to the printer. In a moment of bitter disillusionment, he almost hurled the manuscript of the Fili into flames, just as he almost did the Noli. Rizal: I do not know. If the money which I expect does not arrive by the next mail, I will give up the book and all, and I will embark to live and work for myself... at times I feel like burning my manuscript but then I think of you, and I know that there are many good men like you, good men who truly love their country. Basa: No. Don't lose hope on this one. We'll make it through.
Mail Arrives... Rizal: (Surprised....) (Voice over) "..I learned about your predicament and I felt the strong desire to help. I sent money enough to finish to printing of your novel -- Valentin Ventura." Oh God. Thank God!
Shows printing.. Naration: At last, on September 18, 1891, El Filibusterismo came off the press. Rizal, now a very happy man, immediately sent on this date two printed copies to Hongkong -- One for Basa and the other for Sixto Lopez. To his friend in Paris, Valentin Ventura, who generously loaned him the funds needed to finish the printing of the novel Rizal gratefully donated the original manuscript and an autograph printed copy. Filipino patriots in foreign lands and in the Philippines praised the novel to the skies. Rizal: (to the people) In all the years of my studies, travels and labors in foreign lands, I had not forgotten the martyrdom of the GOMBURZA, I dedicate my novel, El Filibusterismo to them.
CHAPTER 20: Ophthalmic Surgeon in Hong Kong (1891-1892) Naration: After the publication of El Filibusterismo, Rizal left Europe for Hongkong, where he lived from November, 1891 to June, 1892. He left Europe because he thought that his life was unbearable in Europe because of his political differences with M.H Del Pilar and other Filipinos in Spain and he wanted to be near his idolized Philippines and family.
Shows Rizal travelling by train going to Paris; Bid farewell to the Lunas, Pardo de Taveras, Venturas and other friends. Rizal: I will now continue my search and will pursue my profession. Thank you for everything. I am leaving but my memories with you are incomparable. They will never be forgotten. (Takes with him a letter from Juan Luna and 600 copies of El Fili) Valentin Ventura: Have a safe flight Jose. We will pray for your safety and success. Naration: The trip was delightful, “heavenly”, in Rizal’s own opinion. There were over 80 firstclass passengers. Rizal was the only Asian among them. As usual, he amazed his fellow passengers because of his knowledge of many languages and his skill in sketching. He befriended many missionaries, with one of them, Father Fuchs, a Tyrolese, he enjoyed playing chess. Rizal: Check mate, Padre! (laugh) Father Fuchs: You’re really good in this my fellow. You are amazing! (laughs) Naration: Rizal arrived in Hongkong on November 20, 1891. He was welcomed by the Filipino residents, especially his old friend, Jose Ma. Basa. He established his residence where he also opened his medical clinic.
Mail arrives.. (voice over) “..they deported 25 persons from Calamba including father, Neneng, Sisa, Lucia, Paciano, and the rest of us. I am preparing a letter for the Queen Regent of Spain explaining the Calamba situation in order to secure justice. If the Queen will not listen, we will write to Queen Victoria of England appealing for protection in the name of humanity..” (Rizal reads in despair...) Naration: Before Christmas of 1891, he was gladdened by the arrival of his father, brother and Silvestre Ubaldo in Hong Kong.
Father, Brother and brother-in-law arrives... Rizal in his medical clinic. Paciano: Good evening Senor. May we take some of your time? Rizal: (faces the person talking) What can ---- brother! (surprised tone) You came for me! Father: I’m afraid he’s not alone. (smiles) Rizal: Oh, Father! (gives respect) Naration: Not long afterwards, his mother and sister Lucia, Josefa and Trinidad also arrived.
Rizal with his Father and Paciano in the living area. (Knockings) Rizal: (Opens door) Mother! (embraces tight) My sisters!
Josefa: My brother! How I missed you! Rizal: So am I!
Talking..... Naration: The Christnas in Hongkong was one of the happiest Yuletide celebrations in Rizal/s life for he had a happy family Reunion. Rizal: (calls attention) Everyone, may I have your attention please. (hold a champagne) I.. am deeply grateful to have you here on Christmas eve. Words are never enough to express the extremes of my happiness. I have longed for this! To my mother, Merry Chrismas, mom. I love you. Cheers!
Cheers... Giggles.. Naration: To earn a living for himself and his family, Rizal practiced medicine. A Portuguese physician, Dr. Lorenzo P. Marques, who became his friend and admirer, helped him build up a wide clientele. In recognition of Rizal’s skill as an ophthalmic surgeon, he turned over him many of his eye cases. Dr. Lorenzo: You are a great man; your capabilities as a surgeon are exceptional. You deserve to be known. Rizal: I owe this to you Dr. If not for you; I might have had a very hard time. Dr. Lorenzo: This is all because of you. The goodness of your heart, Dr. Rizal: There is one thing I am certain to do out of everything. That is to operate my mom and make her able to better see again. Dr. Lorenzo: And I am most certain you can do that. Naration: In due time, Dr. Rizal became a successful and well-known medical practitioner in the British colony. He successfully operated on his mother’s left eye so that she was able to read and write again. Aside from being an eye specialist, he was a general practitioner. Some friends of Rizal who were in Europe gave him moral and substantial aid in his medical practice in Hong Kong. Rizal possessed the qualities of a great ophthalmic surgeon. Had he devoted his lifetime to the practice of medicine he would have become one of Asia’s eminent ophthalmologist.