F> T=> SA:<4 M>>TS S:-A% T=> SA:<47 a '0 minute /ilm8 :t is shot on a horiontal rig ith . %imensional models /or $ackground and the characters dran on cels and placed $eteen to sheets o/ glass and set in /ront o/ the models (Cy$ulski+ k8E #alentine+ alentine+ %8+ 199)8 And today+ today+ animation ha6e $ecomes one o/ the $iggest industries in the $roadcasting /ield8 :t is used not only /or the purpose o/ /ilms and cartoon production only+ only+ e6en in another /ields such as ad6ertisements+ games and education8
Tec+ni c+ni:u :uee App App,,ie* ie* in in Anim nimation tion
Since the early age o/ Animation until today+ today+ there are many techniues that ha6e $een applied to create animation8 ;enerally+ ;enerally+ types o/ animation techniue can $e classes into to categories hich is traditional animation and computer animation8 $535 $535& &
Tra*it a*itio iona na,, Anim Animat atio ion n
The traditional animation consists o/ many techniues8 The most popular are Cel Animation Animation and 4otoscoping8 e/ore the use o/ cel animation o/ the entire /rame+ including the $ackground and all characters and items+ ere dran on a single sheet o/ paper+ and then photographed8 >6erything had to $e redran /or each /rame containing mo6ements8 =oe6er+ a/ter the cel animation in6ented $y >arl =urd and 3ohn ray in 191+ it $ecomes an important inno6ation inno6ation to traditional traditional animation8 :t allos allos some parts o/ each /rame to $e repeated /rom /rame to /rame8 A simple e&le o/ using using cel animation techniue techniue ould $e a scene ith to characters on screen+ one o/ hich is talking and other standing silently8 silently8 Since the latter character is not mo6ing+ it can $e displayed in this scene using only one draing+ on one cel+ hile multiple draings on multiple cels ill $e used to animate the speaking character8 The The e&le o/ the usage o/ cel animation on the /igure '81+ on the ne&t page8
?igure '81G '81G
The cel animation animation techniue8 techniue8 =o =o to transparent cels+ each each ith a di//erent di//erent character dran on them+ and an opaue $ackground are photographed together to /orm the composite image8
The second popular method o/ traditional animation is 4otoscoping8 :t as in6ented $y Ma& ?liescher in 1918 :n 4otoscoping techniue animation is 7traced7 o6er actual /ilm /ootage o/ actors and scenery8 Traditionally+ the li6e action ill $e printed out /rame and registered8 Another piece o/ paper is then pla6ed o6er the li6e action printouts and the action is traced /rame $y /rame using a light$o&8 The end result still looks hand dran $ut the motion ill $e r emarka$ly li/elike8 :n 4otoscopng+ i/ the mo6ie as supposed to contain inanimate o$3ects like a car or a $oat+ a small li6e action model o/ the o$3ect(s) as $uilt and painted hite+ hile the edges o/ the model ere painted ith thin $lack lines8 Most o/ the popular cartoons use use the 4otoscoping techniue techniue such as in Sno Sno @hite and the Se6en %ar/ and Sleeping and eauty8
$535 $535$ $
Com Compute puters rs Anim nimatio ation n
As time goes $y the in6ention o/ computer in late 1920 has change the ay animation $eing created8 A/ter A/ter computer age comes+ the animation designer mo6e to animation studio+ here there the outline draings scanned into the computer and /illed ith digital paint instead colored $y hand like in cel animation8 y computer+ orking in animation $ecome easier and /ast8 Computer animation has de6eloped rapidly+ rapidly+ to the current stage here mo6ies can $e created ith characters so li/elike as to approach indistinguisha$ility indistinguisha$ility /rom li6eaction actors8 This in6ol6es modeling+ motion generation+ /olloed $y the addition o/ sur/aces+ and /inally rendering8 Sur/aces are programmed to stretch and $end automatically in responce to mo6ements o/ a Bire /rom modelB+ and the /inal rendering con6erts such as mo6ements to a $itmap image8 :t is the recent recent de6elopments in rendering rendering comple& sur/aces like like /ur and clothing te&tures te&tures that ha6e ena$led stunningly li/elike en6ironments and character models+ including sur/aces that e6en ripple+ /old and $lo in the ind+ ith e6ery /i$re on hair indi6idually calculated /or rendering8
$D Animation
The '% Animation is the early styles in animation $e/ore the de6elopment o/ .% Animation8 The concept o/ '% Animation is arranging pictures or images in seuence /olloing the mo6ements order8 This called /rame oriented or picture $y picture8 :n %e6eloping '% Animation+ Animation+ animator or de6eloper needs to dra the same character in multiple mo6ements on piece o/ paper A/ter that+ the papers contain mo6ement o/ image ill $e mo6e uickly to make the characters look ali6e8 :n this style+ the patience o/ animators is 6ery essential to dra thousands o/ mo6ements /or a character in a /ilm8 -oadays+ ith computer computer technology+ technology+ '% animation $ecomes $ecomes a $it easy to $e done8 Animator Animator 3ust needs to master master '% Animation Animation so/tare to create an animation8 The most most popular so/tare used to create '% Animation is Macromedia ?lash and Toon Toon oom8 Many '% Animation Animation sotries ha6e $een created and it is dominating the animation market until today8 today8 =oe6er+ the mo6ements o/ character in '% Animation Animation took /lat and sometimes not attracti6e8
$5' Evo,ution to 3D Animation Animation
The .% animation e6ol6es /rom the usage o/ '% Animation8 Animation8 .% Animation $ecomes popular due to eakness o/ '% animation and desire o/ animator and de6eloper to create animation that looks in reality8 .% animation is a process here characters or o$3ects are created as mo6ing images8 4ather than traditional /lat or '% characters+ these .% animation images gi6e the i mpression o/ $eing a$le to mo6e around characters and o$ser6e them /rom all angles+ 3ust like real li/e (Christensen+ S8+ '00)8 .% animation technology is relati6ely ne and i/ done $y hand ould take thousands o/ hours to complete one short section o/ mo6ing /ilm The employment o/ computers and so/tare has simpli/ied and accelerated the .% animated process8 As a result+ the num$er o/ .% animators as ell as the use o/ .% animation technology has increased8 The e6olution o/ .% Animation mo6e together ith the rapid de6elopment o/ computer technology8 technology8 The in6ention o/ Computer ;raphic :mage (C;:) that can $e installed in a computer $ring a great 6ie o/ 6isual and this contri$ute to the production and a good .% Animation Animation per/ormane8 ?urther+ there are many .% so/tare tools ha6e $een created to make .% animation8 Some o/ the popular one is Studio Studio Ma&+ Poser and Autodesk Autodesk Maya8 All All o/ these so/tares increased increased the producti6ity producti6ity o/ .% Animation Animation Production8 @hat is $eing imagined $y audience8 A good animation story is the animation hich ha6e a good storyline and arranged properly in order8 As As the o$3ecti6e o/ animation that is to gi6e employment and satis/action to the audience and at the same time lea6e a great impact in audience memory8 That is hy+ hy+ $e/ore comes to the de6elopment phase+ each elements and storyline should $e studied so long the animation $eing created could reach demands o/ end users8 Today Today the .% Animation ha6e $een co m$ines ith the real image8 The application o/ $lue screen usage make actor per/orm ith character through editing process8 This can $e seen in 7<<->F T<<-S7 /ilm and many more8
$58 $58
Diff Differ eren ence ce bet0 bet0ee een n $D an* an* 3D 3D Anim nimatio ation n
The %i//erence $eteen '% and .% animation can $e seen in image design+ character mo6ements+ $ackground+ coloring coloring styles and many more8 more8 :n term o/ images+ .% Animation Animation look like realistic and attracti6e than '% animation hich the image took /lat8 :n .% animation+ the character is designed to $e look ali6e so that it can attract the end user8 As $eing stated $e/ore the de6elopment o/ Computer ;raphic :mage create a ne techniue in Animation8 The C;: techniue help animator to create great animation mo6ements rather that using the manual techniue8 :n term o/ $ackground and stage de6elopment+ .% Animation Animation can $e matched ith the real $ackground8 Since the character character look like realistic+ realistic+ so there is no pro$lem to com$ine .% animation ith ith a realistic $ackground8 This cannot $e done to '% Animation here animator /orced to dra the $ackground o/ e6ery scene scene in a story8 story8 :n term o/ coloring styles+ the .% animation use many tones color that makes it look more attracti6e in realistic8 This does not go to '% animation8
3D Animation in in Fi Fi,m In In*ustry
ooking at the de6elopment o/ .% animation+ it is undenia$ly that it is one o/ the important elements in /ilm industry8 industry8 .% animation $ring the ay mo6ie presented to end user to a le6el here can e&perience the things hich they iimagine magine in /antasy into reality8 A ell made .% mo6ie can pro6ide an audience ith an unparallel cinematic e&perience that stimulates the imagination in a ay that is undenia$le8 %igital technology is constantly making huge strides in e6ery aspect o/ /ilm making and 6ideo production8 This statement statement goes /or .% production as ell8 .% animation in /ilm industry can $e classes into to categories8 The /irst category is a .% Animation /ilm in hich all the character and stage /ully uses .% models8 This category is 6ery di//icult to $e created $ecause animator needs to design e6ery stage and character ill look like cartoon and .% elements 3ust can $e seen in the mo6ements o/ characters8 Most s the animation /ilm in this category usually uses animal character such as in the hoodinked + The @ild+ Toy Story+ Madagascar+ and <6er the =edge Mo6ie8 =oe6er+ there also some o/ the animation /ilms in this category use human character such as in ?inal ?antasy+ here the characters+ models and stage look like a$out to realistic8 The second category is com$ination o/ .% Character or models ith realistic scene or e6en ith true actor8 ?or this category the .% models $eing uses look like in real li/e to make it is matched ith realistic orld8 A good good techniue+ o/ modeling and colorings is essential in this category to create models that look like in realistic8 Most o/ the mo6ie use this category is the mo6ie hich is related to /iction science story+ story+ history+ and mo6ie ith character hich cannot $e per/ormed $y human character8 The e&les o/ ?ilm use this category such as !ing !ong+ -amia and =arry Potter8
@ith the in6ention o/ many techniues and dri6en $y the de6elopment o/ ne technologies+ ne mo6ies ith e6en more ad6anced and argua$ly $etter animation uality are enroute (da6id S8+ '002)8 These make the .% animation as a 6ery competiti6e market in animation :ndustry8 :ndustry8 >6en there are many /ilms in .% animation in the market today+ most o/ the mo6ie /ocuses on comedy story+ ars+ hostility and heroism rather than .% Animation Animation mo6ie that con6eyed /ull story hich ha6e moral 6alue8 =oe6er+ there are some .% Animation mo6ies hich $ring moral 6alue to end user8
Fi/ure. A S+ort 3D Animation Movie
Story,ine De Definition
:n animation+ the /unction o/ a story is to tell and e&press a$out a things or e6ents that occurred throughout the animations hether in physically+ mentally or spiritually and change e6ery time and change e6ery time8 ?or e&leG a)
Things h hich is is re reuired an and ac achie6ed
%ecisions hich $eing $eing made8
A 3ourney to $e accomplished8
The Solutions /or a Pro$lem
The de/inition o/ theme is the main concept o/ a story8 Theme should come together ith the story ith the story that is going to present to the end users8 A good good theme ill make a story to $e consigned accurately and easily understand $y the end users8 There are a /e themes hich is alays $eing used in a story such as
Sometimes there is also a com$ination o/ themes in a story8 :t aims to rein/orce the storyline or the animation $eing presented8
:n this chapter+ it has shon ho animation as $egun in the early day o/ animation8 :t also discussed a$out '% and .% Animation $rie/ly and some e&les o/ '% and .% animation /ilms8 The de6elopment /rom '% to .% animation is dri6en $y the in6ention o/ many programs such as Maya and .% Ma&8 These programs made creating .% Characters and .% animated pro3ects possi$le8 @ith the popularity o/ mo6ies like Toy Story and Shriek+ the genre o/ .% animated /ilms has esta$lished its place in '1st Century culture8 @hatBs more+ there a demand /or .% Animation o6er and $eyond hat animation houses and mo6ie studios are currently producing8
CA)TE- 3
The de6elopment o/ a pro3ect needs some reuirements to make the pro3ect per/orm $etter and achie6es the goals and the pro3ects8 :n de6eloping .% animation+ the capa$ilities o/ computer and hardare plays a $ig impact o/ the animation animation uality8 uality8 The animator should should determine the minimum minimum and ma&imum reuirement o/ hardare and else so/tares to $e used to de6elop a good and attracti6e animation8
To ensure this pro3ect implemented e//ecti6ely+ e//ecti6ely+ some computer hardare and so/tare is reuired8 :n this pro3ect+ the hardare used as as a minimal rate o/ capa$ilities capa$ilities to create an animation8 animation8 This is due to the the restriction such as high cost is the most important thing in the animation de6elopment8 de6elopment8 There are a /e o/ .% animation so/tare sold in the market today8 :t comes ith many capa$ilities to help user or animate to create .% animation8 =oe6er+ in de6eloping .% Animation+ Animation+ there are also some other so/tare $eing used to edit graphics+ sound and to make simple animation8
35$5 35$5& &
ar* ar*0a 0are re -e:u -e:uir irem emen ents ts
The hardare reuirements used in this pro3ect areG •
Central Processing Unit (CPU) :ntel Pentium 2+ .80,;h
=ard %isk+ Ma&tor "0 ; SATA ::
;raphics Card+ 1'" M (AT: 4adeon 920)
Memory Chip (4AM)+ %%4' 1' M
US Mouse
Monitor+ Acer Acer C% monitor 17:nch
Printer and Scanner
Storage %e6ices (Thum$ %ri6e)+ !ingston 1 ;8
C%4om %ri6e+ Samsung 'H Ma&+ and
%#%4@ %ri6e+ enI %ou$le Player
@hile /or the user the hardare reuirement they need to 6ie this .% Animation is a set o/ desktop computer or laptop hich least ha6e capa$ilities such asG •
:ntel Pentium ::: (180,;h a$o6e)
:ntegrated ;raphics Slots+ and
Monitor and Speaker
35$5 35$5$ $
Soft Soft0a 0are re -e:u -e:uir irem emen ents ts
This list o/ so/tare used in this pro3ect are shon $eloG •
Autodesk .ds Ma&"
Autodesk Maya '01.
Ado$e Photoshop CS,
Ado$e Premier Pro CS,
Ado$e A/ter >//ects CS,
@indos HP+ @indos
35$5 35$53 3
Func Functi tion ona, a, -e:u -e:uir irem emen ents ts
elo is the e&planation /or the hardare used in this pro3ectG •
Centra, )rocessin/ "nit >C)"? Inte, )entium 6# 35%8 +9
The poer o/ processing units $eing used in/luenced the per/ormance o/ .% animation $eing de6eloped8 Processor determines ho /ast data can $e processes8 The minimum speci/ication to de6elop .% animation is :ntel Pentium 2+ 18 ;h and ma&imum until :ntel Pentium %+ .8,0 ;h (today)+ (?or Pentium randed Processor) •
ar* Dis@# Mator <% 4 SATA II
:nternal =ard %isk used in these pro3ects is reuired to store all the in/ormation $eing collected+ store the model $eing created and stored the end product o/ .% animation8 The minimum capacity o/ storage de6ice can $e used as little as '0 ;8 •
rap+ics Car*# &$< M4
To enhance the graphics presentation o/ the .% Animation it is suggested the graphics card should $e installed into the computer8 This This is $ecause it ill to gi6e a good 6ie o/ animation to the user rather than using integrated graphics8
Memory C+ip >-AM?# DD-$ '&$ M4
The e//iciency o/ a computer also depends on the 4andom Access Memory (4AM)8 4AM is a place here the memory o/ application $eing used is stored8 The higher the 4AM poer ould help in rendering process in term o/ timeconsuming8 ?or this pro3ects the loer o/ poer o/ 4AM can $e used is 1' M and u to the ma&imum poer o/ ' ;8 •
Used in typing process (insert the data) and help in o6erall o/ the .% production8 •
"S4 Mouse
=elp animator to per/orm his ork on this pro3ects (>diting graphics+ create animation characters+ editing sounds and etc)8 •
Monitor# Acer !CD monitor &'BInc+
%isplay the ork $eing done and the end products o/ these pro3ects8 The ider the screen the more 6isual satis/action achie6ed8 Minimum speci/ications speci/ications is 17 :nch and the ma&imum 17 :nch8 •
Stora/e Device >T+umb Drive?# 1in/ston & 45
>&ternal storage de6ice hich is used to store data get /rom the internet or any other resource8 :t is compati$le and mo$ile8 :t replaced the diskette as e&ternal storage de6ices8 •
CD-om Drive# Samsun/ '$Ma
Used to install some so/tare comes ith C%8 •
D(D-2 Drive# Drive# 4en *oub,e ,ayer
Used to install some so/tare comes ith %#%8 :t is also used to $urn the /inal product o/ these pro3ects inside the CdBs or %#%8 •
2in*o0s ) )rofessiona,# )rofessiona,# 2in*o0s ; Operatin/ System# Service )ac@ $
asically+ asically+ this is the main system hich used to run all the so/tare to run all the so/tare that used in these pro3ects8 :ts support the operation o/ the so/tare used8
Animation Soft0ares •
Auto*es@ 3* Ma <
The most important so/tare in this pro3ect hile ena$le the modeling and rendering process $eing done+ and mostly all o/ the characters and stage design as $uilt using this so/tare8 :tBs good so/tare to create .% animation8
A*obe )+otos+op CS8
Used to create some graphics and do editing on some graphics8 •
A*obe After Effects CS8
Ado$e A/ter >//ects is primarily used /or creating motion graphics and graphics and 6isual e//ects8 A/ter >//ects allos users to animate+ alter and composite media in '% and .% space ith 6arious $uiltin tools and third party plugins+ as ell as indi6idual attention to 6aria$les like paralla& like paralla& and userad3usta$le angle o/ o$ser6ation8 A/ter >//ects and some nonlinear some nonlinear editing systems (->s) are layeroriented+ layeroriented+ meaning that each indi6idual media o$3ect (6ideo clip+ audio clip+ still image+ etc8) occupies its on track8 :n contrast+ other ->s use a system here indi6idual media o$3ects can occupy the same track as long as they do not o6erlap in time8 This trackoriented system is more suited /or editing and can keep pro3ect /iles much more concise8 The layer oriented system that A/ter >//ects adopts is suited /or e&tensi6e e//ects ork and key/raming8 key/raming8 Although other compositing packages+ especially ones that employ tree or node ork/los+ such as -uke and -uke andeyeon eyeon ?usion are $etter suited to manage large 6olumes o/ o$3ects ithin a composite+ A/ter >//ects is a$le to counter the clutter somehat $y selecti6ely hiding layers (using the Shy sitch) or $y grouping them into precompositions8 precompositions8 The main inter/ace consists o/ se6eral panels (indos in 6ersions prior to A/ter >//ects 80)8 Three o/ the most commonly used panels are the Pro3ect panel+ the Composition panel+ and the Timeline Timeline panel8 The Pro3ect panel acts as a $in $in to import stills+ stills+ 6ideo+ and audio /ootage items8 ?ootage items in the Pro3ect panel are used in the Timeline panel+ here layer order and timing can $e ad3usted8 The items 6isi$le at the current time marker are displayed in the Composition panel8 A/ter >//ects shares many /eatures ith other Ado$e programs+ such as creating circles+ suares and /ree /orm shapes that are de/ined $y $eier cur6es8 ike Photoshop and :llustrator+ :llustrator+ A/ter >//ects can import and manipulate many image /ormats+ and /ilters and ad3ustments can $e added8 A/ter >//ects integrates ith other Ado$e so/tare titles such as :llustrator + Photoshop+ Premiere Pro+ Pro+ >ncore+ ?lash+ ?lash+ and thirdparty .% programs like Cinema like Cinema 2%+ 2%+ ighta6e .%+ .% + and Autodesk .ds Ma&8 Ma& 8
A*obe )remier )ro CS8 A*obe )remiere )ro is a timeline$ased 6ideo editing so/tare application8 :t is part o/
the Ado$e the Ado$e Creati6e Cloud+ hich Cloud+ hich includes 6ideo editing+ editing + graphic design+ design + and e$ de6elopment programs8 de6elopment programs8
Premiere Pro is used $y $roadcasters such as the CJ'K and 4NN 8J.K :t has $een used to edit /eature /ilms+ such as 9one 9irl +J2K 4aptain +bu aed +JK and 3onsters and 3onsters++J,K and other 6enues such as MadonnaBs as MadonnaBs Con/essions Tour 8
Auto*es@ Maya
Maya is an application used to generate .% assets /or use in /ilm+ tele6ision+ game de6elopment and architecture8 The so/tare as initially released /or the :4:H operating system8 =oe6er+ this support as discontinued in August '00, a/ter the release o/ 6ersion ,88 Maya as a6aila$le in $oth 7Complete7 and 7Unlimited7 editions until August '00"+ hen it as turned into a single suite8 J12K Users de/ine a 6irtual orkspace ( scene ( scene)) to implement and edit media o/ a particular pro3ect8 Scenes can $e sa6ed in in a 6ariety o/ /ormats+ the de/ault de/ault $eing .mb (Maya .mb (Maya inary)8 Maya e&poses a node a node graph architecture8 Scene architecture8 Scene elements are node$ased+ node$ased+ each node ha6ing its on attri$utes and customiation8 As a result+ the 6isual representation o/ a scene is $ased entirely on a netork o/ interconnecting nodes+ depending on each otherBs in/ormation8 ?or the con6enience o/ 6ieing these netorks+ there is a dependency and a directed a directed acyclic graph graph88 Users ho are students+ teachers (or 6eterans or unemployed unemployed in USA markets) can donload a /ull educational 6ersion /rom the Autodesk >ducation community8 community8 J1K The 6ersions a6aila$le at the community are only licensed /or non commercial use (once acti6ated ith the product license) and some products create atermarks on output renders8 The so/tare comes ith a /ull ., month license8
Concentrate* Soft0are . Auto*es@ Maya (Using Python Scripting anguage)
This is the $asic layout o/ Autodesk Maya '01.
Since its consolidation /rom to distinct packages+ Maya and later contain all the /eatures o/ the no de/unct @nlimited suites8 suites8 F,ui* Effects A realistic /luid simulator $ased on simpli/ied+ incompressi$le -a6ierLStokes euations J1K /or simulating nonelastic /luids as added in Maya 288 :t is e//ecti6e /or smoke+ /ire+ clouds and e&plosions+ as ell as many thick /luid e//ects such as ater+ magma or mud8
C,assic C,ot+ A dynamic cloth simulation tool set utiliing a planar pattern $ased ork/lo inspired $y the process used to design design real orld garment patterns8 patterns8 :n modern productions+ productions+ the Maya Cloth module has $een largely replaced $y the /aster+ more /le&i$le nCloth system introduced in 6ersion "88 Prior to this+ third party plugins+ most nota$ly Sy/le&+ ere Sy/le&+ ere generally pre/erred /or their superior per/ormance+ simulation sta$ility and their polygon modeling $ased ork/lo already /amiliar to .% artists8 Fur ?ur simulation designed /or large area co6erage o/ short hairs and hairlike materials8 :t can $e used to simulate short /urlike o$3ects+ such as grass+ carpet+ etc8 :n contrast to Maya =air+ the ?ur module makes no attempt to pre6ent hairtohair collisions8 =airs are also incapa$le o/ reacting dynamically to physical /orces on a per hair $asis8 Physicslike e//ects are achie6ed through near$y /ur e//ectors that appro&imate the e//ect o/ physical /orces a6eraged o6er near$y /ollicles8 nair =air simulator capa$le o/ simulating dynamic /orces acting on long hair and perhair collisions8 collisions8
and $raids8 The simulation utilies -U4S cur6es -U4S cur6es as a $ase hich are then used as strokes /or Paint >//ects $rushes there$y gi6ing the cur6es a render time sur/acelike representation that can interact ith light and shado8 A simulation on the cur6es alone /or other+ nonhair purposes (such as /le&i$le tu$ing+ ca$les+ ropes+ etc8) is o/ten knon simply as %ynamic Cur6es8 Maya !ive A set o/ motion tracking tools /or C; matching to clean plate /ootage8 :t has $een largely o$soleted $y MatchMo6er8 nC,ot+ Added in 6ersion "8+ nCloth is the /irst implementation o/ Maya -ucleus+ AutodeskBs simulation /rameork8 nCloth pro6ides artist ith detailed control o/ cloth and material simulations8 Compared to its predecessor Maya Cloth+ nCloth is a /aster+ more /le&i$le and more ro$ust simulation /rameork8 n)artic,e Added in 6ersion '009+ nParticle is addendum to Maya -ucleus toolset8 nParticle is /or simulating a ide range o/ comple& .% e//ects+ including liuids+ clouds+ smoke+ spray+ and dust8 nParticles are more /le&i$le than MayaBs pre6ious particle system in that nParticles may $e used to simulate 6iscous /luids as ell as supporting true particletoparticle collisions8 nParticles also interact ith the rest o/ the -ucleus simulation /rameork ithout the need /or costly ork arounds and custom scripting8 Matc+Mover Added to Maya '010+ this ena$les compositing o/ C;: elements ith motion data /rom 6ideo and /ilm seuences+ a process knon as Match mo6ing or mo6ing or camera tracking8 This is an e&ternal program $ut is shipped ith Maya8
Composite Added to Maya '010+ this as earlier sold as Autodesk To&ik8 This To&ik8 This is an e&ternal program $ut is shipped ith Maya8 Camera Se:uencer Added in Autodesk Autodesk Maya '011+ Camera Seuencer is used to layout multiple camera shots and manage them in one animation seuence8
Maya Embe**e* !an/ua/e
Alongside its more recognied 6isual ork/lo+ Maya is euipped ith a crossplat/orm scripting language+ called Maya >m$edded anguage8 M> anguage8 M> is pro6ided /or scripting and a means to customie the
core /unctionality o/ the so/tare+ since many o/ the tools and commands used are ritten in it8 Code can $e used to engineer modi/ications+ modi/ications+ plugins plugins or or $ein3ected $ein3ected into into runtime runtime88
)yt+on in Maya
Mayas scripting commands commands come in the module package maya8cmds8 import maya8cmds People usually use the shorthand import maya8cmds as cmds
Fou Fou ill notice that i/ you type in help(cmds)+ you do not get an ything use/ul $esides a list o/ /unction
names8 This is $ecause Autodesk con6erted all o/ their M> commands to Python procedurally8 To get help ith Mayas Python commands+ commands+ you ill need to re/er to the Maya documentation8
Fi/ure && Maya )yt+on Comman* Documentation There are so many commands that there is no reason to memorie them all8 Fou Fou ill come to memorie many o/ the commands simply $y using them a lot8 =o do you get started learning commandsN %o hat you are trying to accomplish ith Mayas inter/ace and look at the script editor8 Most the actions you do ith the Maya inter/ace output hat commands ere called in the script editor8 The only ca6eat is that the output is in M> so ell ha6e to do a little $it o/ translating8 Since all o/ the commands and arguments are the same $eteen the M> and Python commands+ translating $eteen the to is pretty easy8 easy8 ‐
T+e Maya )yt+on Comman* Documentation
:n this section+ e ill go o6er ho to learn Mayas Python commands $y studying the M> output in the script script editor editor hen interac interactin ting g ith ith Maya8 Maya8 @e ill ill then then deciph decipher er the M> outpu outputt and reconstruct the command using the Maya Python documentation8 Creating a polygon sphere outputs the /olloing M> command into the script editorG polySphere r 1 s& '0 sy '0 '0 a& 0 1 0 cu6 ' ch 1O M> commands usually consist o/ the command name /olloed $y se6eral /lags8 :n the a$o6e code+ polySphere is the command+ command+ and each group o/ letters /olloing /olloing a 55 is a /lag8 The The num$ers a/ter each
/lag are arguments o/ their corresponding /lag8 ?or e&le+ 5r is a /lag ith an argument o/ 1+ 5s& is a /lag ith an argument o/ '0+ 5a& is a /lag ith . argumentsG 0+ 1+ 08 Using this in/ormation+ e can look up the command in the Maya Python command documentation and rite its Python eui6alent8 ike : said earlier+ commands in M> and Python ha6e the e&act same name+ look up 5polySphere in the Python documentation8 :t looks like thisG