Completing a new task is never one –man effort. It is often the result of invaluable contribution of number of individuals in a direct or indirect manner. I express my whole gratitude towards the management of Pantaloons Retails (India Private !imited" Patna for giving us the opportunity to undergo my summer pro#ect in a multinational concern of a great reports and allowing us to gain invaluable with subse$uent exposure to the modern business world. %e are very grateful to For guiding us on our project. I further extend my thanks to
for appreciation and co-operation given by them in gathering all the information available at the Brand . Our training periods were
The research provides an opportunity to a student to dem demonst onstra rate te appl applic icat atio ion n of his/her knowledge, knowle dge, skill and and comp compet eten enci cies es requ requir ired ed duri during ng the the tech techni nica call sess sessio ion. n. Resea search rch also lso help helpss the the stude tuden nt to dev devote his/her skill to analyze the prob proble lem m to sugg sugges estt a lter ter nat ive ive s olut lution ion s , t o ev a l u ate t h e m an d t o prov pr ovii de feasible recommendations recommendations on the the provided data . The research is on the topic of “ RETAIL STORE SALES ACTIVITY RETAIL (IN ST STOR ORE E TIE TIE-U -UPS PS FOR LOY LOYA ALT LTY Y PRO PROGRA GRAM M TO ACHI ACHIEVE EVE GRE GREEN EN CAR CARD D TARGE RGET T, TIE TIE-UP -UPS S FOR EOSS AND DENIM EXCHANGE) AT PANTALOON RETAIL INDIALTD.”
lth lthou ough gh ! have have trie tried d my leve levell best best to prep prepar aree this this report an error free report every effort has been made to offer the most authenticate position with accuracy.
DECLARATION ! hereby declare that the pro"ect report entitled “
is an authentic work done by me.The pro"ect was undertaken as a part of the course curriculumof #iploma !n Retails $anagement program, raybhatt %nowledge %nowle dge &niversity, '.( )ollege )oll ege *atna +. This has not been been subm submit itte ted d to any other eamination body earlier.
Ranjan Kumar
Page no.:
3isto/1 3isto/1 o Pantal Pantaloon oons s
Pantaloon Pantaloons s , Appa/el Appa/el >/an#s >/an#s 7 a;;esso/i a;;esso/ies es
Pantaloon Pantaloons s A S8;;ess S8;;ess Sto/1 in O/g. Retail Retail
Cont Conte ents nts
&? '<
Mission 7 %ision
Retail Sto/e Ope/ation
%is8al Ma Ma/;0an#ising
T0e oal
J U S T I F I C A T I O N F O R T H E S E L E C T I O N O F T H I S PROJ PROJEC ECT T AND TITL TI TLE E Pantaloon Retail (India !imited" is India&s leading retailer that operates multiple retailformats in both the value and lifestyle segment of the Indian consumer marker" alongwith some other big names such as RP'" hopper&s top" !ife tyle" %estside" )bony"Piramyd )bony"Piramyd etc.*he reason why I chose this sector is because as there are huge opportunities in thissector in the coming years. India was not into retail before +, years from now but now itis very much into organi-ed retailing. *here is cut through competition in this field. )veryalternate day we hear of a new companies getting into Retail sector" where this makescompetition tough. I felt if I have experience in Pantaloon than I would be e$uipped toface to face the the challeng challenges es that will will come come across across while while workin working g in this this sector sector.I .I w a s i n marketing along with Customer !oyalty Program. I felt that while do ing in g outmarketing ou tmarketing pro#ects pro#ects for the Pantal Pantaloon oon store I will will have well well expose experience of thisfield. I got to learn a lot about retailing" marke ting in retai l sect or" kn owing differ ent peop people le"" how how exac exactl tly y product reaches final consumer" how all theses things are decidedand how. *his *his is the rea son why Retail sector influences me the most. ince I wasinvolved into marketing for different event of the store where all the parameters has to beconsidered which made this pro#ect more challenging interesting.
/b#e /b#ect ctiv ive e of the Reta Retail il store tore 0arke arketting ing was to make make cust custom omer ers s awar aware e abou aboutt the the ale ale offe offers rs duri during ng 1eni 1enim m )xchange and )/ i.e. )nd /f eason ale provided by Pantaloon and also to achieve the 'reen Card target of Customer loyalty Program during )/. *o provide extra privileges to Pantaloons 'reen Card customers 2 keeping in mind that they get extra privileges not only inside the store of Pantaloons" but also outside the store and to make the Pantaloon Customer !oyalty Program more powerfully doing tie2 ups with Restaurants" 3ealth2Clubs" aloons" Pubs" colleges" !aundries" *attoos 0akers. *o make ake 'ree 'reen n Card ard 0emb 0ember ers s real realii-e e that hat they hey are are pecial peci al custome c ustomers rs for fo r the th e comp compan any y. *o find out customer loyalty for Pantaloon store *o find out customer satisfaction
!ndia, like -ritain, is a nation of shopkeepers. ith over ov er 0 milli mil lion on retai ret aill outlet outlets, s, !ndi !ndiaa prob probab ably ly has has the highest density of retail outlets in the world, with one for approimately every 12 persons3 little wonder that the the coun countr try y is the t he ninth4larges ni nth4largestt retail ret ail market in the t he world, with estimated annual retail sales of around &5#06 billion in 0226 'Rs 172,222 corer+. t the sometime, the share of organized trade in this enormous market is currently very small. !t is estimated at "ust &5#8 billion 'Rs 96,222 corer+ in 0226, up from&5#7.06 billion 'Rs 08,222 corer+ in 022:. This accounts for less than : per cent of the t he total retail trade in the country AN UNDERDEVELOPED RETAIL RETAIL MARKET
;rganized ;rganized trade in !ndia is very underdeveloped when compared with other emerging markets in sia,
-oth countries are not homogeneous. They They comprise many markets within a single country, with significantly varying cultures and customer preferences preferences across regions.
3isto/ 3isto/1 o t0e Pant Pantaloon aloons s
antaloons Fashion ! "etail #imited is an Indian premium clothing retail chain. chain. *he first Pantaloons store was launched in 'ariahat 'ariahat"" 4olkata 4olkata in in +556. 7s of 8ovember 9,+:" there are 6; Pantaloons stores in << cities. =+> Pantaloons was previously controlled by the ?uture 'roup" 'roup" but has now been taken over by 7ditya by 7ditya @irla 8uvo !imited (7@8!. (7@8!. 7ccording to the @rand *rust Report9,+<" Report9,+<" a study conducted by *rust Research 7dvisory" 7dvisory" Pantaloons featured among +,, most
10 | P a g e
antaloons Pantal antaloon oons s Fashio ashion n & Retai etail l one one o! the the to" to" #lot #lothi hing ng $ran%s in the orl% is 'n%ia(s 'n%ia(s !astest !astest groing groing "remium "remium li!est li!est)le )le #om"an #om"an) )* +ith +ith inno,a inno,ati, ti,e e %esign %esigns s #on#e" #on#e"ts ts an% "ro%u#ts the #om"an) $rings the latest tren%s in !ashion an% #lothing st)les to the a""arel mar-et* Pantaloons "re,iousl) #ontrolle% $) the Future .rou" has has $een $een re#en e#entl tl) ) tata-en o,er o,er $) /%it) %it)a a irl irla a u,o u,o imite% a 4 $illion "remium %i,ersie% #onglomerate an% 'n%ia(s largest manu!a#turer o! linen !a$ri#* Pantal antaloon oons s oer oers s mult multi" i"le le a##e a##ess ssor orie ies s an% an% #lot #lothi hing ng $ran%s a#r a#ross a s"e#trum o! #ategories !or men omen an% -i%s* he #om"an) "ro,i%es an in#re%i$le an% an% #om" #om"le lete te one onest sto" o" sho" sho""i "ing ng e:"er :"erie ien# n#e e to its its $u)e $u)ers rs thr through ough its its ,ast ,ast #oll #olle# e#ti tion on o! more more than than 100 100 "re "resti stigiou gious s $ran $ran%s %s !or !or the %is# %is#e erning ing !ashi ashion oniista* sta* Pantaloons ith a "resen#e a#ross 47 #ities through 100 aestheti#all) %esigne% large !ormat stores an% 26 !a#tor) outlets %is"la)s a range o! #lass) an% tren%) mer#han%ise that trul) li,es u" to Pantaloons; ma:im o!
11 | P a g e
Apparel, brands and accessories Pantaloons oers its #ustomers a #olle#tion o! a""arels an% a##essories !rom the sta$les o! glo$all) renone% $ran%s* he "ri,ate la$els !or men in estern estern ear in#lu%e om$ar% Rig are =enim are eisure F >eans )!or% F Fa#tor an% >? "ort a"art !rom !rom tren%) $ran%s li-e r$ana #ullers >ohn ?iller an% 'n%igo ation* /--riti "ro,i%es a i%e sele#tion o! ethni# ear* he omen;s se#tion houses the "ri,ate la$els @ are =enim are eisure eisure Rig /nna$elle Aone) an% /jile @ in estern ear as ell as the #hoi#est ethni# ear !rom Rang?an#h rishaa an% /--riti* Po"ular $ran%s li-e ee Boo"er i$a an% + are also a,aila$le* he !ormal ear se#tion oers a range o! #ris" an% ell tailore% #olle#tion $) "o"ular international $ran%s su#h as Can Aeusen /llen oll) Peter Dnglan% an% ouis Phili""e* Ki%s #an #hoose !rom "ri,ate la$els li-e are =enim are eisure Rig or in%ulge in e:#lusi,e $ran%s li-e ee Boo"er >uniors Bhal- Pin- & lue an% a#h in a%%ition to international $ran%s li-e ar$ie an% =isne)* For the ethni# loo- the) #an o"t !or tra%itional ear !rom /--riti* he "ort!olio o! $ran%s also in#lu%es in!ant ear $) Bhir"ie Pie*
12 | P a g e
Pantaloons oers mu#h more than just a""arel* Bustomers #an sho" !rom an assortment o! at#hes !rom renone% international $ran%s in#lu%ing omm) Ailger Ds"rit Kenneth Bole BitiEen ime: itan an% others* ren%) ren%) sunglasses !rom Polaroi% Polaroi% .uess Poli#e Poli#e #ott ' =ee an% /llen oll) are also a,aila$le* he a##essories an% $eaut) segments %is"la) an attra#ti,e #olle#tion o! la%i la%ies es;; han% han%$a $ags gs !rom !rom a,i a,ie e Ba"r Ba"res ese e Fior iorelli elli an% an% Fast astra#ra#-** /lso /lso a,ai a,aila la$l $le e are are "ro% "ro%u# u#ts ts !rom !rom #olou olourr #osmeti# $ran%s su#h as ourjois Bham$or =e$orah Fa#es Re,lon ?a)$elline an% a-m as ell as a i%e #olle#tion o! e:oti# e:oti# !ragran#es* 'n its en%ea,our to meet the #onsumer;s e,er#hanging !ashion nee%s Pantaloons has intro%u#e% ne $ran%s that in#lu%e Ban%ies /lto ?o%a urtle ")-ar 109F /= Bhemistr) .lo$al =esi an% .in) & >on)* Pantaloons is an integral "art o! the "restigious /%it)a irl irla a .rou .rou" " a = = 40 $ill $illio ion n 'n%i n%ian mul multina tinati tion onal al #om"an) o"erating in 36 #ountries a#ross the glo$e ith ith o,er o,er 12000 120000 0 em"lo) em"lo)ees ees*C *Cote ote% % as <'n%ia <'n%ia;s ;s ?ost ?ost ruste% ruste% /""arel Retail ran%; in the "restigious ran% DGuit) DGuit) ur,e) ur,e) 2014 2014 Pantalo antaloons ons #ontin #ontinues ues to nurtur nurture e #onsumer trust an% #on%en#e* +ith its o,erhelming re"ertoire re"ertoire o! li!est)le a""arel $ran%s the #om"an) is !o#use% on groth g roth hile #ontinuing to #reate !resh !ashion* /mong some o! the to" #lothing $ran%s in 'n%ia Pantaloons is re#ognise% $) its arm "ersonalise% ser,i#e that #om"letes the #ore "ro"osition o! this tren%) #hain .
13 | P a g e
Retail Pla1s a ma2o/ /ole in in;/easing ;i/;8lation an# sales o/ all 4in#s o ;ons8me/ goo#s an# se/6i;es. Co8nt/ies li4e USA,U.) an# C0ina a/e s8;;ess8l e5amples o t0e same.
14 | P a g e
In In#ia o6e/ ?F o t0e /etail se;to/ ;onsists o t/a#itional moman#pop sto/es an# st/eet6en#o/s. -it0 no la/ge pla1e/s, in/ast/8;t8/e >eing a/ /om a#eG8ate an# a tin1 pa/t o t0e pop8lation >eing a>le to ao/# it, , In#ian /etail ne6e/ att/a;te# la/ge >8siness 0o8ses an# ma2o/l1 o;8se# on ni;0e p/o#8;t segments an# l858/1 goo#s.. T0is 9as till t0e1 /ealie# t0at /etail in In#ia is a USD H'<' >illion in#8st/1BMI in#8st/1 BMI In#ia Retail Repo/t +&+ +&+ g/o9ing at a CAR o &+F an# ;ont/i>8ting mo/e t0an le t0at t0is impo/tant se;to/ o t0e ;o8nt/1s ;o8nt/1 s e;onom1 0a# >een o6e/loo4e# o6e/loo4e# >1
15 | P a g e
Co/po/ate Co/po/a te giants. 3o9e6e/ 3o9e6e/ t0e1 ;annot >e sG8a/el1 >lame# too. In#ian /etail 0as t/a#itionall1 >een an 8no/ganie# se;to/, 90e/e /etaile/s la;4e# t0e means as 9ell as t0e 9ill to #e6elop #e6elop o/ e5pan#. Retail ;o8l# also ne6e/ en2o1 t0e s8ppo/t o t0e In#ian ;ons8me/, ;ons8me/, 90o is amo8s o/ >eing mise/l1 an# t/eate# s0opping as a o/m o leis8/e t0an a ne;essa/1 e6il, t08s en2o1ing t0e t0/ill o #is;o6e/ing #is;o6e/ing >a/gains an# #is;o8nt #eals on 0is o9n. Small gains, la;4 o in/ast/8;t8/e, an 8natt/a;ti6e In#ian ;ons8me/ an# a>sen;e o /eg8lation ne6e/ p/o6i#e# oppo/t8nities o/ /etail giants to ;apitalie. Mean90ile, t0e o6e/nment p/ee//e# to /emain silent 90ile t0e 8no/ganie# /etail se;to/ p/o6i#e# a meage/ stan#a/# o li6ing to millions in t0e ;o8nt/1. Po6e/t1 Po6e/t1 plag8e# a ma2o/it1 m a2o/it1 o t0e pop8lation an# t0e ;o/po/ate giants p/ee//e# to spen# t0ei/ /eso8/;es in i n a/eas li4e po9e/ an# tele;om 90e/e la/ges;ale oppo/t8nities 9e/e a>8n#ant. To#a1 t0e /etail in#8st/1 0as 9itnesse# a /ema/4a>le t/anso/mation.
T0e Ne9 Sto/1 T0e ;o8nt/1s to9e/ing e;onomi; g/o9t0 o a/o8n# F 0as /es8lte# in ma2o/ s0its in t0e In#ian
16 | P a g e
e;onomi; ;lass, 9it0 0ig0e/ in;omes lea#ing to t0e g/o9t0 o t0e In#ian mi##le;lass. T0is mi##le ;lass is a9a/e o t0e stan#a/#s o li6ing in ot0e/ ;o8nt/ies, t0an4s to e5pos8/e t0/o8g0 t0e tools o lo>aliation * t0e Me#ia 7 t0e Inte/net. T0e1 0a6e #e;i#e# to t08s a#opt a KSpen#ing app/oa;0 app/o a;0 to imp/o6e t0ei/ stan#a/# o li6ing /at0e/ t0an t0e t/a#itional KSa6ing app/oa;0. T0e ;8//entl1 estimate# 6al8e o o/ganie# In#ian /etails ta/get pop8lation is la/ge/ t0an t0at o t0e enti/e Unite# States. %ote# %ote# t0e most att/a;ti6e /etail #estination in t0e 9o/l# o/ t9o 1ea/s in a /o9, In#ia In#ia is e5pe;te# to 9itness &+F g/o9t0 in its /etail se;to/ o6e/ o6e/ t0e ne5t e9 1ea/s "So8/;e: KRetail in In#ia * etting O/ganie# O/g anie# to #/i6e g/o9t0. CIIA.T. CIIA.T. )ea/ne1, No6. ++, Asso;0am P/ess Release$. Re;ogniing t0e s0o/tte/m an# longte/m g/o9t0 o /etail in In#ia, a n8m>e/ o #omesti; >8siness giants 0a6e ente/e# t0e /etail in#8st/1. -e o;8s on t0e a;to/s t0at 0a6e le# to t0e s8;;ess o )is0o/e Bi1anis Pantaloon Retail.
Pantaloons Pantaloons Sto/1 Sto/ 1
17 | P a g e
Pantaloons Pantaloons s8;;ess an# ;ontin8o8s g/o9t0 in t0e In#ian o/ganie# Retail ma/4et ;an >e att/i>8te# to a n8m>e/ o a;to/s, some o 90i;0 0a6e >een #e/i6e# /om t0e st/ategies o la/ge /etaile/s in t0e 9est, 90ile ot0e/s a/e ;ompletel1 tailo/ma#e o/ t0e In#ian ma/4et. -0at -0 at is e6i#ent at t0e o8tset is t0at Bi1ani 0as o/eseen an# 8n#e/stoo# t0e In#ian /etail /oa#map >ette/ t0an an1one else. Pantaloons Pantaloons ma2o/ a#6antage o6e/ its ;ompetito/s in t0e /etail se;to/ 0as >een its 8niG8e 8n#e/stan#ing o t0e In#ian o/ganie# /etail ma/4et 9it0 all its G8i/4s, s0o/t;omings an# ;0allenges. B1 ;/eating a /etail >8siness /om t0e g/o8n#8p an# e5pan#ing /api#l1, Pantaloon Pantaloon 0as ollo9e# a -alMa/tli4e patte/n o g/o9t0. 3o9e6e/ 3o9e6e/,, 8nli4e -alMa/t, -alMa/t , it #e;i#e# to e5pe/iment 9it0 as man1 /etail o/mats, p/o#8;tmi5es an# >/an#s as 9as possi>le in o/#e/ to gain ma5im8m 4no9le#ge a>o8t t0e 8n;e/tain In#ian min#set. In a;t, ne9e/ ent/ants in t0e o/ganie# /etail ma/4et 9o8l# lea/n t0e 9a1s o t0e 8niG8e In#ian o/ganie# /etail se;to/ as 9ell as in# a 9a1 to ;om>at Pantaloons Pantaloons #ominant ma/4et s0a/e in almost all o/ms o o/ganie# /etail a #a8nting tas4.
18 | P a g e
-0at #i# it #o Rig0t T0e T0 e Retail E5pe/iment E5pe/im ent * M8ltiple M8lt iple =o/m =o/mats, ats, M8ltiple M8lt iple B/an#s B/a n#s
Pantaloon 0as e5pe/imente# 9it0 e6e/1 e6e/1 /etail o/mat possi>le. Most o t0ei/ e5pe/iments 0a6e p/o6en p/o6en to >e s8;;ess8l an# Pantaloon ;ontin8es to e5pe/iment 90ile e5pan#ing e5isting 6ent8/es. 3o9e6e/ 3o9e6e/,, t0e /eal /e9a/# /e 9a/# o t0ese e5pe/iments is t0e 4no9le#ge an# e5pe/ien;e gaine# T0is 9as most el8si6e in a p/e6io8sl1 8nto8;0e# an# 8n4no9n o/ganie# /etail se;to/. T0is is an e5ample o Pantaloon a#apting itsel to t0e In#ian ma/4et /at0e/ t0an attempting to ;op1 a -alMa/t. T0e e5pe/imentation p/o;ess #i# not en# 9it0 testing #ie/ent sto/e o/mats alone: Pantaloon is also e5pe/imenting 9it0 a 6a/iet1 o p/o#8;ts. =/om mens 9ea/ t0e ;ompan1 0as mo6e# on to int/o#8;e 8/nit8/e, 8/n it8/e, spo/ts9ea/ spo/t s9ea/,, 4it;0en 4it;0en applian;es, oo#, ele;t/oni;s an# ;0il#/ens appa/el. Again, it seems to 4no9 90at 9o/4s an# 90at #oesnt in t0e In#ian ma/4et, somet0ing t0at 9o8l# not 0a6e >een t0is appa/ent e6en e6en & #e;a#e ago. Pantaloon 0as also int/o#8;e# a n8m>e/ o p/i6ate >/an#s. =o/ e5ample, it 0as e5pe/imente# 9it0 la8n;0ing ;lot0ing lines >ase# on amo8s Boll19oo# >lo;4>8ste/s.. -it0in t0e >/an# /etailing 19 | P a g e
spa;e, Pantaloon 0as also tie# 8p 9it0 some o In#ias most pop8la/ >/an#s li4e ini an# Jon1 to sell t0em at t0ei/ sto/es. Rat0e/ t0an attempt to ;ompete 9it0 e5isting pop8la/ >/an#s t0e ;ompan1 0as #e;i#e# to pa/tne/ 9it0 t0em an# le6e/age t0em in t0e am>ig8o8s In#ian ma/4et. T0ese >/an#s 0a6e a;0ie6e# s8;;ess an# a lo1al an ollo9ing Pantaloons Pantaloons mo6e 0as >/o8g0t in mo/e ;8stome/s t0en t0e1 ;o8l# /etain. T0e ;ompetito/s #o 0a6e t0e oppo/t8nit1 to lea/n /om t0e e5pe/ien;es o In#ias la/gest /etaile/, >8t t0e e5pe/ien;e t0at ;omes 9it0 managing t0ese #i6e/se /etail o/mats in t0e In#ian s;ena/io is somet0ing t0at ne9 ent/ants 9ill 0a6e to lea/n on t0ei/ o9n. D8e to t0e pa;e at 90i;0 90i ;0 Pantaloon 0a# mo6e#, it 0as ma#e se6e/al se;to/s o o/ganie# /etail o8t o an1>o#1s /ea;0.
T0e Rig0t Ri g0t Joint %ent8/es %ent8/es at t0e Rig0t Time In a;;o/#an;e 9it0 its e5pe/imentation poli;1 Pantaloon 0as o/me# 4e1 2oint 6ent8/es 9it0 a n8m>e/ o pop8la/ names li4e Staples an# Sta/>8;4s. -it0 its i/stmo6e/ i/ stmo6e/ a#6antage, it a;ti6el1 s08t #oo/s o/ t0e ;ompetition >1 snapping 8p ma2o/ >/an#s >eo/e ot0e/s ;o8l# get to t0em.
20 | P a g e
%e/satile Retailing Rat0e/ t0an e5pan# as a mens9ea/ /etaile/ alone, Pantaloons Pantaloons poli;1 o ;omp/e0ensi6e e5pe/imentation 0as gi6en it an impo/tant a#6antage * a 6e/satile /etail p/esen;e. Cons8me/s see Pantaloon as an e5;l8si6e >/an# /etaile/, #is;o8nt /etaile/, spe;ialt1 /etaile/ an# oo# /etaile/: all at on;e. One o t0e /easons o/ t0is 6e/satilit1 is t0at t0e >/an# name 0as not >een > een o/;e# on, o/ e6en asso;iate# 9it0 t0e #ie/ent p/o#8;ts an# sto/es ot0e/ t0an t0e o/iginal mens9ea/ line. Instea#, ea;0 sto/e an# p/o#8;t 0as >een gi6en its o9n i#entit1 an# p/esen;e. Pantaloon is essentiall1 an o/ganie# /etaile/ in t0e g8ise o a la/ge n8m>e/ an# 6a/iet1 o 8no/ganie# /etaile/s. T0is again /ep/esents t0e ;ompan1s 8niG8e 8n#e/stan#ing o t0e In#ian s;ena/io * ;ons8me/s oten eel t0/eatene# in a monopolisti; en6i/onment, an# a/e t08s allo9e# to ;0oose >et9een m8ltiple >/an#s, all o 90i;0 essentiall1 >elong to t0e same pa/ent
21 | P a g e
St/engt0ening Ba;4 En# Ope/ations: S8ppl1C0ain A /o>8st S8ppl1 ;0ain se/6es as t0e >a;4>one o a s8;;ess8l /etail ;0ain in t0e long/8n. Alt0o8g0 t0e ;ompan1 igno/e# t0ese aspe;ts in initial p0ases #8e to t0e ina#eG8a;ies in in/ast/8;t8/e, it /ig0tl1 a6o/e# a6o/e# e5pe/imentation o6e/ o/ganiation. B8t to ;ontin8e to g/o9 at t0e pa;e it 0a# a;G8i/e# in t0e i/st e9 1ea/s, it nee#e# to pa1 attention to its so8/;ing net9o/4, t/anspo/tation s1stem an# ot0e/ logisti;s.. -0at Pantaloon is an# 9ill al9a1s 0a6e to imp/o6ise on is t0e a>sen;e o >asi; in/ast/8;t8/e li4e t/anspo/tation an# /eg8lation. T0e pa;e o e5pansion o t0e /etail in#8st/1 is li4el1 to o8tst/ip t0at o #e6elopment o t0e ;o8nt/1s in/ast/8;t8/e. Pantaloon 9ill 0a6e to >e inno6ati6e inno6ati6e in #e;i#ing as to 0o9 it ;ompensates o/ t0ese ina#eG8a;ies 90ile ei;ientl1 managing its s8ppl1 ;0ain.
Mone1: T0e Ultimate Die/entiato/ Pantaloon 0as t0e 8ppe/ 0an# as ;ompa/e# to most potential o/eign an# #omesti; ;ompetito/s. 3o9e6e/ t0e same ;0a/a;te/isti;s t0at 0a6e ma#e it an e5;l8si6e e5;l8si6e an# 6e/satile /etaile/ ;an p/o6e to >e a #isa#6antage. M8;0 o Pantaloons Pantaloons ;ompetition ;omes /om eit0e/ /etail 6ent8/es o
22 | P a g e
ot0e/ la/ge In#ian in#8st/ial 0o8ses "Relian;e Retail, Bi/las /etail 6ent8/e$ o/ o/eign /etail giants "-alMa/t$. In ot0e/ 9o/#s, Pantaloons ;ompetition is /i;0, 6e/1 /i;0. -0ile t0e ;ompetition ma1 not 0a6e ma#e in/oa#s into t0e In#ian ma/4et as t0o/o8g0l1 as Pantaloon, it still 0as eno8g0 mone1 to ;ompensate o/ t0is s0o/t;oming.
S8mma/1 T0/o8g0 a ;a/e8ll1 e5e;8te# poli;1 o ;omp/e0ensi6e m8ltio/mat m8ltio/m at e5pe/imentation, e5pe/imentation, Pantaloon 0as manage# to 8n#e/stan# an# ta4e a#6antage o t0e ;omp/esse# e6ol8tion o t0e o/ganie# In#ian /etail in#8st/1 "mentione# ea/lie/$ to >e;ome t0e #ominant pla1e/. As a/ as in#8st/1 in#8st/ 1 4no9le#ge, e5pe/ien;e an# s4ill a/e ;on;e/ne#, Pantaloon 9it0 its #/eam team is loo4ing in goo# s0ape. No9 it is a;ing sti ;ompetition t0at is inan;iall1 >ette/eG8ippe#. 3o9 it ta4es a#6antage o its e5isting /eso8/;es, a;;esses a##itional ;apital an# ;ompetes 9it0 its ;ompetito/s in a /a;e to #e6elop an ei;ient s8ppl1;0ain 9ill #ete/mine t0e 8t8/e o t0e ;ompan1. ;ompan1. -0ile t0e tas4 is #a8nting, Pantaloon 0as mo/e lee9a1 an# an eno/mo8s 0ea#sta/t ;ompa/e# to an1one else.
23 | P a g e
$ontents •
+ tore
9 !oy !oyalt alty y pro progra gramm mme e
: Pr Pro odu duc ct s
tore o! oring Ban#el Roa% Patna
%ith a chain of A; fashion stores across <, cities and towns" Pantaloons is constantly extending its footprint into the rest of modern India. It spans a retail space of +.6 million s$uare feet which is amongst the largest in India.
24 | P a g e
Loyalty programme
*he Pantaloons Payback 'reen card" which is a uni$ue loyalty programme" has been designed exclusively for PantaloonsB customers to enhance customer experience. Presently offered to over < million members" the programme entitles members to discounts" points and special privileges at all Pantaloons stores. *he card has four tiers depending on the yearBs shopping. 7s a customer shops" the card upgrades with increasing privileges and discounts. *he benefits covered under 'reen card include discounts" Payback points" complimentary parking" complimentary home drop of altered garments" relaxed exchange policy" complimentary shipping across India" exclusive sale preview" exclusive billing counters and assisted shopping among others.
25 | P a g e
@rand of 7#ile 7 pantaloon retails approximately 9,, brands bran ds which comprises a mix of private labels" licensed brands and more in apparel and accessories. 7 pantaloon offers a wide range of exclusive e xclusive brands that cater to different occasions for men" women and kids. *hese include 7#ile" Chalk" 7kkriti" *rishaa" 3oney" and 7nnabelle
Product 1escription % chic black active wear from %jile by antaloons& can never go out of style' #ook smart and savvy in this printed cotton shirt& perfect for a ride into town as well as a gathering of friends. (eam this with a pair of perfectly fitted jeans and statement flats.
26 | P a g e
Corporae !issions T0e >log lits #o9n t0e mission an# 6ision statements o In#ia ;ompanies at one single pla;e. Use8l o/ ;ompa/ing, o/ st/ategi; #e;ision an# management st8#ents. Pantaloon Retail
/o8p Missions To #eli6e/ s8pe/io/ 6al8e to o8/ ;8stome/s, s0a/e0ol#e/s, emplo1ees an# so;iet1 at la/ge
A;ting an# ta4ing #e;isions in a manne/ t0at is ai/ an# 0onest. =ollo9ing t0e 0ig0est stan#a/#s o p/oessionalism an# >eing /e;ognise# o/ #oing so. Integ/it1 o/ 8s means not onl1 inan;ial an# intelle;t8al integ/it1, >8t
27 | P a g e
en;ompasses all ot0e/ o/ms as a/e gene/all1 8n#e/stoo#. On t0e o8n#ation o Integ/it1, #oing all t0at is nee#e# to #eli6e/ 6al8e to all sta4e0ol#e/s. In t0e p/o;ess, >eing a;;o8nta>le o/ o8/ o9n a;tions an# #e;isions, t0ose o o8/ team an# t0ose in t0e pa/t o t0e o/ganisation o/ 90i;0 9e a/e /esponsi>le. An ene/geti;, int8iti6e eal t0at a/ises /om emotional engagement 9it0 t0e o/ganisation t0at ma4es 9o/4 2o18l an# inspi/es ea;0 one to gi6e 0is o/ o / 0e/ >est. A 6ol8nta/1, spontaneo8s an# /elentless p8/s8it o goals an# o>2e;ti6es 9it0 t0e 0ig0est le6el o ene/g1 an# ent08siasm. T0in4ing an# 9o/4ing toget0e/ a;/oss 8n;tional g/o8ps, 0ie/a/;0ies, >8sinesses an# geog/ap0ies. Le6e/aging #i6e/se ;ompeten;ies an# pe/spe;ti6es to ga/ne/ t0e >eneits o s1ne/g1 90ile p/omoting o/ganisational 8nit1 t0/o8g0 s0a/ing an# ;olla>o/ati6e eo/ts. Respon#ing to inte/nal an# e5te/nal ;8stome/s 9it0 a sense o 8/gen;1. Contin8o8sl1 st/i6ing to inis0 >eo/e #ea#lines an# ;0oosing t0e >est /01t0m to optimise o/ganisational ei;ien;ies.
/o8p %ision To >e a p/emi8m glo>al g lo>al ;onglome/ate, 9it0 a ;lea/ o;8s on ea;0 o t0e >8sinesses.
28 | P a g e
Retail Sto/e Ope/ations S;ope Retail is ;lea/l1 t0e se;to/ t0at is poise# to s0o9 t0e 0ig0est g/o9t0 in t0e ne5t i6e 1ea/s. 1ea/s. T0e p/esent sie o t0e o/ganie# /etailing se;to/ is app/o5imatel1 'F an# is e5pe;te# to g/o9 to < '+F >1 t0e 1ea/ +&. T0e/e a/e a>o8t '++ ne9 malls, &<++ s8pe/ma/4ets an# '< #epa/tmental sto/es ;8//entl1 8n#e/ ;onst/8;tion. Ent/1 o glo>al /etail giants s8;0 as -alMa/t, Tes;o, e/man1Qs Met/o A in In#ian /etail ma/4ets. Lea#ing In#ian Retaile/s =8t8/e /o8p: Big Baaa/, Pantaloon, Pantaloon, Cent/al, =oo# Baaa/, 3ome To To9n 9n Ra0e2as /o8p: S0oppe/s Stop, 31pe/;it1, lo>8s, Relian;e /o8p: Relian;e =/es0, Relian;e T/en#, Relian;e Ma/t, Relian;e Digital Tata /o8p: -estsi#e, Sta/ Baaa/, C/oma 29 | P a g e
A glimpse o t0e Inte/national Retail One o t0e 9o/l#Qs la/gest in#8st/ies ?@ glo>al o/t8ne ;ompanies 7 < o AsiaQs top ++ ;ompanies a/e /etaile/s Dominate# >1 #e6elope# ;o8nt/ies US, EU 7 Japan ;onstit8te +F o 9o/l# /etail sales. Biggest pla1e/ in In#ia is )is0o/e Bi1anis =8t8/e /o8p. )e1 T/en#s T0e e5isting pla1e/s li4e Big Baaa/, S0oppe/sQ Stop, Pi/am1# a/e e5pan#ing to smalle/ to9ns an# ;ities. Man1 ot0e/ >8siness 0o8ses a/e planning to ente/ t0e /etail se;to/ eit0e/ on t0ei/ o9n o/ t0/o8g0 pa/tne/s0ips. Ne9 ent/ants li4e Relian;e Retail Lt# an# -alMa/t a/e also e5pan#ing t0ei/ >8siness. E6en /8/al a/eas 9ill p/o6i#e a 08ge oppo/t8nit1 to >e e5plo/e#. Eas1 ent/1 E#8;ation an# T/aining: &t0 pass 9it0 >asi; 4no9le#ge in /etail p/ee//e# Sala/1 Me#ianINR ?+++ to <+++ pe/ mont0 Ne9spape/ 9ant a#s an# ;a/ee/ sites on t0e Inte/net oten list openings o/ /etail sales e5e;8ti6es. e5e ;8ti6es. Emplo1e/s p/ee/ &t0 pass st8#ents o/ ent/1 le6e le6ell positions. =o/ 2o>s in spe;ialt1 sto/es emplo1e/s ma1 p/ee/ to 0i/e e5e; e5e;8ti6es 8ti6es 30 | P a g e
9it0 some e5pe/ien;e o/ t/aine# st8#ents. i6en t0e 0ig0 t8/no6 t8/n o6e/ e/ /ate in t0e /etail in#8st/1, sales emplo1ees ;an sometimes >e p/omote# to s8pe/6iso/ 9it0in a 1ea/. Emplo1ment O8tloo4 Retail sto/e ent/1le6el ent/ 1le6el sales e5e;8ti6es e5e;8ti6es se/6e ;8stome/s, sell p/o#8;ts, a/e into ;as0ie/ing, sto;4 mo6ements, mo6ements, an# ot0e/ ent/1le6el ent/ 1le6el sto/e a;ti6ities in /etail esta>lis0ments. Sales e5e;8ti6es a/e emplo1e# >1 gene/al an# #is;o8nt #epa/tment sto/es an# >1 spe;ialt1 sto/es s8;0 as 8/nit8/e, >oo4, an# m8si; sto/es. In smalle/ esta>lis0ments esta> lis0ments sales e5e;8ti6es e5e;8ti6es ma1 ;o6e/ ;o6 e/ t0e enti/e sales loo/ #8/ing t0ei/ s0it. In la/ge #epa/tment sto/es t0e sales e5e;8ti6es gene/all1 ;o6e/ a single #epa/tment #epa/t ment s8;0 as mens #epa/tment o/ la#ies #epa/tment. Sales e5e;8ti6es t1pi;all1 /epo/t to sto/e s8pe/6iso/s. T0e1 also 0an#le ;8stome/ G8e/ies. Sometimes t0e1 a/e ent/8ste# ent/8 ste# 9it0 sto;4 4eeping /esponsi>ilities. In >ig #epa/tment sto/es t0e1 ma1 >e /esponsi>le o/ o/ganiing t0e me/;0an#ise on sto/e s to/e s0el6es, an# to ma4e s8/e e6e/1t0ing is in sto;4, an# a;0ie6es a;0ie6 es t0e sales goals o/ t0ei/ #epa/tments. #epa/ tments. Sales e5e;8ti6es e5e;8ti6es in spe;ialt1 sto/es sto/e s ma1 nee# spe;ialie# 4no9le#ge. =o/ instan;e, an e5e;8ti6e 31 | P a g e
emplo1e# in an ele;t/oni;s s8ppl1 sto/e s0o8l# 4no9 a goo# #eal a>o8t ele;t/oni; goo#s. A#6an;ement Possi>ilities Some /etail sto/e e5e;8ti6es e5e;8ti6es >e;ome sto/e s8pe/6iso/s. T0ose 90o 9o/4 o/ ;0ain sto/es ma1 >e p/omote# to a#minist/ati6e 2o>s in t0e ;ompan1Qs 0ea#G8a/te/s. As /etail ope/ations e5pan#, ;ompanies 9ill 0i/e mo/e emplo1ees at ent/1 le6e le6el. l. Most openings 9ill o;;8/ as e5pe/ien;e# 9o/4e/s t/anse/ to ot0e/ o;;8pations o/ lea6e t0ei/ 2o>s. Ea/nings an# Beneits Ea/nings o/ /etail sto/e sales e5e;8ti6es a/e /easona>le to >egin 9it0 an# 6a/1 9i#el1 9it0 lo;ation, in#i6i#8al e5pe/ien;e, an# t0e /esponsi>ilities o t0e 2o>. T0e1 a/e also p/o6i#e# 9it0 6a/io8s in;enti6e s;0emes, an# pe/4s on a;0ie6in a;0ie6ing g mont0l1 as 9ell as 1ea/l1 ta/get. T0e most impo/tant o all t0is is t0e sto/e ope/ations 90i;0 is t0e 0ea/t an# so8l o t0is in#8st/1. In sto/e ope/ations t0e1 sa1 KRetail is #etail. Retail ope/ations oe/ e5;it e5;iting ing an# ;0allenging ;a/ee/ oppo/t8nities. It oe/s p/oit an# loss 0an#ling a;ti6ities an# t0e e5pe/ien;e o managing people ea/l1 in 1o8/ ;a/ee/. Ent/1le6el 32 | P a g e
/etail 2o>s o/ ;ollege g/a#8ates oe/ >ot0 o t0ese oppo/t8nities. Most ;ollege g/a#8ates ;an >egin t0ei/ ;a/ee/ in /etailing as #epa/tment manage/s i t0e1 0a6e 8n#e/gone p/ope/ /etail management t/aining. As a Depa/tment Manage/ one 9ill >e /esponsi>le o/ t0e p/oita>ilit1 o a ;atego/1 o me/;0an#ise o/ a #epa/tment o t0e sto/e an# 9ill >e managing people 90o 9 0o 9ill 9o/4 o/ 1o8. (o8 (o8 9ill get oppo/t8nit1 to p/o6i#e lot o inno6ati6e t0o8g0ts 90i;0 9ill >e initiate# imme#iatel1 to in;/ease sales an# 9ill >e /e9a/#e# in a 08ge 9a1 t0/o8g0 in;enti6es an# pe/4s. Ca/ee/ oppo/t8nities: T/emen#o8s oppo/t8nit1 e5ists in t0is in#8st/1 an# one ;an a;0ie6e a goo# ;a/ee/ la8n;0 t0/o8g0 t0is se;to/. Retail as most ass8me is not 28st a>o8t s0ops an# salesmen. Apa/t /om sales one ;an ;onsi#e/ 6a/io8s 8n;tions /om t0e ;0oi;es liste# >elo9. Segments 9it0in t0e in#8st/1: Appa/els ene/al Me/;0an#ise =ast Mo6ing Cons8me/ oo#s Cons8me/ D8/a>les %a/io8s inte/ #epa/tment /oles an# 8n;tions: O/ganiation st/8;t8/e an# 38man Reso8/;e Management 33 | P a g e
Ino/mation S1stems an# S8ppl1 C0ain Management Me/;0an#ise Management Comm8ni;ation Mi5 Sto/e Ope/ations Sto/e La1o8t, Design an# %is8al Me/;0an#ising =inan;ial St/ateg1 C8stome/ Se/6i;e Loss P/e6ention Cell %a/io8s ot0e/ /oles one ;an it into a/e: Ma/4eting Logisti;s =a;ilit1 Management Real estate!P/ope/ties Catego/1 Cat ego/1 Manageme Management nt Design!C/eati6it1 P/o2e;t Management T0e/e is t/emen#o8s g/o9t0 o/ an emplo1ee in sto/e ope/ations /om an1 se;tion, 90et0e/ /ontline o/ >a;4 en# team, >e it 6e/ti;al g/o9t0 o/ 0o/iontal g/o9t0 90i;0 again is an a#6antage. Reason is >e;a8se t0e g/o9t0 o an emplo1ee 0e/e is #i/e;tl1 /elate# to t0e n8m>e/ o sto/e openings 90i;0 opens t0e gate to 6a/io8s #ie/ent #i e/ent openings in 6a/io8s le6els. One also 0as an a#6antage o getting e5pose# to ot0e/ #epa/tments an# #e6elops #e6e lops t0ei/ 4no9le#ge. 34 | P a g e
Be;a8se t0is in#8st/1 is 9itnessing a 08ge g/o9t0, one ;an also loo4 o/ t/emen#o8s g/o9t0 options 9it0in t0e in#8st/1. One ;an easil1 ;lim> t0e la##e/ /om a s8pe/6iso/ le6el to a sto/e manage/ le6el in a span o o8/ to i6e 1ea/s time. Apa/t /om t0is one also 0as a t/emen#o8s oppo/t8nit1 to g/o9 0o/iontall1 in t0is in#8st/1 as s;ope o/ lea/ning is 9i#e Let 8s limit to ope/ations an# 8n#e/stan# Sto/e Ope/ations in #ept0. An ope/ation is a t/anso/mation p/o;ess o inp8ts into o8tp8ts. Sto/e ope/ations a/e lin4e# to all p/o;esses /elate# to a sto/e. A sto/e ope/ation is a tas4 >1 itsel an# /eG8i/es t/aine# people to manage t0is p/o;ess ei;ientl1 o/ mo/e p/o#8;ti6it1 an# p/oita>ilit1. p/oita> ilit1. A sto/e ope/ation is t0e 0ea/t an# so8l o t0is in#8st/1. In sto/e ope/ations t0e1 sa1 KRetail is #etail as it #eals 9it0 e6e/1 a;ti6it1 in t0e min8te #etail. Retail ope/ations oe/ o e/ e5;iting an# ;0allenging ;a/ee/ oppo/t8nities. It oe/s p/oit an# loss 0an#ling a;ti6ities an# t0e e5pe/ien;e o managing people ea/l1 in 1o8/ ;a/ee/. Ent/1le6el /etail 2o>s o/ ;ollege g/a#8ates oe/ >ot0 o t0ese oppo/t8nities. Most ;ollege g/a#8ates ;an >egin t0ei/ ;a/ee/ in /etailing /e tailing as a sales e5e e5e;8ti6e ;8ti6e o/ sales a#6iso/, >8t >8t ;an also 2oin in i n as a 35 | P a g e
management t/ainee, an# ate/ ;ompletion o t0e t/aining pe/io# get #esignate# as a loo/ o/ #epa/tment manage/ at loo/ le6el i t0e1 0a6e 8n#e/gone p/ope/ /etail management t/aining. As a #epa/tment manage/ one 9ill >e /esponsi>le o/ t0e p/oita>ilit1 o a ;atego/1 o me/;0an#ise o/ a #epa/tment o t0e sto/e an# 9ill >e managing people 90o 9ill 9o/4 o/ 1o8. (o8 (o8 9ill get oppo/t8nit1 to p/o6i#e lot o inno6ati6e t0o8g0ts 90i;0 ma1 >e initiate# to in;/ease sales an# 9ill >e /e9a/#e# in a 08ge 9a1 t0/o8g0 in;enti6es an# pe/4s. T0e Ope/ations: =/ont en# ;a/ee/ pat0 o/ /ont en# sto/e ope/ations >egins 9it0: Team Mem>e/ Team Lea#e/ Asst. Depa/tment Manage/ Depa/tment Manage/ =loo/ Manage/ Asst. Sto/e Manage/ Sto/e Manage/ As #epi;te# a>o6e t0e /ont line ;a/ee/ on t0e s0op loo/ no/mall1 >egins 9it0 a ;an#i#ate >eing appointe# as a Te Team am Mem>e/. A;/oss ;o/po/ate in t0is in#8st/1 t0e #esignation 6a/ies as ollo9s: "Team "Te am mem>e/! C8stome/ sales asso;iate! Sales E5e;8ti6e!! Sales A#6iso/$. As a /es0e/ 1o8 lan# 8p E5e;8ti6e 36 | P a g e
getting sala/ies in t0e /ange o Rs. '<++ * ?<++, 0o9e6e/ 0o9e6 e/ i 1o8 0a6e an e5pe/ien;e e5pe/ien;e o & 1ea/s in t0e in#8st/1, t0en t0e ;an#i#ate 9ill >e a>so/>e# as a senio/ team mem>e/ 9it0 a sala/1 o a/o8n# Rs.<+++ . T0e team mem>e/ loo4s ate/ t0e /ont line sales 9it0in a sto/e. T0e team lea#e/ is in ;0a/ge o t0e mem>e/s. T0e 0ie/a/;01 ollo9s as e5plaine# a>o6e. a>o6e. A Team lea#e/ #/a9s a/o8n# Rs. +++ * @<++, 90o /epo/ts to an Assistant Depa/tment Manage/ ADM. In some ;ases t0e team lea#e/ ma1 also /epo/t to a Depa/tment Manage/DM #epen#ing on t0e sie an# >8siness gene/ate# /om t0e #epa/tment. T0e ADM in t8/n /epo/ts to t0e DM 90o ta4es ;a/e o a spe;ii; #epa/tment e.g. Mens 9ea/ 90i;0 9o8l# in t8/n ;omp/ise ;as8als, o/mals, a;;esso/ies et;. In ;e/tain ;ases an ADM ma1 #i/e;tl1 /epo/t to t0e sto/e manage/ i t0e #epa/tment is smalle/ in >8siness an# sie. Depen#ing on t0e sie o t0e sto/e t0e 0ie/a/;01 ma1 8/t0e/ g/o9 8p to t0e loo/ manage/, an assistant sto/e manage/ an# inall1 t0e Sto/e manage/ 90o is /esponsi>le =o/ t0e enti/e ope/ations an# t0e >8siness o t0e sto/e. E.g. Big Baaa/, =oo# Baaa/, Pantaloons, Mo/e, S0oppe/s Stop, Liest1le et;. An ADM !DM no/mall1 gets a pa;4age in t0e /ange o &.< * '.< la40s pe/ ann8m. 37 | P a g e
=8/t0e/ 8p t0e /em8ne/ation no/mall1 #epen#s on in#8st/1 e5pe/ien;e an# e5pe/tise. T0e g/o9t0 pat0.. A/ea Manage/ Ope/ations Manage/ B8siness Manage/
%is8al Me/;0an#ising %is8al Me/;0an#ising is t0e a/t o #ispla1ing me/;0an#ise in a manne/ t0at is appealing to t0e e1es o t0e ;8stome/. It sets t0e ;onte5t o t0e me/;0an#ise in an aest0eti;all1 pleasing as0ion,
38 | P a g e
p/esenting t0em in a 9a1 t0at 9o8l# ;on6e/t ;on6e/t t0e 9in#o9 s0oppe/s into p/ospe;ts an# 8ltimatel1 >81e/s o t0e p/o#8;t. A ;/eati6e an# talente# /etaile/ ;an 8se t0is 8p;oming a/t to >/eat0e in ne9 lie into 0is sto/e p/o#8;ts. Passion o/ #esign an# ;/eati6it1 a/e essential to >e a goo# 6is8al me/;0an#ise/. me/;0an#ise/. A pe/e;t #esign p/o;ess an# t0e a>ilit1 to ;/eate i#eas t0at a/e #ie/ent a/e /eG8i/e#. A9a/eness o 0appenings in as0ion 9o/l# is nee#e# so as to 4eep 8pto#ate 9it0 t0e #1nami;s o t0e ma/4et ;onstantl1. %is8al me/;0an#ising in;l8#es 9in#o9 #ispla1s, signs, inte/io/ #ispla1s, ;osmeti; p/omotions an# an1 ot0e/ spe;ial sales p/omotions ta4ing pla;e. Components o %is8al Me/;0an#ising: T0e/e a/e ;e/tain t0ings 90i;0 a /etaile/ nee#s to ta4e ;a/e 90ile p/o;ee#ing 9it0 t0e p/o;ess o #ispla1ing 0is p/o#8;ts. T0ese ;omponents 90en ;om>ine# toget0e/ in a p/ope/ /atio 9ill ma4e a s8;;ess8l o8t;ome. Ma4e me/;0an#ise t0e o;al point: T0e main goal o #ispla1 is to s0o9;ase t0e p/o#8;ts 9it0in t0e o6e/all #ispla1 a/ea. C8stome/s gi6e t0/ee to i6e se;on#s o t0ei/ attention to 9in#o9 #ispla1. T0e /etaile/s / etaile/s 6is8al 6 is8al message s0o8l# >e ;on6e1e# to t0e ;8stome/ in t0at s0o/t pe/io# o time. It s0o8l# not >e li4e an
39 | P a g e
8ns8;;ess8l T% a#6e/tisement, 90e/e t0e p/o#8;t is o/gotten altoget0e/ an# onl1 t0e ;on;ept o t0e ;omme/;ial /emains in t0e min# o t0e 6ie9e/. T0e a//angement o 9in#o9 #ispla1 s0o8l# go 9it0 t0e p/o#8;t an# s0o8l# not s8pp/ess s8pp/e ss t0em to ma4e it #is;e/na>le to t0e e1e. Rig0t ;0oi;e o ;olo/s is 6ital: Colo/ is one o t0e most po9e/8l tools in t0e %is8al Me/;0an#ising segment. It is a 6is8al pe/;ept8al p/ope/t1. p/ope/ t1. Colo/s ;an >e asso;iate# 9it0 emotions, spe;ial o;;asions an# gen#e/. It att/a;ts attention an# p8lls mo/e ;8stome/s into t0e sto/e. A /etaile/ 0as to o;8s on t0e /ig0t ;0oi;e o ;olo/ t0at 9o8l# mat;0 9it0 t0e t0eme o #ispla1. #ispla1. It is not possi>le to satis1 e6e/1one all t0e time, >8t it is possi>le to ;8lti6ate t0e taste o ;8stome/s g/a#8all1 an# p8/pose8ll1. A /ig0t ;0oi;e o ;olo/s in t0e #ispla1 items ;an t8/n 9al4e/s into stoppe/s an# signii;antl1 ;on6e/t t0em into ;8stome/s. It is t0e/e o/ man#ato/1 to ;0oose t0e /ig0t ;olo/ o/ t0e /ig0t t0eme o #ispla1. #ispla1. A 3allo9een #ispla1 9o8l# /eG8i/e >la;4 ;olo/ in t0e #ispla1 t0eme. %alentines t0eme s0o8l# >e /8le# >1 /e# ;olo/ s8pplemente# 9it0 pin4 an# 90ite. A #ispla1 o >a>1s a;;esso/ies s0o8l# /ele;t lig0t s0a#es o pin4 an# >l8e ;olo/s. A C0/istmas #ispla1 s0o8l# ;ontain ;olo/s o /e#, g/een, gol# an# sil6e/. Displa1 t0emes to app/op/iatel1 s8ppo/t t0e 40 | P a g e
p/o#8;t: A t0eme is a #ispla1 o sale items o simila/ ;atego/ies e.g. a #ispla1 o 4it;0en a;;esso/ies. Its essential to 0a6e t0emes o/ all /etail #ispla1s. T0e1 ;an >e /omanti;, 9il#, o/ ;ap/i;io8s, an# ;apt8/e peoples imaginations. A goo# t0eme 9ill l8/e t0e ;8stome/ 9it0 a s0opping moo# into t0e sto/e. T0emes mainl1 #epen# 8pon t0e /etaile/s imagination an# ;/eati6it1. ;/eati6it1. =o;8sing =o;8sing on t0e /ig0t t0eme /at0e/ t0an ;/eating ;/e ating a #ispla1 9it0 e5pensi6e /a9 mate/ials is t0e 4e1 to s8;;ess8l 9in#o9 #ispla1. A s0oe sto/e t0eme ;an >e a g/o8p o el6es >81ing s0oes. A t0eme o/ #ispla1 o ;as8al 9ea/s ;an >e a g/o8p o manneG8ins sitting ;as8all1 at a get toget0e/ in #ie/ent poses. Relate# t0emes 9ill t8g t0e 0ea/tst/ing o t0e ;8stome/s an# 9ill pa1 o. Displa1 s0o8l# ;omplement t0e /etaile/s ot0e/ st/ategies : T0e ;ontent o t0e #ispla1 s0o8l# ;omplement t0e in sto/e en6i/onment an# ot0e/ ma/4eting st/ategies o t0e /etaile/. I t0e /etaile/ 0as a spe;ii; logo, t0e ;olo/s o t0e #ispla1 ;an /ele;t t0e same ;olo/ o t0e logo. =o/ e.g. Ma;Donal#s #ispla1, t0e ;lo9n is o t0e same ;olo/, /e# an# 1ello9 as in t0ei/ logo. Cleanliness: Neat an# ;lean a//angement is t0e o8n#ation o an in6iting a s8;;ess8l 6is8al #ispla1. A >ea8ti8l #ispla1 ;an >e /8ine# / 8ine# >1 a ;/a;4e ;/a ;4e# # sign 0ol#e/ o/ 41 | P a g e
an 8n;lean #ispla1 en6i/onment. Ee;ti6e ;leaning s;0e#8le o s0o9;ases an# #ispla1 i5t8/es is /eG8i/e#. C0ange t0e #ispla1 settings in /eG8ent inte/6als: C0anging t0e a//angement o t0e #ispla1s in /eg8la/ inte/6als 9ill initiate ne9 inte/est a>o8t t0e p/o#8;ts in t0e min#s o t0e ;8stome/. B1 #esigning a planog/am planog/a m an# a;ti6ating ;0anges /eG8entl1 one ;an t08s >e a p/oa;ti6e /etaile/. -it0 glo>aliation an# t0e /etail >oom, 6is8al me/;0an#ising is g/o9ing in leaps an# >o8n#s. It is not simpl1 ;on;e/ne# a>o8t #e;o/ating a sto/e >ea8ti8ll1 >8t m8st also s1m>olise t0e >/an# 4eeping t0e ta/get a8#ien;e in min#. T0e impo/tan;e o %M: %is8al me/;0an#ising to#a1 o/ms a ;/iti;al element o /etailing. Besi#es t0e a;a#e an# 9in#o9s, 90i;0 a/e ;lea/l1 #one 8p 9it0 an o>2e;ti6e to att/a;t passe/>1s an# in#8;e 9al4 ins, t0e/e is also insto/e #e;o/ t0at is #esigne# to en0an;e en0an;e t0e t0e ;8stom ;8stome/ e/Hs ;omo/t ;omo/t an# an# ;on6 ;on6enien enien;e ;e 90ile s0opping an# o6e/all, o6e/all, oe/ a s8pe/io/ s0opping e5pe/ien;e. Cons8me/ >e0a6io8/ st8#ies 0a6e ;oni/me# t0at t0e l8/e o a >ea8ti8ll1 #one 8p s0o9 9in#o9 an# a taste8ll1 #e;o/ate# a;a#e, mo/e oten t0an not, p/o6e i//esisti>le as t0e1 9al4 42 | P a g e
in to ;0e;4o8t 90at is on oe/ o e/.. It also ens8/es e5;l8si6it1 e5;l8si6it1 sin;e no t9o sto/es s0o8l# loo4 l oo4 ali4e. Besi#es, 90en t0e moo# an# t0eme o s8;0 #ispla1s ;0ange at /eg8la/ inte/6als, it ma4es ;e/tain t0at t0e sto/e /emains top o min#. Lo1al ;8stome/s 0a6e oten >een 4no9n to an5io8sl1 9ait o/ o/ t0e ne5t ne5t #ispla1 #ispla1.. Sti;4ines Sti;4iness sH in /etail o/mats is also ens8/e# >1 t0e imaginati6e 8se o ;olo8/s, lig0ting, spa;e, 8/nit8/e an# 6is8al elements 9it0 /ega/# to insto/e #ispla1s. On;e ;8stome/s 9al4 in, it is >8t impe/ati6e to ens8/e t0at t0e1 en2o1 t0ei/ i/st en;o8nte/ 9it0 t0e sto/e. Ate/ all, /epeat 6isits 9ill onl1 0appen i a ;8stom ;8stome/ e/Hs i/st 6isit 6isit is a memo/a>le memo/a>le one. one. T0e logi;al a//angement o ;o8nte/s, 9it0 ;lea/ passage9a1s allo9s o/ eas1 a;;ess to me/;0an#ise. Rat0e/ t0an getting lost in t0e mao t0at most la/ge sto/es a/e, t0e ;8stome/ eels mo/e in ;ont/ol. Spa;e is allo;ate# to 6a/io8s p/o#8;t ;atego/ies ta4ing into a;;o8nt t0e n8m>e/ o S)Us sto;4e# sto;4e# an# s0el6es!;o8nte/ spa;e /eG8i/ements a/e 9o/4e# o8t a;;o/#ingl1. Clea/ passages a/e p/o6i#e# o/ p/o#8;ts, 90i;0 /eG8i/e to8;0 an# eel. All imp8lse p8/;0ase #/i6en p/o#8;ts a/e also ;lea/l1 #ispla1e# so t0at t0e ;8stome/s ;an /ea;0 t0em 9it0o8t an1 0in#/an;e. Also, it 0as >een o>se/6e# t0at 90en a pe/son 43 | P a g e
ente/s a /oom, /o om, t0e 08man e1e mo6es in a V patte/n, i.e. /om /ea/ let o t0e /oom to /ig0t /ea/, ollo9e# >1 /ont let o t0e /oom to /ont /ig0t. Ca/e s0o8l# >e ta4en to #o 8p t0e /ea/ let en# o t0e /oom in an appealing manne/ so as to g8i#e t0e #i/e;tion o 6ision an# 4eep a s0oppe/ 6is8all1 inte/este#. A g/eat #eal o /esea/;0 0as >een 8n#e/ta4en on t0e impa;t o lig0ting on a ;8stome/ ;8stome/Hs p8/;0ase p8/;0ase >e0a6io8/ >e0a6io8/.. Res8lts Res8lts ;lea/l1 ;lea/l1 in#i;ate t0at in gene/al, sto/es t0at a/e >/ig0tl1 lit, 9it0 t0e lig0ts ;le6e/l1 >len#ing 9it0 t0e inte/io/s lea# to 0ig0e/ ;8stome/ ;omo/t, an# as s8;0, mo/e sales. Die/ent t1pes o lig0ting an# inte/io/s a/e 8se# on #ie/ent loo/s, t0e ;0ange /ele;ting t0e 6a/io8s p/o#8;ts t0at a/e on #ispla1 on a pa/ti;8la/ loo/, t0e p/opose# ta/get a8#ien;e an# t0e time o t0e 1ea/. 1ea/. T0e la#ies loo/, o/ instan;e, is most oten s8>tl1 lit 9it0 sot lig0ts o/ t0en again, in s8mme/s, ;ool >l8is0 lig0ts a/e 8se# to impa;t an imp/ession o ;oolness an# ;omo/t. T0e ;a/e8l 8se o spotlig0ts 0elps a## to t0e appeal o p/o#8;ts s8;0 as ;/1stal an# 29elle/1. Sign ages /elate# to 6a/io8s p/o#8;t se;tions a/e p8t 8p ;lea/l1 to #ema/;ate a/eas, allo9ing ;8stome/s a ;lea/ 8n#e/stan#ing o 90at is sto;4e# 90e/e. -it0 6a/io8s >/an#s 0a6ing t0ei/ o9n p8ll, >/an# sign ages a/e also p8t 8p 9it0in t0e p/o#8;t 44 | P a g e
se;tions so t0at ;8stome/s ;an in# t0ei/ a6o8/ite a6o8/ite >/an#s easil1. easil 1. A##itionall1, 9it0in t0e p/o#8;t se;tions, sign ages 0elp to p8>li;ise t0e 6a/io8s p/omotional s;0emes t0at mig0t >e /8nning in t0e sto/e. Sto/es also ma4e 8se o sign ages to in#i;ate t0e a;ilities!se/6i;es a6aila>le at t0e sto/e, s8;0 as 9as0/ooms, ;ae et;. Most sto/es 0a6e an in0o8se team o 6is8al me/;0an#ise/s 90o ;oo/#inate 9it0 t0e ma/4eting team as 9ell as t0e in0o8se me/;0an#ise/s an# s8pplie/s. Ea;0 time an1 ma2o/ ;0anges in #e;o/ate ;ontemplate#, t0e1 p/esent t0e 6is8al #ispla1 ;on;epts to t0e g/o8p o/ anal1sis anal1si s an# sele;tion. S8>seG8entl1, t0e same is e5e;8te#. T0e 6is8al me/;0an#ising team also ma4es p/o2e;tions 6isa6is /et8/ns pe/ sG. t. o/ ea;0 se;tion an# ea;0 >/an# sto;4e#. sto;4e#. On p/omotions /elate# 6is8al me/;0an#ising, t0e inp8ts o t0e a#6e/tising agen;1 a/e also so8g0t so t0at t0e ins0op ;omm8ni;ation is in line 9it0 t0e ta;ti;al p/omotions a#6e/tising. -it0 ;ost o 6is8al me/;0an#ising gene/all1 amo8nting to &F o sales, t0is is one ;omm8ni;ation tool t0at ;lea/l1 0as an e#ge o6e/ ot0e/s in te/ms o #/a9ing in s0oppe/s, in;/easing lo9 o t/ai; an# in;/easing sales.
45 | P a g e
T3E OAL CLEAR, LEIBLE, CONSISTENT MERC3ANDISIN T3ROU3OUT T3E C3AIN O= PANTALOONS ♣ T0e st/engt0ening o t0e >/an# image, satisa;tion o o8/ ;8stome/s,
In o/#e/ to
optimise t0e /etail spa;e in ;omplian;e 9it0 6is8al #ispla1 g8i#elines. T0is 9ill ena>le t0e ;ompan1 to 2ointl1 #e6elop a p/oessional Me/;0an#ising app/oa;0 st/8;t8/e# a/o8n#:
In 0a/mon1 9it0
;8//ent ;olle;tions an# t/en#s,
On t0e >asis o a
s8/6e1 s8/6e1 o o8/ ;8st ;8stome/ ome/s sH >81ing >81ing >e0a6 >e0a6io8 io8/s, /s, Stan#a/# Ope/ating P/o;ess o Pantaloons o/
%is8al Me/;0an#ising T0ese p/o;esses 0a6e >een #eine#: Basi;s o me/;0an#ise P/esentation: T1pes o me/;0an#ise #ispla1 te;0niG8e: 3anging P/o#8;ts
46 | P a g e
t0at nee# 8ll /ontal 6ie9, 0a6e spe;ial em>/oi#e/1 , p/int on /ont o/ >a;4 o/ p/o#8;t t0at /eG8i/e to s0o9 t0e s0ape, it 7 all o t0e ga/ment. I#eal o/ =as0ion me/;0an#ise. T0ese ;an >e =/ontals o/ Si#eO8ts. Sta;4ing Pa;4e# Pa;4e# p/o#8;ts li4e o/mal o/m al S0i/ts S0i/ts t0at t0at #on #onHt nee# nee# #etai #etails ls o s0ape, s0ape, it 7 all all s0o8l# >e sta;4e#. Done o/ Co/e me/;0an#ise. S * 3oo4 Denims a/e 8s8all1 08ng 8sing S 0oo4s as it gi6es t0e /o8g0 an# ;as8al loo4 t0at ;ompliments t0e p/o#8;t. Rolle# ;a/gos a/e /olle# at times to gi6e t0em a 8tilita/ian attit8#e. Limp mate/ial ;o/e me/;0an#ise is st1le# in t0is as0ion. 8i#elines o/ 0anging me/;0an#ise: W Colo/s s0o8l# go /om Lig0t in /ont to Da/4 at t0e >a;4.W Ens8/e same st1le! p/i;e me/;0an#ise a/e pla;e# toget0e/W It Is man#ato/1 to #o Sie -ise #ispla1 =o/ E5ampleXS!S!M!L!XL!XXL 8i#elines o/ 0ange/ alignment: Basi; p/in;iples o 0ange/ alignment an# pla;ement Di/e;tion o 0ange/s =o/ eas1 a;;ess t0e #i/e;tion o 3ange/s s0o8l# >e Y8estion Ma/4e#. =o/ a/m, ?a/m, 8nits a/m, 9ate/all, st/aig0t a/m, I>/o9se/ t0e 0ange/s s0o8l# >e pla;e# in t0e Y8estion Ma/4 #i/e;tion. Unio/m 0ange/ >alan;e 3ange/s s0o8l# not >e tilting
47 | P a g e
to9a/#s an1 si#e an# s0o8l# >e pa/allel to t0e g/o8n#. Unio/m 0ange/ pla;ement T0e 0ange/s s0o8l# >e eG8all1 spa;e#. Unio/m Di/e;tion o 0ange/ All t0e 0ange/ 0ea#s s0o8l# >e aligne# to one #i/e;tion. Limitations n8m>e/s o I>/o9se/ "0ange/s a;e ea;0 ot0e/$, C >/o9se/s "0ange/s a;e insi#e t0e /ing$, 3 n3 >/o9se/ "0ange/s a;e ea;0 ot0e/$.I 9as as4e# to ;0e;4 t0e alignment o t0e 0ange/s, 6i., I 0a# to ;0e;4 90et0e/ t0e 0ange/s 9e/e pla;e# in t0e /ig0t #i/e;tion, 90et0e/ t0e 0ange/s 9e/e o t0e same sie an# i an1 p/o>lems o8n# to i5 it 8p imme#iatel1. No mo/e t0an & to in;0 o spa;e s0o8l# >e i#eall1 4ept >et9een t9o sta;4s.♣ T0e spa;ing >et9een t0e sta;4s s0o8l# >e eG8al an# t0e sta;4e# s0el o/ ta>le s0o8l# loo4 s1mmet/i;.
Me/;0an#ise is pla;e# 9it0 smalle/
sie on top an# t0e >igge/ >igg e/ sie at t0e >ottom. Spa;ing an# Pla;ement
All t0e ol#s s0o8l# >e
neat 9it0 t0e p/i;e tag 0anging o8t onl1 /om t0e top me/;0an#ise.
All t0e sie sti;4e s ti;4e// s0o8l# >e
on t0e same si#e 8i#elines o/ sie tag! p/i;e tag alignment:
Sie tag ! P/i;e tag Alignment =i5t8/es m8st >e aligne# 9it0 an# pe/pen#i;8la/ to t0e main aisle o/ to se;on#a/1 ♣ Ent/1 s0o8l# >e open an# 48 | P a g e
9el;oming 9it0 t0e ent/1 ;l8ste/ an# p/omotional me/;0an#ise >eing 0ig0lig0te# .
Basi;s o La1o8t
Aisle 9i#t0 an# =i5t8/e Positions -i#t0 o aisles aisles s0o8 s0o8l# l# >e et9 >et9ee een n i5 i5t8 t8/es /es Z 'HDist Distan an;e ;e >et9 >et9ee een n 9all 9all an# i5t8 i5t8/es /es Z 'HS0o/te/ S0o/te/ i5t8/ i5t8/es es nea/ nea/ aisle aisle 3eig0t o i5t8/e to >e 4ept as lo9 as t0e p/o#8;t on it allo9s =i5t8/es to sta/t /om t0e aisle. NO loo/ loo/ i5t8/ i5t8/e e to >e 0ig0e 0ig0e// t0an t0an ?.les, lo9 >/o9se/s$ pla;e# in t0e mi##le o a >/an# spa;e to gi6e a ;lea/ 6ie9 o t0e 9all ♣ 3ig0 i5t8/es "0ig0 >/o9se/s, gon#olas$ on t0e o8tsi#e to #ema/;ate an# st/8;t8/e t0e spa;e
0ig0 i5t8/es ne5t to aisle NO i5t8/es on aisle =i5t8/e DEMARCATION DEMARCATION O= BRANDS T3ROU3 =LOOR =IXTURE 3EI3TS Vones: Ea;0 se;tion ;an >e #i6i#e# into #ie/ent ones >ase# on its 6isi>ilit1. T0e se;tion on t0e /ig0t is #i6i#e# into t0/ee ones. Vone & * Rig0t ne5t to aisle Vone * Bet9een i5t8/es to8;0ing t0e aisle an# t0e >a;4 9all Vone ' * T0e >a;4 9all Displa1 in VonesVone&:It is t0e most 6isi>le to t0e ;8stome/s. Po9e/ p/i;ing, Ent/1 p/i;e points, =as0ion me/;0an#ise #ispla1. Vone : It Is not 6isi>le at t0e i/st go. Displa1 Co/e as0ion Me/;0an#iseVone': %e/1 %e/1 6isi>le /om a/ o. o . Latest Latest 49 | P a g e
t0eme o/ sto/1 s0o8l# >e pla;e# 0e/e. -all #ispla1 in ;oo/#inate# 9it0 t0e nesting ta>le 9o/4s 9ell, >e it sto/1 sto/ 1 o/ ;olo/. ;olo/. C8t Sies s0o8l# ;ome on t0e >ottom most s0el on t0e 9all. O/ One #e#i;ate# i5t8/e on loo/ 9it0 last o t0e >est sign age COLOUR BLOC)IN Colo/ Blo;4ing is an eas1 9a1 o ma4ing t0e most >asi; an# 08m #/8m me/;0an#ise loo4 appealing. It onl1 /eG8i/es pla;ement o me/;0an#ise >ase# on its ;olo/. Colo/ >lo;4ing is al9a1s #one 6e/ti;all1. 6e/t i;all1. T0is is #one so t0at t0e ;8stome/ ;an see a 6a/iet1 o ;olo/ options a6aila>le to 0im!0e/. As ;olo/ is a 6e/1 po9e/ stim8l8s an# e6o4es e6o4es st/ong emotional /esponse in people, 6e/ti;al >lo;4ing also n8lliies an1 ill ee;t a pa/ti;8la/ ;olo/ mig0t 0a6e on a pe/son. In a 0o/iontal >lo;4ing i t0e ;olo/ in t0e most 6isi>le /egion 9as one t0at a ;8stome/ #isli4e# 0e! s0e 9o8l# p/o>a>l1 28st t8/n a9a1 /om t0e sto/e. Colo/ Blo;4ing is #one ollo9ing t0e %IB(OR, %IB(OR, 9it0 t0e lig0te/ ;olo/s ;olo/ s on top an# t0e #a/4e/ at t0e >ottom. I 0a# #one ;olo8/ >lo;4ing o/ t0e >ags se;tion s e;tion Pa;4e# Pa;4e# p/o#8;ts li4e o/mal S0i/ts S0i/ts t0at t0at #on #onHt nee# nee# #eta #etails ils o o s0ape, it♣ Can 0a6e 0anging o/ sta;4ing♣ on#ola 8i#elines o/ gon#ola #ispla1:♣ S0el ♣ Nesting ta>le♣ C >/o9se/ ♣ I >/o9se/ ♣ 3n3 >/o9se/ ♣ !? 9a1 >/o9se/ 9it0 9ate/all a/m ♣ !? 9a1 >/o9se/ 9it0 50 | P a g e
st/aig0t a/m ♣Die/ent t1pes o =i5t8/es 7 T0e Last S0i/t s0o8l# >e s0o8l#e/ o8t ♣ In e6e/1 o/mal 9ea/ >/an#♣ 8i#elines o/ on#ola #ispla1 Impo/tant note: ♣ A? signage an# s0el tal4e/s ♣ Et0ni; 48/ties, Pa/t1 9ea/ an# =as0ion me/;0an#ise s0o8l# >e 08ng ♣all s0o8l# >e sta;4e#. sta;4e#. 7 s0i/ts s0i/t s s0o8l# >e /ont a;ing As s0o9n in t0e pi;t8/e Top Top i6e 8i#elines o/ 9all #ispla1s: Me/;0an#ise on s0oot 6is8als o/ >8st #ispla1 s0o8l# al9a1s )ept ne5t to t0e >/an#ing o/ >8st /om in t0e a>sen;e o same p/o#8;t t/1 to 4eep same ;olo/ sto/1 o/ simila/ st1le. =as0ion Ta>les Po9e/ Po9e/ P/i;ing #ispla1 Displa1 la/ge la/ ge 6ol8me o po9e/ p/i;ing♣ Po9e/ p/i;ing ta>les
;omplete p/o#8;t eat8/e t0/o8g0 open #ispla1, T0e/e a/e t9o t1pes o ta>le #ispla1s:
S8ggesti6e selling t0/o8g0 ;oo/#inate# #ispla1,
Eas1 s0opping e5pe/ien;e o ;8stome/ "eas1 to in# t0e ;omplete loo4 toget0e/$
Ta>le Ta>le #ispla1
Do;4et Do;4et As t0e >/an# Pantaloons mo6es mo6es to9a/#s as0ion t0e nee# to ma4e t0e ;8stome/s a9a/e t0at 90at t0e1 a/e >81ing is not 28st anot0e/ s0i/t >8t t0e latest as0ion ma4es 8s st/i6e to9a/#s a mo/e as0iona>le app/oa;0 app/ oa;0 in o8/ #ispla1s. Ta>les pla1 an impo/tant /ole in ;/eating t0at as0ion
51 | P a g e
atmosp0e/e atmosp0e/ e in t0e sto/e. 7 EPP. EPP. La/ge La/g e 6ol8me: Ma5im8m o & p; in no/mal ol#, &+ p; in pape/ ol# pe/ option. At least ? options 9it0 8ll sie set o/ top 9ea/ ♣ Open #ispla1 o me/;0an#ise 9it0 8ll sie set o/ selling p8/pose.
=as0ion Ta>le
Displa1 7 I ta>le i♣ Ta>les s0o8l# not 0a6e single pie;e o/ #ispla1.
at least options 9it0 8ll sie
set o >ottom 9ea/. s #i6i#e# in t9o pa/ts one pa/t 9ill 0a6e top 9ea/ #ispla1.
52 | P a g e