“Student Information Management System” Submitted in partial fulfillment for the Award of degree of Bachelor of Technology in nformation Technology
Submitted by: !apil !au"hi# An#ur Agarwal Tu"har Somani
Submitted to:
$ead of %epartment ()r* N* P* P* S$R+ASTA+A,
Academic $ead
Pro&ect 'uide
()r* %-P '.PTA,
()r* R/0AN !$AN,
PRNCPA()r* N* !* !$AN%E-0A-, %epart men t
of nf orma tion
h a ri
Ar1ind n"titute of Engineering and Technology 2343544 PRE6ACE
This This proj projec ectt 7Student nformation )anagement Sy"tem8 provides us a simple interf interface ace for mainta maintaina inanc nce e of studen studentt inform informati ation. on.It It can be used used by educat education ional al instit institute utes s or colleg colleges es to mainta maintain in the record records s of studen students ts easily easily.. Achiev chieving ing this this objective is difficult using a manual system as the information is scattered can be redundant and collecting relevant information may be very time consuming. All these problems are solved using this project. Throughout the project the focus has been on presenting information in an easy and intelligible manner. The project is very useful for those !ho !ant to "no! about Student Information Management Systems and !ant to develop soft!ares#!ebsites based on the same concept. The project provides facilities li"e online registration and profile creation of students thus thus reduci reducing ng paper! paper!or" or" and automa automatin ting g the record record genrer genrerati ation on proce process ss in an educational institution.
AC!NO0-E%'E)ENT $e ta"e this opportunity to e%press our sincere gratitude to all those !ho helped us in various capacities in underta"ing this project and devising the report. $e are privileged to e%press our sense of gratitude to our respected teacher )r* Ri9wan !han !hose unparalleled "no!ledge moral fiber and judgment along !ith
his "no!&ho! !as an immense support in completing the project. $e are also grateful to )r* Neera& Shri1a"ta1the 'ead of (epartment Information Technology for the brain!ave and encouragement given. $e ta"e this opportunity also to than" our friends and contemporaries for their co& operation and compliance.
)apil )aushi" An"ur Agar!al Tushar Somani
Synopsis of project
System *e+uirement Specification
Technology overvie!
,roject description
Scope of project
-ontribution in project
) Aa r h 1a i r ni d"
h i
r n"titute CERT6CA " of Engineer TE ing and c This is to certify that Te the project titled a ch no r lo 7ST.%ENT r gy N6O i 2343544 R)A %EPAR TON T)ENT )AN O6 N6OR A'E )ATO )EN N TEC$N T O-O': S:ST
d o u t
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Information *e+ui Technology students: reme 1.
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'.%E ()r* Ri9wan !han,
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Ab"tract Student Information Management System can be used by education institutes to maintain the records of students easily. Achieving this objective is difficult using a manual system as the information is scattered can be redundant and collecting relevant information may be very time consuming. All these problems are solved using this project. Name of the Pro&ect: Student Information Management System
3nline registration of students Maintenance of student records Searching student records
."er" +iew":
Administrator Student
Platform Operating Sy"tem": Microsoft $indo!s
Technologie" ."ed:
4ront 5nd: 'TM6 and 7avascript $eb designing language: ,',
*(MS8ac" end9: MyS6 Software Re;uirement":
,', ;.1 A,A-'5 'TT, Server (ream!eaver4ront,age for 4ront 5nd ,rogramming Microsoft $indo!s or 6inu%
$ardware Re;uirement":
Intel ,entium I< processor or e+uivalent or higher ;20 M *am or 'igher 01 = '(( or 'igher >et!or" -onnectivity
4* ntroduction 4*4 Purpo"e= The objective of Student information Sy"tem is to allo! the administrator of any organi?ation to edit and find out the personal details of a student and allo!s the student to "eep up to date his profile .It@ll also facilitate "eeping all the records of students such as their id name mailing address phone number (3 etc. So all the information about an student !ill be available in a fe! seconds. 3verall it@ll ma"e Student Information Management an easier job for the administrator and the student of any organi?ation. The main purpose of this S*S document is to illustrate the re+uirements of the project Student information Sy"tem and is intended to help any organi?ation to maintain and manage its student@s personal data.
4*2 Scope = $ithout a Student information Sy"tem managing and maintaining the details of the student is a tedious job for any organi?ation. Student Information system !ill store all the details of the students including their bac"ground information educational +ualifications personal details and all the information related to their resume . -ogin module: 6ogin module !ill help in authentication of user accounts
./sers !ho have valid login id and pass!ord can only login into their respective accounts.
Search module: Suppose there are hundreds of students and from this !e
have to search a particular student and !e "no! the name of the student .In manual system it is a tedious tas" though !e "no! the name of the student but using this module !e can easily search the student by specifying the name of the student in the search criteria. Thus this module !ill help the administrator in searching the student !ith various criteria easily. Regi"tration )odule and Account )anagement : This module !ill help the
student get registered from any!here if internet is present .This module !ill really simplify the tas" of on paper registration. Also after successful registration the user can update information and change their pass!ord as and !hen re+uired. ."er
enabling#disabling a user account and updating user information as re+uired. ,urpose of project is to maintain details of the students such as storing information about:
Student id
Student pass!ord
Student name
Student (3 Student address
*egistration date
Student status
-ontact no
%efinition"> Acronym" and Abbre1iation" =
Per"onal detail"= (etails of student such as user id phone number
address image resume e&mail address etc.
Contact detail"= (etails of contact associated !ith the student.
SRS= System re+uirement Specification
000: $orld $ide $eb
Admini"trator= A 6ogin Id representing the user is an administrator
can access all the records details
Technologie" =
-SS 1.5
The rest of this S*S is organi?ed as follo!s: Section 2 gives an overall description of the soft!are. It gives !hat level of
proficiency is e%pected of the user some general constraints !hile ma"ing the soft!are. Section ? gives specific re+uirements !hich the soft!are is e%pected to
deliver. Some performance re+uirements and constraints are also given and deal !ith other >on&4unctional *e+uirements. Section @ deals !ith 5%ternal Interface *e+uirements li"e 'ard!are and
Soft!are Interface.
O+ERA-- %ESCRPTON 2*4 Product Per"pecti1e =
The !ebsite Student nformation Sy"tem is aimed to!ards recording a considerable number of student records and needs online assistance for managing records of students. $ebsite should be user&friendly C+uic" to learn@ and reliable !ebsite for the above purpose.
Student nformation Sy"tem is intended to be a stand&alone product and
should not depend on the availability of other !ebsite. The system !ill also have an administrator !ho has full&fledged rights !ith regards to performing all actions related to control and management of the !ebsite.
2*2 Product 6unction" =
There are t!o different users !ho !ill be using this product: Administrator !ho can vie! and edit the details of any students. Students !ho can vie! their details as !ell as they can edit their details. The features that are available to the Administrator are: An Administrator can login into the system and perform any of the available operations. -an enable#disable student. -an edit student information to the database. -an ma"e search for a specific student. -an access all the details of the student. The features that are available to the student are: Student can login into the system and can perform any of the available options. -an vie! his#her personal details. -an edit his#her personal details -an upload his#her resume. -an upload his#her image.
2*? ."er Cla""e" and Characteri"tic" = There are mainly t!o "inds of users for the product. The users include: Administrator
2*@ Operating En1ironment = The product can run on any bro!ser.
Con"traint" = 5very user must be comfortable using computer. All operations are in 5nglish so user must have basic "no!ledge of 5nglish.
.SE CASE )O%E- =
."e Ca"e )odel 1.
Admini"trator= *esponsible for managing student records.
6ogin into the !ebsite
/pdate student details
Search student details 1·
(isplay student details
5nable#(isable student
Student= 'as the access rights to vie! and edit their personal details.
6ogin into the !ebsite
(isplay student details
5dit their details
/pload their images
/pload their resumes
A""umption" dependencie"
Administrator is created in the system already.
*oles and tas"s are predefined.
Specific Re;uirement" = ?*4 ."e Ca"e Report"
Admini"trator= *esponsible for managing student details.
."e5ca"e= 6ogin into the !ebsite
'oal in contet= =ain access to the !ebsite
Brief %e"cription= This use case is used !hen the administrator !ants
to access the !ebsite to enable#disable#update the personal details of the student. Precondition"= The Administrator must be logged onto the !ebsite in
order for this use case to begin. Ba"ic 6low=
The $ebsite prompts the administrator for the user name and pass!ord. The Administrator enters the user name and pass!ord. The $ebsite verifies the pass!ord and sets the user@s authori?ation. The Administrator is given access to the $ebsite to perform his tas"s.
Alternati1e 6low=
The administrator enters invalid username and pass!ord then he !ill not be allo!ed to enter the !ebsite*
Po"t condition"= The !ebsite state is unchanged by this use case.
."e Ca"e Report5 -ogin into the web"ite
."e Ca"e = (isplay student details 'oal in contet=
Brief %e"cription= This use case is used !hen the administrator !ants
to vie! the personal details of the students already e%isting in the database on the screen. Precondition"=
The Administrator must be logged into the system in order for this use case to begin The details of the student must pre&e%ist in the database The student id must be entered correctly. Ba"ic 6low=
The Administrator logs onto the System. The Administrator search the student from follo!ing "eys:& 1o
Student id
4irst#last name
*egistration date
The System prompts for the student detail from one of the above "eys. The student details are displayed on the screen.
Alternati1e 6low=
Student >ot 4ound If in the %i"play a "tudent sub&flo!s a student !ith the specified id number does not e%ist The system displays an error message. The Administrator can then enter a different id number or cancel the operation at !hich point the use case ends.
Po"t condition"=
The student details are displayed on the screen already e%isting in the system. The state of the system remains unchanged*
."e Ca"e = 5dit student details 'oal in contet= 5dit the details of a student
Brief %e"cription= This use case is used !hen the administrator !ants
to edit the personal details of the himself#herself already e%isting in the database. Precondition"=
The Administrator must be logged into the system in order for this use case to begin. The details of the student must pre&e%ist in the database Ba"ic 6low=
The Administrator logs onto the System. The Administrator can edit follo!ing "eys:& 1o
4irst#last name
-ontact no
10o (escription
The $ebsite updates the database according to edited details. The student details are edited in the database. Alternati1e 6low=
There is no alternative flo! of this use case diagram. Po"t condition"=
The student details get updated in the database*
."e Ca"e Report5 Edit "tudent detail into the web"ite 2* Student
."e Ca"e = student registration 'oal in contet= *egistration of a student
Brief %e"cription= This use case is used !hen the student register
himself#herself in the database online. Precondition"=
The Student must accessed the !ebsite in order for this use case to begin. The user id must be uni+ue and entered correctly. Ba"ic 6low=
The Student enters into the !ebsite. The student fill his#her details from the follo!ing "eys:& 1o
Student id
4irst#last name
-ontact no
10o 5mail2 11o 5mail0 12o Address 13o (escription
The System details are added to the database. The student details are displayed on the screen.
Alternati1e 6low=
/ser I( not uni+ue: if the user id entered is not uni+ue then it !ill sho! an error message.
Po"t condition"=
The student get registered on the !ebsite and to login into that particular the administrator must enable it.
."e Ca"e Report5 Regi"ter "tudent on web"ite
."e5ca"e= 6ogin into the !ebsite
'oal in contet= =ain access to the !ebsite
Brief %e"cription= This use case is used !hen the student !ants to
access the !ebsite Precondition"= The Administrator must enabled the particular student
onto the !ebsite in order for this use case to begin. Ba"ic 6low=
The !ebsite prompts the student for the user name and pass!ord. The Student enters the user name and pass!ord. The !ebsite verifies the pass!ord and sets the user@s authori?ation. The Student is given access to the !ebsite to perform his tas"s.
Alternati1e 6low=
The Student enters invalid username and pass!ord then he !ill not be allo!ed to enter the !ebsite*
Po"t condition"= The !ebsite state is unchanged by this use case.
."e Ca"e Report5 -ogin into the "y"tem
."e Ca"e = 5dit student details 'oal in contet= 5dit the details of a student
Brief %e"cription= This use case is used !hen the student !ants to edit
the personal details of the himself#herself already e%isting in the database. Precondition"=
The Student must be logged into the system in order for this use case to begin. The details of the student must pre&e%ist in the database The student must be enabled by administrator. Ba"ic 6low=
The Student logs onto the System. The Student can edit follo!ing "eys:& 1o
4irst#last name
-ontact no
The $ebsite updates the database according to edited details. The student details are edited in the database.
Alternati1e 6low=
There is no alternative flo! of this use case diagram.
Po"t condition"=
The student details get updated in the database*
."e Ca"e Report5 Edit Student %etail" nto %ataba"e
?*2 6unctional Re;uirement" =
The Administrator !ill be given more po!ers 8enable#disable# update9 than other users. It !ill be ensured that the information entered is of the correct format. 4or e%ample name cannot contain numbers. In case if incorrect form of information is added the user !ill be as"ed to fill the information again. The system can be accessed anytime.
?*? Non5 6unctional Re;uirement = ?*2*4* Performance Re;uirement"=
The proposed system that !e are going to develop !ill be used as the -hief performance system for providing help to the organi?ation in managing the !hole database of the student studying in the organisation. Therefore it is e%pected that the database !ould perform functionally all the re+uirements that are specified. ?*2*2* Safety Re;uirement"=
The database may get crashed at any certain time due to virus or operating system failure. Therefore it is re+uired to ta"e the database bac"up. ?*2*?* Security Re;uirement"=
$e are going to develop a secured database. There are different categories of users namely Administartor Student !ho !ill be vie!ing either all or some specific information form the database. (epending upon the category of user the access rights are decided. It means if the user is an administrator then he can be able to modify the data append etc. All other users only have the rights to retrieve the information about database. ?*@ Conclu"ion =
This S*S has given all the details of the application need to be built.
4* ntroduction 4*4, Scope and purpo"e The purpose of the design phase is to develop a clear understanding of !hat the developer !ant people to gain from his#her project. As you the developer !or" on the project the test for every design decision should be D(oes this feature fulfill the ultimate purpose of the projectED A purpose statement affects the design process by e%plaining !hat the developer !ants the project to do rather than describing the project itself. The (esign (ocument !ill verify that the current design meets all of the e%plicit re+uirements contained in the system model as !ell as the implicit re+uirements desired by the customer.
4*2, O1erall Sy"tem %e"ign Ob&ecti1e" The overall system design objective is to provide an efficient modular design that !ill reduce the system@s comple%ity facilitate change and result in an easy implementation. This !ill be accomplished by designing strongly cohesion system !ith minimal coupling. In addition this document !ill provide interface design models that are consistent user friendly and !ill provide straight for!ard transition through the various system functions.
4*?, Structure of %e"ign %ocument System architecture section has System Architecture Design F The
detailed diagram of the system server and client architecture.
Data Design F The data (esign include an 5*( as !ell as (atabase
design. Functional Design Description – This section has the functional
partitioning from the S*S and goes into great detail to describe each function.
Sy"tem Architecture %e"ign 2*4, Sy"tem Architecture The SIMS is a system !hich contain major part !hich include: student (etail Student image and resume. The user selects one of the available options as an input to the system. According to the input by the user the system acts and the rest of the functions are performed accordingly.The administartor can operate on any student details.ut the normal student or users can only access their details of all the functionalities.
%ata %e"ign
?*4, Entity Relation"hip %iagram =
Entity Relation"hip %iagram
6unctional %e"ign %e"cription
%ata 6low %iagram =
%eci"ion Tree =
;. Conclu"ion 'ence !e can conclude that the design phase of the SIMS give us the information of all the processes used in the project and their relation.
TEC$NO-O': O+ER+E0 The technology selected for implementing Student Information Management System is ,',#MBS6.Apache is used as the 'TT, server.The development !as done in a C!indo!s@ environment using adobe dream!eaver -S;.
P$P ,', is a general&purpose scripting language that is especially suited to server&side !eb development !here ,', generally runs on a !eb server.,', code is embedded into the 'TM6 source document.Any ,', code in a re+uested file is e%ecuted by the ,', runtime usually to create dynamic !eb page content.It can also be used for command&line scripting and client&side =/I applications. ,', can be deployed on many !eb servers and operating systems and can be used !ith many relational database management systems 8*(MS9. It is available free of charge and the ,', =roup provides the complete source code for users to build customi?e and e%tend for their o!n use.
that runs as a
server providing multi&user access to a number of databases. MyS6 is a popular choice of database for use in !eb applications and is an open source product. The process of setting up a MyS6 database varies from host to host ho!ever !e !ill end up !ith a database name a user name and a pass!ord. efore using our
database !e must create a table. A table is a section of the database for storing related information. In a table !e !ill set up the different fields !hich !ill be used in that table. -reating a table in phpMyAdmin is simple !e just type the name select the number of fields and clic" the Cgo@ button. !e !ill then be ta"en to a setup screen !here you must create the fields for the database.Another !ay of creating databases and tables in phpMyAdmin is by e%ecuting simple S6 statements.$e have used this method in order to create our database and tables.
Apache The Apache 'TT, Server is a !eb server soft!are notable for playing a "ey role in the initial gro!th of the $orld $ide $eb. In 011J it became the first !eb server soft!are to surpass the 211 million !eb site milestone. Apache is developed and maintained by an open community of developers under the auspices of the Apache Soft!are 4oundation. Since April 2JJK Apache has been the most popular 'TT, server soft!are in use. As of >ovember 0121 Apache served over ;J.GKL of all !ebsites and over KK.;KL of the first one million busiest !ebsites.
A)PP AM,, is a small and light Apache distribution containing the most common !eb development technologies in a single pac"age. Its contents small si?e and portability ma"e it the ideal tool for students developing and testing applications in ,', and MyS6. AM,, is available as a free do!nload in t!o specific pac"ages: full and lite. $hile the full pac"age do!nload provides a !ide array of development tools AM,, 6ite contains the necessary technologies that meet the 3ntario S"ills -ompetition standards.The light version is a small pac"age containing Apache 'TT, Server ,', MyS6 phpMyAdmin 3penssl and S6ite.
Obtaining and n"talling A)PP for various !eb development tas"s. All As previously mentioned AM,, is a freeAM,, pac"ages and add&ons are pac"age available for do!nload and use
http:##!!!.apachefriends.org#. 3nce on the !ebsite navigate and find the $indo!s version of AM,, and do!nload the self&e%tracting NI, archive. After do!nloading the archive run and e%tract its contents into the root path of a hard dis" or /S drive. 4or e%ample the e%tract path for a local $indo!s installation !ould simply be -:O. If e%tracted properly !e !ill notice a ne! %ampp directory in the root of your installation dis". In order to test that everything has been installed correctly first start the Apache 'TT, Server by navigating to the %ampp directory and clic"ing on the apachePstart.bat batch file. >e%t !e !ill test if the server is running correctly by opening an internet bro!ser and typing http:##localhost# into the address bar. If configured correctly !e !ill be presented !ith a screen similar to that of the one belo!.
AM,, splash screen.
In order to stop all Apache processes !e do not close the running terminal application but instead run another batch file in the %ampplite directory called apachePstop.bat.
Creating a %ataba"e and n"erting %ata >o! that !e have run and tested Apache and ,', the ne%t step is running MyS6 and creating a database and table !hich !ill hold information to be used by our !ebsite. In order to start MyS6 navigate to the %ampp directory and run the mys+lPstart.bat batch file.The AM,, pac"age contains an application called phpMyAdmin !hich allo!s developers to administer and maintain MyS6 databases.$e !ill be using phpMyAdmin to create a database and table and enter test data. efore testing phpMyAdmin ma"e sure that both Apache and MyS6 are running
mys+lPstart.bat. Along !ith Apache and MyS6 running in the bac"ground !e type http:##localhost#phpMyAdmin# into our !eb bro!ser. If successful !e !ill be presented !ith a phpMyAdmin start page similar to the one sho!n belo!.
phpMyAdmin start page
The first step !ith phpMyAdmin running is creating a ne! database.$e create a ne! database by directly e%ecuting S6 statements as sho!n belo!.The successful e%ecution of the s+l +uerry creates a database Cstudent@ !ith t!o tables in it.The tabels are adminPlogin and studentPinformation.$e also inserted values in the admin table.The screenshot belo! sho!s the successful e%ecution of the +uery thus creation of a database named student.
-reation of database in mys+l using phpMyadmin
Thus !e have learned to create a database in MBS6 by e%ecuting s+l statements. After creating the database and tables !e are no! ready to use them in our !ebsite “Student Information Management System” .
ntroduction Student Information Management System can be used by education institutes to maintain the records of students easily. Achieving this objective is difficult using a manual system as the information is scattered can be redundant and collecting relevant information may be very time consuming. All these problems are solved using this project The directory structure of the project is as follo!s:
%e"cription of root directory content" mage" mage" %irect %irectory ory = This directory contains the images uploaded by the
students during registration process.Supported formats are the .jpg and .gif files. Re"ume %irectory : This (irectory -ontains resumes of students uploaded
during registration process of students.4iles in this folder can be of .doc.t%t or .pdf format. AdminDEditD AdminDEditDStud StudentD entDnfo*ph nfo*php p : Admin page for editing information of a
student.The administrator can change details of a student in this page.Though facility of changing the image and resume are not yet provided but !ill be provided in future versions of the project.
,age hand handle lerr for for hand handlin ling g the the AdminDEditDStudentDnfoD$andler* AdminDEditDStudentDn foD$andler*php php : ,age AdminP5ditPStudentPInfo.php AdminP5ditPStudentPIn fo.php file.It !rites the edited values in the database on the server. AdminD$eader*php : 'eader file for pages accessible to administrator only. AdminD$ome*php : 'ome page for administrator after logging in process. AdminD-ogin*php : 6ogin page for administrator access.Sho!s appropriate
message for !rong username and#or pass!ord. ,age handl handler er for AdminP6 dminP6og ogin. in.php php page.I page.Itt AdminD-ogi AdminD-oginDha nDhandle ndler* r*php php : ,age chec"s the values provided !ith the values in the database. information to the AdminDStudentD+iewDnfo*php : ,age to display student information administrator. Connect*php : ,age for database connectivity.It is used !henever database
values are re+uired on the page. %i" %i"play playA All*p ll*ph hp
administrator.This administrator.This facility is only available to the administrator. 'andle lerr page page for for enab enabliling ng#d #dis isab abliling ng of EnableD%i EnableD%i"able "ableDhan Dhandler dler*ph *php p : 'and stud studen ents ts
acco accoun untt
faci facilility ty..This This
func functi tion onal alit ity y
only only
avai availa labl ble e
the the
administrator. 6ooter*php : 4ooter file for all pages. $eader*php : 'eader file for login page and homepage of the site. nde*php : 'omepage of the !ebsite.
6ogout handl handler er page.I page.Itt (estroy (estroys s all sessio session n variab variables les thus thus -ogou -ogout*p t*php hp : 6ogout ending user session. Search ch page page to sear search ch stud studen ents ts.I .Itt can can only only be used used by Sear Search ch*p *php hp : Sear administrator.Students can be searched using different fields such as user idaccount status etc. SearchDRe"ult*php : ,age to display search results to the administrator.
,age to disp display lay stud studen entt info inform rmat atio ion n for for any SearchD+ SearchD+iewD iewDRe"ul Re"ult*php t*php : ,age selected search result. StudentDEd StudentDEdit*php it*php : ,age to edit student information.It can be accessed by
students. StudentDEditD$andler*php : ,age handler for StudentP5dit.php. StudentD$eader*php : 'eader file for student pages. StudentD$ome*php : 'ome page for students after they log into their
respective accounts. StudentDlo StudentDlogin*ph gin*php p : 6ogin ,age for student login. Appropriate message is
displayed if the login is unsuccessful. StudentDloginDhandler*php : ,age handler for StudentP6ogin.php.It chec"s
the values provided !ith that in th the database. StudentDRegi"tration*php StudentDRegi"tration*ph p : Student *egistration page.The students enters
various details here for registration. ,age 'and 'andle lerr for for hand handliling ng the the file file StudentDR StudentDRegi"t egi"tration rationDhan Dhandler dler*ph *php p : ,age StudentPregistration.php.It adds value to the studentPinformation table thus creating a ne! user. StudentDRe"etDPa""word*php : ,age for resetting pass!ord.It can be used
only by students.Administrator pass!ord can be changed only by changing the values in the table directly. StudentDRe"etDPa""wordD$andler StudentDRe"etDPa""wordD$andler*php *php : ,age handler for handling page
StudentP*esetP,ass!ord.php. StudentD+iew*php : ,age to display student profile !ith all the details of the
student. Style*c"" : Stylesheet for the !hole site design.
+alidation*&" : 7avascript validations used for validation of form values.
%e"cription of databa"e table" adminDlogin =
userPid : Stores user id of administrator8s9.
pass!ord : Stores pass!ord of the administrator8s9.
lastPloginPdate : Stores the last login date of the administrator8s9.
StudentDinformation =
studentPid : Stores user id of the student8s9
studentPpass!ord : Stores pass!ord of the student8s9
firstPname : Stores first name of the student8s9
lastPname : Stores last name of the student8s9
registrationPdate : Stores the registration date of the student8s9.
gender : Stores the gender of the student8s9.
datePofPbirth : Stores the date of birth of the student8s9.
studentPstatus : Stores the current status of the student account8s9.
contactPno : Stores the contact number of the student8s9.
+ualification : Stores student8s9 +ualification.
: Stores the city in !hich the student8s9 lives.
email2 : Stores primary email of the student8s9.
email0 : Stores secondary email of the student8s9.
address : Stores the address of the student8s9.
description : Stores description of the student8s9.
resume : Stores resume of students8s9.
image : Stores image of the student8s9.
lastPloginPdate : Strores last login date of the student8s9.
6eature "
The $ebsite provides follo!ing functionalities to the users : Admini"trator : 1o
5dit Student Information
5nable#disable student accounts
Search students
Student : 6o
5dit profile
-hange pass!ord
*egister ne! profile
Source Code nde*php Rhtml Rhead Rmeta http&e+uivD-ontent&TypeD contentDte%t#htmlU charsetiso&VV;J&2D Rlin" relDstylesheetD hrefDStyle.cssD typeDte%t#cssD# Rtitle'ome ,ageR#title R#head
Rbody Rtable !idthD211LD heightD211LD Rtr heightD2;LD RtdREphp include W'eader.phpWUER#td R#tr Rtr heightDV1LD Rtd alignDcenterD valignDbaselineDRtable !idthDX1LD Rtr heightD21LD Rtd alignDcenterDRa hrefDinde%.phpD classDstylelin"D styleDte%t& decoration:noneD'omeR#aR#td Rtd alignDrightDRa hrefDStudentPlogin.phpD classDstylelin"D styleDte%t&decoration:noneDStudent 6oginR#a nbspUnbspUnbspUnbspUnbspUnbspUnbspUnbspUnbspUnbspUnbspU Ra hrefDAdminPlogin.phpD classDstylelin"D styleDte%t& decoration:noneDAdministrator 6oginR#aR#td R#tr Rtr RtdnbspUR#td RtdnbspUR#td R#tr Rtr RtdnbspUR#td RtdnbspUR#td R#tr R#tableR#td R#tr Rtr heightD;LD RtdREphp include W4ooter.phpWUER#td R#tr R#table R#body R#html
StudentDlogin*php Rhtml Rhead Rmeta http&e+uivD-ontent&TypeD contentDte%t#htmlU charsetiso&VV;J&2D Rtitle6ogin ,ageR#title Rlin" relDstylesheetD hrefDStyle.cssD typeDte%t#cssD# Rscript typeDte%t#javascriptD function validate89 Y if8document.form2.stPid.valueDD9 Y alert8D,lease enter your login Id.D9U document.form2.stPid.focus89U return falseU
Z if8document.form2.stPpass.valueDD9 Y alert8D,lease enter your pass!ord.D9U document.form2.stPpass.focus89U return falseU
Z Z R#script R#head Rbody on6oadDjavascript:document.form2.stPid.focus89D Rform nameDform2D methodDpostD actionDStudentPloginPhandler.phpD onSubmitDreturn validate89UD Rtable !idthD211LD heightD211LD Rtr Rtd heightD2;LDREphp include W'eader.phpWUER#td R#tr Rtr
Rtd !idthD211LD heightDV1LD alignDcenterD valignDbaselineDRtable !idthDJ1LD Rtr Rtd !idthDVLDRa hrefDinde%.phpD classDstylelin"D styleDte%t&decoration:noneU font&family: +uotUTimes >e! *oman+uotU Times serifUD'omeR#aR#td Rtd !idthDG;LD alignDcenterDnbspUR#td Rtd !idthD0XLDnbspUR#td Rtd !idthDG1LD alignDrightDRa hrefDStudentP*egistration.phpD classDstylelin"D styleDte%t& decoration:none U font&!eight: boldUD>e! Student -lic" 'ereR#aR#td R#tr Rtr RtdnbspUR#td RtdnbspUR#td RtdnbspUR#td RtdnbspUR#td R#tr Rtr RtdnbspUR#td RtdnbspUR#td RtdnbspUR#td RtdnbspUR#td R#tr REphp if8[P=5THWflagW DsuccessD9 Y E Rtr Rtd classDstylegreenD colspanD\D alignDcenterD-ongratulations] Bou Are successfully registered. Bou can use your 6ogin Id and ,ass!ord to login to your account.R#td R#tr REphp Z else if8[P=5THWflagW De%istsD9 Y E
Rtr Rtd classDstyleredD colspanD\D alignDcenterDThis 6ogin Id8 RE[P=5THWstudentPidWE9 already e%ists.,lease try again !ith another 6ogin IdR#td R#tr REphp Zelse if8[P=5THWflagW DerrorD9 Y E Rtr Rtd classDstyleredD colspanD\D alignDcenterD5rror !hile inserting data. ,lease try again.R#td R#tr REphp Z E Rtr RtdnbspUR#td RtdnbspUR#td RtdnbspUR#td RtdnbspUR#td R#tr Rtr RtdnbspUR#td RtdnbspUR#td RtdnbspUR#td RtdnbspUR#td R#tr Rtr Rtd colspanD\DRtable !idthDG1LD borderD2D alignDcenterD cellpaddingDGD cellspacingD1D bordercolorD^------D bgcolorD^------D Rtr alignDcenterD bgcolorD^JJJJJJD Rtd colspanD0D classDstylebigDStudent 6ogin 'ereR#td R#tr
Rtr bgcolorD^525252D classDstylesmallD Rtd !idthDG;LD alignDleftD classDstyleXD6ogin Id : R#td Rtd !idthDK;LD alignDleftDRinput nameDstPidD typeDte%tD idDstPidDR#td R#tr Rtr bgcolorD^525252D classDstylesmallD Rtd alignDleftD classDstyleXD,ass!ord:R#td Rtd alignDleftDRinput nameDstPpassD typeDpass!ordD idDstPpassDR#td R#tr Rtr bgcolorD^525252D Rtd colspanD0D alignDcenterDnbspU REphp if8[P=5THWflagW DinvalidD9 Y E Rspan classDstyleredDInvalid 6ogin Id or ,ass!ordR#span REphp ZE R#td R#tr Rtr bgcolorD^525252D Rtd colspanD0D alignDcenterDRinput nameDloginD classDstyle21D typeDsubmitD idDloginD valueD6oginD Rinput nameDcloseD typeDbuttonD idDcloseD classDstyle21D valueD-loseD on-lic"Dself.locationWinde%.phpWD R#td R#tr R#tableR#td R#tr R#tableR#td R#tr Rtr Rtd heightD;LD alignDcenterDREphp include W4ooter.phpWUER#td R#tr R#table R#form R#body
StudentDloginDhandler REphp sessionPstart89U include W-onnect.phpWU [flag DDU
[studentPid [P,3STHWstPidWU [stPpass [P,3STHWstPpassWU [+uery Dselect lastPloginPdate from studentPinformation !here studentPidW[studentPidW and studentPpass!ordW[stPpassW and studentPstatus W5nableWDU [result mys+lP+uery8[+uery[lin"Pid9U if8mys+lPerror89 ] null9Y die8mys+lPerror899U Z if8[date mys+lPfetchParray8[result99 Y [lastdate [dateHWlastPloginPdateWU [date0 date8Dd&m&B h:i ADstrtotime8[lastdate99U [PS5SSI3>HWuseridW [P,3STHWstPidWU [PS5SSI3>HWlastloginW [date0U [PS5SSI3>HWtypeW DStudentDU mys+lP+uery8Dupdate studentPinformation set lastPloginPdateno!89 !here studentPidW[studentPidWD[lin"Pid9U if8mys+lPerror89 ] null9Y
die8mys+lPerror899U Z header8Dlocation:StudentP'ome.phpD9U die89U
Z else
Y [flag DinvalidDU header8Dlocation:StudentPlogin.phpEflag[flagD9U die89U Z E
StudentDRegi"tration*php Rhtml Rhead Rlin" relDstylesheetD hrefDStyle.cssD typeDte%t#cssD# Rmeta http&e+uivD-ontent&TypeD contentDte%t#htmlU charsetiso&VV;J&2D RtitleStudent *egistration ,ageR#title Rscript srcD
Y if8document.form2.firstPname.valueDD9 Y alert8D,lease enter your first name.D9U document.form2.firstPname.focus89U return falseU Z if8document.form2.lastPname.valueDD9 Y alert8D,lease enter your last name.D9U document.form2.lastPname.focus89U return falseU Z if8document.form2.dob.valueDD9 Y
alert8D,lease enter your date of birth.D9U document.form2.dob.focus89U return falseU Z else Y var date document.form2.dob.valueU var yes chec"(ate8date9U if8]yes9 Y alert8D,lease 5nter a valid date of birth.D9U document.form2.dob.focus89U return falseU Z Z if8document.form2.email2.valueDD9 Y alert8D,lease enter your primary email.D9U document.form2.email2.focus89U return falseU Z else Y var is5mail email
document.form2.address.focus89U return falseU
Z if8document.form2.description.value ] DD document.form2.description.value.length 0119Y alert8DBou can enter description upto 011 characters only.D9U document.form2.description.focus89U return falseU Z if8document.form2.stPid.valueDD9 Y alert8D,lease enter your desired student id.D9U document.form2.stPid.focus89U return falseU Z if8document.form2.stPpass.valueDD9 Y alert8D,lease enter your desired pass!ord.D9U document.form2.stPpass.focus89U return falseU Z if8document.form2.retype.valueDD9 Y alert8D,lease enter retype pass!ord.D9U document.form2.retype.focus89U
return falseU Z if8document.form2.stPpass.value ] document.form2.retype.value9 Y alert8D,ass!ord and retype pass!ord are not same.D9U document.form2.stPpass.value DDU document.form2.retype.value DDU document.form2.stPpass.focus89U return falseU
Z Z R#script R#head Rbody on6oadDjavascript:document.form2.firstPname.focus89D Rform nameDform2D methodDpostD
actionDStudentP*egistrationPhandler.phpD onSubmitDreturn validation89D enctypeDmultipart#form&dataD Rtable !idthD211LD Rtr Rtd !idthD211LD heightD2;LD alignDcenterDREphp include W'eader.phpWUER#td R#tr Rtr Rtd !idthD211LD heightDV1LD alignDcenterDRtable !idthDV1LD borderD2D cellpaddingD0D cellspacingD1D bordercolorD^------D Rtr bgcolorD^555555D Rtd colspanD\D alignDcenterD classDstylemediumDStudent InformationR#td R#tr Rtr classDstylesmallD Rtd4irst >ame Rspan classDstyleredD_R#span R#td RtdRinput nameDfirstPnameD typeDte%tD idDfirstPnameD
ma%lengthD;1DR#td Rtd6ast >ame Rspan classDstyleredD_R#span R#td RtdRinput nameDlastPnameD typeDte%tD idDlastPnameD ma%lengthDG1DR#td R#tr Rtr classDstylesmallD Rtd=enderR#td RtdRinput nameDgenderD typeDradioD valueDMaleD chec"ed MaleRinput nameDgenderD typeDradioD valueD4emaleD 4emaleR#td
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RtdRinput nameDemail0D typeDte%tD idDemail0D ma%lengthD211DR#td
R#tr Rtr classDstylesmallD RtdAddressR#td Rtd colspanDGDRte%tarea nameDaddressD colsD\;D ro!sD0D idDaddressDR#te%tareaR#td R#tr Rtr classDstylesmallD Rtd (escriptionR#td Rtd colspanDGDRte%tarea nameDdescriptionD colsD\;D ro!sDGD idDdescriptionDR#te%tareaR#td R#tr Rtr bgcolorD^555555D Rtd colspanD\D alignDcenterD classDstylemediumD6ogin InformationR#td R#tr Rtr Rtd colspanD\DnbspUR#td R#tr Rtr classDstylesmallD Rtd(esired I( Rspan classDstyleredD_R#span R#td RtdRinput nameDstPidD typeDte%tD idDstPidD ma%lengthD01DR#td RtdnbspUR#td RtdnbspUR#td R#tr Rtr classDstylesmallD Rtd,ass!ord Rspan classDstyleredD_R#span R#td RtdRinput nameDstPpassD typeDpass!ordD idDstPpassD ma%lengthD01DR#td Rtd alignDrightD*etype ,ass!ordRspan classDstyleredD _R#span R#td RtdRinput nameDretypeD typeDpass!ordD idDretypeD ma%lengthD01DR#td R#tr Rtr
RtdnbspUR#td RtdnbspUR#td RtdnbspUR#td RtdnbspUR#td R#tr Rtr bgcolorD^555555D Rtd colspanD\D alignDcenterD classDstylemediumD *esume InformationR#td R#tr Rtr classDstylesmallD Rtd/pload *esume R#td
Rtd colspanDGDRinput nameDresumeD typeDfileD nbspUnbspUnbspUnbspUnbspUnbspUnbspUnbspURspan classDstyleredD.doc .t%t .pdf file onlyR#spanR#td R#tr Rtr Rtd colspanD\DnbspUR#td R#tr Rtr alignDcenterD classDstylemediumD bgcolorD^555555D Rtd colspanD\DImage InformationR#td
R#tr Rtr classDstylesmallD Rtd/pload Image R#td
Rtd colspanDGDRinput typeDfileD nameDimageD nbspUnbspUnbspUnbspUnbspUnbspUnbspUnbspURspan classDstyleredDRspan classDstyleredD.jpg file And .gif file onlyR#spanR#td R#tr Rtr Rtd colspanD\DRspan classDstyleredD_ Remmeans fields are compulsoryR#em R#spanR#td R#tr Rtr
Rtd colspanD\D alignDcenterDRinput nameDregisterD typeDsubmitD idDregisterD valueD*egisterD Rinput nameDresetD typeDresetD idDresetD valueD*esetD Rinput nameDcloseD typeDbuttonD idDcloseD valueD-loseD
on-lic"Dself.locationWStudentPlogin.phpWDR#td R#tr R#tableR#td R#tr Rtr Rtd !idthD211LD heightD;LD alignDcenterDREphp include W4ooter.phpWUER#td R#tr R#table R#form R#body R#html
StudentDRegi"trationDhandler*php REphp include W-onnect.phpWU [flag DsuccessDU function rollbac"(ata89Y
mys+lP+uery8D *366A-) D9U global [flagU [flag DerrorDU if8mys+lPerror89 ] null9Y
die8mys+lPerror899U Z Z [studentPid [P,3STHWstPidWU [studentPpass [P,3STHWstPpassWU [firstPname [P,3STHWfirstPnameWU
[lastPname [P,3STHWlastPnameWU [gender [P,3STHWgenderWU [contactPno [P,3STHWcontactPnoWU [+ualification [P,3STHW+ualificationWU [city [P,3STHWcityWU [email2 [P,3STHWemail2WU [email0 [P,3STHWemail0WU [address [P,3STHWaddressWU [description [P,3STHWdescriptionWU [resumename DDU
[imagename DDU [dobdate date8DB&m&dDstrtotime8[P,3STHWdobW99U #_ This bloc" is used to chec" !hether the studentPid already e%its in database. _# [selectP+ueryDselect studentPid from studentPinformation !here studentPid W[studentPidWDU [resultPset mys+lP+uery8[selectP+uery[lin"Pid9U if8[ro! mys+lPfetchParray8[resultPset99 Y [flagDe%istsDU header8Dlocation:StudentPlogin.phpE flag[flagstudentPid[studentPidD9U die89U
Z elseY #_ This bloc" is used to insert the student record in database if the studentPid is already not present in the database. _# mys+lP+uery8DS5T A/T3-3MMIT 1 D9U if8mys+lPerror89 ] null9Y die8mys+lPerror899U
Z [+uery Dinsert into studentPinformation8studentPidstudentPpass!ordfirstPnamelastPnameregis trationPdategenderdatePofPbirthDU [+uery . DstudentPstatuscontactPno+ualificationcityemail2email0addressdescriptio n9DU [+uery . D values8W[studentPidWW[studentPpassWW[firstPnameWW[lastPnameWno!89W[gender WW[dobdateWW(isableWW[contactPnoWDU [+uery . DW[+ualificationWW[cityWW[email2WW[email0WW[addressWW[descriptionW9DU [result mys+lP+uery8[+uery[lin"Pid9U if8mys+lPerror89 ] null9Y die8mys+lPerror899U Z if8[result9Y if8[P4I65SHWresumeWHWnameW ] DD9Y [filename [P4I65SHWresumeWHWnameWU [e%t strrchr8[filenameD.D9U [resumename [studentPidU [resumename . DPD.[filenameU
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#_ if image is successfully uploaded then resumename is stored in database. _# mys+lP+uery8Dupdate studentPinformation set resumeW[resumenameW !here studentPidW[studentPidWD [lin"Pid9U if8mys+lPerror89 ] null9 Y die8mys+lPerror89 9U Z [flag DsuccessDU ZelseY rollbac"(ata89U Z Z elseY rollbac"(ata89U die8DBou can upload resume of 2 M si?e only. ,lease try again.D9U Z Z elseY rollbac"(ata89U die8DBou can upload resume of .t%t .pdf .doc e%tensions only. ,lease try again.D9U Z Z if8[P4I65SHWimageWHWnameW ] DD9Y [filename [P4I65SHWimageWHWnameWU [e%t strrchr8[filenameD.D9U [imagename [studentPidU [imagename .DPD. [filenameU if8[e%t D.jpgD `` [e%t D.jpegD `` [e%t D.7,=D `` [e%t D.7,5=D `` [e%t D.gifD `` [e%t D.=I4D9Y
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mys+lP+uery8Dupdate studentPinformation set imageW[imagenameW !here studentPidW[studentPidWD [lin"Pid9U [flag DsuccessDU if8mys+lPerror89]null9Y
die8mys+lPerror899U Z Z elseY if8filePe%ists8Wresumes#W . [resumename99 Y unlin"8Wresumes#W . [resumename9U Z rollbac"(ata89U Z Z elseY if8filePe%ists8Wresumes#W . [resumename99 Y unlin"8Wresumes#W . [resumename9U
Z rollbac"(ata89U die8DBou can upload image of 2 M si?e only. ,lease try again.D9U Z Z elseY if8filePe%ists8Wresumes#W . [resumename99 Y unlin"8Wresumes#W . [resumename9U Z rollbac"(ata89U die8DBou can upload images of .jpg .jpeg .gif e%tensions only. ,lease try again. D9U Z Z Z elseY [flagDerrorDU Z if8[flag DsuccessD9 Y mys+lP+uery8D -3MMIT D9U [flagDsuccessDU if8mys+lPerror89 ] null9Y die8mys+lPerror899U Z #_ This bloc" is used to send email to the successfully registered users. _# #_ [to [email2U [subject W-ongratulationsWU [message W-ongratulations you are registered in our site.OrOnOrOnWU
[message . DBour 6ogin Id : [studentPid OrOn ,ass!ord : [studentPpassDU [headers D4rom: infosims.comOrOnDU [headers . W&Mailer: ,',W . phpversion89U mail8[to [subject [message [headers9U _# Z header8Dlocation:StudentPlogin.phpEflag[flagD9U die89U Z E
AdminDEditDStudentDnfo*php REphp sessionPstart89U [sessionPid [PS5SSI3>HWuseridWU if8[sessionPid null9Y
header8Dlocation:inde%.phpD9U die89U Z include W-onnect.phpWU [studentPid [P*5/5STHWstudentPidWU [+uery Dselect _ from studentPinformation !here studentPidW[studentPidWDU [result mys+lP+uery8[+uery [lin"Pid9U [data mys+lPfetchParray8[result9U
E Rhtml Rhead Rlin" relDstylesheetD hrefDStyle.cssD typeDte%t#cssD# Rmeta http&e+uivD-ontent&TypeD contentDte%t#htmlU charsetiso&VV;J&2D Rtitle5dit Student Information y AdminR#title
Rscript srcD
Y if8document.form2.firstPname.valueDD9 Y alert8D,lease enter your first name.D9U document.form2.firstPname.focus89U return falseU Z if8document.form2.lastPname.valueDD9 Y alert8D,lease enter your last name.D9U document.form2.lastPname.focus89U return falseU Z if8document.form2.dob.valueDD9 Y alert8D,lease enter your date of birth.D9U document.form2.dob.focus89U return falseU Z else Y var date document.form2.dob.valueU var yes chec"(ate8date9U if8]yes9 Y alert8D,lease 5nter a valid date of birth.D9U document.form2.dob.focus89U return falseU Z Z if8document.form2.email2.valueDD9
Y alert8D,lease enter your primary email.D9U document.form2.email2.focus89U return falseU Z else Y var is5mail email
document.form2.description.focus89U return falseU
Z Z function SetAll89 Y document.form2.+ualification.valueDREphp echo [dataHW+ualificationWUE DU var gen DREphp echo [dataHWgenderWUEDU var gend document.form2.gender.lengthU for8var i 1U iRgendU i9
Y if8document.form2.genderHi.value gen9 document.form2.genderHi.chec"edtrueU Z Z R#script R#head Rbody on6oadDjavascript:SetAll89D Rform nameDform2D methodDpostD
actionDAdminP5ditPStudentPInfoP'andler.phpD onSubmitDreturn validation89D Rinput typeDhiddenD nameDstudentPidD valueDREphp echo [studentPidU E UD Rtable !idthD211LD heightD211LD Rtr bgcolorD^525252D Rtd !idthD211LD heightD2;LD alignDcenterDREphp include WAdminP'eader.phpWUER#td R#tr Rtr Rtd !idthD211LD heightDV1LD alignDcenterDRtable !idthDV1LD borderD2D cellpaddingD0D cellspacingD1D bordercolorD^555555D Rtr
Rtd colspanD\D alignDcenterD bgcolorD^555555D classDstylebigD5dit Student InformationR#td R#tr Rtr Rtd colspanD\D alignDcenterDnbspU REphp if8[P=5THWflagW DsuccessD9 Y E Rspan classDstyleredDStudent Information updated successfully.R#span REphp Z else if8[P=5THWflagW DerrorD9 Y E Rspan classDstyleredD5rror !hile updating student information.,lease try againR#span REphp Z E R#td R#tr Rtr classDstylesmallD Rtd !idthD2JLD alignDleftD4irst >ame : R#td Rtd !idthDG1LD alignDleftDRinput nameDfirstPnameD typeDte%tD idDfirstPnameD valueDREphp echo [dataHWfirstPnameWU ED si?eD0;Dma%lengthD;1DR#td Rtd !idthD2XLD alignDleftD6ast nameR#td Rtd !idthDG\LD alignDleftDRinput nameDlastPnameD typeDte%tD idDlastPnameD valueDREphp echo [dataHWlastPnameWUED si?eD0;D ma%lengthDG1DR#td R#tr Rtr classDstylesmallD Rtd heightD0JD alignDleftD=ender : R#td Rtd alignDleftDRinput nameDgenderD typeDradioD valueDMaleD MaleRinput nameDgenderD typeDradioD valueD4emaleD 4emaleR#td Rtd alignDleftD(ate 3f irthR#td Rtd alignDleftDRinput nameDdobD typeDte%tD idDdobD si?eD21D ma%lengthD21D valueDREphp echo date8Dd&m& BDstrtotime8[dataHWdatePofPbirthW99UED ((&MM&BBBBR#td R#tr
Rtr classDstylesmallD Rtd alignDleftDualification : R#td Rtd alignDleftDRselect nameD+ualificationD idD+ualificationD Roption valueD'igh SchoolD'igh SchoolR#option Roption valueD=raduateD=raduateR#option Roption valueDM-ADM-AR#option
Roption valueD-AD-AR#option Roption valueDMaster (egreeDMaster (egreeR#option R#selectR#td Rtd alignDleftD-ontact >oR#td Rtd alignDleftDRinput nameDcontactPnoD typeDte%tD idDcontactPnoD valueDREphp echo [dataH[contactPnoUED si?eD0;D ma%lengthD01DR#td
R#tr Rtr classDstylesmallD Rtd alignDleftD,rimary 5mail : R#td Rtd alignDleftDRinput nameDemail2D typeDte%tD idDemail2D valueDREphp echo [dataHWemail2WUED si?eD0;D ma%lengthD211DR#td
Rtd alignDleftDSecondary 5mailR#td Rtd alignDleftDRinput nameDemail0D typeDte%tD idDemail0D valueDREphp echo [dataHWemail0WUED si?eD0;D ma%lengthD211DR#td
R#tr Rtr classDstylesmallD Rtd alignDleftD-ity : R#td Rtd colspanDGD alignDleftDRinput nameDcityD typeDte%tD idDcityD valueDREphp echo [dataHWcityWUED si?eD0;D ma%lengthDG1DR#td
R#tr Rtr classDstylesmallD Rtd alignDleftDAddress : R#td Rtd colspanDGD alignDleftDRte%tarea nameDaddressD ro!sD0D colsD\1DREphp echo [dataHWaddressWUER#te%tareaR#td R#tr Rtr classDstylesmallD Rtd alignDleftD(escription : R#td
Rtd colspanDGD alignDleftDRte%tarea nameDdescriptionD ro!sDGD colsD\1DREphp echo [dataHWdescriptionWUER#te%tareaR#td R#tr Rtr Rtd colspanD\DnbspUR#td R#tr
Rtr Rtd colspanD\D alignDcenterDRinput nameDupdateD typeDsubmitD idDupdateD valueD/pdateD Rinput nameDcloseD typeDbuttonD idDcloseD valueD-loseD on-lic"Dself.locationW(isplayAll.phpWDR#td R#tr R#tableR#td R#tr Rtr bgcolorD^525252D Rtd !idthD211LD heightD;LD alignDcenterDREphp include W4ooter.phpWUER#td R#tr R#table R#form R#body R#html
REphp sessionPstart89U [sessionPid [PS5SSI3>HWuseridWU if8[sessionPid null9Y
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This is the homepage#inde%page of the site.
This is the student login page.
This is the registration page !here students can register online. enabled by the administrator.The students can then login into their accounts !ith the id and pass!ord they choose during registration.The above page sho!s student login page.
After registration
successful the
account needs to be first
After logging in the student home page is opened as sho!n above. lin" to the resume is sho!n if a resume
registration other!ise its not sho!n.
The student can vie! their profile.The
sho!s the user profile.The
Students can edit their profiles by using the edit profile option on their homepage.the above page is used for editing student information. pass!ord in order to change the pass!ord.
The students have the option to change their pass!ord.They need their old
After successful operation a pass!ord change notification is displayed to the user.
The above page is the administrator login page. It re+uires the administrator username and pass!ord.
This is the homepage of administrator. !herein the administrator
can see all the registered students.'e
enable#disable accounts vie!#edit information.
This is the displayall page
their !ell
This page sho!s the change in account status.after successful change a message is displayed to the administrator. !e search for all the students !ith theirs accounts enabled.
This is the search page and it provides search function to the administrator.here
This is the search result display page.the administrator can vie! profile of any of the searched students from here.If there are no results then an appropriate message is displayed.
SCOPE O6 T$E PROJECT The Student Information Management System8SIMS9 can be enhanced to include some other functionality li"e mar"sattendance management. Talent management of students based on their performance evaluation can be added. Social net!or"ing can also be added !herein students can interact !ith each other. 3nline class functionality can be added. -an evolve as an online institution.
4unctionality of chat and messages can be added. 3nline e%am functionality can be added. 3nline resume builder functionality can also be added.
CONTRB.TON N T$E PROJECT Student information management system lead to a better organi?ation structure since the information management of the students is !ell structured and also lead to better as !ell as efficient utili?ation of resources. Student Information Management System can be used by education institutes to maintain the records of students easily. Achieving this objective is difficult using a manual system as the information is scattered can be redundant and collecting relevant information may be very time consuming. All these problems are solved using this project 3ur project Student Information Management System !as developed by all three of us.$e a team of three persons too" a step by step approach in order to reach our goal.$e applied the "no!ledge !e gained during our training period at EN Technologie" P1t* -td* and developed this project 7ST.%ENT N6OR)ATON )ANA'E)ENT S:STE)8.