D.G.C.A AME LICENCE EXAMINATION RADIO NAVIGATION June – 2012 Questions written By: AME’s Mr. VIJAY KR. SAHU & RAVI RANJAN SINGH 1. When a voltmeter is connected to a 200 V DC supply, then connected to a 200 V AC with inductance of 1 H will read – A. 248 V B. 500V C. 290V D. None 2. Dither motor used to eliminate in IRS used laser to A. *LASER LOCK B. GIMBAL LOCK C. NO SUCH MOTOR 3. Biggest disadvantage of continuous wave WXR A. not provide target range B. Position of Target C. target velocity not given D. none 4. 5.
Optical coupler are used to: A. Control B. disconnect C. ISOLATE In this type of coupler, couplers are composed of a series of lenses and a partially refractive index which coupler is this: A. fused coupler B. Bean Splitting Coupler C. Reflection star coupler D. dichoric filter
Instrument Landing System (ILS) Alert light: A. Illuminates when aircraft is within 2 min of waypoint while moving along on INS track B. functions as glideslope less than 250 NM only C. does not function on 250 NM
How much clearance from seat bottom is required when installing radio equipment under a seat A. 1 inch with the seat occupied n subjected to max downward seat spring deflection B. no set min as long as the equipment receives adequate cooling and damage protection C. 3 inches with the seat unoccupied
How may the operation of an installed ‗ELT‘ be verified during Aircraft inspection: A. By tuning a comm. receiver to the civil emergency frequency & activating the ELT momentarily at 5 min after the hour. B. By moving the deact. s/w from the Disarm to Arm position while monitoring the civil emerd. freq. with a comm.. Rx at 5 min after the hours. C. By act. the 5 ‗g‘ s/w & tuning the unit on at 5 min. after the hour.
9. SELCAL operates on - HF and VHF only
10. Microwave frequency unique phenomenon is – SUPER-REFRACTION 11. In GPWS inputs take reference from aircraft configuration Radio Altimeter and – - LANDING GEAR and FLAPS 12. GPWS Mode 1 warning: A. whoop whoop pull up & sink rate sink rate & light glows. B. whoop whoop pull up C. whoop whoop pull up & light flashes 13. In modern Aircraft ‗VHF Transponder‘ – Answer: 720 channels with 25 KHz spacing
14. When Captain like to communicate with flight crew on ASP, Capt will select – A. *Select INT switch on & select PA on Rx. panel B. Select PA on ASP & Rx and talk to Cabin Crew C. Select service ant. on ASP & receive and talk to cabin crew 15. If a transformer is made for high frequency & is applied with low frequency then A. Primary winding will be heated up or burn up B. Primary current will increase C. Primary current will decrease D. No Effect 16. The VSWR in a short circuited transmission line equals to – A. Infinity B. Unity C. Zero D. none 17. FADING mostly occurs in – A. HF
D. None
18. Increase in width of Radar pulse A. Range in increased & range resolution is decreased B. Range is decreased & range resolution in increased C. Range and resolution increased 19. SQUELCH circuit – A. Disable the Rx o/p when no signal is being received B. Disable the transmitter o/p when no signal is being received C. Enable the Rx o/p when signal is received D. All of the Above 20. In J3E , E stands for – A. Telephony
B. Telegraphy
C. Satellite Comm
21. Mike which does not require any polarizing voltageA. Piezoelectric mike B. X-tal mike C. Carbon mike
D. All of the Above
22. In encoding of ATC transponder altitude C pulse gives reflected binary code, what is given by A, B, D pulse – A. Gray code B. Octal C. BCD D. Binary 23. Cladding which surrounds fiber core – A. *Allow light to pass through the core and other end B. is used to protect the fiber C. insure that refractive index remains constant 24. which is used to display the flight data of aircraft – EFIS 25. INS consist of gyroscopes n accelerometer – it will resist the a/c in level flight movement 26. EFIS contains – SG, ctrl panel, EHSI, EADI 27. VHF antenna of ILSA. Vertically polarized and Omni directional B. Vertically polarized only C. Vertically polarized & Omni directional with VSWR greater than 1.5:1 D. Horizontally polarized only
28. MTCS : A. TCAS I gives Traffic Advisory (TA) B. TCAS II gives Traffic Advisory (TA) & Resolution Advisory (RA) C. TCAS, in RA shows a/c position in vicinity only 29. In ATC transponder reply length of X - plate – A. 2.9 microsec B. 0.29 microsec
C. 0.029 microsec
30. In three pulse method of Side Lobe Suppression (SLS)A. compare amplitude of P1 & P2 B. compare amplitude of P1 & P3 C. compares spacing between P1 & P2 31. MTCS: A. C1 & C4 never transmitted together B. C1 C2 C4 never transmitted together C. C1 & C4 transmitted together 32. Advantage of Microve Landing Sys (MLS) over Inst. Land. Sys (ILS): A. three dimension coverage B. glide path angle C. low operation area D. both ‗a‘ & ‗b‘ 33. Aerodrome Surveillance Radar gives: A. Azimuth and Range B. Azimuth
C. Azimuth. range and elevation
34. In AM if carrier frequency is 100 KHz and modulating frequency is 5 kHz bandwidth A. 5 kHz B. *10 kHz C. 20 kHz 100 kHz 35. Omega Navigation system operates on- A. VLF
36. in which form of SSB version pilot carrier is transmitted – R3E 37. Aircraft Heading is 40 degree and Relative Bearing is 260 degree then True Bearing will be A. 300 B.200 C. 100 (* RB = TB – HDG ) 38. Noise mostly affects in - RF stage 39. In AM total power transmitted is 10 KW and 60% MI then carrier power is – A. 8.47 B. 84.7 C. 0.84 40. In ADF, Beat frequency Oscillator (BFO) is used for – Station identifying on carrier 41. In computer when data is fetched the next instruction to be carried by is-Instruction Register 42. The Satellite‘s are placed in Geosynchronous orbit that provide coverage between — Answer- 75 degree N (north) and 75 degree S (south) * refer VK Mehta (sat-com topic) 43. In modern cockpit glass Aircraft, deflection effect used isA. Electrostatic
B. Electromagnetic C. either a or b
44. The function of ATU – A. Keys the transmitter B. inserts an attenuator in transverse o/p line C. switch on the tuning tone signal gen n s/w on the ref phase for servo D. ALL is WELL. 45. In flight interphone if Press-to-Transmit (P.T.T) is pressedA. All PA speakers are mute B. As in a and connect to mic C. cockpit speaker is heard D. As in ‗a‘ and mic. is connected to the line 46. WAVEGUIDE can be used as – A. High pass filter B. low pass filter 47. On communication SatelliteA. Capacity depends on bandwidth B. Works on SHF C. Geostationary
48. Speed of computer depends upon- MEMORY 49. In 2P + 20C-20, 20 numbering indicating of cable – Gauge of wire 50. During T/O, ― Glideslope‖, ―Glideslope‖ warning sound comes due toA. *Approaching below ILS departure B. Approaching above ILS departure 51. MTCSCB A. power is medium B. voltage is high C. current is low
CE power highest volt is low current b/w 0 & 1
CC power lowest volt is b/w 0 n 1 current high
52. which of the following is correct: A. LLZ frequency- 108.10, GS frequency- 334.7 MHz B. LLZ frequency- 108.20, GS frequency- 334.7 MHz 53. Ratio of max to min which is equal to SWR – A. SWR = Zo/Zi C. both a n b which is smaller
B. SWR = Zi/Zo D. both a & b which one is larger
54. Bonding radio equip to airframe will provideA. low current path C. High Impedance grounds return
B. High current path D. Low Impedance ground return
55. The reverse of Veb applied to a transistor caused transistor effect, known as – A. Avalanche breakdown B. punch through /reach through 56. LCD gate is made of- a. TTL-XOR
57. MTCS - regarding oscillator A. it does not require i/p external signal B. it is an unstable amplifier C. it is of two type harmonic and relaxation
d. NOR gate
58. When the aircraft is on the ground with landing gear locked & down & ground power applied theA. Speaker audio is reduced by 6 db B. priority level of pilot announcement is superior in PMA C. Both ‗a‘ & ‗ b‘ 59. The radio frequency energy can take time to travel 1 NMA. 12.359 microsec B. 12.359 millisec C. 13 microsec
D. none
60. In a half wave magnetic amplifier transformer has 240 V and turn ratio 8:1, the peak valueA. 300 V B. 50 V C. 30 V D. 42.5 V 61. Numerical of deflection sensitivity 0.01 mm/v and applied voltage is 400 V then spot deflectionA. 10 mm B. 400mm C. 4 mm D. 4000mm * refer V.K. Mehta electronics book, CRT (spot def = appl voltage accelerator anode * def sensitivity) 63. In phase shift method o/p is feed to – A. Adder B. Subtractor C. modulator D. none 62. ELT battery replacement is done whenA. use more than one cumulative hour B. replace annually or when a s/w is activated C. Tx has tested more than 10 times 64.
Flip Flop isA. Asynchronous division B. used for frequency division C. cannot used for storage
D. none
In JK flip flopA. J=K=0 hold mode no effect in o/p C. toggle J=1, K=1
B. J=1, K=0 high to low trans D. ALL
1 microsec pulse converted into 1 millisec byA. astable B. MONOSTABLE C. JK flip flop
D. none
Thyratron equivalent to- A. transistor
When E-field is transverse in the direction of propagationA. TEM B. TE C. TM
D. none
D. both ‗a‘ & ‗b‘
VOR/ILS aerialA. unipole aerial receiving vertical polarization B. *unipole are mounted horizontal C. operated in 118-136 MHz none
MTCSA. bitester are used for internal checkup of aircraft component as specified by manufacturer B. ‗RAMP tester‘ is used for checking the external component of an aircraft as apecified by manufacturer C. as in ‗b‘ D. as in ‗c‘ and the person should possess valid licence.*
Audio Integrating System (A.I.S) toA. switch all incoming audio to cabin speaker B. centralized the control all radio traffic to/from C. channel the mike into selective communication & navigation D. allow i/p to selected required audio s/w unit.
Advantage of DVOR over CVORA. free from completely site errors B. free from considerably site errors*
Full rose VOR/ILS on E.F.I.S – A. VOR/ILS available on 360 degree compass B. WX display available only
74. The Aircraft heading is 50 deg, VOR# 1 shows 90 deg and VOR# 2 shows 240 deg on compass cardA. Relative Bearing of VOR# 1 is 90 deg B. *Mag. Bearing of VOR# 2 is 240 deg and Rel. Bearing is 190 deg C. Mag. Bearing of VOR# 2 is 400 deg D. ALL 75.
Dist. Measuring Equipment (DME) beacon if saturated with interrogating aircraft, will replyA. to nearest aircraft B. depend upon situation C. no.# 1 interrogating a/c
Sinusoidal AC voltage is 1414 V applied across moving coil ammeter and half wave rectifier connected in series rectifier offer resistance of 25 ohm in one direction and infinity in opposite current through ammeter isA. 25.4 A B. 80.5 A C. 51 A D. 100.5 A
P-N-P punch through/reach through or Avalanche breakdown reason isA. takes places at fixed voltage between collector and base B. it is not dependant upon circuit configuration C. voltage generation not generate current D. ALL
Rear port display utilizesA. Dynamic CRT screen B. Dynamic CRT screen by optical means C. static CRT screen by optical means D. ALL
Antenna stabilization of WXRA. for pitch and roll control B. pitch and roll control and the antenna is on/off C. for pitch and roll ctrl whether antenna is connected/ disconnected.
80. 81.
IMAGE FREQUENCY = Audio Frequency (AF) + 2 (Intermediate freq (I.F)) Input characteristics of P-N-PA. emitter base Forward Biased B. below threshold voltage current is small C. early effect cause emitter current to increase with Veb constant D. ALL
Vcb with emitter open, cause failure of transistor known as: A. Avalanche breakdown C. Saturation
B. reach through/punch through D. None
Stages of AM receiver: A. RF amp, Mixer, AF amp, Detector B. AF amp, ,IF amp, Mixer, Detector C. Mixer, .IF amp, Detector, AF amp D. RF amp, MIXER, IF amp, DETECTOR, AF amp
MTCS: A. bipolar transistor faster but more power consumes B. MOS are smaller in chip area and consume less power C. bipolar is generally preferred in LSI D. most prefers SSI and MSI
MTCS regarding Frequency Modulation (FM) : A. FM vector has phase lag & lead w.r.t reference carrier voltage vector B. it is a form of Phase Mod. (PM) as larger freq dev gives longer phase dev C. FM receive a PM, base freq have more dev than PM transmitter D. ALL
Dual HF is selected byA. Interlock ckt B. Relay C . as in ‗a‘ it allows the dual HF sys to transmit only one time D. as in a dual HF system to transmit both simultaneously
Example of MSI- A. Semiconductor memory B. microprocessor C. encoder/decoder
which is correct about FMA. require expensive equipment than AM B. FM 7 to 15 times channel require more than AM* C. in AM all powers are useful D. none
MTCS - regarding PM:A. PM vectors sometimes lead & sometimes lag with ref carrier vector B. AM remains constant C. ALL
Frequency stabilization in oscillator, net effect – A. mechanical vibration B. power supply
D. none
C. operating point of active device D. ALL
FMCW used toA. prevent altitude holes B. measure two wave travel D. create sideband spectrum of received Doppler*
C. DME saturated replay
When a Pilot is selecting a particular frequency and then a hissing sound comes - TUNING
Flt Mgmt Comp (FMC) takes input fromA. Pitot –Static tube B. CADC (Centralized Air Data Computer) C. IRS/VOR Rx D. FMS/INS 1. *both B & D 2. ‗A‘, ‗B‘, ‗D‘ 3. ‗A‘,‘B‘,‘C‘,‘D‘
Causes of Duct formation in microwave propagationA. *temperature inversion B. Attenuation
C. Reflection
D. all
This is a push type s/w, it is used to show or indicate whenever the electrical power, hydraulic power or APU failure which of the following is used to indicateA. Status switch B. Engine display switch. C. comp s/w D. EVENT RECORD switch
A capacitor having charge of 0.5 C and applied voltage 10 V then find the capacitance of capacitorA. 10 F B. 0.3 F C. 0.5 F D. 0.05 F
Range of VHFA. 2 - 35 MHz
B. 118-135 MHz
C. 118-136 MHz
D. 108-136 MHz
MTCSA. monostable multivibrator is used for regenerating regulating worn out pulses old pulses B. bistable multivibrator is used in counting ckt C. astable multivibr has to quassi stable. D. ALL is WELL
MTCSA. In active region, Emitter is RB and Collector is FB B. In sat state, Emitter and Collector jn RB C. In cut off reason, Emitter and Collector jn FB
100. DME operates inA. Vertically polarized antenna in UHF range B. Vertically polarized antenna inVHF range
D. Horizontally polarized
*************************GOOD LUCK AME‘s !!!**************************** For doubts contact : Vijay Sahu :- 08655263996 R.R. Singh :- 09757197811