Public International Law - Notes

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The following notes are a summary of the contents of the book "Public International Law by Isagani Cruz, 1998 Edition" The author of this outline is currently a second year law student at Arella...

Public International Law

Public International Law Reviewer. A very good reviewer for this subject.Full description

This Project deals with the concept of Extradition, and the various International law, it also deals with some of the Indian cases of Extradition.

This paper deal with the concept of Extradition, and the Public International law dealing with, It also Deals withFull description

Public International Law Reviewer. A very good reviewer for this subject.Full description

International law status of the right to receive asylum: An Analysis

Author of the Book used: Assoc. Justice Isagani A. Cruz Professor: Atty. Hidelito S. Pascual University of San Carlos Note: The contents are sourced from the class discussions (also personal notes...

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