Big Data is data sets with sizes beyond the ability of commonly used software tools. Big data challenges include capturing data, data storage, data analysis, search, sharing, transfer, visualization, querying, and updating and information privacy. By
Big Data
Big Data origem e aplicaçõesDescrição completa
Uma introdução simples e intuitiva sobre o novo ramo de TI.Descrição completa
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Descripción: Big Data
BIG DATADeskripsi lengkap
Big Data is the new Buzz work connecting the new trends of data analytics. Data management has shifted its focus from an important competency to a critical differentiator
big data
Big DataDescripción completa
Current life involves physical enjoyment, social activities and content, profile and cyber resources. Now it is easy to merge computing, networking and society with physical systems to create new revolutionary science, technical capabilities and bett
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Notes for Big Data
The IBM BigData BigData Platform approach approach is unique in the the industry industry in the way that that it integrates the processing of streaming and static data with data warehousing and an analytics & reporting zone. Answer True !o"#$ ne%er uses A!"I "#$ as a choice for accessing data. AnswerTrue hich of the following is !'T one of the "treaming(Data Processing "ystems discussed in this course )hoose one answer. c. "pring "D BigData is *est processed in a platform that )hoose one answer. +,- c. Integrates enterprise data into one ecosystem that handles *oth static and streaming data as well as analytical components The %alue of the the insights from BigData BigData are intended intended mostly for e/ecuti%e e/ecuti%e management of an organization organization +0 Answer1alse There are are a num*er of dri%ers dri%ers for an 'perations Analysis Analysis use case. case. In its raw raw format2 *usinesses are often una*le to le%erage machine data2 *ecause )hoose one answer. d. All of the a*o%e The classic classic data warehouse warehouse is *est *est replaced *y storage and and process process using the 3adoop ecosystem. Answer True 4ecommended *est practices for managing *ig data analytics programs include )hoose one answer. +,5 a. Adopting data analysis tools *ased on a laundry list of their capa*ilities *. $etting go entirely of 6old ideas27 such as "#$2 related to data management c. 1ocusing on *usiness goals of the organization and how to use BigData analytics to meet them d. All of the a*o%e hich of these are !'T characteristics of Big Data8 )hoose one answer.
c. 9ariance To ma/imize the *ene:ts of BigData analytics initiati%es2 organizations should select the right analytics tools and in%ol%e people who *ring needed analytical s;ills to a pro ?/a*ytes
3ow many @iga*ytes are in a Peta*yte8 )hoose one answer. *. 'ne million
hat term do we use for managing and trusting sources of data8 )hoose one answer. + a. MDM *. @o%ernance c. Data "ecurity d. Information Integration hich is !'T one of the :%e BigData se )ases mentioned in the course )hoose one answer. c. "ocial Data "ynthesis